Keysight N9000A CXA Signal Analyzer
Keysight N9000A CXA Signal Analyzer
Keysight N9000A CXA Signal Analyzer
Specification Guide
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Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Inputs/Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Regulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2. I/Q Analyzer
Specifications Affected by I/Q Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Clipping-to-Noise Dynamic Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Data Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
ADC Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Bluetooth Basic Rate and Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Bluetooth Low Energy System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Specification Guide
This chapter contains the specifications for the core signal analyzer. The
specifications and characteristics for the measurement applications and options are
covered in the chapters that follow.
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Definitions and Requirements
• Specifications describe the performance of parameters covered by the product warranty (temperature =
0 to 55°C*, also referred to as "Full temperature range" or "Full range", unless otherwise noted.
• 95th percentile values indicate the breadth of the population (»2s) of performance tolerances expected
to be met in 95% of the cases with a 95% confidence, for any ambient temperature in the range of 20 to
30°C. In addition to the statistical observations of a sample of instruments, these values include the
effects of the uncertainties of external calibration references. These values are not warranted. These
values are updated occasionally if a significant change in the statistically observed behavior of
production instruments is observed.
• Typical describes additional product performance information that is not covered by the product
warranty. It is performance beyond specification that 80 of the units exhibit with a 95 confidence
level over the temperature range 20 to 30°C. Typical performance does not include measurement
• Nominal values indicate expected performance, or describe product performance that is useful in the
application of the product, but is not covered by the product warranty.
The following conditions must be met for the analyzer to meet its specifications.
• The analyzer is within its calibration cycle. See the General section of this chapter.
• Under auto couple control, except that Auto Sweep Time Rules = Accy.
• For signal frequencies < 10 MHz, DC coupling applied (Option 513/526 only).
• Any analyzer that has been stored at a temperature range inside the allowed storage range but outside
the allowed operating range must be stored at an ambient temperature within the allowed operating
range for at least two hours before being turned on.
• The analyzer has been turned on at least 30 minutes with Auto Align set to Normal, or if Auto Align is
set to Off or Partial, alignments must have been run recently enough to prevent an Alert message. If the
Alert condition is changed from Time and Temperature. to one of the disabled duration choices, the
analyzer may fail to meet specifications without informing the user.
Keysight Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment
from the factory. Keysight Technologies further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to
the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institute’s
calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members.
*. For earlier instruments (SN prefix < MY/SG/US5423), the operating temperature ranges from 5 to 50°C.
14 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
Chapter 1 15
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
16 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
Chapter 1 17
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
Frequency Readout (marker freq. freq. ref. accy. + 0.25 span + 5 Single detector only
Accuracy RBWa + 2 Hz + 0.5 horizontal resolutionb)
Delta Count Accuracy (delta freq. freq. Ref. Accy. + 0.141 Hz)
Resolution 0.001 Hz
a. Instrument conditions: RBW = 1 kHz, gate time = auto (100 ms), S/N 50 dB, frequency = 1 GHz.
b. If the signal being measured is locked to the same frequency reference as the analyzer, the specified count accuracy is 0.100 Hz
under the test conditions of footnote a. This error is a noisiness of the result. It will increase with noisy sources, wider RBWs,
lower S/N ratios, and source frequencies > 1 GHz.
18 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
Frequency Span
Option 503 0 Hz, 10 Hz to 3 GHz
Option 507 0 Hz, 10 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Option 513 0 Hz, 10 Hz to 13.6 GHz
Option 526 0 Hz, 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz
Resolution 2 Hz
Span Accuracy
Chapter 1 19
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
20 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
Chapter 1 21
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
22 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Frequency and Time
Standard 10 MHz
Chapter 1 23
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
24 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
Marker Readouta
Log units resolution
Trace Averaging Off, on-screen 0.01 dB
Trace Averaging On or remote 0.001 dB
Linear units resolution 1% of signal level (nominal)
a. Reference level and off-screen performance: The reference level (RL) behavior differs from previous analyzers (except PSA) in a
way that makes the Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer more flexible. In previous analyzers, the RL controlled how the measurement
was performed as well as how it was displayed. Because the logarithmic amplifier in previous analyzers had both range and res-
olution limitations, this behavior was necessary for optimum measurement accuracy. The logarithmic amplifier in the CXA signal
analyzer, however, is implemented digitally such that the range and resolution greatly exceed other instrument limitations.
Because of this, the CXA signal analyzer can make measurements largely independent of the setting of the RL without compro-
mising accuracy. Because the RL becomes a display function, not a measurement function, a marker can read out results that are
off-screen, either above or below, without any change in accuracy. The only exception to the independence of RL and the way in
which the measurement is performed is in the input attenuation setting: When the input attenuation is set to auto, the rules for
the determination of the input attenuation include dependence on the reference level. Because the input attenuation setting con-
trols the tradeoff between large signal behaviors (third-order intermodulation and compression) and small signal effects (noise),
the measurement results can change with RL changes when the input attenuation is set to auto.
Frequency Response
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
Frequency Response Refer to the footnote for
(Maximum error relative to reference "Band Overlaps" on page 15.
condition (50 MHz)
Swept operationa
Attenuation 10 dB)
Option 513 or 526
Option 503 or 507
20 to 30C Full Range 95th Percentile (2)
9 kHz to 10 MHz x ±0.6 dB ±0.65 dB ±0.45 dB
9 kHz to 10 MHz x ±0.8 dB ±0.85 dB ±0.5 dB
10 MHz to 3 GHz x ±0.75 dB ±1.75 dB ±0.55 dB
Chapter 1 25
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
IF Frequency Responsea
(Demodulation and FFT response
relative to the center frequency)
Center Analysis Max Errorb Midwidth Error Slope (dB/MHz) RMSd
Freq (GHz) Width (MHz) (Exceptionc) (95th Percentile) (95th Percentile) (nominal)
3.0 10 0.40 dB 0.15 dB 0.10 0.03 dB
3.0, 26.5 10 0.25 dB
a. The IF frequency response includes effects due to RF circuits such as input filters, that are a function of RF frequency, in addition
to the IF pass-band effects.
b. The maximum error at an offset (f) from the center of the FFT width is given by the expression [Midwidth Error + (f × Slope)], but
never exceeds Max Error. Usually, the span is no larger than the FFT width in which case the center of the FFT width is the cen-
ter frequency of the analyzer. When the analyzer span is wider than the FFT width, the span is made up of multiple concatenated
FFT results, and thus has multiple centers of FFT widths so the f in the equation is the offset from the nearest center. These spec-
ifications include the effect of RF frequency response as well as IF frequency response at the worst case center frequency. Perfor-
mance is nominally three times better than the maximum error at most center frequencies.
c. The specification does not apply for frequencies greater than 3.0 MHz from the center in FFT Widths of 7.2 to 8 MHz.
d. The "RMS" nominal performance is the standard deviation of the response relative to the center frequency, integrated across a 10
MHz span. This performance measure was observed at a single center frequency in each harmonic mixing band, which is repre-
sentative of all center frequencies; the observation center frequency is not the worst case center frequency.
26 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
Chapter 1 27
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
28 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
1.00 GHz
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
VSWR vs. Frequency, 3 Units, 10 dB Attenuation
1.00 GHz
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Chapter 1 29
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
1.0 GHz
7.5 11.5 15.5 19.5 23.5
30 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
Chapter 1 31
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Amplitude Accuracy and Range
Available Detectors Normal, Peak, Sample, Negative Average detector works on RMS,
Peak, Average Voltage and Logarithmic scales
32 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Dynamic Range
Gain Compression
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
1 dB Gain Compression Point Maximum power at mixerd
50 MHz to 7.5 GHz (Option 503, 507) +2.00 dBm (nominal)
50 MHz to 7.5 GHz (Option 513, 526) +7.00 dBm (nominal)
7.5 to 13.6 GHz (Option 513, 526) +3.00 dBm (nominal)
13.6 to 26.5 GHz (Option 526) +0.00 dBm (nominal)
a. Large signals, even at frequencies not shown on the screen, can cause the analyzer to incorrectly measure on-screen signals
because of two-tone gain compression. This specification tells how large an interfering signal must be in order to cause a 1 dB
change in an on-screen signal.
b. Specified at 1 kHz RBW with 1 MHz tone spacing.
c. Reference level and off-screen performance: The reference level (RL) behavior differs from some earlier analyzers in a way that
makes this analyzer more flexible. In other analyzers, the RL controlled how the measurement was performed as well as how it
was displayed. Because the logarithmic amplifier in these analyzers had both range and resolution limitations, this behavior was
necessary for optimum measurement accuracy. The logarithmic amplifier in this signal analyzer, however, is implemented digi-
tally such that the range and resolution greatly exceed other instrument limitations. Because of this, the analyzer can make mea-
surements largely independent of the setting of the RL without compromising accuracy. Because the RL becomes a display
function, not a measurement function, a marker can read out results that are off-screen, either above or below, without any
change in accuracy. The only exception to the independence of RL and the way in which the measurement is performed is in the
input attenuation setting: When the input attenuation is set to auto, the rules for the determination of the input attenuation
include dependence on the reference level. Because the input attenuation setting controls the tradeoff between large signal
behaviors (third-order intermodulation, compression, and display scale fidelity) and small signal effects (noise), the measure-
ment results can change with RL changes when the input attenuation is set to auto.
d. Mixer power level (dBm) = input power (dBm) input attenuation (dB).
