Ethics Quamto 2016 PDF
Ethics Quamto 2016 PDF
Ethics Quamto 2016 PDF
Legal and
Judicial Ethics
Questions Asked
More Than Once
(QuAMTO 2016)
*Bar questions are arranged per topic and were selected based on
their occurrence on past bar examinations from 1990 to 2015.
LEGAL ETHICS the commission of the crime itself that makes him
morally unfit to become a lawyer (In re: Ramon Galang,
Practice of Law A.C. No. 1163, August 29, 1975).
Q: Upon learning from newspaper reports that the Q: Atty. BB borrowed P30,000.00 from EG to be paid
bar candidate Vic Pugote passed the bar in six months. Despite reminders from EG, Atty. BB
examinations. Miss Adorable immediately lodged a failed to pay the loan on its due date. Instead of
complaint with the Supreme Court, praying that Vic suing in court, EG lodged with an IBP chapter a
Pugote be disallowed from taking the oath as a complaint for failure to pay a just debt against Atty.
member of the Philippine Bar because he was BB. The chapter secretary endorsed the matter to
maintaining illicit sexual relations with several the Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD). A
women other than his lawfully wedded spouse. commissioner of the CBD issued an order directing
However, from unexplained reasons, he succeeded Atty. BB to answer the complaint against him but the
to take his oath as a lawyer. Later, when confronted latter ignored the order. Another order was issued
with Miss Adorable’s complaint formally, Pugote for the parties to appear before the Commissioner at
moved for its dismissal on the ground that it is a certain date and time but only EG showed up. A
already moot and academic. Should Miss Adorable’s third order submitting the case for resolution was
complaint be dismissed or not? (2004) likewise ignored by Atty. BB. Was Atty. BB justified
in ignoring the orders of the Commission on the
A: It should not be dismissed. Her charge involves a ground that the Commission had no power to
matter of good moral character which is not only a discipline him for acts done in his private capacity?
requisite for admission to the Bar, but also a continuing Why? (2002)
condition for remaining a member of the Bar. As such,
the admission of Vic Pugote to the Bar does not render A: Atty. BB is not justified in ignoring the orders of the
the question moot and academic. The requirement of Commission on Bar Discipline. In doing so, he violated
good moral character is not only a condition precedent his oath of office for disobeying orders of a duly
to admission to the practice of law, its continued constituted authority. A lawyer shall not counsel or abet
possession is also essential for remaining in the practice
activities aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening
of law (In the Matter of the Disqualification of Bar
confidence in the legal system. (Rule 1.02; Panganiban v.
Examinee Haron S. Meling, B.M. No. 1154, June 8, 2004).
Borromeo, 58 Phil. 367)
Q: Prior to his admission to the freshman year in a
Duties and Responsibilities of a Lawyer
reputable law school, bar examinee A was charged
before the Municipal Trial Court with damage to
property through reckless imprudence for To Society
accidentally sideswiping a parked jeepney. The case
was amicably settled with A agreeing to pay the Respect for law and legal processes
claim of the jeepney owner for P1,000.00. In his
application to take the 1997 Bar Examinations, A did Q: Distinguish “Ambulance Chasing” from “Barratry”.
not disclose the above incident. Is he qualified to (1993)
take the Bar Examinations? (1997, 2005)
A: Ambulance chasing is the lawyer’s act of chasing an
A: Rule 7.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility ambulance carrying the victim of an accident for the
provides that “a lawyer shall be answerable for purpose of talking to the said victim or relatives and
knowingly making a false statement or suppressing a offering his legal services for the filing of a case against
material fact in connection with his application for the person who caused the accident. It refers more to a
admission to the bar”. In the case of In re: Ramon Galang, lawyer who instigates a victim in a motor vehicle
66 SCRA 245, the respondent repeatedly omitted to accident to file a case. Barratry is an offense of exciting
make mention of the fact that there was a pending or stirring up suits and quarrels. It is any form of
criminal case for slight physical injuries against him in fomenting suit. Both are improper and unethical acts of
all four (4) applications for admission to take the bar a lawyer.
examinations. He was found to have fraudulently
concealed and withheld such fact from the Supreme Q: During the course of his cross-examination, your
Court and committed perjury. The Supreme Court cited client had testified to events and circumstances
the rule that “the concealment of an attorney in his which you personally know to be untrue. If his
testimony was given credence and accepted as fact
application to take the bar examinations of the fact that
by the court, you are sure to win your client’s case.
he had been charged with, or indicted for, an alleged
Under the Code of Professional Responsibility, what
crime, is a ground for revocation of his license to is your obligation to the public? (1994)
practice law.”
A’s failure to disclose that he had been charged with A: A lawyer shall not engage in lawful, dishonest,
damage to property through reckless imprudence in his immoral or deceitful conduct (Code of Professional
application for admission to the bar examinations Responsibility, Canon 1, Rule 1.01). A lawyer shall not
disqualifies him. It does not matter that the offense counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance of the law or
charged does not involve moral turpitude or has been at lessening confidence in the legal system (Code of
Professional Responsibility, Canon 1, Rule 1.02).
amicably settled. When the applicant concealed a charge
of a crime against him but which crime does not involve
moral turpitude, this concealment nevertheless will be Q: Atty. Asilo, a lawyer and a notary public,
notarized a document already prepared by spouses
Q: You are the managing partner of a law firm. A new Q: A lone law practitioner Bartolome D. Carton, who
foreign airline company, recently granted rights by inherited the law office from his deceased father
the Civil Aeronautics Board at the NAIA, is scouting Antonio C. Carton, carries these names:
for a law firm which could handle its cases in the “Carton & Carton Law Office.” Is that permissible or
Philippines and provide legal services to the objectionable? Explain. (2001, 1996, 1994)
company and its personnel. After discussing with
you the extent of the legal services your law firm is A: Rule 3.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
prepared to render, the general manager gives you a provides as follows: “In the choice of a firm name, no
letter-proposal from another law firm in which its false, misleading or assumed name shall be used; the
time-billing rates and professional fees for various continued use of the name of deceased partner is
legal services are indicated. You are asked to submit permissible provided that the firm indicates in all its
a similar letter-proposal stating your firm’s communications that the partner is deceased.” Since
proposed fees. The airline company’s general Atty. Antonio C. Carton is a solo practitioner, it is
manager also tells you that, if your proposed fees improper for him to use the firm name “Carton & Carton
would at least be 25 percent lower than those Law Office”, which indicates that he is and/or was in
proposed by the other firm, you will get the partnership with his father. Even if he indicates in all his
company’s legal business. How would you react to communication that his father is already dead, the use of
the suggestion? (1997) the firm name is still misleading because his father was
never his partner before. A lawyer is not authorized to
use in his practice of profession a name other than the
A: I will emphasize to the General Manager that the one inscribed in the Roll of Attorneys.
practice of law is a profession and not a trade.
Consequently, I will not propose a lower fee just for the
sake of competing with another firm, because such Q: Facing disciplinary charges for advertising as a
lawyer, Atty. A argues that although the calling card
practice smacks of commercialism. Moreover, Rule 2.04
of his businessman friend indicates his law office
of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a
and his legal specialty, the law office is located in his
lawyer shall not charge rates lower than those
friend’s store. Decide. (2001)
customarily prescribed unless the circumstances so
warrant. I will charge fees that will be reasonable under
the circumstances. A: This appears to be a circumvention of the prohibition
True, honest, fair, dignified and objective information on on improper advertising. There is no valid reason why
legal services the lawyer’s businessman friend should be handling out
calling cards which contains the lawyer’s law office and
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
does not cover pleadings filed with the NLRC, as it is not divide or stipulate to divide a fee for legal service
not a court, nor are any of its Commissioners with persons not licensed to practice law “. The
Justices or Judges. secretary is not licensed to practice law and is not
entitled to a share of the fees for notarizing affidavits,
Is Atty. Y administratively liable under the Code of which is a legal service.
Professional Responsibility? Explain. (2010)
Q: The Supreme Court suspended indefinitely Atty.
A: Atty. Y “has clearly violated Canons 8 and 11 of the Fernandez from the practice of law for gross
Code of Professional Responsibility and is immorality. He asked the Municipal Circuit Trial
administratively liable. A lawyer shall not in his Court Judge of his town if he can be appointed
professional dealings, use language which is abusive, counsel de oficio for Tony, a childhood friend who is
offensive or otherwise inproper” (CPR, Rule 8.01). A accused of theft. The judge refused because Atty.
lawyer shall abstain from scandalous, offensive or Fernandez’s name appears in the Supreme Court’s
menacing language or behaviour before the courts (CPR, List of Suspended Lawyers. Atty. Fernandez then
Rule 11.03). inquired if he can appear as a friend for Tony to
defend him. Supposing Tony is a defendant in a civil
In the case of Johnny Ng v. Atty. Benjamin C. Alar (507 case for collection of sum of money before the same
SCRA 465), which involves the same facts, the Supreme court, can Atty. Fernandez appear for him to conduct
Court held that the argument that the NLRC is not a his litigation? (2006)
court, is unavailing. The lawyer remains a member of the
Bar, an “oath-bound servant of the law, whose first duty A: Even if Tony is a defendant in a civil case, Atty.
is not to his client but to the administration of justice Fernandez cannot be allowed to appear for him to
and whose conduct ought to be and must be conduct his litigation; otherwise, the judge will be
scrupulously observant of law and ethics.” violating Canon 9 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility which provides that “a lawyer shall not,
The Supreme Court also held that the argument that directly or indirectly, assist in the unauthorized practice
labor practitioners are entitled to some latitude of of law.”
righteous anger is unavailing. It does not deter the Court
from exercising its supervisory authority over lawyers
To the Courts
who misbehave or fail to live up to that standard
expected of them as members of the Bar.
