For The Love of ACT Science - Michael Cerro
For The Love of ACT Science - Michael Cerro
For The Love of ACT Science - Michael Cerro
HaNIHIDS ' D v A O 3 A 0 j H I L L 11 0 d
Iwouldlike todedicatethispageoftheguidetothefollowingpeopleformakingthisjourneypossible.
Howa Children'sBookTaughtMeACTScience 7
1The Basics 9
1.1The TypesofPassages 1 0
1.2Locators,Locators,Locators 1 1
1.3NumberBehavior:TrendsinTablesandFigures 1 3
1.4Math 1 5
1.5ExtrapolationandEstimation 1 6
1.6The DataBridge 1 7
1.7ChapterTest:TheBasics 1 9
2AdvancedQuestionsTypes 3 1
2.1Yes,Yes,No,No 32
2.2CannotBeDetermined * * 34
2.3EquationsasAnswerChoices 35
2.4Mixing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.5Scatter Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.6WaterandDrying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 38 I .
2.7ChapterTest:AdvancedQuestionTypes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • .39
3ScientificMethod 51
3.1The ElementsofanExperiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • • •
• •
I started tutoringmathandsciencepart-timeduringthesummerof2011asasidejobwhilecompletingmy
Master'sdegree.At that time I wasonmywaytomedicalschoolwhenI suddenlyfoundmyselffalling inlove
withtutoring,especialySATandACTpreparation.Aftersomeheavyconsideration, I decidedtoembarkon
thisjourneyfull-time, fine-tuningmyskillsasa tutor.Then,whiletutoringprivately IdiscoveredPrivatePrep,
atutoringcompanybasedinNewYork,andbegantutoring full-time inthe fall of2012.Asthespringofmyfirst
schoolyearapproached I foundmyselfseeingmoreandmorestudents,eventuallyreachingapeakofaround30
perweek.Given all myexperience,thepartnersofthecompanyaskedmeto join their trainingteamandwritea
guideofwhatwastobecometheACTSciencesection.So, I did. I tookwhatresourceswecurrentlyhad,gave
myselfoneweektogothrough all ofthem,anddevelopedthe first iteration oftheACTScienceStrategyGuide.
Itwasrawandneededa lot of finetuning-but it wasastart. Still, I knewIneededtogainevenmore
experience.Thefollowingschoolyear I pushedto tutorevenmore,andeachyearsincehavestriventoeclipse
theyearbefore; I knewthiswouldbemypath to gainingmoreknowledge,andeventuallysharing it.
Themore I tutored, themoreconsistencies I foundinACTScience.Eachyear Iaddedmoretotheguide
andcameup with betterwaysto trainnewtutors. But, I still felt Iwasmissinganoverallapproach,theglueto
tieall ofthestrategiestogether. I wantedtobeabletocapturetheessenceofACTSciencein justonesentence.
Finally, in thespring of2013, I foundmyanswer. I hadthepleasureofworkingwithastudentwhowasscoring
approximatelyfive to six pointshigheronACTSciencethananyothersection,whichisatypicalDuringoneof
ourlessons I askedthestudentwhyhethought thiswasthecase.Hisresponsewas,"It's likethebookWhere's
Waldo.There isabsolutechaoshappeningonthepage,butyourmainjob is just to findWaldo."Brilliant, I
thought! I finallyhadmyanswer (If youareunfamiliar with thischildren'sbook,pleasesearchtheinternet for
pictures. It willmakemymessageclearer!).
Whenyouworkthroughtheproblemsof thisguide Iencourageyoutorememberthesewordsofwisdom.
Thisistheonlysection,SATorACT,wheretheanswerisstaring right atyou.Yousimplyneedto find it Do
nottry tousecomprehension,donot try tounderstandwhattheexperimentsareabout,just...findWaldo.This
isasectionthat testsyour ability tounderstandwhatis important, toknowwhatisnotimportant, touselogic
anddeductivereasoning, tomoveefficiently,andtodismissfatigue (it is thelastsectionafter all!).Oncethat
mindsetsinks in, I guaranteeyou will behappywithyourscoreincreases.
Pleasereachout if youhaveanyquestions I wouldwishyouthebestof
luckonyourjourney to improve,butyouwon'tneed it. Youarealreadyabrightstudentwith acravingto
linprove--youjustneedthe rightapproach. I amhumbledby this opportunity toshowyouwhat I believetobe
themostefficientroute to whatyouareseeking.
1.1 The TypesofPassages
Beformless.Shapeless.Like water. BRUCELEE
Thisanalysisisnotwrong,but it'salsonotcompletelycorrect.TheACTisforeverchanging,andyouneedtoh
inlate2014andearly2015,thestructureshifted.Instead,thoseexamscontained6passagesin total, not 7,an
eachpassagehadonemorequestionthanyouwouldanticipate.This is theACTafterall,socurveballsshould
expectedeverynowandthen.Fortunatelyforus,thesechangesreallydonoteffectus.Theapproach in thisboo
ensuresthatyouwillbepreparedfor structuralchanges.
WewillbetacklingtheACTSciencesectionwiththefollowingstructure in mind:
ConflictingViewpoints 1,maybe2? 7 , maybe8?
EverythingElse TheRest 5 - 7
DIRECTIONS:Therearesevenpassagesin thistest.
andfill inthecorrespondingovalonyouranswerdocu-
m en.t.Youmayrefertothepassagesasoftenasneces-
Alwaysgobacktothepassagewithapurpose. 77
correspondinglocatorsinthepassage. ( 1 1 , 1 , 1
Experiment1 1.BasedonTable 1, asthevolumeofNaOriith
Astudentdecidedtoperformatitrationexperiment creased,thepHofthesolution:
toneutralizeaHOsolution.50mLofa3mmole/mL A.increasedonly.
HOsolutionwaspouredintoabeakerandplacedunder 13.decreasedonly.
aburet(atall,thin,graduatedcylinderwithastopvalve C.remainedconstant.
atthebottom).TheburetwasfilledwiththeNaOH D.cannotbedeterminedfromthegiveninfor-
solution.Thestudentslightlyopenedthestopvalveon mation.
Sherecordedherresultsinthetablebelow. 2. The studenthypothesizedthatastheamounto
wouldincrease. Do theresultsofExperiment2
Table1 supportthishypothesis?
VolumeofNaOH(mL) pHofsolution F.Yes,asthevolumeofUSXincreasedthepH
0 3 ofthesolutionincreased.
2 5 G.Yes,asthevolumeofUSXincreasedthepfl
4 6 H.No,asthevolumeofUSXincreasedthepH
6 7 ofthesolutionincreased.
Experiment2 ofthesolutiondecreased.
USX,intothebeakerandmeasuredthepH.Sherecorded 3.Basedonthepassage,if100mLofHC1wasusedin-
herresultsinTable2. steadof50mL,howmanymmoleofHOwouldbe
Table2 A. 3 nunole
VolumeofUSX(mL) pHofsolution B. 50 nunole
0 7 C.100nnnole
2 4
4 2
6 2
1.3NumberBehavior:Trends inTablesandFigures
CC 71
It is notabouttheactualnumbers, it isabouthowtheybehave.
Whenlookingat a tableorfigure,developahabitofinstantlyidentifyingtrends.Thiswillallowyoutointerpet
"YourObjective: Identifytheappropriatetrendsandanswerthequestionsinthefollowingexamples.
Table1 G.decreasesonly.
mass a H.remainsconstant.
Trial (kg) (m/s2) (°C) (N) J.varies,butwithnogeneral.
1 2 3 25 6 5.BasedonTable1,asaincreases,F:
3 25 18 A.increasesonly.
2 6 B.decreasesonly.
3 10 3 25 30 C.remainsconstant.
4 14 3 25 42 D.varies,butwithnogeneral.
5 2 3 25 6 6.BasedonTable1,asTincreases,F: •
6 2 6 25 12 F.increasesonly.
7 2 12 25 24 G.decreasesonly.
8 2 24 25 48 H.remainsconstant.
9 2 3 25 6
10 2 3 27 3.7 7.BasedonTable2,asthenumberofweeksincrease,
11 2 3 29 2.4 thepesticideconcentration:
31 1.9 A.increasesonly.
12 2 3 B.decreasesonly.
Table2 D.varies,butwithnogeneral.
PesticideConcentration Bioniass BasedonTable2,aspesticideconcentrationin-
Weeks (kg/m3) (kg) creases,biomass:
22 151 F.increasesonly.
1 G.decreasesonly.
2 49 177 H.remainsconstant.
3 51 180 J.varies,butwithnogeneral.
4 28 162
9. According to Figure 1, for Trial 1, as time incr(sos
Trial 1 temperature:
- e -Trial 2 A. increases only.
20 B. decreases only.
C. remains constant.
D. varies, but with no general.
10. According to Figure 1, for Trial 2, as time increases,
F. increases only.
G. decreases only.
H. remains constant.
J. varies, but with no general.
GG ) )
Don't be a mathematician, be a scientist.
There was a joke we commonly told while I was obtaining my engineering degree: "Mathematicians calculate ir
as 3.14159..., engineers calculate ir as 3.14, and scientists calculate 7r as approximately 3." I n the ACT science
section, when you come across a problem that requires simple math, do not be exact with your calculation. The
answer choices are forgiving and the test-makers want you to round, to estimate, and approximate. Let's look at
a mini-example together:
The goal of this example is to convert 629 seconds into minutes. First, we should know that 60 seconds is equivalent
to 1 minute. Next, decide how to go about doing the calculation. 629 is not a pretty number to work with, so
let's round! Give yourself -200 points if you rounded it to 630 in your mind. Round more! Let's try rounding to
600 and then performing the calculation.
629 6 0 0 60
--6- - 4 10
60 6 0
Notice that when you use rounded multiples of 10, the zeros cancel out and make your calculations much easier.
The lesson here: round, then round some more!
Your Objective: Here are a set of math drills to help you practice estimation. Do NOT use your calculator and
do not try to obtain exact answers. The goal here is to do these calculations swiftly with just your pencil.
ml. How many minutes are in 1249 seconds? m8. What is 11 times 55?
m9. What is 162 divided by 50?
m2. What is 9 times 14?
m10. How many hours are there in July?
D13. What is 120 times 2.5?
m u . What is 10% of 244?
m4. What is 10% of 52?
m12. What is 100,111 divided by 101?
n15. How many days are in 22 weeks?
m13. How many seconds are there in 12 minutes?
1116. How many inches are there in 99 feet?
m14. What is 19 times 302?
n17. What is 50% of 3,933?
Michael Cerro 1 5
1.5 Extrapolation and Estimation
There will be questions on the ACT Science section that require you to extend the trend of a figure or table
its given boundaries. For line graphs, extend the line with your pencil to ensure the best estimation.
ACT is very good at anticipating incorrect answer choices that look correct when you only glance to extrapoi,
the line. For tables or bar graphs, look for the best answer choice that fits your drawn estimation. The majori,
of these questions have only one answer choice that fits the correct range. For example, if you deduce
the correct answer should be between 1 cm and 4 cm and there are two answer choices available in that ra „ t
you have likely done something wrong.
0-Device2 0 BasedonFigures1and2,whentheresistanceof
:al Device3 Device2is3Q,thecurrent, I, isapproximately:
10 A. 3 mA.
B. 4 mA.
8 C. 5 mA.
D. 6 mA.
0 13 Noticehowthequestionmentionsmultiplefigures,
-cr cr "Figures1and2".Wheneveraquestionmentionsmul-
13.sia5 tiplefiguresand/ortables it isprobablycalling foryou
2 ea-a toapplytheDataBridgetactic.
Try it again:
0 BasedonFigures1and2,whenthecurrentofDe-
F. 211.
G. 3 Q.
1 2 3 4 H. 42
c(V) J. 511.
Your Objective: Answer the following questions by using the Data Bridge skill.
The chapter test you are about to complete will test your knowledge of the skills introduced throughout Chapter
sone. we recommend timing yourself and seeing how quickly you can traverse through the questions. Your eventual
/goat should be the 35 minutes allotted for the actual science section of the ACT, but do not rush to hit that mark
just yet,. ( I f you have timing accommodations, shoot for that goal instead!) Simply have a clock running to see
bow long it takes you to complete 40 questions. I f you are using the proper mindset, finding your Waldos, and,
refraining from over-thinking the questions, you should come close to that mark.
Here are some simple tips to help you move faster on this science section, or any other science section you take:
1. Do not worry about reading the passages first. Instead, go straight to the questions. You will find your first
locators in the questions. Know what you are looking for before you look for it.
2. Questions within a single passage get harder as you progress. Do not spend much time trying to figure out
the last questions. I f you must, guess and move on.
3. I f you catch yourself getting lost or trying to understand the nuances of the experiment, stop, reset, and
tackle the question from the start.
4. Remember your training. You've learned a great deal from the first chapter of this guide - apply it.
5. *The ACT is always changing and keeping us guessing. So, in the spirit of the ACT, there will be some
questions that grab skills from later chapters in this book. This is an opportunity to prove to yourself that
ACT Science is not that bad! You're welcome.
