Digital Analytics: GCOM7230 Spring 2018
Digital Analytics: GCOM7230 Spring 2018
Digital Analytics: GCOM7230 Spring 2018
Digital Analytics
Spring 2018
Course Information
Professor Information
This course provides an overview of the concepts, technologies, and tools necessary to support
online analytics initiatives. The primary objective is to familiarize students with the current
literature and techniques related to digital analytics, with emphasis on tools and methodologies for
social media and web. The three major areas covered are social media analytics, web analytics,
and search analytics. Through team projects, the course focuses on how these concepts can be used
to measure, analyze, and improve efforts related to social media, web traffic, and conversion.
Student learning will be evaluated through class participation, assignments, readings, and a
semester-long project.
Course Materials
Web Analytics 2.0, 1st Edition, by A. Kaushik, (2009) (assigned chapters posted on Collab)
Website Optimization, by A. B. King (2008) (assigned chapters posted on Collab)
Readings posted on Collab
Google Analytics and Google AdWords (both publicly available)
SQL Server Management Studio (installed in labs & available at
Tableau Desktop (installed in labs and available at
Instructions: Click on the link and select Get Started. On the form, enter your university email
address for “Business email”; and under "Organization", please input the name of your school.
Download Tableau Desktop and enter this key: TDC4-625E-DAA0-5A96-48D7. License will be
valid through 7/31/2017.
Item Percentage
Quizzes 25%
Assignments 30%
Projects 30%
Reading Write-ups 5%
Class Participation 10%
The instructor reserves the right to grade on the curve when it is expedient
Quizzes (25%)
Quizzes will be given throughout the semester. Each quiz will include approximately five to ten
questions. The quiz questions are intended to test students’ understanding of the key concepts
covered in class. Approximately four to five quizzes will be given. Students will only be allowed
to make up a maximum of one missed quiz, and only in cases of an excused absence.
Assignments (30%)
Each student will work individually on assignments pertaining to specific topics covered in class
(account for 30% of the grade). These will generally be short assignments, closely related to the
class lectures and labs from that week. Details for each assignment will be provided on Collab and
discussed in class. Late submissions will be accepted with penalty (see Late Policy).
You are expected to actively participate in individual and team discussions inside and outside of
the classroom, share your experience and ideas, and respond to classmates’ comments.