Pratica Atuarial
Pratica Atuarial
Pratica Atuarial
1 9 8 4 VOL. 36
F R A N K G. B U R I A N E K A N D J U D I T H M. R E V E R M A N
Over the past few years many state and local governments and nonprofit
organizations have examined the question of whether they should ter-
minate social security coverage for their employees. One of the first steps
in addressing this issue is to answer the social security "money's-worth"
question: Does social security provide a fair return on dollars contributed?
This paper describes an actuarial model that was developed to answer
this question with reference to a two-wage-earner family. Illustrative ex-
amples of the output from the model are presented based upon the '~of-
ficial" set of projections contained in the 1982 OASDI and HI trustees'
reports ([7], [8]).
The results of any actuarial model are sensitive to the methods and
assumptions utilized. Every effort must be made to select assumptions
(particularly economic forecasts) that will not bias the result. In this paper,
the initial assumptions used are the Alternative II-B assumptions con-
tained in the 1982 OASDI trustees' report [7] for cash benefits, and the
Alternative II-B assumptions in the 1982 H1 trustees' report [8] for hospital
insurance benefits. These assumptions have the advantage of being up-
to-date as well as unbiased (i.e., not selected by either the organization
examining the withdrawal issue or the actuary performing the analysis).
Alternative calculations are frequently developed based on assumptions
thought to be more appropriate to the employees of a particular organi-
zation. The Alternative II-B assumptions are described in Appendix III.
An important assumption that underlies any money's-worth projection
is whether or not the system itself will be changed. This is particularly
important here since, under the Alternative II-B assumptions, both OASDI
and HI are out of balance (i.e., future benefits are greater than future tax
receipts). The model presented herein does not anticipate any future ben-
efit or tax changes. If the model shows that the typical employee will not
receive his or her money's worth from social security, then it is more
than likely that any future changes in the system would not reverse this
relationship (benefits will have to be reduced or taxes increased for the
system to become balanced). On the other hand, if the typical employee
will receive his or her money's worth from the system, then the fact that
the system is out of balance clouds the issue. The attitude of the orga-
nization and its employees toward the system will come into play.
The model takes into account the major benefits provided under social
security: retirement, disability, death, and medicare. It does not consider
"special" benefits such as those payable to aged parents, lump-sum death
benefits, or benefit losses due to divorce or remarriage.
The results obtained from this model are highly influenced by the ac-
tuarial assumptions used. Because of the nature of the money's-worth
question, primary.considerations in the selection of assumptions are that
they be objective and relevant.
Objectivity means that the assumptions should stand up to scrutiny by
anyone reviewing the results. They should not be chosen to bias the results
either way.
Relevance means that it is not enough for the assumptions to be ap-
propriate in the "aggregate," as ERISA requires under its pension-funding
rules. Because the results will frequently be distributed to the employees
involved, and because these individuals cannot be expected to understand
the offsetting effects of implicit assumptions, each assumption by itself
must appear reasonable to a layman.
Economic Assumptions
The economic assumptions used are most often subject to scrutiny. In
order to satisfy the conditions of objectivity and relevance, the economic
assumptions first applied are usually those used in the 1982 OASDI trust-
ees' report [7] (Alternative II-B). As the "official" assumptions, and as
those most frequently quoted, they pass the objectivity test. They also
satisfy the relevance criterion since, based on recent levels of inflation
and interest rates, the assumptions over the next decade are quite
TO be c o m p a t i b l e with this set of a s s u m p t i o n s , the average H I m o n t h l y
p r e m i u m rate i n c r e a s e s were d e v e l o p e d from the i n t e r m e d i a t e set of as-
s u m p t i o n s in the 1982 H I t r u s t e e s ' report [8] ( A l t e r n a t i v e II-B). As a first
step in d e v e l o p i n g the p r o j e c t i o n s , the m o n t h l y health i n s u r a n c e p r e m i u m
rate effective o n July 1 was d e t e r m i n e d for each year from 1981 through
2006. T h e rate a p p l i c a b l e d u r i n g the first six m o n t h s of a c a l e n d a r year
was averaged with the rate a p p l i c a b l e during the last half of the c a l e n d a r
year, a n d the c o r r e s p o n d i n g i n c r e a s e in the average HI m o n t h l y p r e m i u m
rate was d e t e r m i n e d .