Chapter 1 33
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
34 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Spurious Response
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
Spurious Response See "Band Overlaps" on page 15
Chapter 1 35
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
36 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Chapter 1 37
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
38 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Nominal Dynamic Range vs. Offset Frequency vs. RBW [Plot] (Option 503/507)
Nominal Dynamic Range vs. Offset Frequency vs. RBW [Plot] (Option 513/526)
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000
Chapter 1 39
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Nominal TOI vs. Mixer Level and Tone Separation [Plot] (Option 503, 507)
Nominal TOI vs. Mixer Level and Tone Separation [Plot] (Option 513, 526)
40 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Phase Noise
Description Specifications Supplemental
Phase Noise Noise Sidebands
(Center Frequency = 1 GHz ,
Best-case Optimizationb
Internal Referencec)
Option 503, or 507
(SN prefix < MY/SG/US5423)
Option £ 526
(ship standard with
20 to 30°C Full range Typical
1 kHz x –94 dBc/Hz –93 dBc/Hz –98 dBc/Hz (nominal)
1 kHz x –98 dBc/Hz –97 dBc/Hz -103 dBc/Hz
10 kHz x –99 dBc/Hz –98 dBc/Hz –102 dBc/Hz
10 kHz x –102 dBc/Hz –101 dBc/Hz –110 dBc/Hz
100 kHz x –102 dBc/Hz –101 dBc/Hz –104 dBc/Hz
100 kHz x –108 dBc/Hz –107 dBc/Hz –110 dBc/Hz
1 MHz x –120 dBc/Hz –119 dBc/Hz –121 dBc/Hz
1 MHz x –130 dBc/Hz –129 dBc/Hz –130 dBc/Hz
10 MHz x –143 dBc/Hz (nominal)
10 MHz x –145 dBc/Hz (nominal)
a. The nominal performance of the phase noise at center frequencies different than the one at which the specifications
apply (1 GHz) depends on the center frequency, band and the offset. For low offset frequencies, offsets well under
100 Hz, the phase noise increases by 20 log[(f + 0.3225)/1.3225]. For mid-offset frequencies such as 10 kHz, band
0 phase noise increases as 20 log[(f + 5.1225)/6.1225]. For mid-offset frequencies in other bands, phase noise
changes as 20 log[(f + 0.3225)/6.1225] except f in this expression should never be lower than 5.8. For wide offset
frequencies, offsets above about 100 kHz, phase noise increases as 20 log(N). N is the LO Multiple as shown on
page 15; f is in GHz units in all these relationships; all increases are in units of decibels.
b. Noise sidebands for lower offset frequencies, for example, 10 kHz, apply with the phase noise optimization (PhNoise
Opt) set to Best Close-in Noise. Noise sidebands for higher offset frequencies, for example, 1 MHz, as shown apply
with the phase noise optimization set to Best Wide-offset Noise.
c. Specifications are given with the internal frequency reference. The phase noise at offsets below 100 Hz is impacted or
dominated by noise from the reference. Thus, performance with external references will not follow the curves and
specifications. The internal 10 MHz reference phase noise is about –120 dBc/Hz at 10 Hz offset; external references
with poorer phase noise than this will cause poorer performance than shown.
Chapter 1 41
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Nominal Phase Noise at Different Center Frequencies for Option 503, or 507
(SN prefix MY/SG/US5423)
42 Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Nominal Phase Noise at Different Center Frequencies
With RBW Selectivity Curves, Optimized Phase Noise, Versus Offset Frequency
RBW = 100 Hz
RBW = 1 kHz
RBW = 10 kHz
RBW = 100 kHz
(Ship standard with N9000A-EP4)
-70 CF= 25.2 GHz
-110 CF= 600 MHz
CF= 10.2 GHz
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Freq (kHz)
Dynamic Range
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Power Suite Measurements
Channel Power
44 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Power Suite Measurements
Passband widthe 3 dB
Case: Rad io Std = 3GPP W-CDMA (ACPR; ACLR)f
Minimum power at RF Input 36 dBm (nominal)
ACPR Accuracyg RRC weighted, 3.84 MHz noise band width,
method = IBW or Fasth
Radio Offset Freq
MS (UE) 5 MHz 0.76 dB At ACPR range of 30 to 36 dBc with
optimum mixer level i
MS (UE) 10 MHz 0.73 dB At ACPR range of 40 to 46 dBc with
optimum mixer level j
BTS 5 MHz 1.72 dBh At ACPR range of 42 to 48 dBc with
optimum mixer levelk
BTS 10 MHz 1.96 dB At ACPR range of 47 to 53 dBc with
optimum mixer levelj
BTS 5 MHz 0.87 dB At 48 dBc non-coherent ACPRl
Dynamic Range RRC weighted, 3.84 MHz noise band width
Option 513, or 526
Option 503, or 507
(SN prefix < MY/SG/US5423)
Option 503, or 507
(SN prefix > MY/SG/US5423, ship
standard with N9000A-EP4)
Noise Offset ACLR (typical)m
Correction Freq
Off 5 MHz x x 63.0 dB
Off 5 MHz x 66.0 dB
Off 10 MHz x x 67.0 dB
Off 10 MHz x 69.0 dB
On 5 MHz x 66.0 dB
On 5 MHz x x 73.0 dB
On 10 MHz x 72.0 dB
On 10 MHz x x 78.0 dB
Chapter 1 45
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Power Suite Measurements
a. The effect of scale fidelity on the ratio of two powers is called the relative scale fidelity. The scale fidelity specified in the Ampli-
tude section is an absolute scale fidelity with 35 dBm at the input mixer as the reference point. The relative scale fidelity is
nominally only 0.01 dB larger than the absolute scale fidelity.
b. See Amplitude Accuracy and Range section.
c. See Frequency and Time section.
d. Expressed in decibels.
e. An ACP measurement measures the power in adjacent channels. The shape of the response versus frequency of those adjacent
channels is occasionally critical. One parameter of the shape is its 3 dB bandwidth. When the bandwidth (called the Ref BW) of
the adjacent channel is set, it is the 3 dB bandwidth that is set. The passband response is given by the convolution of two func-
tions: a rectangle of width equal to Ref BW and the power response versus frequency of the RBW filter used. Measurements and
specifications of analog radio ACPs are often based on defined bandwidths of measuring receivers, and these are defined by
their 6 dB widths, not their 3 dB widths. To achieve a passband whose 6 dB width is x, set the Ref BW to be
x – 0.572 RBW .
f. Most versions of adjacent channel power measurements use negative numbers, in units of dBc, to refer to the power in an adja-
cent channel relative to the power in a main channel, in accordance with ITU standards. The standards for W-CDMA analysis
include ACLR, a positive number represented in dB units. In order to be consistent with other kinds of ACP measurements, this
measurement and its specifications will use negative dBc results, and refer to them as ACPR, instead of positive dB results
referred to as ACLR. The ACLR can be determined from the ACPR reported by merely reversing the sign.
g. The accuracy of the Adjacent Channel Power Ratio will depend on the mixer drive level and whether the distortion products from
the analyzer are coherent with those in the UUT. These specifications apply even in the worst case condition of coherent analyzer
and UUT distortion products. For ACPR levels other than those in this specifications table, the optimum mixer drive level for
accuracy is approximately 37 dBm (ACPR/3), where the ACPR is given in (negative) decibels.
h. The Fast method has a slight decrease in accuracy in only one case: for BTS measurements at 5 MHz offset, the accuracy
degrades by 0.01 dB relative to the accuracy shown in this table.
i. To meet this specified accuracy when measuring mobile station (MS) or user equipment (UE) within 3 dB of the required 33 dBc
ACPR, the mixer level (ML) must be optimized for accuracy. This optimum mixer level is 20 dBm, so the input attenuation must
be set as close as possible to the average input power (20 dBm). For example, if the average input power is 6 dBm, set the
attenuation to 14 dB. This specification applies for the normal 3.5 dB peak-to-average ratio of a single code. Note that if the
mixer level is set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
j. ACPR accuracy at 10 MHz offset is warranted when the input attenuator is set to give an average mixer level of 10 dBm.
k. In order to meet this specified accuracy, the mixer level must be optimized for accuracy when measuring node B Base Transmis-
sion Station (BTS) within 3 dB of the required 45 dBc ACPR. This optimum mixer level is 18 dBm, so the input attenuation
must be set as close as possible to the average input power (18 dBm). For example, if the average input power is 5 dBm, set
the attenuation to 13 dB. This specification applies for the normal 10 dB peak-to-average ratio (at 0.01 probability) for Test
Model 1. Note that, if the mixer level is set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
l. Accuracy can be excellent even at low ACPR levels assuming that the user sets the mixer level to optimize the dynamic range,
and assuming that the analyzer and UUT distortions are incoherent. When the errors from the UUT and the analyzer are incoher-
ent, optimizing dynamic range is equivalent to minimizing the contribution of analyzer noise and distortion to accuracy, though
the higher mixer level increases the display scale fidelity errors. This incoherent addition case is commonly used in the industry
and can be useful for comparison of analysis equipment, but this incoherent addition model is rarely justified. This derived accu-
racy specification is based on a mixer level of 13 dBm.
m. Keysight measures 100% of the signal analyzers for dynamic range in the factory production process. This measurement requires
a near-ideal signal, which is impractical for field and customer use. Because field verification is impractical, Keysight only gives a
typical result. More than 80% of prototype instruments met this “typical” specification; the factory test line limit is set commen-
surate with an on-going 80% yield to this typical.
The ACPR dynamic range is verified only at 2 GHz, where Keysight has the near-perfect signal available. The dynamic range is
specified for the optimum mixer drive level, which is different in different instruments and different conditions. The test signal is
a 1 DPCH signal.
The ACPR dynamic range is the observed range. This typical specification includes no measurement uncertainty.
46 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Power Suite Measurements
a. The RBW method measures the power in the adjacent channels within the defined resolution bandwidth. The noise bandwidth of
the RBW filter is nominally 1.055 times the 3.01 dB bandwidth. Therefore, the RBW method will nominally read 0.23 dB higher
adjacent channel power than would a measurement using the integration bandwidth method, because the noise bandwidth of
the integration bandwidth measurement is equal to that integration bandwidth. For cdmaOne ACPR measurements using the
RBW method, the main channel is measured in a 3 MHz RBW, which does not respond to all the power in the carrier. Therefore,
the carrier power is compensated by the expected under-response of the filter to a full width signal, of 0.15 dB. But the adjacent
channel power is not compensated for the noise bandwidth effect.
The reason the adjacent channel is not compensated is subtle. The RBW method of measuring ACPR is very similar to the pre-
ferred method of making measurements for compliance with FCC requirements, the source of the specifications for the cdmaOne
Spur Close specifications. ACPR is a spot measurement of Spur Close, and thus is best done with the RBW method, even though
the results will disagree by 0.23 dB from the measurement made with a rectangular passband.
b. The specified ACPR accuracy applies if the measured ACPR substantially exceeds the analyzer dynamic range at the specified
offset. When this condition is not met, there are additional errors due to the addition of analyzer spectral components to UUT
spectral components. In the worst case at these offsets, the analyzer spectral components are all coherent with the UUT compo-
nents; in a more typical case, one third of the analyzer spectral power will be coherent with the distortion components in the
UUT. Coherent means that the phases of the UUT distortion components and the analyzer distortion components are in a fixed
relationship, and could be perfectly in-phase. This coherence is not intuitive to many users, because the signals themselves are
usually pseudo-random; nonetheless, they can be coherent.
When the analyzer components are 100 coherent with the UUT components, the errors add in a voltage sense. That error is a
function of the signal (UUT ACPR) to noise (analyzer ACPR dynamic range limitation) ratio, SN, in decibels.
The function is error = 20 log(1 + 10SN/20)
For example, if the UUT ACPR is 62 dB and the measurement floor is 82 dB, the SN is 20 dB and the error due to adding the
analyzer distortion to that of the UUT is 0.83 dB.
c. As in footnote b, the specified ACPR accuracy applies if the ACPR measured substantially exceeds the analyzer dynamic range at
the specified offset. When this condition is not met, there are additional errors due to the addition of analyzer spectral compo-
nents to UUT spectral components. Unlike the situation in footnote b, though, the spectral components from the analyzer will be
non-coherent with the components from the UUT. Therefore, the errors add in a power sense. The error is a function of the signal
(UUT ACPR) to noise (analyzer ACPR dynamic range limitation) ratio, SN, in decibels.
The function is error = 10 log(1 + 10SN/10).
For example, if the UUT ACPR is 75 dB and the measurement floor is 85 dB, the SN ratio is 10 dB and the error due to adding
the analyzer's noise to that of the UUT is 0.41 dB.
Chapter 1 47
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Power Suite Measurements
Accuracy Attenuation = 10 dB
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz 0.81 dB (95th percentile)
3.0 to 7.5 GHz 1.80 dB (95th percentile)
a. The dynamic is specified at 12.5 MHz offset from center frequency with the mixer level of 1 dB of compression point, which will
degrade accuracy 1 dB.
b. The sensitivity is specified at far offset from carrier, where phase noise does not contribute. You can derive the dynamic range at
far offset 1 dB compression mixer level and sensitivity.
48 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Power Suite Measurements
Chapter 1 49
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
The following options and applications affect instrument specifications.
50 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Chapter 1 51
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
Calibration Cycle 1 year
Description Specifications
EMC Complies with European EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
52 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Description Specifications
Safety Complies with European Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
Chapter 1 53
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Resolution 1024 768 XGA
Size 1024 768 213 mm (8.4 in) diagonal (nominal)
Log Scale 0.1, 0.2, 0.3...1.0, 2.0, 3.0...20 dB per division
Linear Scale 10% of reference level per division
Units dBm, dBmV, dBmA, Watts, Volts, Amps, dBV,
a. The LCD display is manufactured using high precision technology. However, there may be up to six bright points (white, blue, red
or green in color) that constantly appear on the LCD screen. These points are normal in the manufacturing process and do not
affect the measurement integrity of the product in any way.
a. For earlier instruments, a fixed hard disk drive (40 GB) was installed.
54 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Chapter 1 55
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Front Panel
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
RF Input
Standard Type-N female
Impedance 50 (nominal)
56 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Rear Panel
Chapter 1 57
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
58 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Chapter 1 59
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Regulatory Information
Regulatory Information
This product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution Degree 2 per IEC 61010 2nd ed,
and 664 respectively.
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and has been
supplied in a safe condition. The instruction documentation contains information and warnings which must
be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.
The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community (if accompanied by a year,
it is the year when the design was proven). This product complies with all relevant directives.
ISM 1-A This is a symbol of an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product. (CISPR 11,
(GRP.1 CLASS A) Clause 4)
The CSA mark is the Canadian Standards Association. This product complies with the
relevant safety requirements.
This symbol indicates separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment mandated
under EU law as of August 13, 2005. All electric and electronic equipment are required to be
separated from normal waste for disposal (Reference WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC).
To return unwanted products, contact your local Keysight office, or see for more information.
Indicates the time period during which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are
expected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of
the product.
This equipment is Class A suitable for professional use and is for use in electromagnetic
environments outside of the home.
To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see for more information.
60 Chapter 1
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
A copy of the Manufacturer’s European Declaration of Conformity for this instrument can be obtained by
contacting your local Keysight Technologies sales representative.
Chapter 1 61
Keysight CXA Signal Analyzer
Declaration of Conformity
62 Chapter 1
I/Q Analyzer
Specification Guide
2 I/Q Analyzer
This chapter contains specifications for the I/Q Analyzer measurement application (Basic
I/Q Analyzer
Specifications Affected by I/Q Analyzer
Clipping-to-Noise Dynamic Range See Clipping-to-Noise Dynamic Range specifications in this chapter.
IF Amplitude Flatness See "IF Frequency Response" on page 26 of the core specifications
for the 10 MHz band width. Specifications for wider band widths are
given in the Analysis Bandwidth chapter for any optional bandwidths
in use.
IF Phase Linearity See "IF Frequency Response" on page 26 of the core specifications
for the 10 MHz band width. Specifications for wider band widths are
given in the Analysis Bandwidth chapter for any optional bandwidths
in use.
Data Acquisition See "Data Acquisition" on page 67 in this chapter for the 10 MHz
band width. Specifications for wider bandwidths are given in the
Analysis Bandwidth chapter for any optional band widths in use.
64 Chapter 2
I/Q Analyzer
Frequency Span
Standard instrument 10 Hz to 10 MHz
Option B25 10 Hz to 25 MHz
Chapter 2 65
I/Q Analyzer
Clipping-to-Noise Dynamic Range
66 Chapter 2
I/Q Analyzer
Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition
Chapter 2 67
I/Q Analyzer
Data Acquisition
68 Chapter 2
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Specification Guide
This chapter contains specifications for the W9064A VXA vector signal analysis
measurement application.
Because digital communications signals are noise-like, all measurements will have
variations. The specifications apply only with adequate averaging to remove those
These specifications summarize the performance for the CXA Signal Analyzer and
apply to the VXA vector signal analysis measurement application inside the analyzer.
Values shown in the column labeled "Specs & Nominals" are a mix of warranted
specifications, guaranteed-by-design parameters, and conservative but not
warranted observations of performance of sample instruments.
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Vector Signal Analysis Performance (W9064A-1FP)
70 Chapter 3
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Vector Signal Analysis Performance (W9064A-1FP)
Amplitude Accuracy
IF Flatness
20 dBm range Compute from DANLa; see "Displayed Average
Noise Level (DANL)" on page 34
a. DANL is specified in the narrowest resolution bandwidth (1 Hz) with log averaging, in accordance with industry and
historic standards. The effect of log averaging is to reduce the noise level by 2.51 dB. The effect of using a 1 Hz
RBW is to increase the measured noise because the noise bandwidth of the 1 Hz RBW filter is nominally 1.056 Hz,
thus adding 0.23 dB to the level. The combination of these effects makes the sensitivity, in units of dBm/Hz, 2.27
dB higher than DANL in units of dBm in a 1 Hz RBW.
Chapter 3 71
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Vector Signal Analysis Performance (W9064A-1FP)
Dynamic Range
Other spurious
72 Chapter 3
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Analog Modulation Analysis (W9064A-1FP)
AM Demodulation
(Span MHz,
Carrier 17 dBfs)
Demodulator Band width Same as selected measurement span
Modulation Index Accuracy 1
Harmonic Distortion 50 dBc Relative to 100 modulation index
Spurious 60 dBc Relative to 100 modulation index
Cross Demodulation < 1.1AM on an FM signal with
50 kHz modulation rate,
200 kHz deviation
PM Demod ulation
(Deviation < 180,
modulation rate 500 kHz)
Demodulator Band width Same as selected measurement span,
except as noted
Modulation Index Accuracy 0.5
Harmonic Distortion 55 dBc
Spurious 60 dBc
Cross Demodulation 1PM on an 80% modulation index AM
signal, modulation rate 1 MHz
Chapter 3 73
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Analog Modulation Analysis (W9064A-1FP)
FM Demodulation
Demodulator Band width Same as selected measurement span
Modulation Index Accuracy 0.1% of span
(deviation < 2 MHz,
modulation rate 500 kHz)
Harmonic Distortion
Rate Deviation
< 50 kHz 200 kHz 50 dBc
500 kHz 2 MHz 45 dBc
Rate Deviation
50 kHz 200 kHz 50 dBc
500 kHz 2 MHz 45 dBc
Cross Demodulation 0.5 of span of FM on an 80 modulation
index AM signal, modulation rate 1 MHz
74 Chapter 3
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Flexible Digital Modulation Analysis (W9064A-2FP)
Resid ual Errors Modulation formats include BPSK, D8PSK, DQPSK, QPSK,
Residual EVM (16/32/64/128/256)DVBQAM, p/4-DQPSK, 8-PSK. EVM
Symbol Rate/Span normalization reference set to Constellation Maximum.
Transmit filter is Root Raised Cosine with alpha=0.35. Center
1 Msps/5 MHz 0.7 rms frequency 1 GHz. Signal amplitude of -16 dBm, analyzer range
10 Msps/25 MHza 0.9 rms set to -10 dBm. Result length set to at least 150 symbols, or 3
{Number of ideal state locations}. RMS style averaging with a
Magnitude Error
count of 10. Phase Noise Optimization adjusted based on
Symbol Rate/Span symbol rate of measurement. Available span dependent on
analyzer hard ware band width options.
1 Msps/5 MHz 0.5 rms
10 Msps/25 MHza 0.6 rms
Phase Error
Symbol Rate/Span
1 Msps/5 MHz 0.7 rms
10 Msps/25 MHza 0.8 rms
Frequency Error Symbol rate/500,000 Added to frequency accuracy if applicable
Chapter 3 75
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
Flexible Digital Modulation Analysis (W9064A-2FP)
16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1.0 (SNR 40 dB) Symbol rate = 6.9 MHz,
1024 QAM = 0.15, frequency < 3.0 GHz,
8 MHz span, full-scale signal,
range 30 dBm,
result length = 800, averages = 10
76 Chapter 3
Option CR3 - Connector Rear, Second IF Output
Specification Guide
This chapter contains specifications for the CXA Signal Analyzer Option CR3, Second
IF Output.
Option CR3 - Connector Rear, Second IF Output
Specifications Affected by Connector Rear, Second IF Output
78 Chapter 4
Option CR3 - Connector Rear, Second IF Output
Other Connector Rear, Second IF Output Specifications
Second IF Out
Second IF Out
Band width
a. "Conversion Gain" is defined from RF input to IF Output with 0 dB attenuation. The nominal performance applies with zero
b. Measured from 262.5 to 382.5 MHz for low band or 302.5 to 342.5 MHz for high band.
