Comparative Analysis of Telecom Industryu With Special: Reference To Reliance Imfocomm

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Submitted by:


REGD. NO.0941333210

Session 2009-11
Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of
Master of Business Administration

Under the guidance of

Name of External Guide: Name of the internal guide:

Mr.Kiran behera Mr. Sujit kumar patra

Designation: Store manager Designation: lecturer

Name of the Organization:

Reliance Infocomm Institute of Business & Computer Studies,

SOA University

Institute of Business & Computer Studies

Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University

Internal Guide Certificate
Mr. Sujit kumar Patra


IBCS, SOA University

C e r ti fi c a t e

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Anurag parida, having regd No

0941333210 has done this research project work on “competitors
analysis of reliance communication” and submitted the report in partial
fulfilment for the degree of Master of Business Administration to IBCS,
SOA University, Bhubaneswar under my supervision and guidance.

His / her report is the record of original work done by him / her. To
the best of my knowledge, no part of the content of this report has been
submitted for any degree by him / her or any body else to any other
University or Institution.

I hereby declare that this report entitles “Comparative analysis of

telecom industry with special reference to Reliance Infocomm” is a
record of independent work, carried out by me under the supervision
and guidance of Mr. Kiran Kumar Behera (Store Manager, Fortune
Tower, Reliance Web world, Orissa). This report is being submitted as
per the partial requirements of MBA at IBCS, Bhubaneswar.

Place: Bhubaneswar Anurag Parida

Date: ......................... Regd. No. – 0941333210

There are few thing that come in the life of a person,
may be for short span of time, but leaves on ever shining impression in
to the mind. My summer training is one of the events which will be ever
green in my life.

The SIP in the reliance company has been successful

with the help of guidance, suggestion and advice of a number of guides,
well-wishers and friends. It is my sincere duty to acknowledge all of

I also express my deep sense of gratitude and thanks to

my revered company guide Mr. Kiran Behera, the store manager,
Reliance Web World, fortune tower, for his valuable guidance and
supervision. He has been a constant source of inspiration and help
during the training period.

I deeply offer my sincere gratitude to all of my faculty

members of IBCS, BBSR for her great support for doing SIP.

I also thank God, my parents, friends and all my well

wishers who have co-operated me directly or indirectly.

Anurag Parida

Reliance infocomm provides a range of telecom services,

which include cellure, basic ,internet and recently introduced national
long distance. With a foot print of 22 telecom circles in india covering
the four metros and more than 127.49 million satisfied customers.

The project is based on the study of competitors analysis, their

behavior, preference, level of competition and market size of Reliance
Infocomm . The study was conducted in Bhubaneswar with sample size
of 50 and sample units were suppliers and customers.
Table of Contents

Subject Items Page No.

Chapter-I (Introduction)

 Objectives of the project

 Research methodology
o Research Design
o Methods of Data Collection
o Sources of data
o Questionnaire design
 Scope and limitations of the study

Chapter-II (Literature Review / Theoretical Background)

 Competitor analysis and its importance

 Michele porter’s 5 forces
 Process of competitors analysis
 Major players in Inian telecom industry
 Value added services of Major players
 Market share analysis
 Revenue analysis

Chapter-III (Company / Product Profile)

 Concerned Industry Scenario

 Current Profile of the Company / (Company Name): An Overview

Chapter-IV (Data Analysis and Interpretation)

Chapter-V (Summary and Conclusion)

 Major Findings
 Suggestions
 Conclusion

 Bibliography
 Sample copy of Questionnaire

 This project titled , competitors analysis of Reliance Infocomm”

is prepared with the objectives of finding out the various
competitors who are competing with Reliance communication in
the Bhubaneswar market.
 The main objective of this project is to analyze the emerging
trends in the Telecom sector in India.
 This project was also carried out to understand the future
Outlook of the Telecom market in India.
 Another motive includes finding their performance, growth
potential and also the opportunities that exist for the Indian
Telecom market., so that the company would have the competitive
advantages over its competitors .
 This project is also prepared with the objectives to prepare the
marketing strategy so that it can compete with its competitors.


The type of research design used by me to gather information or data
for this project can be termed as Descriptive research. Descriptive
research includes surveys and facts findings enquire of different kinds.
The major purpose of Descriptive is to describe the competitors of
Reliance communication. Therefore I have adopted the questionnaire
method and surveyed more of dealers and also the common user.

1. Interviewing the customer.

2. Distribution of questionnaire.

3. Investing the records maintained at reliance world .


Data has been collected from primary source by interviewing the staff
members reliance world some of the personal of Reliance Infocom
corporate office. The primary data of evaluating the customer’s opinion
about the sales promotion schemes of Reliance Infocom has been
collected through a questionnaire are used by evaluation purpose.


Secondary data has been collected from the company’s manual, from
the records maintained at reliance world and from internet.


The sample size has been taken as 30. Thirty customer were asked to
fill up a questionnaire. These customers were selected by applying
random sampling method.

There are 2 way of preparing a questionnaire either it should be a close
ended questionnaire or open ended questionnaire. In case, of open
ended questionnaire, the questions are structured but the responses
are unstructured. Here, the respondent is expected to reply with
whatever words are considered to be relevant. According to my
research I used both open ended and closedended questionnaire as the
respondent has been given the opportunity to express their views.

SAMPLING- I have used stratified random sampling. I have chosen

the samples randomly from different places and from reliance
communication and collects their response.


1. The findings of the study help the telecom sector to develop their
2. The study also help new telecom provider who newly came to the
3. The findings also help to Orissa telecom sector to understand the
market potentiality of telecom subscriber.
4. This study also helps to understand the marketer’s behavior of
telecom companies with in a competitive market.

 The Topic is a voluminous one for which the time allotted was

 Getting primary data from the company is very difficult. For being
a private company the employees of the company are reluctant to
give any information, which is specific to that company.

 The most significant weakness of this study can be attributed to the

chosen case study research methodology. These include the lack of
generalization, perceived lack of rigor, subjectivity, and
voluminous documents. This study is an exploratory case study
with a voluminous sample size. Therefore, the findings cannot be
generalized beyond the context of this study.
Chapter-II (Literature Review / Theoretical Background)
 Competitor analysis and its importance
 Michele porter’s 5 forces
 Process of competitors analysis
 Major players in Inian telecom industry
 Value added services of Major players
 Market share analysis
 Revenue analysis


Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is
an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and
potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and
defensive strategic context through which to identify opportunities and
threats. Competitor profiling coalesces all of the relevant sources of
competitor analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and
effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and

Given that competitor analysis is an essential component of

corporate strategy, it is argued that most firms do not conduct this type
of analysis systematically enough. Instead, many enterprises operate on
what is called “informal impressions, conjectures, and intuition gained
through the tidbits of information about competitors every manager
continually receives.” As a result, traditional environmental scanning
places many firms at risk of dangerous competitive blind spots due to a
lack of robust competitor analysis.


