Exhibit 15.4. Reflective Prompts For A Coach
Exhibit 15.4. Reflective Prompts For A Coach
Exhibit 15.4. Reflective Prompts For A Coach
I would like you to discuss this issue with your supervisor. The coach consistently uses these strategies and approaches; employing these
practices leads to meeting some coaching goals.
You need to know that the school's policy is ... The coach's usage of the strategies and approaches is deeply embedded in the
coaching practice and directly results in meeting goals.
Have you talked to . . . about that yet? Last week you said you planned on
The coach's practice is recognized as exemplary and is shared with other
doing so. coaches; the coach shares and creates new knowledge and practice .
...---- -- -----<
Would it be OK if I shared some advice that I think might help you? You're
1. Knowledge Base Coach understands
welcome to take it or leave it, of course. and applies a set of core coaching 1:14
knowledge components. ·c:c
I'd like to suggest ...
Element a:i Evidence
a. Coach has knowledge of the discipline
around which he or she coaches
(literacy, math, leadership, classroom o 0 0 0 0
management, school transformation,
or other).
b. Coach has knowledge of a range of
coaching approaches, including
directive, facilitative, cognitive, and o 0 0 0 0
ontological, and can apply them as
needed .
3. Strategic Design Coach develops
c. Coach demonstrates understanding strategic work plans based on data
of adult learning theory and applies and a variety of assessments. Coach
0 0 0 0 0
it in analyzing coaching situations is continually guided by the work plan,
makes adjustments as necessary, and
and working with clients.
monitors progress along the way.
·sc = 1
e j
d. Coach demonstrates understanding 'Q Q,I
competency in order to advance the bO IMI '60 Q,I
"" i
work. ·=c i::
Element Q,I
e Evidence
E a. Coach plans for and structures
Element ID la.I Evidence
coaching conversations to ensure
a. Coach enrolls the client in a coaching that they align with client's goals 0 0 0 0 0
relationship and monitors enrollment 0 0 0 0 0 and that they are moving the client
throughout the work. toward meeting the goals.
b. Coach builds trust with client and b. Coach uses a variety of questioning
sustains it over time; coach maintains 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
strategies with clients.
confidentiality at all times.
c. Coach listens for high-leverage
c. Coach demonstrates cultural compe- entry points that could deepen 0 0 0 0 0
tence and the ability to effectively the conversation and uses them.
coach across race, ethnicity, gender, 0 0 0 0 0
d. Coach effectively uses a range of
class, sexual orientation, age, and
conversational coaching approaches
language background . 0 0 0 0 0
in order to push client to find new
d. Coach demonstrates empathy and possibilities for action to meet goals.
0 0 0 0 0
compassion .
development as a coach and actively
seeks out ways to develop his or her
skill, knowledge, and capacity.
tlll tlll
c •
0 0 0 0
Element cu
..... cl Evidence
g. Coach shows up as a calm, grounded a. Coach solicits feedback from clients
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
presence. and takes action based on feedback. 0
·I I
uses a gradual release of responsibility reflect on coaching practice. Reflection
model to develop a client's autonomy. ·='64
c leads to development of practice.
Element cu E
Evidence c. Coach seeks out professional learning