Candor, fairness and good faith towards the courts
Q: Myrna, petitioner for a case for custody of
children against her husband, sought advice from Q: In a pending labor case, Atty. A filed a Position
Atty. Mendoza whom she met at a party. She Paper on behalf of his client, citing a Supreme Court
informed Atty. Mendoza that her lawyer, Atty. Khan, case and quoting a portion of the decision therein
has been charging her exorbitant appearance fees which he stated reflected the ratio decidendi.
when all he does is move for postponement which However, what he quoted was not actually the
have unduly delayed the proceedings; and that Supreme Court ruling but the argument of one of the
recently, she learned that Atty. Khan approached parties to the case. May Atty. A be faulted
her husband asking for huge amount in exchange for administratively? Explain. (2000)
the withdrawal of her Motion for Issuance of Hold
Departure Order so that he and his children can A: Yes, he may be faulted administratively. A lawyer
leave for abroad. What should Atty. Mendoza do owes candor, fairness and good faith to the court. Rule
about the information relayed to him by Myrna that 10.02 of the Code of Professional Conduct expressly
Atty. Khan approached her husband with an provides that a lawyer shall not knowingly misquote or
indecent proposal? (2006) misrepresent the contents of a paper, the language or
the argument of opposing counsel, or the text of a
A: Atty. Mendoza can advise her to terminate the service decision or authority, or knowingly cite as law a
of Atty. Khan and/or file an administrative case against provision already rendered inoperative by repeal or
amendment, or assert as a fact that which has not has
Atty. Khan. It is the right of any lawyer, without fear or
been proved. To cite an argument of one of the parties as
favor, to give proper advice and assistance to those
a ratio decidendi of a Supreme Court decision shows, at
seeking relief against unfaith or neglectful counsel (Code
least, lack of diligence on the part of Atty. A (Commission
of Professional Responsibility, Rule 8.02).
on Election v. Noynay, 292 SCRA 254).
No assistance in unauthorized practice of law Respect for courts and judicial officers
Q: You had just taken your oath as a lawyer. The Q: Having lost in the Regional Trial Court and then in
secretary to the president of a big university offered the Court of Appeals, Atty. Mercado appealed to the
to get you as the official notary public of the school. Supreme Court. In a minute resolution, the Supreme
She explained that a lot of students lose their Court denied his petition for review for lack of
Identification Cards and are required to secure an merit. He filed a motion for reconsideration which
affidavit of loss before they can be issued a new one. was also denied. After the judgment had become
She claimed that this would be very lucrative for final and executory, Atty. Mercado publicly criticized
you, as more than 30 students lose their the Supreme Court for having rendered what he
Identification Cards every month. However, the called an unjust judgment, even as he ridiculed the
secretary wants you to give her one-half of your members of the Court by direct insults and
earnings there from. Will you agree to the vituperative innuendoes. Asked to explain why he
arrangement? Explain. (2005) should not be punished for his clearly contemptuous
statements, Atty. Mercado sets up the defense that
A: No, I will not agree. Rule 9.02 of the Code of his statements were uttered after the litigation had
Assistance in the speedy and efficient administration of Reliance on merits of his cause and avoidance of any
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
impropriety which tends to influence or gives the A: I will decline to give any comment. Rule 13.02 of the
appearance of influence upon the courts Code of Professional Responsibility provides that “a
lawyer shall not make public statements in the media
Q: Atty. J requested Judge K to be a principal sponsor regarding a pending case tending to arouse public
at the wedding of his son. Atty. J met Judge K a opinion for against a party.”
month before. During an IBP-sponsored reception to
Q: Rico, an amiable, sociable lawyer, owns a share in
welcome Judge K into the community, and having Marina Golf Club, easily one of the more posh golf
learned that Judge K takes his breakfast at a coffee courses. He relishes hosting parties for government
shop near his (Judge K’s) boarding house, Atty. J officials and members of the bench.
made it a point to be at the coffee shop at about the One day, he had a chance meeting with a judge in the
time that Judge K takes his breakfast. Comment on Intramuros golf course. The two readily got along
Atty. J’s acts. Do they violate the Code of Professional well and had since been regularly playing golf
Responsibility? (2000) together at the Marina Golf Club.
Q: May a lawyer decline an appointment by the court Q: Atty. Vidal, a semi-retired Metro Manila law
as counsel de oficio for an accused because he practitioner, has a cattle ranch in the remote
believes, and is fully convinced that the accused is municipality of Caranglan, Neuva Ecija. He attends to
guilty of the crime charged? (1991) his law office in Manila on Mondays, Tuesdays and
Wednesdays, and spends the rest of the week in his
cattle ranch riding horses and castrating bulls. In a
A: A lawyer may not decline an appointment as counsel criminal case pending before the Municipal Trial
de oficio even if he is convinced that the accused is Court of Caranglan, the only other licensed member
guilty. It is his obligation to at least protect his rights. He of the Bar is representing the private complainant.
might even have him acquitted or at least reduce his The accused is a detention prisoner. The judge
penalty depending on the evidence presented during the wants to expedite proceedings.
a. What must the judge do to expedite
Q: Give three instances when a lawyer is allowed to proceedings?
withdraw his/her services (2015). b. If Attorney Vidal is appointed to act as counsel
de oficio for the accused, could he refuse by
A: saying that in the province, he does not want to
1. When the client pursues an illegal or immoral do anything except ride horses and castrate
course of conduct in connection with the matter he bulls? Explain. (1993)
is handling;
2. When the client insists that the lawyer pursue A:
conduct violative of these canons and rules; a. The judge may appoint Atty. Vidal as counsel de
3. When his inability to work with co-counsel will not oficio in order to expedite the proceedings. This is
promote the best interest of the client; especially because the accused is a detention
4. When the mental or physical condition of the lawyer prisoner who is presumed to be indigent and cannot
renders it difficult for him to carry out the retain a paid counsel.
employment effectively b. Atty. Vidal cannot validly refuse the appointment as
5. When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for counsel de oficio. While it is true that he stays in the
the services or fails to comply with the retainer province to rest during the latter part of the week as
agreement lawyer he must comply with his oath to assist in the
6. When the lawyer is elected or appointed to a public administration of justice. Precisely one of the
office; and objectives of the Integrated Bar is to compel all
7. Other similar cases. lawyers in the active practice of law to comply with
their obligation to assist the courts in the
Q: A is accused of robbery in a complaint filed by B. A administration of justice.
sought free legal assistance from the Public
Attorney’s Office (PAO) and Atty. C was assigned to Q: Should a lawyer accept the losing case in a civil
handle his case. After reviewimg the facts as stated case. Explain. (1996)
in the complaint and as narrated by A, Atty. C is
convinced that A is guilty. A: A lawyer may not accept a “losing” civil case. Firstly,
his signature in every pleading constitutes a certification
a. May Atty. C refuse to handle the defense of A and that there is good cause to support it and that it is not
ask to be relieved? Explain fully. interposed for delay (Rules of Court, Rule 7, Sec. 5).
b. In problem (A), if the lawyer is counsel de parte Secondly, it is the lawyer’s duty to counsel or maintain
for the accused and he learns later after such actions or proceedings only as appear to him to be
accepting the case and while trial is ongoing that just and such defenses only as he believes to be honestly
his client was indeed the perpetrator of the debatable under the law (Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec.
crime, may the lawyer withdraw his appearance 20[a]). Thirdly, he is not to encourage either the
from the case? Why or why not? (2014) commencement or continuance of an action or
proceeding or delay any man’s cause for any corrupt
A: motive or interests (Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 20[g]).
a. Rule 14.04 of the Code of Professional Responsibility Fourthly, he must decline to conduct a civil case or to
provides that a lawyer shall not decline to represent make a defense when convinced that it is intended
a person solely on account of his own opinion merely to harass or endure the opposite party or to
regarding the guilt of the said person. It is not the work oppression or wrong (Canons of Professional
duty of a lawyer to determine whether the accused Ethics, Canon 130). If a lawyer were to accept a bad civil
is guilty or not, but the judge’s. Besides, in a criminal case, it will either be to exert his best efforts towards a
case, the accused is presumed innocent, and he is compromise or, if unsuccessful, to advise his client to
entitled to an acquittal unless his guilt is proven confess judgment.
beyond reasonable doubt. The role of the lawyer is
to see to it that his constitutional right to due Q: Would your answer be the same if he is asked to
process is observed. be counsel for a defendant in a civil case whose
b. He may withdraw his appearance but in accordance defense is based on falsified documents? If your
with procedure in Sec. 26, Rule 138 of the Rules of answer is different, explain the ethical
Court. Moreover, Rule 19.02 of the Code of considerations for difference. (1991)
Professional Responsibility provides that “a lawyer
who has received information that his client has, in
A: If the defense in a civil case is based on falsified
the course of the representation, perpetuated a
documents the lawyer should decline. This is in
fraud upon a person or tribunal, shall promptly call
compliance with the lawyer’s oath that he should not
upon the client to rectify the same, and failing
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
equivalent to a retainer of the members thereof. for an amicable settlement look bright. Impressed
by your ability, Mr. “I”, the defendant, would like
Q: Primo, Segundo and Tercero are co-accused in very much to retain you as his defense counsel in a
information charging them with the crime of criminal case for homicide through reckless
homicide. They are respectively represented by imprudence. Mr. “I” wants you to forthwith enter
Attys. Juan Uno, Jose Dos and Pablo Tres. During the your appearance, the arraignment already having
pre-trial conference, Attys. Uno and Dos manifested been scheduled. Would you accept the offer? (1997)
to the court that their clients are invoking alibi as
their defense. Atty. Tres made it known that accused A: It depends. If the criminal case for homicide through
Tercero denies involvement and would testify that reckless imprudence is against Mr. “H”, I cannot accept
Primo and Segundo actually perpetrated the the same for that will involve a conflict of interest,
commission of the offense charged in the although it is an unrelated case.
information. But if it will not involve Mr. “H”, I can accept the same.