To become the best does not mean copying what competitors

are doing today, or did yesterday. It requires creativity and innovation -
anticipating tomorrow's trends before they become today's normality -
keeping several steps ahead of competitors.

 To outwit your competitors you need to know what they are doing
 To outmaneuver them, you need to know in which direction they are
 To outflank them, you need to be faster, and better so that you can
overtake them, keep in front of them, and be the best.
 By analyzing your competitors you can know the strengths and
weaknesses of them.
 You can guard yourself from the threats of your competitors and can
grasp the opportunities.
 Competitors analysis is very important to gain competitive


Michael Eugene Porter (born 1947) is the Bishop William Lawrence

University Professor at Harvard Business School. He is a leading
authority on company strategy and the competitiveness of nations and
regions. Michael Porter’s work is recognized in many governments,
corporations and academic circles globally. He chairs Harvard Business
School's program dedicated for newly appointed CEOs of very large

Three of Porter's five forces refer to competition from external sources.

The remainder are internal threats. It is useful to use Porter's five forces
in conjunction with SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats).

Porter referred to these forces as the micro environment, to

contrast it with the more general term macro environment. They
consist of those forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve
its customers and make a profit. A change in any of the forces normally,
requires a business unit to re-assess the marketplace given the overall
change in industry information. The overall industry attractiveness does
not imply that every firm in the industry will return the same
profitability. Firms are able to apply their core competencies, business
model or network to achieve a profit above the industry average. A
clear example of this is the airline industry. As an industry, profitability
is low and yet individual companies, by applying unique business
models, have been able to make a return in excess of the industry
The five Forces :
o The threats of entrant of new competitors

o The intensity of competitive rivalry

o The threats of substitute products and services

o The bargaining power of customers

o The bargaining power of suppliers

( Five forces of competition )

1. The threat of the entry of new competitors

Profitable markets that yield high returns will attract new firms. This
results in many new entrants, which eventually will decrease
profitability for all firms in the industry. Unless the entry of new firms
can be blocked by incumbents, the profit rate will fall towards zero
(perfect competition).
• The existence of barriers to entry .The most attractive segment is
one in which entry barriers are high and exit barriers are low. Few
new firms can enter and non-performing firms can exit easily.
• Economies of product differences
• Brand equity
• Switching costs or sunk costs
• Capital requirements
• Access to distribution
• Customer loyalty to established brands
• Absolute cost advantages
2. The intensity of competitive rivalry
For most industries, the intensity of competitive rivalry is the major
determinant of the competitiveness of the industry.
• Sustainable competitive advantage through innovation
• Competition between online and offline companies.
• Level of advertising expense.
• Powerful competitive strategy.
• Competitive rivalry is likely to be based on dimensions such as
price, quality, and innovation. Technological advances protect
companies from competition. This applies to products and
services. Companies that are successful with introducing new
technology, are able to charge higher prices and achieve higher
profits, until competitors imitate them. Examples of recent
technology advantage in have been mp3 players and mobile
telephones. Vertical integration is a strategy to reduce a business'
own cost and thereby intensify pressure on its rival.
3. The threat of substitute products or services
The existence of products outside of the realm of the common product
boundaries increases the propensity of customers to switch to
 Buyer propensity to substitute
 Relative price performance of substitute
 Buyer switching costs
 Perceived level of product differentiation
 Substandard product
 Quality depreciation
4. The bargaining power of customers (buyers)
The bargaining power of customers is also described as the market of
outputs: the ability of customers to put the firm under pressure, which
also affects the customer's sensitivity to price changes.
 Buyer concentration to firm concentration ratio
 Degree of dependency upon existing channels of distribution
 Bargaining leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed
 Buyer volume
 Buyer switching costs relative to firm switching costs
 Buyer information availability
 Ability to backward integrate
 Availability of existing substitute products
 Buyer price sensitivity
 Differential advantage (uniqueness) of industry products

5. The bargaining power of suppliers

The bargaining power of suppliers is also described as the market of
inputs. Suppliers of raw materials, components, labor, and services
(such as expertise) to the firm can be a source of power over the firm,
when there are few substitutes. Suppliers may refuse to work with the
firm, or, e.g., charge excessively high prices for unique resources.
 Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching costs
 Degree of differentiation of inputs
 Impact of inputs on cost or differentiation
 Presence of substitute inputs
 Supplier concentration to firm concentration ratio
 Employee solidarity (e.g. labor unions)
 Supplier competition - ability to forward vertically integrate and cut
out the buyer

Once a company identifies its primary competitors, it must ascertain
their strategies, objectives, strengths and weaknesses.

o Strategies

A group of firms following the same strategy in a given target market is

called a strategic group. The strategic groups are based on product
quality and level of vertical integration. The height of entry barrier is
differs for each group. If the company enters a group then the
members of that group become its key competitors.

o Objectives

After identified the competitors, the company have to find out what is
each competitor seeking in the market place? To gain competitive
advantages the company has to first analyze the objectives of its

o Strength and Weaknesses

A company needs to gather information about each competitor’s
strengths and weaknesses. By analyzing weaknesses the company can
attack the weak points of his competitors and it can also defend itself
from its competitors. To improve market share, many companies
benchmark their most successful competitors, as well as other world-
class performers.

o Selecting Competitors

After the company has conducted customer value analysis and

examined its competitors carefully, it can focus its attack on one of the
following classes of the competitors: strong versus weak, close versus
distant and good versus bad.

 Strong versus weak:

Most companies aim their shots at weak competitors, because

this requires fewer resources per share.

 Close versus Distant:

Most companies compete with the competitors that resemble

them the most. In telecom sector reliance compete with BSNL.

 Good versus Bad

Every industry has good and bad competitor. Good competitors is

play by the industry’s rules; they set prices in reasonable

relationship to cost; and they favor a healthy industry. Bad

Competitors take larger risk; invest in over capacity and they upset

industrial equilibrium.
o Selecting competitors

Firm must evaluate its customer base and think about which customers
its willing to lose and which it wants to retain. One way to divide up the
customer base is in terms of whether a customer is valuable or
vulnerable.BSNL, a public-sector telecom company in India, in one of its
circles decided to protect its valuable/vulnerable institutional
customers by specifically analyzing their past usage pattern and
suggesting approximate tariff plan to them.