This t e c h n i q u e p r o d u c e d a d e c l i n i n g s e q u e n c e of i n c r e a s e s with the rate
in the year 2004 e q u a l to 8.3 p e r c e n t . To e x t e n d the table further, two
choices are available. First, a n u l t i m a t e rate of 8 p e r c e n t can be projected
b e g i n n i n g in the y e a r 2005. While this would p r o d u c e a s m o o t h t r a n s i t i o n
to the u l t i m a t e rate, it w o u l d i m p l y that health care costs will f o r e v e r be
in e x c e s s of the i n c r e a s e in wages. This is not a totally u n r e a s o n a b l e
a s s u m p t i o n , c o n s i d e r i n g that historically hospital costs have risen faster
than either wages or inflation. Table l c o m p a r e s historical i n c r e a s e s in
hospital costs with i n c r e a s e s in average wages a n d inflation. A n o t h e r
m e t h o d , w h i c h m a y s e e m m o r e r e a s o n a b l e , would be to a s s u m e that
hospital cost i n c r e a s e s e v e n t u a l l y will be the same as i n c r e a s e s in average
Calendar Average CPI Inpatient
Year Wages Hospital
1956-65.. 3.7% 1.6% 10.4%
1966 . . . . . 5.7 3.0 11.7
1967 . . . . . 5.5 2.8 18.6
1968 . . . . . 6.4 4.2 16.5
1969 . . . . . 6.7 5.4 18.4
1970 . . . . . 4.9 5.9 16.8
1971 . . . . . 4.9 4.3 13.7
1972 . . . . . 7.3 3.3 13.5
1973 . . . . . 6.9 6.2 10.1
1974 .... 7.4 I 1.0 14.5
1975 .... 6.6 9.1 18.7
1976 .... 8.2 5.8 15.7
1977 .... 8.0 6.5 13.6
1978 .... 8.2 7.6 12.7
1979 .... 8.8 I1.1 12.7
1980 .... 8.6 13.5 16.6
SOURCE.--Table AI in the 1982 HI trustees" report [8].
The actuarial model has been developed to handle three distinct types
of family units in arriving at the present value of future benefits.
Single Worker
The first and simplest case is the analysis for an individual who is
unmarried. An unmarried individual is assumed to have no children. Al-
though this may not be reasonable considering the increase in the divorce
rate over the past few years, it does simplify the calculations. For a single
worker, retirement benefits, disability benefits, and medicare benefits are
Case I :
Basic benefits .............. $400 $200 $300 $150
Marginal benefits ........... 250 0
C a s e 2:
Basic benefits .............. 200 ~ 100 400 200
Marginal benefits ........... 0 0
C a s e 3:
Basic benefits .............. 400 200 100 50
Marginal benefits ........... 350 100
NOTES - - R B , ( w ) = r e t i r e m e n t b e n e f i t p a y a b l e in y e a r t to w o r k e r b a s e d o n o w n earnings
r e c o r d ; RB,(s) = r e t i r e m e n t benefit p a y a b l e in y e a r t to s p o u s e b a s e d o n o w n earnings
r e c o r d ; RB,(w) ~0°. . . . r e t i r e m e n t b e n e f i t p a y a b l e in y e a r t to s p o u s e f r o m w o r k e r ' s earnings
r e c o r d ; RB,(s) ~oo. . . . r e t i r e m e n t benefit p a y a b l e in y e a r t to w o r k e r f r o m s p o u s e ' s earnings
Since so many hospital employees are female secondary wage earners
with a spouse covered under the social security system, this type of
analysis is quite important.
In addition to the retirement benefit offset, the model also offsets ben-
efits payable to the worker from the death of a spouse.
In the disability area, no benefit offsets are considered. This limits the
analysis, but because of the relative insignificance of disability benefits,
this simplification does not materially distort the results. With respect to
death benefits, the only offset that takes place deals with the retirement
benefit payable to the spouse based on his or her own earnings record.
In the medicare area, full recognition is made of the fact that the worker
can qualify for a benefit based on the spouse's earnings record when the
spouse retires. Again, because of the significant value of medicare ben-
efits, this refinement is essential.
I. The 1978 calculations utilize only the OASDI tax rates, while the 1982 calcu-
lations include the HI tax rates.