Good luck!
Michael Cerro I 19
35 Minutes- 4 0 Questions
Passage I Study 2
The same three mazes were again constructed, each
Researchers studied the effectiveness of different containing a dish with a 10% sugar medium at the far
stimuli and the ability to smell of normal cockroaches end. In each maze one of three stimuli was sprayed near
compared to cockroaches lacking a protein required to the sugar medium, either: lemon oil, 5% acetic acid, or
detect a wide range of odors. 35% ethanol. No additional substances were added to the
mazes. Then, 10 cockroaches lacking a necessary protein
Study 1 to detect a wide range of odors were placed in each maze.
Three mazes were constructed, each containing a The average time for the cockroaches to reach the end of
dish with a 10% sugar medium at the far end. I n each maze was determined. T h e results are tabulated
each maze, one of three stimuli was sprayed near the
below (see Table 2).
sugar medium, either: lemon oil, 5% acetic acid, or 35%
ethanol. N o additional substances were added to the
mazes. Then, 10 normal cockroaches were placed in each
maze. T h e average time for the cockroaches to reach Table 2: Abnormal cockroaches
the end of each maze was determined. The results are Stimulus introduced Time to reach medium (s)
tabulated below (see Table 1).
Lemon oil 30
5% acetic acid 55
Table 1: Normal cockroaches
35% ethanol 41
Stimulus introduced Time to reach medium (s)
Lemon oil 15
Study 3
5% acetic acid 27 Study 1 was repeated using different concentratiom
35% ethanol 18 of acetic acid: 2%, 5%, and 10%. The results are tabu-
lated below (see Table 3).
Table 3
Stimulus introduced Time to reach medium (s)
2% acetic acid 15
5% acetic acid 27
10% acetic acid 48
Michael Cerro I 21
Passage I I
Students recorded data on the various thermal prop-
erties of liquid water, H20, at 1 atmosphere (atm) o f
Figures 1-3 each show a property of water at differ-
ent temperatures. The den-sity of water, which is defined
as the mass per unit volume, is displayed in Figure 1 at
various temperatures. T h e absolute pressure of water,
which is the pressure measured relative to the absolute
zero pressure, is displayed in Figure 2 at various temper-
atures. The specific entropy, which measures the avail-
ability of energy of the molecules, is displayed in Figure
3 at various temperatures.
20 40 6 0 80 1(X)
1000 Temperature (C)
990 Figure 3
-a) 980
.7' 9 7 0
8. According to Figure 1, at 1 atm, as temperature
increases, the density of water:
960 F. increases only.
G. decreases only.
H. increases, then decreases.
20 4 0 6 0 8 0 J. decreases, then increases.
Temperature (C)
9. A c c o r d i n g to Figure 2, a t 1 atm, as temperature
Figure 1 increases, the absolute pressure of water:
A. increases only.
120 B. decreases only.
C.- increases, then decreases.
"5 100 D. decreases, then increases.
Michael Cerro I 23
16. According t o the data, as the experiment pro,
Passage I I I gressed from Trial 7 to Trial 9, the time it took lot
the toy object to reach the bottom of the inclincli
Students tabulated data regarding the fall time of
different toy objects sliding down an inclined plane. plane:
F. increased only.
In each trial, the students released a toy from rest G. decreased only.
and recorded the time it took to fall down the inclined 11. increased, then decreased.
plane over various surfaces. The toy objects tested were J. decreased, then increased.
a sphere, a cube, and a pyramid, all made of wood and
having roughly the same mass of 2.0 kg. The surfaces 17. According t o the passage, i f 5 toy spheres were
tested were sandpaper, wood, and glass. The students placed on a balance, the balance reading would
recorded their results in Table 1. most likely be closest to which of the following?
A. 5 kg
B. 8 kg
C. 10 kg
Trial Object Surface Time (s) D. 13 kg
1 Sphere Sandpaper 5.4 18. Based on the results of the study, the object that
4.7 experienced the fastest speed sliding down the in-
2 Sphere Wood
clined plane occurred during:
3 Sphere Glass 3.3
F. Trial 1.
4 Cube Sandpaper 7.9 G. Trial 3.
H. Trial 4.
5 Cube Wood 6.2
J. Tr i a l 7.
6 Cube Glass 5.5
19. Suppose an additional trial had been conducted us-
7 Pyramid Sandpaper 8.1 ing a sphere and a brick surface. I f the time for the
8 Pyramid Wood 6.3 sphere to reach the bottom of the brick inclined
plane was 3.8 seconds, based on the data, approxi-
9 Pyramid Glass 5.4
mately how long would it take for a cube to reach
,the bottom of the brick inclined plane?
A. Less than 5.5 seconds
B. Between 5.5 and 6.2 seconds
C. Between 6.2 and 7.9 seconds.
D. More than 7.9 seconds
15. According to the data, as the experiment pro- 20. Suppose the experiment were repeated except the
gressed from Trial 1 to Trial 3, the time it took for objects were made of glass. Based on the data and
the toy object to reach the bottom of the inclined other information given, how would the time for
plane: the glass objects to reach the bottom of the in-
A. increased only. clined plane compare to the results tabulated for
B. decreased only. the original objects?
C. increased, then decreased. F. T h e time for the glass objects to reach the
D. decreased, then increased. bottom would be greater for all surfaces.
G. The time for the glass objects to reach the
bottom of the inclined plane would be less for
all surfaces.
H. The time for the glass objects to reach the
bottom would be greater for some surfaces,
and less for others.
J. Cannot be determined from the information
passage I V
21. According to Table 1, as the distance from the
Researchers conducted a study to see if various pa- power plant increased, the pH level:
rameters, such as proximity and pH, altered radiation A. increased.
levels in waters near nuclear power plants. B. decreased.
C. increased, then decreased.
Study I D. cannot be determined.
• T h r e e different water sources near a nuclear power
plant in North Carolina, United States were chosen to 22. According to Figure 1, as the number of days in-
test for radiation levels. The researchers collected a 100 creased, the radiation level:
mL sample of water from each source and determined F. increased for all water sources.
the pH using titration methods. T h e distance from the G. decreased for all water sources.
'power plant and pH levels are shown in Table 1. H. increased for sonic water sources, and de-
creased for others.
Table 1 J. iecreased for some water sources, and de-
creased for others.
Water Source Distance (in) pH
1 20 6.7 23. According to the data, as the pH level increased,
the radiation level:
2 25 7.0 A. increased.
3 30 B. decreased.
C. varied, hut with no general trend.
D. stayed constant.
Study 2 24. According to the data, as the distance from the
The researchers left a measuring probe in the three
power plant increased, the radiation level:
water sources for 20 days, which recorded radiation to
F. increased.
the nearest millzgray (mG) once a day. Their results are
G. decreased.
shown in Figure 1. H. increased, then decreased.
J. remained constant.
—e— Water Source 1
—N—Water Source 2 25. Suppose the study was allowed t o take place an
—g— Water Source 3 additional 5 days. Based on the results of Study
2, the radiation level for Water Source 2 after an
additional 5 days would most likely have been:
A. less than 850 mG
900 B. between 850 mG and 900 mG.
C. between 900 naG and 950 mG.
D. greater than 950 mG.
26. Suppose an additional water source was discovered
at a distance 27 m from the power plant. I f Study
2 were repeated, the radiation level for this water
source after 10 days would be approximately:
F. less than 550 mG.
G. between 550 mG and 600 mG.
H. between 600 mG and 650 mG.
5°°0 5 1 0 15 20 J. greater than 650 mG.
Figure 1
Michael Cerro 1 25
Study 3
The student planted five Helianthus ambigvas
Passage V
side in five different areas, each with a different typ,,,
In 3 studies a student investigated how the amount the soil. T h e nutrient composition of the soils vari,,i;
of water, amount of sunlight, and soil type would affect The student watered each plant three times a day, to,
the growth of a sunflower. 60 days, each with 20 mL of water. A t the conclusio
of the 60 days the student measured the height of eacf'
Study I sunflower. She recorded her results in Table 3.
Five sunflowers Helianthus ambiguus (1-5) were
planted outside in the same area and placed inside of
containers which allowed different amounts of sunlight
Table 3
to enter. The student used a generic type of soil and wa-
tered each plant three times a day with 20 inL of water. Sunflower Soil type Final height
The sunflowers were tended to over the course of 60 days. (cm)
At the conclusion of the 60 days the student measured
the height of each sunflower. She recorded her results in 1 A 98
Table 1. 80
3 57
Table 1
4 42
Sunflower Amount of Final height
sunlight (%) (cm) 5 33
1 0% 15
2 25% 22
3 50% 39 27. According to the results of Study 1, as the amount
4 75% 52 of sunlight given to the sunflowers increased, the
64 final height of each sunflower:
5 100% 80 A. increased only.
B. decreased only.
C. remained constant.
Study 2
D. varied, with no general trend.
The student planted five Helianthus ambiguus out-
side in the same area. A generic type of soil was used
28. According to the results of Study 2, as the amount
and the plants were watered three times a day, for 60
days, with a different amount of water. A t the conclu- of water per day given to the sunflowers increased.
sion of the 60 days the student measured the height of the final height of each sunflower:
F. increased only.
each sunflower. She recorded her results in Table 2.
G. decreased only.
H. increased, then decreased.
Table 2 J. decreased, then increased.
Sunflower Amount of Final height 29. Suppose the student wanted to plot a graph with
water per day (cm) the sunflower number on the x-axis and the final
(mL) height on the y -xis. Suppose a best-fit line viP
1 0 mL drawn. Based on Study 3, the slope of this line
2 would be best described as:
10 mL 55 A. a positive slope.
3 20 inL B. a negative slope.
4 C. a slope of 0.
30 mL 87 D. no slope.
5 40 mL
Figure 1
The students measured various physical properties
of the four balls to help them better understand their
cooling properties. Their results are shown in Table 1.
0o 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (min)
Table 1
Figure 2
Volume Surface Area
Ball Mass (kg)
(cm3) (cm')
A 2.0 4.0 9.2
34. Based on the results of the experiment, as the mass
B 5.5 8.0 18.7 of the ball increased, the volume:
C 8.9 12.0 F. increased only.
G. decreased only.
D 14.3 16.0 41.8 H. remained constant.
J. varied, with no general trend.
Michael Cerro 2 9
Welcome to the next step in your journey towards properly tackling the ACT science section! In this chapter Al
will be introducing more advanced question types and adding new layers to your already expanding repertoire
These types of questions comprise approximately 5-10% of the science section. That may not seem like much, but
the experience you will gain in this chapter can make the difference between the score you really want and th(
score you kind of want.
We will begin with a unique question type, the Yes, Yes, No, No. These questions are very popular throughout
the ACT science section, so you are likely to spot a few in any set of 40 questions. Let us begin with an example
1. A n expert predicted that the hare would finish the
race first. Does Table 1 support this claim?
Table 1 A. Yes; The tortoise finished with a faster time
than the hare.
Contestant Time to finish race (mm)
B. Yes; The tortoise finished with a slower time
Tortoise 11.8 than the hare.
Hare 12.2 C. No; The tortoise finished with a faster time
than the hare.
D. No; The tortoise finished with a slower time
than the hare.
You were probably able to answer the above question without a special tactic. However, the approach we are
going to use will help you, at the very least, whittle these question types down to two answers and give you a
clearer picture as to which answer choice is correct. Each answer choice consists of two parts—the answer and the
explanation. The explanation are facts and easier to check, while the yes/no part takes more thought. You should
NOT try to figure out whether the answer is Yes or No first. Instead, look at the second half, or explanation, of
each answer choice to verify whether or not the fact is supported by the data.
Looking at the above example we can see that the tortoise finishes with a faster time than the hare. Based oil
their explanations, the correct answer must then be answer choice A or C. Next, we use our reasoning skills to
determine if the correct explanation, "The tortoise finished with a faster time than the hare" agrees or disagree
with the question. In this case the explanation disagrees with the prediction. Answer choice C is correct.
Verifying the explanations is always an efficient way to eliminate incorrect answer choices. I n some cases, the
explanations of three answer choices are incorrect, leaving only the correct answer choice even before Pu ve
verified the Yes or No.
Lastly, the answer choices need not say Yes, Yes, No, No for this skill to apply. Whenever you see a comparison
between two items, each with two different explanations, you should fall back on this strategy.
Michael Cerro j 33
2.2 C a n n o t B e Determined
I f your answer is not there, that's the answer.
The cannot b e determined answer choice tends to distract students. Y h e n you see this as a possible an•
rhoice, do not change your approach!. Search for your locators; i f you fail to find them, you can be confident
choosing cannot be determined as the correct answer.