There are three types of player in telecom sector in India. They are,

o State owned companies(BSNL and MTNL)

o Private Indian own companies(Reliance infocomm and Tata tele


o Foreign invested companies (Vodafone, Bharti tele-venture, Idea

cellular, BPL mobile and Spice communication)

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSnl)

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th
largest and Indias largest Telecommunications Company providing
comprehensive range of telecom services in India: Wire line, CDMA
mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN,
VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Presently it is one of the largest &
leading public sector unit in India. BSNL is the only service provider,
making focused efforts and planned initiatives to bridge the Rural-
Urban Digital Divide ICT sector. In fact there is no telecom operator in
the country to beat its reach with its wide network giving services in
every nook & corner of country and operates across India except Delhi
& Mumbai. The company offers vide ranging & most transparent tariff
schemes designed to suite every customer. BSNL has set up a world
class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP infrastructure that
provides convergent services like voice, data and video through the
same Backbone and Broadband Access Network. The turnover,
nationwide coverage, reach, comprehensive range of telecom services
and the desire to excel has made BSNL the No. 1 Telecom Company of
Owner : Government of India

BSNL Registered Office: Bharat Sanchar Bhavan

Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath,  New Delhi-110 001 BSNL

Corporate Office: Bharat Sanchar Bhavan

Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath,  New Delhi-110 001
Bharti airtel
Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, one of Asia’s leading
integrated telecom services providers with operations in 19 countries
across Asia and Africa. Bharti Airtel, formerly known as Bharti Tele-
Ventures LTD (BTVL) is India's largest cellular service provider. It is the
first mobile service in Delhi, first private basic telephone service
provider in the country, first Indian company to provide comprehensive
telecom services outside India in Seychelles and first private sector
service provider to launch National Long Distance Services in India.
Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology
and has pioneered several innovations in the telecom sector.

The company is structured into four strategic business units - Mobile,

Telemedia, Enterprise and Digital TV. The mobile business offers
services in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The Telemedia business
provides broadband, IPTV and telephone services in 89 Indian cities.
The Digital TV business provides Direct-to-Home TV services across
India. The Enterprise business provides end-to-end telecom solutions to
corporate customers and national and international long distance
services to telcos.

Vision :

o By 2010 Airtel will be the most admired brand in India:

o Loved by more customers
o Targeted by top talent
o Benchmarked by more businesses
Mission :

o We will meet the mobile communication needs of our customer

through error free service delivery
o Innovative product and services
o Cost efficiency
o Unified message solution

Corporate office: C-17, Commercial Complex,

Green Park,
Delhi, 110016

Reliance communication
[ reliance infocomm ]

It is commercially launched its services in May 2003. It has license to

offer telecom services in 20 circles user unified access license. Reliance
Communications (formerly Reliance Infocomm), along with Reliance
Telecom and Flag Telecom, is part of Reliance Communications
Ventures (RCoVL). It is also an integrated telecom service provider with
licenses for mobile, fixed, domestic long distance and international
services. Reliance Infocomm offers a complete range of telecom
services, covering mobile and fixed line telephony including broadband,
national and international long distance services, data services and a
wide range of value added services and applications. Reliance
IndiaMobile, the first of Infocomm's initiatives was launched on
December 28, 2002. This marked the beginning of Reliance's vision of
ushering in a digital revolution in India by becoming a major catalyst in

Registered office : H-BLock, Ht Floor,Dhirubhai

Ambani Knowledge City

Navi Mumbai-4

Aircel was founded by NRI businessman C Sivasankaran.The Aircel
group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of
Malaysia and Sindya Securities & Investments Private Limited, whose
current shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of
India, with Maxis Communications holding a majority stake of 74%.
Aircel commenced operations in 1999 and became the leading mobile
operator in Tamil Nadu within 18 months. In December 2003, it
launched commercially in Chennai and quickly established itself as a
market leader – a position it has held since.

Aircel has won many awards and recognitions. Voice and Data gave
Aircel the highest rating for overall customer satisfaction and network
quality in 2006. Aircel emerged as the top mid-size utility company in
Businessworld’s ‘List of Best Mid-Size Companies’ in 2007. Additionally, recognised Aircel as the best regional operator in 2008.

o Become the Service Provider of Choice for the Enterprise
o Enter in to top 1000 corporate as the most agile service
o Create well differentiated value offerings of ready adaption by
Large, medium and small enterprises.
o Own service offerings, platform and delivery mechanism that keeps
ahead of competition now and during technology shift

Vodafone Group Plc (Vodafone) is a mobile communications company
operating across the globe providing a range of communications
services. It offers a range of products and services, including voice,
messaging, data and fixed-line solutions and devices to assist customers
in meeting their total communications needs. Vodafone has a
significant global presence, with equity interests in over 30 countries
and over 40 partner markets worldwide. It operates in three geographic
regions: Europe, Africa and Central Europe; Asia Pacific, and the Middle
East, and has an investment in Verizon Wireless in the United States.

To be the worlds communication leader enrich customers’ leave
And helping individuals, business and communities. Be more
Connected with mobile world.

Driving in wireless world. Vodafone is primarily a user of

technology rather than a developer of it.
Corporate office: Vodafone Essar LTD, Peninsula Corporate Park
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013

Idea cellular
Idea Cellular is a wireless telephony company operating in various
states in India. It initially started in 1995 as a joint venture among the
Tatas, Aditya Birla Group and AT&T by merging "'Wings Cellular'"
operating in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh (UP) West, Rajasthan and
Tata Cellular as well as Birla AT&T Communications. Idea Cellular won
the GSM Association Award for "Best Billing and Customer Care
Solution" for 2 consecutive years. IDEA Cellular offers basic voice and
short message service (SMS) services to high-end value added and
general packet radio service (GPRS) services, such as Blackberry,
Datacard, Mobile TV and Games.

To delight the customers while meeting their communication need.

o The India footprint idea
 Anywhere connectivity –bringing India closer.
o The technology advantage idea
 Tomorrow’s technology enrich today.
o The customer focus idea
 Make a single interaction a listing relationship.
o The employee focus idea
 Nurture the roots that nurtures our idea
Corporate office: Kailash building , 1st floor,
kasturba Gandhi marg, Delhi – 11ooo1

Tata teleservices
Tata Teleservices (TTSL) spearheads the Tata group’s presence in the
telecom sector. Incorporated in 1996, the company was the first to
launch CDMA mobile services in India with the Andhra Pradesh circle.

Today, TTSL along with Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) serves over 36

million customers in over 3,20,000 towns and villages. With an
ambitious rollout plan, both in existing circles and across new circles,
the company stands for world-class technology and user-friendly
services in 22 circles.

Tata Teleservices’ bouquet of telephony services includes mobile

services, wireless desktop phones, public booth telephony and wire line
services. Other services include value-added services such as voice
portal, roaming, post-paid internet services, 3-way conferencing, group
calling, Wi-Fi internet, USB Modem, data cards, calling card services and
enterprise services.