2. The 1978 calculations do not include any hospital insurance (medicare) benefits,
while the 1982 calculations do include these benefits.
3. The 1978 calculations include lump-sum death benefits, while the 1982 calcu-
lations do not.
4. The 1978 calculations include the death benefits payable to a surviving spouse
after retirement with the value of old-age benefits, while the 1982 calculations
include the surviving spouse benefits with the other death benefits.
Median Maximum
Earnings Earnings
The results from Tables 3 and 5 are more compatible. This is because
after twenty years of coverage under the social security system, the work-
ers in both situations have already earned most of their eventual social
security benefits.
Nichols and Schreitmueller conclude in their paper [3] that with few ex-
ceptions a two-wage-earner family will generally receive their money's-
worth in relation to their contributions, because each earner will receive at
least the benefits payable to an unmarried worker. While this may be true,
the marginal benefits to be gained by coverage for the second earner will
not be worth the combined employee-employer taxes. This has been a pri-
mary motivation behind the significant increase in withdrawal activity over
the past few years.
case, but rather to point out the considerations involved in analyzing the
question. The model expands upon traditional calculations by partially
taking into account benefits payable to a worker based on a spouse's
earnings record in a two-wage-earner family, and by including a proxy
for the hospital insurance benefits payable under the medicare program.
(Dollar figures are present values at January I, 1982)
s,s, I s32,
Male Worker
1. Retirement Benefits
x, = Worker's current age;
x2 = Spouse's current age;
t! = Worker's age in year t;
t2 = S p o u s e ' s age in year t;
l. = Entry from active life table;
RB,(w) Retirement benefit payable in year t to worker based on
own earnings record;
RB,(s) = Retirement benefit payable in year t to spouse based on
own earnings record;
RB,(w)spo, sc = Retirement benefit payable in year t to spouse from work-
e r ' s earnings record;
RB,(s)sp ousc = Retirement benefit payable in year t to worker from spouse's
earnings record;
DBI(s) = Death benefit payable in year t to worker from s p o u s e ' s
earnings record if spouse died in year s.
Single worker: benefit valued during year t is
1~, RB,(w).
1. Worker retires at age 65; spouse retires at first eligible age, but not
before worker.
2. Benefits payable based on the spouse's earnings record as a result
of the spouse becoming disabled are not considered.
3. Benefit adjustments to reflect age when payments began and in-
creases in the C o n s u m e r Price Index are not explicitly shown but are part
of the symbol RB or DB.
4. No w o r k e r ' s benefit is reduced to a negative value after offsetting
by the s p o u s e ' s benefit.
2. Disability Benefits
xt = Worker's current age;
x2 = S p o u s e ' s current age;
y, = Worker's age in year of disability (s) before age 65;
t, = Worker's age in year t;
t2 = S p o u s e ' s age in year t;
lo = Entry from active life table;
Ii = Entry from disabled life table;
lB,(w) = Disability benefit payable in year t based on w o r k e r ' s earn-
ings record if disability occurred in year s.
I f there is at least one child under age 16, benefit valued during year t is
,'X", ~, L\under age 16 ,/ IX", "
If there are no children under age 16 and t2 >/62, benefit valued during
year t is
• ,
ty~ l,,+___2IBf(w)
[ I + I,=/reduction
./s ouse's ?
Ix", I~,, lx"2\ f a c t o r /J
number°f ) +/'~:]}
li~, \children under age 16 ~: •
If death occurs while active and y, < 65, there are no children under age
16, and t2 >/60, benefit valued during year t is
o fspouse's'~
d~°' OB;(w) l,~ | r e d u c t i o n S .
;~, 1~2\ f a c t o r /
If death occurs while disabled and there is at least one child under age
16, benefit valued during year t is
d~., DBI(w)
0.75 ( n u m b e r of
\children under age 16
l~J J"
If death occurs while disabled, there are no children under age 16, and
t2 ~> 60, benefit valued during year t is
/ s p o u s e ' s '~
d~---a'DB,(w) l'°" | r e d u c t i o n S .
i~, 1~, \ f a c t o r /
4. Medicare Benefits
x, = Worker's current age;
x2 = S p o u s e ' s current age;
y, = Worker's age in year of disability or death (s) before age 65;
t, = Worker's age in year t;
tz= S p o u s e ' s age in year t;
l~= Entry from active life table;.
l' = Entry from disabled life table;
MP, = Medicare premium payable in year t.
