EE 339 - Solid-State Electronic Devices: Orshansky@mail -
EE 339 - Solid-State Electronic Devices: Orshansky@mail -
EE 339 - Solid-State Electronic Devices: Orshansky@mail -
Spring 2009
Objectives: The students will (1) develop understanding the basics of semiconductor
physics (energy bands, charge carriers, doping, conductivity and mobility), and (2) will
apply this knowledge to understand the operating principles of key semiconductor
devices (e.g. p-n junction diode, transistor).
M 427K (e.g., integral calculus, differential equations, Fourier series, vectors, vector
calculus, gradients), and PHY 303L & 103N (primary laws of motion, wave phenomena,
electricity and magnetism, optics) with a grade of at least C in each.
Course topics:
• Crystal properties and growth of semiconductors
• Introduction to quantum (wave) mechanics
• Crystal physics from the quantum perspective: energy bands, charge carriers,
transport of charge carriers in electric/magnetic field
• Excess carriers in semiconductors (generation-recombination, diffusion, p- and n-type
• p-n junctions (fabrication; equilibrium conditions; electrical characteristics;
capacitance and switching)
• Metal-semiconductor junctions
• Field-effect transistors (FET): e.g. bipolar junction transistor; metal-oxide-
semiconductor field-effect transistor; survey of junction FET, metal-semiconductor
• Optoelectronic devices (photodiodes, LED, semiconductor lasers)
• Ben G. Streetman & Sanjay Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices (Fifth or Sixth
20% Homework, 20% First exam, 20% Second exam, 40% Final exam.
Homework Policy:
Collaboration on homework questions is allowed. Every student needs to submit an
independent homework solution. Homework can be turned in during class or slid under
my office door at ACES 5.442. There will be a 10% penalty for homeworks that are
turned in late up until a week after it is due. Solutions to the homework assignments will
be made available the week after it is due. Homework assignments will not be accepted
after solutions are made available (i.e. no credit will be given for those assignments).
Course notes:
Course notes will be provided for most lectures. The web-based course management
system “Blackboard” will be used to post course notes, homework assignments and
Academic dishonesty:
Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty (cheating includes, but is not limited to,
copying another student's work, bringing notes into a test and copying material directly
from a book, article or web site without including appropriate references, falsifying data,
doing someone's work) is a violation of University rules. Penalties for scholastic
dishonesty are severe and can include, but are not limited to, a written reprimand, a zero
on the assignment/exam, re-taking the exam in question, an F in the course, or expulsion
from the University. For University policies see: