Load Electric
Load Electric
Load Electric
Load Electric
2. Open the library Exercise.
3. Create new facet NOR_sch in library Exercise with schematic as the facet view. Draw
the NOR schematic in Figure 3-a.
Note: Lp, Ln = 0.35μm; Wp = 3.2μm; Wn = 0.8μm
4. Save the NOR schematic.
5. Create an icon for the NOR_sch{sch}. Save the icon facet. Close the NOR_sch{ic}
and the NOR_sch{sch} design windows.
9. Create a SPICE netlist of your circuit. Simulate the circuit using WinSpice. Verify if
the circuit is working properly by referring to the truth table of a NOR gate.
10. Fill-up the table below. Round off your answers to two decimal places.
0.80μm 3.20μm 0.71ns 0.45ns
0.80μm 1.60μm 0.65ns 0.82ns
0.80μm 0.80μm 0.62ns 1.75ns
Wp = 3.20 μm
Wp = 1.60 μm
Wp = 0.80μm
11. Repeat procedures 3 - 9 for a NAND gate (Figure 3-c and 3-d). Verify if the circuit is
working properly by referring to the truth table of a NAND gate (Table 3-a).
Note: Lp, Ln = 0.35μm; Wp = 3.2μm; Wn = 1.6μm
12. Fill-up the table below. Round off your answers to two decimal places.
1.6μ 3.20μ 0.46ns 0.33ns
1.6μ 1.60μ 0.40ns 0.55ns
1.6μ 0.80μ 0.37ns 1.07ns
Wp = 3.20 μ
Wp = 1.60μ
Wp = 0.80μ