Dynasty: Who Will Rule The Empire?

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Dynasty is a GM-less tabletop

RPG where players compete to
see who will rule an empire.
Each player will take the role
of an entire linage, struggling
through different eras for
domination. Dynasty is a one-
shot system, designed to tell
sweeping stories, but zoom in
on individual significant
moments. As the story of your
Dynasty unfolds, you find who
will rule, and who will fall.

Created by Hayley G For:
When you play a game of Dynasty, you change the fate of an
Empire forever.

Playing Dynasty consists of the following phases:

1. Create an Empire (chapter 2)

Players collaboratively create the empire that will form the setting
for their game. The Empire in this game is restricted to
civilizations such as ancient China and Rome. It can be the
galactic space empire, or an empire of ants. It can even be a
metaphorical empire, such as a record empire or a corporate
empire. Dream big.

2. Create Player Dynasties (chapter 3)

Each player creates the Dynasty they will be playing during the
game, including their beliefs and motivations, strengths,
weaknesses, and Figureheads.

3. Play Each Era (chapter 5), applying the key game concepts
(chapter 4)

Play out each era in turn, to see who will fall, who will rise, and
who will be remembered and who forgotten.

4. Compare how your Dynasty's faired (page 35)

Who will be remembered and who forgotten?

To play a game of Dynasty, you will need the following:

• 3 – 5 players
• Two d6 and one d12 per player
• One empire sheet
• One dynasty sheet per player
• A pool of dominance tokens – any old counters will do
• As many era cards as you would like to use in the game. We
recommend 5.

All the materials needed to play Dynasty are contained in

chapter 7.

Creating An Empire
There can be no Emperor without an Empire.

In this phase, players will collaboratively create the Empire that

will form the setting for their game. You don’t need to know
everything about your Empire, but the more you know, the richer
your game experience will be.

Creating Your Empire

Each player takes turns to pitch a big picture idea for the Empire.
All ideas are allowed. After each player has created a suggestion,
players decide on their favorite. Or, they may decide none of the
ideas appeal to them, and go around the circle for a second set of
suggestions. Don’t stress too much at this stage – however generic
your idea seems, you’ll soon be fleshing it out and breathing life
into it.

Once you’ve picked your Empire, write its name and big picture
concept at the top of the Empire sheet.


Empire Name: East Khang Than

Empire Concept: A Fantasy Asian Theocracy

Empire Name: Rusty’s Records

Empire Concept: An All Death-Metal Record Label


The kind of Empire you pick will naturally determine the tone of
the game. A high fantasy empire may lend an epic tone, a post-
apocalyptic empire may lead to a grim game, and a rubber
chicken manufacturing empire will probably be hilarious. This is
not an absolute however, and Empires can easily be played
their default tone. The rubber chicken empire could serve as a
vehicle to explore the meaninglessness of human existence.
Whichever way you decide to go, now is a good time to bring up
tone to make sure all players are on the same page.

Fleshing Out Your Empire

Once you’ve created your empire, go through and answer as

many of the following questions as you would like in any order.
These are attributes your empire will have at the start of the
game. They may change throughout the game as they are
influenced by the actions of the player’s dynasties.

• Where is your Empire?

• When did it start?
• Who are the subjects / members of this Empire? How did they
became such? Are they united and homogenous or fractured and
• What does it prize over all other things, and what does it hate?
• What is honorable or virtuous and what is despicable?
• Who are the winners and losers in this Empire? Are there classes
or ranks?
• What is the dream of the masses of this empire (e.g. the
American dream)
• How does this Empire see their ruler, and what does it want
from them? Are they a God, a genius, a profiteer, a mighty
warrior, or something else entirely?
• Create some important traditions, rites, and special days in this
Fleshing Out Your Empire - contd.

• Create some flavor for this Empire: Describe it’s food, clothing,
architecture, technology level, religion, etc.
o Do some of these depend on class or group? Maybe there is food
only the Emperor may eat, or maybe the eaters of plant despise
the eaters of meat. Maybe the listeners of punk rock despise the
listeners of new-wave indie.
• Anything else you want to add about this Empire? Feel free to be
as creative as you like.

