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EDU 603 Final Project OLGA ARBULU Final

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Designing a Curricular Unit for the 21st Century World Language Learner: Cultural Encounters

Olga M. Arbulú

Post University

Designing a Curricular Unit for the 21st Century World Language Learner: Cultural Encounters

Part I: Statement of Educational Philosophy

The primary goal of secondary education is to provide learners with knowledge, in a

customizable environment, while fostering the acquisition of specific skills to support the

achievement of academic and personal goals (Leer & Ivanov, 2013, p.18). The success of this

educational model is supported by creating a learning community where teachers and students

maintain a culture of curiosity, trust, and respect. The role of the student is to actively engage in

learning opportunities, contribute to the growth of the learning community, and take

responsibility for their learning. The role of a teacher is to establish a safe learning environment,

support the academic and social needs of all learners, and provide meaningful learning

opportunities. Teachers can successfully meet the needs of learners by acting as guides in the

classroom, fostering cooperation and personal growth, and promoting a love of learning.
The 21st century educator has the responsibility to utilize frameworks, which support

the development of four core skills. These skills, referred to as the four Cs, represent an

individual’s ability to collaborate with others, communicate effectively, be creative, and use

critical thinking to solve problems (Ross, 2018). Universal Design for Leaning (UDL) is an

approach to curriculum, which addresses these needs by requiring multiple ways to access and

interpret information, supporting the monitoring of student progress, and removing learning

barriers (The UDL, 2018). In addition, educators must have clear end goals of understanding in

place for students because “only by having specified the desired results can we focus on the

content, methods, and activities most likely to achieve those results (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005,

p. 15). A backward curriculum design encourages educators to approach learning from multiple

perspectives, while creating a series of checkpoints to assess skill development, basic knowledge

acquisition, and understanding of concepts.

Technology, social media, and a shrinking global community are changing the world

at a rapid pace. Educators must think globally in order to prepare students for the future.

Currently, many K-12 public school students are entering the adult world at a disadvantage due

to cultural isolation from the world community (Crothers, 2018, p.1). Research demonstrates

learning a second language provides multiple benefits including closing achievement gaps

among all populations, increasing problem solving skills, and supporting future career choice

(Abbott, 2018, p.41). Furthermore, a world language classroom provides an environment to

explore different cultures, while increasing connections between one’s own personal world and

other people. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) supports

these beliefs by maintaining, “The United States must educate students who are linguistically and

culturally equipped to communicate successfully in a pluralistic American society and abroad”

(ACTFL, n.d.).
Best practice requires educators to have an understanding of different learning theories to

comprehend how human beings acquire complex knowledge and motivate themselves to

continue learning (UCD Teaching, n.d.). Furthermore, these theories allow educators to align

personal core values with instructional practice. A key role of educators is to guide students to

new learning. Lev Vygotsky, the creator of Social Development Theory, stressed the fundamental

role of social interaction in the development of learning (McLeod, 2014). This theory argues

against a traditional teacher-centered classroom, and supports a student-centered paradigm.

Educators in world language classrooms reflect this learning model by incorporating various

classroom activities such as cooperative learning, inquiry based learning, and role playing

activities into daily routine. It is through constant interaction with one another that students share

ideas, gain new perspective, and support the learning environment.

In addition, Social Constructivism explicitly defines a teacher’s role as a guide,

“Discussion can be promoted by the presentation of specific concepts, problems, or scenarios; it


is guided by means of effectively directed questions, the introduction and clarification of

concepts and information, and references to previously learned material” (Social Constructivism,

2018, para. 9). These strategies create an environment of active learning, where students make

connections to prior experiences and transfer learning from one context to another. It is in the

practice of transferring information that students learn how to analyze critically and think for

Social Learning Theory, originated by Arthur Bandura, explains how an individual

develops self-direction through social comparison, teacher feedback, and explicit goal setting

(Kretchmar, 2018). By working with peers, students can gain insight to their own strengths and

weaknesses and learn to identify their needs to succeed. Learning to communicate in another

language requires consistent practice and opportunity for independent practice, and self-

reflection (Broad Instructional, n.d.). World Language teachers can incorporate self-reflection as

an individual strategy to articulate needs, record progress, and set personal goals.

Part II: Rationale of Curriculum

The Spanish V curriculum at North Haven High School consists of six units. The third unit,

Cultural Encounters, introduces students to multiple cultural perspectives related to the Spanish-

speaking world and beyond. The course offers two levels of instruction: L2 (College

Preparatory) and L3 (Honors). All world language classes at North Haven High School operate

on an A/B block schedule and meet every other day for 90 minutes. Spanish V classes are

composed of high school juniors and seniors, with the majority of students being juniors. Juniors

who successfully complete the course will have the opportunity to enroll in UCONN Spanish the

following year. Students are primarily Caucasian, have similar socioeconomic backgrounds, and

most are college bound. Students practice a variety of religions including Christianity, Judaism,

and Islam.

Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504 plans are in place to support students with learning

disabilities or medical conditions. Additionally, some students work with Intervention teachers

on a daily basis. Finally, there are three talented and gifted students in the honors course. There is

currently a marginal learning gap (vocabulary and grammar skills) between some juniors and

seniors, because the current junior class did not take Spanish II as incoming freshmen.

The Spanish V student population for the year 2018-2019 consists of:

Class Course Level Gender Grade Level Documented

A College Females (7) 11th Grade (16) IEP (1)
Preparatory Males (10) 12th Grade (1) 504 plan (2)

B College Females (5) 11th Grade (15) Support Services

Preparatory Males (12) 12th Grade (2) (1)
C Honors Females (19) 11th Grade (20) 504 plan (1)
Males (7) 12th Grade (6)

To provide all students with an equitable and meaningful learning experience, educators

must be informed, proactive, and have clear goals in mind. Furthermore, educators must align

learning with state and national standards, organize learning events sequentially, and identify

ways to promote transfer of ideas beyond the content area. Two teaching frameworks, which

support this design process, are Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Understanding by

Design (UbD).

At the onset of curriculum planning, best practice advocates educators consider the

variability of learners within the teaching and learning context since “learner variabilities are

natural, because each human being is unique” (Post University, 2016, p. 7). In many public

schools, instruction often fails to meet the needs of anyone who is not the “average student”.

Educators wishing to uncover student strengths and weaknesses can use a Learner Profile to

inform instruction throughout a unit (See Appendix A). Optimally, each profile should be created

as a collaborative effort to help teachers “design instructional activities and materials to provide

the necessary options their students need in order to effectively access the classroom curriculum”

(Student Profiles, 2018). However, it is important to note there will not always be an opportunity

to create learning profiles, thus teachers must create lessons that are flexible, customizable, and

embrace diverse learners (Meier, 2018).

