Branch Reports

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Morning Reports

Sr No Report Id Report Name Mandatory E-Callback Control to be exercised

Reflects all accounts that have gone into TOD the previous day. To be monitored daily and approvals sought
for operational TODs. Needs to be downloaded for non working days as well to monitor TODs due to ATM
offline. The report should be reviewed by Branch Manager on a daily basis and signed off as evidence of
1 CH318 TOD Report Mandatory Yes
having reviewed. Occurrence of TOD in any account due to operational errors should be reported to
superiors immediately for approval/ ratification and hard copy of such approval to be kept on record for audit
The report reflects details of all instruments marked for stop payment by the branch / alternate channels on
the previous working day. All written customer requests for stop payment which is marked by the branch to
be tallied with CH145 report at the time of review. Both the inputter and authorizer should sign off the report
2 CH145 Stop Payment Report Mandatory Yes
as evidence of review. The stop payment file to be reviewed by BM / designate on a fortnightly basis and
signed off as an evidence of review to confirm that there has been minimum time gap between receipt of stop
payment request and actual maintenance of stop payment in system.
The report reflects details of all accounts closed in a branch on the previous working day. BM / Designate
should review this report to ensure that for all closure requests input in the system previous working day,
3 CH127 Account Closed Report Mandatory Yes corresponding entry is accurately reflecting in the CH127 report and physical request letter / closure forms
are duly on record. The reviewer should ensure that for each account closure, the guidelines as envisaged in
the attrition control policy and account closure are adhered to.
Details of all accounts in a branch that were into a temporary overdraft [TOD] as on the date of report are
reflected in CH118 report generated by branches on a weekly basis. This report need not be taken daily
4 CH118 TOD Report (Weekly) Mandatory
since branches are already generating CH318 report on a daily basis. The report should be reviewed by BM I
designate and signed off as evidence of having reviewed.
This report reflects the list of Users - Name and Employee Id wise who had logged in, into Flexcube on the
5 SM5015 User Sign On / Off Report Mandatory previous day. Along with Remote authorisation, all Local Authorisation done will also get captured in this
Shows usage of Teller ids in Flexcube used for enabling/resetting ids. Needs to be signed off daily by the
inputter and authoriser who have done the maintenance and the BM/designate needs to review it. In case of
6 SM5016 System Manager Activity Mandatory
reset of password the branch should ensure that request for reset of password in prescribed format is held on
Trial Balance report gives a detailed picture of the financial positions of the branch. All income and expenses,
suspense accounts details, inflow / outflow of deposits, various GL positions etc are categorically updated in
Trial Balance. BM / Designate should review the Trial Balance report [FCY & INR] to ascertain cash balances
BGL005 and Trial Balance - INR and FCY are tallied to physical cash, GL accounts updation for the day, monitor income and expense accounts, review
7 Mandatory
BGL205 respectively suspense accounts, ascertain deposit position of the branch (inflow/outflow of deposits) tally and sign-off the
Trial Balance as evidence of the said review. For a more focussed monitoring / by the branches, an abridged
version of the Trial Balance has been developed in Flexcube ----> Branch GL Monitoring Report BGL005
(INR) & BGL205 (FCY)
BM / Designate should review the CH107 on a daily basis. All vouchers for transactions posted in the
dormant accounts by the branch to be tallied with CH107 report at the time of review. The review carried out
to be evidenced with full signature and employee code of the reviewer. In case of inter branch dormant
8 CH107 Dormant A/c Activation Report Mandatory Yes
account transaction; the copy of e-mail received from the transaction branch mentioning the details of the
transaction will serve as a voucher. Cases where e-mails are pending from the transacting branch should be
escalated appropriately and followed up.
The report reflects standing instructions not executed by the system mainly due to insufficient balance in the
debit account on which standing instructions are to be executed. The report should be reviewed by the
Standing Instruction Failed
9 CH123 Non Mandatory branch manager / designate to ascertain reasons for non-execution. It is advisable / recommended that
necessary intimation be provided by the branch to the customers regarding failure of standing instruction in
order to avoid any customer inconvenience. Printing of the said report is not mandatory.
The report reflects details of all accounts wherein 'hold funds' were marked in the system on the previous day
10 CH167 Daily Earmark Report Non Mandatory for varied reasons like clearing earmark, credit card due, legal order etc. BM / Designate should review the