Recording Your Empire

Once you’ve created the Empire, jot down its key characteristics
on the Empire sheet so all the players can see them. These do not
have to be very detailed, they are just reminders.


Empire Name: East Khang Than

Empire Concept: A Fantasy Asian Theocracy
• Feudal System, ruled by “Goodseers”, those who can transcend
their bodies and communicate with the Gods
• Magic talking Katanas, also some clothing talks
• Honor revolves around the God’s commands – can be counter to
• Ruler keeps peace of the Gods – conflict/anger = bad
• Peasants are poor, but can be elevated if master the Godsong

Creating a Dynasty
Once you’ve fleshed out the details of your Empire, it's time to
create your Dynasty. A Dynasty is a group of people linked by a
crucial binding trait. This trait could be their family, clan,
religious sect, or anything else that makes sense in your Empire.
The important thing is that whatever binds them uniquely
identifies them, and sets them apart as their own group in the
Empire. They should share the goal and ambition of having
themselves and others who are part of their Dynasty rule the

To create a Dynasty, you will need one Dynasty sheet per player.
Each player should also take 8 dominance tokens for use by their
Dynasty during the game. Follow these steps to create your
Dynasty, and mark the results on your Dynasty sheet.

1. Name your Dynasty and decide on their binding trait

The trait should be such that anyone from the Empire to meet a
person from your Dynasty would know them as a member of that
Dynasty before anything else.

Once all players have decided on a name and trait for their
Dynasty, each player should explain this to the others in turn.
That way, all players know enough about each other’s Dynasties,
and can include them as desired in the rest of the Dynasty
creation process.

2. Fill out the motivations and beliefs of your Dynasty

These inform who your Dynasty is, what they strive for, and how
they interact with the Empire and the Dynasties of the other players.
Feel free to include the opinions of your Dynasty about other
Dynasties or their beliefs. For example, if another Dynasty believes
that knowledge is power, yours might believe that books are
worthless and might is all that matters.

3. Give your Dynasty three strengths, and one weakness

Strengths and weaknesses can be anything appropriate to the setting

of your Empire. All strengths and weaknesses have the same
mechanical effect, so they do not need to be balanced. Think about
the character and personality of your Dynasty – and feel free to peak
around the table to see how your Dynasty compares to that of the
other players.

Fill out your three strengths in the top 3 numbers of the strengths
section of your Dynasty sheet. Fill out your weakness in the top
number in the weakness section.

Once you have finished this step, share the motivations, beliefs,
strengths and weaknesses of your Dynasty with the other players


The Lin Cho Family - Bound by Blood

Motivations and Beliefs: The Godseers talk nonsense, the Godsong is
only way to commune with the almighty. Art and its perfection is
how to please the Gods, anyone who will not die for it is
dishonourable. Those without talent should not hold power.
Strengths - 1 Incubators of Talent
2 Sees through pretenders
3 Silent and Deadly
Weaknesses - 7 Believes that to compromise is to fail


The New Wavers - Bound by Musical Taste

Motivations and Beliefs: Forget Pianos and Guitars. Music is any
sound you call music. Old no hopers should stay at home with the
grand kids. We’ll show them what a good record really is.
Strengths - 1 Hipster as Fuck
2 Above Averagely Good Looking
3 Best Mates with all Baristas
Weaknesses - 7 Terrified of being unoriginal

4. Create the First Figurehead of Your Dynasty

Many members of your Dynasty may exist at one time. Most of

them will fade into the recesses of history without ever being
remembered. But in each era, there is one member of your Dynasty
who takes action, who makes a name for themselves, and is forever
famous for it. This person is the Figurehead of your Dynasty for a
particular era.

To create a Figurehead, follow these three steps:

A. Give your Figurehead a name

B. Fill out your Figurehead’s two Dynasty attributes.

To do this, roll a D12, and fill out the Figurehead's Dynasty attribute
with the corresponding number. Note on your sheet whether each is
a strength or a weakness.

