FSED 006 Fire Safety Checklist 07aug2018

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Bureau of Fire Protection
Plan Evaluator: __________________________________________________________ Checklist #: _____________________________________________________________
Name of Owner/Establishment: _____________________________________________ Location of Const.: _______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Project Title: ____________________________________________________________ Date Received: ______________________ Date Released: ______________________
_______________________________________________________________________ No. of Storey/s: _________________________________________________________


Vertical distance between stairway landings are limited to 3.69 m (12 ft) in
assembly occupancies, distance is 2.43 m (8 ft)

1 Building exits must abut a public street or approved alley.

Handrails should be placed not less than 81.28 cm (32 in) above the tread.
2 Provide at least two (2) means of egress for each floor, room. Two (2) handrails are required when stairways exceed 111.7 cm in width.

Provide secondary stairs/exits as far/remote from main stair, to serve

. Guardrails for stairs, balconies, stair landings, ramps & aisles located along
Enclose all stairways and ire escapes with walls having hours of the edge of openside floors and mezzanines shall be provided.
fire resistance with access thru self-closing fire doors.
There shall be no enclosed usable space under the stairs in an exit
5 Provide two (2) doors as exit ways from all rooms. 32 enclosure nor shall the open space under such stairs be used for any
Non-combustible outside stairs are required to have 2.03 m (6 ft, 8 in)
Interconnect stairs and fire escapes with fire resistive passageways on
6 33 minimum headroom clearance for stairways which should be indicated on
corridors at least meters wide.
Enclose walls, doors, stairs ramps, escalators and other components of
7 34 Ramp slopes should have be roughened or with nonslip surface.
exits systems.

8 Provide protected/enclosed horizontal exits with self-closing fire doors. 35 Ramp slopes should not exceed 30.3 cm. (1 ft) in 3.03 m (10 ft.).

Travel distance to an exit shall not be more than No openings other than the required exits are permitted and exit
9 passageways should be one (1) hr fire resistive construction for a three (3)
36 storey building or less and two (2) hrs for four (4) storey building or more.
10 Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel. Any opening therein shall be protected with an approved self-closing fire
Revolving doors shall not be used as means of egress except
11 37 Exit illumination and directional EXIT signs shall be provided.

Exit door/s should be openable from the inside without the use of keys, Panic hardware is required on exit doors. In lieu of this, doors shall have no
12 38
special knowledge or effort flush bolts or surface bolts are prohibited. locks or latches.

Exit door should have a minimum width of 71 cm and a maximum width

122 cm and shall not restrict the opening.
14 A floor or landing is required not less than the width of exit door. 39 Provide fire break up to the roof for ceiling areas.

Provide monitored and curtained roof of sheet metal or non-combustible

Door should be not project into the required corridor width when fully
15 40 material of a minimum of 1.82m (6 ft) high spaced not more than 76 m (250
opened so as not to reduce the corridor width to less than 76.17 cm.
ft) & curtained area limited to a minimum of 4, 630 m2 (50,000 ft2).

Exit doors should provide immediate access to an approved means of

Provide smoke partition at enclosed areas of 2, 083 m2 (22, 500 ft2) or less
16 egress. Exiting through a bathroom, bedroom or other room subject to 41
with the length of 45.7m (150 ft) or less, with self-closing fire doors.
locking does not comply.

Provide smoke partition of two (2) hour fire resistance from floor to
17 Corridors should have a minimum width of _________ meters. 42
underside of floor above.

Provide interior finish as follows; Exit; Class

Required corridors in occupancies shall have
18 43 Access to Exit; Class ___________
2.43 meters (8 ft) minimum width.
Other Spaces; Class

19 Dead-end corridors and exit balconies is limited to 6.08 m (20 ft). 44 Provide fire stopping for all concealed spaces.

20 Aisles in auditorium shall be minimum of meters in width. WALLS

Walls and ceilings of corridors should be fire resistive construction Provide standard fire wall with at least 100 cm (39.38 in) high parapets on
21 45
materials. all portion of the building on the property line.

Interior openings into corridor should be protected as set forth in

22 46 Extend exterior masonry walls to form parapets or wings.

Main stairways should have a minimum width of 112 cm. Trims and
Provide protection of all exterior walls. All exterior walls facing approved
23 handrails should not project more than 8.90 cm (3 1/2 in) into the 47
alleys which are dead-ended must have a fire resistance of hours.
required width.
Landings on stairways should have a minimum dimension of 112 cm
24 48 Provide automatic fire dampers on wall openings.
(44 in) in the direction of travel.
Risers on stairways should not exceed 19 cm and tread exclusive of
nosing or projections should not be less than 25 cm.

Doors between guest’s rooms and corridors shall be self-closing and Provide approved emergency alarm bell system on each floor with
26 49
shall have a fire protection rating at least twenty (20) minutes. adequate number of sending stations.

Openings in co r ri d or partitions other than door openings shall be

27 50 Provide approved type heat and smoke detection system.