However, to avoid suspicion and misunderstanding, it
In one hearing during the presentation of the would be better if I inform Mr. “H” about the offer and
prosecution’s evidence in chief, Atty. Uno failed to secure his conformity to my handling the same.
appear in court. When queried by the Judge if
accused Primo is willing to proceed with the hearing Q: Atty. B acted as counsel for C in a civil case. He
despite his counsel’s absence, Primo gave his also acted as counsel for D against C in another civil
consent provided Attys. Dos and Tres would be case. When D lost his case against C, he filed an
designated as his joint counsel de oficio for that administrative complaint against Atty. B for conflict
particular hearing. Thereupon, the court directed of interests. Decide. (1991)
Attys. Dos and Tres to act as counsel de oficio of
accused Primo only for purposes of the scheduled A: If the case of C in the first case is entirely different
hearing. and not related with the case of D against C, there is no
conflict of interests. If the two cases however are related
Atty. Dos accepted his designation, but Atty. Tres wherein the attorney has knowledge of the evidence of C
refused. Is there any impediment to Atty. Dos acting then there is conflict of interests. Rule 15.01 provides
as counsel de oficio for accused Primo? Reason. that: A lawyer in conferring with a prospective client
(2004) shall ascertain as soon as practicable whether the
matter would involve a conflict with another client or
A: There is no impediment to Atty. Dos acting as counsel his own interest, and if so, shall forthwith inform the
de oficio for accused Primo. There is no conflict of prospective client. Rule 15.03 further provides that: A
interest involved between Primo and his client Segundo, lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by
considering that both are invoking alibi as their defense. written consent of all concerned given after a full
disclosure of the facts.
Q: May Atty. Tres legally refuse his designation as
counsel de oficio of accused Primo? Reason. (2004) Q: The law firm of Sale, Santiago and Aldeguer has
an existing and current retainership agreement with
A: Atty. Tres may legally refuse his designation as XYZ Corporation and ABC Company, both of which
counsel de oficio of accused Primo. Since the defense of were pharmaceutical firms. XYZ Corporation
his client Tercero is that Primo and Segundo actually discovered that a number of its patented drugs had
perpetrated the commission of the offense for which been duplicated and sold in the market under ABC
they are all charged, there is a conflict of interests Company’s brand names. XYZ Corporation turned to
between Tercero and Primo. There is conflicting the law firm and asked it to bring suit against ABC
interests if there is inconsistency in the interests of two Company for patent infringement on several counts.
or more opposing parties. The test is whether or not in What are the ethical considerations involved in this
behalf of one client, it is the lawyer’s duty to fight for an case and how are you going to resolve them? (1994)
issue or claim but it is his duty to oppose it for the other
client (Canons of Professional Ethics, Canon 6). A: A lawyer may refuse to accept the representation of a
client if he labors under conflict of interests between
Q: You are the counsel for the estate of a deceased him and the prospective client or between a present
person. Your wife is a practicing Certified Public client and the prospective client (Code of Professional
Accountant. She was asked by her client to prepare Responsibility, Canon 14, Rule 14.03). It is unprofessional
and submit an itemized claim against the estate you for a lawyer to represent conflicting interests, except by
are representing. She asks for your advice on the express consent of all concerned given after full
legal propriety of her client’s claim. What advice disclosure of the fact (Canons of Professional Ethics,
would you give her? Explain. (2003) Canon 6). A lawyer cannot accept a case against a
present client either in the same case or in a totally
A: I would advise her that it will be improper for her to unrelated case.
handle her client’s claim against the estate. As a counsel
for the estate, it is my duty to preserve the estate. Her Q: Atty. Juan Cruz, a practicing lawyer, was
client’s claim seeks to reduce the said estate. If she will employed by Pilipinas Bank as its bank attorney and
handle such claim, I can be suspected of representing notary public in three of its branches in Manila.
conflicting interests. The interests of the estate and of its While thus employed, Maria del Rio, who was
creditors are adverse to each other (Nakpil v. Valdez, 288 unaware of Atty. Cruz’s employment in the bank,
SCRA 75). Even if she is a different person, the fact that engaged Atty. Cruz’s services as a lawyer in a case
she is my wife will still give rise to the impression that that was filed by Pilipinas Bank for collection of sum
we are acting as one. of money involving one of its branches in Quezon
Q: You are the lawyer of Mr.”H”, the plaintiff, in a City which Atty. Cruz accepted. The Quezon City
civil case for rescission of contract. The prospects Regional Trial Court, after due proceeding and
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
the canons and rules. Rule 15.07 provides that a lawyer and grossly immoral acts, which might lessen the trust
shall impress upon his client compliance with the laws and confidence reposed by the public in the fidelity,
and the principles of fairness. While he owes his client honesty, and integrity of the legal profession,
warm zeal, it should always be within the bounds of the consequently, the Court disbarred him.
law (Code of Professional Responsibility, Canon 19). The
fact that Atty. Derecho had already accepted a sizeable Competence and diligence
retainer’s fee should make no difference on his decision
to withdraw. Moreover, he may retain the fees he has Q: Attorney M accepted a civil case for the recovery
already received, his withdrawal being justified (Pineda, of title and possession of land in behalf of N.
Legal & Judicial Ethics, 1994 edition, p. 223), unless the Subsequently, after the Regional Trial Court had
same is unconscionable. issued a decision adverse to N, the latter filed an
administrative case against attorney M for
Fiduciary relationship disbarment. He alleged that attorney M caused the
adverse ruling against him; that Attorney M did not
Q: A lawyer charged his client P10, 000.00 for filing file an opposition to the Demurrer to Evidence filed
fees pertaining to the complaint he filed in court. He in the case, neither did he appear at the formal
actually spent only P1, 000.00. He did not account hearing on the demurrer, leading the trial court to
the balance. May his client charge him for assume that plaintiff’s counsel (Attorney M)
misconduct as a member of the Philippine bar? appeared convinced of the validity of the demurrer
Explain your answer. (1990) filed; that attorney M did not even file a motion for
reconsideration, causing the order to become final
A: The client may charge his lawyer with misconduct for and executory; and that even prior to the above
not accounting for the balance on P9, 000.00. It is well- elements and in view of attorney M’s apparent loss
settled that where the client gives his lawyer money for of interest in the case, he verbally requested
a specific purpose, such as to pay the docket fees for the attorney M to withdraw, but attorney M refused.
filing of an action in court, so much of the money not Complainant further alleged that Attorney M abused
used for the purpose belongs to the client and the his client’s trust and confidence and violated his
lawyer holds in it trust for him. And it is the lawyer’s oath of office in failing to defend his client’s cause to
duty to promptly account for all money received from the very end.
his client. For this reason, the lawyer’s failure to account
for the balance of the money not spent for filing fees will Attorney M replied that N did not give him his full
render him liable for misappropriation, which is a cooperation; that the voluminous records turned
ground for disbarment. over to him were in disarray, and that when he
appeared for N, he had only half of the information
Client’s moneys and properties; Fidelity to client’s cause and background of the case; that he was assured by
N’s friends that they had approached the judge; that
Q: C engaged the services of attorney D concerning they requested him (M) to prepare a motion for
various mortgage contracts entered into by her reconsideration which he did and gave to them;
husband from whom she is separated fearful that however, these friends did not return the copy of the
her real estate properties will be foreclosed and of motion. Will the administrative case proper? Give
impending suits for sums of money against her. reasons for your answer. (2007)
Attorney D advised C to give him her land titles
covering her lots so he could sell them to enable her A: The administrative case will prosper. In failing to file
to pay her creditors. He then persuaded her to an opposition to the Demurrer to Evidence and to
execute deeds of sale in his favor without any appear at the hearing thereof, and, more so, in failing to
monetary or valuable consideration, to which C file a motion for reconsideration of the order granting
agreed on condition that he would sell the lots and the demurrer, thereby causing the same to become final
from the proceeds pay her creditors. Later on, C and executory, Attorney M violated Canon 18 of the Code
came to know that attorney D did not sell her lots of Professional Responsibility, which provides that a
but instead paid her creditors with his own funds lawyer shall serve his client with competence and
and had her land titles registered in his name. Did diligence, and Rule 18.03 which provides that a lawyer
attorney D violate the Code of Professional shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him and his
Responsibility? Explain. (2009, 2007) negligence in connection therewith shall make him
A: The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of
Hernandez v. Go (450 SCRA 1) is squarely applicable to In refusing to comply with N’s request to withdraw from
this problem. Under the same set of facts, the Supreme the case, Atty. M violated the rule that a client has the
Court held the lawyer to have violated Canons 16 and 17 absolute right to terminate the lawyer client
of the Code of Professional Responsibility, which provide relationship at any time with or without cause.
