Cycloides Field-Serge Lang
Cycloides Field-Serge Lang
Cycloides Field-Serge Lang
Editorial Board
F. W. Gehring
Managing Editor
Serge Lang
New York Heidelberg Berlin
Dr. Serge Lang
Department of Mathematics
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut 06520
Editorial Board
9 8 7 6 5 432 1
ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-9947-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-9945-5
DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-9945-5
Kummer's work on cyclotomic fields paved the way for the development of
algebraic number theory in general by Dedekind, Weber, Hensel, Hilbert,
Takagi, Artin and others. However, the success of this general theory has
tended to obscure special facts proved by Kummer about cyclotomic fields
which lie deeper than the general theory. For a long period in the 20th century
this aspect of Kummer's work seems to have been largely forgotten, except
for a few papers, among which are those by Pollaczek [Po], Artin-Hasse
[A-H] and Vandiver [Va].
In the mid 1950's, the theory of cyclotomic fields was taken up again by
Iwasawa and Leopoldt. Iwasawa viewed cyclotomic fields as being analogues
for number fields of the constant field extensions of algebraic geometry, and
wrote a great sequence of papers investigating towers of cyclotomic fields,
and more generally, Galois extensions of number fields whose Galois group
is isomorphic to the additive group of p-adic integers. Leopoldt concentrated
on a fixed cyclotomic field, and established various p-adic analogues of the
classical complex analytic class number formulas. In particular, this led him
to introduce, with Kubota, p-adic analogues of the complex L-functions
attached to cyclotomic extensions of the rationals. Finally, in the late 1960's,
Iwasawa [Iw 1I] .made the fundamental discovery that there was a close
connection between his work on towers of cyclotomic fields and these
p-adic L-functions of Leopoldt-Kubota.
The classical results of Kummer, Stickelberger, and the Iwasawa-
Leopoldt theories have been complemented by, and received new significance
from the following directions:
1. The analogues for abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields in
the context of complex multiplication by Novikov, Robert, and Coates-
Wiles. Especially the latter, leading to a major result in the direction of the
Foreword v
Character Sums 1
1. Character Sums Over Finite Fields 1
2. Stickelberger's Theorem 6
3. Relations in the Ideal Classes 14
4. Jacobi Sums as Hecke Characters 16
5. Gauss Sums Over Extension Fields 20
6. Application to the Fermat Curve 22
Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions 26
1. The Index of the First Stickel berger Ideal 27
2. Bernoulli Numbers 32
3. Integral Stickelberger Ideals 43
4. General Comments on Indices 48
5. The Index for k Even 49
6. The Index for k Odd 50
7. Twistings and Stickelberger Ideals 51
8. Stickel berger Elements as Distributions 53
9. Universal Distributions 57
10. The Davenport-Hasse Distribution 61
Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas 69
1. Gauss Sums on Z/mZ 69
2. Primitive L-series 72
3. Decomposition of L-series 75
4. The (± l)-eigenspaces 81
5. Cyclotomic Units 84
6. The Dedekind Determinant 89
7. Bounds for Class Numbers 91
The p-adic L-function 94
1. Measures and Power Series 95
2. Operations on Measures and Power Series 101
3. The Mellin Transform and p-adic L-function 105
4. The p-adic Regulator 112
5. The Formal Leopoldt Transform 115
6. The p-adic Leopoldt Transform 117
Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups 123
1. The Iwasawa Algebra 124
2. Weierstrass Preparation Theorem 129
3. Modules over Z,,[[X]] 131
4. Z,,-extensions and Ideal Class Groups 137
5. The Maximal p-abelian p-ramified Extension 143
6. The Galois Group as Module over the Iwasawa Algebra 145
Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions 148
1. The Cyclotomic Z,,-extension 148
2. The Maximal p-abelian p-ramified Extension of the Cyclotomic
Z,,-extension 152
3. Cyclotomic Units as a Universal Distribution 157
4. The Leopoldt-Iwasawa Theorem and the Vandiver Conjecture 160
Iwasawa Theory of Local Units 166
1. The Kummer-Takagi Exponents 166
2. Projective Limit of the Unit Groups 175
3. A Basis for U(x) over A 179
4. The Coates-Wiles Homomorphism 182
5. The Closure of the Cyclotomic Units 186
Lubin-Tate Theory 190
1. Lubin-Tate Groups 190
2. Formal p-adic Multiplication 196
Explicit Reciprocity Laws 220
1. Statement of the Reciprocity Laws 221
2. The Logarithmic Derivative 224
3. A Local Pairing with the Logarithmic Derivative 229
4. The Main Lemma for Highly Divisible x and IX = Xn 232
5. The Main Theorem for the Symbol <x, xn>n 236
6. The Main Theorem for Divisible x and IX = unit 239
7. End of the Proof of the Main Theorems 242
Bibliography 244
Index 251
Character Sums
Character sums occur all over the place in many different roles. In this
chapter they will be used at once to represent certain principal ideals, thus
giving rise to annihilators in a group ring for ideal classes in cyclotomic fields.
They also occur as endomorphisms of abelian varieties, especially Jacob-
ians, but we essentially do not consider this, except very briefly in §6. They
occur in the computation of the cuspidal divisor class group on modular
curves in [KL 6]. The interplay between the algebraic geometry and the
theory of cyclotomic fields is one of the more fruitful activities at the moment
in number theory.
If CI. E Q(JiN) then the conjugate ex denotes (J -lCl.. Over the complex numbers,
this is the complex conjugate.
The Galois group of Q(JiN) over Q is isomorphic to Z(N)*, under the map
S(f, g) = L f(x)g(x).
Theorem 1.1. Let f- be the function such that f-(x) = f( -x). Then
T2f = qf-, that is
T2f(z) = qf(-z).
Proof We have
= Lf(x - z) LJe(-yx).
x 1I
If x =f. 0 then y 1---7 Je(yx) is a non-trivial character, and the sum of the
character over F is O. Hence this last expression is
= qf( -z)
as desired.
§1. Character Sums Over Finite Fields
T(f * g) = (Tf)(Tg)
T(fg) = q- Tf* Tg.
= (Tf)(Tg )(z),
thereby proving the first formula.
where the sum is taken over U E F*. We ceuld also take the sum over x in F
since we defined X(O) = O. Since A is fixed, we usually omit the reference to A
in the notation. The Gauss sums have the following properties.
This is obvious from our conventions. It illustrates right at the beginning the
pervasive fact, significant many times later, that the natural object to con-
sider is -Sex) rather than Sex) itself. We shall also write
but the convention remains in force that even for the trivial character, its
value at 0 is O.
1. Character Sums
Proof We have
X( -1)S(x)X(y-l).
J(x X) = - S(1)S(x2) .
1, 2 S(XIX2)
In particular, J(I, X2) = JU1, 1) = 1. If XIX2 = 1 but not both Xl, X2
are trivial, then
S(1)S(x2) = L L Xl(X)X2(y),.l(X + y)
.. II
= L L Xl(X)X2(y - x)A(y)
.. II
= L: L Xl(X)X2(U -
.. u¢o
x),.l(u) + L Xl(X)X2( -x) .
§1. Character Sums Over Finite Fields
If XlX2 =F 1, the last sum on the right is equal to O. In the other sum, we inter-
change the order of summation, replace x by ux, and find
2: XIX2(U)A.(U) 2: Xl(x)X2(1 -
u x
thus proving the first assertion of GS 3. If XlX2 = 1, then the last sum on the
right is equal to Xl( -l)(q - 1), and the second assertion follows from
Next we give formulas showing how the Gauss sums transform under
Galois automorphisms.
GS 4.
Proof Raising to the pth power is an automorphism of F, and therefore
Tr(xP) = Tr(x).
We can select v in a given residue class mod p such that v is also prime to m.
In the sequel we usually assume tacitly that v has been so chosen, in particular
in the next property.
GS 5.
Proof The first is obvious from the definitions, and the second comes by
making a change of variable in the Gauss sum,
1. Character Sums
Observe that
0"1,){X) = eVTr(x) = eTr(Vx) = A(VX).
The second property then drops out.
From the action of the Galois group, we can see that the Gauss sum
(Lagrange resolvant) satisfies a Kummer equation.
~ F* -- F*
/lq - 1 ---l>- q.
Phrased another way, this means that there exists a unique character w of
F* such that
w(u) mod V = u.
This character will be called the Teichmuller character. This last equation
will also be written in the more usual form
w(u) == u (mod V).
§2. Stickel berger's Theorem
Let ~ be a prime ideal lying above p in Q(jlq-l, jlp). We use the symbol
A ,...., B to mean that AlB is a unit, or the unit ideal, depending whether A, B
are algebraic numbers or (fractional) ideals. We then have
p ,...., ~P-l
with 0 ~ kj ~ p - 1. We define
I s(k) = ko + kl + ... + k n - 1 •
to be the product of the k i ! in the first range, and then also define y(k) by
(q - I)-periodicity for arbitrary integers k. If the dependence on q is
desired, one could write
sik) and Ylk).
Theorem 2.1. For any integer k, we have the congruence
S(w- k , eTr) _ -1
(e - I),(k) = y(k) (mod ~).
In particular,
ord$ S(w- k ) = s(k).
Remark. Once more, we see how much more natural the negative of the
Gauss sum turns out to be, for we have
-S(w-k, 2) _ 1
ns(k) = y(k) (mod ~)
1. Character Sums
= L w(u)-I(1 + n)Tr<u)
= L w(u)-I(1 + (Tr u)n + O(n2»
Case 1. plk, so we can write k = pk' with 1 ::; k' < q - 1. Then trivially
S(w- k ') -1
nS(k') == y(k') (mod~)
yields a proof for the present case, because Up is in the decomposition group
of~, whence up~ = ~.
§2. Stickelberger's Theorem
S(w- k) S(W- 1W-(k-l») _ S(w- 1) S(W-(k-l» -I
~ ns(k) = - n - ns(k-l) J(w 1, w (k 1»
= -1. -1 -1 ( d ~)
- y(k - 1) J(w 1, W (k 1» mo .
To conclude the proof, it will suffices to get the right congruence for J. We
use GS 3 from §I, to get:
-J(w-I, W-(k-l» == L: u- 1(1 - U)-(k-l)+Q-l (mod ~),
and the sum is at first taken for u =f 0, 1, but with the additional positive
exponent q - I which does not change anything, we may then suppose that
the sum is taken for u =f 0 in F. Hence we get further
Having obtained the order of the Gauss sum at one prime above p, we also
want the full factorization. Suppose that m is an integer > 1 and that p t m.
Let .p be a prime ideal above p in Q(flm) and let
N.p = q = pn.
Let k be an integer such that
Let <t> denote the smallest real number ~ 0 in the residue class mod Z of a
real number t. Let
G = Gal(Q(flm)/Q).
e(k,.p) = L:
< q
~ 1 )lJ'c -1 E Q[G].
1. Character Sums
Let ~ be the prime ideal in Q(fJ.m, fJ.p) lying above .p. Let w as before be the
Teichmuller character on Fr
We let U e = Ue,l'
Proof We have
2: -
1=0q - 1
kcpl )
s(k) = (p - 1).z
. I )
Proof We may assume that 1 :::; k < q - 1 since both sides are (q - 1)-
periodic in k, and the relation is obvious for k = O. Since pn == 1 (mod q - 1)
we find:
k = ko + k1P + ... + kn_1pn-l
pk == k n - 1 + kop + ... + k n_2pn-l (mod q - 1)
p 2k == k n- 2 + kn-1P + ... + k n _3pn-l (mod q - 1)
< kl ) =
right-hand side of ith equation.
Summing yields
§2 Stickelberger's Theorem
In Theorem 2.2 we note that the Gauss sum is not necessarily an element
of Q(flm), and the equivalence of ideals is true only in the appropriate ex-
tension field. Similarly, the Stickel berger element has rational coefficients.
By the same procedure, we can both obtain an element in Q(flm) and a corre-
sponding element in the integral group ring, as follows.
I() c R = Z[G].
Although we won't need it, we may prove the converse for general insight.
The matter is analyzed further in Chapter 2, §3.
m = -(U1+m - (1 + m)).
Suppose that an element of R() lies in R, that is
"'2 z(b)b == 0 (mod m),
and L: z(b)b is in 1. But then
"'2 Z(b)Ub = "'2 Z(b)(Ub - b) + "'2 z(b)b
is in I, thus proving the lemma.
1. Character Sums
Oem) = 2: <~)(J;;1.
FAC 1.
FAC 2.
In FAC 2 the algebraic number on the left lies in Q(flm), and the group ring
element O(m)(b - (Jb) lies in Z[G], namely
annihilates ((j.
§2. Stickelberger's Theorem
Theorem 2.4. The Stickelberger ideal annihilates the ideal class group of
Proof. Let
IX = '2 z(r)Or(m)
be an element of the Stickelberger ideal, with z(r) E Z, and the sum taken with
only a finite number of coefficients t= O. Then
and it is immediately verified that the left-hand side lies in Q(flm) by using
GS 5 of the preceding section. This proves the theorem.
[d]<t) = <dt), t E R.
It is convenient to let
and LI[ah a2]8(m) E Z[G] lies in the integral group ring. We know that the
Jacobi sum lies in Q(flm), so again we have an ideal factorization of an element
of Q(flm).
i. Character Sums
In several applications, e.g., in the next section, the level m is fixed, and
consequently we omit m from the notation, and write simply
8(m)[a] = 8[a].
The next two sections are logically independent and can be read in any order.
They pursue two different topics begun in §2.
Let p be prime number prime to the Euler function ¢(m). For instance, if
m = p itself, the prime p does not divide p - 1. The character group on G
takes its values in ¢(m)th roots of unity. We let q = pn be a power of p such
that ¢(m) divides q - 1. We let Oq be the ring of p-adic integers in the un-
ramified extension of Zp of degree n, so that Oq/pOq = oip) is the finite field
with pn = q elements. Then Oq contains the ¢(m)th roots of unity. If m = p
then we take q = p and Oq = Zp.
Let'(j' be the ideal class group of Q(Jlm), and '(j'(p) its p-primary component.
We have an isomorphism
The elementary divisors of '(j'(p) over Zp are the same as the elementary
divisors of
Oq ® '(j'(p) over Oq.
§3. Relations in the Ideal Classes
where u is ap:-adic unit, and ( = web) is a (p - l)th root of unity. This makes
(i) clear, and (ii) is obvious, from the definitions.
and the first Bernoulli number BI = --t, its constant term. For any function
fan Z(m) we define
BI,t = :2 f(X)BI«~»)'
xeZ(m) m
In particular,
BI,x = :2 «~)
- 2!)X(C).
If X is non-trivial, then L X(c) = 0, and hence in this case,
1. Character Sums
B1,w- 1 = - L
CW(C)-l == - L 1 == p - -
I P- 1 IP-l-l
Pc=l P
(mod Zp).
Hence B1,x has a pole of order 1 at p. Lemma l(i) concludes the proof.
- B n,w k-n
n == k-1 Bk (modp)
for k in the given range, and any positive integer n. By Corollary 1, we know
that B1,x annihilates ct'(Pl(x), and
§4. Jacobi Sums as Hecke Characters
The dot product is the usual one, a·b = alb l + a2b2' For any functionfon
Z(m)'2) we have its Fourier transform], and the inversion formulas:
If all or a2, or al + a2 == mod m, then we shall say that a is special.
Otherwise we say that a is non-special. The absolute value of the Gauss sum
determined in GS 2 immediately implies a corresponding result for the Jacobi
sum, namely:
J 3. lea, ~) =- L XlJ
a1 (U)XlJ a2 (1 - U) = LJ(b, ~Kb.a
1. Character Sums
J(b, a) E Z.
For the rest of this section, it will be convenient to assume that all number
fields are contained in the complex numbers.
We have seen that 8[a] is in the integral group ring Z[G]. For any non-zero
element a E Q(Jlm), we let
On the other hand, the product of a8[al and its conjugate is equal to Na
under the hypothesis that a1 + a2 t= mod m. Indeed, we have
'"L (J'c-1
§4. Jacobi Sums as Hecke Characters
operates multiplicatively like the absolute norm. The desired relation for the
product of 1X9[a] and its conjugate follows at once. The theorem follows by
using J 2, the analogous relation for the Jacobi sums.
The next theorem was proved originally by Eisenstein for prime level, and
by Weil [We 2] in the general case, which we follow.
Proof We fix IX and view J, was functions of a, omitting IX from the nota-
tion. In the Fourier inversion relation, we know that the Fourier coefficients
J(b) are integers. But IX == 1 (mod m 2) implies that
= web).
Since we know that Iw(a)12 = 1, and web) is an integer for all b, it follows that
web) =I 0 for a single value of b, and is 0 for all other values of b. In particular,
for this special b,
w(a) = w(b)(b.a.
But w(O) = 1, so web) = l. Putting a = (1,0) and a = (0, 1) we get:
w(1,O) = J(l, 0) = 1 and w(l,O) = (b1
w(O, 1) = J(O, 1) = 1 and w(O, 1) = (b2.
It follows that
w(a) =1
for all a, thus proving the theorem.
1. Character Sums
Theorem 5.1. Let F = Fq be the finite field with q elements, and let E be a
finite extension. Let
- SEUE, AE) = (- SU, A))lE:Fl.
tjJ: Monic polynomials of degree ~ lover F -+ F
tjJ(fg) = tjJ(f)tjJ(g).
where the product is taken over all monic irreducible polynomials over F.
Suppose f is of degree 1, say f( X) = X + c. Then we see that
tjJ(f)xn = O.
§5. Gauss Sums Over Extension Fields
Therefore we find
where the product is taken over all monic irreducible polynomials Q over E,
E F(a)
En F(a)
All the polynomials Qi are conjugate over F, and their coefficients generate
the field F' = En F(a), of degree rover F. We have
r = (m, n).
These facts are all obvious from elementary field theory. Since
1. Character Sums
we get
l/IE(Q) = ex(CO(P»Jl(Cl(P»))lE:F'l
= l/I(p)m/r.
With a view towards (2), we conclude that
= TI
{mf'~ 1
(1 - l/I(P)(xny
= TI (l - l/I(p)(eX)n).
gives a surjection of {lm -7- {lm/n and the inverse image of any element of
{lm/r is a coset of {lr since r = (m, n). This makes the last step obvious.
Substituting (3) in (2), we now find
= TI
(1 + Sex, Jl)eX)
with d ~ 2, defined over a finite field F with q elements. Again for simplicity,
we suppose that d divides q - 1, and therefore dth roots of unity are con-
tained in F.
We let w: F* -7- {lq-l be the Teichmuller character, and
§6. Application to the Fermat Curve
If a is an integer mod d, we let Xa(u) have the usual value if u # 0, and for
u = 0 we let:
xa(o) = 1 if a = 0,
Xa(o) = 0 if a # O.
For u in F, we let:
ifu = 0
if u # 0, u is not dth power in F
if u # 0, u is dth power in F.
NaCu) = L
Theorem 6.1. Let N be the number of points of V(d) (in affine space) in the
field F. Then
The sum is taken over integers a, b satisfying 0 < a < d and 0 < b < d,
and a + b "¥- 0 (mod d).
Proof We have
N = L
L(u,v,w)= 0
where the sum over u, v, w is taken over triples of elements of F lying on the
u +v+w= O.
certain 'U, W
Xa(u)Xc(w) L
all veF
and the sum on the far right is O. This shows that all the terms in the sum
1. Character Sums
with one, but not all, of a, b, c equal to 0 give a contribution O. Hence we get
N = q2 + 2:
O<a,b,c<d Il+V+W=O
2: Xa(u)Xb(v)XC(w)
where the sum over a, b, c is taken over positive integers satisfying the in-
dicated inequality.
If w = 0 then XC(w) = O. We may therefore assume that in the inner sum,
we have w t= O. We then put
u = u'w and v = v'w.
The inner sum then has the form
2: Xa+b+C(w) 2: Xa(u')Xb(v').
w"o Il'+v'=-l
Corollary. N = 1 +q - 2: cta,b
where cta,b = Xa+b( -1)J(xa, Xb), and (a, b) are as in Theorem 6.1.
Let Nv be the number of points of V(d) in projective space over the field
Fv of degree v over F. The theorem applied to Fv instead of F yields an
analogous expression, the character X being replaced by Xv such that for
uEFv ,
This last expression is nothing but X composed with the norm map, in other
words, it is precisely the character lifted to the extension as in the preceding
section. The additive character is also lifted in a similar fashion. Therefore
by Theorem 5.1 we find
§6. Application to the Fermat Curve
Note that the power of x( -1) also behaves in the same way as J when lifted
to Fv' Indeed, if q is odd then
1 + q + ... + q v -1 == v mod 2,
This is best seen by taking the logarithmic derivative of the last expression
on the right-hand side. The operator
Jf-+ I'IJ
is a homomorphism, so we take the operator for each linear term. Inverting
a geometric series we see that the logarithmic derivative of the last expression
on the right-hand side has precisely the power series
Since it has the value 1 at T = 0, it is the unique function having the desired
If finally one starts with the Fermat curve defined over the field of dth
roots of unity, and one reduces mod primes ,p not dividing d, one can take
the product of the zeta functions for the reduced curve over the correspond-
ing finite field. Then as Weil remarked, since the Jacobi sums are Hecke
characters, it follows that the Hasse zeta function
is equal to a Hecke L-series (up to the obvious factors of the zeta function of
Q(J1a) at sand s - 1).
The computation of solutions in finite fields works in essentially the same
way for diagonal equations
Stickelberger Ideals and
Bernoulli Distributions
§1. The Index of the First Stickelberger Ideal
On the other hand, a reader especially eager to get into p-adic L-functions
can concentrate on this chapter and then read Chapter 4 as a continuation
omitting Chapter 3. Only the section on the p-adic regulator in Chapter 4 is
related to Chapter 3. Chapter 2 may then be interpreted as giving the basic
congruence properties of Bernoulli distributions, and Chapter 4 gives
essentially more (p-adically) global measure theoretic properties.
A third alternative is to see Chapters 3 and 4 as forming a pair, describing
side by side the complex and p-adic class number and regulator formulas
originally conceived by Leopoldt.
For any G-module, we let A - be the (-I)-eigenspace for a -1. Then multipli-
cation by e- is the projection operator on this eigenspace (provided 2 is
invertible), and e- is the associated idempotent in the group algebra.
rx = L z(c)a c- 1 E R-
with coefficients z(c) E Z. Thus a -lrx = -rx. Then z( -c) = -z(c). If we let
[J = L z(c)a';-1,
(J,' = L.,
<c) -
ac-1 •
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
We have written ()' instead of () because we are now setting more permanent
notation, and there is a more canonical element which has priority, namely
From the hypothesis that IY. has integral coefficients, we conclude that
L z(b) (bem -
!)2 == 0 (mod Z)
for all e prime to m, so that
We contend that
§1. The Index of the First Stickelberger Ideal
Now let s(G) = 2: U be the sum of the elements of G in the group ring,
and note that
Substituting s(G) = (1 + U -1)8' on the right and using 2: z(b) even shows
that IX lies in R8', and concludes the proof.
Lemma 3. (R8 : R8 n R) = w.
Proof We define a homomorphism
T: R8-+- ZjZ
1 1
T(8) == In - 2 (mod Z),
and therefore that T is surjective. It now suffices to prove that its kernel is
R8 n R. But we have
If Cf.() is in the kernel of T, it follows that Cf.() also lies in R, thereby proving the
!/ = R() () R
for any character Xon Z(m)*. Let X' be the primitive character associated with
X, and let m' be its conductor. Then it is easy to verify that if we replace m by
m' and X by X' in the right-hand side, we obtain the same value, so B 1 • x is
independent of whether we view X as primitive character, or simply a charac-
ter on Z(m)*. (The above fact is a special case of the distribution relation,
discussed in the next section.)
Next, we shall use the fact that
mMTI -BI.' lu
'odd ul w
Rm() mM
§1. The Index of the First Stickelberger Ideal
We have shown the inclusion relations, and we have also indicated the in-
dices. All of them have been proved, except the one on the left-hand side.
This will be the item in the final lemma, and we then find:
Proof First observe that the sign is whatever is needed to make the right-
hand side positive. Multiplication bye-me is an endomorphism of QR-,
which is a semisimple algebra, decomposing into a product of I-dimensional
algebras corresponding to the odd characters. Consequently we find
det(e-me) = f1
X(me) = m M f1
On the other hand, e-me maps e- R into itself, and by standard elementary
linear algebra, the index is given by the absolute value of the determinant.
This proves the lemma, and the theorem.
The theorem and its proof are due to Iwasawa [Iw 7]. It was generalized
to composite levels m by Sinnott [Silo In the composite case, one cannot deal
any more with a single element e, but one has to deal with the module
generated by Stickelberger elements of all intermediate levels
for all divisors d of m. A similar situation had already arisen in the analogous
situation in dimension one higher, concerning the Stickelberger elements
formed with B2 rather than, Bl> in the Kubert-Lang series [KL 2], [KL 3],
[KL 5].
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
with a fixed prime number p, and n = 0, 1, 2, .... In each case, the connecting
where the left vertical arrow is multiplication with N/ M, and the right arrow
is reduction mod M. Thus the system
§2. Bernoulli Numbers
Let us now return to the general projective system {Xn }. For each n suppose
given a function CPn of Xn into an abelian group V. We say that the family
{CPn} is compatible if for each n and x E Xn we have
CPn(X) = 2:
:7t n -1Y=X
The sum is taken over all the elements of Xn+1lying above x. In what follows,
we often omit the subscripts, and write ny = x, for instance.
Let K be a ring of operators on V. Let f be a function on Xm for some
integer m, with values in K. If n ;::: m, then we view f as defined on Xn through
the natural projection on X m • We conclude at once from the compatibility
relation that
2: f(x)CPn(x) = 2:
xeX Il xeXm
with the limit topology, so that X is a compact space. For each n we have a
surjective map
For each x E Xn the inverse image r;l(x) is an open set in X, and the totality
of such open sets for all n, x is a basis for the topology of X.
A functionf on X is called locally constant if and only if there exists n such
that f factors through X n • Such functions are also called step functions, and
their group is denoted by St(X, K). For each such function, we can define its
f dcp = 2:
dcp: St(X, K) -+ V.
Iv + wi ::; max{lvl, Iwl} v, WE V
Icvlv = IcIKlviv c E K, vE V.
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
If <p is bounded, i.e., I<Pn(x) I is bounded for all n, x E Xn> then we say that <P
is bounded, or quasi-integral for the valuation. For any IE St(X, K) we have
where IIIII is the sup norm off, and 11<p11 is the sup norm of the values I(Pn(x)l.
Indeed, if I factors through Xn. then
f In d<p
for such a continuous function, provided that <p is bounded. This will be the
case in important examples, and bounded distributions are also called
All this is preliminary to defining the distributions which are of importance
to us, namely the Bernoulli distributions. If x E ZeN) then x/N can be viewed
as an element of Q/Z. For any E R/Z we let <t>
be the smallest real number
~ 0 in the residue class of t mod Z. What we want is for each positive integer
k a polynomial PIc with rational coefficients, leading coefficient 1, such that
the functions
Bo = 1,
Observe that
F( -t) - F(t) = t,
Bk = 0 if k is odd, k # 1.
We define the Bernoulli polynomials Bk(X) be the expansion
Then it is clear that the Bernoulli numbers are the constant terms of the
Bernoulli polynomials, that is
We find:
Bo(X) = 1,
B 3.
a~o e Nt - 1 N a~o e Nt - 1
On the other hand, summing the geometric series L eat directly from a = 0
to a = N - 1 and using the definition of the Bernoulli polynomials shows
that the coefficient of tkfk! is precisely Bk(X), thereby proving the desired
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
the association
x H>- Mk-1B k«x») for x E M Z/Z
defines a distribution.
Proof If y E (l/MN)Z/Z is one element such that Ny = x, then all
elements in the inverse image of x by the mapping (N· id) -1 consist of
y + ~, with t mod N.
CN(X, s) = L n-
The Dirichlet series converges only for Re(s) > 1, but it is classical and
elementary that it can be analytically continued to the whole complex plane,
and Hurwitz has shown that
§2. Bernoulli Numbers
For what we have in mind, we don't care about the lower terms, which have
rational coefficients.
B 6.
B 7.
2. Stickel berger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
We write
e-1x b
--=-+y= < b ) +z
§2. Bernoulli Numbers
== kxk-l(X
N - c <c-1X) c- 1)
-sr- + -2-
and Property E 2 follows by using E 1.
They will be called N-integral if they are p-integral for every prime dividing
Ek~XX) = L Ekz.;;(y)
where the sum is taken over, those y mod M which reduce to x mod N. The
expression for Eiz.;; is obviously N-integral except possibly for the term
2. Stickel berger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
For case (iii), we take M = (NkD(k))" for large v. The argument then
proceeds as before, because the only denominators occurring in
For the rest of this section, we let N = pn with some fixed prime number p,
so the distributions are defined on the projective limit of Z(pn), which is
none other than the p-adic integers Zp. We view the values of the distributions
to be in C p , the completion of the algebraic closure of the p-adic numbers.
We may express Theorem 2. 1(ii) in the limit as follows.
Theorem 2.3. Let c E Z; and let k be an integer ;::: 1 such that c k =1= 1.
Proof By definition,
X I--?> ex,
§2. Bernoulli Numbers
which gives
c k :;E 1 mod p.
1 1
-1- k = --k (1
-c p
+ O(p» ,
and so
p-1 X k - 1
X~l «x)
P - <c-
p X) +
1) c-
-2- .
Since c = 1 + P we have
2. Stickel berger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
Xk == -1 modp.
Note: When l/J = 1 we co not have (l/n)B n.", = (l/n)Bn because l/J is 0 on
pZp by definition.
Integrals are taken over Z;. We let x t-+ cx in the second integral. Then
l/J(c) comes out as a factor. Using Theorem 2.2 concludes the proof.
Theorem 2.5. Let 2 ::; k ::; p - 2. Let w: Z(p)* --* Z; be the Teichmuller
character such that
w(a) == a (modp).
§3. Integral Stickelberger Ideals
1 1
n-B",CD1<-" -= -k Bk (modp).
Proof Let l/I = ol'-". Choose c to be a primitive root modp, so that
ck ¢ 1 mod p. By Theorem 2.3 we get
The next sections, §3 through §7, takenfrom Kubert-Lang [KL 8], deal further
with the integrality properties of Stickelberger ideals.
mtt<!) = Lma •
This augmentation homomorphism extends to the complex group algebra
by linearity.
Rm = ideal of R consisting of those elements whose degree is == 0 mod m.
If I is an ideal of R, we let 1m = In Rm.
card G= IGI.
s(G) = L
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
In fact, these degrees can be computed easily. We need only that they are
=1=0 for k even, but the computation is as follows. Suppose k is odd. We use
the distribution relation. Summing over all primitive elements, i.e., elements
of pn yields the value of the distribution summed over all elements of level
pn-l. Continuing in this fashion reduces the computation to level 1. But
The degree of () arises from the same sum but with the term a = 0 omitted.
1 _ pk-l
deg () = k B"
deg ()' =
deg () - -k- B"I GI
These formulas would also be valid for k even, except for our convention to
take G = Z(N)*/ ± 1. This requires dividing the formulas by 2 to get deg ()
and similarly for ()'. The non-vanishing for k even comes from the functional
equation of the zeta function.
Next we give the ideals used in integralizing the distribution.
§3. Integral Stickelberger Ideals
L m(b)bk == 0 (mod N)
I(k)(N) = ideal of elements Ue - ck with integers c prime to N.
Since k and N remain fixed, we often write lJ and lJ' instead of lJk(N) and
lJ~(N). Similarly, we write J(k) and I(k), or J and 1. It is obvious that
degI(k)(N) = pt, where t is the maximum integer such that k == 0 mod cp(pt).
RlJ~ n R = I(k)lJ~.
The p-integrality then follows from Theorem 2.1(i). For other primes we
need a lemma.
2. Stickel berger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
Hence for any integer m we see recursively that the first assertion of the
lemma is true. The second, concerning l-adic integers, follows by continuity.
The lemma is also valid for p = 2.
Lemma 2. (i) Let, E R and suppose that eO' E Zp[G] = Rp. Then, EJ.
and therefore
Nk-l ~ z(b)B~ « b
-k- N» ) is p-integral.
- - Bk (b)
- ~-
-_ L.. N k-
- 1 (k) B;-
k N ;=0 kiN .
Comparing the leading term modulo all the lower order terms, and taking
into account that Bl = -! is p-integral (here we use p # 2), and the Kummer
theorem that B/ is p-integral for i < p - 1, we find
Lz(b)bk _ 1
kN = Omod'j(Zp,
§3 Integral Stickelberger Ideals
s = n + ordp k.
We have J<k) () Z = (pS).
Proof The argument uses the same expression for the Bernoulli polynomial
as in the previous lemma. We see that
The leading term is pS/kN. The Bernoulli numbers Bi are p-integral for
i < p - 1 by Kummer, and for i ;:::: p - 1 the power N k - 1 in front in-
tegralizes (l/N)k-i. It follows that
pS.. I
kN IS p-mtegra ,
whence s has the stated value. Since we have already seen that 18' c R, it
follows that the p-contribution of I () Z is exactly pS. It is clear that I () Z
is equal to (pS), because we can always select
The first term is in I, and the second term is an integral multiple of N. This
proves the lemma.
We may now conclude the proof of the theorem. We prove (i). Suppose
~ E R and ~8' E R. By Lemma 2, ~ E J. By Lemma 4, we know that
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
(A . B) = (C: B).
. (C:A)
(A . B) = (A : E) .
. (B: E)
(A : AO) = ± de~A 0,
(AmO: AO) = (AO: AmO)-l.
Since mO lies in A, the index (A : AmO) is given by the absolute value of the
determinant of mO, which is mY det 0, where r is the rank of A. This power
mT then cancels the other index.
Note that the determinant can be computed in the extension of scalars by
the complex numbers. In particular, if A is a semisimple algebra, and is
commutative, then
det 0 = nX(O)
§5. The Index for k Even
where X ranges over all the characters of the algebra, counted with their
mUltiplicities. In the applications, the algebra is essentially a group ring, so
the multiplicities are 1, and the characters come from characters of the group.
This will be applied to the case when () = ()(k). We recall the definition of
generalized Bernoulli numbers according to Leopoldt:
X«() = k Bk,x'
Note that the Bernoulli number is defined with respect to G, so that for keven,
we are summing over Z(N)* / ± 1. This convention is the most useful for
present 'applications in §5 and §6. (We revert to the other convention in §7.)
For even k, it gives half the other values.
The classical theorem about the non-vanishing of Bk,x when k and X have
the same parity gives the desired invertibility of the Stickelberger element ()k
in the corresponding part of the group algebra over Q.
Theorem 5.1.
First observe that since deg () and deg ()' :f= 0 we have
Ro n R() = Ro n R()'.
By Theorem 2.1, we conclude that
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
In §3 we had noted deg t = pt. The factor deg 0' will cancel ultimately. In
any case, we have:
= ~ (R : RO')(RO' : 10')
= ~ f1 X(O')(R : I).
The product is taken over all characters X of G. We separate this product
into a factor with the trivial character, giving deg 0', canceling that same
factor in d, and the product over the non-trivial characters. For X non-trivial,
we have X(O) = X(O').
In the final step we also wrote (RO' : 10') = (R : I). This is because e' is
invertible in the group algebra over Q. Hence the map ~ 1-+ ~O' induces an
isomorphism on R.
We are therefore reduced to proving a final lemma.
From this it is clear that (R : J) = N, and the index (J: I) is obvious, thus
concluding the proof.
§7. Twistings and Stickel berger Ideals
The Stickelberger ideal in this case is R() n R = I(), and is odd. We shall
Theorem 6.1.
(R- : R() n R) = Npordk TI ± 2~ Bk.,l.'
X odd
and then
(e- R : e- I() = (e- R : e- R()(e- R() : e-I()
= TI x«()(e- R : e- I)
An element E R- lies in Zeal - a -1) mod I. Hence the same argument as
in the past case gives the desired index.
2.. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
We define
Ok.e(pn) = a;;l(a c - Ck)Ok(pn) E Z(pn)[GnJ.
gives an isomorphism
§8. Stickelberger Elements as Distributions
We may then pass to the projective limit. The limit of An is the Iwasawa
algebra. We let,?", be the ideal generated by the elements ()k,c (projective limit
of ()k,cCpn)). We obtain an isomorphism with the twist,
A/,?", -+ A(I)/'?"'_l(I).
This isomorphism permutes the eigenspaces for the action of flp-b and this
can be interpreted in terms of congruence relations between Bernoulli-
Leopoldt numbers (with characters) in the obvious manner.
We now make remarks concerning twistings, ideal classes, and modular
curves. We assume that the reader is acquainted with the latter. Suppose
N = p is prime '# 2, 3. The Iwasawa-Leopoldt conjecture predicts an iso-
where C:- is the p-primary part of the (-I)-eigenspace of the ideal class group
in Q(flp). On the other hand, Kubert-Lang [KL 7] establish an isomorphism
where 'i&'O(Xl(P)) is the cuspidal divisor class group on the modular curve
X1(p), generated by the cusps lying above the relational cusp on Xo(p),
Consequently, we expect a commutative diagram:
for every element r E Q/Z, and positive integer D. The sum is taken over
those elements t such that Dt = r. In the application we have in mind, h
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
We let G(N) c:: Z(N)*, writing the isomorphism as a f--+ (Ta. We let h be an
ordinary distribution as above. We define
If the values of h are in the field F, then the values of gN are in the group
algebra F[G(N)]. It is clear that if M is a denominator for r, i.e., r E ZM and
M divides N, then the image of gN(r) under the canonical homomorphism
G(N) --?>- G(M) is equal to gM(r). Thus we may define
g(r) = limgN(r)
in the injective limit of the group algebras (as vector spaces over F), ordered
by divisibility, with the injections from one level to a higher one given by
sending one group element to the sum of all the group elements lying above
it under the canonical homomorphism.
§8. Stickelberger Elements as Distributions
as one sees at once from the fact that ra depends only on the residue class of
a mod M, for a E G(N). Hence AN has a non-trivial x-component if SCi, h)
-=f O. This shows that the dimension of AN it at least that which we asserted.
On the other hand, let r E ZN and suppose r has exact period M. Let X be
any character of G(N). Then
gN(r)ex = IG(~)I 2:
= IG(~)I 2:
herb) 2:
redMa = b
and the sum on the right is O. If the conductor of X divides M, then i(a) =
i(b) on the right, so
1 "" IG(N)I _
gN(r)ex = IG(N)I be~) herb) IG(M)I x(b)ex
= IG(~1)1 2:
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
We now have to analyze this sum. The next lemma will show that this sum
is equal to some factor times SmUm, hm).
(ii) Let p be a prime dividing N but not dividing m. Write N = pnM with
pi M. Then
SN(XN, hN) = (1 - Xm(p))SMClM, hM)'
Proof The first statement is immediate from the distribution relation. Let
us prove (ii). We have
x(a)hN(a) = L
a b(M)
= ~
= ~
(a) +
x=b(M) a=b(M) a=b(M)
The elements a in ZeN) which are not primitive but are == b mod M are in
bijection with the elements c E Z(N/p) satisfying the conditions
which sends Z(Njp) into pZ/NZ c ZjNZ. Therefore the sum over primitive
elements lying above a given b can be expressed as a difference
Lh(a)- - h(b-)- L~ h (c-
aeZ(N)' N - M c Njp
§9. Universal Distributions
(by the distribution relation). Plugging this into the first relation, and making
a change of variables b f-+ pb, we find
So far, Theorem 8.3 has been proved only for distributions with values in
a field of characteristic zero. However, the next section will give a result of
Kubert showing that the universal distribution is generated on ZN by free
generators whose cardinality is IZ:I. This will take care of the additional
integrality possibilities allowed in the statement of Theorem 8.3.
Later in the book, we shall see that the cyclotomic units in the cyclotomic
field form an even distribution, which has maximal rank by the class number-
regulator formula, cf. Chapter 3, §3, and Chapter 6, §3.
The direct sum then yields a distribution of maximal attainable rank.
This is one method to show th~t the universal distribution in Theorem 9.1(ii)
has rank IZ:I.
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
We let
g: QjZ --+ some abelian group
2: g(t) =
2: g(t) =
Theorem 9.1. (i) The elements g(TN) generate the abelian group generated
by g(ZN).
(ii) If g is the universal distribution then the elements g(t) with t E TN are
free generators.
(iii) The cardinality of TN is equal to that ofZj{.
Proof The first statement is obvious from the preceding remarks. The
cardinality of TN is clearly equal to that of zt.
For (ii), we may consider the
§9. Universal Distributions
free abelian group generated by the elements of Z~ and {O}, modulo the
single linear relation
(t) = O.
g(r) = 2:
get), with D = N/M.
The proof of (ii) is in some sense natural, but in many ways it is better
to exhibit mappings which are distributions and which have the appropriate
rank to get the lower bound for the rank of the universal distribution. Cf.
the end of §8, where we exhibit natural distributions in the theory of cyclo-
tomic fields which have such rank.
N = [Jpfl.
j;,: 1
1 1
- Z/Z =
N '-P -Z/Z
Q) pfl
-a =
2: pfla· mod Z
where ai is well defined mod pfl, while a is well defined mod N. We let:
TN = set of elements a/N as above, such that either ai is prime to Pi and
aj -# 1, or ai = O.
It is then clear that TN has cardinality ¢(N).
Theorem 9.2. The preceding theorem holds with this definition of TN ,for com-
posite N.
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
where a~ is prime to p.
Inductively, we may now repeat the same argument with respect to P2,
Pa, . . .. It merely suffices to observe the following. In the first step of the
argument, when we factored out pi, thus changing hi to Ch if hj is prime to p
then CI is prime to p. Thus performing the same argument inductively on the
other primes does not destroy the desired property for those primes which
have already been taken care of. This concludes the first part of the proof.
Secondly, we show that we can recover those elements a/N for which aj
may be equal to 1 from the prescribed set TN. Let
yE N' Z/Z.
§1O. The Davenport-Hasse Distribution
Subtracting yields
+ Y) == 2: g(a;l
a,,' 1Pl
+ Y) mod AN"
Observe that the same quantity y occurs on both sides of this relation. We
may now repeat the procedure inductively on the partial fraction decomposi-
tion of y. If we write
+ Yl) ==
where N" = Nlp~2. In this way we reduce the proof to the case when N con-
tains fewer prime factors, and then can apply induction with respect to the
number of prime factors to conclude the proof.
a == f3 mod* <.p
to mean that rxfJ-l == 1 mod msp, where msp is the maximal ideal in the local
ring at <;p. We use similar notation mod* p or mod* p. We let X, l/! be characters
on F:, and put
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
Proof Let um("') be the quotient of the left-hand side by the right-hand side,
that is
We have to show umC"') = 1. First note that um("') lies in Q(J.-!Q-1)' This is
immediate by looking at the action of 0'1,v, cf. GS5 of Chapter 1, §l. From
the fact that IS("')I = YC; if'" # 1 and IS("')I = 1 if'" = 1, we conclude that
Ium("') I = 1. Similarly, all conjugates of um("') have absolute value 1. Since
S(", )S(Iii) = ± q, we know that only primes dividing p occur in the factoriza-
tion of S(",). We shall prove that
The assertion is then obvious from the inductive step for k - 1. Next sup-
pose p Ik, so k = pk'. Since
ordp k! = [~J
p + ... + [~J
(p - I)! == -1 modp,
taken k' times. The product of the factors divisible by p yields k'! pt, where
t = ord p k'!. The lemma is then immediate.
§1O. The Davenport-Hasse Distribution
This reduces the proof of the congruence relation (1) to the proof of such a
congruence for the expressions on the right-hand side of (2), corresponding
to the way um(ljJ) is made up from expression r(w- k ) for appropriate values
of k. We shall prove two relations for the residue function, namely:
n n
mx~O mx~O
In these relations, sums and products are taken over elements x mod q - 1
such that mx == 0 mod q - 1. The theorem is immediate from these relations,
taking into account
q - 1
0::::; y < - - .
q- 1
x = v - - with v = 0, 1, ... , m - 1.
rex) = x, rex + y) = x + y, r(my) = my.
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
°: : ;
The products are taken for v = 0, 1, ... ,m - 1 and y is taken as above, with
y < (q - l)jm. Let F(y) be the left-hand side of (5). Then the right-
hand side of (5) is equal to F(O), and consequently, it suffices to prove that
F(y) _ *
F(y _ 1) = 1 mod p,
n (y + v m 1) q -
I1 (my - v) ==lmod*p,
or also
mn-l my + v(q - 1) - 1
= mo
v=o my - v
For this it will suffice to prove that each factor in the product is == 1 mod p.
But the power of p entering in my - v is at most pn-l. Dividing numerator
and denominator of each factor by my - v shows that
_-"-y_-_v_+_v-,,q =- 1 mo d* p.
my - v
This proves the theorem except whenp = 2, when we know only that um(ljJ) =
± 1. In this case we argue further as in [D-H].
Let I be a prime dividing q - 1. Let
Since IjJz == 1 mod A., it follows that IjJ == IjJz' mod A.. Therefore
In particular,
Appendix. Distributions
Remark. In [Ya], Yamamoto shows that the Gauss sums form the univer-
sal odd distribution modulo 2-torsion.
In this chapter we have looked at the distributions which are especially
relevant to the cyclotomic theory discussed in the rest of the book. It is
worthwhile to give here a number of examples of distributions occurring
throughout mathematics, involving various classical objects. We make a list
of a general nature, including those we have already met.
Thus we may even define Bk on RjZ, and through this Fourier series, the
function given at level N by
and restrict z to the unit circle, Z = e2ni8 • Then {Nk-Yk} defines a distribution.
The real part for k even and imaginary part for k odd are mere homomorphic
images of this one, and give ri~e to the Bernoulli distribution of (2).
,(s, u) = 60
+ u)S
be the Hurwitz zeta function, for 0 < u :::; 1. For each real number t, let {t}
be the unique number congruent to t mod Z, and such that
2. Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
fl.v /-
z +.:Ji.) 1
=. /- r(Nz)N!-NZ
v 2n
fl (1 -
Appendix. Distributions
and where the value g(a) is to be taken in the multiplicative group of the
modular function field modulo roots of unity, cf. [KL 3], following the work
or Ramachandra and Robert. The association
a H>- g(a)
- fo logle 2ntt - 11 dt.
Since the function t H>- Ie 2"it - 11 satisfies the distribution relation, one sees
at once that A(O) satisfies the distribution relation in the sense that on
{(1jN)ZjZ} the family {NA(O)} is a distribution, which is odd.
Let H be hyperbolic 3-space. This is the set of points
(Xl' X 2 , Y) E R x R x R+
Select four distinct points in the plane, and let T be the tetrahedron in H
whose vertices are at these points. Then it can be shown that opposite dihedral
2; Stickelberger Ideals and Bernoulli Distributions
angles are equal. (The dihedral angles are the angles between the faces of the
tetrahedron.) Let a, p, y be the dihedral angles. Then
a + p+ y = 11:,
and the volume ofthe tetrahedron is precisely given in terms of the Lobatchev-
ski function by
The search for relations among such volumes had led Milnor to consider the
Lobatchevski function and its relations, now known as distribution relations,
and to show that it had the maximum rank (its values being viewed as con-
tained in a vector space over the rationals). Of course, Kubert's construction
in fact gives free generators over Z.
Finally, let 0 = Z[C], where C is a primitive cube root of unity. Then
Complex Analytic Class Number F onnulas 3
The complex analytic class number formulas date back to the 19th century.
They relate class numbers of cyclotomic fields and units. They arise by
factoring the zeta function of a cyclotomic field in L-series, and looking at the
factorization of the residue.
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
Z(m)* -+ Z(d)*.
If there does not exist dim and d =1= m such that X factors through Z(d)*, then
we call X primitive. Again to determine the smallest d such that a given
character factors through Z(d)*, we may look at prime powers.
Suppose m = p" is a prime power, and X is a character on Z(P"). Let p'
be the smallest power of p such that X is trivial on
It is then clear that c(x) is the smallest d such that X factors through Z(d)*.
We define
Sex) = Sex, A) = 2: X(X)A(X),
and the sum could be taken only over those x E Z(m)*. It is then obvious that
we have a decomposition
§1. Gauss Sums on ZjmZ
Sex, ;"od) = 0.
Proof Using the prime power decomposition, we may assume without loss
of generality that m = pn is a prime power. Abbreviate
Sex, )..opT) = L L
i xepn-TA
X(Ut)x(1 + x»)..(prUi)
From here on we have the same formalism as for Gauss sums over finite
fields. For any functionf on Z(m) we define its Fourier transform
Tf(y) = L
TX = x(-I)S(x)[l.
S(x)S(x) = m.
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
L(s, X) = ~ -x(n)
L., 8 = "
L., " s'
x(a) L., 1
n= 1 n aeZ(m)' nEa n
~ L (a - n)x = {O if n :; a mod m
m xeZ(m) 1 if n ~ a mod m.
L(s, X) = L
x(a) -
LL 00
n=l x
whence also
00 (-nx
L(s, X) = - Sex, ..lox) -8•
m xeZ(m) n=l n
So far we have worked with Re(s) > 1. We now want to have the value
of the L-series at s = 1. It is not difficult to prove that the L-series has an
analytic continuation for Re(s) > O. Of course, it is also known (and a little
more involved) how to prove the analytic continuation to the whole complex
plane. For our purposes, to get the value at 1, we can work ad hoc, let s be
real> 1, and take the limit as s approaches 1. Then we don't need anything
else here.
We recall a lemma about series.
§2. Primitive L-series
i.e., the partial sums of the series {bn} are bounded. Then the series L: anbn
converges, and in fact
We apply the lemma to the series with b n = ,-nb and an = Iin s with s
real > O. The partial sums of the bn are clearly bounded (they are periodic).
L: :...
co n
-log(I - z) =
n=1 n
Then the series L: znln converges to L: z~/n as z tends to Zo along the ray
(that is, r tends to 1). This is again obvious by estimating the tail end of the
series using the lemma. Consequently, we find:
L(I, X) = - Sex)
X(b) 10g(I - ,-b).
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
-~ <
e <~.
Case 1. X is even.
In this case, adding the sum with band -b yields
L(l,X) = _Sex)
x(b)logil _ (bl.
Case 2. X is odd.
In this case, we let
) = n:iS(x)
b~ X
-(b) (~ _
!)2 = niS(x) B
§3. Decomposition of L-series
Let m be the smallest positive integer for which we can write K in this fashion.
Then either m is odd or m is divisible by 4. If m is odd, then the group of
roots of unity 11K in K consists of ±11m. If m is even, then 11K = 11m.
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
where the product is taken over all the primitive characters induced by
the characters of G K1Q • We reproduce the proof in the case K = QVtm). In the
last section we dealt with the L-series in its additive form. Here we use the
multiplicative form
L(s, X) = n (1 _X~»)-1
where the product is taken over all primes p not dividing mex). All these series
and products converge absolutely for Re(s) > 1, and what is to be proved
amounts to formal identities, localized at each prime p. Specifically, the
decomposition is equivalent to proving for each prime number p:
f1 (1 - .l.) = n (1 - X(~»).
Pip N'fJ x P
(1 - tryT = n (1 -
1 - tf = n (1 -
we have proved our identity in the case ptm. The argument is, by the way,
entirely similar if K"# Q(/lm).
Suppose secondly that plm. Write m = pkm ' with (p, m') = 1. If plm(x)
§3. Decomposition of L-series
(1 - tty = n (l - X(P)t)
where the product is taken over those X whose conductor m(x) is not divisible
by p, and hence such that X factors through Z(m')*. The arguments are then
identical with the preceding arguments, replacing m by m'. This concludes
the proof. (Cf. [L 1], Chapter XII, §1.)
If K is real then rl = = o.
[K: Q], r2
If K is not real, then r1 = 0 and r2 = ·HK: Q].
We let·
N = [K: Q] = N K •
We assume known the analytic continuation of the zeta function and
L-series at 1 (cf. [L 1], Chapter VII, [L 2], Chapter XIV). By comparing
residues, we have the class number formula:
As usual:
~1f- =
1;L(I, X)·
Leopoldt's p-adic analogue will be given in the next chapter. If K is not real,
then we let h +, R + denote the class number and regulator of its real subfield
and N+ is the degree of the real subfield,
N+ = NI2 = r 2 •
We shall also need another fact whose proof is somewhat more delicate.
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
(i) Ilmex) = d
x .. 1
D Sex) =
d lf2
iT2d 1l2
if K is real
if K is not real.
if K is real
mex)SI2(n-SI2r(s/2»L(s, X) if X is even
v' X( -1)mex)
Dividing the functional equation of the zeta function by the functional
equation of the L-series, one sees that under s f-+ 1 - s,
If we combine the residue formula, Theorem 3.1, and the expressions for
the values L(I, X) for primitive characters X found in the last section, we then
get the following factorizations for the product hR in the two cases.
K real.
2N - 1 hR = TI L
x"l bmodm(x)
-X(b) logll - (~(x)l·
§3. Decomposition of L-series
K imaginary.
w TI L
X even b mod m(x)
-X(b)logll - '~<x>I· TI
X odd
In the real case, we observe that all characters are even. Also the number of
roots of unity in K when K is real is equal to 2. Otherwise, the formulas are
just obtained by plugging in.
It will be convenient to reformulate them slightly, to make the connection
between imaginary K and the maximal real subfield clearer. We let:
E = EK = group of units in K
E+ = EK + = group of units in K+
11K = group of roots of unity in K
CK = group of ideal classes in K.
Following Hasse, we give a symbol for the index in the lemma, calling it
the unit index:
Reading the class number formula in the real case applied to K+, we find:
h = h+ QW2- NI2 TI
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
The group Ci(P) is generated by one element over Z[G] if and only if there
is a Z[G]-isomorphism
Indeed, we know that the Stickelberger ideal annihilates the ideal classes,
so the isomorphism is obvious if there exists one generating element by
Theorem 1.1 of Chapter 2.
Let m = p itself. Iwasawa [Iw 7] and Leopoldt [Le 5], [Le 10] have shown
that ifthe Vandiver conjecture h+ prime to p is true, then the cyclicity follows
for the p-primary part of C-. (See Chapter 6, §4.) Proving the Vandiver
conjecture, or the Iwasawa-Leopoldt conjecture that Ci(P) is cyclic over the
group ring is therefore one of the major problems of algebraic number theory
In the Iwasawa-Leopoldt conjecture it is necessary in general to restrict
the conjecture to the p-primary component. For example, let Fbe an imaginary
quadratic field Q( v' - p ), and suppose p is such that F is contained in the
cyclotomic field Q(fJ.p) = K. Then Kover F is totally ramified above p, and
the Hilbert class field of F lifts to an unramified extension of K of the same
degree, so the ideal class group CF is a factor group of the ideal class group
CK , and CF = CF -. It is known that there exist such fields, e.g., Q(v' - 3299),
for which CF contains a group of type (3,3), see Scholz-Taus sky [S-T].
Furthermore, 3 does not divide p - 1, with p = 3299. Consequently all the
non-trivial eigenspaces for characters of Z(p)* of the local ring group Z3[G]
are cyclic over Z3. This shows that there cannot be an isomorphism
§4. The (± l)-eigenspaces
G = Z(m)*/ ± 1,
Gx = Z(mCl))*/ ± 1.
Then there are exactly N/2 even characters and (N/2) - 1 non-trivial even
characters. Therefore we obtain the other class number formula:
a(u/u) = au/au
({J: E -7 11 = 11K
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
1- (
a = --.
uju = -a.ja.
Then au is real, and generates the same ideal as a, thus proving the theorem
in this case.
Suppose that m = pn is a prime power. Let ( be a primitive mth root of
unity, and let A = 1 - " so A is a prime element above pin K. We can write
-a. = az with some root of unity, and Ail = - ( is a generator of J1. Hence
for some positive integer k. Then aA k is real. Since the ideal generated by IX
comes from K+, and since p is totally ramified in K, it follows that k is even.
§4. The (± l)-eigenspaces
Hence z is a square in /1, and therefore in the image of cp, say z = u/u for
some unit u. Then au is real, and generates the same ideal as a, thus proving
that a is principal, and also proving the theorem.
Theorems 4.1 and 4.2 are classical, see for instance Hasse [Ha I], Chapter 3,
for more general results. The elegant proofs given here are due to Iwasawa.
Theorem 4.3. Let K be an imaginary abelian extension ofQ. Then the norm
Proof For any ideal class c in K, the properties of the Artin symbol show
Gal(KH/K) ~ Gal(H/F)
Hence the group (NK1PCK, H/F) is the whole Galois group Gal(H/F), whence
N K1PCK = Cp since the Artin symbol gives an isomorphism of the ideal class
group with the Galois group. This proves the lemma.
Cli = (-I)-eigenspace of CK
= {c E CK such that C1H = I}.
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
is exact.
Proof We consider the norm map followed by the injection,
CK -norm
CK+ ~
inj CK·
Corollary. The quotient h/h+ is an integer, which is the order of the group
Remark. The integer h - is called the first factor, and h + is called the second
factor of the class number, in older literature. This is poor terminology since
the ordering seems arbitrary, and for several years this has been replaced by
the plus and minus terminology.
is real (i.e., fixed under () -1), as one sees immediately from the definitions.
We let g: be this real unit, uniquely determined up to sign, and call it the
real cyclotomic unit.
We let cff be the group of units in Q(l1m) generated by the roots of unity
and the cyclotomic units. We let cff+ be the group of units in Q(l1m) + generated
by ± 1 and the real cyclotomic units. Then
§5. Cyclotomic Units
Then r is the rank of E, and also the rank of E+. If Ih, ••• , lOr is a basis for
E+ (mod roots of unity), then the regulator R+ is the absolute value of the
G = Z(m)*/± 1
so we may view a E G, a i= 1 in G.
On the other hand, we may form the cyclotomic regulator
We shall prove in this case that the cyclotomic units are independent.
Interpreting the regulator as the volume of a fundamental domain for the
lattice generated by the log vectors of units in Rr, we see that
~3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
Proof Let G be any finite abelian group. Then we have the Frobenius
determinant formula for any function f on G:
X,H aeG
x(a)f(a- 1 ) = det [f(ab- 1 )
a.b¢ 1
- f(a)].
The proof will be recalled later for the convenience of the reader. It is already
clear that up to minor changes, this formula yields the theorem, taking into
account the expression for h+ obtained at the end of §3. We now make these
changes explicit.
± det logluagbl
= n L X(b) 10gl1 -
X;"l beG
= n L X(b) loglgbl·
X¢l beG
Proof The first expression comes from the Frobenius determinant formula
(Theorem 6.2), and the second comes from the fact that for non-trivial X,
L XCb) 10gl1 - CI = o.
Lemma 2. Let Gx = Z(m(x»*j ± 1. For prime power m = pn, we have
Proof Let mCl) = pS. We write residue classes in Z(pn)* in the form
and b ranges over a fixed set of representatives for residue classes of Z(pS)*.
Instead of the sums over Gx and G respectively, it is easier now to work with
sums over Z(pS)* and Z(pn)* respectively, and then divide by 2. The desired
relation is then immediate from the identity
(X - ,iY) = xm - ym,
because we get
x(y) 10gl1 - C~nl = L
X(b)logll - Ct-I·
Theorem 5.1 is then immediate from the lemmas, and the class number
formula for h+ obtained from the L-series.
§5. Cyclotomic Units
m = p withp prime =? 2, 3
and such that K = Q(flm) contains a real subfield F = Q(VD) with D > 0,
so D = p, and D is the discriminant. Let e > 1 be a fundamental unit of F,
and hF the class number. From
It is a simple matter of the theory of quadratic fields that the conductor m(x)
is exactly D (assumed> 0). The explicit value S(x) can be determined in any
number of ways (via functional equation, via Dirichlet's method as in my
Algebraic Number Theory, Chapter IV, §3, etc.), and we have S(x) = VD.
Thus we find:
2hF log e = - L
i(a) logl! - ,al·
] ' } Z(D)'/± I
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
Let C be the group of cyclotomic units in K+ and let CF be ± its norm group
into F, so
where' is a fixed primitive Dth root of unity. Note that the character X is
even, so a and - a occur simultaneously in each product. Therefore the norm
from K+ to F of any real cyclotomic unit
Thus 1'/ = e\ and since 1'/ (mod ± 1) generates the norms of cyclotomic units
in K+ , this proves the index relation of Theorem 5.3.
This index relation is analogous to that of Theorem 5.1 for the full cyclo-
tomic field. Since K+ is totally ramified over F (at the prime p) it follows from
class field theory that
hF divides ht.
(Proof: Let HF be the Hilbert class field of F. Then HF n K+ = F, so
Since HFK+ /K+ is unramified, it follows by class field theory that hF divides
We shall see later that the Vandiver conjecture asserts that ht is prime to
p. It would then follow that hF is prime to p also. For tables of some hF' see
Borevich-Shafarevich, 'Number Theory, Academic Press, p. 424. It has been
§6. The Dedekind Determinant
observed for a long time that hF has very small values, and grows very
slowly. It is unknown if there are infinitely many real quadratic fields of class
number 1.
n 2: x(a)f(a- 1) = detf(a-1b).
XEG aEG a.b
Proof Let Fbe the space offunctions on G. It is a finite dimensional vector
space whose dimension is the order of G. It has two natural bases. First, the
characters {X}, and second the functions {c5 b }, bEG, where
c5 b(x) = 1 if x = b
c5 b(x) = 0 if x i= b.
For each a E G let Tafbe the function such that Taf(x) = f(ax). Then
(TaX)(b) = x(ab) = x(a)x(b),
so that
TaX = x(a)x·
T = 2: f(a-1)Ta.
TX = [2:
x(a)f(a- 1)] x·
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
TO b = L f(a- 1)oa- 1b
= L f(a-1b)oa.
L x(a)f(a- 1) =
f1 aeG
det [[(ab- 1 )
- f(a)].
add the last n - 1 rows to the first. Then all elements of the new first row are
equal to 2. f(a- 1 ) = 2. f(a). Factoring this out yields
1 1 1
[~f(a)] f(a2~;1)
f(ana;l) f(a na2 1) .. -I(ana;;l)
Recall that al is chosen to be 1. Subtract the first column from each one of the
other columns. You get the first statement.
On the other hand, the function f can be selected so that the elements
{f(a)}, a E G, are algebraically independent over Q, and therefore the factori-
zation given in this first statement for the determinant is applicable in the
polynomial ring generated over Z by the variables f(a). Combining the first
statement with Theorem 6.1 yields the second relation where the product is
taken only over X =1= 1.
Serre has pointed out to me that the determinant relation is due to Dede-
kind, February 1896, who communicated it to Frobenius in March. Cf.
§7. Bounds for Class Numbers
T. Hawkins, "New light on Frobenius ... ", Archive for History of Exact
Sciences 12 (1974), p. 223.
h; = 2p TI - !B
X odd
1 •X
= 2p TI -!
x odd
aeZ(p)' .
because the characters are non-trivial, and the term with! drops out. We try
to rewrite this as a Dedekind determinant over the group
G = Z(p)*/ ± 1.
We have
Let ro be the Teichmuller character such that ro(a) == a mod p. We write odd
characters as products
x = roljJ
where ljJ is even. Then we find
and this makes sense because the function
3. Complex Analytic Class Number Formulas
.. 1 P - 1
l,J = ""'-2-
and w(ab) = (1+1. In the expansion of the determinant, every term contains a
factor arising from these (i+1, whose product is obviously 1. Consequently
the determinant is the same as the determinant obtained by omitting these
(1+ i from each term.
Let R(a) be the smallest positive integer in the residue class of a mod p.
Then R(a) is an integer::::; p - 1, and
<~) = R;a).
We use the notation R«(I+') and R( _(i+l) to denote similarly the smallest
positive integers in the residue class of (I+i and _(I+i respectively. Then we
have proved the following theorem.
Theorem 7.1.
§7. Bounds for Class Numbers
for primes p > 200. Thus the Carlitz bound is reasonably sharp. For applica-
tions of this see Ribet [Ri].
For primes p, it has been proved by Uchida [Uch] that h p = 1 if and only
if p ::; 19. More generally, Masley and Montgomery [M-M] subsequently
proved that h m = 1 for precisely 29 distinct values of m (always assumed
;;E 2 mod 4), the largest of which is m = 84. Masley [Mas 2] shows that hm = 2
if and only if m = 39, 56. For Euclidean cyclotomic fields, see also [Mas 1].
The p-adic L-function
§1. Measures and Power Series
without loss of the logical connections. On the other hand, if one leaves out
the section on the p-adic regulator, then the chapter appears as a natural
continuation of Chapter 2, and is essentially measure theoretic, independent
of Chapter 3.
Throughout, we need the fact that if 0 is the ring of integers in a p-adic
field, then there is a natural isomorphism
The limit is the projective limit, and is called the Iwasawa algebra. This is a
basic fact of algebra. In the next chapter, we need further facts about this
algebra and modules over it. For the convenience of the reader, all these
facts and their proofs will be placed in the next chapter.
such that the family {J.1n} is a distribution on the projective system Z(pn).
Let Cont(Zp, 0) or C(Zp, 0) be the space of continuous functions on Zp
into 0, with sup norm. As usual, there is a bijection between measures and
bounded functionals
A: Cont(Zp, 0) --7 O.
The inf of such C is called the norm of A, and denoted by IIAII. The bounded
functionals form a p-adic space. J Indeed, it is clear that any measureJ.1 gives
rise to a functional
y == xmodpn.
J.1,,(x) = A(CPx)'
4. The p-adic L-function
It is then clear that {Iln} defines a measure. Since any continuous function
on Zp can be uniformly approximated by step functions, it follows easily
that the correspondence
taken for x E Z(pn) and all n. Then the map Ill--? dll is easily verified to be
norm preserving.
The Iwasawa algebra is obtained as the projective limit
o[X]/«1 + X)pn - 1) = o[T]/(Tpft - 1)
The function Iln on Z(pn) can be viewed as an element of the group algebra
o[Yn], namely
Jln(r)y~ = 2:
Cn,k Xk = Pn(X),
§1. Measures and Power Series
and we let
P(X) = limPn(X)
1= PJ1 or J1 = J1f
Ck(x) =
x(x - 1)·· ·(x - k
+ 1) (X ).
= k
Since Ck(r) is an integer for any positive integer r, and since Z + is dense in
Zp, it follows that
where 0 ::::: r ::::: pn - 1, and r == x mod pn. Then Cfcn) is a step function,
defined at level n, and
Since the coefficients Cn,k in the polynomial Pn(X) are given by the sum of
products of J1n and the binomial coefficient, we obtain:
4. The p-adic L-function
Theorem 1.2. The power series PJ1 is the unique power series f such that for
z in the maximal ideal of 0, we have
(1 + z)X dJ1(x) = fez).
Proof We have
We can interchange the sum and integral, apply Theorem 1.1, and we see
thatPJ1 has the desired property. Uniqueness is obvious since any power series
is determined by its values.
<p dJ1 = <pes).
such that
US dv(u) = 1 Zp
yS:': dJ1f(X).
,f l+pZp
US dv(u) = f(yS - 1).
§1. Measures and Power Series
cp(x) = I
an (X)
The sequence {an} is uniquely determined by cpo
Proof Given a sequence {an} as above, it is clear that the function
Let B be the Banach space of sequences (an) with an E Zp, and lanl -+ 0,
under the sup norm. We have a Zp-linear map
4. The p-adic L-function
is bijective. Since both spaces have Fp-dimension pN, the surjectivity follows
from injectivity, which is proved the same way we proved that the function
ep(x) has uniquely determined coefficients an. This proves Mahler's theorem.
Corollary. Iff(X) = .L cnxn and
Ilfll = sup
11f111 = sup lf1n(X) 1as before.
we get trivially Ilfll :::; 11f1/11. Conversely, given a level pn, let Xo E Z(pn) and
let cp be the locally constant function such that
and on the other hand, from the corollary of Theorem 1.3, we get
If cp df11 I : :; Ilfll,
so 11f1/11 :::; Ilfll as desired.
Meas O. i
df1f = f(O).
t/I.,(x) = (1 + z)'"
if Z E m = maximal ideal of o. Also (with formal groups in mind) we write
x [+] Z = X + Z + zX = (1 + z)(l, + X) - 1.
4. The p-adic L-function
= L (I + w + z + wz)" dJl,(x).
and we find:
where g(X) = f(C(1 + X) - I) = f(X[+ HC - 1».
Moreover, let ({J be a step function, constant on cosets mod pR. Write the
Fourier expansion
({J{x) = 2:
We find:
where g(X) = 2:
rPmf(C(1 + X) - 1).
§2. Operations on Measures and Power Series
({JJi, = JiUl·
Proof. We compute trivially the Fourier expansion of ({J:
Remark. Let A be the formal multiplicative group (cf. Chapter 8). In the
notation of such groups, we can write the unitization operator in the form
sex, C) = 2:
XJi, = Jig
g(X) = s<t C) 2:
x(a)f(C-a(X + 1) - 1).
if x == Omodp
if x == a ¢ 0 modp.
4.· The p-adic L-function
Meas 6.
= lim
f cp(x) dJ1g.(X) (by Meas 1)
x= T - 1, T=l+X.
Then Z is the corresponding variable on the additive group. For any power
series I(X) (with coefficients in a field of characteristic 0) there is a corre-
sponding power series denoted by /*(Z) or IGaCZ) such that
(1 + X)Dx = Dz = TD T •
The expression in terms of T applies only to rational functions of T (rational
functions of X). The first two expressions in terms of X and Z apply to
§3. The Mellin Transform and p-adic L-function
arbitrary power series, and for any positive integer k, the expression D"f
makes sense whether we view f as power series in X or Z. Furthermore,
whence by Meas 6,
g = Df= DUf
We let h = Ufto conclude the proof.
(j): Z: -+ flp-l
is the character such that (j)(a) == a mod p. If p = 2, then we define (j)(a) = ±1
such that
(j)(a) == a mod 4.
a = (j)(a)<a) ,
by the integral
rpfl(S) = <a)S dfl(a),
Mpfl(S) = iz~
<a)Sa- 1 dfl(a).
4.· The p-adic L-function
It is clear that rpJi and MpJi are continuous in s. (For analyticity, see below.)
Since the integral is taken on Z;, MpJi depends only on the restriction of
Ji to ZO;, so if Ji = Jir, then
If Ji = Ji" we write sometimes Mpf instead of MpJir, and similarly for the
Gamma transform.
Note that a-I dJi(a) for a E Z; is also the functional associated with a
measure, so that the Mellin transform is actually a special case of the Gamma
transform (of another measure).
rpUh = MpJig.
2: bns n
h(s) =
such that bn -+ 0 as n -+ 00, with the property that for all s E Zp,
h(s) = r
(a)S dJi.
= f .
L. s(s - 1)·· ·(s - n
l+PZp n=O
+ 1)
(a - l)n
§3. The Mellin Transform and p-adic L-function
Cn = f (
a - l)n
Lp(1 - s, X) = 1 _ X(C)(C)8 MP(XE1,c)(s)
= 1_ ~~)(C)8 fz. p
(a)Sx(a)a- 1 dE1,c(a).
X(C)(C)8 = 1.
If X is non-trivial, we can select C such that X(c) # 1, and then the factor in
front is also analytic at s = O.
4. The p-adic L-function
in Zp, we see that the first assertion follows from the explicit values given at
integers of the form 1 - k as described. For these, we have:
= (1 - xw-k(C)C k) k Bk'l.W- k by Theorem 2.4 of Chapter 2
= (1 - X(C)(C)k) ~ Bk'l.W-k.
Theorem 3.3. Let g = Ug and let h be the power series such that
Dh = g and h(O) = O.
Proposition 3.4. Let c E Z:. The power series associated with the measure
E 1 ,c is
1 + X.
f1,c = T - 1 - TC - l' with T =
§3. The Mellin Transform and p-adic L-function
Putting T = eZ we find
On the other hand, letA,c be the power series associated with E 1 ,c, and write
It follows that
as desired.