This world language unit incorporates the principles of UDL into a backward planning

model known in the field of education as Understanding by Design (UbD). A UbD framework

requires teachers to step away from traditional content-driven instruction and lectures in order to

“engage students in inquiry, promote transfer of learning, provide a conceptual framework for

helping students make sense of discrete facts and skills, and uncover the big ideas of content”

(Wiggins & McTighe, 2005 p 4.). Backward design begins at the end of a unit, requiring

educators to define expected outcomes for learners. This process allows educators to develop and

implement a learning path with a well-defined purpose, multiple entry points, and enduring

understanding. The first stage in the UbD model entails clearly identifying Essential Questions

(EQs) to frame the instructional unit.

The use of EQs encourages students to think about topics at a deeper level, make connections

to previous experiences, and clearly defines the important parts of a lesson (Kineticstreaming,

2014). Furthermore, strong EQs lead to meaningful discussion, clear up existing misconceptions,

and ensure transfer of deeper understanding (Wilson, 2014). The EQs in this unit are designed to

create an environment of inquiry, discovery, and reflection. They are open-ended, provide

direction for the unit, and relate, in a personal manner, to an individual’s life.

As a unit plan is developed, the diversity of students must be acknowledged. One method to

incorporate differentiation into a learning plan is to utilize a UDL specific Planning Pyramid.

This tool allows educators to prioritize learning by creating three different levels of learning for

students on content knowledge, content skills, and enduring understandings (Post, n.d.). The

process of scaffolding expectations recognizes that students come into a classroom with different

background knowledge, skill sets, and interests. Furthermore, it allows educators to plan for

struggling and advanced students (Metcalf, 2011). This unit’s Planning Pyramid identifies the

essential concepts, extended ideas, and varying levels of core skills. Moreover, it allows students

to experience success at different levels (See Appendix B).

Stage 2 in UbD planning requires teachers to decide what they will accept as evidence of

understanding, what tasks will support the goals of the unit, and how they will assess each

student’s performance. Reliable assessment in the classroom requires teachers to employ

multiple methods such as informal checks, standard tests, and performance tasks (Wiggins &

McTighe, 2005, p. 152). In a world language classroom, it is important to utilize many forms of

formative assessments as a student progresses through a unit, to gauge developing language

skills. By closely following each student’s learning path, through observation and categorical

assessments, teachers can “immediately intervene, to change course when assessments show that

a particular lesson or strategy isn't working for a student, or to offer new challenges for students

who've mastered a concept or skill” (How Should We, 2015, para. 8). In addition, teachers must

be cognizant about different types of assessments and the information they provide. Assessments

can be used can be used to establish baseline proficiency, inform instructional practice, and

evaluate student learning (Merritt, 2018, p. 4). The APT created for this unit requires students to

use basic discipline skills and knowledge gained from this unit to create a city tour for a group of

tourists. The assessment offers choice for students in subject matter, format, and delivery, while

addressing the concepts of cultural exchange and the connection between past and present.

Students will be able to show different levels of understanding through the research,

construction, and presentation of the final product.

Stage 3 of the UbD planning model requires teachers to design a lesson plan, which aligns

with the goals of Stage 1 and supports the desired outcome of Stage 2. Therefore, Wiggins and

McTighe encourage educators to assess “what kinds of instructional approaches, resources, and

experiences are required to achieve these goals” (2005, p.192). Likewise, it is important to

remember learning is a cooperative effort between every member of a classroom. Both the

teacher and learners play key roles in that (Hewitt, 2008, p. 110-111)

the teacher lends support for an activity, the effective learner will adopt self-support

strategies to facilitate their passage through the zone of proximal development. By

lending positive support to the instructional input, or where the teacher’s input is not

appropriate, self-support strategies are used to feed back to the teacher in order to ensure

a more appropriate form of instructional input

The UbD teaching framework advocates for student self-assessment to “gain the most complete

insight into how sophisticated and accurate students’ views are of the tasks, criteria, and

standards they are to master” (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005, p. 166). Self-assessment can take

various forms such as questionnaires, checklists, or journal entries and should occur periodically

throughout a unit. Educators can also use self-assessment at the end of planning a curricular unit

to determine its cohesiveness, sequencing, and accessibility to all learners (See Appendix C).

Learning a language is an interactive endeavor. Students working together provide

opportunity for the acquisition of communicative skills and strengthen understanding of new

concepts or ideas. Although classes in the program are leveled, there is student variability in

content knowledge, language skills proficiency, and readiness level. Lack of language skills

translates into a smaller working vocabulary, weaker grammar skills, and limited ability to

communicate orally. Bridging learning gaps requires supplements of materials, multiple modes

of instruction, and maintaining a highly communicative classroom environment (Harlan, 2000).

This unit has multiple opportunities for classroom discussion, collaborative work, and sharing of

background knowledge, which supports Vygotsky’s view on the value of interaction with peers.

In a sociocultural approach, the classroom is “an effective way of developing skills and

strategies. He suggests that teachers use cooperative learning exercises where less competent

children develop with help from more skillful peers - within the zone of proximal development

(McLeod, 2014, para. 29). ABC Summary, KWL charts, and Think Pair Share activities are in

place to help access prior knowledge and support the inquiry process. Furthermore, there is a

variety of collaborative learning activities in place to revisit concepts, practice core skills, and

synthesize unit ideas.

Multiple modes of instruction including teacher directed and student-centered, provide

differentiation to students as they work with unit concepts. In addition, as world language is

askills based course, students must be given multiple opportunities to practice reading, writing,

listening, and speaking skills in the target language. The unit also incorporates various modes of

representation, strategies for engagement, and strategies for expression. Some examples include

(What are, 2018):

 Concept mapping  Graphic organizers


 Guided reading  Self-reflection opportunities

 KWL charts  Think-Pair-Share

 Modified assignments  Use of notes

An effective strategy for differentiation is to weave technology into classroom environments

and lessons. The responsible use of websites and web tools can support learning and transfer of

concepts and ideas. According to the National Center on Universal Design for Learning (2012),

technology has the ability to assist students in the learning process by scaffolding information,

creating engaging learning environments, and providing assistive technology. All students

enrolled in this course have access to the internet through personal laptops or school issued

Chromebooks. The use of Google Classroom and Google Docs creates multiple learning

opportunities, allows for collaboration beyond classroom walls, and improves communication

among all members of the learning community. The unit also incorporate multiple Web 2.0 tools

such as Kahoot, Quizlet, and Mindmup. These resources support the learning community by

managing information, providing skills practice, and fostering creativity. They may also be used

by advanced learners to further investigation on new topics and ideas.

Part III: Unit Plan

Stage I

Spanish V: Cultural Encounters

This unit introduces world language students to the fusion and interaction of cultures in Spain
prior to 1942. In addition, students will explore the effects Spanish colonization had on Europe
and the Americas. Finally, students will gain perspective on different ethnic groups in the
Americas. Throughout the unit, students will demonstrate the ability to access cross-
disciplinary knowledge, express opinion about cultural exchanges, and make connections to
their own culture/roots.
Students will participate in various formative activities, which integrate the World-
Readiness Standards for Learning Languages goals. The 5Cs, as they are commonly known,
guide learners toward effective communication at the global level. They are:
 Communication
 Culture
 Connections
 Comparisons
 Communities

All course material will be presented in multiple modes to practice the four core skills in a
world language classroom: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The unit will
require students to build on all four skills, while working collaboratively with class
members in flexible groups.


Content Standard(s)

Content Standards Primary Expected Performances

Common Core Standards Students will discuss, in small groups, elements

Speaking and Listening-CCSS.ELA 1 of culture and create a basic mind map.
Prepare for and participate effectively in a
range of conversations and collaborations Students will look at images of buildings to
with diverse partners, building on others’ note architectural design, deduce where they are
ideas and expressing their own clearly and located, and create a list of vocabulary
persuasively. necessary to discuss findings in target language.

CT Standards
Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Culture 2.1, 2.2

Connections 3.1, 3.2

Comparisons 4.2
Communities 5.1, 5.2

Writing-CCSS.ELA 3 Students will write about visiting a

Write narratives to develop real or imagined multicultural city. Ex. New York City
experiences or events using effective
technique, well-chosen details, and well- Location can be real or imagined.
structured event sequences
Students will produce a detailed account of the
CT Standards characteristics of a multicultural city by
Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 utilizing unit knowledge and skills.
Culture 2.1, 2.2
Connections 3.1 3.2
Comparisons 4.2

Common Core Standards Students will read about cultural exchanges

Reading-CCSS.ELA 1 between Spaniards and indigenous people.
Read closely to determine what the text says
explicitly and to make logical inferences Students will use multiple reading strategies
from it; cite specific textual evidence when throughout this activity:
writing or speaking to support conclusions  Make predictions using provided
drawn from the text. illustrations
 Use context clues
CT Standards  Restate main idea
Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Culture 2.1, 2.2
Connections 3.1 3.2
Comparisons 4.1

Common Core Standards  Students will read about California

Reading-CCSS.ELA 6 Missions.
Assess how point of view or purpose shapes  Students will use critical thinking skills
the content and style of a text. to distinguish between fact and opinion
within reading material.
CT Standards
Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Culture 2.1, 2.2
Connections 3.1 3.2
Comparisons 4.2

Common Core Standards Students will synthesize knowledge, skills, and

Speaking and Listening-CCSS.ELA 4 understanding from the unit in an authentic
performance task.
Present information, findings, and

supporting evidence such that listeners can

follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

CT Standards
Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Culture 2.1, 2.2
Connections 3.1 3.2
Comparisons 4.2
Communities 1.1

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

Overarching Enduring Understandings: What is culture?

 Students will understand that culture
is a product of interaction between How do people influence each other?
 Students will understand culture can How do languages develop?
both unify and divide a group of
people. How do I connect to my past?
 Students will understand how
knowledge of the past helps to
understand the present.
 Students will understand the study of
world language connects to other

Unit Specific Enduring Understanding

Students will understand the influence of

different cultures is present in many parts of
the Spanish-speaking world (architecture,
art, foods, language, and music).

Knowledge and Skills


The students will know vocabulary to describe architectural design and buildings.
The students will know vocabulary to discuss interaction between cultures.
The students will know vocabulary to discuss the discovery of the Americas.
The students will know the impact of different religious groups on Spain’s culture.
The students will know the impact of European, Indigenous, and African cultures in Latin
America and the United States.
The students will know when and how to use the past subjunctive.

The students will be able to read and demonstrate comprehension of reading materials in the
target language.
The students will be able to share opinion on a variety of topics in the target language.
The students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the use of the past subjunctive.
The students will be able to create and present a culture-based tour presentation of a city in the
target language.

Stage 2

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Students will be creating and presenting a tour of a multicultural city. This task will require
students to synthesize learning from the unit with core language skills.
Students will be given choice:
 on which city they explore
 on the format they use to present
 on whether to work with a partner or individually
This task supports Common Core Standards and World Readiness Standards required of world
language students.

GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task

G – Goal Task Outline:
What should students accomplish
by completing this task?
GOAL: Your task is to plan a culturally infused tour for tourists in a
R – Role multicultural city.
What role (perspective) will your ROLE: You are an experienced tour guide.
students be taking?
AUDIENCE: The audience for this task is a group of tourists (peers
A – Audience
Who is the relevant audience? and teacher).
SITUTATION: The tour must take place in a multicultural city. It
S – Situation must include at least 5 tourist stops. You need to inform your
The context or challenge provided
to the student. audience and engage with them by :
 examining how history can be seen throughout the city
 discussing how interactions between groups of people
influence the development of culture
 connecting current traditions/beliefs/products to the past
PRODUCT: The product you are creating is a visual/oral
P – Product,
presentation. Ideas for Presentational Aid: Power Point, Prezi,
What product/performance will Screencastify, video, or poster.
the student The purpose of this task is to evaluate your understanding of:
 how modern communities reflect past history
 how groups of people develop beliefs, customs, and
 how culture is the result of interaction between people

S – Standards & Criteria

for Success Appendix D
Create the rubric for the
Performance Task
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other evidence (work samples, How will students reflect upon or self-assess
observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other their learning?
means) will students demonstrate achievement
of the desired results? Formative and
summative assessments used throughout the
unit to arrive at the outcomes.

Observation will be used to assess student Students will self-assess using a variety of
learning and effectiveness of instruction. teacher-created rubrics.
Teacher will circulate during activities to
observe level of engagement, clear up Speaking and Listening Skills: See Appendix E
misconceptions, and support students.
Level of Engagement and Work Habits: See
Formative assessments administered regularly Appendix F
to assess student progress toward proficiency
in core skills. Students will take quizzes on Checklist of Unit Knowledge & Skills: See
vocabulary (comprehension and production) Appendix G
and unit grammar points. Students will also
provide written work samples for teacher Writing Prompt Checklist: See Appendix H
Post-Performance Task Reflection: See
Summative assessments during this unit Appendix I
Writing Prompt (individual)
Tour of a Multicultural City (group, with
option to work as an individual).