as follows:
Atty. M’s defense that the voluminous records turned
over to him were in disarray and when he appeared for
Canon 16. A lawyer shall hold in trust all
moneys and properties of his client hat may B he had only half of the information and background of
come into his possession. the case, is not meritorious. Rule 18.02 provides that he
shall not handle any legal matter without adequate
Canon 17. A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause preparation. He should have been competent and
of his client and he shall be mindful of the diligent enough to organize the records given to him,
trust and confidence reposed in him. and not go to trial with only half of the information and
knowledge of the case. It is his duty to go to trial to go to
The Supreme Court further held that the lawyer trial adequately prepared (Code of Professional
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his If a lawyer cannot contact his client at once after
negligence in connection therewith shall render him receiving the adverse decision, the prudent step for him
liable (Code of Professional Responsibility, Rule 18.03). to take is to file a notice of appeal, and withdraw it
Worse, he was negligent because he placed his own afterwards if his client should decide against the appeal.
interest in receiving a high notarial fee over and above It is the client’s decision whether or not to appeal.
the interest of his client. As a lawyer, Atty. Nilo owes it to
Nene to exercise his utmost lerning and ability in Collaborating counsel
maintaining the cause of his client. In the case of
Nadayag v. Grageda, 237 SCRA 202, which involves Q: Atty. A discovered his client’s fraud against the
similar facts, the Supreme Court held that the lawyer adverse party. What steps should he take so that his
“should have been conscientious in seeing to it that client will secure only that which is legally and
justice permeated every aspect of a transaction for justifiably due him? (2001)
which his services had been engaged, in conformity with
the avowed duties of a worthy member of the Bar.” A: “A lawyer shall not undertake a legal service which he
knows or should know that he is not qualified to render.
Q: Due to the number of cases handled by Atty. However, he may render such service if, with the
Cesar, he failed to file a notice of change of address consent of his client, he can obtain as collaborating
with the Court of Appeals. Hence, he was not able to counsel a lawyer who is competent on the matter” (Rule
file an appellant’s brief and consequently, the case 18.0 Code of Professional Conduct).
was dismissed. Aggrieves, Atty. Cesar filed a motion
for reconsideration of the resolution dismissing the Q: Under Canon 19 of the Code of Professional
appeal and to set aside the entry of judgment on the Responsibility, “a lawyer shall represent his client
ground that he already indicated in his “Urgent with zeal within the bounds of the law.” How far, in
Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal Brief” general terms, may lawyer go in advocating,
his new address and that his failure to file a notice of supporting and defending the cause of his client in a
change of address is an excusable negligence. Will criminal case filed against the latter? (2003)
the motion prosper? Explain. (2005)
A: “The right to counsel must be more than just the
A: The motion will not prosper. It is the lawyer’s duty to presence of the lawyer in the court room or the mere
inform the court or to make of record of his change of propounding of the standard questions and objections.
address. His failure to do so does not constitute The right to counsel means that the accused is simply
excusable negligence. The lawyer cannot presume that accorded legal assistance extended by a counsel who
the court will take cognizance of the new address in his commits himself to the cause of the defense and acts
motion for extension of time (Philippines Suburban Dev. accordingly. The right assumes an active involvement by
Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 100 SCRA 109). The legal the lawyer in the proceedings, particularly at the trial of
profession demands of a lawyer that degree of vigilance the case, his bearing constantly in mind the basic rights
and attention expected of a good father of a family (PBC of the accused, his being well-versed on the case and his
v. Aruego, CA-G.R. No. 28274, June 18, 1965). knowing the fundamental procedure, essential laws and
existing jurisprudence. The right of an accused to
Q: On account of his mistake, is counsel liable to his counsel finds substance in the performance by the
client for damages? Explain. (2002) lawyer of his sworn duty of fidelity to his client. Tersely
put, it means an efficient and truly decisive legal
A: A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to assistance and not a simple perfunctory representation”
him and his negligence in connection therewith shall (People v. Bernas, 306 SCRA 293, cited in People v. Sta.
make him liable (Code of Professional Responsibility, Rule Teresa, 354 SCRA 697). However, a lawyer shall employ
18.03). A client who suffers prejudice by reason of his only honorable and honest means in the maintenance of
counsel’s inexcusable negligence in the discharge of his his client’s cause (Rules of Court, Rule 128, Sec. 20).
duty may file an action for damages against him.
However, there must be a showing that had the lawyer Q: Under the Code of Professional Responsibility, a
exercised due diligence, the client under the facts and lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and
the law would have succeeded in recovering from the shall represent his and shall represent his client
adverse party or in resisting the claim of the latter. with zeal in the maintenance and defense of his
rights. How far, in general terms, may a lawyer go in
Duty to apprise client advocating, supporting and defending his client’s
rights and interests? (1997)
Q: After reading the decision against his client Jose
Kapuspalad, Atty. Calmante was convinced that it
A: Rule 19.01 of Code of Professional Responsibility
had a reasonable basis and that he would have
difficulty obtaining a reversal. For this reason, Atty. provides that a lawyer shall employ only fair and honest
Calmante did not appeal. When Jose learned about means to obtain the lawful objectives of is client. In
the judgment against him, he blamed Atty. Calmante championing the cause of his client, a lawyer should
for not taking a timely appeal and filed an employ only such means are consistent with truth and
administrative complaint for negligence against the honor. He should not go beyond the bounds of the ethics
latter. Decide the case. (2002) of his profession.
file an appeal in the belief that such appeal would be insurance claimant Andy Limot who also sued
useless. He thus deprived his client of his right to appeal. Dormir Insurance. The insurance policy requires the
Limot testified during the trial that he had mailed Q: Mindful that the law is a profession and not a
the notice of the loss to the insurance agent, but trade or business, what are the factors must you, as
admitted that he lost the registry receipt so that he a lawyer, consider in charging reasonable
did not have any documentary evidence of the fact of compensation for your services? (2014, 1994)
mailing and of the timeliness of the mailed notice.
Dormir Insurance denied liability, contending that A:
the timely notice had not been given either to the a. The time spent and the extent of the services
company or its agent. Atty. Bravo’s client, agent rendered or required;
Negar, testified and confirmed that he never b. The novelty and difficulty of the questions involved;
received any notice. c. The importance of the subject;
d. The skill demanded;
A few days after Negar testified, he admitted to Atty. e. The probability of losing other employment as a
Bravo that he had lied when he denied receipt f result of acceptance of the preferred case;
Limot’s notice; he did receive the notice by mail but f. The customary charges for similar services and the
immediately shredded it to defeat Limot’s claim. schedule of fees of the IBP chapter to which he
If you were Atty. Bravo, what would you do in light of belongs;
your client’s (Carlos Negar’s) disclosure that he g. The amount involved in the controversy and the
perjured himself when he testified? (2013) benefits resulting to the client from the services;
h. The contingency or certainty of compensation;
A: If I were Atty. Bravo, I shall promptly call upon Carlos i. The character of the employment, whether
occasional or established; and
Negar, my client, to rectify his perjured testimony by
j. The professional standing of the lawyer (Code of
recanting the same before the court. Professional Responsibility, Canon 20, Rule 20.1).
Should he refuse or fail to do so I shall then terminate
my relationship with him (Code of Professional Q: Cite some of the characteristics of the legal
Responsibility, Canon 19, Rule 19.02) stating that with his profession which distinguish it from business
having committed perjury he pursued an illegal conduct (2015).
in connection with the case (CPR, Canon 22, Rule 22.01).
A: The primary characteristics which distinguish the
Since my client Limot refuses to forego the advantage
legal profession from a business are:
thus unjustly gained as a result of his perjury, I should
promptly inform the injured person or his counsel, so 1. A duty of public service of which emolument is a by-
that they may take the appropriate steps (Canons of product, and in which one may attain the highest
Professional Ethics, Canon 41). eminence without making much money;
2. A relation as officer of the court to the
Finally, as part of my duty to do no falsehood, nor administration of justice involving thorough
consent to the doing of any in court (Code of Professional sincerity, integrity and reliability;
Responsibility, Canon 10, Rule 10.01, and Attorney’s Oath). 3. A relation to client in the highest degree of fiduciary;
I shall file a manifestation with the court attaching and
thereto the notice of termination as Limot’s counsel. 4. A relation to colleagues characterized by candor,
fairness and unwillingness to resort to current
Attorney’s fees business methods of advertising and encroachment
on their practice, or dealing directly with their
Q: What is your understanding of quantum meruit as clients (In Re Sycip, 92 SCRA 1).
attorney’s fees? (1998)
Q: Miss Amparo engaged the services of Atty. Rito, a
A: Quantum meruit literally means “as much as he young lawyer and her former boyfriend, to act as her
deserve”. It is a measure for the lawyer’s fees in the counsel in a case. True to his lawyer's oath, Atty. Rito
absence of a contract, or when the fees stipulated in a represented her to the best of his ability even when
contract are found unconscionable, or when the lawyer’s he had no opportunity to talk to her on the progress
services are terminated for a cause. The lawyer is of the case. When the case was terminated, Amparo
entitled to receive what he merits for his services, as refused to pay Atty. Rito fees on the ground that
much as he has earned. The factors to be taken into there was no written contract of their professional
consideration are enumerated in Rule 22 of the Code of relationship. Can Amparo justify her action? (1991)
Professional Responsibility.
A: Amparo may not justify her refusal to compensate
Q: When is recovery of attorney’s fees based on Atty. Rito for his legal services. An attorney is entitled to
quantum meruit allowed? (2014, 2007) attorney’s fees for services rendered even in the absence
of a contract for attorney’s fees.