4. The p-adic L-function
If we let
then it is easy to see (and we carry out the computation below) that
TC - cae = n (T -
we obtain
follows by using
§3. The Mellin Transform and p-adic L-function
Lil, X) = - sex,N 0 2:
x(a) 10g(1 _ ,a).
Proof By Theorem 3.3, Proposition 3.5, and the definition of Lp(1, X), we
Using the fact that N is the conductor of X and that the sum of a non-trivial
character over a group is 0, we leave to the reader the verification that
2: x(a) 10g(1 -
A,ap ) = o.
It follows that
_ sex, 0 ~ -( ) I
- ---y;.r- -f X a og 1 _
1- ,ca
= set 0 exec) - 1) 2: x(a) 10g(1 _
as was to be shown.
x 2
logi1 + x) = x - 2" + ....
4. The p-adic L-function
We shall omit the p as subscript. The series converges for Ixl < I (the
absolute value is that on C p , the completion of the algebraic closure of Qp).
We extend the log to all units of C:
as follows. The units have a product
Thus the log has been extended to all units, and it is clear that this extension
is continuous, and is a homomorphism.
It· is even possible to extend the log to the whole multiplicative group
C: (following Iwasawa). We let P be a subgroup of C:
containing the
powers of p, and one tth root of p for each positive rational number t. Then
the multiplicative group of C:
has the product decomposition
0"1: K -+ Cp , i = 1, ... , r + I
§4. The p-adic Regulator
algebraic closure of Qp). We suppose lTT+1 = id. We define the p-adic regulator
up to sign,
If Uh ... , U r are a basis for the units (mod roots of unity), we simply call it
the p-adic regulator, and write
If K is the real subfield of Q(f.1m), and Iff is the group generated by the real
cyclotomic units, then we let
h+ = (E: Iff).
Thus in writing down the regulator, we can use the usual form for the
cyclotomic units, without bothering to write down the extra root of unity.
We may write the p-adic cyclotomic regulator by the Frobenius determinant
4. The p-adic L-function
and since LaeG x(a) = 0, we may also write this formula in the form
Rp(cff) = nL
x*l aeG
x(a) log((a - 1).
Proof The cyclotomic units are algebraic, and it is a known theorem from
the theory of transcendental numbers that the logs (p-adic or otherwise) of
multiplicatively independent algebraic numbers are linearly independent over
the algebraic numbers. The proof is the p-adic analogue of Baker's proof for
the corresponding result over the complex numbers, see Brumer [Br], or
[L 4], before Chapter VIII, Introduction to the Baker method. The proof given
there applies p-adically. The factorization of the regulator into a product of
linear forms in logarithms then shows that the regulator is not 0.
= n Sexm(x)2) 21 LP(1,
X even
by using the complex Theorem 3.1 of Chapter 3. Selecting the sign of the
regulator Rp appropriately yields the desired formula.
§5. The Formal Leopoldt Transform
Remark. The proof of the formula involves the complex case. Presumably
there is a direct proof, which is valid for all totally real number fields K.
Cf. the Appendix of Coates Durham lectures [Co 3], where such a proof is
given for the characteristic polynomial of a certain Iwasawa module. The
extent to which analogues of cyclotomic units will ultimately play a role in
such proofs is not clear at present.
fG.(Z) = 2: rf(k) Zk
As before we let
Dz = (1 + X)Dx = TD T,
(e Z - l)n = k=l
Yn(k) = D~(eZ - l)nlz=o = (TDTY'(T - l)nIT=l
Yn(k) = 0 if k < n.
4. The p-adic L-function
Yn(k) = i
(_l)n-I(~) i".
has the expression as stated. On the other hand by induction it follows that
given an integer n, for each integer k there exist integers an> ... , an-Ie such
that at = 0 if i > 0, and
In the light of the lemma, a power series f(X) has the Z-expression
f(X) = i i
n=o "=0
an Yn(~)
n. k.
= ~ ~ a k Yn(k)Z".
n~o,,~o n n! k!
Ipi = lip·
We define the Leopoldt space:
2 = 2K = space of power series
f(X) = .2 an-,'
such that
Ilfliz = max
Then2 is a Banach space,and a Banach algebra because Ilfg liz ~ Ilfllzllgllz.
Theorem 6.1. Iff E 2 then f converges on the disc of elements
4. The p-adic L-function
is defined in the usual way, where k ranges over positive integers approaching
s p-adically. If a is not prime to p, then we let <a)S = 0 for all s.
If X is a character on Z:, as usual we put x(m) = 0 if m is divisible by p,
x(m)<m)S = 0 if plm.
If X = wa. where a is a residue class modp - 1, and k == a modp - 1, then
for any positive integer i such that pti, we have
§6. The p-adic Leopoldt Transform
II r .. f I ~ Ilfllo2"
and for s E Zp,
r .. 4. r ..«ZDz)f)(s) = srJ(s).
Proof. Any continuous linear map on the space of polynomials (with
Leopoldt norm) extends uniquely by continuity to the Leopoldt Banach
algebra. We shall prove that the linear map
with values
are bounded. In fact, we shall see that r,.(Xnjn !)(s) is p-integral. This will also
prove that
Fix the integer n. Let m range over integers as in r .. 3. Such integers are
dense in Zp, so it suffices to prove that
i = oo(i)(i),
then for m close to s p-adicaUy,
4. The p-adic L-function
The Lemma (b) of §2 then concludes the proof that Ilralii ~ Ilfll9', and the
arguments also show that 1'.. 1 and 1'.. 3 are satisfied. It is clear that r fJ. also
satisfies l'a 4, thereby concluding the proof of the theorem.
Uf(X) = f(X) - !
L f('(X + 1) -
where the sum is taken over all pth roots of unity,. Then for the special
polynomial (1 + x)n we have
= (1 + X)n (1 - ~ f ,n),
,n = {Po if pin
if ptn.
o if pin
« » - {(l + X)n if ptn,
The next lemma describes the continuity property of the operator U for
the Leopoldt norm.
§6. The p-adic Leopoldt Transform
and Ie - lln-k < I(n - k)q, so the coefficient of an is not a unit atp. But
P- {;"l /(eX + e- I)
= p- 2: (<Xl2: anbn. ) -k'
k n=O
The next theorems prove for the Leopoldt transform on the Leopoldt
space results which have already been proved for measures.
ruf(m) = ru/(m).
Proof The two maps
4: The p-adic L-function
Proof The power series for Ufin terms of X or Z have the same constant
term. Hence
ruf(O) = Uf(O).
Taking ex = 0, the theorem is obvious from Theorem 6.3, and the fact that
C- 1 lies in the domain of convergence off by Theorem 6.1.
The next theorem resulted from a conversation with Ribet.
<a)8 dpAa) = rof(s).
i Z;'
<a)k dJlf(X) = i z"
XkqJ(X) dJlf(X)
= i Z"
Xk dJlutCx)
= DkUf(O)
= rUf(k)
= rof(k).
This proves the theorem.
Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
5.· Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
We follow mostly Serre's exposition [Se 1]. The results are valid for arbitrary
Zp-extensions, not necessarily cyclotomic ones.
The final two sections go further into certain Galois groups as modules
over the Iwasawa algebra, and also describe all possible Zp-extensions of a
given number field in class field theoretic terms. The Leopoldt conjecture
would imply that there are precisely + 1 independent ones. This depends
on the Zp-rank of the closure of the global units in the local units. See §5,
Theorem 5.2.
and all coefficients other than the leading coefficient are divisible by p. Such
a polynomial is called distinguished.
We wish to establish an isomorphism
§1. The Iwasawa Algebra
Zp[X]j(h) ~ A/hA.
This is immediate from the Euclidean algorithm (see Theorem 3.1), which
shows that AjhA is free of rank deg hover Zp, and similarly Zp[X]j(h) is free
of the same rank over Zp. Furthermore this same algorithm shows that the
natural map
is surjective, so is an isomorphism.
We thus obtain a natural map for each n,
whence a homomorphism
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
compatible with the action of the group rings Zp[rn+ 1 ] and Zp[rn] respec-
tively. We may form the projective limit
Nakayama's lemma. Let 0 be a local ring with maximal ideal m, and m-adic
topology. Let V be a compact topological o-module.
(i) IfmV = V then V = O.
(ii) If 0 is compact, and Vim V is finitely generated, then V is finitely
generated by any set of representatives of Vim v.
Proof Let U be a neighborhood of 0 in V. Since V is a topological 0-
module, for each x E V there exists an open neighborhood Ux of x and a
positive integer n(x) such that
m(V/W) = V/W.
Hence V/W = 0, and V = W, thereby proving (ii).
§1. The Iwasawa Algebra
with finite kernel and cokernel. It will be shown in §3 that any finitely
generated V has a quasi-isomorphism with a finite product
where the jj are distinguished. The first factor A(T) is the free part. The other
factors are A-torsion modules.
Suppose now that V is a torsion module such that V/hnV is finite for all
n. We wish to get an asymptotic formula for the order of V/hnV, Such a
formula does not change under a quasi-isomorphism, so we are reduced to
consider the two cases when
the power series ring over Z(pm). In the second case, A/f is a free module
over Zp, whose rank is degf It may happen in this second case that
is not finite. We shall first make the assumption of finiteness to get the
formula for the order, which is a power of p, so we put
en = dn.
(iii) If V is finitely generated over A such that Vn is finite for all n, then
there exists a constant c such that
m = .L mi and d = .L degjj.
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
and this is just Z(pm)[TJj(pn - 1), which is a free module of rank p1l over
Z(pm). Thus the computation of the order is obvious.
Let us now look at case (ii). For any h E A we let hv be the endomorphism
of V induced by h. We let
Y1I = Yv, Yv = Xv + 1.
We have
ypn _ 1 = (X + l)pn - 1 == Xp" (modp),
f== X d (modp).
Hence there exists no such that for n > no we have
Y1I+1 - 1 = (1 + Y1I + ... + y~-1)(Y1I - 1)
= (1 + 1 + ... + 1 + O(p2))(Y1I - 1)
= pU(Y1I - 1)
where u is invertible. We have therefore shown that
Next we consider the case when Vjh 1l V is not necessarily finite, but make
additional hypotheses which still allow us to compute the orders of certain
factor groups asymptotically, and which are satisfied in the application to
ideal class groups.
We let
§2. Weierstrass Preparation Theorem
then VjU" is finite for all n. In particular, VjUo is finite. For a module of
Iwasawa type, we let
V" = VjU".
Theorem 1.3. Assume that V is of Iwasawa type. Then the conclusions of
Theorem 1.2(i), {ii), (iii) remain valid, except that in 1.2(ii) we have to write
the exponent
e" = dn + Co
with some constant co.
Proof Note that Case (i) is unchanged, only Case (ii) is now slightly
different, but the proof runs along entirely similar lines as follows. In this
case, V is Zp-free of rank d. An argument similar to that of Theorem 1.2(ii)
shows that
for some constant Cl> since W has the same Zp-rank as V. This proves the
Theorem 2.1. Let 0 be a complete local ring with maximal ideal m. Let
2: alX!
f(X) =
be a power series in 0 [[ X]], such that not all ai lie in m. Sayao, ... , an -1 E m,
and an E 0* is a unit. Given g E o[[X]] we can solve the equation uniquely
g = qf+ r,
with q E o[[X]], r E o[X], and deg r ::; n - 1.
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
Proof Let a and 't' be the projections on the beginning and tail end of the
series, given by
Note that 't'(X"h) = h for any h E o[[X]], and h is a polynomial of degree <n
if and only if't'(h) = O.
The existence of q, r is equivalent with the condition that there exists q
such that
't'(g) = 't'(qf).
f = af + X"'t'(f).
Note that
't' 0 't'(f). o[[X]] ~ mo[[X]],
which proves both existence and uniqueness and concludes the proof.
§3. Modules over Zp[[X]]
Proof Write
X" = qf + r,
q = + c1X + .. .
f=··· + a"X" + .. .
so that
f = q-l(X" - r),
The integer n in Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 is called the Weierstrass degree off,
and is denoted by
We see that a power series not all of whose coefficients lie in m can be
expressed as a product of a polynomial having the given Weierstrass degree,
times a unit in the power series ring. Furthermore, all the coefficients of the
polynomial except the leading one lie in the maximal ideal. Such a polynomial
is called distinguished.
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
such that
where ..11 is p-free. We can form the new module M' obtained by adjoining a
new generator v with the relations
M EB (v)
modulo the desired relations, i.e., modulo the submodule generated by the
It is then immediately verified that the canonical map of M into the factor
module is injective. The factor module M'jM is annihilated by p and ..11,
whence is finite. Furthermore, the elements v, U2, •.. , Un generate M', and
have the relation
§3. Modules over Zp[[X)]
In terms of the relation matrix, this means that we shall allow the following
operations, replacing the matrix R by a matrix R'.
o 1. If R contains a row (..1.1> PA2' ... , pAn) with ..1.1 not divisible by p, then
we let R' be the matrix whose rows consist of
such that ..1.1 is distinguished (or equivalently, ..1.1 is not divisible by p). We may
then form the module M' obtained by adjoining a new element v with the
Again, it is easily verified that M is embedded in M' and that M'jM is finite.
Note that p"(v - Ul) = O. The relations of the submodule
o 2. If all elements of the first column in R are divisible by p", and if there
exists one relation (p" ..1.1, ... , p" An) such that ..1.1 is not divisible by p, then
we let R' consist of R and the new row
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
is also a relation, then we may replace R by the matrix R' having the same
rows as R, except that the row pk(Al' ... , An) is replaced by
§3. Modules over Zp[[X]]
Finally, row and column interchanges which do not involve the elements Ai!
(i = 1, ... , r - 1) allow us to assume that..1.;; = ..1.rr-
There remains to show that we can make all other elements on the rth
row equal to 0 after appropriate transformations. By the Euclidean Algorithm,
we may assume that
We first deal with the elements to the right of ..1.TT on the rth row. We may
assume that ..1.Tj with j > r is divisible by p, otherwise we contradict the
minimality of the degree of ArT' Using 0 1 repeatedly as before with respect
to the first r - 1 rows, we may then assume that all elements ..1.T1 with j < r
are divisible by a high power pk. We then use 0 1 with respect to the rth row,
to divide all elements ..1.Tj (j #- r) by successive powers of p, thus leading to
some element ..1.r1' withj' > r not divisible by p, a contradiction of deg ..1. rr =
deg(r)(R). Thus ..1.0 = 0 for j > r.
For elements ..1.ri to the left of Am that is withj < r, if some such element
is not 0, then we may use 0 1 with respect to the rth row to divide by p,
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
until we are in the situation where there exists j < r such that ATi is not
divisible by p, contradicting the facts that
Thus we have put the matrix in r-normal form, and proved the lemma.
( o~1l ~ ••. ~ ~
O"'Arr 0···0
... ~)
§4. Zp-extensions and Ideal Class Groups
K"" = U K" :::> ••• :::> K" :::> ••• :::> Ko
such that K" is cyclic over Ko of degree p".
Kn = Q(JlpR+l) if P is odd
Kn = Q(JlpR+2) if P is even.
be the extension obtained by adjoining all p-power roots of unity. Then K(p)
is abelian over K, and it is easy to see that the fixed field of the torsion sub-
group of Gal(K(P)IK) is a Zp-extension of Ko = K, called the cyclotomic
Zp-extension. We study it later in the book. Note that a non-totally real field
K always has non-cyclotomic Zp-extensions, cf. §5. Natural examples can be
constructed with elliptic curves having complex multiplication, cf. [C-W].
We say that a prime ideal .);lo of Ko is almost totally ramified in a Galois
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
extension K' if the inertia group of a prime .p in K' over .po is of finite index
in Gal(K'jKo). We say .po is almost uruamilied if its inertia group is finite.
We consider the following condition of Iwasawa.
IW. K" is totally ramified over Ko over a finite number of prime ideals
.pb ... , .ps lying above p, and is unramified over all other prime ideals.
be the inertia groups, and d = max dt> then Koo/Kd satisfies condition IW
as desired.
and we let
C = lim proj Cn
§4. Zp-extensions and Ideal Class Groups
other words the p-primary part of the Hilbert class field of Kn. There is an
isomorphism given by class field theory
Cn + 1 -? Gal(Mn +dKn + 1)
Normi Restriction
Cn ----* Gal(M,,/Kn)
Since K" is totally ramified over K n , it follows that M" is linearly disjoint
from Koo over Kn. The lattice of fields looks as follows. We let Moo = U M".
We let
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
In Go = {I}.
Theorem 4.2. Assume that IW is satisfied, with primes %h, ... , ~s. Let Ii be
the inertia group of ~j in G. Then:
(i) There is a semidirect product decomposition
§4. Zp-extensions and Ideal Class Groups
Cn ~ Gc/Un •
Proof We apply the theorem to K"" as Zp-extension of Kn. This has the
effect of replacing y by yp" and O"j by O"r.
Then 'rj is replaced by ('rjY", because
for every positive integer k, we have
Un -- GyP"-l(
C 'rlo ••• , 'rs)gn
where ('rlo"" 'r.) is the group generated over Zp by 'rlo"" 'r•• Since
gn(Y - 1) = y',n - 1,
Card Cn = pan+c
for n sufficiently large, in analogy with the orders of points of p-power order
on abelian varieties. This conjecture has recently been proved by Ferrero and
Washington. On the other hand, he has given examples of non-cyclotomic
Zp-extensions K"" over Ko for which m > O.
Theorem 4.3. Assume that IW is satisfied with one prime. If Co = {I}, then
Cn = {I} for all n.
Proof If Co = I, then Theorem 4.1 shows that C = CY-l. Viewing Cas
module over Zp[[X]], this means that C = XC. But X is contained in the
maximal ideal of Zp[[X]]. By Nakayama's lemma, it follows that C = {I},
as desired.
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
Remark. We could let Kn = Q()lp n+l)+ be the real subfield of the cyclo-
tomic field. It is a conjecture of Vandiver in that case that Co is trivial.
[Remember: By definition, Co = CIf) in this chapter.] Thus the Vandiver
conjecture may also be formulated by saying that
ht is prime to p,
and Theorem 4.3 shows that if this is the case, then hi; is also prime to p
for all n.
