The Construction of Service-Marketing System Based On Customers' Experience
The Construction of Service-Marketing System Based On Customers' Experience
The Construction of Service-Marketing System Based On Customers' Experience
4 December 2006
Xu Ruiping, Zhang Yujuan/Canadian Social Science Vol.2 No.4 2006 87-92
consumers not only pay more and more money and time the living standard and the quality improved, the
on the entertainment but also have more sense in the consumption need class increases as well. The
process of shopping. The rising of experience customers’ motive of shopping is not to meet the
consumption is mainly due to the following reasons: essential needs any more, but they pay more attention to
A, The development of science-technology; the satisfaction on minds and psychology. The
experiences are the supplier of meet this needs.
The development of modern science-technology makes
the consumers get more and more new experiences such D, The increasing of customers’ free time .
as interaction games, chatting on net and suppositional With the increasing of production efficiency, people
circumstances and so on. Specially, with the emergence have more spare time than before, so they can spend
and development of Internet, it not only supplies more time on entertainments. The ravel industry can
consumers the commutative and personal feeling, but develop with so fast speed mainly because it is a
also it offer them the ideal technology room to industry supply experiences.
communicate with each other. In future, with the
development of technology in every field, it will bring
more convenient and special feeling to consumers.
B, The homogeneity of products and services;
With the competition is more and more severe, and the
speed of information transferring is faster, the products
and services are more homogeneous. The differences in Different scholars have discussed the types of
products capability, security and reliability are less than customers’ experience from distinct point of views.
before. So do the services. Under this condition, the Overseas, there are some famous assortment methods.
basis of consumers’ decisions on purchasing are not the
According to B.Joseph PineⅡ and James H.Gilmore,
competition of capability and price, the customer
experience become the new core value resources of it. the experiences have four types:
entertainment-experience; education-experience;
C, The promotion of customers’ need class ; aesthetics-experience and the experience of avoiding
Referring to Maslow’s the theory of need class, after truth. They are combined to form the personal
meeting the low needs, people will pursue to the high experiences showed as Fig.1.
need class. With the development of society economy,
Entertainment-experience is the experience the the film, so it offer a opportunity for the audiences to get
consumers obtain with their feeling. It is a unilateral the knowledge. The aesthetics experience make
activity. The degree of consumers’ participation is low individuals under some conditions and they have no
such as attending concert and watching football games influence on the conditions such as visiting the art
and so on. The education experience must call for the gallery and enjoying the scenery etc. The experience of
consumers’ active participation in the process because avoiding truth is contrary to entertainment-experience,
they must obtain the knowledge. For example, the the consumers can actively join in the process of the
communicational movie not only let the audiences see a establishment of this experience. Chatting in Internet and
film, but also let them understand the process of directing the network games are the good examples.
Xu Ruiping, Zhang Yujuan/Canadian Social Science Vol.2 No.4 2006 87-92
Refer to Best. H. Smith, the experiences can be relevancy experience. The five parts are called tactic
divided into five kinds: sense experience; emotion experience module showed as Tab.1:
experience; think experience; action experience and
Xu Ruiping, Zhang Yujuan/Canadian Social Science Vol.2 No.4 2006 87-92
According to the analysis of the service factors based staff will get more money. The enterprise should make
on the customers’ experience, we can construct the their staff have the concept of care customers so that the
customer-service-system includes four layers: the object staff would service the customers more honestly.
layer, the management layer, the application layer and The most important thing in this layer is to establish
the feedback layer. the mutual value point. If the enterprise can build a
The object layer includes the customers, the special value point and make the staff accept it, the
middlemen and the suppliers. The major reason of enterprises carry out below thing easily. The staff will
building this system is to service these objects better than express their emotion to the customers more honestly
before. They can feel the service through this system. If and will be more enthusiastic.
they get a good experience, they will spend more on
B, Service the customers circumspectly and supply
service and products more than before. extra service.
The core of this system is the application layer, The difference in service is less than before. But if we
because it is the windows the enterprise faces their
supply more additional service in some extent, the
customers. This layer will inter-touch with the object customers will feel more content so that they will get a
layer. The customers will feel the service and get the
better experience. Moreover, the enterprises must train
good experience from the application layer, and the staff their staff supply service timely. We know that the time is
in the application layer will collect the information from
the money. If the staff service the customers timely, they
the object layer. The functions of this layer are will feel comfortable. With the living speed is faster than
communicating with the customers, identifying the
before, some customers wish to cost more if we supply
customers, touching with them and keep them by their the service timely.
best. We can all this part as function part.
C, Build the comfortable condition to serve the
Specially, in this layer, the enterprise should cultivate
their staff to service customers under above seven factors.
They can establish the standard of these factors the staff Maybe the staff will supply a high quality service, but
should abide by. We can call this part standard part. if the condition is not comfortable, it will influence the
There are some standards the staff should abide by. customers’ experience. The enterprise should analyze the
customers’ preference to make clear what their request
A, Pay attention to the customers on condition. The purpose of building the comfortable
The staff should realize that “the customers are boss”. condition is to make the customers obtain the good
If they can meet the customers’ needs better, the experiences so that the return will increase. The
customers will spend more time and money on shopping, precondition of creating the good situation is to market
then the enterprises will obtain more interest. Then the research.
Xu Ruiping, Zhang Yujuan/Canadian Social Science Vol.2 No.4 2006 87-92
D, The staff should be of good quality. base of supplying a high quality service. The
According to the Panasonic & Company, the people will management layer not only controls the process of
become treasures through training and everyone is of service but also monitors the staff in the application layer.
outstanding characters. The enterprise must develop Furthermore, the management layer will get the
extraordinary characters from a ordinary person. So the information from feedback layer to improve their service
enterprises should improve the staff’s characters in order quality so that attract more customers to join in the
to increase the quality of service. The process of trade is system. Concretely, the management will monitor and
the communication among people in the final analysis. control the touching, communicating, identifying and
So improving the staff’s characters is the good way of keeping the customer i.e. function part. But if there some
increasing the quality of service. The enterprise should standards need to be updated, the management will
abide by a principle: respecting the person. And they convey their orders to the standard part and instruct them
should spend more time and energy on it. IBM thinks how to do directly.
that no matter which position the person in, he or she will The last layer is feedback layer. Its function is
be the resource of producing efficiency. So the enterprise collecting the customers’ information so as to feed them
should their staff set the think idea and the work style back enterprise to increase the management of interior.
accord with them. From the Fig.2, we can get that the feedback layer will
collect the information from the object layer and
E, Build the guarantee and promises of service
application layer, then feedback them to the management
When the customers join in the systems, the enterprises layer. And then the management should increase their
not only supply good experiences for them, but also work according to it. Also, the management layer should
should build the guarantee and promises of service. On let the application layer know what they should improve
the one hand, it will make the customers more secure; on and what problem exist in the process of service. It’s the
the other hand, it is the expression of enterprise culture. assistant layer in the system. We know that if a good
Moreover, the guarantee and promise of service will service system wants to make the customers obtain the
locate the service in person. The staff will be more good experience, they must improve themselves
responsible than before, because the guarantee will continually. The feedback layer plays this role in the
monitor them naturally. system. The enterprises should exert its effects
F, Dispose of the customers’ complaint efficiently.
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Xu Ruiping, Associate Professor, Master’s Degree, School of Business and Industry Management, Xi’an University of
Technology, Xi’an, Shanxi, 710048, P.R. China.
Zheng Yujuan, Postgraduate, School of Business and Industry Management, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an,
Shanxi, 710048, P.R. China. E-mail: