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Micromag Issue1

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Issue 1

July 2018

The Unofficial micro:bit

Community Magazine

You can now loan a micro:bit as you would a
book in hundreds of UK libraries.

Skulls or Snakes?
Build your own micro:bit
reaction game.
micro:bit Radio
Learn how to use the
micro:bits onboard radio
EXCLUSIVE functions
Meet the micro:bit
in Wonderland Who are the people behind the
micro:bit foundation?
Hello World! Contributors:
Hello and welcome to the first issue of micro:mag. This is the Kerry Kidd
unofficial micro:bit magazine for the community run by the Archie Roques
community. Joshua Lowe
Les Pounder
The micro:bit community has been awesome with the support Tracy Gardner
they have given us already offering to write articles for us and Elbrie De Kock
working with us from day one to create this amazing issue. Chris Penn
Gareth Stockdale
I would also like to thank the Micro:bit Foundation for Michael Rimicans
supporting us and working alongside us from the start. Keep Mr Zbit
reading to hear more from the team at the Foundation and how Tina Fountain
they plan on updating us in the future. Mark Vanstone
Niels Swinkels
If you’d like to write something for a future issue of micro:mag Micro:bit
please get in touch at hello@micromag.cc Foundation

-Kerry Kidd

Contact us!
Meet the team We love it when our readers get
in touch with us, whether that’s
Kerry Kidd to help contribute to the
Kerry is a freelance magazine, show us your cool
programmer/educator who enjoys projects, or just say hello
writing tutorials and tinkering with - we are a friendly bunch, so
the micro:bit say hi!

Archie Roques
Archie makes lots of different hello@micromag.cc
things, from circuit boards to Twitter:
tables. Some of them even work!
Joshua Lowe micromag.cc
Josh is a young coder, creator of
the Edublocks tool for micro:bit,
and has done lots of workshops
around the world.
needs you!
All of our content is written and
provided by community members.
We’re really keen to hear from anyone
who would like to contribute to the
magazine, whether you’re a seasoned
writer or just want to have a go.

Get in touch!

Liverpool Makefest
6 Annual maker event returns

Young Coders Meetup

7 A new initiative sets up campaign Hear from the authors of
micro:bits in Libraries micro:bit
1 in this
8 Now in hundreds of UK libraries micro:mag exclusive interview!

Boring Article 1
micro:bit in Wonderland
11 Exclusive
17 Build
interview with the authors
a GUI for your micro:bit

We review Pimoroni’s brand
:make new micro:bit add-ons, pin:bit
and scroll:bit
micro:bit + Minecraft Pi
20 Control Minecraft with your micro:bit
Sending radio messages
25 Send messages to another micro:bit

Hide and seek a micro:bit

29 Make a fun hide and seek game

:news Other Articles
You can now loan micro:bits
from hundreds of libraries across 9 Simple steps to create a fun game. 33
the UK. We hear from the project
leader on how the scheme is Message of support
Gareth Stockdale on micro:mag. 35
Page Get to know who’s behind micro:bit 36
8 in:schools
micro:bits in Venezuela

Pimoroni pin:bit
micro:hit A simple micro:bit breakout board 39
Pimoroni scroll:bit
A bigger LED display for the micro:bit 41
In the first of our regular series,
Les Pounder helps us take
decisions with our micro:bit
If you’d like to contribute a
project, tutorial or article,
send us an email at
Page hello@micromag.cc. We

33 look forward to your

Written by your micro:mag
:news editorial team

Liverpool Makefest
Set to return to Liverpool
Central Library.
The annual Liverpool Makefest is returning for its 5th year
where it will see hundreds of makers celebrating making
and showing off different projects to the public in Liverpool.
This year’s exhibitor list ranges from
Josh says: glass-blowing to Code Club to lacemaking,
“I have been to this event every along with plenty of micro:bit action from
year. At Liverpool Makefest there is the Foundation and other community
something for all the family to members.
enjoy and it’s an event I always look
Liverpool Makefest is on Saturday 31st
forward to.” June 2018 from 9 am to 5 pm at Liverpool
Joshua Lowe Central Library, William Brown Street,
Liverpool. Tickets can be acquired from
Now in its fifth year, Liverpool Makefest Eventbrite: go.micromag.cc/lmf88ca6
is once again returning to Liverpool
Central Library where around a thousand The Makefest team are also looking for
people will gather to celebrate making volunteers - you can sign up to help at
and show off each others’ projects. go.micromag.cc/lmv685d

The event is packed with fun for all ages,

whether you’re running a stall, a
workshop or even just popping in for a
look around, there is something for you
to enjoy.

Entry to the event is free, and there are

five floors in Liverpool’s iconic Central
Library packed full of makers each with
something unique to show.
EduBlocks’ stand at MakeFest in 2017.
Picture: Josh Lowe
Written by your micro:mag news:
editorial team

Femi’s back again!

Young Coders Meetup
campaign launched.
After a successful Young Coders Conference back in
February, Femi Owolade-Coombes launches his new
campaign to roll out a number of Young Coders Meetups
across the UK.
If your an active member of the micro:bit
“We want to set up monthly MeetUps
community, chances are you will have
for young coders providing an
heard of 12 year old Femi
inclusive & youth-led community for
Owolade-Coombes. Femi is an
inspirational young person who goes out 10-16 yr olds to learn, collaborate &
into the community across the world to network together-featuring talks &
spread the word about inclusive workshops of their choice.”
environments for coders and more
Building upon the success of the
recently, raising awareness of the Young
conference, Femi along with the South
Coders Community.
London Raspberry Jam team have
launched their latest campaign to roll out
In February, Femi and the South London
Young Coders meetups across the UK.
Raspberry Jam team ran their first Young
These meetups will be run by young
Coders Conference, where 12 lucky young
people, for young people giving young
people were selected to be trained on how
coders the chance to share their
to run micro:bit workshops and deliver
knowledge with others, this is something
them to the public.
that is important in order for young
people to gain confidence in the coding

Campaign Link:
:news Michael Rimicans
Michael has been tinkering with
the micro:bit since it's release
and using it for cool things. He's
a STEM ambassador, Code Club
Pictures from Les Pounder. heeed.net

micro:bits in Libraries
Michael is giving us some insight into the micro:bit in
libraries scheme.
By this time the Huddersfield Raspberry
“The Raspberry Pi Foundation claimed the Jam had been in operation for two years
'First to give away a computer free on a and, as usually happens eventually, there
magazine' with the Pi Zero, micro:bits in was a staff change which resulted in me
libraries appear to have become the first togetting an invite to a meeting with my
loan out: free of charge, a computer board new library contact.
in the same way a library book can be I walked into the meeting room to meet
borrowed, allowing access to technology to for the first time Amy Hearn and Kirstie
everyone.” Wilson, two of the development librarians
for Kirklees, who were curious to find out
what it was all about and could anything
One of the aims of the micro:bit was to
be used to support a Family Learning
enable young people to have access to a
Festival the library had planned.
simple computer board that enabled
them to learn the basics of computing
After explaining about the Jam in general
and physical computing. Initially, the
and, as it was now generally available for
board was to be given free of charge to all
purchase, I mentioned the micro:bit.
Year 7 children in 2016 with a follow up
Kirstie and Amy admitted that they had
general public release shortly after.

heard of it and were curious. The Meitiner, who at the time was the
micro:bit website and the block editor International Program Manager and
was quickly opened on the laptop and instrumental in getting the foundation
after a few minutes playing around a further involved. The idea then
discussion began as to how they could be snowballed, using Kirklees Libraries as a
used with the existing library computers template, to involve other library
in the festival. authorities around England with Amy
being the point of contact for the requests.
It was then I mentioned that as the
micro:bit was relatively low cost then After a series of meetings a set of trial
the library could "...could also buy some library authorities, Blackpool, Coventry,
to loan out like books". It seemed that a Newcastle and Southend each received a
light bulb went ping above the table with set of micro:bit and, where possible, put in
both Amy and Kirstie intrigued by the touch with local support. In Blackpool, this
opportunities this could present. was Les Pounder and in the South-East,
Andy from Southend Tech provided
A few weeks later I received an email support whilst also being part of the
from Amy informing me that forty development process. It was up to the
micro:bit had been purchased and were library how they were to be used.
being added to the library catalogue for
general lending and could some sessions Feedback from these trial deployments
be carried out as part of the learning were positive and a further batch of
festival. These sessions were two hours micro:bit sets were made available from
long and held at four local libraries the foundation. This allowed for a further
which each received a set of ten of set of libraries to be supplied with
micro:bits to lend out. The sessions were micro:bit. By this time the scheme had
well received and there was a quick started to be talked about on social media
uptake of micro:bit being taken home. with the hashtag #microbitsinlibraries
being quickly settled upon and became the
With all this activity being tweeted it name for the scheme. It was then made
was eventually noticed by the micro:bit possible for library authorities to register
educational foundation and by Philip

their interest in the scheme and Libraries appear to have become the first
eventually receive a pack of micro:bit to loan out, free of charge, a computer
for use in their libraries. board in the same way a library book can
be borrowed allowing access to technology
Now, a year later, the scheme has to everyone.
supplied micro:bit packs to nearly a
thousand libraries in the England with
Want to Know More?
plans for expansion into the rest of the You can find out more about the
UK and similar schemes starting to micro:bit in Libraries at
appear in eastern Europe. Whilst the
Raspberry Pi Foundation claimed the
go.micromag.cc/lib477f7. You
'First to give away a computer free on a can also find out how to get your
magazine' with the Pi Zero, micro:bits In library involved too.

Do you make micro:bit

The micro:mag team are looking for
products to review for future issues. If
you would like us to consider
reviewing your product, get in touch

micro:bit in
We interviewed Elbrie de Kock
and Dr Tracy Gardner about
their micro:bit activity book
About the makers:
We got the chance to
interview the authors of Dr Tracy Gardner
micro:bit in Wonderland, Tracy has a Computer Science PhD, and
a micro:bit activity book has worked as a software engineer and
for kids. Here’s what software architect, including working for
they had to say…. 10 years at IBM. Tracy used to teach
What inspired you to Computing to Key Stage 2 children (aged
write micro:bit in 7-11), and now focuses on introducing
technology to the next generation as a
director of Tech Age Kids. She also
Tracy: I was teaching Computing
develops educational content for the
to upper key stage 2 and the school
Raspberry Pi Foundation, has 2 children,
couldn’t afford new resources. I
and volunteers at a Code Club and Coder
managed to borrow some
micro:bits and honestly I thought
the black with red LEDs Elbrie de Kock
combination looked a bit harsh Elbrie de Kock has an Interior Design
and wanted to make them degree and has worked in a number of
engaging. I couldn’t find any different industries as a designer and
materials at the time that were digital marketer. Elbrie has three children,
inspiring so I decided to create and her eldest son’s passion for computer
some in my own time and I got a programming inspired her to find
bit carried away! opportunities for kids to learn to code.
She uses her creative background and
Elbrie: Tracy told me about her
newly developed technology skills to
lessons and showed me the
create projects that combine craft, coding
projects she created and I was
and electronics. Elbrie is a director of
immediately hooked. The maker
Tech Age Kids and organises creative
elements and licence to be creative
technology events for children and
got my attention and I knew we
families. She volunteers at a Code Club
had to share the projects with
and founded the local CoderDojo.
more children.