report and ascertain reason of such hold funds and take necessary actions, if any
This report is generated at the beginning of day for all accounts turned dormant at the end of previous
working day. At branch level no written communication to be forwarded to customer intimating inactivation of
the savings account. Centralized operations Mumbai to dispatch the dormant account intimation letters to the
11 CH125 Account Dormant Today Non Mandatory customer's mailing address on the next working day from the date of account getting dormant. BM /
designate may review this report to ensure that in case of any undelivered letter received from the CPU;
appropriate enquiry is being carried out to locate the whereabouts of the customer or their legal heirs in case
they are deceased.
This report reflects the recurring deposit standing instructions (RD drawdown) that failed to get executed
along with the reasons for non-execution. It is advisable / recommended that necessary intimation be
12 CH423 RD Drawdown Failure Report Non Mandatory
provided by the branch to the customers regarding failure of standing instruction in order to avoid any
customer inconvenience.
The report contains the list of RD accounts that are prematurely closed by the system on account of 6
installments being unpaid. If the current balance reflecting in the RD account is zero no action need be taken
13 CH458 List of force closed RDs Mandatory Yes as the amount has been auto credited to the linked SB / CA. However if an amount is reflecting then the RD
status will be 'Closed today' since transfer account is not maintained in the system. The branch needs to
manually transfer the proceeds to the account in Flexcube in such cases.
The report reflects details of all maintenances carried out in any menu option in thesystem that are pending
Unauthorised Maintenance
14 BA001 Mandatory Yes for authorization. This report should ideally appear as 'failure' whenever downloaded at the end of day. BM /
Designate should review the report on a daily basis to ensure non-occurrence of such incidents.
The report reflects details of all entries that had been posted through voucher batch module on the previous
day by opening GL batch, but not authorized at the end of the transaction resulting in the batch status
15 GL211 Voucher Batches Not Closed Mandatory Yes remaining “open/not closed”. BM / Designate should review this report to ensure non-occurrence of such
errors and sign off the report as evidence of review. This report should ideally appear with 'Nil' records
whenever downloaded.
The report reflects details of the transactions rejected by the system, which need to be reversed off / rectified
GL Transaction Rejected by the branch. The report should be printed on a daily basis and reviewed by BM / designate with
16 GL021 Mandatory Yes
Report necessary remarks for each item reflected therein. The report should ideally appear with 'Nil' records
whenever downloaded.
The report reflects details of all accounts wherein large balance movement [debit or credit] above
Rs.100,000/- was observed as on previous day. BM / Designate may review this report to ascertain the
Large Balance Movement bonafides of such customers. Additionally the data could also be utilized as an indicator to large value funds
17 CH105 Non Mandatory
Report being moved out of the bank and reform actions, if any, could be taken. Generation of this report is not
mandated since daily large balance movements in accounts are already being tracked through LTR [CH106]
and e- liability movement report.
The portal reflects details of all debit / credit transactions above specified limits.originated in current &
savings accounts as on previous day,including NRE accounts. BM / Designate should review the portal on a
daily basis, to ascertain the bonafide of the transaction and update necessary comments on the portal.
Large Transaction Report
18 CH106 Mandatory Suspicious transaction, if any, should immediately be bought to the notice of the superiors. In case of credit
(through online Portal)
to NRE accounts necessary proof of eligibility [photocopy of NRE cheque] should be available on record.
Since the details are incorporated in the online portal branches to generate Pending Summary Report
through portal.
19 CH126 Account Opened Report Non Mandatory Reviewed daily to keep track of accounts (SB, CA and NRE) opened for the branch
Very useful in cross sell and also identifying customers for managed portfolio's, specifically on the last day of
20 CH104 Large Balances Report Non Mandatory the month when it comes as a consolidated report giving all names and account numbers of customers
mainitaing > 1 lakh balances
21 CH425 Account Reactivation Report Non Mandatory To be checked for all Tatkal accounts which have been activated by CPU (ie block removed)

This report gives details of all debits & credits to NRE accounts. BM / Designate should review the report on
22 CH200 Credits to NRE account Mandatory Yes a daily basis, to ascertain the bonafide of the credit transaction and update necessary comments on the
report. Necessary proof of eligibility [photocopy of NRE cheque] should be available on record.

