Lesson Plan Viii Chapter 18

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Topic: Earthquake
Key Concepts: Earthquake, Effects and cause of an Earthquake, The
Focus, Measuring an Earthquake, Protection against Earthquake
Resources Used: The Living World (Science Text Book), Modules of
Tata Class Edge, Worksheet.
Teaching Learning Strategies: Interactive Questioning, Lecture, Make
Connections to Strengthen Understanding
General Learning Objectives:

 To develop skill of observation and critical thinking

 To develop scientific temperament among the students
Specific Learning Objectives: The students will be able to

 Know about the earthquake and its effects

 Understand the cause of earthquake
 Understand the meaning of Focus and Epicenter
 Learn to measure earthquake on Richter scale
 Learn to take safety precautions against earthquake
Ice Breaking Activity: Students will be asked to strike their respective
benches with some items on it and thereby make a note of their
Previous Knowledge Testing:

 What is an earthquake?
 What happens when it occurs?
 What should we do during earthquake?
Teaching Aids:

 Modules on Smart Board

 Wooden Branch
 Activity related to Chapter
Day Subtopic/ Concept Teaching – Learning Assessment
Strategies Strategy
1 Earthquake – cause Explanation with the Enlist any three
and effects of an help of smart board and effects of an
earthquake activities given on page earthquake
2 The Focus, Explanation with the Make a table of
epicenter of an help of smart board richter scale
earthquake, showing
seismometer, magnitude and
measuring of effect of
earthquake on earthquake
richter scale
3 Protection against Explanation - MCQ will be
earthquake Discussion asked
1. What is an Earthquake?
2. What are Foreshocks?
3. What leads to occurrence of Tsunami?
4. Differentiate between focus and epicenter of earthquake.
5. Which instrument is used to find out source of Seismic waves?
6. On increase of two in the magnitude on richter scale means ____ times more destructive
7. What will be effect of quake on 7.0 magnitude on Richter scale?
8. Name some disaster management supplies which should be available(on hand) during
9. What are Seismic waves?
10. State two precautions that one should take after the earthquake.

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