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Review Article

Bone age assessment methods:

A critical review
Arsalan Manzoor Mughal1, Nuzhat Hassan2, Anwar Ahmed3
The bone age of a child indicates his/her level of biological and structural maturity better than the
chronological age calculated from the date of birth. Radiography of the hand & wrist is the commonest
modality used to calculate bone age. Automated methods for evaluation of hand and wrist radiographs are
also being developed which reduce inter rater variability compared to manual methods. Non radiation
based techniques of visualizing hand & wrist bones such as ultrasonography for bone age calculation have
been theorized but are not as accurate as radiographic methods. By the age of 18 years, bone age cannot
be computed from hand & wrist radiographs, therefore the medial end of the clavicle is used for bone age
calculation in individuals aged 18—22 years. CT visualization of the clavicle has been extensively studied
but requires a high dose of radiation. MRI based methods are being developed but require more research.
Dental age is an alternate form of bone age determination, which also gives an estimate of skeletal
maturity. The iliac bone and femoral head have also been studied for computation of bone age but no
standardized methods have yet been generated.
As different modalities of bone age estimation provide different results and their applicability differs in
different ethnicities, we need to design studies in order to compare them and select the method best
suited to Pakistani children.
Sources of Data/Study Selection: Recent articles published between years 2004-2013 obtained from
online search engines Pubmed and Google Scholar were used in preparation of this review.
KEY WORDS: Bone Age Measurement, Diagnostic X-Ray Radiology, Ultrasonic Diagnosis, Panoramic
Radiography, Clavicle, Ilium, Femur Head.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.301.4295
How to cite this:
Mughal AM, Hassan N, Ahmed A. Bone age assessment methods: A critical review. Pak J Med Sci 2014;30(1):211-215.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.301.4295
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Dr. Arsalan Manzoor Mughal, MBBS, M. Phil Candidate, INTRODUCTION

Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy,
Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan. Bone age is an indicator of the skeletal and
2. Dr. Nuzhat Hassan, MBBS, M.Phil (Anatomy), biological maturity of an individual. This is different
Professor & Head of Anatomy Department,
Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan. from chronological age, which is calculated using
3. Dr. Anwar Ahmed, MBBS, FMRD, MD, FCPS, the date of birth of an individual. Bone age is often
Associate Professor of Diagnostic Imaging requested by pediatricians and endocrinologists for
Dr Ziauddin Hospital, North Nazimabad,
Karachi, Pakistan. comparison with chronological age for diagnosing
diseases which result in tall or short stature in
children. Serial measurements are also used to
Dr. Arsalan Manzoor Mughal, MBBS, M. Phil Candidate, assess the effectiveness of treatments for these
Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy,
Ziauddin University, diseases.1 Furmulae have also been designed for
Karachi, Pakistan. computing the final adult height of children from
E-mail: arsalanmanzoor@gmail.com bone age values in normal healthy children.2
* Received for Publication: August 30, 2013 Calculation of bone age is also employed for
* Revision Received: November 13, 2013 estimation of chronological age in conditions were
* Revision Accepted: November 20, 2013 accurate birth records are not available. Absent

Pak J Med Sci 2014 Vol. 30 No. 1 www.pjms.com.pk 211

Arsalan Manzoor Mughal et al.

birth data is a big problem in our part of the world. the West.10 It contains reference images of male and
In South Asia, 65% of all births are not registered female standards of the left wrist and hand from
by the age of 5 years.3 Thus need for accurate birth till 18 years for females and 19 years for males.
estimation of age arises in conditions where the Also, explanation regarding the gradual age related
age of a child needs to be accurate, such as during changes observed in the bone structure is provided
immigration4, in law suits5 and in competitive with each standard image. Bone age is calculated by
sports.6 In these cases bone age is used to provide comparing the left wrist radiographs of the subject
the closest estimate of chronological age. with the nearest matching reference radiographs
In order to compute bone age various methods provided in the atlas which are standard for
have been developed using different skeletal different ages provided in the atlas.10
elements and various visualization techniques. A This method is simpler and faster than other
critical comparison of these methods is given below. radiograph based methods.1 GP atlas standards are
considered applicable and reliable for children in
BONE AGE BY VISUALIZATION OF Australia11 and Middle East.12 However, disparity
HAND & WRIST BONES between the calculated bone age and chronological
The pattern of ossification in the hand and age is noted when this method is applied to Asian
wrist bones is in a fairly predictable manner and children.9,13
age specific until end of adolescence when the 2: Tanner Whitehouse (TW2) Method: The Tanner
elongation of bone is complete. Thus, the standards &Whitehouse (TW) method in contrast is not
of bone age have been derived by comparing the based on the age, rather it is based on the level of
level of maturation of hand and wrist bones with maturity for 20 selected regions of interest (ROI)
normal age levels. in specific bones of the wrist and hand in each age
Traditionally, the extent of growth and population. The development level of each ROI is
development of hand bones has been visualized by categorized into specific stages labeled as (A, B, C,
plain wrist radiographs, however newer methods D, . . ., I). A numerical score is given to each stage
such as ultrasound of hand bones are being tried of development for each bone individually. By
but have yet not been validated. summing up all these scores from the ROIs, a total
Visualization by plain hand & wrist radiographs: maturity score is calculated. This score is correlated
There have been great advancements in with the bone age separately for males and females.
radiological techniques over the past few decades TW method is comparatively more complex and
but to date, plain radiographs of the hand are the requires more time; however it is more accurate and
investigation of choice for bone age assessment. A reproducible when compared to GP method.14
standard posterior-anterior (PA) view of the hand 3: The Gilsanz & Ratibin (GR) Atlas: A new digital
and wrist is ideal for visualization of features of atlas developed by Vicente Gilsanz and Osman
hand bones.7 Ratibin15 in 2005. They produced idealized and
The hand radiographs are quite safe to obtain artificial images specific for age and sex standards
as the effective dose of radiation received during of skeletal maturity by thoroughly analyzing the
each exposure is between 0.0001-0.1 mSV.8 This size, shape, morphology and density of ossification
dose is less than 20 minutes of natural background centers in hand radiographs of healthy children,
radiation or the amount of radiation received by an and generating images that include the typical
individual on a 2 minutes transatlantic flight.1 characteristics of development for each of the
Various methods have been developed to ossification centers.16 The images of the new GR
compute bone age score from these radiographs atlas are much more precise and have a better
by comparing the maturity of hand & wrist bones quality than those of the older GP atlas.17 Also
to idealized standards. A brief description of the these new GR atlas standards are spaced at regular
commonly used methods is given below. 6 monthly intervals from the ages of 2 to 6 and at
1: The Greulich & Pyle (GP) Atlas: Is a holistic yearly intervals from age 7 to 17.
method based on “The Radiographic Atlas of It has been observed that both pediatric
Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist”, by endocrinologists and radiologists showed nearly
Dr William Walter Greulich and Dr Sarah Idell identical results in determining bone age from
Pyle, its last edition published in 1959, is still one GP and GR atlas. However the GR atlas had an
of the most commonly used atlas for bone age increased number of outliers. Still it can be used to
measurement by radiologists in Pakistan9 and in replace the older GP atlas.16