Disabled participant when t, t> y, + 2: benefit valued during year t is
Deceased participant's spouse when t2 t> 65: benefit valued during year
t is
1" +
dq - - M P , .
Retired participant with spouse not eligible for a benefit on own earnings
record when t2 1> 65: benefit valued during year is
1. Economic Assumptions
The annual percentage increase in average wages in covered employ-
ment, the Consumer Price Index, and the annual interest rate are taken
from the 1982 OASDI trustees' report [7] intermediate set of economic
assumptions (Alternative II-B). The average HI monthly premium rates
YEAR Average Wages Consumer
Monthly RATE
in Covered Price
Employment Index
2. Noneconomic Assumptions
Mortality rates for healthy individuals are taken from the UP-1984 Table
[1], unadjusted for males and set back five years for females.
Mortality rates for disabled individuals are taken from tables used by
the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to value benefits for individuals
in receipt of social security disability benefits for plans that terminated
on or after September 2, 1974, and before December 1, 1980.
No mortality is assumed for children.
Disability rates of incidence are taken from Actuarial Study No. 81,
"Experience of Disabled-Worker Benefits under OASDI, 1974-78" [6],
and are based on a 1977 calendar year of entitlement.
No recovery rates are dssumed.
Expenses of administration are disregarded.
R e t i r e m e n t is a s s u m e d at a g e 65 f o r a w o r k e r . S p o u s e s r e t i r e at t h e f i r s t
eligible age, but not before the worker.
I. FELLERS, WILLIAM W., and JACKSON, PAUL H. " N o n - i n s u r e d Pension Mor-
tality: T h e UP-1984 Table," PCAPP, X X V (1975-76), 4 5 6 - 5 0 2 .
2. MYERS, ROBERT J. Social.Security. 2d ed. H o m e w o o d , I11.: Richard D. Irwin,
3. NICHOLS, ORLO R., and SCHREITMUELLER, RICHARD G. Some Comparisons of the
Value of a Worker's Social Securily Taxes and Benefits. Actuarial Note No. 95. U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration, Of-
rice of the Actuary, April 1978.
4. Report o f the National Commission on Social Security Reform, January, 1983.
Washington, D.C.: N a t i o n a l C o m m i s s i o n on Social Security Reform.
5. ROBERTSON, A. HAEWORTH. The Coming Revolution in Social Security.
M c L e a n , Va.: Security Press, 1981.
6. SCHOBEL, BRUCE D. Experience o f Disabled-Worker Benefits under OASDI,
1974-78. Actuarial Study No. 81. U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h and H u m a n
Services, Office of the Actuary, April 1980.
7. U.S. H o u s e of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . C o m m i t t e e on Ways and M e a n s . 1982 Annual
Report, Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance
Trust Funds. H o u s e D o c u m e n t No. 97-163, April 1982.
8. U.S. H o u s e of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . C o m m i t t e e on Ways and M e a n s . 1982 Annual
Report o f the Board o f Trustees o f the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund.
H o u s e D o c u m e n t No. 97-166, April 1982.
R O B E R T F. L I N K :
There are at least two reasons for interest in the social security money's-
worth question. First, "money's-worth" may be a criterion in the design of
social security (witness a recent Advisory Council proposal to increase ben-
efits to assure that an unmarried, high-income person could expect money's-
worth for his own FICA tax). Second, information on this subject may be
useful to individuals or groups facing choices involving their future social
security coverage.
This paper, which mainly addresses the second reason, is a useful addition
to the literature. The authors define money's-worth as " a fair return for
dollars contributed," using actuarial present values and thus taking appli-
cable interest into account. This seems to be the correct approach.
These authors have used the employee tax as "dollars contributed." They
and others who take this approach go on to say that those who prefer the
total tax may easily multiply the ratios by two. I think that looking at only
the employee tax is an incomplete view. I'd rather see the emphasis go
toward the combined tax.
How about money's-worth for the whole system? Can cohorts of current
contributors expect it? This question could be answered using Social Security
Administration data. Even without doing calculations, there are reasons to
expect a money's-worth shortfall.
This view is suggested by considering a stationary population model.