Your Objective: Answer the following questions by determining whether or not you can locate the corn
answer. I f you can, do so. I f not, choose cannot be determined.
cc ) )
Pick a point and plug it in.
voeu equations appear as answer choices, pick a point on the figure or a row on the table and plug those
yaws in ' to the answer choices. Remember to use your estimation skills to avoid challenging math calculations. For
„„, coinplex questions, the passage can hold a clue as to which numbers to plug in. h i s , of course, is assuming
que5ti0n directs you to the passage with a first locator. turthermore, solving these types of questions correctly
1111sometimes help you answer extrapolation questions later in the passage. Let's look at an example together.
your objective: Complete the following questions by plugging values into the answer choices. Some questions
maybe easily solved using the correct answers of preceding questions.
4.00 12.00
8.00 24.00
2.4 M i x i n g
Do not add the points, pick the number in the middle.
Mixing problems, if they do pop up, tend to be the last question of a passage. Whenever you see the words rti.
inbdng, you must be keen on taking the average of the two data points you will be required to locate. A corti41
niistake is to choose the answer choice that represents the sum of the two points. The idea is that, typicanylik
question refers to a concentration of a solution. Mixing two different concentrations results in a new con centraltiti I
that is somewhere iii the middle of the original two. For example: Mixing lightly salted water and heavily saii:
water does not yield even more heavily salted water. The result is somewhere between lightly and heavily salt"
plots are very popular on the ACT Science section. Knowing how to properly read a scatter plot will help
r l correcta n s w e r s . O n a scatter plot, each point represents data that the experimenter obtained
34)hn-ii,Conducting the experiment. Yo u will aLso notice a line of best-fit going through the pattern o f oints.
delling with scatter plots require you to find how often the ex erimenter obtained results.
e i t i a r c i , 7 n T t - e tim
ec o u . n t m & L o w reqzentl
mis information will not help you answer
t lest! types of questions.
10 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0
exposure time (min)
Figure 2
Michael Cerro I 37
2.6 W a t e r and Drying
GG Water is the driving force of all nature. — LEONARDO DA VINCI
A lot of science experiments in the world deal with the properties of water and how i t behaves with
pounds. The ACT Science section mimics this pattern and many answer choices deal directly with th:ther,
of water, specifically the boiling point of water: 100°C. These questions do not always give specific io Prope;i,
require a bit of outside knowledge. To best prepare for these questions, we want you to anticipate water,
or boiling water as the correct answers. 1 ist
Your Objective: Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of water.
21. Suppose an additional salt was tested that yielded
Experiment 1 a AT value of 7.5°C. The relative humidity of this
Before the salt, mixtures were administered a dry- additional salt would most likely be closest towhich
ing agent was placed in each tank and allowed to sit for of the following?
two days. Then, 3 salt mixtures were made with water A. 15.5%
and stirred in separate tanks. Several properties were B. 16.3%
measured and the results organized in Table 1. C. 17.6%
D. 18.8%
Table 1
22. What was the purpose of allowing the mixtures to
Salt Relative sit for two days before recording the results in Ex-
Tank in mixture AT(°C) Humidity (%) periment 1?
F. To ensure the relative humidity of each salt
1 NaCl 5.9 15.8 mixture in each tank was constant
2 MgCl2 6.2 17.2 G. To ensure the temperature of each tank was
3 KOH 6.8 18.1
H. To remove any H20 present in the tanks
J. T o remove any salts present in the tanks
24. What was the most likely reason the scientist kept
the wet soil in a heater, set to 105°C, for 1 houi
before beginning the experiment?
F. To remove the moisture.
G. To remove any organic matter in the soil
H. To ensure the soil was room temperature.
J. T o thoroughly clean the soil of unwanted con
, ,thapter test will focus on the basics from Chapter One and the advanced questions presented in Chapter
This 10:you did with the first chapter test, time yourself and aim to finish the test in the prescribed 35 minutes
TO1.11 your timing accommodation. This test will feel a bit tougher than the previous one since we are adding
or*4°1 es of questions. Do your best to stay focused and remember what you've learned from Chapter Two.
ore tYP
important thing to remember, and we will remind you of this each time, is to use the proper mindset and
Therdebnthe tactics. Answering questions by solely relying on your science knowledge will hurt your progression
torelYin°°veforward. Stick to your locators to start your thought process so you develop a flexible approach.
Good luck!
35 Minutes- 4 0 Question.s
Passage I
Respiration rates were studied for two different ,,,^
types of bacteria,: aerobic bacteria and E. coli (an anaer- 8 0 Ec.)
obic bacterium). When aerobic bacteria undergo respi-
ration, 02 is consumed and o 60C
coii undergo respiration, NO3- is consumed and NO2- v )
is produced. . 8 ,,
w 40
Study 2 0
At the start of spring, 3 soil sections — each 1.0 m e U
12 3 12 3
long, 1.0 in wide, and 3.0 m deep — were removed from Month Month
the surface of two different sources. B o t h sources are
Figure 1
known to contain aerobic bacteria and E. coli. Each soil
section was placed in a different tank made entirely of
glass to allow sunlight to penetrate. Gas emissions were
measured using an available instrument and the tanks Source 2
were left outside near their respective sources. co" 6 0 c 30
Gas emissions were measured, in mol/cm3, once a `)
month for 3 months. T h e temperature inside of each E 40 5 20
tank equaled the temperature of its respective source at
all times. Water was fed to each tank through a hose at a .0
constant rate to ensure proper respiration of the bacteria. '4 2 0
5 5
Figure 1 shows the total emission of CO2 and NO2- from
Source 1. Figure 2 shows the total emission of CO2 and 0"
NO2- from Source 2. 0 - 1
12 3 MO.
Figure 2
2. T h e researchers most likely chose to conduct this 6. Suppose the tanks were allowed to stay near their
particular study in the spring, rather than the win- respective source for an additional month. Artord-
ter, because: ing to the data, the NO2" emissions for Source 2, in
F. only aerobic bacteria undergo respiration in the additional month, would be closest to which of
the spring. the following?
G. only E. eoli undergo respiration in the spring. F. 5 11101/cm3
H. microorganism activity in soil is better in the G. 10 mol/cm3
spring. H. 15 mol/cm3
microorganism activity in soil is better in the J. 2 0 mol/cm3
7. According to the information provided, which of
3. Based on the results o f the study, were E. coli t h e following chemical equations represents anaer-
present in both sources for all 3 mouths? obic respiration?
A. Yes; CO2 was emitted from both sources. A. C6111206 + 602 -4 6CO2 6 H 2 0 + ATP
B. Yes; NO2- was emitted from both sources. B. 6CO2 + 6H20 + ATP -4 C6111206 + 602
C. No; CO2 was emitted from both sources. C. 2NO2- + 0 2 —> 2 N 0 i
D. No; NO2- was emitted from both sources. D. 2 N 0 2 N O 2 - + 0 2
Michael Cerro I 41
Passage I I
To treat pool water for recreation, chlorine tablets • 5 0 wall
can be used to kill bacteria. Chlorine breaks down into o I (x)wh,
different chemicals, one of which is hypochlorous acid x
(Hod). HOC1 kills bacteria by attacking fats in the cell 40
walls and destroying the enzymes inside the bacterium
Two studies examined how water pH and chlo-
rine concentration (g/mL) affected bacteria concentra-
tion (kg/L) in 25°C pool water during the summer.
Study 1
Before the start of the study, three water pools, each
40,000 liters, had pH levels set to 5, 7, and 9 using various
acids and bases. Then, chlorine tablets were placed in
all three water pools to yield a chlorine concentration of
75 g/mL. The bacteria concentration was measured over _
time using a unique device for a 50 min duration (see 5 10 1 5 2 0
Figure 1). exposure time (min)
• pH 5 Figure 2
OpH 7
x pH 9
Michael Cerro I 43
Passage I I I
15. According to Figure 2, at 275 K, the value uf
An ideal gas is a theoretical gas that behaves ac- CH4 is approximately: f ‘ t
cording to the ideal gas law. I t is composed of randomly A. 0.9925.
moving particles that avoid one another, except for elas- B. 0.9950.
tic collisions. The compressability factor (z) is a value C. 0.9975.
that determines the deviation of a real gas from ideal D. 1.0000.
behavior and is defined by the following equation:
16. According to Figure 1, for CO2, as pressur
Actual volume of real gas e1.4
creases the compressability factor:
z— F. increases only.
Ideal volume of gas
G. decreases only.
Figure 1 shows how the compressability factor varies with
H. remains constant.
pressure for 5 real gases at 298 K. Figure 2 shows how
J. varies, but with no general trend.
the compressability factor varies with temperature for 5
real gases at 1 atm.
17. A student attempted to find a best-fit linear
proximation for cornpres.sability factor versuspres.
1.05 - sure for SF6. Which of the following bestmodels
this approximation?
A. z = -0.01 x pressure (atm) + 1
H2 B. z = 0.01 x pressure (atm) + 1
CO C. pressure (atm) = z +1
CH4 D. pressure (atm) = 0.01 x z + 1
F-11 0.95 C O 2 -
18. A n ideal gas has a constant compressability factor
dD of 1. Among the gases tested, a chemist hypothe-
sized that CO2 would deviate most from idealbe-
SF6 - havior. Does Figure 1 agree with this claim?
F. Yes; Among the gases tested, CO2 deviated
most from ideal behavior.
0.850 2 4 6 8 G. Yes; Among the gases tested, SF6 deviated
10 12
pressure (atm) most from ideal behavior.
H. No; Among the gases tested, CO2 deviated
Figure 1 most from ideal behavior.
J. N o ; Among the gases tested, SF6 deviated
most from ideal behavior.
19. Suppose the data for z had been generated at271
K instead of 298 K for Figure 1. Based on Figure;
H2 1 and 2, the value of z at 273 K, compared to 20
CO K, would be:
CH4 A. lower for most gases tested.
, 0 9 R B B G B B B B B . 9 9 B B B e n CO2 B. higher for most gases tested.
C. identical for all gases tested.
D. unable to be determined.
20. Based on the passage, which real gas has an acttol,
volume greater than its ideal gas volume at 10 ato
F. H 2
0.985 G. C O
275 2 8 0 2 8 5 2 9 0 2 9 5 3 0 0 3 0 5
temperature (K) H. C H 4
J. C O 2
Figure 2
Thorium Th-232 1.4 x 1010 24. According to Figure 1, at 12 x 108 years, approxi-
mately how many Uranium-235 atoms will remain?
F. 300 atoms
Figure 1 shows, for each of 5 isotopes listed in Table G. 400 atoms
1, the number of atoms, N, versus time (in 108 yr) for a H. 500 atoms
sample initially containing 1,000 atoms. J. 600 atoms
-235 26. Based on the passage and Table 1, the mean life-
time, T, for Carbon-14 is closest to which of the
200 following?
F. 3,707 yr
Pu-239 G. 5,470 yr
H. 5,715 yr
2 4 6 8 10 1 2
J. 8,150 yr
Time (yr) x 108
Figure 1
Michael Cerro 4 5
Passage V Study 3
One of the five cars from Study 1 was selected.1,6
Two college students decided to perform an exper- engine horsepower component of the car was altered
iment to test the different components of cars and the different times. One student stood by and measured t‘i:
effect the components have on travel time. time it. took for the other student to accelerate from
and travel the 1/4-mile track. The students recorded0;14
Study 1 data in Table 3.
Five cars were placed on a V4-mile straight track.
Each car had the same 750 ft3/tnin (cfm) supercharger Table 3
and 450 horsepower .(111)) engine. The weights of the cars
were documented. One student stood by and measured Trial Engine horsepower (hp) 4-mile time (s)
the time it took for the other student to accelerate from 350 10.2
rest with each car and travel the 1/4-mile track. The
students recorded their data in Table 1. 2 400 9.7
3 450 9.3
Table 1
4 500 8.9
Car Weight (kg) 1/4-mile tune (s)
5 550 8.4
A 1,814 10
B 1,886 10.6
27. According to Table 1, as the weight of the carM.
C 1,619 9.3 creased, the 1/4-mile time:
D 1,675 9.8 A. increased only.
B. decreased only.
E 2,013 12.3 C. increased, then decreased.
D. decreased, then increased.
Study 2 28. Before the study, one of the students hypothesized
One of the five cars from Study 1 was selected. that the car with the lightest mass would yield the
The supercharger component of the car was altered five fastest time. Do the results of Study 1 support this
different times. One student stood by and measured the claim?
time it took for the other student to accelerate from rest F. Yes; Car E had the lightest mass and yielded
and travel the 1/4-mile track. The students recorded their the slowest time.
data in Table 2. G. Yes; Car C had the lightest mass and yielded
the fastest time.
Table 2 H. No; Car C had the lightest mass and yielded
Trial Supercharger (cfm) 1/4-mile time (s) the slowest time.
J. N o ; Car E had the lightest mass and yielded
1 750 12.3 the fastest time.
2 825 12.0
29. Suppose an additional trial had been tested with
3 900 11.6 a 950 cfm supercharger. Based on the results of
11.2 Study 2, the 1/4-mile time would most likely be
4 1,000
closest to which of the following?