In the second example above, a roll of 1 would give your Figurehead

the attribute of Hipster as Fuck, while a roll of 7 would lead to the
attribute Terrified of being unoriginal. If the roll leads to a number
with an empty space, or of an attribute your Figurehead already has,
roll again.

C. Give your figurehead a short description

Now you know the attributes of your Figurehead, give them a short
description. Your description should explain why your Figurehead
stood out, and what characteristics they had that made them
different. When you create this description, keep in mind the
culture and context of your Empire as you decided it stood at the
beginning of the game, and as recorded on your Empire sheet.
Remember the time and place, and beliefs that will form the
description you generate.

You will create all future Figureheads using the same process as
above, before each Era starts.


Era: 1
Name: Kyu Lin Cho
Dynasty Attributes: Incubator of Talent (st), Sees Through
Pretenders (st)
Description: From when first he heard it, Kyu knew the true sound
of the Godsong. Merely to train himself was not enough - he left his
home and wealth to take up a nomadic lifestyle, finding and taking
as followers those with talent for the song. Kind and patient, he met
those who would fake the song with a wry smile and shake of the

Key Concepts
In this section, you'll learn about the key concepts that govern
the rules of Dynasty, and determine events in your Empire.


Gameplay in Dynasty is divided up into Eras, each with their

own Era card. The number of Eras you should use depends on
the length of game you desire. We recommend you start with

When you play Dynasty, you will play through each individual
era, to find out who ruled, who rose, and who was exiled or


Much like in history, each era has its own individual

preoccupations and obsessions. During each Era, players will
have the chance to create obsessions and to use these to their
advantage. If an obsession created in an Era changes a core fact
about the Empire, note that on your Empire sheet.


When New Waver Darth Fox took over the record company, he
was above averagely good looking. When the player of the New
Wavers created the Era’s obsession, he created an Era more
obsessed with appearances than music, where the everyday
dream was to achieve “that natural look”.


During each Era, each player will have the chance to perform two
actions. The actions represent tactics a player's Figurehead uses to
aid their Dynasty and increase their chances to become ruler.
Whether an action succeeds or fail will be determined by the roll of
a dice, the attributes of a player’s Figurehead, and any dominance
tokens they choose to add

Scenes and Vignettes

When important things happen in Dynasty, the game will call for a
scene or a vignette. This scene or vignette will always belong to the
player whose Dynasty has taken an action, or just become ruler of
an Era. This person is called the active player. However, other
players will also be required, either to play non-Dynasty characters,
or to play a Figurehead from their own Dynasty.


When the game requires a player to start a scene, the following

process can be followed:

1. The active player determines a pivotal moment, at which time the

scene will take place.


Jing Lin Cho has just become ruler, by channeling the powers of the
God and storming the palace. While it took some hours to storm the
palace, the player of the Lin Cho family decides that the pivotal
moment was when Jing Lin Cho and the old ruler Sri Luc finally
meet face to face.

New Waver Darth Fox has pleased the populace with his death jazz
hit “Jacuzzi”. He decides the pivotal moment is his interview on air
as his song is revealed as number 1.

2. The active player determines how the scene begins, and what
characters are required. Players volunteer to take the role of any
non-Dynasty characters needed in the scene.


Jing’s player decides the scene will start as Jing throws open the
doors of the throne room. The only other character required is Sri
Luc. Sri looks at Jing with disdain, as Sri does not yet know Jing has
channeled the Gods’ powers.

3. Play out the scene to its inevitable conclusion, as determined by

either the roll of a dice in case of an action, or a successful bid for

Players within a scene can act out particular characters, but they
may also add narrative description at any time. Any player in the
scene may stop the scene to suggest that events occur in a different
way. However, the active player retains control.


The players enact the confrontation between Jing and Sri. Jing goes
to stab Sri, but then Sri’s player stops the scene and makes a
suggestion. Sri should stab Jing, and appear to have the upper hand,
but be struck down by the Gods’ lightening at the last moment.
Jing’s player agrees.


Sometimes a Figurehead will carry out an action that has no

interesting or pivotal moment. In this case, a vignette can be used
instead. Rather than players taking on character roles, a vignette is a
single moment described narratively by the Figurehead’s player that
gives a picture of what is happening. If a player chooses a vignette
instead of a scene, other players can suggest a pivotal moment that
could play out instead. However, the ultimate decision is up to the
Figurehead’s player.