This is a report that gives the final status of the FD application and the FD number. This report will form part
23 TD135 Prefilled Term Deposit report Mandatory
of branch DL report which is to be printed the next working day of the deposit being booked.
Recurring Deposit Booking This report reflects details of all Recurring Deposits booked by the branch on a particular day. This report
24 CH137 Mandatory
Report should be generated, printed and checked by an official other than the inputter and authoriser,

25 TD101 Fixed Deposits Opened Today Non Mandatory

26 TD102 Maturities Due Report Non Mandatory

27 TD103 Maturities Today Non Mandatory To be reviewed by the BM to to monitor acquisition and attrition of deposits. To be used by RMs / PB sales to
call customers who's FD are due for maturity to advise them on rebooking/deployment of funds to other
28 TD104 Deposits Renewed Today Non Mandatory investment avenues
29 TD130 Deposits Closed Today Non Mandatory

Deposits Redeemed Today

30 TD105 Non Mandatory

Evening Reports

Sr No Report Id Name Mandatory E-Callback Control to be exercied

The report reflects the closing balance of Vault Cash and Teller Cash in INR and FCY as per system. The
report should be printed after closing branch vault batch for the day. The report should be verified by the
Vault Custodian / Teller against the physical cash in hand as reflected in Vault Register and signed off in full
1 TP5051 EOD Cash Position Report Mandatory
by Vault Custodian and Teller for the balances of Vault Cash & Teller Cash respectively. BM / Designate
should review this report on a daily basis and compare the balances reflected therein with the balance in
Cash in hand GL of Flexcube as appearing in the Trial Balance the next day.

This report reflects details of all Managers' cheque and Demand drafts issued by the branch on a particular
day. The transactions appearing in this report should be verified with the stub copies (Bank's copies) of the
Instruments Issued Today
2 TP5027 Mandatory instruments issued and customer applications to ensure accuracy of posting. If on review of this report it is
realized that the DD/MC number has been missed out / wrongly maintained at the branch module while
issuing the instrument, the same can be maintained in the system using the STM57 option in Flexcube
BJR reflects complete details of all the transactions input in a branch on a particular day. The BM / designate
should ensure that BJRs checked for the day for respective users reflect the batch status as “Closed” in the
report. BJR should be verified by an independent person other than the inputter / authorizer against the
supporting vouchers to ensure accuracy of posting. The person checking the BJR should sign off the same in
full as evidence of review with the notation "checked all entries with the relevant vouchers" and “all foreign
currency transactions reported", if any. BM / designate to review the report and sign off the same as proof of
review. The last page of the BJR carries the annotation “End of Report”. The BM / designate needs to ensure
that the number of pages as appearing on “End of Report” page is checked and that no page is missing. For
branches which have printed and checked an intra-day / open status BJR, only the incremental entries (input
3 TP5050 Batch Journal Report (BJR) Mandatory or authorised after the generation of the open status BJR) are to be checked in the closed status BJR. These
incremental entries can be identified by transaction serial number check as well as by checking the summary
totals (count/value) of debit/credit entries appearing at the end of the printed report.The independent person
checking the BJR (open and closed) would require to ensure that: for every entry appearing in the BJR there
is a corresponding voucher. Any discrepancy identified needs to be documented in the BJR and highlighted
by the verifier to the Branch Manager immediately, and the person checking the BJR would besides ticking
the entries be required to sign at the end of the report along with his/her employee code as evidence of
having checked the BJR. The BJR also reflects TODs (Temporary overdrafts) caused by transactions. This
section ahould be monitored in detail. So too details of PAN updation can be checked in the BJR for cash
transactions of >49,999/-

This report will capture details of all authorised non financial maintenances done by the branch on a
particular day. For every maintenance in this report there has to be a corresponding instruction from the
4 BA009 Audit Trail Maintenance Report Non Mandatory
customer / an internal voucher. Common maintenances like cheque book request, statement request, stop
payment request, hold funds request, direct banking registration etc will reflect in the report.