 Deliver a new world of communication to advance the reach
and leadership of our customer.
 Invest in building long lasting relationship with customers
Corporate office: Voltas premises, TB Kadam Marg 
Chinchpokli, Mumbai 400 033

Tata docomo
Tata DOCOMO is Tata Teleservices Limited's (TTSL) telecom service on
the GSM platform-arising out of the Tata Group's strategic alliance with
Japanese telecom major NTT DOCOMO in November 2008. Tata
Teleservices has received a pan-India license to operate GSM telecom
services, under the brand Tata DOCOMO and has also been allotted
spectrum in 18 telecom Circles. the day of the launch, the reach and
coverage of the Tata DOCOMO network is greater in Tamil Nadu than
that of any other operator at the launch stage. The launch of pay-per-
use, per-second concept offered by Tata DOCOMO will create a
paradigm shift in the overall telecom experience for the customer and
provide a service that is refreshingly different.”

Corporate Office: 2A, Old Ishwar Nagar,

Main Mathura Road, New Delhi 110065


Value added services [VAS] are unlike core services. They have unique
characteristic and they relate to other services in completely different
way. They also provide benefit that core service cannot.
Value added services stands alone as the source of development and
implementation of tangible, value added solutions designed to
maximize value to the consumer and revenue to the retailer.

Reliance brings you a wide range of service that will change the way
you communicate. Try them and discover a whole new world of fun and


Call waiting, call hold, call divert and caller line identification
presentation, help you do more with reliance communication.

You can hold a tale conference with more than one people
simultaneously with call conferencing service from reliance
communication. In fact you can set up a conference even when the
other five are using a land line phone.


A missed call alert is a SMS that you will receive for all the calls that you
missed, the SMS will detail the CLI and the time when the call was

When your handset is switched off, or you are too busy to answer the
phone, RIM voice mail will answer your calls and record a message. The
best part is that there is no extra monthly cost for setting up voice mail-
you just pay for the phone call when you use the service
Send message quickly and easily, using text , if it is too noisy to talk
or you don’t have much time, It is the way to share those one liners,
important reminders and rib-tickling jokes, with anyone, anytime,
anywhere in the world.

Get regular alerts on news, jokes ,business, health and films on your
reliance mobile-phones with subscription services.


Jazz up your message with pictures, images, and video clippings with
mms from reliance communication.

Make your mobile the most happening entertainment destination with
R-world brings you the latest in entertainment and information
services, right join your phone download the latest ringtones, games,
wallpapers, videos and much-more. we can also get news clips ,watch
live TVs and downloads full songs on your phone.


A 24- hour personal call answering service.

Allow you to put on ongoing call on hold while make a second call.

Allows you to divert calls within your short-distance calling area (SDCA).


It enables you to see the number of the caller when you receive call.

To subscribe this value added services a customer have to call to
56700for the latest songs.

 VOICE BASE 12555

Voice base is a service by which a customer can get latest movie songs ,
cricket scores, horoscope ,actors, funny jokes and daily news by dialing
12555 from mobile and from land line as well. From mobile the tariff
per minute is Rs5 and from landline it is Rs2 per minute.

One can get TV channel on his/her mobile. For this one has to activate
his GPRS by BSNL portal and can get this application by messaging MY
TV to 55447.


BSNL provides this those who want to message in local languages.


By this application and employer can make contact with their
employees, their details and all. Mobile can find another mobile
location by these services.

Free calls with the corporate by using 525,325,225,140 plans. Friends
and family free calls by using plans with in the family and friends.
Subscribe for cool alerts at the click of a button. What is better is that
you receive updates automatically on your Airtel phone.


Avail of special services like call-waiting, call hold, call divert and voice
mail to manage all your accessibility needs with Airtel.


Let your phone do the talking with your mail and massaging service,
make arrangements, share moments or just say hello….

More services for convenient use of your mobile from Airtel network


Airtel mobile phone backup is a service that’s safeguards all data of
your mobile phone including contacts, calendar, SMS, photos, videos
and music.The Airtel mobile phone backup service copies your phones
data in a secure manner to Airtel secure mobile phone backup system,
and also enables you to restore the saves data on your phone when
ever you change your phone or in case you lose the data accidentally.


Aircel introduces mobile learning. get instant access to extensive
learning context at your figure tips.

Aircel introduces SMS in color get rid of boring black and white SMS
and send SMS in color.
Get rid of boring “ring tring” and make your callers listened to latest

Dial 55555 to download latest ring tones, listen to latest news and
dedicate songs and your daily horoscopes.


Get the latest news, cricket updates, jokes and much more on your
Aircel mobile.


Assure drug-free, side effects-free cure for your family with Aircel
mobile health.


Right from the timing of your train to the availability of seats , Aircel
will keep you informed bout all train services at all times.


Have fun and improve your vocabulary too! Play scrabble on your
mobile phone.


Find like-minded people and have a good time charting with them.


Finding your favorite ring tone has never been easy.


At times when you are really busy, you may not want to answer to your


To keep Aircel customers upbeat and updated about the cricket around
the world.


Now never lose touch with your best friends.


Now stay healthy with healthy living tips from Aircel.

Do not know the meaning of a word? Don’t worry! Now Aircel will
provide you with meanings for all your works.

Laugh away the whole day with these rib- ticklers from Aircel.

Idea value added services

Voice call services

Say Idea – 55456

This portal provides subscribers an ease of use, as they would require

just dialing a particular short code 55456 and getting into the voice
portal. The subscriber has to just "Speak Out' the service, and will get
connected to the service.A subscriber can access a wide range of
services including:

Idea Music Zone 53030

Get more masti & more Music through new Voice Portal 53030 Not
only this, you can now book movie tickets, airline tickets & also get
flowers delivered for your loved ones thru Idea M-commerce
application on voice "530305"

Love zone

Just Dial 530305 & you will be able to get flowers delivered to your
loved ones, Book movie tickets or book airline tickets. Dial 530305 at
Rs6.99/min & get the following services
Voice chat- 55694

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Live astrology 55315

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Dialer Toner – 554561

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My Friend Idea– 55365

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Cricket Scores
This service is predominantly for Cricket fans who wants to stay

Missed Call Information

Missed Call Alert. This service keeps you informed about the incoming
calls you have missed when your phone was switched off or your phone
was not reachable as you were out of coverage area.

Global SMS

The product will facilitate sending and receiving SMS to 500+ from
GSM/TDMA/CDMA networks across the world via a superior
technological single connectivity.


Idea's 3G compatible networks support General Packet Radio Service

(GPRS), which allows you to access Internet websites and information
portals on your mobile.