The book features projects inspired by things in Lewis Carroll’s book Alice’s Adventures
in Wonderland
Picture: Elbrie and Tracy / Tech Age Kids

What kind of research did you What was the biggest challenge
do, and how long did you spend you came across when writing
researching before beginning the book?
the book? T: The biggest challenge for me was to
T: Before beginning the projects, none make the book increase in complexity
really! I just came up with the idea and while also following the story in order and
created the first project. But, I was already keeping the costs of the materials used
familiar with Lewis Carroll and Alice and low. Lots of constraints that all needed to
had experience working with the be balanced.
micro:bit at Code Club / The Raspberry Pi
Foundation where I also work. I was also E: We really wanted the book to be
familiar with the national curriculum for accessible to non-technical adults and
Computing. children. I don’t have a background in
technology so it was a challenge for me to
T&E: Before deciding to write more come to grips with the concepts and then
projects and turn them into a book, we did find ways to present it through words and
lots of research. In particular, we read all graphics for others.
about Lewis Carroll and the Victorian How long (roughly) did it take
history of technology. The Victorians were you to write the book?
real innovators and their discoveries T&E: That’s a tricky question because it
inspired many aspects of the book. was done in between other work. It was
roughly 9 months from the first idea to
the published book.
Is there any particular author 14
or book that influenced you in What was your favourite part
any way to writing micro:bit in of the book to write and why?
Wonderland? T: For me, it was the ‘Bit of History’

T&E: We’d have to say, Charles Dodgson, sections. I think it’s really important that

the mathematician who used Lewis we understand where today’s technology

Carroll as a pen name for his children’s came from. It didn’t just appear from
books. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland nowhere! The rate of invention in the
is packed with creativity and also linked Victorian age was amazing.
to logic, one of his professional interests.
E: I made all the projects for the book and
Dodgson also loved technology, he was an
did the photography and graphics. The
early adopter of photography.
task really played to my strengths and I
loved getting creative. Tracy had to hold
me back at times. We could’ve done so
much more, but wanted to leave room for
others to get creative. The ‘Make it yours’
sections of the book is my favourite,
where we give the readers and makers
licence to be creative.

Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice’s

Adventures in Wonderland, was
actually called Charles Dodgson, and
was a mathematician and logic
expert at Oxford University. He told
the Alice in Wonderland stories to a
young friend of his called Alice, and
later wrote them down for others to
Images: Public Domain read.

Learn about programmable electronics

Picture: Elbrie and Tracy / Tech Age Kids

How did you get involved in looked back. It’s the most creative
industry I have worked in and I love
learning new skills all the time.
T: When I was 10 we got a Sinclair
Spectrum computer and I learned to How did you come up with the
program in BASIC. I studied Maths &
Computing at university followed by a
Computer Science PhD. I spent my career T&E: The title micro:bit in Wonderland
in industry, most of it at IBM, before was quite easy, but the subtitle ‘Coding
getting involved in children’s education and Craft with the BBC micro:bit’ was
once I had children myself. harder, we wanted to emphasise that the
book is about making stuff that includes
E: My dad worked with computers but as a technology but isn’t just about
child, I never took much of an interest. In technology.
fact, I remember one day I was
hand-crafting a school project, and my
dad said I could use a computer to do
some of the work. I told him, I will never
use them! Years later, my son (now an
adult) took a great interest in computer
programming. In an effort to support his
learning, I got involved in the technology
industry and have never

Learn how to sew e-textiles and make interactive projects

Picture: Elbrie and Tracy / Tech Age Kids

Tell us about your other work coming out in July and we’re working
with them on further publications.
that Tech Age Kids does…
T&E: We run the Tech Age Kids blog where Do you have any plans to write
we help parents to prepare their kids for
another book?
the modern world. We focus on positive
and creative uses of technology and T&E: Yes, we’re writing micro:bit through
support the STEAM and Digital Making the Looking Glass at the moment. It
Movements. We won the UK Blog Awards follows the same approach but steps up
Digital & Technology Category last year. the difficulty a little and uses some
different features of the micro:bit and
We also partner with other organisations external components.
on projects where our interests align.
You can find out more about what Tracy
What projects are you working and Elbrie are up to on social media here:
Twitter: go.micromag.cc/techaa5ab7
on just now?
Facebook: go.micromag.cc/techa6c82e
T&E: We’re having a lot of fun working
Instagram: go.micromag.cc/techad7d99
with the publisher Miles Kelly on books
Pinterest: go.micromag.cc/techa955fe
and resources for younger children aged
5-7. The Get Set Go Computing series is

micro:bit in Wonderland is available from Tech Age Kids:

Mr Zbit
Is a micro:bit enthusiast feature:
who writes code and
invents accessories for the
micro:bit designed to help
everyone ‘Have fun while @ZbitConnect
you learn!’ zbit-connect.co.uk

micro:GUI - Graphical User

Interface for the micro:bit
You’ll be familiar with using GUIs on phones, tablets and
computers - this project gives the micro:bit one of its very

So, is it possible to create an intuitive

When we interact with computers we
GUI that can be used on a micro:bit?
often do so via a Graphical User Interface Well, let's see!
or GUI. On PCs most people use Microsoft
Windows’ GUI. On mobile phones, Apple
iOS' GUI is popular. The best GUIs are
what we describe as intuitive - easy to use
and understand, even for people who
have never used one before.

micro:GUI in operation
Picture: Kerry Kidd

There are two main elements that are micro:GUI’s home screen has two main
necessary for a GUI: a display and a way elements:
for users to input information.
The micro:cursor - The top left LED of the
home screen is the micro:cursor LED
Display - PCs and mobile phones usually
which can be thought of as acting like the
have high-resolution screens, ideally
cursor or pointer on a PC screen.
suited to GUIs. A micro:bit only has a 5x5
LED Display. But, with a bit of creativity,
it’s possible to display lots of different micro:apps - The bottom row of LEDs of
images like hearts, giraffes and the home screen are the micro:app LEDs,
umbrellas on this display! which can be thought of as being like the
app icons on a mobile phone.
User Input - With a PC or phone, you
These are shown in the diagram on the
normally use a mouse, keyboard or
previous page.
touchscreen for user input. A micro:bit
has two Push-Buttons (plus a Reset
Button) for User Input.
Navigating the micro:GUI
The micro:bit’s A & B buttons can be used
So, here's how to create a "micro:GUI" for to control the position of the
the micro:bit! micro:cursor LED, acting like the mouse
on a PC. Pushbutton A moves the
micro:cursor down, whilst pushbutton B
moves the cursor to the right. When the
Why not have a go at writing the
cursor reaches the edge of the display, it code for your own micro:GUI?
wraps round from right-to-left and from

Launching a micro:app The micro:GUI Specification,

Worksheets and Examples can
Move the micro:cursor down onto one of
the micro:app LEDs using the 'A' & 'B' Push be downloaded from
Buttons. When the micro:cursor is on a
micro:app LED a micro:icon is displayed. www.zbit-connect.co.uk/microGUI
In the above example the micro:icon is an
umbrella: this micro:app plays the tune
Singing in the Rain!

Press buttons A and B at the same time to

launch a micro:app, this acts like a double
mouse click would on a computer.

A micro:app can be any micro:bit

program. (This means that by using the
micro:GUI it is possible to have multiple
programs in a single hex file with the
micro:GUI used to select which program
to run). When running a micro:app, or at
any other time, you can return to the
micro:GUI home screen by pressing the
reset button on the back of the micro:bit.

micro:GUI is all about education. It is

designed to help you understand the
elements of a GUI, to help you appreciate Taking the project further:
what makes a GUI intuitive, then to give Making use of the micro:bits
you the opportunity to write the code for accelerometer (motion sensor),
your own micro:bit GUI.
can you make your micro:GUI
display auto-rotate like a phone’s
display, so the micro:app LEDs still
appear at the bottom even when
you turn the micro:bit upside
down? Have a go!
:make Chris Penn
Chris is a teacher from
Warwickshire who teaches
Computer Science and IT.
He also runs the Coventry
and Warwickshire
Raspberry Jam. @ChrisPenn84

micro:bit and Minecraft Pi

Input, process, output - in this tutorial, Chris Penn explains
how to use sensors on the micro:bit to control the Raspberry
Pi edition of Minecraft
handy for incorporating the micro:bit
You Will Need: into larger Python projects, for example,
- A micro:bit weather stations e.g. pressing the "A"
- A Raspberry Pi with internet button to trigger a reading or using the
connection accelerometer to control your player in
- A micro USB cable Minecraft.

Using the micro:bit to interact with The final piece of context is that this
Minecraft Pi / Java edition has been BitIO has recently been added to the
possible for the last 2 years. All routes EduBlocks visual coding platform
point back to David Whale, co-author of created by Josh Lowe. For clarity, there
Adventures with Minecraft (AWMC) . The are two versions the excellent version
first route was usable but quite which works with coding MicroPython
technically fiddly. While writing his directly on the micro:bit which works on
updated version AWMC David refined the any internet connected PC available here
above method and made it super to code go.micromag.cc/edublocks The original
with the micro:bit and Minecraft. This EduBlocks works on the Raspberry Pi and
method is called BitIO Python library creates a drag and drop IDE that allows
available here link you to snap into place programs in
go.micromag.cc/bitiolib In essence, it Python. This is the version we will be
allows you to code the Micro:bit using using to code with, let's start.
MicroPython as a Python3 library. You
can read about 13 of my experiments with Installing
this library here:
go.micromag.cc/jammye6c46 To install EduBlocks you will need to:
1. Open up a Terminal window, this
BitIO is a library developed by David
can be done by clicking on this
Whale. It allows you to code your
micro:bit as part of a normal Python3 icon in the top left-hand corner of
program by importing it. This is very the Pi's screen.
2. Type the following command to 3. Plug in your micro:bit to one of the
install EduBlocks available USB ports.
curl -sSL get.edublocks.org | bash
4. You will need to download this file
As long as you have an internet and drag a copy of it onto the
connection this should install it may micro:bit. This file allows the
take a few minutes. micro:bit communicate with your
When it is installed then you can go.micromag.cc/bitio6464b
access the software from a shortcut
on the desktop or the programming

Coding 5. We will start out with the classic

'hello world'. When the 'A' button is
1. Open Minecraft and create a new pressed the text will scroll across the
world, then minimise this for later. micro:bit screen.
Tip, use the tab key to allow your
mouse to minimise the Minecraft 6. Using the BitIO and Basic tabs on
window. EduBlocks you should be able to
easily snap together the program
2. Open EduBlocks from the
programming menu, this should
open in the chromium browser.
Taking the project further:
7. When your program is complete you Do you want this device to be
will need to click on the 'menu' remembered? (Y/N)
button on the right-hand side. Then
select run to see your program in
action. 12. Press 'y' and enter to confirm and
the following text will display:
8. When you run the program
EduBlocks will show a black screen Your micro:bit has been detected.
which will show you the shell Now running your program
output. This tells you what is going
on with your program. First of all, it Now your program should be working and
will display this message: your Micro:bit should display the message
that you have entered into your code.
No micro:bit has previously been
detected Well done you are a successful coder :)
Scanning for serial ports
remove the device, then press ENTER
Now for the Minecraft stuff!
9. So unplug the micro:bit and press
enter. 1. We will now use the Minecraft tabs
and the basic tabs to create the
blocks that will create the code listed
below in the next picture. This is our
EduBlocks code, you can see that the
Python text is on the blocks that you
drag and drop. This is to help you
learn how to eventually type out
Python code. This is a really easy
way to get started with Python and
you can build simple and complex
programs with it.
10. Next, the following text will display:

Scanning… 2. You will need to run this in the same

found xx device(s) way as before. It should create a wall
plug in the device, then press ENTER
of glass when the 'a' button is
11. Now press enter and the following pressed on the Micro:bit.
text will display:

found 68 device(s)
found 1 new device
We can extend our code to use
the random library to create
randomly generated walls.

You can access all of the block IDs

available here:

3. Adapt your code to look like

the code example on the next

4. Run the code as you did


Taking the project


Now see what you can

do to extend this basic
Mark Vanstone
Mark is an educational make:
software author,
consultant, animator,
musician and stem
ambassador. @MindExplorers

Sending and Receiving

Radio Messages
In this make, you’ll learn how to get two micro:bits talking
to each other using the radio function, using either
MakeCode, EduBlocks or Python to write code.

You Will Need:

- A micro:bit
- A computer with internet access
- A micro USB cable

Plugging in a micro:bit to a
Computer The group number can be between 1 and
255 but it must be the same for the
Start by connecting the micro:bit to the sender and the receiver.
computer. If you have used a micro:bit
before you probably already know how to Now we can add a block to receive a
do this but if not, you can find the message and do something to show it
instructions online at arrived.
A little further down that page, you will
see instructions about how to get started
using the MakeCode editor.

Writing A Radio Program With

We can write the message sending part of
our program using the following blocks:
Now we can flash this program to the To use EduBlocks, open a browser and go
micro:bit. Click the Download button. to the following website:
Then on the computer, drag and drop the go.micromag.cc/edublocks
downloaded file to the ‘MICROBIT’ USB To write the program we need to put
drive. The orange LED on the back of the together the following blocks:
micro:bit will flash for a while – wait until
it is finished before trying the code.

Sending Radio Signals

When we send a radio message we will
want to set up another micro:bit to
receive the message. We can use exactly
the same program for our receiver

Make sure the program has finished

flashing to the first micro:bit, then
unplug it from the computer and do the
same for a second micro:bit.

To test our program you will need to plug

a battery pack (or another USB cable) into
the first micro:bit so that it can switch on.
When the program is ready, you can flash
To test our program we press the 'A' it to both micro:bits using the 'Download
button on the first micro:bit. We should Hex' button. Have a look at the Python
see a tick on the second micro:bit. Then version of the program – you can switch
press the 'A' button on the second between the two on EduBlocks.
micro:bit and you should see a tick on the
first micro:bit. Both should now be Writing The Program With
showing a tick.
Writing The Program With When we write a program with Python,
EduBlocks we don't use any blocks but type it into an
editor. In this example, we will be using
EduBlocks is a bit like MakeCode except it the online micro:bit Python editor. First,
allows you to program more like the open a browser and go to
Python language and switch between go.micromag.cc/pyeditor
blocks and text-based Python code.
You will see an example program already
there. Replace the example with the code
on the following page.

When your program is ready, make sure

that your micro:bit is plugged into the
computer and flash the program by
selecting the “Download” button.

Then test your code by flashing the

program to the other micro:bit. Press the
A button, and the other micro:bit should
display a tick too.
The working micro:bit code - message
Picture: Kerry Kidd

Taking the project further:

● Try changing the program so that the message that is sent gets
displayed as scrolling text across the LED matrix of the other
● See how far away the two micro:bits can be from each other
before they stop picking up the message that is being sent.
● Try sending messages in a chain between many micro:bits so
that one micro:bit sends a message to a second and that one
sends a message to a third and then a fourth and each one will
display a different symbol on its LED matrix as it receives its
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To sign up, go to
Niels Swinkels
Niels is an interaction
design researcher at RISE in
Sweden. He has introduced
many teachers to
programming with micro:bit. mermicrobit.se

Hide & Seek A micro:bit

Niels will show us how to make a fun hide and seek game
using the radio function on the micro:bit. If you only have
one micro:bit grab a friend and program this :make together.
micro:bit. The only thing it needs to do is
You Will Need: send out something via the radio. To save
- 2 x micro:bits
battery power, we will only make it send
- 2 x battery packs for the micro:bits
- A computer with internet access out something after it has first received
- A micro USB cable something via the radio. This way it will
not do anything if no one is searching.
With the radio functionality of your
micro:bit, it can send and receive From the Radio category, drag out the on
information from other micro:bits. radio received receivedString block.
Make sure you take the one with
This can be used in many fun ways. How receivedString because string means“ a
about playing some hide & seek? In this piece of text” and we will be sending and
tutorial, we will program one micro:bit receiving text.
(the hidden one) to reply to any radio
message it receives. Another micro:bit Inside of this, place a radio send string
(the one that searches) will call out via the block. Which text it will send does not
radio and show on the display how strong really matter, so, for example, you can
the signal is of the answer it receives. write “bit!”
Then by keeping an eye on this signal
strength while walking around, we will The last thing we need to add is to choose
know when we are close by or far away which radio group to use. You can
from the hidden micro:bit. compare this with normal radio stations,
which you can only listen to when you
The hidden micro:bit tune in on the right frequency. Drag in
the radio set group block to on start,
Let's start by programming the hidden
and set it to any number from 0 to 255.
Make sure you remember the number Drag out an on radio received
because we will need to set the other recievedString block. Here we will listen
micro:bit to the same group! for any answers.

Because we want to know how strong the

signal is of the answer, we need to
customise this block. Click the small blue
gear icon on the block, and drag the
signal block from the left to fit after the
receivedString block. Click the blue gear
icon again to close the pop-up.

The seeking micro:bit

Next up is the micro:bit that will search.
This one will continuously send out a
word, listen for an answer, and show how
strong the signal is. Let us start by setting An easy way to show the signal strength
it to the same radio group as our hidden is by using the built-in bar graph.
micro:bit, now that we still remember the
group number. Drag in a radio set group From the LED category, take the plot bar
to on start and fill in the number. graph block and place it inside the on
radio received. This block will fill the
Now take a radio send string block and screen, based on the value you connect to
place it in the forever loop. This way it it on the first position. The higher the
will call out to the hidden micro:bit as value, the more LEDs go on, up to a
long as it is turned on. Write in any word maximum value that you set at the
you like, for example, “micro”. To make second position.
sure the other micro:bit has some time to
answer, we add a pause block to the Now we want to show the signal strength
forever loop with a value of 500 that we get from the on radio received
milliseconds (that is half a second). block. We will find this as a signal block
in the Variables category, but we first
need to know what kind of values this Time to play!
signal strength will have.
Let’s test our game. Plug in a battery pack
to the hiding micro:bit, and hide it
Right-click the on radio received block,
somewhere in the room, then plug in a
and choose help. There we read that the
battery pack to the seeking micro:bit and
signal ranges from -128 for very weak to
walk with it through the house. It should
-42 for very strong. To be able to draw a
show you more lights the closer you get to
bar graph from this, we should change
the hidden micro:bit.
this to be a range of positive numbers,
with the lowest number being zero. We
With some experimenting, you can find
can do that by adding 128 to the signal we
that objects, such as walls and your body,
will block the signal, and make it a lot
weaker. If you do not get any signal at all,
Then the range will be 0 for very weak to
go back to your code and search for
86 for very strong, so drag out a + block
bugs(mistakes in the code). The first thing
from the Math category and put the
to double check is if you put in the same
signal block in it on one side, and type
radio group for both micro:bits.
128 on the other side. Connect this to the
first position of the plot bar graph block.
On the second position, we write the
maximum value, which is 86(128-42).

Taking the project further:

You can continue to build on
to your game. How about
making the seeking micro:bit
play different sounds
depending on the signal
strength? Or being able to
search for more than one
micro:bit? Can you use
something else instead of the
bar graph to show how close
you are?
Advertise in
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Get in touch for more

info - email us on
Les Pounder
Les is a maker and micro:hit
trainer who has worked
with the Raspberry Pi
Foundation and the BBC
to deliver computing
training. bigl.es

A game of chance
Heads or tails? A game where you have a 1 in 2 chance of winning,
has been used to decide many things such as who kicks off at a
football / soccer match and who gets the last sweet in the bag.

In this project you will create your own digital game of chance using a micro:bit and
a few blocks of code to decide… skulls or snakes?! For this project you’ll be using the
Javascript Blocks Editor go.micromag.cc/makecode and you should already be
comfortable with copying code to your micro:bit.

Step 1: Working with Step 3: Using the

input variable

From the Input menu drag the “on From the Variables menu drag the ‘set
shake” block into the coding area. Any item to 0’ block to the coding area. Now
code inside the block will be run when click on the arrow next to ‘item’ and
the micro:bit is shaken. change it to ‘choice’.

Step 2: Create a Step 4: Random

variable number generator

From the Random menu, drag ‘pick

In the Variables menu click on ‘Make a random 0 to 4’, and change ‘0 to 4’ so
Variable’ and call it ‘choice’ We shall use it reads ‘0 to 1’. Then connect it to “set
this variable to store a random number choice to” block. Lastly place these
later. blocks inside the ‘on shake’ loop.
Step 5: Logical Step 8: Snakes!

Here we repeat step 7, but have a snake

appear on the screen. Remember the clear
screen block can be found under Basic →
Go to the Logic menu and drag an ‘if More.
true..then..else’ block, and place it
inside the loop, but under our code. This
block will run code if a condition is met.
Step 9: Final code
Step 6: Decisions…

Our first block is from Logic and it is ‘0 =

0’ drag this and connect it to the ‘if’. Next
from Variables drag ‘choice’ and place it Our skull block of code is placed inside
where the first ‘0’ is. the ‘then’ part of the logic, and the snake
is placed inside ‘else’. All of the code for
Step 7: Skulls! this project should now look like this.