Elaborate on the model to include stationary assumptions on some additional
factors: age at entry into the labor force, age at retirement, levels of real
income, and the provisions of the system itself. In this model, one sees that
the benefits for a cohort are about equal to the taxes of the cohort. Without
the inclusion of interest, there is a money's-worth shortfall.
What changes in this model might cause the benefits for a cohort to exceed
the taxes of the cohort? The following are some possibilities:
1. System immaturity, such that some getting full benefits will not have a record of full
2. Benefit increases (a special form of system immaturity).
3. Sustained population growth.
4. Sustained growth in rates of real compensation.
This list assumes that other factors are of lesser strength and that inflation
hits both sides and cancels out. Also, it assumes that we count all sources
of income to the system as contributions, that is, general revenue infusions.
There is little doubt that these factors have tilted the equation toward or
beyond a collective money's-worth for past generations. Can collective mon-
ey's-worth prevail in the future? Probably there is not much scope for future
ad hoc benefit increases. Population and pay levels may have significant
potential for long-term growth. But almost certainly, there will be times
when the necessary conditions do not exist.
If approval of our system depends on the existence of a collective mon-
ey's-worth state, we probably must withdraw our approval. This is a back-
ward way of saying that such a criterion is not appropriate for the system
as a whole (any more than it would be for income or other taxes). If we try
to meet critics of our system on their own money's-worth ground, we deserve
to lose the argument.
Entirely different money's-worth criteria should be applied to our kind of
system. Do most of the funds get used for the stated purposes of the system?
Is it efficient? We must answer yes. We are getting out what we put in. Is
American society generally pleased with the results of this redistribution of
purchasing power, in comparison with the expected -results of any alternative
system or no system? The opinion surveys seem to indicate more satisfaction
than dissatisfaction, but there is no developed and examined alternative for
It would be pleasing to see some serious discussion of alternatives. The
thoughts of A. Haeworth Robertson deserve study: "Not in the spirit of,
'This won't work for the following reasons.' Rather, 'How could we fix it
so it would w o r k ? ' " If we could, would it be worth considering?'" Such
study might lead to desirable changes. Or it might give us renewed confi-
dence in what we have. Without such study, we can expect a continuation
of quick fixes. The time for study is before there is an emergency.
This excellent paper discusses one of the more complex and interesting
problems of recent years. Mr. Burianek and Ms. Reverman have set a good
example for other consulting actuaries whose best work sometimes goes
Since early 1983, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations and governmental
employers have not been allowed to terminate social security coverage. Thus
the money's-worth question analyzed in the paper is less pressing as the
authors anticipated in their conclusion. There will be some ongoing interest
among these governmental employers who are outside social security and
can opt in.
Money's-worth questions of continuing interest to the general public in-
volve benefit/tax comparison for workers already covered. This-is true for
the young especially but also the old, men and women, married and un-
married, and so forth. Some would say that comparisons of benefits versus
taxes for such groups are totally irrelevant, because social security is a
transfer program in which one's own taxes pay for someone else's current
benefits. Despite this, because payroll taxes finance social security, we agree
with the authors that money's-worth questions will always be of interest to
individuals covered by the program.
Some students of social security argue that the public should not care
about workers' benefits versus taxes. The fact is that many workers perceive
payroll taxes as the price they pay for coverage. By paying taxes during
their working years, they earn the right to get benefits later. No one likes
to pay taxes, so naturally they care about getting benefits with a value at
least equal to their taxes plus interest. Another public concern in whether
any government program might be handled better by the private sector. This
concern was evident long before the current conservative trend.
Benefit/tax comparisons under the present social security law are so com-
plex that one can set up comparisons and assumptions to "prove" that just
about any group either gains or loses. At times our political system seems
to encourage a divide-and-conquer approach to forming public opinion, in
which social security money's-worth comparisons may play a role in uniting
diverse groups to support or oppose program features.
Actuaries have generally behaved responsibly toward money's-worth stud-
ies, avoiding biased and misleading comparisons. Other analysts sometimes
develop money's-worth figures to support ideological arguments. We do not
live in an ideal world where facts sell themselves on their own merits. One
challenge for actuaries regarding money's-worth is to remain objective in
choosing methods and assumptions. Then we avoid bias in our own work
and gain the ability to speak fairly about the work of others. In that spirit,
we can all learn from this paper.