Vodafone value-added services

Voice SMS :

Any Vodafone customer can send a Voice SMS message to a mobile

subscriber, anywhere in India, for a fixed price of 75 paisa per minute.
The Voice SMS service is available to both prepaid and postpaid

123 IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

Vodafone customers can dial 123 and listen to information on various

value added services offered by Vodafone such as Caller Tunes, Astro
Pack, Beauty Alerts, Home Remedies, Phonebook Back-Up and Missed
call update.
Mobile Box Office:

You can call 56700 on your Vodafone mobile phone and listen to
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(Ticket validity - 24 hrs).

Football updates: For general football updates simply SMS FOOTBALL

to 111.

Vodafone mobile recharge:Now you don’t have to go to the shop. You

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Buy movie tickets:

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Tata docomo value-added services
Call me tunes:

Call me tunes service that lets you play music for people who call you.
To choose your Call me tune Dial 543215, Just Say the name of the song
or movie you want to set your Call me tune.

Live cricket commentary:

To avail live cricket commentary you have to dial 54321103.

BlackBerry Internet Service:

BlackBerry Internet Service offers access to e-mail and instant

messaging, as well as social networking sites and Internet browsing.

Live Chat Service:

The service will take care of all postpaid & prepaid queries/ requests &

complaints through live Chat option 24x7. Further more, the customers
post chatting with the company representative, can also fill in a
feedback form to help Tata DOCOMO consistently evolve the service. 

24 Hr music: Keep your music addicted brain satisfied by dialing 543213


News updates:

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You can know about your future by dialing 54321217 @2 paise/second.

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Vu clip:

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Social networking:

You can access Facebook and Ibibo and update your account, make
new friends, send scraps, write on walls/post messages.

Market share of Indian major telecom companies

The Indian telecom sector is characterized by stiff competition among
10 national level players and two government owned firms. In spite of a
difficult pricing environment, Indian telecom sector is attractive. The
key reason is vast population of India of over 1 Billion which makes it as
one of the biggest telecom market in the world. After USA and China,
India is third biggest telecom market in the world.
The year 2009, saw the Indian telecom sector add 170 million
phone connections to take the total subscriber base to 550 million. The
Indian telecom industry continued to grow even when most other
sectors grappled with a demand slowdown. Studies have shown that in
India, the telecom sector has been a major enabler of economic
growth. The year 2009 saw telecom players shift from per minute
billing to per second billing.

The mobile telecom market is forecast to grow at a compound annual

growth rate of around 15 per cent between 2009-10 and 2013-14. The
report also indicates that the advance of services such as Internet
Protocol television (IPTV) and 3G are fuelling the growth of the Indian
telecom sector. Additionally, with 3G auctions held on February 13,
2010 is expected to set in motion the quick adoption of 3G-enabled

Operator No of subscriber(mn) Market share

Airtel 161.04mn 24%
Vodafone 120.78mn 18%
Reliance 127.49mn 19%
Idea 73.81mn 11%
BSNL 87.23mn 13%
Tata 60.39mn 9%
Aircel 33.55mn 5%
Others 6.71mn 1%
As on March 31, 2010

Market share of CDMA service providers

CDMA service Market share in

provider %
Reliance 55.15

Tata Tele service 35.89

BSNL 7.95

MTNL 0.45

HFCL 0.34

Shyam Tele link 0.22


0.45 0.34 0.22

35.89 55.15 HFCL

From the above table we can infer that airtel is the market leader as it
has 24% of market share. Reliance infocomm is the market challenger
as it has second highest market share i.e 19%. Vodafone is the market
follower as it has third highest number of market share i.e 18%.BSNL is
standing 4th having customer base of 87.23 mn and IDEA stands 5th
having the customer base of 73.81 mn.

Revenue Analysis

Due to stiff competition and in a bid to retain existing customers,

Telecom player has slashed down tariff significantly. Now most of the
firms are offering “per second billing “which will further put pressure
on margins. There is good growth in subscriber base (around 10.5%)
but overall revenue per subscriber is falling. In spite of modest increase
in subscriber base, tariffs is going down in a bid to match prices offered
by GSM players for various services. Over all there is a positive growth
in SMS segment but it is because most of the key CDMA players are
offering free SMS services to their customers.

Revenue of telecom companies

Company Sales Net profit

Airtel 32791.86 9426.15
Vodafone 41719 1435.50
Reliance 35609.66 2586.45
Idea 11850.24 1053.66
Bsnl 32966 575
Tata tele services 3749.43 1941.68
Aircel 612.23 257.95
Chapter-III (Company / Product Profile)
 Concerned Industry Scenario
 Current Profile of the Company / (Company Name): An


The first wind of reforms in telecommunications sector began to flow in

1980s when the private sector was allowed in telecommunications
equipment manufacturing. In 1985, Department of
Telecommunications (DOT) was established. It was an exclusive
provider of domestic and long-distance service that would be its own
regulator (separate from the postal system). In 1986, two wholly
government-owned companies were created: the Videsh Sanchar
Nigam Limited (VSNL) for international telecommunications and
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) for service in
metropolitan areas.

Telecommunication sector in India can be divided into two

segments: Fixed Service Provider (FSPs), and Cellular Services. Fixed line
services consist of basic services, national or domestic long distance
and international long distance services. The state operators (BSNL and
MTNL), account for almost 90 per cent of revenues from basic services.

Cellular services can be further divided into two categories: Global

System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple
Access (CDMA). The GSM sector is dominated by Airtel, Vodafone, and
Idea Cellular, while the CDMA sector is dominated by Reliance and Tata


Reliance- Anil Dhirubhai Ambani group, an offshoot of the Reliance

Group founded by Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani (1932-2002), is among
India’s top three private sector business houses on all major financial
parameters, with a market capitalization of Rs. 325,000 crores (US$ 81
billion), and net worth to the tune of Rs. 55,000 crores(US$ 14 billion).

Across different companies, the group has a customer base of over 100
million, the largest in India, and a shareholder base of over 12 million,
among the largest in the world.

Through its product and services, the reliance – ADA Group touches the
life of 1 in 10 Indians every single day. It has a business presence that
extends to over 20000 towns and 4.5 lakhs villages in India, and 5
continents across world.

The interest of the Group range from communications(Reliance

Communication) and financial services (Reliance Capital Ltd.), to
generation, transmission and distribution of power (Reliance Energy),
infrastructure and entertainment.


