Desolate v2

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- Gameplay -

Desolate Desolate is played in rounds called “Levels,” which

After a crash landing during a failed rescue mission, represent areas of the space station you are exploring.
you are trapped in a space station on a remote moon. Each Level is made up of a variable number of turns.
Soon after entering the station, you realized you are The end of a Level is triggered when you draw the last
not alone. Can you power up the escape shuttle card from the Exploration deck.
before you run out of oxygen - or worse, are killed by
hostile aliens? TURN SEQUENCE

1) Draw two cards from the Exploration deck, keeping

- Objective - both face down.
Survive long enough to claim five power cells in order to
power up the escape shuttle and win! 2) Reveal one of the two Exploration cards. You must
now choose to a) resolve the revealed card and discard
the other Exploration card without looking at it, or b)
- Components - discard the revealed card face down, then reveal and
resolve the second Exploration card.
 15 Exploration Cards
 12 Conflict Cards
 7 Item Cards
 6 Dice (4 white and 2 black)
 3 Stat Trackers (plastic cubes) There are two types of Exploration cards. Conflict cards
Red Health, Purple Ammo, Blue Oxygen will trigger an alien attack, while Room cards will gain
 5 Power Cells you the resource shown next to the illustration. These
are the Room types that you may encounter:
- Setup -
Armory – Gain two Ammo.
1. Separate and shuffle all three decks (Exploration,
Conflict, and Items) and place them face down. Place the Cryopod – Spend one Oxygen to gain three Health.
Exploration deck closest to you with the Conflict deck
above it. Leave room next to each deck for a discard pile. Engineering – Gain one Power Cell.

2. Draw three random Item cards and pick two to keep. Laboratory – Gain one Oxygen.
Place them face up near you, then return all remaining
Item cards to the box. Sickbay – Gain two Health.

3. Place the two stat cards together (forming a moon) in Storage – Gain one Small Crate.
front of you. Place one tracking cube on the starting
position for each of the three categories (Health 14, Once you’ve received resources from a Room, discard its
Ammo 7, and Oxygen 4). Exploration card.

4. Place the dice and five power cells nearby. You are OPENING CRATES
now ready to play!
To open a Crate, draw the next card from the Exploration
deck and rotate it 180 degrees to see your reward. There
will be two resource options shown, a bigger one and
smaller one.

Small Crate – Choose one of the two resources pictured.

Small Crates are awarded by finding Storage Rooms or
defeating an alien that features a Small Crate (“S”) next
to its image.

Large Crate – Receive both resources shown. You may

only open a Large Crate if you defeat an alien that
features a Large Crate (“L”) illustration next to its image.

Once you’ve opened a Crate and received resources,

discard its Exploration card.
- Conflict! - To determine the amount of damage you sustain, draw
the next Conflict card and rotate it 180 degrees. The
value shown is damage you must take (This will range
There is no way around it. At some point or another you from 0-5).
will encounter an alien. These soulless creatures must be
dealt with by way of violence. 5) Now you must counterstrike by spending Ammo and
repeating the process again. Determining how much
CONFLICT SEQUENCE Ammo to use and when is crucial to survival.

When you choose to resolve an Exploration card NOTE: You may always choose to deliver a bare-fisted
featuring the title “Conflict!” - or you are forced to - reveal blow to the alien with a value of 1 that does not use any
the top Conflict card from the Conflict deck. Ammo. This may sometimes come in handy if an alien
has only one life remaining and you want to conserve
Each Conflict card features two squares in the top left Ammo.
corner. The top one will have a die value. Place a black
die in that spot with the shown value face up. Now look at - Ending a Level -
the alien card you drew from the Exploration deck. In the
top left corner there is also a die icon. Place another During a Level, when you draw the last card from the
black die on the Conflict card in the blank square that is Exploration deck, you must immediately shuffle the
equal to the value shown on the Exploration card. The discard pile to form a new draw pile. At this point you
sum of these two dice equate to the total health of the must also lower your oxygen level by two. If at any
alien you are engaging. The higher the value, the more point you have zero oxygen, you die and lose the game.
dangerous the foe.

If there is a single Exploration card in the draw pile at the

start of your turn, shuffle the discard to create a new draw
pile, finish that turn, then end the round by lowering your
oxygen by two.

- Ending the Game -

As soon as you acquire the fifth power cell, you power up

the escape shuttle and win the game. You can track how
well you did by adding up remaining health, Ammo, and
1) Now you are ready to battle it out. First you must take oxygen for a score.
damage, as aliens always attack first. Below the two
black dice you will see a value followed by the phrase - Items -
“Damage!”. You must adjust your health tracker down by
this amount. If you ever lose all your health, you are dead Chameleon – Avoid any one conflict, forfeiting the crate. One
and the game is over. use per game.
Extended Clip – Start the game with three extra Ammo. Also
2) Now you have to decide how much Ammo you want to increases your max Ammo capacity.
spend on your counter-attack. For every Ammo you
Large Tanks – Start the game with two extra oxygen. Also
spend (adjusting your Ammo on your stat cards
increases your max oxygen capacity.
accordingly) you may roll one white die. So spending
three Ammo will allow you to roll three white dice. Plasma Mine – Deal some serious damage! Roll up to four dice
in combat without using any Ammo. You do lose one health per
3) Compare the sum total of your dice to the health of the die you roll. The sum is damage dealt and you get to open the
crate. One use per game.
alien you are facing. If your result is equal to or greater
than that of your foe, you have defeated them! Discard Rifle Scope – When you roll your dice during combat, add two
the Conflict card and Exploration card and open the Crate to the total result.
they left behind (Note the “S” or “L” next to the alien Space Armor – Start the game with four extra health. Also
image to determine what type of crate you get). increases your max health capacity.
Vision Helm – Once per Level, you may reveal both
4) If the sum of your dice is less than that of the health of
Exploration cards during a turn and pick one to resolve.
the alien, you first adjust the alien’s health down by the
amount of damage you did (rotate the black dice to show
the new health total) and then you must take damage. Desolate is Copyright 2018 Grey Gnome Games All Rights Reserved

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