New Waver Darth Fox decides to strengthen his Dynasty by actually

learning to play an instrument. Since Darth’s player cannot think of
a pivotal moment, they pick a vignette, saying “Darth’s neighbour’s
gasp in surprise as from his garage, wherefrom usually only eminence high
pitched screeching and clanging noises, a smooth lick of jazz unfolds. Inside
the garage, Darth (etc.)…”

Dominance Tokens

Dominance tokens show the influence and might your Dynasty has
amassed. These tokens are used to bid for ruler at the start of every
Dynasty, and can also be added to action rolls to turn failures into
successes. Each player starts the game with 8 of these, but will have
the opportunity to earn more as the game progresses.

At any time in the game, a player can eliminate one of their

Dynasty’s strengths to gain 2 dominance tokens.

Playing the Game
Now you have created an Empire and a Dynasty, the game itself
can finally begin!

In this section, we’ll explain the process involved in playing

through each Era.

Playing through an Era always follows the same pattern:

1. Each player creates their Figurehead for this era

2. Determine the populace contentment of the era
3. Resolve any legacies
4. Declare the era’s ruler
5. Take Actions
6. Describe the History

1. Create a Figurehead

This is explained on page 12. The process is the same for every

2. Determine the Populace Contentment

Those damn peasants, always wanting their ruler to do

something for them. How dare they?

In Dynasty, the populace, whatever form they take in your

Empire, play an important part in the game. A happy populace
can help a ruler hold onto power in times of crisis. Likewise, a
deeply unhappy populace will rise to act against their leaders.

There are five possible populace contentment levels in Dynasty.
From most content to least content, these are:

• Prosperous
• Content
• Fair
• Discontent
• Revolt

To determine populace contentment, do the following:

A. If the populace was prosperous at the end of the previous era,

give 2 dominance tokens to the previous ruler

B. Subtract one from the contentment level of the populace

C. If the populace are now in revolt, then:

i. The Dynasty most beloved by the populace is the ruler of the new
era. This is the Dynasty with the most strengths gained from aiding
the populace.
ii. This calls for a scene!
iii. Skip step 4, and do not bid for ruler
iv. Record the populace contentment in the new era as “fair”

D. If the populace is not in revolt, record the new populace

contentment on the new era

3. Resolve Legacies

As a result of an action performed earlier in the game, an era may

have a legacy on it, waiting to be resolved.

When a legacy is reached, the player who created the legacy will
determine the obsession for this era (see step 5). The obsession
should be linked to the legacy.

This player will then gain two dominance tokens for every era that
has passed after the the legacy was created, including the previous
Era. The Era in which the legacy was created does not count.

Repeat this step for every legacy which exists on this era.

Rule Variation: If you are playing with 4 or fewer eras, include the
era in which the legacy was created when awarding dominance
tokens for legacies.

4. Declare the Era’s Ruler

Declaring the era’s ruler has three steps:

A. Bet for Dominance

Players secretly bet dominance tokens to determine who will rule

the coming era. Skip this step if the populace were in revolt.

The player who bets the most tokens is the winner. Only the
winning player must forfeit their tokens.

In case of tie, a player may erase one of their Dynasty’s strengths to

be declared the winner. If none of the tied players can or will erase a
strength then the tied player whose Dynasty is most beloved by the
populace is declared the ruler.

Note that an era is named for its Dynasty. When Jing Lin Cho took
power, this was the beginning of the Lin Cho Era. If the Lin Cho
family takes power again, this will be the Second Lin Cho Era.

B. Play Out a Scene

The winning player must declare how their new Figurehead seized
the throne, and then enact a pivotal moment in their ascendance as
a scene.

C. Add an Obsession to the Era

The personality of a ruler irrevocably shapes their dominion. To

reflect this, the winning player will create an obsession for the era
that aligns with one of the Dynasty attributes of their Figurehead –
weather a strength, or a weakness. The obsession can be as creative
as the player would like, as long as there is a connection to the
Figurehead’s attributes.

5. Taking Actions

Starting with the ruler, players take actions in a clockwise order,

until each has acted twice. Actions are the lifeblood of Dynasty, and
are where much of the drama takes place. Chapter 6 is devoted
entirely to the actions and how to execute them.

6. Describe the History

At the end of the era, its events and history should be summed up as
a pithy one or two liner, and recorded at the bottom of the era sheet.
When summing up the era, feel free to add narrative details for
emphasis. Once the era has been summarized, it’s time to move on
to the next era, and turn back to step 1!


A lot happened in the Second New Wave Era. A player sums up the
era as follows: Cold hard business was the order of the day.
Woodstock was cancelled. No records were made, Britney Spears
was released on vinyl to fund the company.


There are four basic action types in Dynasty. These actions are:

• Strengthen or Weaken a Dynasty

• Aid or Exploit the Populace
• Leave a Legacy
• Strike a Deal

There are also two actions that can only be taken by the current
ruler. These actions are:

• Help a friend
• Announce an edict

Lastly, there is one special action – Usurp the Ruler. Warning,

this action is extremely dangerous, and should not be taken

How to Take an Action

When you take an action, follow these three steps:

1. Announce which action you are taking, and describe how your
Figurehead is planning to take that action.


The player of the Figurehead Kno Luc wishes to weaken the Lin
Cho Dynasty who killed his ancestor Sri Luc. He intends to trick
the court nobles into believing that Jing Lin Cho was an
illegitimate heir.

2. Determine if your action was successful, and execute the appropriate
effects of the action.

To determine if an action is successful, roll 2d6. Then, adjust the

result with the following:
• +1 for:
o Each strength of your Figurehead
o Each obsession created by your Dynasty
o Any bonus from the ruler's help a friend action
o Each dominance token you choose to spend. You may spend
tokens after you roll
• -1 for:
o Each weakness of your Figurehead
• -2 for:
o Each edict you are disobeying

Compare this result to the number required by the action to see

if your Figurehead has succeeded. Remember, you can always
remove strengths from your Dynasty to gain 2 dominance


Kno Luc rolls a 4, and adds to this +1 for his strength of Silent
and Deadly, but -1 for his weakness Terrible Flirt. Kno Luc’s
player decides to spend three dominance tokens bringing the
total to 7. A success! Barely. Kno Luc executes the 7-10 results of
Weaken a Dynasty.

3. Describe how your figurehead succeeded or failed, and then enact a

scene or vignette capturing a pivotal moment.


The player decides to opt for the scene of the pivotal moment
where Kno Luc slips forged proof of Jing’s illegitimacy into the
secret council documents, and then waits to see the councilmen’s
Strengthen or Weaken a Dynasty

During the game, you may wish to bolster the might of your
Dynasty, or strive to cast the Dynasty of another into ruin. This
action can be used to add strengths or weaknesses to any Dynasty.

When you wish to strengthen or weaken a Dynasty, follow the

process detailed for how to take an action above. Resolve modified
rolls as below:

3 or below: Abject failure! You could never have foreseen what

occurred. What happened?

If you were trying to create a strength, instead give your Dynasty a

weakness. If you were trying to create a weakness, instead give that
Dynasty a strength.

4 to 6: Failure! You were missing or overlooked something crucial.

What was it?

O7 to 10: Success! Add 1 strength or 1 weakness to any Dynasty. You

may create any strength or weakness that fits with the actions of
your Figurehead.

On a 11+: Impressive Success! An unexpected twist made your action

better then you could have every imagined. What was it?

Add 1 strength or 1 weakness to any Dynasty. You may create any

strength or weakness that fits with the plan you concocted.


- If you added a strength to your own Dynasty, create an obsession

for this era that corresponds with that strength
- If you added a strength or weakness to another Dynasty, that
Dynasty must immediately strike a bargain with you, which will
affect their next action.

Aid or Exploit the Populace

During the game, you Dynasty will help or exploit the populace, to
fulfill your motivations and beliefs, or to gain the upper hand.