Chapter 4 79
Option CR3 - Connector Rear, Second IF Output
Other Connector Rear, Second IF Output Specifications
80 Chapter 4
Option C75 - Connector Front, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Specification Guide
Option C75 - Connector Front, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Specifications Affected by Connector, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
82 Chapter 5
Option C75 - Connector Front, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Specifications Affected by Connector, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Chapter 5 83
Option C75 - Connector Front, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Specifications Affected by Connector, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
a. Large signals, even at frequencies not shown on the screen, can cause the analyzer to incorrectly measure on-screen signals
because of two-tone gain compression. This specification tells how large an interfering signal must be in order to cause a 1 dB
change in an on-screen signal.
b. Specified at 1 kHz RBW with 1 MHz tone spacing.
c. Reference level and off-screen performance: The reference level (RL) behavior differs from some earlier analyzers in a way that
makes this analyzer more flexible. In other analyzers, the RL controlled how the measurement was performed as well as how it
was displayed. Because the logarithmic amplifier in these analyzers had both range and resolution limitations, this behavior was
necessary for optimum measurement accuracy. The logarithmic amplifier in this signal analyzer, however, is implemented
digitally such that the range and resolution greatly exceed other instrument limitations. Because of this, the analyzer can make
measurements largely independent of the setting of the RL without compromising accuracy. Because the RL becomes a display
function, not a measurement function, a marker can read out results that are off-screen, either above or below, without any
change in accuracy. The only exception to the independence of RL and the way in which the measurement is performed is in the
input attenuation setting: When the input attenuation is set to auto, the rules for the determination of the input attenuation
include dependence on the reference level. Because the input attenuation setting controls the tradeoff between large signal
behaviors (third-order intermodulation, compression, and display scale fidelity) and small signal effects (noise), the
measurement results can change with RL changes when the input attenuation is set to auto.
d. Mixer power level (dBm) = input power (dBm) input attenuation (dB).
84 Chapter 5
Option C75 - Connector Front, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Additional RF
RF Input,
Input, 1.5
1.5 GHz
GHz Specifications
Chapter 5 85
Option C75 - Connector Front, 75 Ohm Additional RF Input, 1.5 GHz
Other Connector,
Connector, 75
75 Ohm
Ohm Additional
86 Chapter 5
Option EMC - Precompliance EMI Features
Specification Guide
Option EMC - Precompliance EMI Features
Description Specifications Supplemental information
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 3.0, 7.5, 13.6, 26.5 GHz
depending on the frequency options.
EMI Resolution Band wid ths See Table 6-1and Table 6-2
CISPR Available when the EMC Standard is CISPR
200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz 6 dB band widths, subject to masks; meets
CISPR standard a
Non-CISPR bandwidths 10, 30, 100, 300 Hz, 1, 3, 6 dB band widths
30, 300 kHz, 3, 10 MHz
MIL STD Available when the EMC Standard is MIL
10, 100 Hz, 1, 10, 100 kHz, 1 MHz 6 dB band widths; meets MIL-STDb
Non-MIL STD bandwidths 30, 300 Hz, 3, 30, 6 dB band widths
300 kHz, 3, 10 MHz
a. CISPR 16-1-1 (2010)
b. MIL-STD 461 D/E/F (20 Aug, 1999)
88 Chapter 6
Option EMC - Precompliance EMI Features
Chapter 6 89
Option EMC - Precompliance EMI Features
90 Chapter 6
Option B25 (25 MHz) - Analysis Bandwidth
Specification Guide
This chapter contains specifications for the Option B25 (25 MHz)
Analysis Bandwidth, and are unique to this IF Path.
Option B25 (25 MHz) - Analysis Bandwidth
Specifications Affected by Analysis Bandwidth
Spurious and Residual Responses The "Spurious Response" on page 35 still apply. Further,
band width-option-dependent spurious responses are contained within
this chapter.
Displayed Average Noise Level, The performance of the analyzer will degrade by an unspecified extent
Third-Order Intermodulation and Phase when using this bandwidth option. This extent is not substantial enough
Noise to justify statistical process control.
92 Chapter 7
Option B25 (25 MHz) - Analysis Band wid th
Other Analysis Band width Specifications
IF Second Harmonic
IF Conversion Image
Chapter 7 93
Option B25 (25 MHz) - Analysis Bandwidth
Other Analysis Bandwidth Specifications
IF Frequency Responsea
(Demodulation and FFT response
relative to the center frequency)
Center Freq Analysis Max Errorb Midwidth Error Slope (dB/MHz) RMSd
(GHz) Width (MHz) (Exceptionsc) (95th Percentile) (95th Percentile) (nominal)
3.0 10 to25 0.45 dB 0.15 dB 0.1 0.03 dB
>3.0, 26.5 10 to25 0.65 dB
a. The IF frequency response includes effects due to RF circuits such as input filters, that are a function of RF frequency, in addition
to the IF pass-band effects.
b. The maximum error at an offset (f) from the center of the FFT width is given by the expression [Midwidth Error + (f × Slope)], but
never exceeds Max Error. Usually, the span is no larger than the FFT width in which case the center of the FFT width is the cen-
ter frequency of the analyzer. When the analyzer span is wider than the FFT width, the span is made up of multiple concatenated
FFT results, and thus has multiple centers of FFT widths so the f in the equation is the offset from the nearest center. These spec-
ifications include the effect of RF frequency response as well as IF frequency response at the worst case center frequency. Perfor-
mance is nominally three times better than the maximum error at most center frequencies.
c. The specification does not apply for frequencies greater than 3.6 MHz from the center in FFT Widths of 7.2 to 8 MHz.
d. The "RMS" nominal performance is the standard deviation of the response relative to the center frequency, integrated across a 10
MHz span. This performance measure was observed at a single center frequency in each harmonic mixing band, which is repre-
sentative of all center frequencies; the observation center frequency is not the worst case center frequency.
94 Chapter 7
Option B25 (25 MHz) - Analysis Band wid th
Other Analysis Band width Specifications
Chapter 7 95
Option B25 (25 MHz) - Analysis Bandwidth
Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition
96 Chapter 7
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Specification Guide
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Specifications Affected by Preamp
Nominal Dynamic Range vs. The graphic from the core specifications does not apply with Preamp On.
Offset Frequency vs. RBW
Absolute Amplitude Accuracy See "Absolute Amplitude Accuracy" on page 27 of the core specifications.
Display Scale Fidelity See "Display Scale Fidelity" on page 31 of the core specifications.
Second Harmonic Distortion See "Second Harmonic Distortion" on page 36 of the core specifications.
Third Order Intermodulation See "Third Order Intermodulation" on page 36 of the core specifications.
98 Chapter 8
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Other Preamp Specifications
Gain Maximum
100 kHz to 26.5 GHz 20 dB (nominal)
Noise figure
100 kHz to 26.5 GHz Noise Figure is
DANL + 176.24 dB (nominal)a
Note on DC couplingb
Chapter 8 99
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Other Preamp Specifications
100 Chapter 8
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Other Preamp Specifications
Chapter 8 101
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Other Preamp Specifications
102 Chapter 8
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Other Preamp Specifications
Chapter 8 103
Option P03, P07, P13 and P26 - Preamplifiers
Other Preamp Specifications
104 Chapter 8
Options T03 and T06 - Tracking Generators
Specification Guide
Options T03 and T06 - Tracking Generators
General Specifications
General Specifications
Frequency Resolution 1 Hz
106 Chapter 9
Options T03 and T06 - Tracking Generators
General Specifications
Resolution 0.1 dB
Phase Noise
Noise Sidebands
(Center Frequency = 1 GHza
Internal Referenceb)
Offset Nominal
a. The nominal performance of the phase noise at frequencies above the frequency at which the specifications apply (1 GHz)
depends on the band and the offset.
b. Specifications are given with the internal frequency reference.
c. For earlier instrument (SN prefix < MY/SG/US5423), the phase noise is –120 dB/Hz (nominal) at 1 GHz center frequency.
Chapter 9 107
Options T03 and T06 - Tracking Generators
General Specifications
Spurious Outputs
(0 dBm output)
Harmonic Spurs
Non-harmonic Spurs
RF Output
108 Chapter 9
Option ESC - External Source Control
Specification Guide
Option ESC - External Source Control
Frequency Range
SA Operating range 9 kHz to 3 GHz N9000A-503
9 kHz to 7.5 GHz N9000A-507
Span Limitations
Span limitations due to source range Limited by the source and SA
operating range
Offset Sweep
Sweep offset setting range Limited by the source and SA
operating range
Sweep offset setting resolution 1 Hz
110 Chapter 10
Option ESC - External Source Control
1 MHz 2 kHz 97.0 dB
10 MHz 6.8 kHz 91.7 dB
100 MHz 20 kHz 87.0 dB
1000 MHz 68 kHz 81.7 dB
Chapter 10 111
Option ESC - External Source Control
IO interface connection
between MXG and SA LAN, GPIB, or USB
between PSG and SA LAN or GPIB
a. Firmware revision A.11.00 or later is required for the signal analyzer to control the analog X-Series EXG (N5171B) and MXG
112 Chapter 10
Options PFR - Precision Frequency Reference
Specification Guide
Options PFR - Precision Frequency Reference
Specifications Affected by Precision Frequency Reference
114 Chapter 11
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Specification Guide
Refer to the footnote for "Definitions of terms used in this chapter" on page 116.
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
116 Chapter 12
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
RF Carrier Frequency and Bandwidth
Carrier Frequency
Maximum Frequency
Option 503 3.0 GHz RF/mW frequency option
Option 507 7.5 GHz RF/mW frequency option
Option 513 13.6 GHz RF/mW frequency option
Option 526 26.5 GHz RF/mW frequency option
Minimum Frequency
Option 503, 507 9 kHz
Option 513, 526
AC Coupled 10 MHz
DC Coupled 9 kHz In practice, limited by the need to
keep modulation sidebands from
folding, and by the interference
from LO feedthrough.