It is probably so that Vandiver actually never came out in print with the
statement: "I conjecture etc." In [Va], he proves that if the Fermat conjecture
is false for x P + yP = zP with relatively prime integers x, y, z such that xyz
is prime to p, then h+ is divisible by p. Later in the paper, he states: "The
theorem last mentioned as well as Theorem I indicates that much of the
writer's work concerning Fermat's last theorem is tending toward the possible
conclusion that if the second factor of the class number of k«() is prime to I,
then Fermat's Last Theorem is true." The terminology "Vandiver's con-
jecture" seemed appropriate to me. In any case, I believe it.
Theorem 4.4. For any Zp-extension the module Cover Zp[[X]] is a finitely
generated torsion module.
Proof Suppose first for simplicity that condition IW is satisfied with only
one prime. Then C/mC is a factor group of C/cr-l, which is none other than
Co by Theorem 4.1, and is therefore finite. That C is finitely generated is a
special case of Nakayama's lemma.
In general, when IW is satisfied but with several primes, then we have to
use another argument. By Theorem 4.2 we know that
is also finitely generated over Zp with a similar bound s for the rank. By the
structure theorem of §3, if V is finitely generated over A, then there is a quasi-
§5. The Maximal p-abelian p-ramified Extension
U = n Up
and JOO = n K;.
G~b(K) = Gal(Mp(K)jK).
where the bar denotes closure in the idele topology. We have the inclusions
is isomorphic to the Galois group of the Hilbert class field, and is finite.
The second factor group is equal to
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
Proof Let Uif) be the group of units in Up which are == 1 mod pt>. Then
the groups
form a fundamental system of neighborhoods for U[P]Joo K*, and their inter-
section is this closure. Intersecting with Up (whose elements have component
1 at all primes not dividing p) shows that
p '" Z[K:Ql-r"
p , where rp = rankz"It = rp
Theorem 5.2. Assume the Leopoldt conjecture for K. Then we have a quasi-
For the second statement; we note that the composite of all Zp-extensions of
§6. The Galois Group as Module over the Iwasawa Algebra
K has a Galois group embedded in the product of Zp with itself, and as such
is a torsion free finitely generated module over Zp, whose rank is exactly
'2 + 1 by the first statement.
Example. Let K.o = QCJ.l<P»). Let Un be the local units in the completion
of K n , congruent to 1 mod .):In' Let U~ be the subgroup of units whose norm
to Qp is 1. Assume the Vandiver conjecture. Let the notation be as in §4 of
the preceding chapter. Then we obtain an isomorphism
Without assuming the Vandiver conjecture, we shall study the projective limit
of the local groups in Chapter 7.
r = {y},
is abelian over Kn.
) {In
l rn I
The Galois groups are denoted by the letters shown on the diagram. Since Q
is assumed Galois over Ko and is abelian over K"" it follows that the com-
mutator subgroup is
5. Iwasawa Theory and Ideal Class Groups
Proof By definition,
and the rank over Zp of a subgroup of finite index in its Galois group was
determined to be [Ko: Q] - rp in Theorem 5.2. Taking into account r itself
shows that G/ XG '" Z~ where p is as stated. Nakayama's lemma then proves
the first assertion, and (i). Part (ii) is then a matter of definitions.
Theorem 6.2. Assume that Ko is totally imaginary, and that each Kn satisfies
the Leopoldt conjecture (namely
§6. The Galois Group as Module over the Iwasawa Algebra
From the structure theorem, one sees easily that this is possible only if t = r2,
as desired.
Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic
§1. The Cyclotomic Zp-extension
,,: r ~ 1 + qoZp
be the canonical representation such that for any pnth root of unity 'we have
For the rest of this section, we assume that Ko contains the pth roots of
unity if p is odd and i if p = 2. Let An be a subgroup of K;, and let
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
The group A~/P" mod A~/P" n K; has exponent pn, so exponentiating with a
p-adic integer is well defined. In particular, we may rewrite the functorial
formula in the form
We wish to pass to the limit. We could have taken the Kummer pairing on
writing the symbol <u, rx) without an index n, defined by the same formula.
The Galois group on the left can be identified with a subgroup of
Gal(Kn(A~/P")/ K n), arising from the change of base of the Kummer extension
from Kn to K",. Let Gn be the Galois group on the left, so
A = limAn
is the Iwasawa algebra, isomorphic to Zp[[X]], and X = Yo - 1, where Yo is a
fixed generator of r.
§1. The Cyclotomic Zp-extension
The Galois groups on the left form a projective system, and the Kummer
groups of field elements on the right of the pairing form an injective system.
At each finite level, we have a compact-discrete duality. In the limit, we have a
similar compact-discrete duality
A ;:::)B,
in which case Q A ;:::) QB' It is clear in each case that Gal(QA/Q B) is aA-module,
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
and that the Kummer pairings and involution described above also apply to
this intermediate situation.
We fix the prime number p and the field K, so we sometimes omit reference
to tl;lem in the notation.
Even if K is infinite over Q we may define Mp(K) and M~r(K) as above.
It is then immediate that
where the union is taken over a family of subfields F of K finite over Q, whose
union is K, and which is cofinal with the family of all subfields of K finite
over Q. For instance, if K is finite over Q, and Koo is a Zp-extension, then
Mp(Koo) = Un Mp(Kn).
A similar remark applies for M~r(Kco).
Throughout this section, we let:
§2. The Maximal p-abelian p-ramified Extension of the Cyclotomic Zp-extension
It is clear that DA and DB both contain DE' In fact, both A and B contain E.
Lemma 1. D = DAD B.
Proof By Kummer theory, D is a composite of cyclic extensions. Let
K",(a l / pm ) c D for some a E K",. Then a E Kn for some n. We take n ~ m
and also such that
and also
K n+r(alr./pn+') c 17
(l/pn+r pl/pn+r El/pn+')
al, ,n+r'
Theorem 2.1. The Galois groups Gal(DA/DE) and Gal(DB/DE) are A-torsion
modules. So Gal(D/DE) is a A-torsion module.
Proof We shall analyze each Galois group separately, and get a closer
view of its structure.
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
given by
if (ot:) = apn • If u is a unit in D such that u pn E An, then u pn E En. The kernel
of our homomorphism is therefore precisely E~/pn, so we have an injective
which is also a A-homomorphism. Let JOt" be its image. Then the Kummer
pairing is isomorphic to a pairing with An, namely:
G" x .91" -------;.. J1,pn
1 1
Gn x d n --+
Il pn
§2. The Maximal p-abelian p-ramified Extension of the Cyclotomic Zp-extension
G x d -+ JlO»
are equal since any element in Coo has a representative ideal prime to p.
Consequently we get the additional information:
n _ n ( Ill'''' ,···,1I: Ill'''') •
~~B-~(;E1I:l s
It is immediate that
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
(for referring to A-torsion), cf. for instance Coates [Co 1], Theorem 5. Iwasawa
has an example showing that there are cases when the fixed field is not
necessarily DE'
Theorem 2.3. Assume that there is only one prime in Koo lying above p.
§3. Cyclotomic Units as a Universal Distribution
We call 81' the cyclotomic p-units. They satisfy the following relations:
CU 1. U-1(' - 1) = _,-1(, - 1)
CU2. I1 (''1 -
1) = ,1' - 1 if ,1' :I: 1.
For this last one, note that the pth roots of unity satisfy
X1'-l + ... + 1 = O.
Let V = 81'/ ±p.<1') be the factor group of cyclotomic p-units by roots of unity.
Theorem 3.1. The association of (Q/Z)<1') -+ V given by
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
Let <§;t = Gal(Q{Jlp")/Q) mod U -1' The next theorem is due to Bass [Ba].
Theorem 3.2. The group <§;t operates simply transitively on the primitive
elements of Vn, and the induced homomorphism
is an isomorphism.
Proof The homomorphism is obviously surjective. It is injective because
Z[<§;t] is torsion free, andthe ranks of the two groups are equal. This proves
the theorem.
which sends an element Uc on the element L Ub, where the sum is taken over
Ub E<§~ (c), the set of elements in <§~ which project on U c under the canonical
If an element
2: 2: k(b)Ub' k(b) E Z,
c be~!(c)
is a torsion element with respect to Z[<§;t], then all the coefficients k(b) for
b E <§~(c) must be equal to each other, and hence the element already lies
in Z[<§;t], as was to be shown.
Analogues of Theorem 3.2 and 3.3 in the modular case are proved in the
Kubert-Lang series [KL 2, 3, 4, 5]. In that case, it is also shown that there are
no units except the modular ones. Here in the cyclotomic case, say for the
p-primary component, it is the Vandiver conjecture whether the factor group
E/~ is without p-torsion.
For the rest of this section, it is convenient to use ~n to denote the proper
group of cyclotomic units, i.e., the group of units of the form
2:k(b) = 0.
§3. Cyclotomic Units as a Universal Distribution
Theorem 3.4. Let p be odd, and let c be a primitive root mod p2. Then En
is generated over Z[~n]o by the element
(e _ 1
v = <1enln = - - ,
(- 1
Proof We write an element IX of degree 0 in the form
IX = 2: k(b)(<1b - 1),
and observe that <1b - 1 is divisible in the integral group ring by <1e - 1
because <1e is a generator of the cyclic group ~n. This proves the theorem.
. if (e - 1 . V.
Vn = lmage 0 y=-r In n,
Proof Clear.
. . <1e(e21t1a - 1)
h(a) = Image III Vof 21tla
e - 1·
Theorem 3.6. This distribution is the universal even ordinary distribution with
value 0 at 0, and values into abelian groups on which multiplication by 2 is
Proof On (l/N)Z/Z the group generated by the image of h has rank
!IZ(N)*I - 1,
which according to Kubert's Theorem 9.1(iii) of Chapter 2 is the maximal
possible rank (the value 0 at 0 gives rise to the -1). The Kubert generators
in TN/ ± 1 must therefore be free generators, and the canonical map from,the
universal distribution to h must be an isomorphism.
§4. The Iwasawa-Leopoldt Theorem and the Vandiver Conjecture
We shall now develop the theory of Gas R-module following the exposition
of [KL 9]. We use an upper minus sign to denote, as usual, the (-I)-eigen-
space. This applies for instance to R -, G -, etc.
such that
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
and this isomorphism is compatible with the limiting process, which can be
represented by a diagram in terms of the group rings for m ~ n:
R;;' X
1 R+m
-;;r --7- J-lp"
1 r r
R;; x l.
p71 R+
--7- J-lpn
One would expect the units whose existence is conjectured by Stark [St]
to playa similar role over totally real fields.
Theorem 4.2. Let Cn = CI(Pl(Kn ) be the p-primary part of the ideal class
group of Kn and let C = projective limit of the Cn under the norm map.
Under the Vandiver conjecture, we have C = C-, and C- is cyclic as a
A-module. In fact, the maximal un ramified p-abelian extension of K" is
contained in Q, so we have a natural surjective map
G --7- Go :::: C,
the first map by restriction and the second by class field theory.
Proof The field diagram (once the theorem is proved) is as follows.
GiL} \
so that u(aja.) = a/a.. Thus a/a. = b lies in K". But the norm of b from K"
to K:' is 1 (obvious), so by Hilbert's Theorem 90, there exists p E Koo such
that PIP = b. Then a.p is real, and Koo(a.) = K,,(a.P). This shows that we may
assume a. real.
For n sufficiently large, lies in Kn+, and Kn+(a.) is unramified over K;
because p is odd. Hence we have an ideal factorization
for some fractional ideal a in Kn+. The class of this ideal is principal by
Vandiver's conjecture. It is then immediate that
is injective.
Proof Let a be an ideal representing an element of en, becoming principal
in Km, say a = (a.) with a. E Km. For any element u E r m,n we have ua = a.
Hence ua. is equal to a. times some unit. The association
6. Kummer Theory over Cyclotomic Zp-extensions
Since Hl(Z) is trivial and Hl(Vm) is trivial (by elementary facts of cohomology
of finite groups, and Theorem 3.2), it will now suffice to prove that Hl(Wm)
is trivial. By the theory of the Herbrand quotient (cf. for instance Chapter IX,
§I of my Algebraic Number Theory), the orders of Hl(Wm) and HO(Wm) are
equal. However,
where N m•n is the norI1l. Thus finally it suffices to prove that every p-power
roo~ of unity in Kn is the norm of an element in W m• Let , be a generator of
Wm • The elements of the Galois group are represented by p-adic integers of
the form
1 + xpn+l with x E Zjpm-nz.
N m•n' = n
,1+xpn = ,pm-n
Let K be a number field and let K' be an abelian extension with Galois
group G. We assume that K and K' are stable under complex conjugation.
We say that the extension K' of K is odd (resp. even) if its Galois group is in
the (-I)-eigenspace (resp. the I-eigenspace) for complex conjugation.
From the lemma, it follows that QE/Koo is an odd extension, because the
units are generated by real cyclotomic units and roots of unity.
Theorem 4.4. Under the Vandiver conjecture, the Kummer duality gives rise
to a compact discrete duality
and also
§4. The Iwasawa-Leopoldt Theorem and the Vandiver Conjecture
Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
Iwasawa [Iw 8], [Iw 10] developed a theory of local units analogous to the
global theory, taking projective limits, especially in the cyclotomic tower, and
getting the structure of this projective limit modulo the closure of the cyclo-
tomic units. He considers eigenspaces for the characters of Gal(KoJQ p ) where
Ko = Qi() with a primitive pth root of unity (. Since the cyclotomic units are
essentially real, we consider only even non-trivial characters. Then the eigen-
space is isomorphic to AJ(g), where g is a power series which is essentially the
p-adic L-function.
The first section deals with the classical Kummer-Takagi exponents at the
first level QiO, where ( is a primitive pth root of unity, p odd. This is used in
combination with Nakayama's lemma afterwards to get corresponding results
in the cyclotomic tower. Throughout this chapter we assume that p is odd.
Coates-Wiles [C-W 4] have extended this theory to the case of elliptic
curves with complex multiplication. In the process they have found sub-
stantial simplifications for Iwasawa's proofs, and the exposition of this
chapter is essentially due to them. Note especially their generalization of the
Kummer homomorphism to all levels-a key to the whole theory. Such a
homomorphism extends to other formal groups besides the multiplicative
group, and a quite general statement has also been given by Coleman [Col].
On the whole, this chapter may be viewed as giving a good introduction
to the theories of Coates-Wiles. I am much indebted to them for keeping me
up on their work.
§1. The Kummer-Takagi Exponents
T= 1 + X = eZ ,
D = (1 + X)Dx = Dz = TD T •
This last equality holds only for rational functions of X (or T).
Let U E Uo so U == 1 mod,p. Let f be a power series == 1 mod (p, X) such
U = f(n).
We then say thatfis a power series associated with u. Such a power series is
well defined up to a multiple of the irreducible polynomial h(X) of n over Zp.
Let J, fl be associated with u, so f == fl mod h. Since fl is a unit power series,
there exists a power series g such that
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
Dk -I( Dflf)(O)
K 1. If h, f2 are associated with units Ul, U2, then hf2 is associated with
U1 U2. Iff is associated with U and a E Zp, then f(x)a is associated
with ua •
Proof The homomorphic property is clear, and has already been mentioned.
The statement for a E Zp follows from positive integers by continuity.
The next property then follows from the chain rule in terms of the
variable Z.
K 3.
§1. The Kummer-Takagi Exponents
eCl) =
~ 1 L i(a)a
ue(X) = uCl)·
K 4(i). If k == oc mod p - 1 then <Pk(uCl)) = <piu).
<Pk(Ue(X») = xk(eCl))<pk(U).
The units
1 - nk for k = 1, 2, ...
where we abbreviate
== n (1 + x-k(a)(C l)k). a -
as was to be shown.
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
f'IJ(X) = 1 _ Xk
2: XVk
DflJ(X) = -k(l + X)
2: (e
= -ke z Z - l)vk
Dk-l(DJIJ)(O) = -k
as desired.
By the lemma, and a trivial recursion procedure, any unit == 1 mod .p has
a product expression
and the exponents tk are called the Kummer-Takagi exponents. They are well
defined modp.
§1. The Kummer-Takagi Exponents
phrase the results in terms of the Lubin-Tate formal groups, so for the rest
of this section, we assume that the reader is acquainted with the basic facts
of these groups as explained in §1 and §2 of the next chapter, as well as the
existence of the logarithm on such groups, as explained in §6 of the next
Let A be a Lubin-Tate formal group over the -IJ-adic field K, and associated
prime 1t. We let B be the basic Lubin-Tate group associated with the
Frobenius polynomial
Let Wbe the local parameter on B, and Z the parameter on the additive group,
so we have
bk = dk for k = 0, ... , q - 1.
Lemma. If
2: Ck,BWk-l
g~/ga(W) =
2: Ck,GaZk- 1
g;;a/gGa(Z) =
Ck,B = Ck,G a for k = 1, ... , q - 2.
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
wg- 1 + 1t = O.
The field
u = g(wo).
g(W) = gl(W)h(W)
In particular, if we write
2: c/cw~-\
§1. The Kummer-Takagi Exponents
awo = x(a)wo.
be the idempotent in the group ring Zp[Gol for the character Xk. If u is a
unit ~ 1 mod we' we can define
(i) 17k == 1 - w~ mod ~~+1.
(ii) a17k = 17~k«1), i.e., 17k E Uo(k), where Uo(k) is the xk-eigenspace of Uo, and
Uo are the units == 1 mod ~o in K o•
The second statement is obvious by the standard properties of the idem-
potent ek. For the first, we simply expand the product
== n (1 - x(a)kw~)-x-k(a)
== (1 + W~)P-1
== 1 - w~
as was to be shown.
(i) ({Jk(17J) = 0 if k # j.
(ii) ({Jk(17k) = -k modp.
Ifu is a unit == 1 mod ~o and
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
Ik == -" ({Jk(U) modp.
- - 11k -_ -
n (1 -
Xk( cr) Wok)-xk(a)
_ kXk(cr)Wk -1
_ "-k(cr)
-7 -x 0
1 - Xk(cr)W~
L L Xki(cr)W~(f+1)-1.