5 1,050 10.9 A. 11.2 cfm
B. 11.4 cfm
C. 11.6 cfm
D. 11.8 cfm
30. Based on Studies 1 and 2, which car was used in 32. Based on Studies 1 and 3, which car was used in
Study 2? Study 3?
F. Car A F. Car A
G. Car B G. Car B
H. Car H. Car C
J. Cannot be determined from the given infor- J. Cannot be determined from the given infor-
mation mation
31. Which variable had the same value throughout 33. Suppose the procedure in Study 1 for Car E had
Study 1, but did not have the same value through- been repeated, except with a 300 hp engine instead
out Study 3? of a 450 hp engine. Based on the results of Studies
A. Weight (kg) 1 and 2, the 1/4-mile time would most likely have
B. 1/4-mile time (s) been:
C. Supercharger (cfm) A. less than 9.8 s.
D. Engine horsepower (hp) B. between 9.8 s and 10.6 s.
C. between 10.6 s and 12.3 s.
D. greater than 12.3 s.
Experiment 2
Passage V I
Four 100 mL samples of water containing ou
Water pollution occurs when pollutants are dis- the bacteria species from Experiment 1 were collect,
charged into bodies of water. Numerous water treat- The temperatures of the water samples were adjust;
ments are available to cleanse water bodies of unnec- A measuring device was connected to a computer to
essary pollutants. A researcher conducted an experi- culate the survival percentage of the bacteria. A war
ment to test the effectiveness of certain water treatments cleanser was placed in each sample and allowed tu sit!
against unwanted bacteria. for 1 day. A t the same time the next day, the survivai
percentage of the bacteria was measured. The exp%
Experiment / merit was repeated for three different water treatnienC
Four 100 mL samples of clean water at 25°C were (see Figure 2).
each subjected to a different unknown strain of bacteria
(A-D). A measuring device was connected to a computer
to calculate the survival percentage of the bacteria. A
water cleanser was placed in each sample and allowed to EMTreatment I
sit for 1 day. A t the same time the next day, the survival FATreatmentll
percentage of the bacteria was measured. T h e experi- Treatment lfl
ment was repeated for three different water treatements
(see Figure 1). The different pH values of the water treat-
ments are shown in Table 1.
Treatment I
F-1Treatment II
I I I Treatment III
20 2 5 3 0 3 5
Water temperature (C)
Figure 2
37. Which variable had the same value throughout 40. Suppose an additional species, Species E, had
Experiment 1, but did not have the same value yielded a survival percentage of 60% at 25°C with
Treatment II. According to the results of the ex-
throughout Experiment 2?
periments, if the researcher wanted to promote the
A. Bacteria species
growth of Species E, the researcher would use:
B. Survival % F. colder water, because as water temperature
C. Water treatment decreases survival percentage decreases.
D. Water temperature (°C) G. warmer water, because as water temperature
decreases survival percentage decreases.
38. The researcher predicted, for a given treatment, the H. colder water, because as water temperature
highest water temperature would kill the most bac- increases survival percentage decreases.
teria. Do the results of Experiment 2 support this J. warmer water, because as water temperature
claim? increases survival percentage decreases.
F. No; A water temperature of 20°C yielded the
highest survival percentage.
G. No; A water temperature of 35°C yielded the
highest survival percentage.
H. Yes; A water temperature of 20°C yielded the
highest survival percentage.
J. Yes; A water temperature of 35°C yielded the
highest survival percentage.
Michael Cerro I 49
3.1 T h e Elements o f an E x p e r i m e n t
What you change, what you measure, everything else is constant.
This chapter focuses on helping you better understand the experiments.. .without reading any of th
There are certainly some questions that require you to find specific locators in the passage. But scientific
4 ,e„.
questions require you to be able to extract the different elements of the experiments efficiently. The t
times, will distract you. e x t
Your Objective: Let me walk you through an example analyzing the table below.
Your Objective: L e t me walk you through an example analyzing the figure below.
Michael Cerro I 53
Your Objective: Answer the scientific method questions concerning the figure below.
4. Based on the figure, which element re 'Nese
Treatment 1 independent variable?
I 'Treatment 11 F. Water temperature (°C)
I I I I Treatment III G. survival %
H. A i r humidity
J. A i r pressure
The control group is best identified from experience. A good way to define a control group is it's the bat
comparison. Let's say you are changing the amount of water you give plants and measuring their growth
order to compare the r o ,th r o erlv you need to have one l a n t that does not receive any water. That isi
control group. ,=',c-t:',1M1411***-41intriAtoylik0-4010,11it,0004110011tritlai P'its . I f you genetically du
a tomato.. .you need a normal tomato. I f you plant different types of enhanced fertilizer in fields.. .you needa:
with normal fertilizer. Let's get more comfortable with experiments by coming up with our own!
Your Objective: Create your own experiment. T r y to avoid using a boring science experiment. Get co
and use one of your hobbies. We will use basketball as an example.
An inverse trend feels a bit more complex than a direct trend. After reading a figure and seeing the vain .
there is a tendency to want to pick the answer choice that also increases. This works well early on :111N
But, as you progress towards the later quetsions, and specifically the last question, the ACT Science se(arlIk
to use inverse trends. 1 ° 4 °
There are some inverse trends that you are used to identifying. For example, the faster you drive to your d(t.
the less time it will take to get there. However, there arc also a lot of inverse trends in science that you illki
familiar with. These trends tend to be at the center of last questions. So, when you see a value increasinar.
question, lean towards the answer choice that is decreasing. This will riot work 100% of the time, hut it wigi:h.
the vast majority of the time. I f you are certain you understand the science behind the question, then go ‘‘itill!
answer choice you feel confident picking. However, if you get in trouble always go with the inverse trend
Your Objective: The problems below are indicative of ones typically found as the last question of apassat
Study 1
A student performed an experiment to measure the 1. Suppose that, in a new study, the studentused
temperature of a beaker of water over time. The student hot plate to heat 400 mL of water. Basedon
measured 200 mL of water and placed the beaker in a Figure 1 and other information provided, at
freezer at -2°C. A thermometer was placed inside of the time = 6 s, the temperature of the water insidedip
beaker and the temperature was recorded every 2 seconds beaker would most likely be:
(Trial 1). Then, the student measured 200 mL of water A. less than 5°C
and placed the beaker on a hot plate. The hot plate was B. between 5°C and 7.5°C
turned to 75% power. A thermometer was placed inside C. between 7.5°C and 10°C
of the beaker and the temperature was recorded every D. greater than 10°C
2 seconds (Trial 2). The student recorded the results in
Figure 1.
—N—Trial 1
The questions below do not refer to any set ofdata.
- e - Trial 2
2. A s acceleration increases, will the time it takesa
object to reach the bottom of an inclined planein-
crease or decrease, and why?
F. Decrease, because velocity will decrease.
G. Increase, because velocity will decrease.
H. Decrease, because velocity will increase.
J. Increase, because velocity will increase.
GG ) 1
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. — LEONARD N1MOY
L aquestions
Last h a v e a certain logic to them. Typically they require exactly two steps. The first step is relatively
-- F o r examPle, finding a value on a figure or table. The second step requires a bit more work. For example,
eal'ying an inverse trend from a different study to the value in the first step. However, we can skip this second
thinkin about the structure of the answer choices. Sometimes your initial value splits the answer choices
i etPop t b l y v o g
groups: answer choices that are higher than your value and answer choices that are lower than your value.
you did the question correctly there will be one answer choice in one group and three answer choices in the other
grup. Whichever group holds only one answer choice is the correct answer.
So, why does this work? The exam is testing your knowledge about number behavior and identifying trends, but
e do not want you to calculate an exact value. They just want you to figure out whether the answer would
increase or decrease from that initial value. I t is impossible, then, for them to have a correct answer and structure
the answer choices any way else. Let's give it a shot!
*For the first problem listed below notice how the initial value for survival % for Species B using Treatment 2 is
40%. There are three answer choices smaller than 40%, but only one larger than 40%. The larger answer choice
is correct.
Michael Cerro 5 7
4.3 O u t s i d e Knowledge
CC ) )
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, i t is the illusion of knowledge. STEpqN
Outside knowledge questions on the ACT are easy to identify. T h e y typically, nowadays, appear as
question of some of the passages in a section and have science terms or equations as answer choic..._.
us I t is the
to quickly identify an outside knowledge question so time is not wasted going back to the passage attenIN
locate the correct answer. I f you know the correct answer, great! I f you do not, then guess and ineviniltillg
NEED NOT be a science master to do well on ACT Science. This represents a small fraction of questionsne:11'
on the exam. Feel free to glance over the cheat sheet on the next page, but do not feel the need to inemor'es%
Below are outside knowledge questions that may appear in a passage, but do not need the information in
to be answered correctly.
7. W h e n honeybees synthesize proteins, the RNA ge- 11. The salt used b y the experimenter createsat
netic code is converted into a long polypeptide ionic bond when placed in solution. I f a differft
chain. Which of the following molecules represent molecule were chosen for the experiment, theex.
the building blocks of this polypeptide chain? perimenter would choose which molecule tocrean
A. AT P a similar type of bond?
B. D N A A. NaCl
C. Carbohydrates B. CO2
D. Amino acids C.03
D. C3H603
8. T h e plants atop the green roof absorb and release
various molecules and forms of energy. Which equa- 12. A t the end of the experiment, the studentsneutra
tion best represents the exchange of molecules be- ized the acidic solution in the beaker with anla
tween the plants and the atmosphere? known solution. What was the pH of theunknont
F. light + sugar + water —>CO2 + 02 solution used by the students?
G. light + water -4 CO2 + 02 + sugar F. p 11 3
H. light + water + CO2 -4 sugar + 02 G. p H 5
J. l i g h t + water --4 CO2 + sugar + 02 H. p H 7
J. p H 9
9. A protein channel, which facilitates diffusion, helps
starch molecules pass through a semi-permeable 13. When calculating the weight of the object, thestif
barrier. Which component of the cell do starch dents multiplied the mass of the object by thegrav
molecules pass through? ity of Earth, g. What value of g did the student:
A. Lysosomes use?
B. Mitochondria A. 1.0 rnis2
C. Cell membrane
B. 4.9 m/s2
D. Endoplastic Reticulum
C. 9.8 m/s2
D. 12.0 m/s2
10. Monosaccharides are the basic form of carbohy-
drates and are organic molecules. Which molecule
represents a monosaccharide?
F. NaC1
G. CO2
J. C3H603
DOIiiifiant alleles: Capital letters (T) Potential energy: Energy at rest. There is typically more
Ressessivealleles: Lowercase letters (t) potential energy at higher heights and objects at rest.
Heterozygous: Two different alleles (Tt)
Homozygous: Two similar alleles (TT) Kinetic energy: Energy in motion. There is typically more
kinetic energy at lower heights and higher speeds.
*Knowhow to construct a Punnett square. Assume we are
crossing: Bb x bb. The Punnett square would be:
B b
b Bb bb
b Bb bb
Michael Cerro I 59
chapters 3 and 4 Test: Scientific M e t h o d and Last Questions
chapter test you are about to take will test your knowledge on the skills introduced in the first four chapters.
Tilc i f f be tested on the full slate of questions presented in the ACT Science section. Use this chapter test a.s the
111' 11%- test to measure how comfortable you are tackling ACT Science.
first real
Afew reminders about what you learned in Chapters 3 and 4:
Remernber the elements of an experiment: "What are they changing and what are they measuring?"
2. Look for inverse trends on late questions in passages.
3. Anticipate the second step when dealing with last questions. T h e first step will be there as an incorrect
answer choice.
4. Sometimes it is all about outside knowledge. I f you know it, great. I f not, leave it up to the science Gods.
5. And never forget to, when you get in trouble, stick to our main approach: Finding Waldo.
Good luck!
Michael Cerro I 6
35 Minutes-- 40 Questions
Passage I Cross 3
Two pea plants, each with genotype YyRi.,wer,
crossed. T h e genotype, color phenotype, shape pherii
A cross-breeding experiment of common pea plants type, and number of offspring are shown in Table 3.
(Pisum sativum) was maducted. T h i s species of pea
plant can have the color yellow or green, and its shape
Table 3
can be round or wrinkled. Pea color in Pisum sativum is
controlled by Gene Y, which has 2 alleles, Y and y. Pea Color Shape Numberof
shape in Pisum sativum is controlled by Gene R, which Genotype
has 2 alleles, R and r. phenotype phenotype offspring
YYRR yellow round 25
Cross I
Two yellow pea plants, each with genotype Yy, were YYRr yellow round 50
crossed. The color phenotypes and number of offspring
are shown in Table 1. YYrr yellow wrinkled 11
YyRR yellow round 48
Table 1
YyRr yellow round 125
Color phenotype Number of offspring
Yyrr yellow wrinkled 50
yellow 295
yyRR green round 231
green 105
yyRr green round 52
yyrr . green wrinkled 16
Cross 2
Two round pea plants, each with genotype Rr, were
crossed. T h e shape phenotype and number of offspring
are shown in Table 2.
Michael Cerro I 63
Passage I I
For Trials 1-4, graduate students nu„
Graduate students conducted an experiment to in- eachIpSnitpuedbearingt, E
vestigate the stiffness of cylindrical pipes based on vari-
ous physical properties.
Table 1
Throughout each trial, a 10 kg pipe was fixed at Trial W (N) D (10-3 in)
both ends with clamps. A load of weight, W, measured
in Newtons (N), was placed on the center of each pipe. 1 30 2.5
The pipes were measured for the extent of deformation, 2 40 3.3
D, which was recorded in 10-3 in (see Figure 1). After
the amount of bend was measured, the load was removed. 3 5()
The experiment was repeated for various ambient room 1 (ill 5.1
temperatures, T.
Study 2
For Thais 5-8, graduate studentsmeasurpdh.
four different pipes, each having a different E
2). The pipes were labeled A-D. In eachtrial,w
N and T = 25°C.
• T a b l e 2
Trial Label E (N/m2) D (10-3 ni)-
5 A 50 4.7
Figure 1
6 B 100 ' 2.5
7 C 150 1.3
Young's modulus, E, is a physical parameter of an 8 D 200 0.6
elastic solid. I t measures the force per unit area that
is needed to compress a material and is calculated as
follows. Study 3
For Trials 9-12, graduate studentsmeasuredD
tensile stress pipes while changing the air temperature oftheroom
extensional strain Table 3). In each trial, W = 30 N and E =100Nil
9 25 2.5
10 26 2.8
11 27 3.1
12 28 3.4
Act,ording to the results of Study 1, as the load 11.
'' aced on the center of the pipe increased, D: The graduate students wanted to set up conditions
that would result in the lowest extent of deforma-
A. increased only.
tion. Based on the results of Studies 1 and 3, which
B. decreased only.
c. increased, then decreased. conditions listed below would the students choose?
D. varied, but with no general trend. A. A load of 20 N and a laboratory temperature
of 20°C
in Study 2, an additional trial were con- B. A load of 25 N and a laboratory temperature
s ductSuPPedwhere E ---,- 175 N/m2. T h e value for D of 20°C
C. A load of 25 N and a laboratory temperature
would most likely have been: of 25°C
F. 0.6 x 10-3 m
D. A load of 30 N and a laboratory temperature
G. 0.9 x 10-3 m of 25°C
1.3 x 10-3 m
J. 1.7 x 10-3 m 12. Which variable had the same value for all trials
tested in Study 2, but did not have the same for all
9. In physics textbooks, the amount of work done on a trials tested in Study 1?
system is calculated as W x D. Which trial yielded F. The load on the pipe, W (N)
the greatest amount of work? G. Young's modulus, E (N/m2)
A. Trial 1 H. Laboratory air temperature, T (°C)
B. Trial 5 J. Extent of deformation, D (10-3m)
C. Trial 8
D. Trial 9 13. According to the information provided, the force
due to gravity acting on each pipe during the ex-
10.The pipe tested in Study 1 was most likely made periment was closest to which of the following?
up of which metal? A. 1 0 N
F. Metal A B. 5 0 N
G. Metal B C. 100 N
H. Metal C D. 1 5 0 N
J. Metal D
Michael Cerro I 65
Passage I I I
— Battery
Voltmeter N I )
a.a e a
00 1 2 3
E (V)
Figure 1 Figure 3
18.According to Figure 2, which variables were inten- 20. According to Figure 3, at a given e, which electri-
tionally varied? cal device conducted the least amount of electrical
F. The electrical current and the voltage
F. T h e filament lamp
G. The electrical current and the type of electri- G. The LED
cal device H. The Diode
H. The voltage and the type of electrical device J. A l l three devices conducted identical amounts
J. The voltage and the resistance of electrical current.
Passage I V
20 4 0 6 0 8 0
air H2 concentration (g/m3)
Figure 2
ocean surface
formation of magnetite
A 10,201
B 15,038
C 27,402
Figure 1 D 9,293
10 2 0 3 0
age (days)
Figure 3
Figure 1 Experiment 3
The procedure from Experiment 1wasrepestk,1
cept the spring was moved 0.5 m away fromtheh,
Experiment I of the quarter-pipe. The students measuredtheavera
A quarter-pipe ramp was setup on a long table in spring compression for each sphere. The results d.:
the classroom (see Figure 1). A spring, with spring con- experiment are shown in Table 3.
stant k = 100 N/m, was fixed at the bottom of the ramp.
Three different spheres — Sphere A (1 kg), Sphere B (2
Table 3
kg), and Sphere C (3 kg) — were dropped from the same
initial height, H, of 1 m. The compression of the spring Sphere Average spring compression(m)
was recorded for multiple trials and the average com-
pression calculated for each sphere. The results of the A 0.04
experiment are shown in Table 1. 0.10
Table 1
Sphere Average spring compression (m)
A 0.09
In our experience, the conflicting viewpoints passage is the most polarizing of all the ACT
Students find it to be either
Use the most
the same challenging
approach you didorwith
the figures
easiest and
passage of now
tables' themjust
all. rwefi
itnhipass,‘ scieke i
different than all of the other passages. However, we assure you that approaching it in 0,:ge
you've approached all other passage types will go a long way. " ' l e saite 041)i,
We recommend that some students skip this passage and save it for last. Doing so may h-eIshelpful t
on how much you like or dislike the passage. And although our mindset regarding lzovictahtotritseacnodnwfils:Isti,evkit
true, there are indeed some minor differences. This chapter will walk you through a PProachtoat
this passage with purpose.
Your Objective: Answer the questions below based on the first sentences of each viewpoint.
The sky's blue hue was a popular topic of conver- 1. W h i c h scientist, if any, would assert thattheCOIT
sation in the early 17th century. Three 17th century sci- of the sky is dependent upon Earth'soceans?
entists attempt to explain the color of the sky. A. Scientist 1
B. Scientist 2
Scientist 1 C. Scientist 3
The sky is blue because light from the sun reflects D. None of the scientists
off of ocean waters. At night, when no sunlight is present,
the sky is black.
2. W h i c h scientist, if any, would assert thattheoil
Scientist 2 of the sky is dependent upon Earth'sclouds?
F. Scientist 1
The sky is blue because shorter wavelengths of light
scatter more strongly. The color blue has the shortest G. Scientist 2
wavelength, and therefore scatters prominently through- H. Scientist 3
out the sky. J. N o n e of the scientists
w given yourself a solid foundation with which to tackle the questions of a conflicting viewpoints
N:sage, YOUa`-'k0l p
a layer
h r a of
s estrategy to pas.
s in the our approach. L e p Two is the idea that phrases in the questions hay/
sages., When you read through a Conti. • •
el)xact c°I.creiP ictingand
o renhum.idthee problem. Instead, search for important key words or phrases then findquestion do
those words
in the passage.
your ° bective:
j Answer the questions below by finding corresponding phrases in both the questions and the
Thesky's blue hue was a popular topic of conver-
4. T h e present day electromagnetic spectrum shows
sationin the early 17th century. Three 17th century sci_
the color purple to have the shortest wavelength.
mastsattempt to explain the color of the sky.
This evidence weakens, if at all, the viewpoint of
which scientist?
Scientist I F. Scientist 1
Thesky is blue because light from the sun reflects G. Scientist 2
offofoceanwaters. Water, which has a high reflective H. Scientist 3
coefficient,is able to reflect most of the light it receives J. None of the scientists
backinto the atmosphere. The majority of the Earth is
coveredin water, creating the sky's rich blue hue during 5. Suppose ocean waters contained a layer .of parti-
theday.However, since some of the light enters the water cles on its surface that yielded a low reflective co-
dueto refraction, not all light is reflected. A t night, when efficient. This discovery would weaken the view-
nosunlight is present, the sky is black. point(s) of which scientist?
A. Scientist 1 only
Scientist2 B. Scientist 2 only
Thesky is blue because the shorter wavelengths of C. Scientists 1 and 2
lightarescattered more strongly. The color blue has the D. Scientists 3 and 4
shortestwavelength, and therefore scatters prominently
throughoutthe sky. The human eye then sees the color 6. Assume that light from the sun is comprised of all
bluewhenlooking towards the sky. wavelengths of light except blue. The present day
• electromagnetic spectrum shows the color purple to
have the shortest wavelength and the color red to
Iagree with Scientist 2, but with two exceptions. have the longest wavelength. Based on this infor-
Bluedoesnot have the shortest wavelength. The color of mation, Scientist 3 would most likely agree that the
theskyis actually a mixture of short wavelengths, largely human eye would perceive the sky as:
onPrised of blue and green. Blue, however, is slightly F. purple, because light from the sun reflects off
Toredominant than green due to its shorter wavelength. of ocean waters.
Furthermore, the human eye will not see the color blue G. red, because light from the sun reflects off of
Z.t11looking closely at the sun. T h e light coming di- ocean waters.
e,IY.f.romthe sun travels a straight path to the human H. purple, because shorter wavelengths of light
1 1thnisgthe light of scattered particles. The human .are scattered more strongly.
u e a S e l wIs only able
ght, h
to seei longerc wavelengths
of J. red, because longer wavelengths of light are
translate to colors like red and orange. scattered more strongly.
Michael Cerro 7 7
5.3 T h e I r r e l e v a n t A r g u m e n t
Suppose a question on a conflicting viewpoints passage refers to Viewpoint A. The ACT will often ,.
argument of other viewpoints in the question or answer choices. I f you see these arguments as answer
ain to the viewpoint referred to in the question.r, s ch4icetkit
free to eliminate them since they do not p e r t
the main argument of Viewpoint B in the question, and the question is referring you to Viewpoint IIPPose „ci'isl
the correct answer is typically something along the lines of, "Has no effect on Viewpoint A”.
Again, think of the conflicting viewpoints passage as a debate. I f you and your friends are debat'np L
next best baseball player and another person enters the conversation talking about basketball, thelr v i e , .1It Vto
no bearing on your debate. The same goes for questions like these on the A C T. - Polkil.
The sky's blue hue was a popular topic of conver- 7. Suppose ocean waters dried up and wereeliminated
sation in the early 17th century. Three 17th century sci- from the surface of Earth. What impact, if my
entists attempt to explain the color of the sky. would this have on Scientist 3's explanation? n
A. I t would prove that the explanation iscorrect,
Scientist 1 B. I t would have no impact on the explanation.
The sky is blue because light from the sun reflects C. I t would weaken the explanation.
off of ocean waters. Water, which has a high reflective D. I t would support the explanation, but not
coefficient, is able to reflect most of the light it receives prove that the explanation is correct.
back into the atmosphere. The majority of the Earth is
covered in water, creating the sky's rich blue hue during 8. T h e present day electromagnetic spectrumSI1OP
the day. However, since some of the light enters the water the color purple to have the shortest wavelength.
due to refraction, not all light is reflected. A t night, when How does this information impact, if at all,Scien-
no sunlight is present, the sky is black. tist l's viewpoint?
F. I t would prove that the explanation is correct.
Scientist 2 G. I t would have no impact on the explanation.
The sky is blue because the shorter wavelengths of H. I t would weaken the explanation.
light are scattered more strongly. The color blue has the J. I t would support the explanation, but not
shortest wavelength, and therefore scatters prominently prove that the explanation is correct.
throughout the sky. The human eye then sees the color
blue when looking towards the sky. 9. A student hypothesized that air particles tendto
attract packets o f light that have shorterwave-
Scientist 3
lengths. H o w does this information impact, if at
I agree with Scientist 2, but with two exceptions.
all, Scientist l's viewpoint?
Blue does not have the shortest wavelength. The color of
A. I t would prove that the explanation is correct.
the sky is actually a mixture of short wavelengths, largely
B. I t would have no impact on the explanation.
comprised of blue and green. Blue, however, is slightly
more dominant than green due to its shorter wavelength. C. I t would weaken the explanation.
Furthermore, the human eye will not see the color blue D. I t would support the explanation, but not
when looking closely at the sun. T h e light coming di- prove that the explanation is correct.
rectly from the sun travels a straight path to the human
eye, ridding the light of scattered particles. The human
eye, in this case, is only able to see longer wavelengths of
light, which translate to colors like red and orange.
iflicting viewpoints test is a bit different. than previous chapter tests. The following 6 passages are all
codictillgl1:‘wpoints passages. y
: 0 practice 011 need
your conflicting not
. time
viewpoints yourself on this chapter test. Instead, use this test as an
Rememberyour steps:
Read the last sentence of the introduction, then the first sentence of each viewpoint. The goal is to find the
1.main differences between the viewpoints.
2.Find phrases in the Passages that exactly match those in the questions. Your mission is to locate, not to
If you stick to the proper mindset and try to interpret the text just as you did figures and tables in other
passages.your progress will be reflected in this chapter test. I f you find yourself using your comprehensive skills
todetermine correct answers, remember: Doing so may help you in the short run but will certainly limit your
potential to improve your ACT Science score.
Good luck!
Passage I 1. T h e salt solute the teacher added to on
beakers could have been which of thefohowc:Ii.