Anil Ambani: Telecom person of the year 2007

His marketing strategy has made millions of Indians happy, they got the
best mobile tariffs in the world

NEW DELHI, INDIA: When the VOICE&DATA jury, comprising eminent

professionals from the telecom field, met in Delhi in June to choose the
Telecom Person of the Year 2007, the five-hour selection process was

The reason was obvious: The telecom sector is growing faster than any
other segment and naturally their CEOs have a lot to crow about. The
jury had to select one from three CEOs, who had made it to the final list
through nominations from the industry and the initial scrutiny. Among
the three, one of the main contenders was a young CEO. The jury
decided that he should come back next year to try and win the coveted
award. The list now had two names-both CEOs of two well-known
companies. The pivotal difference between the two: one is an
entrepreneur and the other is not so popular, as his credit is shared
among a number of his big daddies.

Following a five-hour closely held, hotly debated discussion, the name

was announced: Anil Dhirubhai Ambani, chairman of Reliance
Communications. Anil Ambani joined Reliance Industries (currently
promoted by his brother Mukesh Ambani, following their split) in 1983
as co-chief executive officer. Forbes ranked him number 104 among the
World's Richest People in 2006. The Ambani family faced criticism
when it announced its ambitious plans to build a countrywide telecom
network, as its prior expertise lay in commodities-textiles and
petrochemicals-business only. Apart from that telecom needs a service-
oriented mindset, critics felt. What they did not remember was how the
family had served its millions of shareholders.

Policies in India are made in line with Ambani's vision, says an industry
expert. His business acumen and closeness to politicians assisted him in
making it to the Rajya Sabha in June 2004, as an independent member.
Ambani chose to resign voluntarily on March 25, 2006.

The same association with politicos gave him negative returns too when
the Mayawati Government in Uttar Pradesh put a spanner on his
ambitious plans to build a 1,200-acre SEZ.

Media sees his aggression when he announces financial results for the
Reliance ADA group of companies, and when he attends the annual
general meetings and faces questions from shareholders. When he meets
the press, he has answers to all their questions. He also remembers to
call select journalists by name.

To merchant bankers he, who has already contributed immensely to the

financial reforms of the country, is one of the financial wizards of the
world. May be because of his expertise, he gave up in the race to grab
Hutchison Essar stake, after indirectly jacking up the valuation. His
negotiations with the Qualcomm chief are also a folk theory now.

How did Ambani become the VOICE&DATA Telecom Person of the

Year 2007? What are his personal and organizational achievements in
the recent past?

His path-breaking marketing strategy that was put in by the strongest

team of telecom professionals the country has ever seen has made
millions of Indians happy as they got the best mobile tariffs in the world.
The aggression resulted to adding to his already swollen kitty. Every
hour India will be adding around 20,000 new mobile customers and
Reliance Communications over 4,000. When mobile telephony first
began in India, a local call cost Rs 16 per minute; an STD Rs 50; and a
call to the US Rs 100 per minute. With Reliance Communication’s
pioneering price initiative, a local call now costs a mere 15 paise per
minute, STD 40 paise, and a call to the US costs less than Rs 2 per
minute. The presence of Reliance Communications is making the
competition in India panicky. Global telecom forces will also shortly
start feeling the heat. Ambani has also recently announced his Rs 1,200
crore buyout of Yipes Holdings.

Achiever's Pride
 Undertook financial restructuring of Reliance communications

 To spend Rs 16,000 crore to expand and strengthen network

 After expansion, Reliance Communications will have the single
largest wireless network in the world

 Launched the lowest-cost classic brand handset at Rs 777

 Subscriber base grew to over 28 mn during last fiscal, registering

60% growth
 Total Revenue shot up to Rs 14,468 crore, an increase of 34%
 Net Profit rises to Rs 3,163 crore, an increase of over 600%

 Revenues of the wireless business increased by 46% to Rs 10,728

crore .

 Broadband achieved revenue growth of 123% to Rs 1,144 crore .

 Market capitalization crossed Rs 100,000 crore .

 Will add 23,000 more towers

 Telecom services will be available in over 23,000 towns and

600,000 villages

 Next generation DTH network has been launched end of the year .


About Sh. Dhirubhai heerachand Ambani

[The founder of the company]

The second son of a school teacher, Dhirubhai was born in 1932 in the
village of Chorwad in Gujarat in circumstances that can best be
described as modest. Driven by hardship and want, he had to drop out
of school early.

In 1949, at the age of 17, he went to Aden (now Yemen) in search of

opportunity, and worked as a dispatch clerk for A. Besse & Co. A couple
of years later, the company became a distributor for Shell products and
Dhirubhai was promoted to manage the company’s oil-filling station at
the port of Aden. It was here that he dreamed of setting up and owning
a refinery, which he later realized with his petrochemicals venture.

He returned to India in 1958 to launch his first business venture, a spice

trading company named Reliance Commercial Corporation.

In 1962, Dhirubhai identified an emerging opportunity in yarn trading

and shifted to the new business. Three years later, he changed the
name of his company to Reliance Textile Industries Limited.

In 1966, he purchased land in Naroda, Gujarat, to set up a textile mill. In

1975, a technical team from the World Bank recognised the Naroda mill
as one of the best composite textile mills in India and certified it as
‘excellent even by developed country standards’.In 1977, the company
went public.

At the time of the Reliance Textiles IPO, participation in the Indian

capital markets was largely limited to a small but influential elite which
dabbled in a handful of stocks. The great majority of India’s middle class
chose to stay away. Dhirubhai’s decision to prefer the capital markets
overbanks as the primary source of funding for his ambitious expansion
plans, was as daring as it was unprecedented.

In the event, The Reliance IPO was an unlikely success. Against all odds,
Dhirubhai managed to convince a sufficiently large number of skeptical
middle class investors to put their money, and faith, in what was then a
small, relatively unknown company.

The subsequent growth and success of Reliance and its philosophy of

generously rewarding shareholders rapidly gave Dhirubhai an iconic
status in the Indian financial markets.

Under Dhirubhai’s charismatic leadership, the Annual General Meetings

(AGM) of Reliance took on the character of large public spectacles.
Typically held in large public arenas, and attended by thousands of
adoring shareholders, the Reliance AGM became a day to remember in
the annual corporate calendar of India .

In 1986, the Reliance AGM held in Cross Maidan, Mumbai, was

attended by as many as 30,000 stockholders—a record in India’s
corporate history.

By the mid-80s, Dhirubhai had become something of a living legend,

widely hailed by peers and critics alike as one of the greatest corporate
visionaries in the history of post-Independent India.

But Dhirubhai was never one to rest on his laurels. In the early 80s, he
had taken the first important step in strategic backward integration for
Reliance with the commissioning of the Patalganga plant which initially
manufactured polyester filament yarn and polyester staple fiber.

In 1991, he set up Reliance Hazira, for the manufacture of

petrochemicals—the next link in the backward integration chain. At the
time, Reliance Hazira represented the single largest investment made
by a private sector group in India at a single location.

Meanwhile, Dhirubhai had firmed up plans of setting up a massive

grassroots refinery—the next big leap in his overall strategic roadmap
for Reliance.
Conceived as the world’s largest grassroots refinery at the time,
Jamnagar in Gujarat was to have an annual capacity of 27 million tones.

In the face of formidable challenges, including a massive cyclone that

flattened the project site mid-way through construction, Reliance
commissioned the Jamnagar facility in 1999. It was a fully integrated
refinery, complete with a dedicated port and a captive supply of power.

The refinery was not only commissioned ahead of schedule, but also set
up at a cost that was significantly lower than the prevailing global
benchmark for a project of such magnitude.

It was one of Dhirubhai’s great dreams in life to see ordinary Indians

enjoy the enormous economic benefits of being able to access
affordable yet world class telecommunications infrastructure. He
wanted Reliance to spearhead a communications revolution that would
dramatically cut down the cost of connectivity, and propel India into
the digital age. His ultimate ambition: To make the cost of a phone call
cheaper than that of a post card. It was therefore entirely logical for
Reliance to enter the telecommunications space when the sector was
opened up for private participation in the 1990s.Today, Reliance
Communications is India’s largest information and communications
services provider with over 20 million subscribers, and offers the full
range of integrated telecom services— at prices that are, by far, the
lowest anywhere in the world.
Dhirubhai left for his heavenly abode on July 6, 2002

Regarded as one of the foremost corporate leader in the contemporary

India, Sri Anil D Ambani, 48, is the chairman of all listed companies of
the reliance ADA Group, namely Reliance communication, Reliance
Capital, Reliance Energy and Reliance Natural Resources.
He is also the chairman of the board of govemors of Dhirubhai Ambani
Institute of Information and Communication technology, Gandhi Nagar,

Till recently he also held the post of vice chairman and managing
director of Reliance Industries Limited [RIL] India’s largest private sector

Anil D Ambani joined reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Offer, and

was centrally involved in every aspect of the company’s management
over the next 22 years.

He is credited with having pioneered a number of path-breaking

financial innovations in the Indian. Capital markets. He spearheaded the
country’s first forays into the overseas capital markets with
international public offerings of global depositary receipts, convertibles
and bonds. Starting in 1991.He directed Reliance Industries in its efforts
to raise over US$ 2 billion. He also steered the 100-year Yankee bond
issue for the company in January 1997.

He is a member of:

• Wharton Board of Overseers, the Wharton School, USA

• Central Advisory Committee, Central Electricity Regulatory
 Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad

• Board of Governors Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in June

2004, he was elected for a six-year term as an independent member of
the Rajya Sabha, Upper House of India’s Parliament a position he chose
to resign voluntarily on March 25, 2006. Awards and Achievements:
• Conferred the ‘CEO of the Year 2004’ in the Platts Global Energy
awards rated as one of ‘India’s Most Admired CEOs’ for the sixth
consecutive year in the Business Barons – TNS Mode opinion poll, 2004

• Conferred ‘The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award’ by the Bombay

Management Association, October 2002

• Awarded the First Wharton Indian Alumni Award by the Wharton

India Economic Forum (WIEF) in recognition of his contribution to the
establishment of Reliance as a global leader in many of its business
areas, December 2001

• Selected by Asia week magazine for its list of ‘Leaders of the

Millennium in Business and Finance’ and was introduced as the only
‘new hero’ in Business and Finance from India, June1999.





(Data Analysis and Interpretation)

Data analysis and Interpretation

1. In the questionnaire the respondents are asked to mark the gender
to which they belong.
31 19


19, 38%
31, 62% female


According to this survey I found that out of 50 respondents , 38%

are female and 62% are male .

2. Please indicate to which age group you belong?


15-20 10
20-25 18
25-30 14
3O < 8
10 18
Series 3
8 14
6 10
15-20 20-25 25-30 30 <

According to this survey I found that out of 50

respondents, 10 users are between 15-20 , 18 are between 20-25 ,14 in
between 25-30, and 8 users are above 30 years old.

3. Occupation of the respondent.

Student 16
Government servant 8
Private sector 12
Business man 9
unemployed 5

According to this survey I found that out of 50 respondent

16 are student, 8 are government servant, 12 from private sector , 9
from business man and 5 are unemployed who are the user of
different telecom company.

4. How much you generally pay for a month.


100 - 250 19
250 - 400 13
400 - 550 10
550 < 8

no of respondent
19 100-250
550 <

According to this survey I found that the monthly telephone
expenditure of 19 respondents came under Rs 100-250,13 respondents
came under Rs 250-400, 10 have 400-550 and lastly 5 respondents have
the mobile expenditure more than 550.

5. Which mobile service do you have?

38 12

12; 24%


38; 76%

According to the survey out of 50 respondent 76% are the user of GSM
and 24% are the CDMA user.

6. Which type of user are you?

39 11
Series 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

From the above table we can interpret that 39 respondents are the
prepaid user and 11respondent are the postpaid user.

7. Which service provider do you use?

Company name Respondents

Airtel 11
Vodafone 7
Reliance 9
Idea 6
Bsnl 9
Tattele services 3
Aircel 5



airtel vodafone reliance idea bsnl tata tele services aircel

From the above graph we can interpret that 11 are the user
of Airtel,7 are ofvodafone, 9 are of reliance,6 are of idea,9 are of Bsnl, 3
are of Tata tele service and 5 are of aircel. Here airtel is used by highest
number of respondent.

8. what made you to go for this mobile service provider?

Source of influence Number of respondent

advertisement 12
Family nad friends 5
Dealer 11
Feel good 7
Offer 15
6 Column3
t ds s d er
en en aler oo off
se fri de le g
rti d fe
v e na
ad li y

From the above graph it can is interpreted that 12 are

attracted by advertisements, 5 are attracted by family me,mbers and
friends, 11 are attracted by dealers, 7 thought that the company is good
and 15 are attracted by the offers given by the companies.

9 . Customer satisfaction with the current telecom service which he/she

have taken?

Customer satisfaction level Number of respondent

Hghly satisfied 5
Satisfied 13
Average 18
Dissatisfied 9
Highly dis-satisfied 5
5 5

highly satisfied
highly dissatisfied


From the above graph it can be interpreted that out of 50 respondents

5 are highly satisfied,13 respondents are satisfied, 18 people are
neither satisfied nor dis-satisfied, 9 users are dis-satisfied and 5 people
are highly dis-satisfied with the service provided by the company.

10 . Reason for dissatisfaction .