Chapter 12 117
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Fil ters
High Pass 20 Hz 2-Pole Butterworth
50 Hz 2-Pole Butterworth
300 Hz 2-Pole Butterworth
400 Hza 10-Pole Butterworth; used to attenuate sub-audible
signaling tones
Low Pass 300 Hz 5-Pole Butterworth
3 kHz 5-Pole Butterworth
15 kHz 5-Pole Butterworth
30 kHz 3-Pole Butterworth
80 kHz 3-Pole Butterworth
300 kHz 3-Pole Butterworth
100 kHz (> 20 kHz Bessel)a 9-Pole Bessel; provides linear phase response to
reduce distortion of square-wave modulation, such as
Manuala Manually tuned by user, range 300 Hz to 20 MHz;
5-Pole Butterworth; for use with high modulation rates
Band Pass ITU-T O.41, or ITU-T P.53; known as "psophometric"
Roughly equivalent to 50 Hz HPF with 10 kHz LPF
IEEE 743, or BSTM 41004; similar in shape to CCITT,
C-Weighteda sometimes called "psophometric"
C-Messagea ITU-R 468, CCIR 468-2 Weighted, or DIN 45 405
ITU 468 ARM or CCIR/ARM (Average Responding
CCIR-1k Weightedab Meter), commonly referred to as "Dolby" filter
CCIR-2k Weightedab ITU-R 468 Unweightedb
CCIR Unweighteda
118 Chapter 12
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Chapter 12 119
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Frequency Modulation
Frequency Modulation
Conditions required to meet specification
• Peak deviation*: 200 Hz
• Modulation index (ModIndex) =PeakDeviation/Rate = Beta: 0.2 to 2000
• Channel BW:50 kHz
• Rate: 20 Hz to 50 kHz
• SINAD bandwidth: (Channel BW) / 2
• Single tone - sinusoid modulation
*.Peak deviation, modulation index ("beta"), and modulation rate are related by PeakDeviation = ModIndex Rate. Each of these
has an allowable range, but all conditions must be satisfied at the same time. For example, PeakDeviation = 80 kHz at Rate = 20
Hz is not allowed, since ModIndex = PeakDeviation/Rate would be 4000, but ModIndex is limited to 2000. In addition, all signif-
icant sidebands must be contained in Channel BW. For FM, an approximate rule-of-thumb is 2 [PeakDeviation + Rate] <
Channel BW; this implies that PeakDeviation might be large if the Rate is small, but both cannot be large at the same time.
120 Chapter 12
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Frequency Modulation
Frequency Modulation
Residual FMf
(50 Hz HPF, 3 kHz LPF, any Channel 2.0 Hz rms (nominal)
(50 Hz HPF, 3 kHz LPF, 15 kHz 1.0 Hz rms (nominal)
Channel BW)
Chapter 12 121
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Conditions required to meet specification
• Depth: 1% to 99%
• Channel BW:1 MHz
• Rate: 50 Hz to 100 kHz
• SINAD bandwidth: (Channel BW) / 2
• Single tone - sinusoid modulation
122 Chapter 12
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
FM Rejectionc 0.5(nominal)
Chapter 12 123
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Phase Modulation
Phase Modulation
Conditions erquired to meet specification
• Peak deviation*: 0.2 to 100 rad
• Channel BW:1 MHz
• Rate: 20 Hz to 50 kHz
• SINAD bandwidth: (Channel BW) / 2
• Single tone - sinusoid modulation
PM Deviation Accuracyabc
(1 rad (0.005 + (rate/1 MHz)))
(Rate: 1 to 20 kHz, (nominal)
Deviation: 0.2 to 6 rad)
(Rate: 1 to 10 kHz)
*.PeakDeviation (for phase, in rads) and Rate are jointly limited to fit within Channel BW. For PM, an approximate rule-of-thumb is
2 [PeakDeviation + 1]Rate < Channel BW; such that most of the sideband energy is within the Channel BW.
124 Chapter 12
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Phase Modulation
Phase Modulation
a. For optimum measurement, ensure that the Channel BW is set wide enough to capture the significant RF energy. Setting the
Channel BW too wide will result in measurement errors.
b. SINAD [dB] can be derived by 20 log10(1/Distortion).
c. AM rejection describes the instrument’s PM reading for an input that is strongly AMed (with no PM); this specification includes
contributions from residual PM.
d. Residual PM describes the instrument’s PM reading for an input that has no PM and no AM; this specification includes
contributions from PM deviation accuracy.
Chapter 12 125
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
Analog Out
Analog Out
The "Analog Out" connector (BNC) is located at the analyzer’s rear panel. It is a multi-purpose output,
whose function depends on options and operating mode (active application). When the W9063A Analog
Demod application is active, this output carries a voltage waveform reconstructed by a real-time hardware
demodulator (designed to drive the "Demod to Speaker" function for listening). The processing path and
algorithms for this output are entirely separate from those of the W9063A application itself; the Analog Out
waveform is not necessarily identical the application's Demod Waveform.
Analog out scale adjust User-settable factor, range from 0.5 to 10, default =1, applied
to above V/Hz scaling.
Most controls in the W9063A application do not affect Analog Out. The few that do are:
* choice of AM, FM, or PM (FM Stereo not supported)
* tuned Center Freq
* Channel BW (affects IF filter, sample rate, and FM scaling)
* some post-demod filters and de-emphasis (the hardware demodulator has limited filter choices; it will attempt to inherit the
filter settings in the app, but with constraints and approximations)
With software revision A.14.xx or higher, the FM case has repeatable and deterministic scaling and offset behavior, and is
continuous (smooth) through acquisition cycles. See above. The AM and PM cases are not, and should be used with caution.
126 Chapter 12
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
FM Stereo/Radio Data System (RDS) Measurements
FM Stereo Modulation
Analysis Measurements
MPX view RF Spectrum, AF Spectrum, Demod MPX consists of FM signal multiplexing with
waveform, FM Deviation (Hz) (Peak+, the mono signal (L+R), stereo signal (L–R),
Peak-, (Pk-Pk)/2, RMS), Carrier Power pilot signal (at 19 kHz), and optional RDS
(dBm), Carrier Frequency Error (Hz), signal (at 57 kHz).
SINAD (dB), Distortion (% or dB) • SINAD MPX BW, default 53 kHz, range
from 1 to 58 kHz
• Reference Deviation, default 75 kHz,
range from 15 to 150 kHz
RDS/RBDS Decod ing Resul t BLER, basic tuning and switching info, BLER Block Count default 1E+8, range from 1
view radio text, program item number and slow to 1E+16
labeling codes, clock time and date
Numeric Resul t view MPX, Mono, Stereo, Left, Right, Pilot and
RDS with FM Deviation result (Hz) of
Peak+, (Pk-Pk)/2, RMS, Mod Rate (Hz),
SINAD (% or dB), THD (% or dB)
Left to Right (dB), Mono to Stereo (dB), RF
Carrie Power (dB), RF Carrier Freq Error
(Hz), 38 kHz Carrier Freq Error (Hz), 38 kHz
Carrier Phase Error (deg)
*. Requires Option W9063A-3FP, which in turn requires that the instrument also has Option W9063A-2FP installed and
Chapter 12 127
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
FM Stereo/Radio Data System (RDS) Measurements
A-weighted filter 59 dB (nominal)
128 Chapter 12
Phase Noise Measurement Application
Specification Guide
Phase Noise Measurement Application
General Specifications
General Specifications
Measurement Characteristics
130 Chapter 13
Phase Noise Measurement Application
General Specifications
Measurement Accuracy
Chapter 13 131
Phase Noise Measurement Application
General Specifications
Offset Frequency
Offset < 1 MHz Negligible error (nominal)
Offset MHz ±(0.5% of offset + marker resolution) (nominal)
0.5% of offset is equivalent to 0.0072 octaveb
a. For example, opt is 3.0 GHz for Option 503.
b. The frequency offset error in octaves causes an additional amplitude accuracy error proportional to the product of the frequency
error and slope of the phase noise. For example, a 0.01 octave frequency error combined with an 18 dB/octave slope gives 0.18
dB additional amplitude error.
132 Chapter 13
Noise Figure Measurement Application
Specification Guide
Noise Figure Measurement Application
General Specification
General Specification
10 MHz
4 to 6.5 dB 0 to 20 dB 0.05 dB
12 to 17 dB 0 to 30 dB 0.05 dB
20 to 22 dB 0 to 35 dB 0.1 dB
a. The figures given in the table are for the uncertainty added by the CXA Signal Analyzer instrument only. To compute the total
uncertainty for your noise figure measurement, you need to take into account other factors including: DUT NF, Gain and Match,
Instrument NF, Gain Uncertainty and Match; Noise source ENR uncertainty and Match. The computations can be performed with
the uncertainty calculator included with the Noise Figure Measurement Personality. Go to Mode Setup then select Uncer-
tainty Calculator. Similar calculators are also available on the Keysight web site; go to
b. Uncertainty performance of the instrument is nominally the same in this frequency range as in the higher frequency range.
However, performance is not warranted in this range. There is a paucity of available noise sources in this range, and the analyzer
has poorer noise figure, leading to higher uncertainties as computed by the uncertainty calculator.
c. “Instrument Uncertainty” is defined for noise figure analysis as uncertainty due to relative amplitude uncertainties encountered
in the analyzer when making the measurements required for a noise figure computation. The relative amplitude uncertainty
depends on, but is not identical to, the relative display scale fidelity, also known as incremental log fidelity. The uncertainty of
the analyzer is multiplied within the computation by an amount that depends on the Y factor to give the total uncertainty of the
noise figure or gain measurement.
See Keysight App Note 57-2, literature number 5952-3706E for details on the use of this specification.
Jitter (amplitude variations) will also affect the accuracy of results. The standard deviation of the measured result decreases by a
factor of the square root of the Resolution Bandwidth used and by the square root of the number of averages. This application
uses the 4 MHz Resolution Bandwidth as default since this is the widest bandwidth with uncompromising accuracy.