Stage 3

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Where are your students The knowledge and skills acquired throughout this unit will
headed? Where have they been? support a deeper understanding of the history and culture of
How will you make sure the Spanish-speaking people. Students will interpret how social
students know where they are interaction and the fusion of cultures affected the past and
going? exist in the present. Additionally, students will continue to
work on core skills in the target language: listening,
reading, speaking, and writing.
Students will be pre-assessed on the uses of the preterit,
imperfect, and subjunctive to inform teacher on level of
Students will receive a pacing guide at the beginning of the
unit. In addition, students will continue to set goals as they
have done with previous units.
Students will receive information on the APT midway
through the course.
Essential Questions will frame the unit objectives, inspire
questions, and support students’ learning
How will you hook students at Teachers use “hooks” to introduce learners to units, access
the beginning of the unit? prior knowledge, and prepare them for new learning.
In small groups, students will:
o Brainstorm examples on how a country or city
reflects culture/heritage.
o Each group will share 3-5 examples.
o Teacher will lead a class discussion on findings.
o Teacher will provide photographs of
monuments/historical buildings.
o Students will discuss type of construction,
appearance, and guess its location. (Students will be
provided with review vocabulary)
o Students will create a new list of words (nouns,
verbs, adjectives) needed to discuss architecture.
Students may use dictionaries or
This learning activity will lead to analyzing a timeline of
Spain’s cultural influences/architecture
What events will help students       Teacher will create a safe learning environment for
experience and explore the big students to support the development of the learning
idea and questions in the unit? community.
How will you equip them with Teacher will encourage students to make personal
needed skills and knowledge? connections to key concepts/big ideas.
To gain a deep understanding of the unit’s core questions,
students will explore the ideas and concepts of the unit in
various formats. The cross-curricular information will

include multiple perspectives and encourage use of all

world language skills. Students will work individually,
with peers, or small groups depending on the purpose of the
activity. Flexible grouping will accommodate sharing of
knowledge and support student agency.
Questions/Ideas/Concepts will be explored though:
- pre-reading, individual, and guided reading activities
- listening activities
-inquiry based learning
-video presentation with interactive notetaking
-concept mapping
- vocabulary practice , enrichment activities, and word wall
-multiple opportunities to practice writing skills
-peer review
How will you cause students to Students will reflect on their learning throughout the unit by
reflect and rethink? How will using a goal sheet.
you guide them in rehearsing, Students will complete various formative assessments to
revising, and refining their gauge development of skill set and understanding of new
work? ideas/knowledge.
Students will keep organized notes/handouts to help
complete learning tasks throughout unit.
Students will answer questions of the day, which link to the
previous lesson.
Teacher will provide prompt feedback and allow revision of
all written work.
How will you help students to Students will self-assess periodically throughout a unit with
exhibit and self-evaluate their teacher created rubrics/checklists.
growing skills, knowledge, and Students will peer edit.
understanding throughout the Students will write and re-work a writing prompt
unit? incorporating grammar skills, vocabulary, and knowledge
from the unit.
Students will complete a team contract at the onset of the
summative project.
Students will complete a project reflection upon completing
the APT.
How will you tailor and Collaborative learning is key to deepen understanding of
otherwise personalize the core concepts. Most activities will be completed with peers
learning plan to optimize the and discussion will require use of the target language.
engagement and effectiveness of Students with developing speaking skills will be supported
ALL students, without by notes and sentence starters during discussions.
compromising the goals of the Teacher will use flexible grouping as needed.
unit? Teacher will use multiple modes of instruction including
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Teacher will provide extension tasks for advanced students.
Teacher will provided guided support for struggling

Teacher will scaffold writing assignments, provide graphic

organizers, and a model of the summative assessment.
Teacher will incorporate Web 2.0 tools to:
 aid students with learning disabilities
 create opportunities to practice skills outside of
 promote higher order thinking
 facilitate collaboration among peers
Web 2.0 tools include Google Classroom, Google Docs,
Kahoot, Quizlet, and Screencastify.

How will you organize and Students will receive a pacing guide to guide the learning
sequence the learning activities process throughout the unit.
to optimize the engagement and Students will have a digitized record of daily activities,
achievement of ALL students? formative assessments, etc. in Google Classroom.
Teacher will provide self-assessment rubrics.
Teacher will post essential questions and daily objectives on
the board. (SWBAT)

# Lesson Title Lesson Activities Resources

1 Introduction (H, E1, O)

What is  Brainstorm examples on how culture Vocabulary review sheet
culture? is expressed/seen. Use Mindmup
(mind mapping) to record ideas. Pacing guide: Teacher will use
Students will continue to add Stage 3 as a model to create
information/discoveries throughout guide in Google Docs and
the unit. provide hard copy to each
 Each group shares 3-5 examples student.
 Teacher led discussion in target Additionally, will upload a
language to review categories. digital copy to each Google
 Suggested categories: Food, Art, etc. classroom.
 Focus: architecture/buildings
 Provide photographs of Full color image printouts
monuments/historical buildings. (8.5x11”)
 Students will discuss type of
construction, appearance, and guess its
 Students will create a new list of Chromebooks
words (nouns, verbs, adjectives)
needed to discuss architecture. Suggested websites:
Pacing Guide (O)
Hand out pacing guide and have students

read at home and prepare

questions/observations for next class.

2 Google Classroom
How does KWL (E1,T)
modern day Students will respond to the question “What Vocabulary List
Spain reflect do you know about Spain?
its past? Quizlet
Timeline of Spain (E1,T)
 Students will read aloud different Realidades 3 textbook
sections of a timeline depicting
various contributions
(religious/architecture) to Spain’s
 Provide students with a basic list of
content vocabulary. Students will
identify cognates during the
reading/listening activity.

Vocabulary Strategy (T,O)

Students will create vocabulary study guide
using Quizlet.

Review (W,O)
Go over pacing guide with students as a class.

3 Think-Pair-Share (E,T) Chromebooks

How do Students will make a list of English words
languages that borrow from other languages. Spanish Words with Arabic
borrow from Roots: See Appendix J
one another? L2: Provide an example such as French,
Day 1 Italian, Spanish Realidades 3 Video Series

Arabic Contributions to the Spanish Language

(E1, O)
Students provided with a small list of Arabic
words and asked to guess the meaning in
Spanish. Using Chromebooks students add to
the list and share findings as a class.

Video-Unas Herencias Ricas (E2, T)

Play video twice to allow students to process
the visuals and audio components.
In small groups, students will write down:
words borrowed from other groups

roots of the word

ex. “huracán” comes from the indigenous
people of Puerto Rico.

Have students answer comprehension and

higher order questions. WAV p. 118-119.
Share answers as a class (R,T)

4 How do Reflection Activity (R) Chromebooks

languages Students will update their mind map with new
borrow from knowledge gained from classroom activities Suggested format:
one another? and discussion. Students must use a new color Google Slides
Day 2 creating connections.

Word Collage (E2, T, R, O)

Using notes from the previous class, students
create a visual representation of Spanish
words borrowed from other groups of people.

L2- minimum 10 words

L3- minimum 15 words

Teacher will display finished posters in the

classroom as a resource (O)
5 Jigsaw activity (E1,T,O,R) Chromebooks
In groups, students will research different
Discovering Spanish cities, discover cultural influences, Graphic Organizer: See
the cities of and complete a graphic organizer. Appendix K
Spain Information will be shared with class at the
end of the block (E2,R) Realidades 3 textbook
Suggested cities: Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia

Skills practice (E)

L2: Students complete a paragraph on Toledo

with unit vocabulary.

L3: Students create a fill in the blank mini-

assessment incorporating unit vocabulary
Suggested requirement-5-8 sentences
6 Realidades 3 textbook
Mini- Listening Activity 1 and 2 (E1,T)
dialogues Practice with vocabulary Situation Cards

Communication activity (E1,T,R, E2) Vocabulary list

Students will be provided situation cards and
create mini-dialogues with a partner about Notes
cultural influences in their community.