Reasons for dis-satisfaction Number of respondent

Poor customer service 2
High tarrif plan 4
Over billing 2
Poor network 6

3 Column2

poor customer service high tarrif plan over billing poor network

From the above graph it can be interpreted that 2 respondents are dis-
satisfied with poor –customer service,4 are dissatisfied with high tariff
plan,2 are dissatisfied with over billing and 6 are dissatisfied with poor

11.Are you interested to accept any other service.

Willingness to accept other service Number of respondent

yes 35
no 15

Series 1

15 yes

From the above chart it is interpreted that 35
respondents are not willing to accept any other service provider’s
product but 15 are willing to accept the service of other company.

12 . Which company connection you will prefer at next time?

Preference at next time Respondents
Airtel 13
Vodafone 6
Reliance 7
Idea 5
Bsnl 12
Tata indicom 3
Aircel 4

Series 1
13 airtel
12 tataindicom

5 7

From the above chart it can be interpreted that13 are

willing to switch to airtel,6 are willing to Vodafone, 7 are willing to
reliance, 5 are willing to idea, 12 are willing to Bsnl.3 are willing to
Tataindicom and 4 are willing to switch to Aircel.
13. How do you rate Reliance with competitors?

Feed back of reliance Respondents

Very good 9
Good 16
Average 12
Bad 10
Very bad 3

8 Column2
very good good average bad very bad

Here it can be interpreted that 9 respondents rate reliance

infocomm as very good, 16 rate good , 12 rate average, 10 rate bad and
3 rate as very bad.

14. Rate the following Service Provider as per your preference.

Name of the service provider Respondent

Airtel 11
Vodafone 7
Reliance 9
Idea 6
Bsnl 10
Tata indicom 3
Aircel 4


6 Column2

airtel vodafone reliance idea BSNL tata indicom aircel

According to the survey it can be interpreted that 11

respondents voted for airtel, 7 voted for Vodafone, 9 voted for reliance,
6 voted for idea,10 voted for Bsnl ,3 vote for Tata indicom and 4 voted
for Aircel.
(Summary and Conclusion)
 Major Findings
 Suggestions
 Conclusion

Major findings
 The telecom industry is growing at a faster rate. The customers has
increased from 427 mn to 671 mn and it is forecasted that it will
increase to 900 mn in the year 2012.
 There are 10 major players in Indian telecom industry. Due to huge
competition the customer is now getting more value added services
than before.
 In spite of a difficult pricing environment, Indian telecom sector is
attractive. The key reason is vast population of India of over 1 Billion
which makes it as one of the biggest telecom market in the world.
After USA and China, India is third biggest telecom market in the
 Studies have shown that in India, the telecom sector has been a
major enabler of economic growth. The year 2009 saw telecom
players shift from per minute billing to per second billing.
 From the major players Bharti airtel is the market leader having 24%
of market share and the customer base of 160.04mn.Reliance is the
market challenger having the market share of 19% and customer
base of 127.49mn and Vodafone is the market challenger having the
market share of 18% and customer base of 120.28mn.
 In the case of CDMA service provider Reliance is the market leader
having a market share of 55.15 mn and Tata tele services is the
market challenger having the market share of 38.59mn.
 Airtel has highest profit margin of 9426.15 crores and Reliance
Infocomm has second highest profit margin of 2586.45 crores.
 It was found that Reliance Infocomm has longest network amongst
all the telecom service provider.

o Reliance communication has to provide better customer service and
more value to the customer so that it can gain competitive
advantage over its competitors.
o To increase its market share it has to target the rural customers as
they are not targeted by most of of the telecom companies.
o It has to adapt new technologies and come of with new and
innovative product and services so that it can attract the attention of
the customer.
o Proper objectives of the sales promotion program should be
established like whether the promotional schemes are launched to
created a trail among the non-user or attract new customers.
o Sales force should be motivated to be whole-hearted involved
implementing the schemes .
o Regular feedback of the sales promotion schemes launched should
be taken seriously by management.
o It should make its all schemes known to the customers.
o Equal attention should be given on customer and trade promotion
o The sales promotion schemes should be regularly updated keeping in
tune with the present trend.
o Comparative sales promotion schemes should be maintained
keeping in view other competitors.


o I believe telecom market will enjoy good growth rate owing to

lower teledensity, stiff competition and lower tariffs. So far
subscriber growth has been impressive and stood at 671M in
April 2010 quarter. I believe that it will cross 900M by 2012 and
thus represents a huge revenue potential for existing players.
In spite of good growth, there are not much differentiator exists
among current players, additionally; switching cost for a
consumer is almost zero (by virtue of MNP). Lower tariff has
already impacted profit growth of key telecom firms and
resulted in negative growth in Arpu. I believe that soon Indian
telecom industry will enter in to consolidation phase which
should result in lower number of players in the market. But
before that happens, Indian consumer will continue using its
buying power to choose service provider and enjoy excellent
services at lowest possible tariff plan.

 Bibliography
 Sample copy of Questionnaire


Google search

Yahoo search


Questionnaire on sales and promotional activities

Sir/ Madam
I, Anurag Parida, undergoing the summer training project on the topic
“comparative analysis of telecom industry with special reference to Reliance
infocomm” in reliance world, FORTUNE TOWER, BBSR. This is a part of our
course curriculum, designed by AICTE. I, therefore, needs your kind operation.

Direction: - please give your honest opinion on the following question.

1. Please indicate whether you are:

o Male
o Female

2. Please indicate to which age group you belong?

o 15 - 20
o 20 - 25
o 25 - 30
o 30 <

3. Occupation of the respondent.

o Student
o Govt. Servant
o private sector
o Business man
o Unemployed

4. How much you generally pay for a month.

o 100 - 250
o 250 - 400
o 400 - 550
o 550 <

5. Which mobile service do you have?


6. Which type of user are you?

o Prepaid
o Postpaid

7 . Which service provider do you use?


8. what made you to go for this mobile service provider?

o Advertisement
o Family and friends
o Dealer
o Feel good
o Offer

9. Are you satisfied with the current telecom service which you have taken?

o highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Average
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied

10 . Reason for dissatisfaction.

o poor customer service

o High tariff plan
o Over billing
o Poor network
11 . Would you subscribe to services of other providers in case you get better

o Yes
o No

12 . Which company connection you will prefer at next time?

o Airtel
o Reliance Infocomm
o Aircel
o Vodafone
o Idea
o Tata Tele services

13. How do you rate us with competitors?

o Very good
o Good
o Average
o Bad
o Very bad

14. Rate the following Service Provider as per your preference:

o Airtel
o Reliance Infocomm
o Aircel
o Vodafone
o Idea
o Tata Tele services

15. Advice to reliance communication.



Signature of customer

Thank you

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