A: Recovery of attorney’s fees on the basis of quantum
meruit is authorized (1) when there is no express Q: If Amparo cannot, upon what basis then may Atty.
contract for payment of attorney’s fees agreed upon Rito be compensated? What are the considerations
between the lawyer and the client; (2) when although to be taken into account? (1991)
there is a formal contract for attorney’s fees, the fees
stipulated are found unconscionable or unreasonable by A: Atty. Rito has the right to demand attorney’s fees
the court; and (3) when the contract for attorney’s fees based on an implied contract and for services rendered.
is void due to purely formal defects of execution; (4) The determination of the amount of attorney’s fees will
when the counsel, for justifiable cause, was not able to be based on quantum meruit, namely; time spent and
finish the case to its conclusion; (5) when lawyer and
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
extent of services rendered; novelty of the case; Union and National Insurance Co.,76 Phil. 325). It might
importance of the subject matter; skill demanded; even turn out to be unproductive for him for potential
probability of losing other employment; customary clients are likely to avoid a lawyer with a reputation of
changes, amount involved; contingency or certainty of using his clients.
compensation; professional standing and capacity of the
client to pay. Q: What is “Assumpsit” and when is it proper?
Q: Atty. Chito Sobretodo was retained by Buddy
Capilla to handle his case in the Securities and A: Assumpsit is an action in common law for the
Exchange Commission. There is a tax angle so recovery of damages for the non-performance of a parol
Sobretodo consulted Atty. Romy Collado, a tax or simple contract (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Vol. 1). The
expert, and for his assistance shared 50% of the term has been used in relation to the collection of
retainer fees with Collado. Is this proper? Explain attorney’s fees on a quantum meruit basis. Where the
your answer. (1990) lawyer has been employed without a contract for his
compensation, he is entitled to recover an amount his
A: There is no impropriety in the sharing of attorney’s services merit, on the basis of an implied promise by the
fees with tax expert Atty. Romy Collado. This is client to pay for such services. This has been referred to
delegation of work and not delegation of a case. As long as assumpsit on quantum meruit (Quiban v. Robino, 171
as Atty. Sobretodo is responsible to his client, Buddy SCRA 768).
Capilla, even if he delegated the research work to Atty.
Collado, there is no impropriety in said arrangement. Contingency fee arrangements
What is prohibited by the Code of Professional
Responsibility is splitting of attorney’s fees with a non-
lawyer. Q: For services to be rendered by Atty. Delmonico as
counsel for Wag Yu in a case involving 5,000 sq.m. of
land, the two agreed on a success fee of P50,000 plus
Q: A real estate company, elated over the decision in
a case regarding a dispute over a personal matter 500 sq.m. of the land. The trial court rendered
between its top sales representative and his judgment in favor of Wag Yu which became final and
executory. After receiving P50,000, Atty. Delmonico
neighbor, gifted Atty. O, who represented its sales
demanded the transfer to him of the promised 500
representative in the litigation, with a 240-square-
sq.m. Instead of complying, Wag Yu filed an
meter lot in its newly developed subdivision. The
administrative complaint charging Atty. Delmonico
case handled by Atty. O had nothing to do with the
with violation of the Code of Professional
sales representative in the litigation, with a 240
Responsibility and Art. 1491(5) of the Civil Code for
square-meter lot in its newly developed subdivision.
demanding the delivery of a portion of the land
The case handled by Atty. O had nothing to do with
subject of litigation.
the sales representative’s work for the real estate
company. The latter’s offer of the lot, which Atty. O
Is Atty. Delmonico liable under the Code of
accepted, was in consideration of its sales
Professional Responsibility and the Civil Code?
representative’s being the firm’s number one
Explain. (2010, 2008)
salesman. Was there a breach of the Code of
Professional Responsibility by Atty. O when he
A: Atty. Delmonico is not guilty of violating the Code of
accepted the 240 square-meter lot? (1997)
Professional Responsibility and the Civil Code.
A: Rule 20.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility He and his client agreed on a success fee of P50,000 plus
provides that a lawyer shall not, without the full 500 sq.m. of the land involved in the case that he was
knowledge and consent of the client, accept any fee, handling. This is a contingent fee contract which is
reward, costs, commission, interest, rebate of allowed under Canon 20, Rule 20.01 of the Code of
forwarding allowance or other compensation Professional Responsibility and Canon 13 of the Code of
whatsoever related to his professional employment Professional Ethics. A contingent fee agreement does not
from anyone other than the client. “(T)here should be no violate Art. 1491 of the Civil Code because the transfer or
room for suspicion on the part of the client that his assignment of the property in litigation takes effect only
lawyer is receiving compensation in connection with the after the finality of a favourable judgment (Director of
case from third persons with hostile interest” (Report of Lands v. Ababa, 88 SCRA 513).
IBP Committee). Even if the secret compensation comes
from a friendly person, if the act is discovered, it is Q: Mrs. Amy Dizon’s husband was killed in a traffic
bound to create dissension in the client-lawyer accident. She wants to sue the bus company for
relationship. Worse, the lawyer will be able to enrich damages but she cannot afford a lawyer. She
himself by receiving more than what is due him as approached Atty. Larry Rio who agreed to handle
attorney’s fees (Pineda, 1995). the case without any retainer’s fee or expenses on
her part, on the condition that in case of recovery of
Q: Discuss the propriety of a lawyer filing a suit damages, he shall get 33% of the award by the court.
against his client concerning his fees. (1998) Is this arrangement valid and permissible? Decide
with reasons. (1990)
A: Rule 20.04 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility provides that “a lawyer shall avoid A: In the recent case of Angel L. Bautista v. Atty. Ramon A.
controversies with his clients concerning his Gonzales, A.M. No. 1625, February 12, 1990, the Supreme
compensation and shall resort to judicial action only to Court held that an agreement as to attorney’s fees which
prevent imposition, injustice or fraud.” The legal provides that the lawyer shall defray all the expenses of
profession is not a money-making trade but a form of the suit, “is contrary to Canon 42 of the Canons of
public service. Lawyers should avoid giving the Professional Ethics which provides that a lawyer may not
impression that they are mercenary (Perez v. Scottish properly agree with a client to pay or bear the expenses
of litigation. The Court added that “although a lawyer
Q: The contract of attorney’s fees entered into by A: Rule 21.07 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
Atty. Quintos and his client, Susan, stipulates that if a provides that “a lawyer shall not reveal that he has been
judgment is rendered in her favor, he gets 60% of consulted about a particular case except to avoid
the property recovered as a contingent fee. In turn, possible conflict of interests.” In this case, he has to
he will assume payment of all expenses of litigation. reveal to B that he had been consulted by A with respect
Is the agreement valid? (2006) to the particular case where B has offered to retain his
services. This revelation should be done in order to
avoid a possible conflict of interests.
A: The agreement that a lawyer will assume payment of
all the expenses of litigation makes it a champertous
contract, which is invalid. Withdrawal of services
Q: Farida engaged the services of Atty. Garudo to Q: Cite at least five (5) valid reasons under any of
represent her in a complaint for damages. The two which a lawyer may be allowed to withdraw from a
agreed that all expenses incurred in connection with case even without her client’s consent. (1997)
the case would first be shouldered by Atty. Garudo
and he would be paid for his legal services and A:
reimbursed for all expenses which he had advanced a. When the client pursues an illegal or immoral
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
course of conduct in connection with the matters he rested its case. The reason for the withdrawal of
(the lawyer) is handling. Atty. X was the failure of accused Y to affix his
b. When the client insists that the lawyer pursue conformity to the demand of Atty. X for increase in
conduct violative of these canons and rules. attorney’s fees. Is the ground for withdrawal
c. When his inability to work with co-counsel will not justified? Explain. (2000)
promote the best interest of the client.
d. When the mental or physical condition of the lawyer
A: The ground for withdrawal is not justified. Rule 22.01
renders it difficult for him to carry out the
(e) of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides
employment effectively.
e. When the lawyer is elected or appointed to a public that a lawyer may withdraw his services when the client
office. deliberately fails to pay the fees for his services or fails
f. Other similar cases (Code of Professional to comply with the retainer agreement. He has only
Responsibility, Rule 22.01). refused to agree with the lawyer’s demand for an
increase in his fees. It is his right to refuse; that is part of
Q: On the eve of the initial hearing for the reception his freedom of contract.
of evidence for the defense, the defendant and his
counsel had a conference where the client directed Suspension, Disbarment and Discipline of Lawyers
the lawyer to present as principal defense witnesses (Rule 139-B, Rules of Court)
two (2) persons whose testimonies were personally
known to the lawyer to have been perjured. The Q: D was charged with estafa by C before the
lawyer informed his client that he refused to go barangay for misappropriating the proceeds of sale
along with the unwarranted course of action of jewelry on commission. In (the) settlement of the
proposed by the defendant. But the client insisted on case, D turned over to the barangay captain, a
his directive, or else he would not pay the agreed lawyer, the amount of P2,000.00 with the request
attorney’s fees. When the case was called for hearing that the barangay captain turn over the money to C.
the next morning, the lawyer forthwith moved in Several months passed without C being advised of
open court that he be relieved as counsel for the the status of her complaint. C contacted D who
defendant. Both the defendant and the plaintiff’s informed her that she (D) had long before turned
counsel objected to the motion. Under the given over the amount of P2,000.00 to the barangay
facts, is the defense lawyer legally justified in captain who undertook to give the money to her (C).
seeking withdrawal from the case? Why or why not? C thus filed a case against the barangay captain who
Reason briefly. (2004) at once remitted the amount of P2,000.00 to C. May
the barangay captain be faulted administratively?