Skills practiced include writing, speaking, and


7 A personal Writing Prompt (W,E2) Writing Prompt: See

multicultural (Individual) Students will have 50 minutes to Appendix L
experience write about a personal visit to a multicultural
city. If a student has not had this experience,
they can use their imagination to relay an
imagined experience.

L2-may use notes and dictionary

L3-may use dictionary

8 Peer/Teacher Peer Feedback (R)

Feedback  Students will work with a peer partner Peed Feedback: See
to evaluate and begin to revise written Appendix M
work. Revised copy must be handed in
to teacher within one week. Teacher Feedback: See
 Teacher will circulate through room Appendix N
and discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of students work using the
department Writing Rubric

9 ABC Summary (W,H) Sticky notes

Exploration Students will participate in this class-wide
& Exchanges activity to share background knowledge on Realidades 3 textbook/audio
Day 1 European Influences on the Americas CD

Reading Activity (E1,T) Chromebooks

Students will read text (p. 356-357)/listen to
narration on interaction between cultures. Quizlet

Vocabulary Strategy (T,O)

Students will create vocabulary study guide
using Quizlet.

10 Realidades 3 WAV workbook

Exploration Vocabulary BINGO (E1)
& Exchanges Activity to practice new vocabulary and Chromebooks
Day 2 prepare for listening activity

Listening Activity 3 (E1,T)

Practice with vocabulary

Reflection Activity (R)

Students will update their mind map with new
knowledge gained from classroom activities
and discussion. Students must use a new color
creating connections

11 Video (E1,T) YouTube:

Exploration Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire: 3 https://www.youtube.com/wa
& Exchanges Minute History tch?v=y40ok4k7k98
Day 3
Storyboard (R, T, O) Paper, markers, scissors
 Students create a storyboard of main
events that occurred during the Chromebooks
conquest of Perú.
 6-8 illustrations Screencastify
 Captions/information written in target https://www.screencastify.co
language m/
 Upload illustrations to Google Slides
and narrate the events.
12 Reading Activities (E1) Realidades 3 textbook
Diversity in Students read about two teenagers with
the Latino diverse cultural backgrounds. P. 359 and p. Vocabulary List
World 362
Day 1 Rubric for original
Create a worksheet (R,E2) worksheet: See Appendix N
In pairs, students will create an original
worksheet to assess reading comprehension Chromebooks
and critical thinking skills.

13 Cortés & the (H,E1,O) Realidades 3 textbook

Aztecs Think-Pair-Share-students discuss knowledge
they have about the purpose of colonies, Vocabulary Words
colonial activity, and the results of
colonization Realidades 3 CD

Reading-Students read and discuss Painting printout

¿Qué es un imperio?
Listening Activity- Provide students with www.kahoot.com
copy of painting as they listen to an account
of Cortés entering Mexico.

Vocabulary Activity-writing original

definition for content vocabulary

Kahoot (R,T)
Create 10 review questions for a unit quiz.
Students must include new vocabulary and
facts they have learned thus far.
14 Uses of the Review of the subjunctive and introduction to Grammar “holy grail”
past past subjunctive (E1,W)
subjunctive Focus: doubt and emotion about situations Subjunctive triggers list

Model how to use this mood, using present YouTube video

subjunctive sentences (access prior https://www.youtube.com/wa
knowledge as much as possible) tch?v=bSRBZuGDUEo

Los españoles dudan que los nativos sepan

leer. (PRESENT)

Los españoles dudaban que los nativos

supieran leer. (PAST)

Practice using past subjunctive with preterit

and imperfect tenses (E1)

Struggling students:
15 Practice with
the past Creating sentences (E1, R) Notes
subjunctive in Students work on creating sentences using
context starters based on an eyewitness account of Dictionaries
México’s conquest. Students must explain
why each sentence requires the past Chromebooks
subjunctive. Ex. The sentence reflects
emotion about a situation

Personal eyewitness account (R,T,E2)

 Student will write a short eyewitness
account of Hernan Cortés’ arrival to
 Student must relate what they see,
hear, etc. and use the past subjunctive
to express emotions and doubt.
 Student may write from the
perspective of Cortés, a Spanish
soldier, or an indigenous person.

 L2 5-8 sentences
 L3 10-12 sentences
16 Critical Reading Skills (E1,T,R) Realidades 3 textbook
 California Mission article p 370-371
California  Students will create a t-chart in APT
Missions notebooks with two categories “facts”
and “opinions” Students record
information as they read with a group.
 Post-reading discussion on reliability
of information provided.

APT (E1, T, R, O)
 Teacher will hand out instructions and
 Students will be able to ask questions
and teacher will inform on criteria
 Students will be able to select to work
alone or with a partner.
 Teacher will assign partners based on
content knowledge, skill set, and
group need.
17 Mission Life Kahoot (E1, R) Kahoot
Revisit what we have learned so far by
playing a few of the student created Kahoot Teacher will create a
games. webquest on Mission Life
(California, Texas)
Webquest (E1,R,T) Life at the Missions
18 APT Work (E2,T,O) Chromebooks
Day 1  Students decide whether to work alone Notes
or with a partner Team Contract: See
 Students complete contract (can be Appendix
modified for students working alone)
 Brainstorm ideas, select location, start

19 APT Work (E2,T,O) Chromebooks

Day 2  Work on presentation with partner or Notes
 Select format and begin writing Dictionaries
portion of task.

20 APT Work (E2,T,O) Chromebooks

Day 3  Work on presentation with partner or Notes
 Finalize writing and presentation. Dictionaries
 Practice presentation with partner.
 Student s will complete Post-Project
Reflection after presentations.

Checking for UDL Principles

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study:
Is there alignment between There is a direct connection between each learning experience, the
outcomes, performance performance assessment, and the expected outcome. The knowledge and skills
assessment and learning taught in the unit will support each learner as they progress through the unit
experiences? and beyond. Furthermore, all learning activities relate directly to one or more
of the essential questions. Completion of the APT will demonstrate transfer of
enduring understandings.