134 Chapter 14
Noise Figure Measurement Application
General Specification
Instrument Uncertaintya
10 MHzb
Chapter 14 135
Noise Figure Measurement Application
General Specification
136 Chapter 14
Noise Figure Measurement Application
General Specification
8 GHz
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
12 GHz
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Chapter 14 137
Noise Figure Measurement Application
General Specification
138 Chapter 14
802.16 OFDMA Measurement Application
Specification Guide
802.16 OFDMA Measurement Application
Measurement Specifications
Measurement Specifications
Channel Power
140 Chapter 15
802.16 OFDMA Measurement Application
Measurement Specifications
ACPR Accuracy
Radio BW Offset
MS 5 MHz 5 MHz 0.23 dB At ACPR 24 dBc with optimum mixer levela
MS 5 MHz 10 MHz 0.95 dB At ACPR 47 dBc with optimum mixer level b
MS 10 MHz 10 MHz 0.42 dB At ACPR 24 dBc with optimum mixer levelc
MS 10 MHz 20 MHz 1.78 dB At ACPR 47 dBc with optimum mixer levelb
BS 5 MHz 5 MHz 1.60 dB At ACPR 45 dBc with optimum mixer leveld
BS 5 MHz 10 MHz 1.47 dB At ACPR 50 dBc with optimum mixer levelb
BS 10 MHz 10 MHz 2.14 dB At ACPR 45 dBc with optimum mixer levele
BS 10 MHz 20 MHz 2.63 dB At ACPR 50 dBc with optimum mixer levelb
a. To meet this specified accuracy when measuring mobile station (MS) at 24 dBc ACPR, the mixer level (ML) must be opti-
mized for accuracy. This optimum mixer level is 25 dBm, so the input attenuation must be set as close as possible to the
average input power. For example, if the average input power is dBm, set the attenuation to 16 dB. Note that if the mixer
level is set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
b. ACPR accuracy for this case is warranted when the input attenuator is set to give an average mixer level of 14 dBm (for all
alternate channel cases).
c. To meet this specified accuracy when measuring mobile station (MS) at 24 dBc ACPR, the mixer level (ML) must be opti-
mized for accuracy. This optimum mixer level is 24 dBm, so the input attenuation must be set as close as possible to the
average input power. For example, if the average input power is 4 dBm, set the attenuation to 20 dB. Note that if the mixer
level is set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
d. To meet this specified accuracy when measuring base station (BS) at 45 dBc ACPR, the mixer level (ML) must be optimized
for accuracy. This optimum mixer level is20 dBm, so the input attenuation must be set as close as possible to the average
input power. For example, if the average input power is 4 dBm, set the attenuation to 16 dB. Note that if the mixer level is
set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
e. To meet this specified accuracy when measuring base station (BS) at 45 dBc ACPR, the mixer level (ML) must be optimized
for accuracy. This optimum mixer level is 18 dBm, so the input attenuation must be set as close as possible to the average
input power. For example, if the average input power is2 dBm, set the attenuation to 16 dB. Note that if the mixer level is
set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
Chapter 15 141
802.16 OFDMA Measurement Application
Measurement Specifications
Relatived 0.11 dB
142 Chapter 15
802.16 OFDMA Measurement Application
Measurement Specifications
Spurious Emissions
(Attenuation = 10 dB)
Frequency Range
Chapter 15 143
802.16 OFDMA Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range for Warranted Specifications
144 Chapter 15
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Specification Guide
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Channel Power
146 Chapter 16
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Chapter 16 147
W-CDMA Measurement Application
a. The accuracy of the Adjacent Channel Power Ratio will depend on the mixer drive level and whether the distortion products
from the analyzer are coherent with those in the UUT. These specifications apply even in the worst case condition of coherent
analyzer and UUT distortion products. For ACPR levels other than those in this specifications table, the optimum mixer drive
level for accuracy is approximately 37 dBm (ACPR/3), where the ACPR is given in (negative) decibels.
b. To meet this specified accuracy when measuring mobile station (MS) or user equipment (UE) within 3 dB of the required 33
dBc ACPR, the mixer level (ML) must be optimized for accuracy. This optimum mixer level is 24 dBm, so the input
attenuation must be set as close as possible to the average input power (22 dBm). For example, if the average input power
is 6 dBm, set the attenuation to 16 dB. This specification applies for the normal 3.5 dB peak-to-average ratio of a single
code. Note that if the mixer level is set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are nominally doubled.
c. ACPR accuracy at 10 MHz offset is warranted when the input attenuator is set to give an average mixer level of 14 dBm (for all
alternate channel and non-coherent ACPR).
d. In order to meet this specified accuracy, the mixer level must be optimized for accuracy when measuring node B Base Trans-
mission Station (BTS) within 3 dB of the required 45 dBc ACPR. This optimum mixer level is 18 dBm, so the input attenua-
tion must be set as close as possible to the average input power (18 dBm). For example, if the average input power is 5
dBm, set the attenuation to 13 dB. This specification applies for the normal 10 dB peak-to-average ratio (at 0.01 probabil-
ity) for Test Model 1. Note that, if the mixer level is set to optimize dynamic range instead of accuracy, accuracy errors are
nominally doubled.
e. Keysight measures 100% of the signal analyzers for dynamic range in the factory production process. This measurement
requires a near-ideal signal, which is impractical for field and customer use. Because field verification is impractical, Keysight
only gives a typical result. More than 80% of prototype instruments met this “typical” specification; the factory test line limit is
set commensurate with an on-going 80% yield to this typical.
The ACPR dynamic range is verified only at 2 GHz, where Keysight has the near-perfect signal available. The dynamic range is
specified for the optimum mixer drive level, which is different in different instruments and different conditions. The test signal
is a 1 DPCH signal.
The ACPR dynamic range is the observed range. This typical specification includes no measurement uncertainty.
f. 3GPP requires the use of a root-raised-cosine filter in evaluating the ACLR of a device. The accuracy of the passband shape of
the filter is not specified in standards, nor is any method of evaluating that accuracy. This footnote discusses the performance
of the filter in this instrument. The effect of the RRC filter and the effect of the RBW used in the measurement interact. The ana-
lyzer compensates the shape of the RRC filter to accommodate the RBW filter. The effectiveness of this compensation is sum-
marized in three ways:
White noise in Adj Ch: The compensated RRC filter nominally has no errors if the adjacent channel has a spectrum that is flat
across its width.
TOI-induced spectrum: If the spectrum is due to third-order intermodulation, it has a distinctive shape. The computed errors
of the compensated filter are 0.004 dB for the 470 kHz RBW used for UE testing with the IBW method and also used for all
testing with the Fast method, and 0.000 dB for the 30 kHz RBW filter used for BTS testing with the IBW method. The worst
error for RBWs between these extremes is 0.05 dB for a 330 kHz RBW filter.
rms CW error: This error is a measure of the error in measuring a CW-like spurious component. It is evaluated by computing
the root of the mean of the square of the power error across all frequencies within the adjacent channel. The computed rms
error of the compensated filter is 0.023 dB for the 470 kHz RBW used for UE testing with the IBW method and also used for all
testing with the Fast method, and 0.000 dB for the 30 kHz RBW filter used for BTS testing. The worst error for RBWs between
these extremes is 0.057 dB for a 430 kHz RBW filter.
148 Chapter 16
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Relatived 0.11 dB
Chapter 16 149
W-CDMA Measurement Application
(Attenuation = 10 dB)
Frequency Range
150 Chapter 16
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Relative accuracy
Accuracy 0.14 dB
(0 to 40 dBc)
Relative accuracy
Chapter 16 151
W-CDMA Measurement Application
(25 dBm MLa 15 dBm RF input power and attenuation are set to
20 to 30°C) meet the Mixer Level range.
Floor 1.6%
Accuracyb 1.0%
Frequency error
Accuracy 5 Hz + tfad
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation.
b. The accuracy specification applies when the EVM to be measured is well above the measurement floor and successfully syn-
chronized to the signal. When the EVM does not greatly exceed the floor, the errors due to the floor add to the accuracy errors.
The errors due to the floor are noise-like and add incoherently with the UUT EVM. The errors depend on the EVM of the UUT
and the floor as follows: error = sqrt(EVMUUT2 + EVMsa2) EVMUUT, where EVMUUT is the EVM of the UUT in percent, and
EVMsa is the EVM floor of the analyzer in percent.
c. This specifies a synchronization range with CPICH for CPICH only signal.
d. tfa = transmitter frequency frequency reference accuracy
152 Chapter 16
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Chapter 16 153
W-CDMA Measurement Application
Power Control
154 Chapter 16
W-CDMA Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
Chapter 16 155
W-CDMA Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
156 Chapter 16
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Specification Guide
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
EDGE Error Vector Magnitude 3/8 shifted 8PSK modulation, 3/4 shifted
(EVM) QPSK modulation, /4 shifted 16QAM, /4
shifted 32QAM in NSR/HSR with pulse
shaping filter.
Specifications based on 200 bursts
EVMa, rms
Accuracyb 0.5%
(EVM range 1 to 10NSR 8PSK)
EVM range 1 to 6NSR
EVM range 1 to 8HSR QPSK
EVM range 1 to 5HSR
Frequency errora
IQ Origin Offset
158 Chapter 17
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Accuracy 0.31 dB
Chapter 17 159
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Floor 0.6
Accuracy 0.3
(Phase error range 1° to 6°)
Frequency errora
160 Chapter 17
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Chapter 17 161
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
162 Chapter 17
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
(GSMK) (nominal) (others)
(nominal) (nominal)
Dynamic Range,
Spectrum due to
Analyzers with EP4
(SN prefix ³
MY/SG/US5423, ship EDGE
standard with option EP4) (NSR 8PSK &
Offset Frequency (GSMK) (others)f
400 kHz 64.4 dB 64.1 dB
600 kHz 67.6 dB 67.0 dB
1.2 MHz 70.9 dB 69.8 dB
1.8 MHz 71.6 dB 70.3 dB
a. Maximum dynamic range requires RF input power above 2 dBm for offsets of 1.2 MHz and below for GSM, and above 5 dBm
for EDGE. For offsets of 1.8 MHz and above, the required RF input power for maximum dynamic range is +8 dBm for GSM signals
and +5 dBm for EDGE signals.
b. When the margin between this performance level and 3GPP requirements is not adequate, it may not test against the 3GPP test
c. ORFS standards call for the use of a 5-pole, sync-tuned filter; this and the following footnotes review the instrument's confor-
mance to that standard. Offset frequencies can be measured by using either the FFT method or the direct time method. By
default, the FFT method is used for offsets of 400 kHz and below, and the direct time method is used for offsets above 400 kHz.
The FFT method is faster, but has lower dynamic range than the direct time method.
