Italy: Tourism in The Economy
Italy: Tourism in The Economy
Italy: Tourism in The Economy
regions. It provides aid and incentives to develop tourism demand, delivers certifications and
authorisations to foreign professionals, manages relations with international organisations
and participates in the development and adoption of European Union legislation.
The role of ENIT is to market and promote Italy as a tourist destination. As of April
2015, ENIT has a new statute, which transformed it from a public body into a public
economic entity under the supervision of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Activities and
Tourism. ENIT may also enter into agreements with the regions and autonomous
provinces, local authorities and other public bodies. The Board of Directors includes two
members appointed by the Minister.
Source: OECD, adapted from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism, 2016.
The DG for Tourism’s budget in 2015 was EUR 30 million. Tourism stands to benefit
from the Culture and Innovation 2014-20 programme financed by the European Union
Structural Funds. From a total budgetary envelope of EUR 490 million, a large proportion is
allocated to the development of 60 cultural attractors in five southern regions: Campania,
Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicilia. The big cultural attractors include potentially
interesting regional heritage sites which, suitably supported and promoted, could help
diversify the regional tourism flow.
A government-controlled Tourism Investment Fund was launched in 2014 with the
mission to invest in the Italian tourism industry in primary locations. The fund operates as
a bridge between public assets in need of development and the private real estate market.
Statistical profile
Domestic tourism consumption Inbound tourism consumption Internal tourism consumption
Total .. .. ..
Consumption products .. .. ..
Tourism characteristic products 83 176 29 403 112 580
Accommodation services for visitors 36 275 12 180 48 454
Food and beverage serving services 10 346 6 554 16 899
Passenger transport services 13 166 2 127 15 293
Air passenger transport services 6 648 1 138 7 786
Railways passenger transport services 2 213 216 2 428
Road passenger transport services 2 428 732 3 160
Water passenger transport services 1 877 42 1 919
Passenger transport supporting services .. .. ..
Transport equipment rental services 679 204 883
Travel agencies and other reservation services
6 674 188 6 862
Cultural services 1 256 258 1 513
Sports and recreation services 3 239 896 4 135
Country-specific tourism characteristic goods 11 543 6 997 18 540
Country-specific tourism characteristic services .. .. ..
Other consumption products .. .. ..
Tourism connected products .. .. ..
Non-tourism related consumption products .. .. ..
Non-consumption products .. .. ..
.. Not available
OECD (2016), “Italy”, in OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2016, OECD Publishing, Paris.
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