Aiding the populace will increase the contentment level, and may
make you beloved by the people. Exploiting the population will
yield easy dominance tokens, but will decrease the contentment
level, and may make you hated by the people.

Aid or exploit the populace by following the process detailed for

taking an action above, and using the appropriate option below

Aiding the Populace

When you wish to aid the populace, you may first remove one
weakness you gained from being hated by the people. Then, resolve
your modified roll as below:

3 or below: Abject failure! The populace reacts badly to your

attempts to help. What happened?

Lower the population contentment level by 1, and take a weakness

from being hated by the people. Make sure to note the origins of the
weakness on your Dynasty sheet for later.

4 to 7: Minor Success! The populace appreciates your help but your

actions are highly forgettable. Increase the population contentment
level by 1.

8 to 10: Success! Increase the population contentment level by 1.

You may also pay 1 dominance token to gain a strength from being
beloved by the people. Make sure to note the origins of this strength
on your Dynasty sheet for later.

On a 11+: Impressive Success! Word of your aid ripples through the

populace like wildfire. What gave your actions such significance?

Increase the population contentment level by 1. Gain a strength

from being beloved by the people. Make sure to note the origins of
this strength on your Dynasty sheet for later.

Exploit the Populace

When you wish to exploit the populace, you must first remove all
strengths you gained from being beloved by the people. Then,
resolve your modified roll as below:

3 or below: Abject failure! The populace sees you for the scoundrel
and the villain you are. What happened?

Lower the population contentment level by 1, and take a weakness

from being hated by the people. Make sure to note the origins of the
weakness on your Dynasty sheet for later.

4 to 7: Minor Success! The populace grudgingly gives you what you

asked for, but the costs are high. How do they react?

Gain 2 dominance tokens. Lower the population contentment level

by 1, and take a weakness from being hated by the people. Make sure
to note the origins of the weakness on your Dynasty sheet for later.

On a 8 to 10: Success! The populace brings forth what you ask.

Gain 4 dominance tokens. Lower the population contentment level

by 1, and take a weakness from being hated by the people. Make sure
to note the origins of the weakness on your Dynasty sheet for later.

On a 11+: Impressive Success! Not only does the populace bring

forth what you ask, but they do not even know you were the asker.
How did you achieve this result?

Gain 4 dominance tokens. Lower the population contentment level

by 1.

Leave a Legacy

Dynasties are more than individual Figureheads. They are one

name, united by deed and reputation. To increase the influence and
fame of your Dynasty, your Figurehead can leave a legacy for a
future Era. Note that you cannot take this action in the last era of the

When you succeed at creating a legacy, take a blank bit of paper, and
write the legacy you wish your Figurehead to leave upon it. Also,
note the current Era. Then, place this legacy on a future Era of your

When you wish to leave a legacy, follow the process detailed for
taking an action above. Resolve modified rolls on as below:

On a 3 or below: Abject failure! Those who surround you laugh

mercilessly at your feeble efforts. What went wrong? Gain a relevant
weakness as a result of your humiliation.

On a 4 to 6: Failure! Your great idea turned out to be merely


On a 7 to 10: Success! Add a legacy to an era of your choosing.

On a 11+: Impressive Success! One small part of your actions proved

far more memorable then you could have imagined. What was it?

Add a legacy to an era of your choosing.


Your actions were so startling and impressive that the masses could
not help but take notice. You may choose to immediately aid the

Strike a Deal

Sometimes, two Dynasties must work together to rise above the

rabble. When you strike a deal, you tell a Dynasty what you want
them to do. If the help you, they'll get an advantage. If they don't,
they'll get a penalty.

Players should not ask each other to strike deals. The decision to
strike a deal should be made unilaterally and be a genuine part of a
player's approach.

When you strike a deal do not follow the normal action process
above. Instead, follow these steps:

1. Identify the Dynasty you wish to strike a deal with.

2. Identify the turn you would like the deal to take place.

The deal need not take place in the other player’s next turn. Identify
the turn by its era and turn number. For example “your second turn
in the 3rd era.”