= k
i=O a
Forj = 0 we get a term k(p - 1)w~-1 == _kW~-1 mod wg- 2 • This shows that
((Jil'fk) = -k. On the other hand, if k(j + 1) - 1 s p - 3, we have
k(j + 1) S P - 2 so kj s p - 3.
xki is not trivial,
so the orthogonality relations show that the coefficient of the corresponding
power of Wo is O. This proves (i) and (ii). The last assertion then follows from
the homomorphic property of the map ({Jk, thus proving the theorem.
1k = i2 Bk L nta~ mod p.
§2. Projective Limit of the Unit Groups
where' is a pth root of unity. Directly from the definition of the Bernoulli
Z oo ZIc
ez _ 1 = 2: Bk -k,
Ic=O •
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
In the next lemma, by rankzp we mean (as usual) the rank of a module modulo
torsion over Zp.
as desired.
U = lim Un
be the projective limit. Then from the definition of U~ we see that also
U = lim U~.
§2. Projective Limit of the Unit Groups
U = ( ... , Un,"')
with components Un E Un such that m = Un for m ;::: n, and we also write
U(x) ~ A.
The proof will occupy the rest of this section, and will result from a
sequence of lemmas. A "natural" basis element for U(x) over A will be given
in the next section.
We shall apply Galois and class field theory in a manner similar to the
global case. For simplicity of notation, if X is a r-module, we let:
Gal(K:bjKoo)(x) ~ Gal(K':,bJKoo\n)(x)
~ Gal(Kit b jKn)(x).
1. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
Proof This is clear from the fact that K:b is the maximal abelian extension
of Kn contained in K:,b, together with the exact sequence
The Galois group Gal(K:b/Kn) is isomorphic by class field theory with the
completion of K:under the topology of subgroups of finite index. There is a
topological isomorphism as abelian groups
Given a choice of prime element 1t in KfI> the isomorphism has the form
K:/PP-l ~ Gal(K:b/Kn)
preserves the r and Go structures of both groups. Passing to the projective
limit over n, it follows from the previous isomorphism that
§3. A Basis for UuJ over A
M/(yJ,n - I)M
The lemma is applied to the unit groups, using Lemma 1 and Theorem 2.2.
We therefore conclude that there is an exact sequence of A-modules
o-+ U(x) -+ A -+ B -+ 0
we get the exact (cohomology) sequence
[This is no big deal in the present instance. The last map is obtained by taking
an element b E B(n), lifting back to any c E A, and sending c r+ (ypn - 1)c. This
is well defined in UCx)/(ypn - I)UCx), and the sequence is trivially verified to
be exact.]
Trivially A(n) = O. Hence we obtain an injection
We let
Xn = Cn - 1.
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
The notation remains that of the preceding section. If (j E G ctJ then there is
an isomorphism
As before, we let
X= x~
{l + b)P = 1 + b, so (1 + b)P-l = 1.
§3. A Basis for Uu) over A
e~) instead of en
if we wish to emphasize the dependence on A. Since
w(b)1' = w(b),
eo = web) (1 - xo/b).
J(X) = web) (1 - X/b).
Dkd(DflJ) ¢. 0 mod p.
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
We have
, X+ 1 1
Dflf= (1 + X)f If(X) = - - = 1
+- -
T-l .
But D = TD T • Hence it will suffice to prove that for 2 :$; k :$; p - 2 we have
( TD )m(_I_) = + n m - 1 + Pm(T, 1)
T T - 1 - (T - l)m+l
Theorem 3.1. Let X # 1, Xo. We can choose A. E !1p-l such that the element
U(x) = A· e(x),
§4. The Coates-Wiles Homomorphism
Theorem 4.1. To every element u E U there is a unique power series f E Zp[[ X]]
such that
This power series satisfies fiX) == 1 mod (p, X), and the map
cwo. fiX) = -
(b - X)
Next we note two formal properties of the power series fu which is called the
associated power series to u.
We are now ready to prove the theorem, i.e., we must show that every u
has an associated power series. The two properties CW 1 and CW 2 show
that the set of elements in U having an associated power series is a A[GoJ-
submodule of U, and contaips ~. So it contains A[GoK In particular, taking
'7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
Theorem 3.1 into account, we have already shown that it contains U(yJ for
all X of 1, Xo. This is enough for the applications we have in mind.
For the remaining eigenspaces of X = 1 or Xo, the element does not e
suffice to generate these spaces, and one must show how to find an associated
power series for additional elements generating these spaces. This is not too
difficult and will be left to the reader, especially since a generalization of the
associated power series to all Lubin-Tate formal groups has been given by
Coleman [Col].
Let as usual
D = (1 + X)Dx = Dz .
§4.. The Coates-Wiles Homomorphism
Theorem 4.2. Given a congruence class r:J. mod p - 1, there exists a power
series ha such that for any k == r:J. modp - 1, we have
for some measure /1. By decomposing the integral over co sets of /11'-1 in Z:
we can write
w(a)a<a)S d/1(a) = 2:
as d/1r(a)
as d/1r(a) = J,.(X(y)8 - 1),
and we let
h= 2:
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
h(x(y)k - 1) = L. p
w(ay<a)k dJ1(a)
This concludes the proof of the existence of h. There remains to show that
({)k(eo.,» is a unit-it is then trivial that h is a unit power series. But this last
property is clear from Lemma 1 of §3, as was to be shown.
where the index on the right indicates the augmentation ideal. Cf. Theorem 3.2
of Chapter 6. Since the cyclotomic units are independent over Zp by the
non-vanishing of the p-adic regulator, we obtain a Gn-isomorphism
§5. The Closure of the Cyclotomic Units
Then Vn == 1 mod lJn. Furthermore for any even character X # 1 the element
lies in tfn' so in Vn(X). (The root of unity w(c) disappears when we project on
the eigenspace for X.) Note that the elements Vn form a compatible system in
the cyclotomic tower, that is
We let
and hence
Vex) = A· vex).
heX) = w(c) (1 + xy - 1
7. Iwasawa Theory of Local Units
U(y)/V(x) ~ A/gxA.
where g = gxha., and ha. is the power series of Theorem 4.2. Since ha. is a unit
power series, g and gx generate the same Ae(x)-ideal. There remains to prove
, 1 + X c(1 + xy
(1 + X)f,,/f,,(X) = -X - (1 + xy - 1
eZ cecz
- eZ - 1 - eCz - 1
= Df"/f,,.
So for k ~ 2,
q>1e(v) = Die - l( Df"ff,,)(O)
= (1 - cle)"kBIe
The values of the power series g show that it is essentially the p-adic
§5. The Closure of the Cyclotomic Units
Lubin-Tate Theory
This chapter reproduces with little change the approach to local class field
theory given by Lubin-Tate [L-T]. Using special power series associated with
prime elements in a p-adic field, they construct maximal abelian totally
ramified extensions by means of torsion points on formal groups, thus
obtaining a merging of class field theory and Kummer theory by means of
these groups.
The theory applies in particular to the cyclotomic case. The p"th torsion
point on a suitable group will be seen to be the classical cyclotomic numbers
, - 1
§1. Lubin-Tate Groups
mod degree 2 means modulo the power series of degree ;::: 2. Using the
associativity with Y = Z = 0 it follows at once that
F(X, Y) = X + Y + XY = (1 + X)(1 + Y) - 1.
[aleX) = (1 + x)a - 1.
F(x, y) = X +F y, or x [+ ] y, or x [+ ]F y.
We may also denote this functor by a letter like A (or AF if we wish to make
the reference to F explicit), and then denote
MF = A(M)
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
Let L be any algebraic extension with valuation ring 0L and maximal ideal
mL' Then we also have the completion OL if L is infinite over K, with maximal
ideal m L , and it is clear that A(mL ) can again be defined as group with the
group law given by the same formula as above.
By an endomorphism of the formal group F (or A F ), we mean a power
series I( X) such that
I(F(X, Y» = F(f(X),/(Y».
A(m)....,.. A'(m),
where A'(m) is the group whose underlying set is m, and whose group law is
that determined by F'.
We shall be interested in a special kind of formal group. From now on,
we assume that OK is a discrete valuation ring, and we let n be a prime
element in mK' We assume that oK/mK is finite with q elements. We let:
~ = set of power series lEO [[ X]] such that
I(X) == nXmod degree 2
I(X) == xq mod n.
§1. Lubin-Tate Groups
Example. Let
The elements of ff,. will be called the Frobenius power series determined
by n.
Theorem 1.1. To each Frobenius power series f in ff,. there exists a unique
formal group Ft (defined over 0) such that f is an endomorphism of Ft.
The proof of this theorem will follow from a general lemma, as will the
fact that the formal group Ft then admits 0 in a natural way as a ring of
endomorphisms commuting withf
have a solution Fr(X) in o[X] which is unique mod deg r + 1. This is true
for r = 1 with Fl(X) = L(X). Suppose it true for r ~ 1. We let
Fr+l = Fr + Hr+l
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
Theorem 1.1 is immediate from the lemma. Indeed, F, is the unique power
series F(X, Y) such that
§1. Lubin-Tate Groups
to denote the same power series. After a while, the polynomial f in :F..
becomes mostly irrelevant, and we think in terms of the group law A. Thus
aA or [aJ when A is fixed become more satisfying to work with.
Let L be the completion of an algebraic extension of K. Then we may view
A(mL ) as an o-module in the obvious way. The operation of 0 on A(mL ) is
given by
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
replace L by its completion. Since the power series aI,g, au, Ft have coeffi-
cients in 0, it is then clear that the operations which they define on mL
commute with the action of G on m L •
K(Aa(f» over K
K(A,,) = K(x)
xq-l + n = O.
§2. Formal p-adic Multiplication
Thus K(An) is a Kummer extension (since the (q - l)th roots of unity are
in K), with abelian Galois group, cyclic of order q - I, and totally ramified
over n.
Let x E An and x =1= O. The map
An ~ o/no
Autn An ~ (o/no)*.
We have a representation
Since Go and (o/no)* have the same cardinality, namely q - I~ it follows that
this representation is an isomorphism.
We have similar results in the nn-tower.
Theorem 2.1. (i) The group Ann is a free I-dimensional module over o/nno.
(ii) K(A"n) is abelian over K, totally ramified, and we have a natural
x: Gal(K(A"n)/K) ~ (o/nno)*.
Proof Let be a sequence with Xk E A,h such that
(Xl> X2, ... , xn) Xl =1= 0
and ntCxk) = Xk-l' Without loss of generality we may assume
f(X) = xq + nX.
For k > I we see that Xk is a root of
8; Lubin-Tate Theory
Passing to the limit, we may form the projective limit T,,(A), consisting of
all infinite vectors
x: Gal(Koo/K) ~ 0*
Uu = [U]f-1
Example. We shall now give the standard example with the formal
multiplicative group
F(X, Y) = X + Y + XY.
Over the p-adic integers 0 = Zp we have the Frobenius series given by
i.e., A is the formal multiplicative group. Then Apn consists of those elements
in the maximal ideal of the algebraic closure satisfying the equation
(1 + Xr - 1 = 0
, - 1,
xq-l + n = O.
Let Ct be a root. Then
(_I)q-l N(Ct) = n.
If q is odd then n is the norm of Ct. If q is even then q - 1 is odd, the degree
[K(An) : K] is odd, and - 1 itself is a norm. Hence n is the norm of - Ct.
This proves the theorem in case n = 1. For the proof in general, let n = XQ,
and let
be such that
Thus Xl is an element of An' Xl :f: 0, and X,,_l is a norm of ±x" from the
field K(x,,) over K(X"_l)' The argument is similar and equally trivial, as
Theorem 2.3. Let B be the special Lubin-Tate group associated with the
prime n and the Frobenius polynomial xq + nX. Let' E !iq-l' Then:
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
such that O"nXn = 'xn. Since elements of the Galois group commute with [re],
there exists an element 0" E Gal(K,,,/K) such that
By Theorem 2.1 there exists a E oi such that O"Xn = [a](xn) for all n. Since
O"q-l = 1, it follows that a is a (q - l)th root of unity. But also
§3. Changing the Prime
and 0nr its valuation ring, with maximal ideal mnr • We let cp be the Frobenius
automorphism of K nr , extended by continuity to L.
Theorem 3.1. Let J, f' be Frobenius power series over 0, associated with the
primes n, n' respectively. Let e be a unit of 0L such that e"'/e = u. (Such
units exist.) Then there exists a unique isomorphism
defined over 0L which commutes with the operation ofo, that isfor all a in 0.
o 0 af = af' 0,
0'" = 00 UfO
Proof The existence of the unit e such that e"'/e = u is easily obtained by a
recursive procedure, and is left to the reader. We then construct a power series
O(X) = eX + ... to satisfy 0'" = 00 Uf as follows. Let Ol(X) = eX. Suppose
we have found Or(X) of degree r such that
b'" - bur+l = c,
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
A recursive procedure, letting a,,+l = a" + xnn+1 shows that we can solve
for x at each step to make the equation valid mod n", whence solve the
equation for a in 0L. This concludes the construction of e.
We shall now see that e almost satisfies the other conditions of the theorem,
and that it is easy to adjust it to get these other conditions exactly. Let
g = eo n/ 0 e- 1.
that g is a Frobenius power series associated with n', and has coefficients in
° = OK. Once we have proved this contention, we then conclude that the
power series
has the properties characterizing FiX, Y) (it is obvious that this power series
is congruent to X + Y mod deg 2). The Lemma and addendum to Theorem 1.1
show that the power series is equal to FiX, Y). Similarly, we verify that
eo af e- 1 has the properties which characterize ag, so is equal to ago In this
manner, we have proved the theorem except for the fact that
There remains only to prove that the coefficients of en;e -1 lie in 0, and it
suffices to show that they are fixed under the Frobenius automorphism cp.
We have:
§4. The Reciprocity Law
is the maximal abelian extension of K. On K("l we have a good model for the
Galois group given by the association
Theorem 4.1. The field K("lKnr is independent ofn. Let a E K*. Write
for some unit u, and some integer m. Let r ,,(a) be the automorphism of
K("lKnr such that:
r ,,(n') = r".(n').
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
These automorphisms coincide on Knr since they both give rise to the
Frobenius element. It will therefore suffice to prove that they coincide on
K(1<'l. We keep the notation of Theorem 3.1.' Write n' = un with some unit u.
Since r 1C,(n') = identity on K(1C'l, we are reduced to showing this same property
for rin').
Let f be a Frobenius power series associated with n. The field K(1t'l is
generated by the elements O(x) with x E A(1C l(f). Hence we are reduced to
showing that such elements are fixed by rin'). Indeed:
One may now use local class field theory to guarantee that K(1C lKnr is the
maximal abelian extension of K. Let
be the norm residue symbol mapping K* into Gal(Kab/ K) from local class
field theory. Then we find
§5. The Kummer Pairing
so Ko = K(A,J We let 0" be the ring of integral elements in K" and let V"
be its maximal ideal. We write A(V,,) as usual for the set of elements V" with
the group law defined by A. We define a pairing
A(V,,) x K: _ A"n+l.
Let x E A(V,,), let t be an element of A(V",) such that [n"+l]t = x, and let
a E K,,*. Note that actually t E A(V 2"+1). Define the symbol
where G'rz = (a, K:b/K,,) is the automorphism of K:b over K" arising from
local class field theory. Then it is clear that (x, a) lies in A"n+l and is inde-
pendent of the choice of t such that [n"+ l]t = x. We call it the local (Kummer)
symbol (relative to the formal group A and the multiplicative group). If we
want to specify A in the notation we write
<x, a)~.
A(V,,) x K: _ A"n+l
the kernel on the left is exactly [n"+l]A(V,,), because if x is not a [n,,+l]_
multiple in A(V,,), then its [n,,+l] root t generates a proper extension of K n,
so the Galois group operates non-trivially.
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
LS 4. <x, oc)" = 0 if and only ifoc is a norm from K,,(t), where [n"+l]t = x.
This last property uses a fact from local class field theory which could be
proved from the Lubin-Tate formalism, but which we shall take for granted.
Otherwise, the other properties are obvious.
LS 5. Let m ~ n and let N m,,, denote the norm from Km to K". Then for
x E A(.):),,) and oc E K: we have
Again this is clear from the functorial properties of the norm residue symbol
which we assume. We can then define the symbol in a limit situation as
follows. We let
T(K!) = group of sequences (oc o, OCl, • , .) with oc" E K: such that for
all n ~ 0,
Thus T(K!) is just the projective limit of the groups K;' under the norm
mappings. We may then define a pairing
On the right-hand side, the components <x, ocm)m are defined for all m
sufficiently large, i.e., m ~ n such that x E A(p,,). The components <x, OCk)k
for k < n may then be defined by applying the appropriate power of [n] to
the nth component. Property LS 5 shows that this is well defined. The pairing
is oK-linear in x and multiplicative in oc E T(K!).
§5. The Kummer Pairing
LS 6. If p is odd then
and so
[nn+l](X) = fn(X)g(X)
8. . Lubin-Tate Theory
where g(X) is a unit power series in o[[X]]. Let t be a root of fn(X) = IX.
The extension Kn(t) is independent of the choice of t. Thus, if we factor
fn(X) - IX into irreducible polynomials over K n, say
f1 fn.iX),
fn(X) - IX =
then for each j we obtain Kit) by adjoining a single root of fnJX) to Kn.
Therefore, if Cn,i denotes the constant term of fn,lX), and d is the common
degree of the irreducible polynomials fn,i then we conclude that (- 1)dcn'i
is a norm. But
f1 Cn,i'
-IX =
Hence -IX = (_1)dS times a norm, and (_I)dS = (_I)qn+l is a norm. This
proves the first two assertions. For the last two (relevant only for p = 2),
it is clear from bilinearity that
[2]<x, -I) = o.
If ordn IX ~ e + 1, then IX = [2]y for some y, and so <IX, -I) = 0, thus
proving the last two assertions.
The following lemma gives information on the factor group
by showing that near the origin, the operator [7t] operates very regularly. We
let 7tn denote a prime element in Kn.
This is equivalent to
§5. The Kummer Pairing
Theorem 5.1. Let Wj be elements of iJ" for i = 1, ... , q"+l, such that
ordlln Wi = i. Then these elements generate A(iJn) mod [n]A(iJ,,), and therefore
generate A(iJn) mod[nn+l]A(iJn) over o.