An analysis under present law would have to consider two recent provi-
sions: the income tax payable on part of social security cash benefits and
the windfall provisions applicable to workers who receive pensions based
on noncovered employment. The tax on benefits can best be treated as a
benefit reduction for the people affected, provided that any comparison with
an alternative program is done on an after-tax basis. This may complicate
the analysis. The effect of the windfall provision is to scale back the first
step of the benefit formula from the usual 90 percent to 40 percent, thus
reducing the primary insurance amount for a typical noncovered worker by
50 percent of the first bend point. While this is the typical result, special
transitional cases involve workers who (1) have substantial social-security-
covered earnings over more than twenty-five years, (2) get only small pen-
sions from their noncovered employment, or (3) reach the noncovered em-
ployer's retirement age before 1990. This windfall provision makes it less
attractive for a public employer to remain outside social security.
One should be careful in raising the authors' question: "How much will
it cost to replace the benefits provided by the social security system?" No
alternative arrangement will fully replace the OASDI benefits, or the HI
benefits, and to suggest otherwise would seem to raise expectations unduly.
It is gratifying to see the paper call the intermediate assumptions of the
trustees report "up-to-date as well as unbiased (i.e., not selected by either
the organization examining the withdrawal issue or the actuary performing
the analysis)," and "quite believable" as to inflation and interest rates over
the next decade. From our viewpoint as well, these assumptions appear
unbiased for purposes of money's-worth comparisons because they were
chosen by the trustees to analyze a more fundamental issue, the adequacy
of financing. Because money's-worth comparisons are often a takeoff point
for defending or attacking provisions of the existing program, a model de-
vised mainly for the purpose of analyzing the money's-worth issue is suspect
until proven otherwise.
The authors' model did not allow for any future benefit or tax changes.
This although just before the 1983 amendments were enacted, the long-range
income to the OASDI program was projected to cover only about 90 percent
of the long-range benefits. As a practical matter, the authors had little choice
but to assume continuation of the law in effect at the time. Accordingly, as
the paper points out, the issue would be clouded if the typical employee
stood to get his or her money's-worth from the program then in effect.
Something obviously had to be changed, and either higher scheduled taxes
or lower scheduled benefits would make the benefits appear less favorable
relative to the taxes. A general principle can be stated. If under a given set
of assumptions the social security program is underfinanced, those assump-
tions will tend to show overly favorable benefit/tax comparisons which imply
that the program will survive long enough to deliver those benefits in ex-
change for those taxes. This principle is recognized in the paper.
To estimate social security benefits to be earned in the future, each em-
ployee in the paper was assumed to have an unbroken work record with
future pay following the projected national wage trend. This is normal prac-
tice for a pension benefit design study where emphasis is on the career
employee and ancillary benefits can be analyzed separately. For social se-
curity comparisons, this assumption seems to assign no value to the disa-
bility-freeze and dropout-year provisions, thus understating the benefit/tax
ratios somewhat. Similarly, nothing is included for administering the alter-
native set of benefits, although the payroll taxes cover social security ad-
ministrative costs. On the other hand, there seems to be no turnover assumption
and introducing one would make terminating social security coverage look
more attractive. These are minor points which illustrate that even a sophis-
ticated model will typically cut some comers compared to the Social Security
Administration methods.
The authors did well to include an analysis of employees with working
spouses and of medicare. This went beyond earlier published actuarial stud-
ies. The Social Security Administration practice has traditionally been to
publish actuarial money's-worth studies quite conservatively, sticking to areas
where the technology is well-developed, and remaining silent at times when
the long-range financing is out of balance.
We wish to thank each of the four discussants for their comments on our
paper. They raised issues which should be considered in connection with
any analysis of the social security money's-worth issue.
Mr. Link appropriately points out that there is more than one way to
answer the money's-worth question. Each of these other viewpoints is wor-
thy of study.
We hope that those responsible for the social security system will heed
his advice and recognize that the most appropriate time for study of the
system is when an emergency is not imminent. Perhaps now that the 1983
amendments have been adopted there will be a "window of opportunity"
during which the basic design of the system can be examined and desirable
changes can be enacted without the threat of impending default on benefit
Mr. Young raises two particular criticisms of the paper. He first questions