3. Identify which of the following actions you would like a player to take in
this turn:

• Strengthen a Dynasty
• Weaken a Dynasty
• Aid the populace
• Exploit the populace
• Leave a Legacy
• Help a Friend
• Announce an Edict
• Usurp a Ruler

Note that you may not identify the specifics of the action. For
example if the action is Strengthen a Dynasty, you may not tell the
player which Dynasty they should strengthen.

4. Give the player as many dominance tokens as you would like.

These dominance tokens must be set aside in a separate pool, and

can only be used as a +1 for the action identified. If this action does
not take place they are discarded.

5. Enact an appropriate scene or vignette

When the turn you identified arrives, the player who you struck a
deal with makes a choice:

• They can perform the action you selected. If they do, they will get
+2 to that action, as well as the use of any dominance tokens given.
• Perform a different action. If they do, they will get -2 to that action
and will not be able to use the dominance tokens.

There are two exceptions:

• If you instructed a player to usurp a ruler they will get +2 if they

take the action, but will not get -2 if they refuse.
• If the player you struck a deal with is not the ruler, but a ruler only
action has been selected. In this case, the deal is off. The other
player must return to you any dominance tokens given.

Help a Friend

When you are in power you can use that power to benefit others.

Once per Era, in addition to their regular action, the ruler can
choose to give a +1 or +2 to the next action of any other Dynasty.
The ruling player should then enact a vignette where they bestow
their aid.

This benefit can be used by the receiving Dynasty on any action

they wish. Of course, the ruler may wish to negotiate a bargain
before the bonus is bestowed, but such a bargain is not formally
Announce an Edict

When you are in power, you can create the laws, rules, and policies
that benefit you best.

Once per Era, in addition to their regular action, the ruler can
announce an edict condemning a particular action. They may pick
from the following:

• Strengthen a Dynasty
• Weaken a Dynasty
• Aid the populace
• Exploit the populace
• Leave a Legacy

Any player to take this action will have a -2 penalty applied to their
roll. This includes the ruler themselves.

The ruling player should then enact a short scene or vignette where
they announce their edict.

The ruler may not help a friend and announce an edict in the same

Usurp the Ruler

A Dynasty may be unable to bare the yolk of another on their

shoulders. They may wish to usurp the ruling Dynasty, and become
the rulers themselves. A Dynasty who does so is risk their
reputation, and even their lives.

To usurp the ruler, follow the process detailed for taking an action
above. Resolve modified rolls as below:

5 or below: Abject failure! You are caught out before your actions
even begin. Your Figurehead is executed and you may not take any
further actions this Era. Your Dynasty gains a weakness related to
their treason.

6 to 10: Failure! Your bid for dominance is crushed in its final hours.
Your Dynasty gains a weakness related to their treason.

11 to 14: Success! Cross out the current ruler, and place the name of
your Dynasty instead. Create a new obsession for this Era. Ignore all
previous edicts. Any players helped by the previous ruler will not
receive their benefit. You may immediately announce an edict or
help a friend.

Even successful usurpers aren’t looked on kindly. Your Dynasty

gains a weakness related to their treason.

On a 15+: Impressive Success! Not only have you usurped the ruler,
but the entire Empire is on your side. Cross out the current ruler,
and place the name of your Dynasty instead. Create a new obsession
for this Era. Ignore all previous edicts. Any players helped by the
previous ruler will not receive their benefit. You may immediately
announce an edict or help a friend.

Your mighty actions will not be forgotten. Add a legacy related to

your victory to an era of your choosing.

Once you have played through every Era of Dynasty, it's time to
look back and trace the fate of your Dynasty through history.

The player whose Dynasty ruled the most Era's has come out on
top. In case of a tie, victory goes to the player who created the
largest number of obsessions.

But not everything is about power. Your Dynasty may have

achieved its objectives, and altered the Empire in its image - all
without ever having ruled. If your Dynasty got what they wanted,
then they were successful.

Each player should honestly evaulate the success or failure of

their Dynasty, and explain how they believe their Dynasty will be
remember by history. Will they be loved, hated, or both? Will
they live on in art or science, or will they be forgotten?

Once this is done, the game is complete. Thank you for playing

Game Materials






1 7
2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12






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