Proof Since X +A Y == X + Y mod deg 2, given x E iJn we can find
a1 E 0 such that
By the lemma, this congruence also holds mod[n]A(iJn). Hence the Wj generate
A(iJn) mod[n]A(iJn), whence by Nakayama's lemma, they also generate
A(iJn) mod[n"+1]A(iJn)· This proves the theorem.
{x!,} with i E I
form a basis.
Proof For i E I we let Wi = x~. On the other hand, if pT divides i exactly,
we take
Wi = [nT](xUP').
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
where 2:A indicates the sum with respect to the group law of A, and some
coefficient a i is a unit, say ak. We may assume ak = 1.
Hence there cannot be any cancellation in the sum of the left-hand side of
(*), thus concluding the proof in Case 1.
yP - y == unit modp,
in the residue class field Z/pZ, which is impossible. This proves the theorem.
§6. The Logarithm
Theorem 5.3. Assume that K = Qp, and that K(A,,) does not contain the
pth roots of unity. Then the local pairing
where pT is the order of the group of p-power roots of unity in Kn. If K(A,,)
does not contain /lp then neither does Kn. Hence
has the same order as A(Pn)/[nn + l]A(Pn), and we know that the kernel on the
left is trivial. Since A"n+l is cyclic in the present case, it follows by the duality
of finite abelian groups that the kernel on the right of the pairing must also
be trivial, as desired.
Remark. When the pth roots of unity are in K(A,,), in particular when
A = Gm, the above argument definitely shows that the kernel on the right is
with the additive group, i.e., a power series with coefficients in some extension
of K such that
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
is a power series. By the existence of the limit, we mean that for each k,
exists as n ---7 00, and then A(X) is defined to be .I CkX k. The convergence will
not be uniform in k.
j 2. 2,
§6. The Logarithm
and the coefficients al7) are in OK. Then the right-hand side of the required
difference is equal to
i ;::; n + 1 - (k + I).
Hence nnx + gn(X) is divisible by nn-k. Similarly, the power series expression
for gr is divisible at least by n r- k • Since gr has degree ;::; 2 it follows that
glnn X + gn(X» is divisible at least by
Dividing by nn+r shows that the required difference tends to 0 as n --l>- 00.
This proves that the desired limit exists.
n1(X +A Y) = ~
(n1X +A n1 Y)
For each fixed k, m the coefficient of Xk ym in the sum on the right-hand side
tends to 0 as n tends to infinity, so the additivity follows.
L ai Xi
AB(X) = X +
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
Lemma 3. (i) Let A' denote the formal derivative dAfdX. Then A~(X) has
coefficients in o.
Aix) == x mod x 2.
Proof For (i) we differentiate with respect to Y the relation
and get
because if",: A --'>- B is an isomorphism such that ",(X) == X mod deg 2, then
AA = AB 0 "'.
§6. The Logarithm
The logq of the exponent of X is increased by one, and so the desired in-
equality is also satisfied. This proves (ii).
Part (iii) is obvious from (ii).
If P = 2, the first term after X gives trouble. If p = 3, the next term which
might give trouble is
but in this case, the assumption ordp x ~ 1 shows that (iii) holds. After that,
things only get better.
ord z > - - .
" q- 1
s. Lubin-Tate Theory
Then eA(Z) converges on this disc, and induces the inverse isomorphism to
AA, on the groups
2y(X) = - AiyX).
- eiyZ)
has integral coefficients. Let eiZ) = 2: anZn. Then anyn-l is integral for all
n and all yin D. It follows that in fact, anyn tends to 0 (p-adically) as n tends
to infinity for each y in D. Furthermore, we then conclude that
§7. Application of the Logarithm to the Local Symbol
given by
Let a be an ideal in Kn. We denote by a.l the set of elements y E Kn such that
Tixy) E 0 = OK'
Of course, we have the notion of perpendicularity with respect to any given
pairing, and the context will always make clear which is meant. We have
8. Lubin-Tate Theory
and CI. E a.L by assumption. Our identification of a.L with Homo(a,o) then
follows at once. If'Il" = 'Il KnIK is the different, then
Observe that we are dealing with two orthogonality signs: One referring to
the local symbol, and one referring to the duality
(where the trace is viewed as having values in the factor group Kjo), applied
in particular to an ideal
Since Ker AA = A tor , we have Ker AA n K" = A"n+1. Applying the log map
of A, we get a pairing
Let a = AA(~n)' so the factor group on the left is ajn"+la. In the light of the
exact duality
LS 7.
§7. Application of the Logarithm to the Local Symbol
This formula has been written without abbreviations, but of course in the
future we frequently omit indices A, n, etc. If U E Gal(KRjK) and U 1--+ x(u)
is its representation in 0* on T,,(A), then
LS 8.
Proof We have
and also
Explicit Reciprocity Laws
Iwasawa [Iw 8} proved general explicit reciprocity laws extending the classical
results of Artin-Hasse, for applications to the study of units in cyclotomic
fields. These were extended by Coates-Wiles [CW 1] and Wiles [Wi] to
arbitrary Lubin-Tate groups. Although Wiles follows Iwasawa to a large
extent, it turns out his proofs are simpler because of the formalism of the
Lubin-Tate formal groups. We essentially reprod'uce his paper in the present
We assume that K is a finite extension of Qp (i.e. has characteristic 0)
because we want to use the logarithm.
We allow p = 2, and I am indebted to R. Coleman for showing me how
Wiles' paper extends with essentially no change to that case, by using (ii),
(iii), (iv) of LS 6, and the minus sign in DL 6.
We let:
We let:
We abbreviate <,
)n to <, ) unless we wish to specify the level at which
the symbol is taken.
§1. Statement of the Reciprocity Laws
T(K!) = group of vectors (cto, ctl> •.. ) with ctn E K: such that
Coronary 1. Let ct == 1 mod .\:.In. Assume that K is unramified over Qp. Then
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
Since K is unramified over Qp, we have 1t '" p, and the corollary follows.
D = d/dX
Dg(X) = g'(X).
and it depends on the choice of g. We shall see later to what extent it does
not depend on g.
§l. Statement of the Reciprocity Laws
We define
k ~ [nI2] + 2(n + 1)
k ~ max{[n/2] + 2(n + 1), e + I} ifp = 2,
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
for arbitrarily large m, and its value will be the same for any m ;:::: 2n + 1.
It gives the formula
xn = , - 1.
1'( ) _ 1 _ Y-l
AA Xn - 1 + Xn - . " •
Theorem 1.3. Let x E A(fl5) and IX E Kt. Then the symbol [x, lX]o has values
in oireo, and we have
§2. The Logarithmic Derivative
g'/g(X) = i + h'/h(X).
are two power series whose values at Xn are equal to rx, and f(X) is the
irreducible polynomial of Xn over K, then
This shows that g' /g(xn) is well defined modulo the different.
This is obvious from the previous discussion. Since A'(X) is a power series
starting with I and with integral coefficients, it follows that A'(xn) is a unit.
Hence from the definition of bn. we find:
Its image lies in n-nV;l mod :!loon, and the image of the units lies in
n-n mod :!loon.
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
~,,(IX(J) = x(a)~,,(IX)"'.
g.,.'(X) = g'([x(a)J(X)[x(a)]'(X).
Putting (1), (2), (3), (4) together yields the desired property.
§2. The Logarithmic Derivative
Since IY. is assumed to be a unit, the power series g starts with a unit, and so
does the power series gm, so both these power series can be used to compute
the logarithmic derivative. The rest of the proof then follows immediately
from the chain rule and the definitions.
= L x(u)bm(lY.m)", by DL 3.
The sums are taken over U E Gal(Km/Kn). For such U we must have
because [x(u)] is the identity on A"n+!. Since bm(lY.m)" lies in x-mom = x-<n+l)om,
the desired congruence follows.
It will then suffice to prove DL 5 next for IY.m = X m , because of the multi-
plicativity of the function (). For simplicity, let us first suppose that the
Frobenius power series associated with the Lubin-Tate group is in fact a
[x](X) = f(X) = xX + ... + xq,
and that the coefficient of xq is exactly 1. For instance, the basic Lubin-Tate
group and the formal multiplicative group are of this type. Under this
additional assumption, we have in fact the stronger property with equality
instead of the congruence:
Remark. The minus signs are there to take care of the case p = 2. If p i= 2,
they can be omitted.
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
Tn+l.n(;:~a;) = 1 if i =q
= 0 if i 'I:( q.
This proves what we wanted.
f(X) - Xn = g(X)h(X)
g(X) = b o + ... + bq_1xq-l + xq,
heX) = Co + clX + ... is a unit power series, Co E o~.
§3. A Local Pairing with the Logarithmic Derivative
given by
Lemma 3.1. The symbol [x, ctl m is well defined mod nn+l in each ofthefollow-
ing cases:
(i) x E A(.jJ,,) and m ;::: 2n + 1;
(ii) x E A(.jJ~qn) and m ;::: n.
Proof By DL 2 we know that Dm(ct) is well defined mod :Doom. Hence the
symbol is defined mod n" + 1 if
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
By the definition of the different 'Il,;;-l = n- m'Il o1om, this is equivalent with:
nm-n-2A(X)'Il~ is integral.
Observe that the 'Ilo does not occur inside the trace in eland C 3. Only C 1
and C 2 are needed for Lemma 3.1 but C 3 will be needed for Lemma 3.2.
We now give the proofs.
Suppose first that m = 2n + 1 (the worst case of (i)). We have to verify
nn -1 A(X)'Il o is integral.
~I •
j' and 1 ~ 1.
Suppose x E A(VlI). Then
lI-l1()<"1'"\ q- 2
ord n A x ""'0 ~ n - 1 + q j qn( q 1- 1) - 1. + --1·
§3. A Local Pairing with the Logarithmic Derivative
-2 +- - + 2q-2
~ 0,
We remark that in the range where the symbol is well defined, it is OK-linear
in x and multiplicative in IX. In any case, within the ranges of Lemma 1, we
view the symbol as having values in
The next lemma will show that the value [x, IXm]m is independent of m when
IXm is the component of an infinite vector
Lemma 3.2. Let k ~ m ~ n. Let IXm E K;: and ak E Kit be such that
in either case."
(i) x E A(Vn) and m ~ 2n + 1;
(ii) x E A(V~qn'l)o) and m ~ n.
Proof We have:
== nTm(A(X)>k(a k))
by DL 5 and C 1 or C 3
= !n Tk(A(X)t>kCak))
= [x, adk,
as was to be shown.
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
Only the statement of the main lemma will be used later, and we recommend
to the reader to read the next sections before reading the proof of the main
A.(x) == x mod -
A.(x) == x mod x 2 •
§4. The Main Lemma for Highly Divisible x and IY. = Xn
We first want to replace A(X) by x on the right-hand side. It suffices for this
q- 2 1
(1) 2..(n) - n - 3 + --1
q- - q n( q- 1) ~ o.
Certainly ..(n) ~ (nI2) + 2 suffices. Again since A'(Xn) is a unit, proving the
formula for all x is equivalent to proving
Step 3. <Xn, Xn + x> = < Xn, 1 + :n)· We then apply the basic re-
ciprocity law of Theorem 1.1 to show that this is equal to
Step 1. We shall use the expression involving the mapping l/!n in Chapter 8,
§7, formula LS 7, namely
<x, x n = [Tn(A(X)l/!n(xn)]ixn),
=:= [Tn(xl/!n(xn)1A(xn).
Indeed, A(X) == x mod nnt(n) and Tn(n 2t(n)l/!n(x n» == 0 mod nn+\ because the
image of l/!n is contained in AA(Pn).L, and
Therefore we need
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
By Taylor's formula, using the fact that A'(X) has integral coefficients, and
A(Xn) = we get
'ten) ~ 2 + 1 + 2e.
§4. The Main Lemma for Highly Divisible x and t:I. = Xn
(3) r + ed;;::: n + 1.
(4) r = 'ten) - 1.
To solve 1 + y = uPd with some unit u, for y = x/xn , we use the fact that
the ordinary log and exp preserve the order ~m the disc of elements z such that
ordp Z > l/(p - 1). It follows that we can take any integer d satisfying
o~ d < ordp y - --1'
or in terms of n,
'ten) 1 1
(5) O~d<-- n( 1)---1'
e eqq- p-
o~ d < - 'ten) - 1.
Picking't(n) = [n/2] + 1 + 2e suffices. This concludes Step 2.
Step 3. Let y = x/xno and t:I. = 1 + y. We have:
<Xn, Xn + x) = <xno 1 + y)
= [n:+1 (N (1 + y)-l -
n l)LeXn)'
We contend that
<Xn, Xn + x) = [ - n L1 Tn(y)L(Xn),
thereby concluding the proof of the main lemma.
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
This shifts the burden of the proof to level m, and [1tm-n]x is divisible
approximately of order m (asymptotically for m -+ (0). Specifically, to apply
the main lemma of the preceding section, we want to take m so large that
§5. The Main Theorem for the Symbol <x, xn>n
We write this as
This means in particular that nm-n a is integral. On the other hand, there
exists b E 0 such that
which concludes the proof of the equality between the symbols under either
condition (i) or (ii) according to Lemma 3.2.
The next theorem shows how one can refine the conditions of Theorem 4.1,
with a more precise definition ofthe symbol bn(Xn) for the special case rx = Xn.
Theorem 5.2. Assume that the Frobenius power series associated with the
Lubin-Tate group A has the form
i.e., each is the norm of the successive one. Instead of using Lemma 3.2,
however, which relied on DL5, we may now use directly the more precise
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
= it Tn(A(x)Tm.nc5m( -xm»
= n- Tn(A(x)c5 n( - xn»,
[x, -xn] =
Ll Tn (.IXn log(l + x»)
Xn = , - 1,
x p- 1 + p = o.
We contend that:
§6. The Main Theorem for Divisible x and rx = unit
xg- 1 = -po
It suffices to prove the lemma for the symbol (x~, 1 - eX~)n with such values
of i. We shall reduce the proof to the case (x, xn).
We start with the symbol [x~, 1 - ex~]. Since
-jex~-l -j ~
"n{l - ex~) = ..1.'(Xn)(1 _ Xni) = X() L.. eTx"'./,
Xn Xn r=l
we find
[X~, 1 - ex~] = i
-::11 r=l Tn(;_(Xni) ..1.'(Xn1)Xn eTx"'./).
_ ~
n T=l JI. Xn Xn
~ Tn Xn , '( 1 ) er XnTi)
n + 1 L..
L [eTx~+TJ, Xn].
The above formal steps are obviously justified. First the sums taken mod nn + 1
are actually finite, and second we have replaced A(Y) by y and vice versa
twice in the range where this applies. The equality takes place in Klnn+1o
where the symbol [x, 0:] takes its values.
By Theorem 5.1 we know that
+TJ, n
XA] (x
) = (~TXi+TJ
and this latter sum is taken on A. Since (x, -I) = 0 by LS 6 if ord" x is big
enough, it will therefore suffice to prove the next and final result.
1> - [ .] ""
ord" xy ~ n + 3.
In that case, A(n"+3 0 ,,) c [n"+l]A(.):l,,), so addition on A and addition on Ga
are interchangeable on the left of the symbol
LA <erx~+rJ, X~+<r-l)J)
<x~, ex' - I) =
= "" <erxl + rJ x-J)
r=l "'"
LA <erx~=rJ, x,,).
= [-j]
Observe that the sums are in fact finite since for large r the left-hand side of
each symbol in the sum is highly divisible, so the symbol is o. Hence the above
formal steps are valid, and the theorem is proved.
The special case when n = 0 is often interesting for its own sake. The
next lemma may be omitted in the proof of Theorem 7.1 or Theorem 1.2,
but is useful for the proof of. Theorem 7.2.
9. Explicit Reciprocity Laws
Lemma 6.3. Assume that B is the special Lubin-Tate group with Frobenius
power series xq + nX. Let Wo E B". Then for i ~ 2 and j ~ 1 we have the
same formula with n = 0 as in the previous lemma, namely
Assume that
for such m.
Proof The theorem has already been proved when IX is a power of Xn or
when IX E jiq-1' We may therefore assume that IX is a unit == 1 mod .):In' We
reduce the theorem to the result of the preceding section in exactly the same
manner that Theorem 5.1 was reduced to the main Lemma 4.1. This time
we need
§7. End of the Proof of the Main Theorems
Clearly then, the lower bound on k given above is sufficient. The proof is
then identical with that already given for Theorem 5.1, as desired.
For the case n = 0, special features arise, and we next give a generalization
to Lubin-Tate groups of another explicit formula of Artin-Hasse.
A Conjugate 2
Cyclotomic units 84, 157
Admissible operation 134 Cyclotomic Zp-extension 137, 148
Almost unramified 138
Associated power series 167, 183
B Davenport-Hasse distribution 62
Davenport-Hasse theorem 20
Basic Lubin-Tate group 193 Dedekind determinant 89
Bass theorem 160 Distinguished 131
Bernoulli distribution 65 Distribution 33
Bernoulli numbers 15, 34
Bernoulli polynomials 15, 35
c Ek,c 38
Euclidean algorithm 129
Carlitz bound 92
Class number formula,p-adic 114
Class number formulas 77 F
Coates-Wiles homomorphism
182, 184 Fermat curve 23
Compatible system 33 First factor 84
Conductor 75 Formal group 190
Ordinary distribution 53
Jacobi- sum 4
p-adic class number formula 114
Kubert's theorem 60 p-adic L-function 107
Kummer congruence 41 p-adic regulator 113
Kummer homomorphism 168, 172 Partial zeta function 65
Kummer pairing 155, 205 Power series associated with
Kummer-Takagi exponent 170 measure 97
Q u
QiCindex 79 Unitization operator 103
Quasi-isomorphism 126, 144 Universal distribution 57
Vandiver conjecture 142
Reciprocity laws 221 Von Staudt congruence 41
Regulator 85
Regulator, p-adic 113
Weierstrass preparation theorem
s 130
Weil's theorem 19
Second factor 84
Special Lubin-Tate group 193
Stickelberger distribution 54 z
Stickelberger element 9; 27
Stickelberger ideal 12, 43 Zp-extension 137
Stickelberger's theorem 6 Zeta function of Fermat curve 25
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