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful
adjustments to the  Small group intervention
curriculum content (not  After school help
outcomes), instructional  Provide word banks during speaking activities
practices, and/or the  Write down all instructions on white board
learning environment to  Color code grammar instruction
meet the learning needs and  Chunk larger assignments into manageable sections
diversities of all my
 Offer choice on formative assessments
 Sentence starters
 Modify assignments

For students who need a challenge:

 Provide extension activities related to content, topic, or big idea
 Group talented and gifted students together during collaborative
 Encourage student to participate in COLT Poetry Contest

Instructional Approaches:
Do I use a variety of teacher There is an equal balance of teacher directed and student centered instruction
directed and student approaches. These include:
centered instructional
approaches?  Teacher led discussions
 Direct instruction on grammar skills and basic knowledge
 Guided practice
 Ongoing teacher feedback

 Collaborative learning activities

 Peer Feedback
 Inquiry based learning
 Connection to real life situations

Resource Based Learning:  Students are provided with a multitude of resources on an ongoing
Do the students have access basis:
to various resources on an
ongoing basis?
 Personal Chromebook
 Personal school email address
 Google Classroom
 Textbook online
 Authentic reading materials
 Hard copies of all reading material
 Hard copies of all handout (and uploaded to Google Classroom)
 Audio CDs
 Classroom set of dictionaries
 Classroom set of reference books
 Classroom set of art supplies
 Graphic Organizers
 Library

FNM/I Content and

Equity/Multicultural  All students are members of a learning community, which promotes
Education: diversity, embraces multiple perspectives, and supports the academic
Have I nurtured and and social needs of all students.
promoted diversity while  Expectations for classroom conduct/general guidelines are posted in
honoring each child’s the classroom to maintain a safe learning environment.
identity?  Classroom environment reflects the contributions of various ethnicities
and genders (ex. artwork, reading material, and videos).


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How Should We Measure Student Learning? 5 Keys to Comprehensive Assessment. (2015,

March 25). Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/comprehensive-assessment-

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Lynch, M. (2016, November 19). Social Constructivism in Education. Retrieved from

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Education, 1-9.
Metcalf, D. J. (2011). Succeeding in the Inclusive Classroom: K-12 Lesson Plans Using

Universal Design for Learning. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Mueller, J. (n.d.) Authentic Assessment Toolbox. Retrieved from

National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2012). UDL and Technology. Retrieved from

Post University. (n.d.). Learner Profiles and Planning Pyramids. [PDF document]. Retrieved

from Lecture Notes Online: https://post.blackboard.com

Post University. (2016). Understanding by design and universal design: Instructional models for

a variety of teaching and learning contexts. [PDF document]. Retrieved from


Post University. (n.d.). Using the GRASPS tool for authentic assessment. Lecture Notes. [PDF

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UNSW. (2018). Using Assessment Rubrics. Retrieved from

Ralabate, P. (2011). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All Students.

Retrieved from http://www.readingrockets.org/article/universal-design-learning-meeting-


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Appendix A

Learner Profile-Sample

Appendix B

Planning Pyramid

Planning Knowledge Skills Understanding

Some will know mission activity will be able to will understand that
students extended beyond California; participate in culture is
also include Peru, Argentina, collaborative discussions transferable and

etc. /activities exclusively in always evolving
target language
will know all unit specific
vocabulary and extend their will demonstrate
knowledge on their own advanced ability in the will understand the
use of the past concept of
will know multiple ways the subjunctive colonization from
culture of Christians, Jews, and multiple perspectives
Arabs is still visible in modern will demonstrate the
day Spain ability to narrate and
describe in varied time will understand the
will know multiple ways frames value of learning
Europeans changed the lives of another language and
people in the Americas, and the will be able to combine make connections to
indigenous people changed the and link sentences into their own life
life of Europeans texts of paragraph length
and structure

will be able to read and

comprehension of
conventional narrative
and descriptive texts.
They will understand the
main ideas, and some

supporting details.
Most will know why mission were will be able to will understand that
students created by the Spanish participate in culture has many
government and how they collaborative layers from artifacts

contributed to the development discussions/activities to subconscious
of California frequently in target behavior. It forms
language perceptions of
will know all unit specific others/worldviews.
vocabulary will demonstrate
proficiency in the use of
will know how Spain was the past subjunctive
influenced by Christians, Jews,
and Arabs (pre-1492) will be able to write will understand
simple summaries in culture can both
will know Europeans changed multiple tenses unify and divide a
the lives of people in the group of people and
Americas, and the indigenous will be able to read and can explain the
people changed the life of demonstrate process
Europeans comprehension with
ease of short, non-
complex texts that will understand
convey basic languages borrow
information and deal from other languages
with personal and social and can explain the
topics to which the process
reader brings personal
interest or knowledge.
They will understand
main ideas.

All will know what a mission will be able to

students looked like, how it was run, participate in will understand that
and where they were located collaborative culture can be

discussions/activities represented by
will know most unit specific frequently in target architecture,
vocabulary language with support language, etc.
systems in place
will know Spain was will be able to make
influenced by Christians, Jews, will be approaching connections to their
and Arabs (pre-1492) proficiency in the use of own cultural heritage
the past subjunctive
will know how to use the past
subjunctive in simple sentences will be able to write will understand
culture can both
simple sentences in
will know Europeans changed unify and divide a
multiple tenses
the lives of people in the group of people
Americas will be able to read and
demonstrate some
will understand
comprehension of short,
Spanish words have
non-complex texts that
multiple origins.
convey basic
information and deal
with basic personal and
social topics to which
the reader brings
personal interest or

Appendix C

Unit Plan: Self-Assessment rubric


Stage 1: All essential Some essential Few/None essential
Identifying questions are open questions are open questions are open
ended, thought ended, thought ended, thought
Desired Results
provoking, and relate provoking, and relate provoking, and relate
to the real world. to the real world. to the real world.
All unit Some unit Few/None unit
understandings are understandings are understandings are
enduring, enduring, enduring,
representative of the representative of the representative of the

discipline, and discipline, and discipline, and

transferable to other transferable to other transferable to other
situations. situations. situations.
Unit knowledge and Unit knowledge and Unit knowledge and
skills fully support skills mostly support skills do not support
learning goals and learning goals and learning goals and
align with national align with national may/may not align
and state standards. and state standards. with national and
state standards.
Stage 2: Student can Student can Student can
Determining demonstrate deeper demonstrate deeper demonstrate deeper
understanding of understanding of understanding of
concepts or ideas in concepts or ideas in concepts or ideas in
Evidence multiple ways. one or two ways. multiple ways.
APT offers choice of APT may/may not APT does not offer
format, delivery, or offer choice of choice.
product. format, delivery, or
GRASPS tool used GRASPS tool used GRASPS tool not
to design Authentic to design Authentic used to design
Performance Task Performance Task Authentic
(APT). APT requires (APT). Some Performance Task
students to synthesize elements may be (APT)
new learning in a missing from GRASP Rubric designed fails
meaningful context. tool. Rubric designed to measures student
Rubric designed only measures knowledge, skills,
measures student student knowledge and/or understanding.
knowledge, skills, and skills.
and understanding.
Stage 3: Planning Teacher use multiple Teacher use multiple Teacher does not use
Learning modes of modes of multiple modes of
instruction/resources instruction/resources instruction/resources
Experiences and
to introduce, practice, to introduce, practice, to introduce, practice,
Instruction and transfer and transfer and transfer
knowledge and skills. knowledge and skills knowledge and skills.
Teacher often Teacher sometimes Teacher rarely
includes technology includes technology includes technology
to support the needs to support the needs to support the needs
of all learners. of all learners. of all learners
Throughout the Teacher provides Teacher does not
unit, teacher provides rubrics/checklists for provide
rubrics/checklists for students to self-assess rubrics/checklists for
students to self-assess and monitor progress students to self-assess
and monitor progress. once. and monitor progress
Teachers always Teachers sometimes Teachers does not
incorporates different incorporates different incorporate different

strategies to support strategies to support strategies to support

both advanced and both advanced and both advanced and
struggling students. struggling students. struggling students.
Teacher organizes all Teacher organizes Teacher organizes
learning activities in some learning few learning
a sequential and activities in a activities in a
purposeful manner. sequential and sequential and
Teacher purposeful manner. purposeful manner.
communicates all Teacher Teacher
goals clearly. communicates some communicates few
goals clearly. goals clearly.

Appendix D

Standards & Criteria for Success-Authentic Performance Task Rubric

PERFORMANCE TASK: Tour of a City: Past & Present

COURSE: Spanish V


10/9 9/8 7 6 and below

Use of Target Demonstrates Demonstrates skilled Demonstrates Demonstrates

Language (x2) expert and creative use of the language. average limited knowledge
Writing Skills use of the knowledge of the of the language.
language. language. (Evidence of online

Use of Target Pronunciation and Pronounces most of the Mistakes made Mistakes made
Language (x2) fluidity in speech words correctly and regularly in regularly in
Speaking Skills are excellent with speaks clearly but with a pronunciation. pronunciation.
close to no few mistakes. Comprehension is Comprehension is
mistakes made. Comprehension not possible, but not possible. (Use
Comprehension is affected by negatively of English)
easy. performance. affected.

How does Student Student exploration of Student Student exploration

culture exploration of the the topic is consistent exploration of the of the topic is
develop? topic is in-depth and offers some insight. topic is basic and limited and fails to
(x2) and offers much may or may not offer any insight.
insight. offer any insight.

Information Provides multiple Provides multiple and Provides some Provides few
(x1) and varied varied examples. examples. examples.
examples. Most information is Most information Some information
All information is accurate. is accurate. may be inaccurate.

Overall Presentation Presentation reflects a Presentation Presentation

Structure (x1) reflects a high competent level of reflects a basic reflects some level
 Planning level of effort and effort. level of effort. of effort, but is
 Organization creativity. inconsistent or is
 Attention to lacking in some
details areas.

Teacher comments:

Appendix E

Self-Assessment Rubric-Speaking & Listening Skills

Exemplary (A) Proficient Developing Emerging (D-

(B) (C) F)
Speaking You stay in You often use You only use You almost
Skills Spanish most of Spanish to Spanish in exclusively
the class period. respond to the structured use English
You initiate teacher and activities. You when talking

conversations in use Spanish converse with with the

Spanish. You with classmates in teacher and
communicate in classmates English. classmates.
Spanish with often. You You make You make
the teacher and make all some routine routine
classmates. routine requests in requests in
requests in Spanish. English.
Listening You are You are often You You cannot
Skills consistently able to follow sometimes follow
able to follow directions in can follow directions
directions in Spanish and directions given in
Spanish and attempt to given in Spanish. You
answer answer most Spanish, but wait for other
comprehension questions after often need students to
questions after listening support from give you
listening activities. classmates. instruction in
activities. You have English. You
difficulty are unable to
answering answer to
questions after questions after
listening listening
activities. activities.

Appendix F

Self-Assessment Rubric- Level of Engagement & Work Habits

Exemplary (A) Proficient (B) Developing (C) Emerging (D-F)

Frequency of Your hand is Your hand is often Your hand is You do not
usually raised to raised sometimes seldom raised to volunteer during
Participation participate during raised to participate in class. class activities.
class activities. participate during
class activities.
Quality of You usually You often You sometimes You avoid
contribute to class contribute to class contribute to class answering by
Participation discussion by discussion. discussion. claiming “no sé”

offering ideas and You use simple You use or use English.
asking questions. sentences. memorized
You answer open- phrases.
ended questions
and often
Level of You are mostly on You complete You sometimes You give
task during most individual, need to be minimum effort
Engagement individual, pair pair, and group, reminded to stay during individual,
and group and pair activities on task during pair, and group
activities the in allotted time. individual, pair or activities and are
entire time. group activities often off task.
OR you carelessly
rush through
Level of You fully support You often support You sometimes You repeatedly do
our learning our learning support our not support our
Respect community. community. learning learning
You are always You are usually community. community.
kind, helpful, and kind, helpful, and You had to be
respectful to respectful to reminded how to
everyone in the everyone in the behave
class. class. appropriately.
Level of You bring all You usually bring You frequently You frequently
materials to class. all materials to “forget” to bring have to ask to
Responsibility Your materials are class. required materials borrow materials.
well organized. You are ready to to class. You are rarely
You are ready to work when the You are often not ready to begin
work when the bell rings. ready to begin when the bell
bell rings. when the bell rings.

Appendix G

Checklist of Unit Knowledge & Skills

How am I doing? Exemplary Proficient Developing


I know Spanish
words to describe 20+ 11-20 Less than 10
design, interaction

between cultures
and the discovery
of the Americas.

I know about 3+ 3 1-2

different religious I can share many I can share some I can share few
groups, which details. details. details.
affected Spain’s
I can list examples Yes, with Yes, with some Yes, with few
of how Spaniards numerous examples. examples.
changed the lives examples.
of people.
I can describe Yes, with many Yes, with some Yes, with few
Spanish Missions. details. details. details.
How am I doing? Exemplary Proficient Developing

I can use the target Yes, with many Yes, with some Yes, with few
language in details/elaboration details. details.
writing to
design, interaction
between cultures
and the discovery
of the Americas
I can use the target Yes, and can Yes, and Yes, but I have a
language orally to elaborate. sometimes I can difficult time
describe elaborate. elaborating.
design, interaction
between cultures
and the discovery
of the Americas
I can read in the I can easily. Only Yes, with Yes, but with
target language need to use a occasional some difficulty. I
about architectural dictionary difficulty. I ften need a
design, interaction occasionaly. may/may not need dictionary.

between cultures a dictionary.

and the discovery
of the Americas.

Appendix H

Writing Prompt Checklist


verificación DESAROLLO

He explicado el
intercambio entre Sí, con más de tres Sí, con algunos Mis detalles no
grupos detalles. detalles. son buenos o no
hay detalles.

He hablado sobre Sí, tres o más. Sí, dos. Sí, uno.

los grupos étnicos
He dado ejemplos Sí, 5. Sí, 3-4. Sí, 1-2.
de las
He descrito las Con muchos Con algunos Con pocos
contribuciones detalles. detalles. detalles.
He usado palabras Sí, más de diez. Sí, entre 5-9 Sí, pero menos de
de la unidad 5.
He usado la Sí, hay pocos Sí, hay algunos No, hay muchos
gramática errores. errores. errores.
He deletreado Sí, hay pocos Sí, hay algunos No, hay muchos
correctamente. errores. errores. errores.

Appendix I

Post-Performance Task Reflection

Unit 3: Post-task Reflection

Please answer the following questions.

What do you think the strong points of your presentation were? Name 2

What do you think the weaknesses of your presentation were? Name 2

What did you find challenging about the task?


How did you support your group members?

What did you learn from completing this task?

How is this task relevant to your everyday life?

Please rate yourself/group members on the following:



Student Level of Level of Level of Level of Quality of

Collaboration Communication Creativity Responsibility Work Habits

Appendix J

Worksheet: Words with Arabic Roots

Palabras de origen árabe

I) Con tu grupo mira las palabras árabes y adivina como se dice la palabra en español. Luego,
escribe la definición en inglés.

Palabra en árabe ¿Cómo se dice en español? ¿Qué significa en inglés?

al- ruzz

II) Ahora, con tu grupo busca en el internet otras palabras árabes que han pasado al
español. Vamos a repasar la lista en clase. 
Palabra en árabe ¿Cómo se dice en español? ¿Qué significa en inglés?

Appendix K

Jigsaw Activity: Graphic Organizer


Explorando la cultura de España

Ustedes están visitando España. Acaban de tomar una
excursión en la ciudad de __________. Durante su visita
aprendieron mucho sobre la historia de la ciudad.

¿Cuáles grupos étnicos han dejado huellas en la ciudad?

¿Dónde/cómo se ven estas influencias?
Por favor, responde con buenos detalles.
la arquitectura el arte la comida el idioma la música otros ejemplos

Se ve la Categoría Ejemplo(s) Detalles Dibujos

influencia de…
Los árabes

Los cristianos

Los judíos

Otro grupo

Appendix L

Writing Prompt
Actividad de escritura / Mi visita a….

Vas a escribir una composición de dos párrafos sobre una visita a una ciudad multicultural.
Este trabajo vale 50 puntos.
La nota final será basada en dos categorías: 1) el uso del español
2) el esfuerzo y la elaboración

Refleja en lo que has aprendido sobre la mezcla de cultura en España y más.

Escribe sobre una visita que tú has hecho a una ciudad multicultural / otro país. Describe tu visita
con muchos detalles. Si nunca has tenido esta experiencia, puedes usar tu imaginación.

Tú puedes decidir cómo organizar tu composición, pero necesitas:

 explicar que pasa cuando la gente intercambia ideas, tradiciones, etc.

 identificar cuales grupos étnicos han dejado huellas en la ciudad
 explicar como se ve la influencia de cada grupo étnico
 describir las contribuciones de los grupos étnicos con muchos detalles.

Para organizarte:

Appendix M

Peer Review Instructions

Nombre: Fecha:

The following is a list of common errors that occur when writing in Spanish

“SAG” – subject/verb agreement error – the conjugated verb does not agree with the subject
ex) you have said “yo fue” instead of saying “yo fui”

“NAG” – noun/adjective agreement error – the adjective does not agree with the noun in either
gender or number
ex) you have said “la iglesia blanco” instead of saying “la iglesia blanca”
ex) you have said “la patio” instead of saying “el patio”

“NE” – word does not exist – you have invented a new word in the Spanish language –
sometimes, your “invention” is merely a misspelling – double check writing before handing it in!
ex) Yo necesito el paso para ir al baño. “Paso” is a step…not a pass.

Peer Editing: Please follow these steps:

1) Look through your classmate’s paragraph CAREFULLY and read the sentences out loud to
2) Circle every error you see.
3) Make sure you use a different color than your classmate.

El galan de el película “Pirates of the


Caribbean” está johnny depp.

4) Write your name at the top of classmate’s paper.

Appendix N

Rubric: World Language Writing Assessment

Structure: Target Language: Effort:

Exemplary: The student employs The student demonstrates The student’s work
50.....45 language conventions (ie: expert and creative use of reflects planning,
organization, development, target language: grammar, organization,
usage, vocabulary and style) spelling, vocabulary and creativity and
fluently and expertly; fluency. attention to detail.
language is adeptly suited to
the audience and purpose of
the communication
Accomplished: The student demonstrates The student’s work
44.....40 skilled use of target reflects some
language. planning,
creativity and/or
attention to detail.
Proficient: The student employs The student demonstrates The student’s work
39.....35 language conventions (ie: knowledge of target reflects some
organization, development, language: grammar, planning,
usage, vocabulary and style) spelling, vocabulary and organization,
clearly and knowledgeably; fluency. creativity and/or
language is suited to the attention to detail.
audience and purpose of the
Approaching Proficient: The student demonstrates The student’s work
34......30 limited knowledge of reflects little planning,
target language. organization,
creativity and/or
attention to detail.
Needs Improvement: The student communication The student demonstrates The student’s work
29......25: is marred by limited use of poor use of target does not reflect
language conventions (ie: language: grammar, planning,
organization, development, spelling, vocabulary and organization,
usage, vocabulary and style); fluency. creativity and/or
inadequate language use is attention to detail.
ill-suited to the audience and
purpose of the
Poor Incomplete,
24 insufficient, did not
meet requirements of
the assignment.

Novice Intermediate Advanced

ACTFL “Can do” self- low low low
assessment statements mid mid mid
high high high

Appendix N

Activity: Creating a Worksheet


La mezcla de culturas
Van a crear una hoja de trabajo original usando las dos lecturas que leyeron en clase. La hoja
de trabajo necesita tener:

-una foto/imagen que representa el tema del artículo

-una sección para identificar nuevo vocabulario
-L2: 4-5 preguntas que hacen conexiones al tema
- L3: 6-8 preguntas que hacen conexiones al tema
* También necesitan entregar una hoja de respuestas.
La rúbrica:

CATEGORY 10-8 7-6 5 and below

Required Elements The worksheet The worksheet is The worksheet is
includes all required missing one element missing more than
elements and an and includes an one element and/or
answer sheet. answer sheet. answer key.

Question Relevance All the questions are One question is not More than one
relevant to the article relevant to the article. question is not
AND are key points. relevant to the article.

Complexity of questions There is a good mix of Most of the questions All the questions
lower level and require lower level require lower level
higher-level thinking thinking to answer the thinking to answer the
required to answer questions. questions.
the questions.

Answer Key All of the answers on All of the answers on Answers are not
the key are accurate, the key are accurate, accurate.
thorough, and written thorough. Not all
in complete written in complete
sentences. sentences


APT: Team Contract

Team Contract

Team Name: ____________________________________________ Date:___________

GOALS: What are our team goals for this project?

What do we want to accomplish? What skills do we want to develop?

EXPECTATIONS: What do we expect of one another concerning commitmen meetings, participation,

frequency of communication, the quality of work, etc.?

POLICIES & PROCEDURES: What rules can we agree on to help us meet our goals and expectations?

CONSEQUENCES: How will we address non-performance concerning these goals, expectations, policies,
and procedures?

We share these goals and expectations, and agree to these policies, procedures, and consequences.

Team member name

Team member name

Team member name


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