A teacher in a chemistry class placed two beakers
with pure water inside of a fume hood. T h e teacher B. CO2
added a small quantity of salt to one of the beakers and C. NaCI
stirred the solution until the salt solute was completely
dissolved. Then, the teacher added an unknown solid
metal to the solutions. The metal reacted !wavily with
the salty water, causing a spark, but did not react with 2. W h i c h of the student(s) would agree that tit,
was charged before being placed in th
the pure water. F. Student 1 only eb(„Ltill'ik
The teacher asked three students to explain what G. Students 2 only
had occurml. H. Students 1 and 2
J. Students 2 and 3
Michael Cerro 8 1
Passage I I 8. W h i c h of the scientists, i f c i a i _
atom has a positively charged center7d
Four early 1900s scientists discuss atomic structure, F. Scientists 1 and 2
specifically the architecture of the atom. They attempt G. Scientists 3 and 4
to explain the locations of electrons, protons, and neu- H. A l l of the scientists
trons within an atom. j . N o n e of the scientists
Michael Cerro I 83
Passage I I I
Michael Cerro 8 5
Passage I V H Y P ° tillib(eiiiiS 3etheb l i o a c h a n g ee
ghethe eriiestmie
code of abr.
d b. fibrin i n,k4-
intryminction to‘gictedAher and form the blood clot j°'disabldto-..:r
Blood coagulation, or clotting, is the transformation though the other molecules of the blood clotting 'vea
of blood from a liquid into a solid gel. Formation of a are unaltered, the disabling of fibrin prevents,'DreeN
Clot strengthens the seal over a break in a blood vessel. step of blood clotting from occurring. the kli
As blood in the proximity of the vessel solidifies, it can
no longer How.
Hemophilia changes the genetic code of proth
The clotting cascade (see Figure 1) helps visualize bin produced by the body. When active, koth rtInt
the proems. When a cut occurs, platelets attach to col- , excess fibrinogen instead of thrombin - r"otiyaa.
lagen fibers and become sticky. This seal is reinforced thrombin is never produced fibrinogen is neverC•Beea
by fibrin, which is a derivative of fibritiogrn. Fibrin is Cootnvert
into fibrin. Thus, the final step of the blood Cl
formed when prothrombin is activated, forming thrombin. occurs.ocurs.
Thrombin catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen into fib-
rin. The threads of fibrin form the final step of the blood
clot. 22. Both Hypothesis 2 and 3 indicate that the •
code of which molecule is altered by the genetj
disorder hemophilia?
F. Prothrombin
G. Thrombin
H. Fibrinogen
J. Fibrin
Michael Cerro I 87
Student 3
Passage V The solute dissolved in both the
toluene solvent. Because the solute was water
in both solvents, i t must have bees a4,
A teacher performed a solubility test in front of a
fl ° ° isr 1 \
1tel 44N
chemistry class. 10 mg of an unknown solute was placed lar molecules have no charge and would no, ( :NO/i
into a reaction tube at 25°C with 0.25 mL of water, a po- charge of the water molecules. Thus, the wate "iPttli
lar solvent. The mixture was stirred with a fire-polished solve the nonpolar solute into solution. This :1_4111i
stirring rod. After waiting for two minutes the class was true for the toluene solvent since there
charges . . . .. ouid
asked to record whether or not the solute dissolved in the in either the solute or solvent. NoupoL 4.
solvent. T h e experiment was repeated using toluene, a vents seem to be the most useful for d w i n
nonpolar solvent, instead of water. any solute. galric4t
Graduate Student 3
Two different snowboarders were chosen for the The two athletes reached the same maximumheight
study. A 50 kg athlete, Snowboarder A, and a 60 kg ath- on the half-pipe because their initial positions wereiden.
lete, Snowboarder B, were released from rest, at different tical. T h e gravitational attraction between Earthand
times, from Point X on the left side of U-shaped half-pipe the athletes had no effect on the results of thisstudy
(neglect the effects of friction). The snowboarders were Furthermore, the difference in mass between theathletes
told to launch as far up the right side of the half-pipe played no role whatsoever in the mechanics of thestudy
without exerting extra force. The maximum height at-
tained in the air on the right side of the half-pipe for
each snowboarder was recorded. I n addition, the gravi-
tational potential energy (GPE) and kinetic energy (KE)
of both snowboarders at points X and Y were calculated
(see Table 1). 35. Which graduate student(s) would agree thatgrav-
ity played a significant role in the results ofthe
Table 1 A. Graduate Student 1 only
Maximum B. Graduate Student 3 only
GPE at KE at KE at
Athlete C. Graduate Students 1 and 2
height (m) X (J) X (J) Y (J) D. Graduate Students 2 and 3
A 1 500 0 500
B 1 600 n/a 36. During the experiment, the device used to cal,cu-
late energy was disrupted the for KE at PointXof
Athlete B. According to Table 1 and Figure 1,the
The 3 graduate students discussed the results of the value for KE at Point X for Athlete B is:
study. F. 0 J
G. 5 0 J
H. 500 J
J. 6 0 0 J
Success is a journey, not a destination. — ARTHURASHE
11havemade it through all 5 chapters and arrived at this page, we salute you. We hope what you have learned
hashelpedyoubecome more comfortable tackling ACT Science.
Thetut p of tutoring
bitersweetaspect r e that one
is p day, aif your students
r eare well d
prep and have success, you as
havenothing more to share. Well, we have reached that point in our preparation. Take what you have
40Inthis guide and attack the practice tests to follow with confidence.
Nader. my pleasure to teach you what I have learned through my experience as a test prep tutor. As a
1!You ever have any questions regarding ACT Science, please do not hesitate to reach out t ome..
" For science!
Good luck!
35 Minutes- 4 0 Questions
Passage I
Table 1
• Category Percent of species
Least concern (LC) 10
Vulnerable (VU) 20
Endangered (EN) 5
Critically endangered (CR) 30
2004 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 8 2010
Extinct (EX) 25 year
Figure 1
The scientists attempted to determine the cause of
the depreciation of tiger populations in the Asia-Pacific
region. The Asian black bear ( U. thibetanus) is one of the
main predators of tigers. The scientists collected yearly
data from 2002-2010 on the U. thibetanus population ver-
sus tiger populations in the Asia-Pacific region. T h e y
attempted to identify whether the populations matched
a predator-prey model (see Figure 1). 1. According to Figure 1, in what year werethetiger
and the Asian black bear populations nearlyIdell"
A. 2003
B. 2005
C. 2007
D. 2009
4. Based on Table 1, what percent of tiger species did 6. Suppose 300 tiger species were sorted into Red List
the scientists fail to place in one of the Red List categories and the percentages calculated in Table
categories? 1. Approximately how many tiger species would be
F. 10% considered Vulnerable (VU) or Endangered (EN)?
G. 20% F. 2 5
H. 30% G.75
J. 40% H. 150
J. 300
• . . • • • I a n .
Passage I I
In chemistry the mean free path, A, is the average
distance traveled by an atom between consecutive colli- 400
sions with other atoms. T h i s distance is dependent on
various parameters, such as atomic radius, temperature, Li
and pressure. Table 1 lists the name, symbol, and atomic
radii o f 4 metals. Figure 1 shows, for each metal, the
mean free path (in mu) as a function of temperature (in Na
°C) a t a pressure of 760 nun Fig. Figure 2 shows, for
each metal, the mean free path (in nm) as a function of
pressure (min Hg) at a temperature of 270 K.
Element rianie Symbol Atomic radii (pm) 950 8 0 0 8 5 0 9 0 0
Pressure (mm Hg) 950
Lithium Li 145
Sodium Na 180 Figure 2
Potassium 220
Rnbidium Rb 235
Table 1
7. A c c o r d i n g to Figure 2, for a given element, asthe
pressure increases the mean free path:
450 A. increases only.
B. decreases only.
400 C. increases, then decreases.
D. remains constant. .
michad cerro I 97
Passage H I 13. How does Scientist 3's idea differ froSecriee"as—st.
idea? Scientist 3 proposes that physical
theresult of: aDNA damage,
g rn7wh
With advancm in medicine and nutrition, human A. accumulation s
t o f
life expectancy continues to increase from generation to
proposes that physical aging is thl'
generation. As human life expectancy, new dis-
result of random DNA mutation causedhey
coveries concerning physical aging are in demand. World
human life expectancy has been increasing with each gen-
eration since the Middle Ages. Accordingly, scientists are B. rparlordamnDaNgAe. mutation, whereas Scientist 4
motivated to investigate and better understand the phys- proposes that physical aging is the result of
ical aging process, which largely remains a mystery. random DNA mutation caused by DNA dais.
Four scientists propose ideas to explain human life ex- C. accumulation of DNA damage, whereas sci.
pectancy and the physical aging process. elitist 4 proposes that physical aging is there..
stilt of DNA damage caused by random DNA
Scientist I
Human life expectancy is predetermined by our mi- D. irandommitation.
NA mutation, whereas Scientist 4
tochondria' DNA code. I n order for cells to replicate, proposes that physical aging is the result of
they require energy in the form of ATP to complete the random DNA mutation caused by DNAdam.
process. A s we age, the amount of times our cells can age.
replicate reaches a physical limit due to the deteriora-
tion of mitochondria. Once this limit is reached, life is 14. Based on the passage, would Scientist 2 or 4be
no longer sustainable. more likely to argue that the aging of an organism
is already programmed at birth?
Scientist 2
F. Scientist 2, because according to Scientist 2,
Human life expectancy is predetermined by our nu-
human life expectancy is predetermined by
clear DNA code. This leads to a process called apoptosis,
-DNA code.
which is a "programmed cell death". After a cell receives
G. Scientist 2, because according to Scientist 2,
the stimulus to undergo degradation, the cell shrinks and
aging is the result of random DNA mutation.
all remnants of DNA and RNA decay rapidly. The tim-
H. Scientist 4, because according to Scientist 4,
ing of this stimulus is built into the nuclear DNA code.
human life expectancy is predetermined by
Once the programmed cell death stimulus is released, life
DNA code.
is no longer sustainable.
J. Scientist 4, because according to Scientist 4,
Scientist 3 aging is the result of random DNA mutation.
Physical aging is the result o f DNA damage ac-
cumulating throughout t h e lifespan o f the organism. 15. Suppose i t were discovered that apoptosis hasno
Metabolic processes release compounds t h a t damage bearing on human life expectancy. What impact.
DNA, such as oxygen ions and peroxides. Free radicals if any, would this discovery have on Scientist 4's
attached to these compounds seek stabilization. D u r - viewpoint?
ing stabilization, subatomic particles are removed er- A. I t would prove that Scientist 4's viewpoint is
roneously from nearby molecules and cause permanent correct.
DNA damage. This damage reaches a certain threshold B. I t would strengthen Scientist 4's viewpoint,
over time beyond which life is no longer sustainable. but not prove it is correct.
C. I t would weaken Scientist 4's viewpoint and
Scientist 4 prove i t incorrect.
Physical aging is the result o f random D N A mu- D. I t would have no impact on Scientist 4's view-
tation. Mutations happen periodically throughout the point.
lifetime of an organism and are caused by DNA damage
which is not repaired. A s D N A damage accumulates,
random mutations occur more frequently and eventually
lead to a complete denaturing of the genetic code. A f t e r
the genetic code has denatured, cells are devoid o f the
ability to replicate and life is no longer sustainable.
Michael Cerro I 99
Study 2
Passage I V
The procedure from Study 1 was repeated
with fertilizer PK. The results of the study are Q1(1)
To increase the quantity of lima beans (P. lunatus), h o w
farmers experimented with different types of fertilizer:
NP, PK, and NPK. NP fertilizers contain nitrogen (N)
and phosphorus (P). PK fertilizers contain phosphorus ,.., 160
(P) and potassium (K). NPK fertilizers contain nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The farmers
set up a study to compare the new types of fertilizer to a 140
normal fertilizer. I f the new fertilizer increased the quan- a.,
tity of lima beans above normal leveLs, the fertilizer was
said to be active. I f a new fertilizer failed to increase the 120
quantity of lima beans above normal levels, the fertilizer
was said to be dormant.
.E 100
Study I
100 1 2 0 1 4 0 160
The farmers used 20 lima bean fields and sprayed viable lima beans with normal fertilizer
the top 10 cm of soil with fertilizer NP. During the first
day of the study, the soil was left to dry in the sun for viablelimab
N Figure 2
24 hours. Typical conditions were given to the fields
to promote lima bean growth. A t the end of 30 days
the quantity of viable lima beans from each field was Study 3
recorded. This data was plotted against historical lima The procedure from Study 1 was repeated,excep
bean data utilizing a normal fertilizer for each field. The with fertilizer NPK. The results of the study areshown
results of the study are shown in Figure 1. in Figure 3.
Figure 1
Figure 3
Table 1
Trios Symbol Makeup Mass (MeV)
Neutron n ssd 1,000 Table 3 lists the symbol, charge, and mass of the6
Sigma-plus E+ ddt 1,190 flavors of crews discovered by the scientists.
29. Do the data in Tables 1 and 3 agree with the known 33. The element helium, He, has an atomic number of 2,
charge of the neutron? is electrically neutral, and contains the same num-
A. Yes, because Tables 1 and 3 show that the ber of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Based on
neutron has a charge of 0. Tables 1 and 2, what is the total mass, in MeV, of
B. Yes, because Tables 1 and 3 show that the the elementary particles in helium?
neutron has a charge of +1. A. 2,000 MeV
C. No, because Tables 1 and 3 show that the B. 2,001 MeV
neutron has a charge of 0. C. 4,000 MeV
D. No, because Tables 1 and 3 show that the D. 4,001 MeV
neutron has a charge of +1.
Experiment I
0.02 g of NaCl were added to 100 mL of pure H20
to create a 0.2 g/L solution. A 0.4 g/L, 0.6 g/L, 0.8 g/L,
Table 2
and 1.0 g/L solution were made similarly. The solutions
were placed inside of bags composed of polyamide (a ma- Solution Initial Final
Difference ir
terial that is permeable to water and impermeable to salt
ions and sugars). Excess air was removed from each bag (g/L) mass (g) mass (g) mass(g)
and the bags were sealed tight. The initial mass of each M 105.2 149.8
bag and its contents was measured. The bags were placed +44.6
into sep;arate beakers containing pure H20 at room tem- N 113.5 168.2
perature, 25°C, for 4 hours. Each bag was removed and 0 108.4 157.0
the final mass of the bag and its contents was measured. +48.6
The results of thf experiment are shown in Table 1. P 102.5 122.0 +19.5
( Table 1 /
Solution Initial Final Difference in Experiment 3
(g/L) mass (g) mass (g) The students hypothesized one of the solutionsfrom
mass (g)
Experiment 2 to be the NaChwater mixture andseper-
0.2 102 121 +19 ated it into five different polyamide bags. The bagswere
0.4 104 128 placed in each solution used in Experiment 1. Aftermea-
1-.)•5* suring the final mass of each bag, the students foundthe
0.6 106 133 +27 final mass increased for four of the trials, butdecreased
0.8 108 137 +29
for one of the trials.
1.0 110 141 +31
PaRsage I
1. Based on the pedigree chart, which of the follow
ing pairs of individuals most likely have themost'
A pedigree chart is a visual representation of the similar genetic information?
frequency and appearance of phenotypes of a particular A. Individuals 3 and 5
gene. The figure below shows a pedigree chart for red- B. Individuals 5 and 7
green color blindness in a human family. The disorder C. Individuals 4 and 9
(X-) is sex-linked recessive. Since the genes for the red D. Individuals 7 and 23
and green color receptors are located on the X chromo-
some, males are more likely to be affected than females.
2. According to the information provided, what isthe
Typically, each individual in a pedigree chart is as- genotype of Individual 6?
signed a number. The genotype for Individual 1 is X-Y, F. X X
the genotype for Individual 4 is XX-, and the genotype G. X X -
for Individual 24 is X-X-. H. X -X-
J. X -Y
II normal vision 3. Suppose Individuals 21 and 22 have only malebi-
ological children. Based on the pedigree chart,
E • color blind
on average, what percent of the children arecolor
parents f e m a l e carrier blind?
A. 0 %
children unknown B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%
1 2 3
Table 1
Composite Broiler litter (%) Soil (%) Figure 1
1 0 100
2 25 75
3 50 50 Study 2
4 75 25 The procedure from Study 1 was repeated,except
10 Solanum melongena seeds were added to eachofthe25
5 100 0 samples instead of Persea americana seeds. Thesampe ls
were exposed to the same environmental conditionsfor
the next 150 days. On Day 150, the average plantyield
of all surviving plants was calculated. The resultsstudy
are shown in Figure 2.
Study I
Twenty five samples were prepared by placing equal
amounts of Composites 1-5 into each pot. 2 kg of Com-
posite 1 were placed into samples 1-5, 2 kg of Composite
2 were placed into samples 6-10, 2 kg of Composite 3
were placed into samples 11-15, and so on. Then, the
students added 5 Persea americana seeds to each of the
25 samples. The samples were exposed to the same en-
vironmental conditions for the next 100 days. O n Day
100, the average plant yield of all surviving plants was
calculated. The results are shown in Figure 1.
3 4
Figure 2
Study 3
* • • A small quantity, approximately 2-5 grams, ofeach
species was collected and air-dried. T h e sampleswere
• placed together in a 1 m3 glass box with a device that
measures 02 concentration (in mg/m3). The tankwas
placed outside a t 6:00 A . M . and not disturbed for 24
• hours. T h e lid of the tank was closed. The oxygengas
concentration was recorded every 2 hours (see Figure3).
5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5
time (hours)
Figure 1
3 •
2 2
Study 2
The procedure of Study 1 was repeated except that
areca palm leaves were tested instead o f snake plant 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0
leaves (see Figure 2). time (hours)
Figure 3
Michael Cerro1113
Experiment 2
Passage I V Experiment 1 was repeated except proper ,
of NaOH, instead o f HCI, were added to the-4"ot%
Acid-base indicators, or pH indicators, are organic beakers, each containing a different indicator, to hier
a pH level of 7-13. T h e students recorded their out;
molecules (typically weak acids) that respond to a change obserl
in the hydrogen ion ( I I + ) concentration o f a solution. tions in Table 2.
The most common type of pH indicators are ones that
change the color of the solution. T h e pH range where a
Table 2
color change occurs is often referred to as the transition
range. pH Indicator 7 8 9 10 11
Methyl orange Y Y y y y y
Chemistry students attempted to identify the pH of
4 unknown solutions using 4 different pH indicators. Bromthymol blue G B B B B B
Phenolphthalein X X P I) p p
Bromcresol green B B B B B B
Experiment I
The students filled 8 clean beakers each with 100
mL of H20. Using an pipette, 2 drops of the pH indicator
methyl orange were added to 2 of the beakers. This pro- Experiment 3
cess was repeated for bromthymol blue, phenolphthalein, The teacher handed the chemistry students 490
and bromcresol green. T h e n , proper amounts o f HCI lutions ( A -D) o f unknown p H and 16 clean beakers
were added to 4 of the beakers, each containing a differ- The students poured 25 m L o f Solution A into 4 of thi
ent indicator, to obtain a pH level of 1-7. T h e students beakers. Using an pipette, 2 drops of methyl orangewen
recorded their observations in Table 1. added to one of the 4 beakers. This process wasrepeate0
for bromthymol blue, phenolphthalein, and bromcres6
(Note: R = red, 0 = orange, Y = yellow, G = green, green, and then again for Solutions B -D. The student
B = blue, P = pink, and X = colorless) recorded their observations in Table 3.
Table 1 Table 3
pH Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pH Indicator A B C D
Methyl orange 0 Methyl orange Y Y 0 Y
Bromthymol blue Bromthymol blue Y B Y G
Phenolphthalein X X X X X X X Phenolphthalein X P X X
Bromcresol green Bromeresol green G B G B
Michael Cerro1115
Passage V c 4
Objects A and B will reach the bot
Sitiundedeptbl L Oneat the exact same time because till):t the ils
tional forces acting on both objects are the s_gravita.
A physics teacher described the following theoretical
variable m, which represents the mass of eacTe• iiit
experiment to her class. becomes obsolete when correctly manipulating th
equations in the inclined plane experiment. um e fokt
cal factors, such as friction, are unequally
the surface of the inclined plane, it will result i„ —oil
ference in fall time between the objects. Howev'eur,adif,
the inclined plane is frictionless we need not worryah,silee
these terms in the equations. Moreover, because Z
objects are starting from the same height above thei2
tom of the inclined plane, the recorded times
the bottom will be identical. r e a c h
Figure 1
Student 2
Object B will reach the bottom of the inclined plane 30. Which of the student(s) would agree that the get
first because heavier objects experience greater momen- eration of the object varies with the object'sn10
tum. This is evident in the equation p = my, where p is F. Student 1 only
the object's momentum, m is the object's mass, and v is G. Student 2 only
the object's speed. According to this equation, p and m H. Students 1 and 2
are directly related. Since Object B has twice the mass J. Students 2 and 3
of Object A, it will also have twice the momentum. I t is
easier for heavier objects to gain momentum, and thus,
gain greater speeds.
simultaneously exhibits properties of both a wave and
a particle. I n the demonstration, a wave is split into
two separate waves that later combine into a single
wave. This creates an interference pattern, producing
both bright and dark bands on a screen. A n interfer-
ence pattern would not take place if light consisted only
of particles. Furthermore, light is known to travel only
through one slit and not both. This is a property of 43 2 1 0 23 4
particles, whereas waves would travel through both slits.
Experiment 1 Table 1
A monochromatic light source, producing a wave-
Trial d (cm) x (cm)
length (A) of 625 nm, was placed on a platforni. Scissors
were used to cut 2 vertical parallel slits, a distance d = 1 0.1 2.50
0.1 cm apart, through a flat piece of paper. T h e pa-
per was positioned at the same height as the light source 2 0.2 1.25
so that the light beam precisely hit both slits. Another 3 0.3 0.83
piece of paper was positioned a distance L = 10 m away
from the two slits (see Figure 1).
Experiment 2
The procedure from Experiment 1 wasrepeatedfor
various values of L (see Table 2). Each trial hadado(
0.1 cm and a A of 625 nm.
Table 2
0 0
Trial L (m) x (cm)
4 20 5.0
5 30 7.5
6 40 10.0
Figure 1 Experiment 3
The procedure from Experiment 1 wasrepeatedfar
various wavelengths of monochromatic light (seeTable
All sources of external light were blocked from en- 3). Each trial had a d of 0.1 cm and a L of 10tn.
tering the room. T h e monochromatic light source was
turned on, producing a double-slit band pattern on the
Table 3
far piece of paper (see Figure 2). T h e students high-
lighted the double-slit band pattern with pencil. T h e Trial A (nm) x (c111)
distance, x, between the center band (n = 0) and the
7 650 2.6
4th band (n = 4) was recorded. The experiment was re-
peated for various values of d and the results recorded in 8 700 2.8
Table 1.
9 750 3.0
H. 0 = tan-1 ( 0 1.803)
J. 0 = tan-1 (1, 000)
8.1 C h a p t e r Questions
ANSWER Locators The lowest time to reach the medium implies the stimulus is niost
Number Behavior
Table 3 shows a direct trend between stimulus introduced and time to
reach medium.
Locators The results of Study 1 show shorter times than Study 2. This im-
3 plies normal cockroaches complete the maze faster than abnormal cock-
roaches. T h e acetic acid stimulus, according to Table 2, results in a
slower time than lemon oil.
Number Behavior
FL According to Table 3, a new data point of 7% would result in a time
4 between 27 and 48 seconds.
Math The time for lemon oil in Table 2 is 30 seconds. Conversion to minutes
5 yields 1/2 or 0.50 minutes.
Number Behavior Table 3 shows a direct trend. Using this trend for ethanol, and the
result for ethanol in Table 1 of 18 seconds, an increase in ethanol con-
centration would result in a longer time to reach the medium.
7 Number Behavior Comparing Table 1 and Table 2, the abormal cockroaches have longer
times for all stimuli than the normal cockroaches. Since Study 3 re-
peated the procedure from Study 1, which used normal cockroaches,
using abnormal cockroaches instead would yield longer times for all
8 G Number Behavior Figure 1 shows an inverse trend between temperature and density.
9 A Number Behavior Figure 2 shows a direct trend between temperature and absolute pres-
10 F Number Behavior Figure 3 shows a direct trend between temperature and specific entropy.
11 D Extrapolation and A x-axis value of 130°C would yield a y-axis value much greater than
Estimation 120 kN/m2.
12 H Data Bridge Given a density of 970 kg/m3, a value of approximately 82°C is de-
termined from Figure 1. Using that value for temperature in Figure 2
yields an absolute pressure of approximately 50 kN/m2.
13 C Extrapolation and A x-axis value of 110°C would yield a y-axis value between 1.25 and
Estimation 1.5 kJ/kg-K.
14 H
Outside Knowledge Figure 3 best resembles a line.
15 B
Number Behavior Trials 1 to 3 show an inverse trend with respect to time.
16 G
Number Behavior Trials 7 to 9 show an inverse trend with respect to time.
17 c
Math The passage states each object is 2.0 kg. I f 5 objects were used then
the total weight would be 10 kg.
18 c
Number Behavior The fastest speed would result from the lowest time to fall down the
19 B inclined plane.
Number Behavior The new brick surface for a sphere yields a time between Trials 2 and
20 j 3. This would be the same for the cube and Trials 5 and 6.
Cannot Be Determined The passage does not provide any information about glass objects.
Math Figure 1 gives approximately 20, 40, and 60 mol/cm3 for months 1, 2,
and 3 respectively. The total emissions would be the sum, or approxi-
4 mately 120 mol/cm3.
Math The passage describes the dimensions of the soil section as 1.0 m, 1.0
5 m, a.nd 3.0 in. T h e volume, therefore, would be the product of these
dimensions, or 3.0 m3.
Extrapolation and Figure 2 shows an inverse trend between months elapsed and N O ;
6 Estimation emissions for Source 2. An additional month would yield an even lower
value for NO2- emissions, leaving Answer F as the best choice.
Locators The passage describes anaerobic respiration as the consumption of NO
and production of NO2-. Answer D is the only choice with these com-
pounds on the appropriate sides of the chemical equation.
Number Behavior Figure 1 shows a direct trend between pH level and bacteria concen-
tration at 20 min.
In Figure 2, generally, d
19 A Number Behavior
direct relationship. Had Figure 1 been recorded at a lower tern—per: a
all values of z would also decrease. —L4te,
Based on the equation in the passage, an actual volume a t
20 F Locators
than the ideal volume would yield a value greater than 1. H greattr
only gas in either Figure 1 or 2 with values greater than 1. 2 iS $k
22 J Yes, Yea, No, No Answer choices F and H have the incorrect explanation. The eorrett
explanation disagrees with the scientist.
23 C Locators If 150 atoms decayed, then 850 remain. A y-axis value of 850yieldsa
x-axis value of 10 x 108 yr.
24 F Extrapolation and Extending the U-235 line to a x-axis value of 12 x 108 yearsWouldyield.
Estimation a y-axis value lower than 400 atoms.
25 B Data Bridge Using Table 1, Tc-99 is located between 1J-233 and U-235. Jumpingto
Figure 1, the number of atoms, for any given amount of time, will*
be between U-233 and U-235.
26 J Math Using the equation in the passage, if C-14 has a half-life of 5,715yew
then: r = 5,715
0.7 . This will yield a value for T greater than 5,715.
27 A Number Behavior Table 1 shows a direct trend between weight and 1/4-mile time.
28 G Yes, Yes, No, No Answer choices F, H, and J have incorrect explanations.
29 B Locators A value of 950 cfm, in Table 2, is located between Trials 3 and4.
30 H Scientific Method Based on the description of Study 1, 750 chn was a constantthroughout
the study. In Study 2, this value yielded a 1/4-mile time of 12.3seconds
The car in Study 1 that also resulted in the same 1/4-mile timeis
Car E.
31 D Scientific Method Engine horsepower is a constant in Study 1, but the independentvari-
able in Study 3.
32 H Scientific Method Based on the description of Study 1, 450 hp was a constantthroughout
the study. In Study 2, this value yielded a 1/4-mile time of 9.3seconds
The car in Study 1 that also resulted in the same 1/4-mile timeis
Car C.
33 D Number Behavior Table 3 shows an inverse trend between Engine horsepowerand;lir
mile time. I f Engine horsepower is decreased from 450 hp to
the 1/4-mile time will increase. The original 1/4-mile time forCar "
Study 1 is 12.3 seconds.
34 F Number Behavior Figure 2 shows a direct trend between water temperature aildsur'
35 C pcies
Locators Most resistant implies the survival percentage is high. C
the highest survival percentage.
2 F Math Approximately 100 out of 400 offspring from Cross 1 were green.
3 D Outside Knowledge Recessive phenotypes generally appear less often than dominant phe-
notypes. Table 1 shows green is a recessive trait and Table 2 shows
wrinkled is a recessive trait.
4 F Outside Knowledge A double Punnett square here is needed. Answer choice J is wrong be-
cause it would have a chance to produce the green phenotype. Answer
choices G and H are wrong because those crosses would produce round
and wrinkled offspring.
5 C Math There are a total of 400 offspring, of which 250 are yellow and round.
6 F Outside Knowledge A double Punnett square here is needed. Since both plants are green,
only green offspring would result. A n d since one of the plants is al-
ready wrinkled, there is a 0% chance of yielding homozygous dominant
offspring for shape.
7 A Table 1 shows a direct trend between W and D.
Number Behavior
Number Behavior A value of 175 N/m2 would be between Trials 7 and 8 in Table 2.
9 B
Locators All of the answer choices have a value of 30 N for W. The highest value
of D occurs in Trial 5.
10 G
Scientific Method Study 2 has a constant value for W of 30 N. This value in Study 1
yields a D of 2.5 x 10-3. That same value for D occurs in Trial 6 using
Metal B.
17 B Data Bridge A y-axis value of 5 it for the LED in Figure 3 yields a x-axis valueof
approximately 1.8 V. In Figure 2, this same x-axis value yields ay.
value of approximately 1.7 niA.
18 H Scientific Method "Intentionally varied" implies independent variable. The x-axisand
key display independent variables in a figure.
19 D Yes, Yes, No, No Answer choices A and C have incorrect explanations. The correct
planation disagrees with the student's statement.
20 F Inverse Trends The least amount of electrical current is a result of the greatestresis.
tance. The filament lamp in Figure 3 has the greatest resistance atany
given voltage.
21 A Number Behavior In increasing order of olivine concentration: D , A, B, then C.This
order is also present in Figure 2 with regard to increasing hydrogen
22 J Math The description states the device has a circular radius of 10 m.Ac-
cording to the equation A = irr2, this would yield an area of 1007.
23 B Extrapolation and Location B has a hydrogen concentration that is approximately 7003
Estimation at a depth of 20 m. Based on the curve, the hydrogen concentration
would not change by much from 20 m to 25 m.
24 G Locators The hydrogen gas concentration of Location B is to the right ofLocation
A at all depths, indicating a higher value.
25 D Math
At a depth of 20 m, Location B has a hydrogen concentration ofap-
proximately 70 g/m3. I f a volume of 10 m3 is collected, there Ionic:
have to be 700 grams in order for the concentration to equal70 gill •
26 G Mixing
A depth of 15 m for Location D yields a hydrogen concentrationofa
approximately 10 g/m3. A depth of 15 m for Location A !lieldsir
hydrogen concentration of approximately 30 g/m3. The correct 8115'el
for mixing problems is always between the two data Points'
27 B Outside Knowledge aoge•
Olivine is Fe2SiO4 and magnetite is Fe304 as described in theP.n.fro
According to the, chemical equation, doubling the moles of oily' e
3 to 6 would double the moles of magnetite from 2 to 4.
Scientific Method In Table 2, the initial height is intentionally varied while the spring
compression is measured.
Math The mass of Sphere C is 3 kg, the acceleration due to gravity is 10
m/s2, and the initial height is 1 m. Substituting all values into the
given equation yields a result of 30 J.
8.5 C h a p t e r 5 Test: Conflicting Viewpoints
25 C Step Two
The key phrase of the question is "a substance.., identical to throm-
bin." Hypothesis 4 states that "because thrombin is never produced
fibrinogen is never converted into fibrin."
26 G Locators Hypotheses 1 and 4 both state that "thrombin is never produced." This
implies a low concentration of thrombin.
27 B Step One First sentences of Hypotheses 2 and 3 state the genetic code of fibrin
is altered by hemophilia.
28 G Outside Knowledge White blood cells are a component of the immune system.
29 A Scientific Method The entire passage is about dissolving a solute into different solvents.
30 H Step One The second sentence of Student 3 states the solute "must have been
31 C Step Two Student 1 states "the solute.. .must have also been polar." Student 2
agrees with Student 1.
32 j
Step Two The last sentence of Student 3 states that nonpolar solvents can dissolve
any solute. This disagrees with answer choice J.
Yes, Yes, No, No Answer choices B and D have incorrect explanations. According to
Student 1 a nonpolar solute would not dissolve in water.
Outside Knowledge Table 1 tells us that Ligroin is similar to Toluene, which is a nonpolar
solvent. Methane, CH4, is also nonpolar.
Step One First sentences show Graduate Student l's main argument concerns
36 p Earth's gravity.
Number Behavior According to the data, Snowboarder A had a kinetic energy at Point
X of 0. Because the athletes underwent the same experiment, it can
be concluded that Snowboarder B would also have a kinetic energy at
Point X of 0. I n addition, objects at rest have a value of 0 for kinetic
Michael Cerro1131
The main phrase of the question is "2k g . " Graduates St
37 B Step Two 3 both state that "mass.. .had no effect on the results." t i " n i t a 1 ttild
Answer choices G and H have incorrect explanations since
38 J Yes, Yes, No, No
masses had identical fall times it would weaken Graduate ncestutclhetwo
viewpoint, who is the only student to argue that a differe .ent
would affect the results. i n r4as
step One First sentences indicate Scientist 3 is arguing DNA damage accumula-
tion, while Scientist 4 is arguing random DNA mutation. This elimi-
nates answer choices B and D. Scientist 4 mentions that DNAdamage
causes DNA mutation, not the other way around.
Yes,Yes, No, No Answer choices G and H do not match their respective viewpoints.
The key phrase of the question is "programmed", which is mentioned
by Scientist 2.
The Irrelevant Argument Apoptosis is mentioned by Scientist 2, not Scientist 4.
Step One Scientist 2 argues life expectancy is predetermined. Random environ-
mental factors, as stated by answer choice H, would contradict that
Step Two The last sentences of each viewpoint all state that, at a certain point,
ITA life is no longer sustainable.
Step Two The key phrase of the question is "antioxidants." The only Scien-
is F
tist that mentions anything resembling antioxidants is Scientist 3, who
mentions "oxygen ions" and "peroxides."
Math Each
MeV, proton
m a hassa mass
s 2of 1,000
1 1 MeV,
f t each
r i neutron
a l ohasn n ) i
33 D
MeV, and each electron has a mass of 0.5 MeV. H o
2(1,000) + 2(0.5) = 4,001 MeV.
34 F Number Behavior Table 1 shows a direct trend between solution and final mass.
35 C Locators A solution of 0.7 g/L in Table 1 would be located between 0.6 g/L
and 0.8 g/L, which yielded a difference in mass of 27 and 29grams
36 G Locators The passages states that 0.02 g of NaCl was mixed with 100 mL ofpure
H20 to create a 0.2 g/L solution. A 0.5 g/L solution would usethe
same amount of water and a similar 0.05 g of NaCl.
37 D Scientific Method Table 2 yields much greater differences in mass than Table 1, except
for Solution P.
38 H Yes, Yes, No, No Answer choices G and J have incorrect explanations. The correctex-
planation disagrees with the hypothesis of the student.
39 A Scientific Method "Intentionally varied" implies the independent variable of the exper-
iment. Since the solution concentration is listed first in Table 1,we
can conclude it was purposely changed. The molecule of salt andma-
terial of each bag are not stated in the data, which means theywere
held constant. The difference in mass is measured and the dependent
40 H Locators
The passage states that osmosis is the net movement of water. Thu!
eliminates answer choices A and B. Since water "flows from anarea01
low solute to an area of high solute", the water would move from t.11
intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid.
Outside Knowledge A Punnett square is required ( X X crossed with X -Y). A l l the male
children will have normal vision.
3 A
yes, Yes, No, No A n s w e r choices F and H have incorrect explanations. A carrier of a
4 recessive trait does not show the dominant phenotype.
Outside Knowledge A n s w e r choices B and D have incorrect explanations. Fathers give the
Y chromosome to male children. According to the passage, color blind-
ness is located on the X chromosome. This implies all male biological
children obtain the disorder from their mothers. Individual 25 has a
color blind mother, which would yield a genotype of X-Y.
Outside Knowledge A Punnett square is required (XX- crossed with XY). Two of the four
6 children have normal vision, one child is a carrier, and the last is color
7 C Data Bridge In Table 1, as the soil percentage decreases, the composite number
increases. In Figure 2, as the composite number increases, the average
plant yield increases then decreases.
Math Figure 2 yields an average plant yield for Composite 5 of 3,000 g/plant.
Since there are 1,000 grams in 1 kilogram, this would be equal to
3 kg/plant.
9 D Yes, Yes, No, No Answer choices A and C have incorrect explanations. The correct ex-
planation disagrees with the student's hypothesis.
10 F Scientific Method Table 1 shows that 0% of broiler litter was used in Composite 1. This
is the standard of comparison for all composites in the studies.
11 C Locators Study 1 states that 100 days elapsed, while Study 2 states that 150
days elapsed. The introduction specifies the scientific name of both the
avocado and eggplant.
12 j
Scientific Method Answer choices F and G can be eliminated since Studies 1 and 2 are
measuring the average plant yield. The quantity of seeds is irrelevant.
13 D
Outside Knowledge Fruits primarily contain sugars. C6111206 is the chemical formula for
14 p
Number Behavior Figure 3 shows a direct trend between time and oxygen concentration.
Math Figure 1 shows the oxygen concentration reached 2 mg/m3 10 hours
after the experiment started. Based on the description of Study 1, the
16 j
experiment began at 6:00 A.M. 10 hours after 6:00 A.M. is 4:00 P.M.
Yes, Yes, No, No Answer choices F and H have incorrect explanations. The correct ex-
planation disagrees with the statement in the question. Figure 2 has
the highest oxygen concentration at 24 hours.