That’s it, now download the code to your

micro:bit and when it has finished, give
the micro:bit a shake to see either a skull
or a snake appear on the LED grid!

All of the blocks in this step are from

Well done! You’ve made
Basic: first we’ll use the ‘show icon’ block your own decision
to display a skull. Then we pause the
image for 1 second before clearing the making micro:bit!

Gareth Stockdale
Former head of operations at
BBC learning, which lead the
original micro:bit project. Now,
CEO of Micro:bit Educational

A Message of support
From the CEO of the Micro:bit Educational Foundation
Here at micro:mag, we have been
thrilled to have support from the
community and the Micro:bit
Educational Foundation since the start,
and are very grateful for all the support
we have got so far. So, here is a message
from Gareth Stockdale. the CEO of the
foundation, to give his message of
support for micro:mag. The BBC micro:bit continues to inspire
students across the world as well as
We’re delighted to support the micro:mag helping teachers deliver Computer
team with their new venture and we’re Science lessons.
always pleased to hear about events and
Picture: Micro:bit Educational
goings-on within the micro:bit
“It has been amazing to see the global
We continue to build on the strength of appetite for the BBC micro:bit and its
the original BBC project which ability to widen participation in digital
empowered students, 90% of which say creativity at such low cost” said Gareth
the micro:bit helped show that anyone Stockdale, CEO. “2018 is an exciting year
can code. This would not be possible for the Foundation and we’re looking
without the support from our forward to sharing our latest news with
Community, for which we are immensely micro:mag and their readers”
:foundation Foundation
The home of the BBC micro:bit.
Inspiring every child to create
their best digital future. #microbit

Getting to know the

micro:bit foundation
We thought it would be nice for micro:mag readers to get
to know the Foundation team a little better, so we posed
them the question “What is your favourite burger?”
Gareth - Mushroom double Swiss they
Waris - Yakisoba Pan, translated as
used to do at Burger King, end of an era
noodle in bread/bun.
when they stopped doing it. Also a burger
that I had at the weekend in Croatia, no
idea what was in it but at least 2 different
types of meat!
Emma - My favourite is a simple beef,
cheese and sauce!
Jonny - Steak and Honour Mushroom &
Cheese (veggie, of course)! (Steak and
Rachel - 3) Reuben burger 2) Lamb burger
Honour are a burger van in Cambridge)
with Caramelised onions and Rocket 1)
Ultimate burger is a double patty, with
Kavita - My new favourite is a beetroot
cheese, bacon, burger sauce, and
burger smothered in hot sauce.
gherkins! You have to have gherkins with
a burger. The bun needs to not be too
Howard - I had a good burger from a van
sweet (brioche rarely impresses me with
outside the big B&Q in Cribbs Causeway
a burger), the beef patties have to be
the other day.
juicy, and please ask me how I want it
cooking.. it's medium rare btw. If I'm
David - Five Guys burgers win for me,
served a side of coleslaw with my burger
most of my best resources were written
you get an extra point. So, basically, just
sitting in Five Guys in Harlow!!
cook the burger well, and make sure the
beast as a whole has good structural
Mark - All the burgers, in the spirit of
integrity, if I have to use a knife and fork
'Inclusivity' or a Halloumi burger from
you've made it wrong.
the van outside Penryn B&Q
37 Tina Fountain
Tina is an International Teacher of in:schools
ICT and Computer Science,
currently teaching at The British
School in Caracas, Venezuela.
Proud Mum, Grandma and Self
Confessed Techaholic. @TinaFountain7

micro:bits Come to the

British School Venezuela
Read about Tina’s experience of finding out about the
micro:bit then taking this new found tech to her new job in
Caracas, Venezuela.

yet after only one lesson the whole class

Life Goals: was fully engaged - one pupil even went
Tina Would like to travel, shop and create
as much as possible (eventually find time straight home and ordered his own
to run a blog) micro:bit!

In June 2017 at Exabytes in Bradford, I Within weeks the students were

was introduced to the micro:bit by Chris confident at programming the bits
Sharples and Jon Witts and I was independently with the blocks editor and
instantly hooked. I went home and ready to transition to Python. They
emailed my soon-to-be head of school understood the concepts and felt
and asked for the money to buy 20 confident with their ability, meaning the
micro:bits. He said yes and within days I transition to text-based programming
had a class set of micro:bits packed in my was much easier than I have experienced
suitcase ready for my departure to before. The wow factor of making
Caracas. something physical work takes away the
fear of the programming.
Never did I imagine how much
confidence the students would get from There was a buzz in the lessons when the
such a tiny little device. When I micro:bits where flashed and the code
introduced year 9 to the fact that the first came to life. The web has so many
unit of study involved block amazing resources for the micro:bits it is
programming I received a very negative impossible to run dry of fun ways to
response: they were all ‘Scratched out’, teach the concepts of programming.