Chapter 17 163
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
d. The direct time method uses digital Gaussian RBW filters whose noise bandwidth (the measure of importance to “spectrum due
to modulation”) is within 0.5 of the noise bandwidth of an ideal 5-pole sync-tuned filter. However, the Gaussian filters do not
match the 5-pole standard behavior at offsets of 400 kHz and below, because they have lower leakage of the carrier into the fil-
ter. The lower leakage of the Gaussian filters provides a superior measurement because the leakage of the carrier masks the
ORFS due to the UUT, so that less masking lets the test be more sensitive to variations in the UUT spectral splatter. But this
superior measurement gives a result that does not conform with ORFS standards. Therefore, the default method for offsets of
400 kHz and below is the FFT method.
e. The FFT method uses an exact 5-pole sync-tuned RBW filter, implemented in software.
f. EDGE (others) means NSR 16/32QAM and HSR all formats (QPSK/16QAM/32QAM).
g. The dynamic range for offsets at and below 400 kHz is not directly observable because the signal spectrum obscures the result.
These dynamic range specifications are computed from phase noise observations.
h. Offsets of 1.8 MHz and higher use 100 kHz analysis bandwidths.
i. Offsets of 1.8 MHz and higher use 100 kHz analysis bandwidths.
j. The impulse bandwidth (the measure of importance to “spectrum due to switching transients”) of the filter used in the direct time
method is 0.8 less than the impulse bandwidth of an ideal 5-pole sync-tuned filter, with a tolerance of 0.5. Unlike the case
with spectrum due to modulation, the shape of the filter response (Gaussian vs. sync-tuned) does not affect the results due to
carrier leakage, so the only parameter of the filter that matters to the results is the impulse bandwidth. There is a mean error of
0.07 dB due to the impulse bandwidth of the filter, which is compensated in the measurement of ORFS due to switching. By
comparison, an analog RBW filter with a 10 width tolerance would cause a maximum amplitude uncertainty of 0.9 dB.
164 Chapter 17
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Frequency Ranges
Frequency Ranges
Chapter 17 165
GSM/EDGE Measurement Application
Frequency Ranges
166 Chapter 17
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
Specification Guide
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
Channel Power
168 Chapter 18
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
Chapter 18 169
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
Sensitivity, absoluteb
Relativec 0.09 dB
Relative 0.10 dB
170 Chapter 18
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
(Attenuation = 10 dB)
Frequency Range
Code Domain
Relative Accuracy
Chapter 18 171
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
25 dBm MLa 15 dBm Set the attenuation to meet the Mixer
20 to 30C) Level requirement
Range 0 to 25
Accuracyb 1.0
Frequency Error
Range 30 kHz (nominal)
Accuracy 5 Hz + tfac
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
b. The accuracy specification applies when the EVM to be measured is well above the measurement floor. When the EVM does not
greatly exceed the floor, the errors due to the floor add to the accuracy errors. The errors due to the floor are noise-like and add
incoherently with the UUT EVM. The errors depend on the EVM of the UUT and the floor as follows: error = sqrt(EVMUUTP2P +
EVMsaP2P) EVMUUT, where EVMUUT is the EVM of the UUT in percent, and EVMsa is the EVM floor of the analyzer in percent.
c. tfa = transmitter frequency frequency reference accuracy
172 Chapter 18
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
Accuracy b
across full range 1.0
for 12.5% < EVM < 22.5% 0.5
Composite Rho
Range 0.94118 to 1.0
Floor 0.99974 0.99996 (nominal)
at Rho 0.99751 (EVM 5) 0.0010
at Rho 0.94118 (EVM 25) 0.0030
Pilot time offset
Range 13.33 to +13.33 ms From even second signal to start of PN
Accuracy 300 ns
Resolution 10 ns
Code domain timing Pilot to code channel time tolerance
Range 200 ns
Accuracy 1.25 ns
Resolution 0.1 ns
Code domain phase Pilot to code channel phase tolerance
Range 200 mrad
Accuracy 10 mrad
Resolution 0.1 mrad
Peak code domain error
Accuracy 1.0 dB (nominal)
Range from 10 dB to 55 dB
I/Q origin offset
DUT Maximum Offset 10 dBc (nominal)
Analyzer Noise Floor 50 dBc (nominal)
Frequency error
Range 900 Hz
Chapter 18 173
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
174 Chapter 18
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
Band Frequencies
Chapter 18 175
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
176 Chapter 18
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
Specification Guide
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
178 Chapter 19
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
Chapter 19 179
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
(25 dBm MLa 15 dBm Set the attenuation to meet the Mixer Level
20 to 30°C) requirement
Operating range 0 to 25%
Floor 1.6% 0.53% (nominal)
Accuracyb 1.0%
I/Q origin offset
DUT Maximum Offset 10 dBc (nominal)
Analyzer Noise Floor 50 dBc (nominal)
Frequency Error
Range 30 kHz (nominal)
Accuracy 5 Hz + tfac
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
b. The accuracy specification applies when the EVM to be measured is well above the measurement floor. When the EVM does not
greatly exceed the floor, the errors due to the floor add to the accuracy errors. The errors due to the floor are noise-like and add
incoherently with the UUT EVM. The errors depend on the EVM of the UUT and the floor as follows: error = sqrt(EVMUUT2 +
EVMsa2) – EVMUUT, where EVMUUT is the EVM of the UUT in percent, and EVMsa is the EVM floor of the analyzer in percent.
c. tfa = transmitter frequency frequency reference accuracy.
180 Chapter 19
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
Modulation Accuracy
(Composite Rho)
(25 dBm MLa 15 dBm For pilot, 2 MAC channels, and 16
20 to 30°C) channels of QPSK data
Composite EVM
Operating Range 0 to 25% (nominal)
Floor 1.6% 0.53% (nominal)
Accuracyb ±1.0%
Range 0.94118 to 1.0 (nominal)
Floor 0.99974 0.99997 (nominal)
±0.0010 dB At Rho 0.99751 (EVM 5%)
±0.0045 dB At Rho 0.94118 (EVM 25%)
I/Q Origin Offset
DUT Maximum Offset 10 dBc (nominal)
Analyzer Noise Floor 50 dBc (nominal)
Frequency Error (pilot, MAC, QPSK Data, 8PSK Data)
Range 400 Hz (nominal)
Chapter 19 181
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
182 Chapter 19
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
Band Class 0 869 to 894 MHz North American and Korean Cellular Bands
Band Class 7 746 to 764 MHz North American 700-MHz Cellular Band
Chapter 19 183
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
184 Chapter 19
WLAN Measurement Application
Specification Guide
WLAN Measurement Application
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
Channel Power Radio standards are
20 MHz Integration BW 802.11a/g/j/p (OFDM),
802.11g (DSSS-OFDM) or
802.11n (20 MHz), 2.4 GHz band
Minimum power at RF input 50 dBm (nominal)
Absolute power accuracya 1.33 dB 0.61 dB (95th percentile)
(20 to 30C)
Measurement floor 71.7 dBm (typical)
a. Absolute power accuracy includes all error sources for in-band signals except mismatch errors and repeatability due to
incomplete averaging. It applies when the mixer level is high enough that measurement floor contribution is negligible.
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
WLAN Measurement Application
Rad io standard is 2.4 GHz band Channel center frequency = 2407 MHz +5*k MHz,
802.11b/g(DSSS/CCK/PBCC) k=1,...,13
Rad io standards are 2.4 GHz band Channel center frequency = 2407 MHz +5*k MHz,
802.11a/g(OFDM), k=1,...,13
802.11n(20 MHz) or
802.11n(40 MHz)
Rad io standards are 5.0 GHz Channel center frequency = 5000 MHz +5*k MHz,
802.11a/g(OFDM), k=1,...,200
802.11n(20 MHz) or
802.11n(40 MHz)
WLAN Measurement Application
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
Specification Guide
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
Transmit Power
198 Chapter 21
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
Chapter 21 199
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
Frequency Accuracy 4.8 kHz RBW = 30 kHz, Number of Points = 1001, Span =
4.8 MHz
(815 kHz offset)
Relatived 0.11 dB
200 Chapter 21
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
(Attenuation = 10 dB)
Frequency Range
Code Domain
Absolute Accuracy
Relative Accuracy
Relative Accuracy
Chapter 21 201
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
(0 to 25 dBc)
(0 to 25 dBc)
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation.
b. Code Domain Power Absolute accuracy is calculated as sum of 95 Confidence Absolute Amplitude Accuracy and Code Domain
relative accuracy at Code Power Level.
c. This is tested for signal with 2 DPCH or 2 HS-PDSCH in TS0.
202 Chapter 21
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
Modulation Accuracy
(Composite EVM)
(BTS Measurements RF input power range is accordingly determined
25 dBm MLa 15 dBm to meet Mixer level.
20 to 30C)
Composite EVM
Test signal with TS0 active and one 0 to 18
Test signal with TS0 active and one 0 to 17(nominal)
Test signal with TS0 active and one 0.7cd When EVM 9%
DPCH in TS0 1.1 When 9%EVM 18%
Test signal with TS0 active and one 1.1 (nominal)
Peak Code Domain Error
Test signal with TS0 active and one 0.3 dB
Test signal with TS0 active and one 1.0 dB
I/Q Origin Offset
DUT Maximum Offset 20 dBc (nominal)
Analyzer Noise Floor 50 dBc (nominal)
Frequency Error
Chapter 21 203
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
c. The accuracy specification applies when the EVM to be measured is well above the measurement floor. When the EVM does not
greatly exceed the floor, the errors due to the floor add to the accuracy errors. The errors due to the floor are noise-like and add
incoherently with the UUT EVM. The errors depend on the EVM of the UUT and the floor as follows: error = [sqrt(EVMUUT2 +
EVMsa2)] EVMUUT, where EVMUUT is the EVM of the UUT in percent, and EVMsa is the EVM floor of the analyzer in percent.