Explain. (2000, 1992)
A: Yes, he is justified. Under Rule 22.01 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility, a lawyer may withdraw his
services “if the client insists that the lawyer pursue A: Yes. The Code of Professional Responsibility applies to
conduct violative of these canons and rules”. The lawyers who are in the government service. As a general
insistence of the client that the lawyer present witnesses rule, a lawyer who holds a government office may not be
whom he personally knows to have been perjured, will disciplined as a member of the bar for misconduct in the
expose him to criminal and civil liability and violate his discharge of his office as a government official. However,
duty of candor, fairness and good faith to the court. if that misconduct as a government official is of such
character as to affect his qualification as a lawyer or to
Q: Atty. A objects to the collaboration of Atty. B as show moral delinquency, then he may be disciplined as a
proposed by client C in a pending case. How would A, member of the bar on such ground (Dinsay v. Cioco, 264
B and C handle the situation? (2001) SCRA 703). In the case of Penticostes v. Ibanez, 304 SCRA
281, a barangay captain who failed to remit for several
A: A, B and C may handle the situation in the following months the amount given to him for payment of an
manner – obligation, was found to have violated the Code of
Professional Conduct.
“A” can offer to withdraw his services. Rule 22.01 (c) of
the Code of Professional Responsibility allows a lawyer to Q: Atty. X was retained by E in a case for violation of
withdraw his services if his inability to work with co- B.P. Blg. 22 filed by B before the scheduled hearing.
counsel will not promote the best interest of his client. Atty. X assured B that E would pay the value of the
Here, by objecting to the collaboration of Atty. B, Atty. A dishonored check. Elated at the prospect of being
foresees his inability to work with the former. “A” may paid, B wined and dined Atty. X several times. Atty. X
withdraw to give his client a free hand in protecting his convinced B not to appear at the scheduled hearings.
interest. Due to non-appearance of B, the estafa case was
dismissed for failure to prosecute. B, however, was
“B” should refuse to accept the case, otherwise, he may never paid. Thus, she filed a case for disbarment
be encroaching on the professional employment of against Atty. X. (1996)
another lawyer. A lawyer should decline association as
colleague if it is objectionable to the original counsel, but
if the lawyer first retained is relieved, another may come A: Yes, the conduct of Atty. S constitutes malpractice. A
into the case (Canons of Professional Ethics, Canon 7). lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith to not do
any falsehood or be misled or allow the court to be
“C” the client must choose only one of the lawyers. If he misled by any artifice. He owes loyalty to his client. In a
wants Atty. B as his lawyer, he should formally case involving similar facts, the Supreme Court found
terminate the services of “A” so “B” can formally enter that the lawyer concerned obstructed the administration
his appearance in the case. of justice and suspended him for two years (Cantorne v.
Ducusin 57 Phil. 20).
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
Did Atty. Hermano, Judge Patron and Judge Apestado Q: The Code of Professional Responsibility is to
commit any ethical/administrative violation for lawyers, as the Code of Judicial Conduct is to
which they can be held liable? (2013) members of the bench. How would you characterize
the relationship between a judge and a lawyer?
A: Yes, the three (3) of them committed Explain. (1996)
ethical/administrative violations for which they can be
held liable. A: The Code of Professional Responsibility requires
lawyers to observed and maintain respect for the
For hosting the dinner, Atty. Hermano acted in Judicial Officers (Canon 11). On the other hand, the Code
contravention of ethical standards. A lawyer should of Judicial Conduct requires judges to be patient,
refrain from any impropriety which tends to influence attentive and courteous to lawyers (Rule 3.03). In a
or give the appearance of influencing the court (Code of word, lawyers and judges owe each other mutual
Professional Responsibility, Canon 13). A lawyer shall not respect and courtesy.
extend extraordinary attention or hospitality to, nor
seek opportunity for cultivating familiarity with judges Qualities
(CPR, Canon 13, Rule 13.01). Marked attention and
unusual hospitality on the part of a lawyer to a judge, Q: What qualities should an ideal judge possess
uncalled for by the personal relations on the parties, under the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
subject both the judge and the lawyer to Philippine Judiciary? (2007)
misconstruction of motive and should be avoided
(Canons of Professional Ethics, Canon 3, 2nd par., 1st A: The qualities required of judges by the New Code of
sentence). Even if the purpose of the meeting was merely Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary are
to “ask advice on how to expedite the resolution of his Independence (Canon 1), Integrity (Canon 2),
case,” Atty. Hermano still acted outside of the bounds of Impartiality (Canon 3), Propriety (Canon 4), Equality
ethical conduct. This is so because a lawyer deserves (Canon 5), and Competence and Diligence (Canon 6).
rebuke and denunciation for any advice or attempt to
gain from a judge special personal consideration or Q: Would it be proper for the judge to accept a
favor (CPE, Canon 3, 2nd par., 2nd sentence). donation of a lawyer’s table and chairs for his sala
from the local chapter of the Integrated Bar of the
Both Judge Patron and Judge Apestado may be held Philippines (IBP)? Explain your answer. (1990)
liable for having the dinner meeting with Atty. Hermano.
Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct above
reproach, but that it is perceived to be so in the view of a A: It would be proper for the judge to accept the
reasonable observer (New Code of Conduct for the donation of a lawyer’s table and chairs for his sala from
Philippine Judiciary, Canon 2, Sec. 1). Judges shall avoid the local chapter of the IBP because the donation comes
impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of from an organization of lawyers whose duty, among
their activities (New Code of Conduct for the Philippine others, is to help in the proper administration of justice.
Judiciary, Canon 4, Sec. 1). Their having dinner with Atty. Accepting the donation is not for the personal benefit of
Hermano, a practicing lawyer, could be construed as the judge but for providing physical facilities for the
appearance of impropriety. administration of justice, which is the concern by both
the judge and the IBP local chapter. What is prohibited is
Judge Patron for having allowed himself to be used as a accepting presents or donations from the litigants or
“bridge” by Atty. Hermano, his fraternity “brod”, to meet from particular lawyers practicing before him.
with Judge Apestado exhibited judicial misconduct in the
following manner: Judges shall refrain from influencing Q: May a judge properly solicit for his promotion the
in any manner the outcome of litigation or dispute endorsement of the local chapter of the IBP to the
pending before another court (New Code of Conduct for judicial and bar council? Explain your answer.
the Philippine Judiciary, Canon 1, Sec. 3). Furthermore, in (1990)
allowing Atty. Hermano to take advantage of his
fraternity bond, Judge Patron allowed the use of the A: A judge may not properly solicit for his promotion the
prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests endorsement of the local chapter of the IBP to the
of others, conveyed or permitted his fraternity “brod” to judicial and bar council because it will give the
convey the impression that he is in a special position to impression that his promotion is not purely on merits,
influence the judge (New Code of Conduct for the and the judge may feel beholden to the particular
Philippine Judiciary, Canon 1, Sec. 4, 2nd sentence). officers of the local chapter which may, in the future,
influence him in the disposition of the cases handled by
The specific violations of Judge Apestado were such officers as counsel litigants. Moreover, considering
committed when he allowed himself to be convinced by his position, the local chapter officers may not be able to
Judge Patron to have the dinner meeting with Atty. refuse such solicitations even if they believed that he is
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
not qualified for promotion. The judge should stand by answer. (1990)
his own ability, qualifications and fitness, without
exerting extra effort on his part to influence the local A: The judge’s conduct is improper. Canon 2, Rule 2.02 of
chapter to endorse his promotion. The local chapter the Code of Judicial Conduct provides that a judge should
should, on its own and without solicitation from the not seek publicity for personal vainglory. A judge should
judge, make its own assessment and appraisal of the conduct proceedings in court with fitting dignity and
judge’s qualifications and fitness for promotion, and if it decorum and in such a manner as to reflect the
is convinced that the judge possesses the required importance and seriousness of the inquiry to ascertain
qualifications, it is the duty of the local chapter to make the truth. Allowing television coverage of the
known such assessment to the Judicial and Bar Council. promulgation of the decision would detract the dignity
of the court proceedings, degrade the court and create
Q: Pending before the sala of Judge Magbag is the misconception in the public mind. His giving of
case of CDG versus JQT. The legal counsel of JQT is interviews, even if he does not discuss his personal
Atty. Ocsang who happens to be the brother of Atty. views on the merits of the case, has no other purpose
Ferreras, a friend of Judge Magbag. While the case than to seek publicity for personal vainglory, which is
was still being heard, Atty. Ferreras and his wife prohibited.
celebrated their wedding anniversary. They invited
their friends and family to a dinner party at their Q: How far should the judge allow publicity of the
house in Forbes Park. Judge Magbag attended the proceedings and decisions of his court? Explain your
party and was seen conversing with Atty. Ocsang answer. (1990)
while they were eating at the same table. Comment
on the propriety of Judge Magbag’s act.
