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ball bearing was set to 177N, 216N and Table 1 Fault frequency (analytical and
255N. The speed variation is done for experimental)
1090rpm 1820 rpm and 3025rpm.
Speed Theoretical Experimental
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (N) outer race Fault freq.
The vibration analysis or condition (rpm) faulty freq. using FFT
monitoring is based on the principle that all BPFo (Hz)
systems produce vibration. When a bearing
1090 125 143
is running properly, the vibrations generated
are very small and generally constant. But, 1809 255 284
due to some of the dynamic processes that 3015 295 306
act in the machine, defects develop causing
the changes in the vibration spectrum.
Firstly, Vibration signals collected in the
form of time domain are converted into
frequency domain by FFT analyzer. Fast MATLAB has used to develop the particular
Fourier Transform (FFT) on each of the four algorithm which makes it easy to find the
bearings. The frequency domain signals and faulty frequencies. The power spectrum
amplitude of vibration at predominant code has also generated in the MATALAB.
frequencies are considered for the analysis. The following steps were used to generate
Vibration signals of a new bearing and the MATLAB program.
defective bearings for a radial load of 177N, Code for a clean signal
216N and 255N. at 1090rpm 1820 rpm and Adding noise to clean signal
3025rpm.are shown in Figure 5, 6and 7. The Calculating and Adding faulty
fundamental frequency theoretically frequencies
calculated for the inner race defect bearing Clean signal are generated using MATLAB
from equation (1) is found to be 143.71Hz, program. Next step was to add noise to the
239.96Hz, and 398.84Hz. The experimental clean signal then small amount of noise has
frequency spectrum of the vibration signals added in clean signal, to add this noise array
for the inner race defective bearing (fir) function and random noise is used. Program
shows higher peaks at 100Hz and 275Hz output clearly shows the clean and noisy
and 300 Hz (Figure 7,8 and 9) compared to signals. MATLB also helps to calculate the
new bearing frequency spectrum peaks. The all faulty frequencies at same time using
frequency spectrum of the vibration signals properties of the bearing. The program has
for the outer race defective bearing shows developed using „for loop‟ properties to
peaks at 125Hz, 255Hz and 295Hz which calculate and add faulty frequencies i.e.
are closely matches with the fault frequency (BPFo, BPFi, BSF and FTF). One of the
of outer race defect from equation (2) is output of MATLAB has shown in Fig. 10
143.71Hz., 284.691Hz and 306.98Hz and 11
International Engineering Research Journal Page No 1524-1530
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