Miscellaneous Reports

Sr No Report Id Name Mandatory E-Callback Control to be exercised

The report reflects posting details of all cheque deposits for the day. Branches need to print this report on a
Cheques Deposited Today daily basis after marking late clearing in the system. The ST035 report should be verified by an independent
1 ST035 Report (Applicable for branches Mandatory person (PB/Teller authorizer) other than the inputter who has posted the instrument details in the system and
posting o/w clearing) signed off as evidence of review. The amounts, cheque numbers and account numbers need to be verified in
the report.
Inward clearing cheques Branch to review this report before the cut off time specified by the Clearing Dept to ensure that profitable
2 ST043 Mandatory
rejected customer's cheques are not returned in clearing. BM/designate to evidence review of the report.
This report should be downloaded and checked after Scan pass process to ensure that all the accounts for
Scan reject authorization
3 ST044 Mandatory which scan pass has been done are in credit balance. BM / Designate should sign off on the report as
evidence of review.
This report contains detail of all transactions posted through the voucher batch module (GLM01) in a branch
Journal transactions listing on a particular day. It should be printed by the branch on a daily basis and tallied with the vouchers posted
4 GL209 Mandatory
Report through the voucher entry module. The report should be checked by the BM / designate and such checking to
be evidenced by the BM / designate on the report with name, signature, time & date of checking.

Capturing the purpose of high

Replacement for the Register on Rs 10 lacs and above cash transactions, this report has to be downloaded
5 CH003 value Cash transactions Report Mandatory
every fortnight and used for reporting of the transactions to the regional coordinators.
(To be taken fortnightly)
The report reflects following details of all lockers in a branch updated as “occupied” in the system.It reflects
Locker no, Locker Type, Locker Series, Key no, Customer ID, Customer Name, Group Code, Staff Flag, SC
Locker details (To be taken Code Rent Recovery CASA, Rent Recovery CASA Account Name,Locker CASA A/c Number, Allotment
6 SB003 Mandatory
once a month) Date, Maker ID, Checker ID and Operating Instruction. The locker custodian should ensure that the number
of lockers updated as “occupied” in branch locker master tally with the number of lockers reflecting in this
report and evidence such tallying with full signature and name on the report.

RTGS / NEFT Reports

Sr No Report Id Name Mandatory E-Callback Control to be exercised

This report will show all the outward transactions report initiated. The report should be verified by an
NEFT Outward Transaction independent person other than the inputter / authorizer against the supporting vouchers to ensure accuracy
1 PM026 Mandatory
Detailed Report of posting. The person checking the report should sign off the same in full as evidence of review with the
notation "checked all entries with the relevant vouchers".
This report will show all the unauthorized transactions initiated through the system / NEFT’s processed by
NEFT Outward - Forced creating a TOD in CASA A/c and any possible duplicate NEFT’s processed by the branch if Date, Sender
2 PM058 Authorized / Unauthorized / Mandatory Account Number, Beneficiary IFSC, Beneficiary Account Number & Transaction Amount are same for
Possible Duplicate Report different transactions. This report is to be checked before the system cut off time and the BM/ Designate
should review the report on a timely basis.

This report will show all the successfully authorized transactions and which are successfully validated in the
RTGS Transaction Detailed system. This report should be verified by an independent person other than the inputter / authorizer against
3 PM031 Mandatory
Report the supporting vouchers to ensure accuracy of posting. The person checking the report should sign off the
same in full as evidence of review with the notation "checked all entries with the relevant vouchers".

This report will show all the unauthorized transactions initiated by the Branch / transactions which are
RTGS Outward - Forced
initiated & authorized through Force Debit Flag and duplicate transactions. If Date, Sender Account Number,
4 PM059 Authorized / Unauthorized / Mandatory
Beneficiary IFSC, Beneficiary Account Number & Transaction Amount are same for different transactions.
Possible Duplicate Report
BM / Designate should review the report on a daily basis.

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