Tina’s students have created all manner of inventions with micro:bit - from noisy owls
to robot buggies to virtual pets!
Picture: Tina Fountain

I really wanted the students to have some bots and also controlling them. Not every
experience with robots but as a new bot worked as expected on the day of the
department, wanting to introduce wars but a lot of learning had taken place
robotics for the first time, I needed to and the students were proud of what they
keep the costs to a minimum. I trawled had achieved.
the web for inspiration and found a
couple of posts that showed two servos Since then Year 7 have created the most
running from the 3v pin so decided to amazing virtual pets utilising so many of
give it a go. On a short visit to the UK, I the input sensors, they have hacked up
bought 20 servos, a couple of packs of old headphones and used servos to create
crocodile clips and some pin wires, this moving body parts, one girl even created
was one of the best £60 I have ever spent. her own power pack to allow projects to
run for longer. They have shown no fear
I managed to make my first ever very in their endeavours, are very confident in
basic two-wheeled micro:bit robot from writing and reading the code and have
an old plastic food container, 2 servos and produced excellent annotations showing
crocodile clips. When the students saw they understand the concepts. More
my prototype they were incredibly importantly, the micro:bits have given me
excited to get started, the creativity was more confidence to try out new ideas and
astounding. Working in pairs the be creative in my classroom. I can’t wait
students used whatever they could get for next year - and for all the new
their hands on to create a body and equipment I have ordered to complement
explored options for both powering the the micro:bits to arrive!

The first of Pimoroni’s range of playful
micro:bit add-ons lets you build bigger and
better projects faster. 8/10
The pin:bit pre-soldered and is ready to use for
arrives projects straight out of the box.
and ready
for use It's worth noting that, unlike most of its
competitors, the pin:bit doesn't break out
all the pins on the edge connector of the
micro:bit; but focuses on a handy
selection (leaving out those used for the
built-in LED matrix). This makes the
board arguably easier to use for
(Image courtesy of Pimoroni) beginners - and also makes it compatible
with smaller 140-point breadboards,
Maker giant Pimoroni has recently which are commonplace in schools and
launched the first few members of its makers' toolboxes. The pins themselves
new family of micro:bit accessories. are helpfully labelled in a friendly way,
Alongside add-ons for environmental and the design is lovely and playful.
sensing, sound output and display, the
simplest board in their armoury is pin:bit,We tested pin:bit with an Adafruit
which converts the edge connector on the NeoPixel Ring, some pushbuttons and a
bottom of the micro:bit to a set of microphone - and it made prototyping
breadboard-compatible, 0.1"-spaced pins. quick and easy, allowing us to use all
different pins for more advanced
The board costs a fairly reasonable £5 and projects. You could also use the pin:bit to
is available from Pimoronis own website - hook the micro:bit up to more permanent
with re-sellers expected to stock the projects, by soldering directly to the pins
product soon. It arrives or using a piece of stripboard to make

There aren't currently any learning Overall, the pin:bit is a great way to get
resources for pin:bit on the Pimoroni started with using more pins of the
website - but there is an excellent guide to micro:bit for more advanced projects -
the micro:bits pins on the micro:bit and the friendly design and ease-of-use
Foundation's website at make it ideal for use with kids, as long as
go.micromag.cc/pins435fd which can be you have learning materials to hand.
used with pin:bit. The pin:bit also hangs
down a little if placed on the edge of the The competition….
breadboard - but in practice, this isn't
really a problem and the connections are 4Tronix make a wide range of
micro:bit breakouts at
Where can I buy one? 4tronix.co.uk
Kitroniks edge connector
Pimoroni shop: breakout is available from

A fun display with a lot of pixels! It’s 119
bright white LEDs are perfect for scrolling
messages with your micro:bit, or for
animations, graphs, and more!
The scroll:bit ready to go, but before you start coding
arrives you need it install the scroll:bit library if
you are using MakeCode this is quite
and ready for
use simple by clicking on the cog at the top of
the window which opens a menu. From
the menu click on add package and type
in scroll:bit in the text field and press
enter, below the text field a picture of the
scroll:bit appears click on it and the
scroll:bit library is now downloaded and
(Image courtesy of Pimoroni) ready to use.

The Sheffield pirates Pimoroni have just To get the Scroll:Bit to work with
released their first four micro:bit add-ons MicroPython is a bit more complex by
and we have been lucky enough to get our having to download and copy the
hands on the pin:bit (reviewed on the scroll:bit.py file across to your micro:bit
previous page) and the scroll:bit. along with your code file. As long as you
follow the getting started guide written
The scroll:bit is made up of 119 white by Pimoroni you should not run into any
LEDs arranged in a 17x7 matrix. Each LED problems.
can be controlled independently of each
other. scroll:bit connects to the micro:bit We tested the scroll:bit by coding our own
using the edge connector.The scroll:bit is scrolling text conference badge.This is a
priced at a reasonable £13.50 and is great little board whether you want to
available from Pimoronis own website. create a conference badge or the game
Snake. You can just create Snake using
The scroll:bit comes pre-soldered and

the micro:bit LED Matrix, but by adding in within that GitHub repository to help
the Scroll:Bit you have more LEDs to play you get started with scroll:bit. There are
with and can make your game bigger. some really good getting started
resources over on the Pimoroni Learn
Pimoroni give you a good starting point site too!
with a javaScript reference guide on their go.micromag.cc/pimlearn
GitHub page for MakeCode so you can get
started easily. When you download the Overall this is a great micro:bit add-on if
MicroPython library to use within Mu you want more LEDs to play with and
there is also some examples make bigger games than you can make
on the built-in LED matrix on the
Where can I buy one?
The competition….
Pimoroni Shop: There are no other micro:bit
go.micromag.cc/scrollbit add-ons like the scroll:bit!
Help us cover
the costs of
micro:mag is run by a team of
dedicated volunteers - but we still
need to cover our costs. Donating
helps us continue to deliver the
community micro:bit magazine free
of charge.

Donate on
micro:mag is released under the
Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
(CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) International License.

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