For example, if the EVM of the UUT is 7, and the floor is 2.5, the error due to the floor is 0.43.
d. The accuracy is derived in the EVM range 0 ~ 18. We choose the maximum EVM variance in the results as the accuracy.
e. This specifies a synchronization range with Midamble.
f. tfa = transmitter frequency x frequency reference accuracy
204 Chapter 21
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
Chapter 21 205
TD-SCDMA Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
206 Chapter 21
LTE Measurement Application
Specification Guide
LTE Measurement Application
Supported Air Interface Features
Signal Band width 1.4 MHz (6 RB), 3 MHz (15 RB), 5 MHz (25
RB), 10 MHz (50 RB), 15 MHz (75 RB), 20
MHz (100 RB)
Physical Channels
Physical Signals
208 Chapter 22
LTE Measurement Application
Channel Power
Transmit On/Off Power This table applies only to the W9082A measurement
Chapter 22 209
LTE Measurement Application
Dynamic Optimum
Channel Range Mixer Level
Offset BW (nominal) (nominal)
Adjacent 5 MHz 66.8 dB 20.3 dBm
Dynamic Optimum
Channel Range Mixer Level
Offset BW (nominal) (nominal)
2.5 MHz 5 MHz 65.8 dB 20.3 dBm
210 Chapter 22
LTE Measurement Application
a. Measurement bandwidths for mobile stations are 4.5, 9.0 and 18.0 MHz for channel bandwidths of 5, 10 and 20 MHz respec-
b. The optimum mixer levels (ML) are 23, 23 and 23 dBm for channel bandwidths of 5, 10 and 20 MHz respectively.
c. Measurement bandwidths for base transceiver stations are 4.515, 9.015 and 18.015 MHz for channel bandwidths of 5, 10 and 20
MHz respectively.
d. The optimum mixer levels (ML) are 19, 18 and dBm for channel bandwidths of 5, 10 and 20 MHz respectively.
e. The optimum mixer level (ML) is 14 dBm.
f. E-TM1.1 and E-TM1.2 used for test. Noise Correction set to On.
Chapter 22 211
LTE Measurement Application
Dynamic Range
Relative 0.23 dB
(Attenuation = 10 dB)
Frequency Range
212 Chapter 22
LTE Measurement Application
b. The sensitivity is specified at far offset from carrier, where phase noise dose not contribute. You can derive the dynamic range at
far offset from 1 dB compression mixer level and sensitivity.
Frequency Error
Time Offsetf
Chapter 22 213
LTE Measurement Application
a. In these specifications, those values with % units are the specifications, while those with decibel units, in parentheses, are con-
versions from the percentage units to decibels for reader convenience.
b. The accuracy specification applies when EVM is less than 1% and no boost applies for the reference signal.
c. Requires Option B25 (IF bandwidth above 10 MHz, up to 25 MHz).
d. The accuracy specification applies when the EVM to be measured is well above the measurement floor. When the EVM does not
greatly exceed the floor, the errors due to the floor add to the accuracy errors. The errors due to the floor are noise-like and add
incoherently with the UUT EVM. The errors depend on the EVM of the UUT and the floor as follows: error = [sqrt(EVMUUT2 +
EVMsa2)] – EVMUUT, where EVMUUT is the EVM of the UUT in percent, and EVMsa is the EVM floor of the analyzer in percent.
e. tfa = transmitter frequency frequency reference accuracy.
f. The accuracy specification applies when EVM is less than 1% and no boost applies for resource
214 Chapter 22
LTE Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
Chapter 22 215
LTE Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
216 Chapter 22
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Specification Guide
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Basic Rate Measurements
218 Chapter 23
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Basic Rate Measurements
Synchronization Preamble
Chapter 23 219
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Basic Rate Measurements
Synchronization Preamble
220 Chapter 23
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Basic Rate Measurements
Synchronization Preamble
Synchronization None
Chapter 23 221
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Low Energy Measurements
222 Chapter 23
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Low Energy Measurements
Synchronization Preamble
Chapter 23 223
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Low Energy Measurements
Synchronization Preamble
224 Chapter 23
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Low Energy Measurements
Synchronization Preamble
Synchronization None
Chapter 23 225
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) Measurements
226 Chapter 23
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) Measurements
Accuracyb 1.2%
a. When the input signal level is lower than –40 dBm, the analyzer’s preamp should be turned on and the attenuator set to 0 dB.
b. The accuracy specification applies when the EVM to be measured is well above the measurement floor. When the EVM does not
greatly exceed the floor, the errors due to the floor add to the accuracy errors. The errors due to the floor are noise-like and add
incoherently with the UUT EVM. The errors depend on the EVM of the UUT and the floor as follows:
error = sqrt(EVMUUT2 + EVMsa2) – EVMUUT, where EVMUUT is the EVM of the UUT in percent, and EVMsa is the EVM floor of the
analyzer in percent
Chapter 23 227
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) Measurements
228 Chapter 23
Bluetooth Measurement Application
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) Measurements
Measurement Accuracya
Chapter 23 229
Bluetooth Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
Bluetooth Basic Rate and Enhanced 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz (ISM radio f = 2402 + k MHz, k = 0,…,78
Data Rate (EDR) System band) (RF channels used by Bluetooth)
Bluetooth Low Energy System 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz (ISM radio f = 2402 + k2 MHz, k = 0,…,39
band) (RF channels used by Bluetooth)
230 Chapter 23
Multi-Standard Radio Measurement Application
Specification Guide
Multi-Standard Radio Measurement Application
Channel Power
Spurious Emissions
(Attenuation = 10 dB)
Frequency Range
232 Chapter 24
Multi-Standard Radio Measurement Application
Conformance EVMa
Signal bandwidth
Chapter 24 233
Multi-Standard Radio Measurement Application
In-Band Frequency Range
234 Chapter 24
Digital Cable TV Measurement Application
Specification Guide
Digital Cable TV Measurement Application
236 Chapter 25
Digital Cable TV Measurement Application
Chapter 25 237
Digital Cable TV Measurement Application
238 Chapter 25
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
Specification Guide
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
240 Chapter 26
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
Chapter 26 241
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
d. The relative accuracy is a measure of the ratio of the power at the offset to the main channel power. It applies for spectrum emis-
sion levels in the offsets that are well above the dynamic range limitation.
e. This dynamic range specification applies for the optimum mixer level, which is about –12 dBm. Mixer level is defined to be the
average input power minus the input attenuation.
242 Chapter 26
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
Chapter 26 243
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
244 Chapter 26
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
Chapter 26 245
DVB-T/H with T2 Measurement Application
246 Chapter 26
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Specification Guide
ISDB-T Measurement Application
248 Chapter 27
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Chapter 27 249
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Relatived ±0.23 dB
Relative ±0.29 dB
250 Chapter 27
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Segment Count =1
Modulation Format:
Segment Count = 2
Modulation Format:
Modulation Format:
Demode Symbols 4 to 50
Chapter 27 251
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Modulation Analysis
I/Q Measured Polar Graph Constellation (subcarriers 0 to 5616 Start and Stop subcarriers can be
configurable for 8K FFT) manually configured
I/Q Error (Quad View) MER vs Subcarriers In this View, you can measure:
Phase vs Subcarriers
252 Chapter 27
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Amax-Ac (dB)
Amin-Ac (dB)
Layer A/B/C:
• Modulation Schemes
• Code Rate
• Interleaving Length
• Segments
Chapter 27 253
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Operating range 0 to 8%
Floor 0.99%
Operating range 22 dB
Floor 40.1 dB
Frequency Errorb
Accuracy ±1 Hz+tfac
Clock Error
Accuracy ±1 Hz+tfac
Quad Error
Range –5 to 5
Amplitude Imbalance
Range –1 to +1 dB
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
b. The accuracy specification applies at the EVM =1%.
c. tfa = transmitter frequency ×frequency reference accuracy.
254 Chapter 27
ISDB-T Measurement Application
Floor 0.99%
Operating range 12 dB
Floor 40.1 dB
Frequency Errorb
Accuracy ±1 Hz+tfac
Clock Error
Accuracy ±1 Hz+tfac
Quad Error
Range –5 to 5
Amplitude Imbalance
Range –1 to +1 dB
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
b. The accuracy specification applies at the EVM =1%.
c. tfa = transmitter frequency ×frequency reference accuracy.
Chapter 27 255
ISDB-T Measurement Application
256 Chapter 27
CMMB Measurement Application
Specification Guide
CMMB Measurement Application
258 Chapter 28
CMMB Measurement Application
Chapter 28 259
CMMB Measurement Application
(8 MHz Integration BW
RBW = 3.9 kHz)
4.2 MHz offset
Dynamic Range, relativeab 84.5 dB 91.7 dB (typical)
Relatived ±0.27 dB
10 MHz offset
Dynamic Range, relativee 87.2 dB 95.0 dB (typical)
Relative ±0.36 dB
260 Chapter 28
CMMB Measurement Application
PLCH Settings CLCH or SLCH (0-38) Enabled when Meas Type is PLCH
Chapter 28 261
CMMB Measurement Application
I/Q Error (Quad View) MER vs. Subcarriers Logical Channel Information
(-1538 to 1538 subcarriers) (LCH, Range, Modulation Format, Reed
Solomon Codes, LDPC Rate,
Logical Channel Information
Interleaving Mode, Scrambling Mode)
LCH: CLCH, SLCH(0 to N) N38
EVM, MER, Mag Error, Phase Error
Range: 0 (CLCH), M~N (SLCHx),
RMS, Peak (Subcarrier position)
Quadrature Error
Mod Format: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM
Amplitude Imbalance
Reed Solomon Codes: (240, 240),
Timing Skew (240,224), (240,192), (240,176)
LDPC: 1/2, 3/4
Interleaving Mode: Mode 1/2/3
Scrambling: Mode0~7
262 Chapter 28
CMMB Measurement Application
Chapter 28 263
CMMB Measurement Application
Floor 1.07%
Floor 39.4 dB
Frequency Errorb
Accuracy ±1 Hz+tfac
Quad Error
Range –5° to 5°
Amplitude Imbalance
Range –1 dB to +1 dB
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
b. The accuracy specification applies at the EVM =1%.
264 Chapter 28
CMMB Measurement Application
Chapter 28 265
CMMB Measurement Application
266 Chapter 28
DTMB Measurement Application
Specification Guide
DTMB Measurement Application
268 Chapter 29
DTMB Measurement Application
Chapter 29 269
DTMB Measurement Application
Relatived ±0.27 dB
(20 to 30°C) ±1.53 dB ±0.64 dB (95th percentile)
10 MHz offset
Dynamic Range, relativee 87.1 dB 95.0 dB (typical)
Relative ±0.36 dB
270 Chapter 29
DTMB Measurement Application
Operating range 0 to 7%
Floor 0.79%
Operating range 23 dB
Floor 42.0 dB
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
Operating range 0 to 8%
Floor 1.10%
Operating range 22 dB
Floor 39.2 dB
a. ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation
Chapter 29 271
This information is subject to change
without notice.
© Keysight Technologies 2009-2018
Edition 1, March 2018