BFP-QSF-FSED-006 Rev. ØØ (06.01.18)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Fire Protection
Basement portion of stairways should be provided with an approved Provide efficient communication system for warning occupants and calling
28 51
barrier where continuous to upper floor in an exit enclosure. fire department.

Provide/post allowable occupant load sign/s. Such signs shall be

conspicuously and suitably located.

70 Provide fire protection/suppression during construction.

Provide approved type portable fire extinguisher (dry chemical) ABC
52 type, lbs. capacity for every 278 m2. (3000 ft2) of floor area or Provide fire exit plan for each floor of the building showing the routes from
22.8 m (75 ft) travel distance on every floor level. 71 each room to appropriate exits, displayed prominently on the door of each
Provide dry & wet standpipe system with mm Ф riser and coupling
No heating or lighting apparatus or equipment capable of igniting flammable
of fire department standards with pumps of reliable pressure &
53 72 materials shall be used in any storage or work area where rags, excelsior,
connected to an adequate water supply tank. Hose and hose cabinet
hair or other highly flammable or combustible materials are stored or used.
shall be provided at every hose gate valve on all floors.
Provide Fire Service connection with a standard outlet of 64 mm Ф, and Provide/post "NO SMOKING" sign/s where combustible materials are stored or
54 73
102 mm Ф dry standpipe, and shall located on a street front. handled. Such signs shall be conspicuously and suitable located.

Provide automatic fire extinguishing system where kitchen equipment is If high hazard commodities will be stored/handled, automatic fire
55 74
located (Kitchenhood). suppression system shall be provided

Provide automatic chemical extinguishing system on all areas where

56 75 Provide/post "DO NOT USE ELEVATOR IN CASE OF FIRE" sign/s.
electronic/electrical equipment are located.
Provide approved-type automatic fire extinguishing system in LPG tank/s must be installed outside the building and should be provided
57 accordance with NFPA 13. Approval of system plan is required prior to 76 with safety devices that automatically stop the flow of gas should a leak
installation develop.

MISCELLANEOUS 77 Provide fire resistive walls between stair & kitchen area.

Provide outside window opening on bedrooms with a clear opening of

not less than fifty six (56) cm in least dimension and forty five- Provide outside window/s for rescue and ventilation with a minimum clear
hundredths (0.45) m2 in area. The bottom of the window shall be not opening of 55 cm and approximately one half (0.5) m2 in area; the bottom of
more than one hundred twenty two (122) cm above the floor. window opening is not more than eighty two (82) cm above the floor; it can
All liquefied petroleum gas equipment including such equipment 78 readily be opened from the inside without the use of tools; where storm
59 installed at utility gas plants shall be installed in accordance with the windows, screens, or antiburglar devices are used, these be provided with
provisions of NFPA 59. quick mechanism so that they may be so arranged that when opened they
No grills or any obstruction shall be installed on window openings will not drop to the ground.
and/or fire exits.
Provide emergency lighting facilities with automatic transfer switch to Rooms used for kindergarten, first or second grade pupils shall not be
AC/DC power source. located above or below the floor of exit discharge. Rooms used for second
grade pupils shall not be located more than one (1) storey above the floor of
62 Air conditioning ducts must be provided with approved fire dampers.
exit discharge.
Roof covering must be of non-combustible materials. Combustible roof
63 80 Provide firefighters’ elevator.
covering must have fire retardant treatment.
All correction indicated on the original approved plan from this office on
64 Provide fire escape ladder/s. 81
shall be followed.
Any changes in occupancy other than stated shall be in accordance with
65 Provide fire escape stair/s. 82
Rule 10.
All unit partition wall shall be extended up to upper floor slab and/or one
66 83 Subject to inspection during construction.
(1) meter above the roofline.
Provide effective means of smoke ventilation such as access panels, Fire Safety Inspection Certificate must be secured before/prior to issuance
67 84
movable windows. of Certificate of Occupancy.
Project activity shall not affect the effectivity of the existing fire Subject to additional requirements upon recommendation of the Fire Safety
68 85
protection facilities. Inspector during construction phase and final inspection.
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (Subject to compliance with pertinent provisions of the Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 and Philippine Standard)
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
These sheets are part of the plans and shall remain attached thereto. Corrections as above indicated must be complied.
__________________________________________ Plans Checked by: __________________________
Signature over Printed Name Applicant/Owner (Name of Plan Checker)
_____________________________________ Date Check: _______________________
Date and Time
Fire Code Fees: __________________________ RECOMMEND APPROVAL:
Amount Paid: ___________________________
O.R. Number: ____________________________ ______________________________________
Date Paid: ______________________________ C, FIRE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT SECTION

Original (Applicant/Owner’s copy)
Duplicate (BO/BPLO copy as the case maybe)
Triplicate (BFP copy) ___________________________
City/Municipal Fire Marshal

BFP-QSF-FSED-006 Rev. ØØ (06.01.18)

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