A: A judge may allow publicity by letting his actuations
as a judge and his decisions speak for themselves,
without any comment on his part. What makes publicity
A: A Judge is not required to live in seclusion. He is improper is the employment of traditional dignity of
permitted to have a social life as long as it does not court proceedings and of the judge himself. Good,
interfere with his judicial duties or detract from the efficient, speedy, and correct administration of justice on
dignity of the court (Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 5). his part is a way of publicizing itself and catching public
However, he should be scrupulously careful to avoid attention, and the publicity thereby generated is a
such action as may reasonably tend to awaken the normal by-product of the efficient discharge of his
suspicion that his social or business relations or duties, which is proper.
friendships constitute an element in determining his
judicial action (Canons of Judicial Ethics, Canon 30). A Q: Discuss the propriety of a judge standing as
Judge should avoid impropriety and appearance of sponsor at the wedding of the son of the litigant in
impropriety in all activities (Code of Judicial Conduct, his court? (1990)
Canon 2). Sitting on the same table and conversing with
a lawyer with a pending case before him raises such A: For reasons above stated, a judge’s standing as
appearance of impropriety. sponsor at the wedding of the son of a litigant in his
court is highly improper for it gives the impression,
Q: In an extrajudicial settlement of the estate of the
rightly or wrongly, that he is disposed to resolve the
late Juan Mayaman, the heirs requested Judge
Maawain, a family friend, to go over the document case in favor of such litigant. Public confidence in the
prepared by a new lawyer before they signed it. impartiality of the judge is eroded, and the due
Judge Maawain agreed and even acted as an administration of justice suffers thereby. It is also a
instrumental witness. Did Judge Maawain engage in violation of the letter and spirit of Rule 2.03 of the Code
the unauthorized practice of law? Why? (2002) of Judicial Conduct which states that the prestige of
judicial office shall not be used or lent to advance the
A: Section 35, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court and private interests of others, nor convey or permit others
Rule 5.07 of the Code of Judicial Conduct prohibit a judge to convey the impressions that they are in a special
from engaging in the private practice of law as a position to influence the judge.
member of the bar or giving professional advice to
clients. In the case of De Castro v. Capulong, 118 SCRA 5, Discipline of Members of the Judiciary
the Supreme Court held that a judge who merely acted
as a witness to a document and who explained to the Q: Judge A had an illicit relationship with B, his
party waiving his rights of redemption over mortgaged Branch Clerk of Court. C, the wife of Judge A,
properties and the consequences thereof, does not discovered the illicit affair and reported him to
engage himself in the practice of law. This appears to be vindicate her violated marital rights. Did the judge
more applicable to the case of Judge Maawain. He did violate the Code of Judicial Conduct? Discuss. (2014)
not give professional advice in anticipation of litigation.
He was just asked to review a deed of extrajudicial A: The Code of Judicial Conduct mandates that the judge
settlement of estate. He signed merely as an should be the embodiment of competence, integrity, and
instrumental witness and not as a legal counsel. Besides, independence. He should so behave at all times as to
his act was an isolated act. promote public condifence in the integrity and
impartiality of the judiciary, and avoid impropriety and
Q: What would your comment be about a judge who, the appearance of impropriety in all activities. His
whenever he promulgates a decision, invites personal behavior, not only while in the performance of
representatives of the print and broadcast media to official duties but also outside the court, must be beyond
his sala for the purpose of having the promulgation reproach, for he is, as he so aptly is perceived to be, the
televised, and that in the process, he gives visible personification of law and of justice (Cynthia
interviews although he does not discuss his personal Resngit-Marquez vs. Judge Victor Llamas, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-
views on the merits of the case? Explain your 02-1708, July 23, 2002).
Q: X, a Municipal Trial Court Judge, received the Rule 5.01. A judge may engage in the following
amount of one thousand (P1, 000.00) Pesos in cash activities provided that they do not interfere
from accused charged with slightly physical injuries with the performance of judicial duties or
in his court, whereupon he was released from detract from the dignity of the court:
custody. After dismissal of the case against him, the a. participate in civil and charitable
accused sought to withdraw the amount he had activities;
deposited as bail. It was not returned at once to the b. serve as an officer, director, trustee, or
accused because according to the Judge, it was non-legal adviser of a non-political,
stolen from the drawer of his table where he kept it educational, religious, charitable,
fraternal, or civic organization”.
after receipt. Nonetheless, the amount was returned
to the accused. Is the Judge guilty of misconduct for
A judge is not required to live in seclusion. However,
which he may be disciplined? (1999)
Section 24 of the Code of Judicial Ethics provides that a
judge should avoid giving ground for reasonable
A: Yes. The judge is guilty of misconduct and may be suspicion that he is utilizing the power or prestige of his
disciplined. He was negligent in keeping the money in office to persuade or coerce others to patronize or
his drawer instead of depositing it with the municipal contribute to charitable enterprises. Hence, while it is
treasurer as required by law. His failure to return it at ethical for Judge Pulido to become president of Rotary
once after acquittal of the accused creates a suspicion Club of Bacolor, it would be unethical for him to send
that he misappropriated the money. A judge should letters soliciting contributions from the business
avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in community.
all his activities (Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 2).
Q: As the guest speaker in Rotary Club weekly
Q: Judge Horacio would usually go to the cockpits on luncheon meeting, Judge P was asked during the
Saturdays for relaxation, as the owner of the cockpit open forum what might his personal opinion be on
is a friend of his. He also goes to the casino once a PIRMA’s move to initiate a people’s initiative to
week to accompany his wife who loves to play the amend the Constitution. He expressed the view that
slot machines. Because of this, Judge Horacio was PIRMA’s crusade should be allowed because it would
administratively charged. When asked to explain, he be in consonance with the declaration in the
said that although he goes to these places, he only Constitution that “sovereignty resides in the people
watches and does not place any bets. Is his and all government authority emanates from them.”
explanation tenable? Explain. (2005) He likewise enjoined the members to support
PIRMA. An administrative complaint was filed
A: The explanation of Judge Horacio is not tenable. In the against him by a club member, a staunch oppositor
case of City of Tagbilaran v. Hontanosas, Jr. (375 SCRA 1), to the PIRMA petition before the COMELEC, alleging
the Supreme Court penalized a city court judge for going that the judge’s public statement had constituted
to gambling casinos and cockpits on weekends. conduct unbecoming a judge. Judge P’s answer to the
According to the Court, going to a casino violates complaint was that membership in the judiciary did
Circular No. 4, dated August 27,1980, which enjoins not deprive him of his right to free speech, that he
judges of inferior courts from playing or being present was entitled to express his view even on political
in gambling casinos. issues, and that any issue requiring resolution on
the PIRMA petition was outside the jurisdiction of
The prohibition refers to both actual gambling and mere Regional Trial Courts. Was there a breach of the
presence in gambling casinos. A judge’s personal Code of Judicial conduct by Judge P? (1997)
behavior, not only in the performance of judicial duties,
but also in his everyday life, should be beyond reproach. A: Yes, there was a breach. Rule 5.10 of the Code of
With regard to going to cockpits, the Supreme Court Judicial Conduct provides that a judge is entitled to
held that “verily, it is plainly despicable to see a judge entertain personal views on political questions. But to
inside a cockpit and more so, to see him bet therein. avoid suspicion of political partisanship, a judge shall
Mixing with the crowd of cockfighting enthusiasts and not make political speeches, contribute to party funds,
bettors is unbecoming of a judge and undoubtedly publicly endorse candidates for political office or
impairs the respect due him. Ultimately, the Judiciary participate in other partisan political activities. Since
suffers therefrom because a judge is a visible Judge P considered the PIRMA petition to be a political
representation of the Judiciary” (City of Tagbilaran v. issue, he should have refrained from making his speech
Hantonosas, Jr., 375 SCRA 1). and enjoining his listeners to support PIRMA because he
might be suspected (of) engaging in partisan political
Q: Judge Roman Pulido, an incumbent RTC judge, ran activity.
for President of the Rotary Club of Bacolor and won.
His first project was to put up a livelihood center to Q: Judge L is assigned in Turtle Province. His brother
help the lahar victims. To raise funds he sent to the ran for Governor in Rabbit Province. During the
business community solicitation letters for election period this year, Judge L took a leave of
contributions. His rival in their club filed an absence to help his brother conceptualize the
administrative charge against Judge Pulido alleging campaign strategy. He even contributed a modest
unethical conduct for socializing and being actively amount to the campaign kitty and hosted lunches
involved in an organization the members of which and dinners. Did Judge L incur administrative
are mostly practicing lawyers, and for soliciting and/or criminal liability? Explain. (2010)
contributions. Are the grounds raised valid for the
charge of unethical conduct? Discuss fully. (1995) A: Judge L incurred administrative liability. Rule 5.18 of
the Code of Judicial Conduct provides that “a judge is
A: Rules 5.01, Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Conduct entitled to entertain personal views on political
provides that: questions, but to avoid suspicion of political
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
partisanship, a judge shall not make political speeches, Discuss briefly. (2004)
contribute to party funds, publicly endorse candidates
for political office or participate in other partisan A: I would advise him against it. Rule 5.07 of the Code of
political activities.” Judicial Conduct expressly and absolutely prohibits
judges from engaging in the private practice of law,
He may also be held criminally liable for violation of because of the incompatible nature between the duties
Section 26 (I) of the Omnibus Election Code, which of a judge and a lawyer. Moreover, as a Judge he can
penalizes any officer or employee in the civil service influence to a certain extent the outcome of the case
who, directly or indirectly, intervenes, in any election even if it is with another court. A Judge shall refrain from
campaign or engages in any partisan political activity, influencing in any manner the outcome of litigation or
except to vote or to preserve public order. dispute pending before another court or administrative
agency (Code of Judicial Conduct, Rule 2.04).
Q: At the pre-trial of a civil case for collection, one of
the parties mentioned that he expected to settle his Q: Judge C was appointed MTC Judge in 1993.
obligation as he was investing in some stocks of a Subsequently, the Judicial and Bar Council received
realty corporation that were sure to soar in the information that previously he had been dismissed
market because of some confidential information he as Assistant City Prosecutor of Manila. It appeared
obtain from his brother-in-law, a top-rank officer of that when he applied for appointment to the
the corporation. Upon hearing the information the Judiciary, his answer to the question in the personal
judge lost no time in buying stocks in the realty Data Sheet – “Have you ever been retired, dismissed
corporation and as predicted made a lot of money. Is or forced to resign from any employment?” was –
the judge guilty of unethical conduct? Discuss fully. “Optional under Republic Act No. 1145.” The truth is,
(1995) he was dismissed for gross misconduct as Assistant
City prosecutor. May he be dismissed as Judge?
A: Yes. Rule 5.05 of the Code of Judicial Conduct provides (1998)
that “no information acquired in a judicial capacity shall
be used or disclosed by a judge in any financial dealing A: Yes, by his concealment of his previous dismissal
or for any other purpose not related to judicial from the public service, which the Judicial and Bar
activities.” The judge in this case has violated the
Council would have taken into consideration in acting on
forgoing rule, and acted unethically. his application for appointment as a judge, he (the
judge) committed an act of dishonesty that rendered
Q: A complaint for rape against ZZ was filed by the him unfit to be appointed, and to remain in the Judiciary
father of Dulce, an 11- year old girl, of the Municipal he has tarnished with his falsehood (Re: Inquiry on the
Trial Court of Bantayan, Cebu. After preliminary Appointment of Judge Enrique A. Cube, 227 SCRA 193; Jose
examination of the offended party and witnesses, Estacion, 181 SCRA 33, Estanislao Belan, August 6, 1998).
Judge YY of said court issued an order finding
probable cause and ordering to arrest ZZ without Q: In the course of a petition for bail in a case for
bail. ZZ was arrested and detained. He filed: (1) a illegal possession of firearms in furtherance of
Waiver of Preliminary Investigation, and (2), an Ex rebellion pending before him, Judge AM (who has
parte Motion to Fix Bail Bond, Judge YY granted the been long frustrated with his work because he has
waiver and forthwith elevated the records of the not been appointed to the Court of Appeals despite
case to the RTC, which forwarded the same to the the strong recommendations of several Members of
Office of Provincial Prosecutor. Congress) made statements contrary to the rulings
of the Supreme Court on the matter. He further
Ten (10) days after the elevation of the records, YY, made utterances imputing bias to the Supreme
acting on the Motion to Fix Bail, issued an order Court in favor of the Administration which,
fixing the bail bond at P20,000.00. The father of according to him, is the reason why all petitions for
Dulce filed against YY an administrative complaint bail in similar cases were denied despite the
for ignorance of the law, oppression grave abuse of apparent weakness of the evidence for the
discretion and partiality. If you were the judge of the prosecution. What are the implications of Judge AM’s
RTC designated to investigate the case and to make a actuations? (1991)
report and recommendation thereon, what would be
your recommendation? (1991)
A: The implication of Judge AM’s actuations is that he
could be violating his oath of office of upholding the law
A: The fact narrated in this case is similar to the decision and the Code of Judicial Conduct to administer his office
of the Supreme Court in 1989. The judge was found with due regard to the integrity of the system of law. He
guilty of ignorance of the law for granting bail despite could also be violating his duty as a minister of justice
the fact that he had already lost jurisdiction after under a government of laws and not of men.
elevating the record of the case to the Regional Trial
Court. If I am the RTC Judge assigned to investigate the Q: In connection with a sensational criminal case,
case I would recommend the dismissal of the judge for the Public Relations Officer of the All-Judges
gross ignorance of the law. Association Inc. issued two press releases, one
stating that the trial judge should not have granted
Q: Assume that your friend and colleague, Judge bail to the accused since evidence of guilt was strong
Peter X. Mahinay, a Regional Trial Court judge and the other, calling upon said judge to inhibit
stationed at KL City, would seek your advice himself from trying the case since he did not exhibit
regarding his intention to ask the permission of the the cold neutrality of an impartial judge in ruling
Supreme Court to act as counsel for and thus upon certain motions. Comment on the actuations of
represent his wife in the trial of a civil case for the Public Relations Officer who is presumably
damages pending before the Regional Trial Court of
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.
A: Judge X is liable for misconduct in office. Rule 3.12 of opposing party is also a member of the Phi Nu Phi
the Code of Judicial Conduct provides that a judge should Fraternity. Judge Segotier denied the motion.
take no part in a proceeding where impartiality might Comment on his ruling. (2005)
reasonably be questioned. In fact, it is mandatory for
him to inhibit or disqualify himself if he is related by A: The ruling of Judge Segotier is correct. The fact that a
consanguinity or affinity to a party litigant within the judge is a former classmate of one of the counsels in a
sixth degree or to counsel within the fourth degree case has been held to be insufficient ground for the
(Hurtado v. Jurdalena, 84 SCRA 41). He need not wait for disqualification of the judge (Vda. de Bonifacio v. BLT Bus
a motion of the parties in order to disqualify himself. Co., Inc., 34 SCRA 618). Intimacy or friendship between
judge and an attorney of record has also been held to be
Q: RTC Judge Q is a deacon in the Iglesia ni Kristo insufficient ground for the former’s disqualification
church in San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City. R, a (Query of Executive Judge Estrella T. Estrada, RTC of
member of the same religious sect belonging to the Bulacan, on the Conflicting Views of RTC Judges Masadao
same INK community in San Francisco del Monte, & Elizaga Re: Criminal Case No. 4954-M, 155 SCRA 72).
filed a case against S who belongs to the El Shaddai
charismatic group. The case was raffled to Judge Q‘s Q: Justice AR of the Sandiganbayan was named
sala. The lawyer of S filed a motion to disqualify executor of the will of his good friend BT whose
Judge Q on the ground that since he and the plaintiff estate is valued approximately at two billion
belonged to the same religious sect and community (P2,000,000,000.00) Pesos. Upon BT’S death, may
in San Francisco del Monte, Judge Q would not Justice AR accept the trust and serve as executor of
possess the cold neutrality of an impartial judge. BT’s will while still in office? (1999)
Judge Q denied the motion on the ground that the
reason invoked for his disqualification was not A: No, he may not. Rule 5.06 of the Code of Judicial
among the grounds for disqualification under the Conduct provides that a judge shall not serve as the
Rules of Court and the Code of Judicial Conduct. Was executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, or other
Judge Q’s denial of the motion for inhibition well- fiduciary except for the estate, trust, or person of a
founded? (1997) member of the immediate family, and then only if such
service will not interfere with the proper performance
A: The fact that Judge Q and Litigant R both belong to the of judicial duties. Members of immediate family shall be
Iglesia Ni Kristo while Litigant S belongs to the El limited to the spouse and relatives within the second
Shaddai group, is not a mandatory ground for degree of consanguinity.
disqualifying Judge Q from presiding over the case. The
motion for his inhibition is addressed to his sound Q: In an intestate estate proceeding a petition for the
discretion and he should exercise the same in a way that issuance of letters of administration in favor of an
the people’s faith in the courts of justice will not be RTC judge was filed by one of the heirs. Another heir
impaired. He should reflect on the probability that a opposed the petition on the ground that the judge
losing party might nurture at the back of his mind the was disqualified to become administrator of the
thought that the Judge had unmeritoriously tilted the estate as he was the first cousin of the deceased. The
scales of justice against him (Dimacuha v. Concepcion, petitioner however argued that the judge was not
117 SCRA 630). Under the circumstances of this case, disqualified as the case was not pending before him.
where the only ground given for his disqualification is Rule on the petition. Discuss fully. (1995)
that he and one of the litigants are members of the same
religious community, I believe that his denial of the A: Rule 5.06 of the Code of Judicial Conduct provides that
motion for his disqualification is proper. In Vda. de “a judge should not serve as the executor, administrator,
Ignacio v. BLT Bus Co., 34 SCRA 618, the Supreme Court trustee, guardian, or other fiduciary, except for the
held that the fact that one of the counsels in a case was a estate, trust or person of a member of the immediate
classmate of the trial judge is not a legal ground for the family, and then only if such service will not interfere
disqualification of the judge. with the proper performance of judicial duties. Members
of immediate family shall be limited to the spouse and
Q: In a civil case, the defendant discovered that the
relatives within the second degree of consanguinity”.
counsel for the plaintiff used to be a member of the
Under the forgoing rule, the petition should be denied.
Judicial and Bar Council during whose time the
Judge presiding over the case was appointed and The judge should not be appointed administrator of the
confirmed. He filed a “Motion to Inhibit the Judge” estate of his first cousin, who is not a relative within the
on the ground that the latter’s ability to act second degree of consanguinity.
independently and judiciously had been
compromised and seriously impaired because of his Q: Rebecca’s complaint was raffled to the sala of
“utang na loob” to the plaintiff’s counsel. If you were Judge A. Rebecca is a daughter of Judge A’s wife by a
the judge, how would you rule on the Motion? previous marriage. This is known to the defendant
(1994) who does not, however, file a motion to inhibit the
Judge. Is the Judge justified in not inhibiting himself
A: I will deny the Motion for Inhibition because every from the case? (2010)
judge is sworn to uphold the decisions of cases in
accordance with the law. The fact that the judge was A: The judge is not justified in not inhibiting himself. It is
recommended by the JBC which has seven (7) members mandatory for him to inhibit if he is related to any of the
and deliberated even confidentially does not make the parties by consanguinity or affinity within the sixth civil
judge morally indebted to the JBC member who may not degree (New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine
even have voted for him. Judiciary, Canon 3, Sec. 3[f]). Judge A, being the
stepfather of Rebecca, is related to her by affinity by just
Q: Judge Segotier is a member of Phi Nu Phi one degree. “Judges shall disqualify themselves from
Fraternity. Atty. Nonato filed a motion to disqualify participating in any proceeding in which they are unable
Judge Segotier on the ground that the counsel for the to decide the matter impartially or in which it may
*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.