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Bone age assessment methods

4: Automatic Skeletal Bone Age Assessment: Man- However in a few studies wide discrepancies
ual estimations of bone age by the above mentioned are also noted.25 In order to replace the wrist
methods do have some degree of inter rater vari- radiographs, this method needs to be evaluated in
ability. This creates problems in its clinical applica- multiethnic population with a large sample size.
tion, comparison between subjects and follow-up of Bone age by visualization of dental maturity:
patients. A computerized automatic system of bone Skeletal age calculated by assessing dental maturity
age assessment would in theory be a solution18, but has extensively been applied for forensic purposes
practically it is very difficult to generate an auto- but literature on its use in diagnosis and follow-up
mated system that could accurately analyze the var- of endocrine diseases is scarce. This is probably
iations, size, shape and mineralization in multiple because the degree of mineralization of tooth is
ossification centers in the hand and wrist bones.15 much less affected by nutrition and endocrine
Computerized calculation of bone age from wrist states compared to mineralization in limb bones.
radiographs has been around for the past 3 decades. However, just like hand bones, two similar
Radiographs are either obtained by digital radiog- approaches are used for computing dental age.
raphy or digitalized via a scanner and then undergo 1: Atlas Method: This is a holistic method where
several steps. During pre-processing the image is stages of mineralization in various teeth are col-
normalized to grayscale so that important segments lectively visualized in an orthopantomograph and
of the image can later be extracted, background is matched with standard age images in an atlas. The
removed and orientation of the image is corrected. first atlas was developed by Schour et al.26 in 1944.
In the next step called segmentation, desired por- Later new atlas was generated by Moorrees et al.26
tions of the bones and soft tissue are separated from in which distinct stages of dentition of various teeth
the background. Then the image is analyzed by tak- were specified. Moorrees’s method was further
ing account of selected regions of interest for calcu- modified by Anderson et al.26 where they defined
lating bone age by Tanner-Whitehouse method or dentition stages for all teeth.
by comparison with standard images for estimation 2: Scoring Method: In contrast, this is a numeri-
by Greulich & Pyle Atlas. cal method devised by Demirjian et al.26 in 1973 in
Older methods of automated Image-processing which each tooth is assigned a maturity score based
that detect features of ossification in hand bones on the level of dentition. A total maturity score is
showed significant variation from bone age calcu- calculated by adding up all the individual maturity
lated by manual methods. However a newer meth- scores and used to calculate dental age. This meth-
od for automatic bone age assessment called Bone od was found to give a bone age assessment that
Xpert has been generated that rebuilds the edges of highly correlated with chronological age in Indian
15 bones of interest in hand radiographs and uses population.27,28 Also no significant differences have
this information to compute bone age by both the been found between age estimations from wrist ra-
Greulich Pyle (GP) and Tanner Whitehouse (TW) diographs by Greulich Pyle Method and bone age
methods.19 The use of this software has been vali- estimations from orthopantomographs by Demiri-
dated for various ethnicities.20 jian method and can be used to replace each other.29
Visualization by Ultrasound: BonAge is an Recently 3 new methods of scoring (Willems I, Wil-
ultrasound device which includes an ultrasound lems II, and Chaillet standards) have been devel-
probe connected to a main unit for calculation of oped and are considered more accurate for French30,
bone age. The method uses two transduces, one Spanish31, Venezuelan31 and Malaysian32 children.
that produces Ultrasonic waves with a frequency of Bone age by visualization of the clavicle: Clavicle is
750 kHz directed at the epiphysis of distal end of the first long bone to start ossifying in fetal life. The
Ulna and radius whereas the other acts a receiver. ends ossify by endochondral ossification whereas the
The entire process takes about 5 minutes in which shaft ossifies via membranous ossification. During
eleven cycles of measurement are completed to adolescence, uniquely, a secondary epiphyseal
provide accurate results. A skeletal age is computed ossification center appears at the medial end of the
using information obtained from demographics of clavicle that results in growth and remodeling of the
the subject and the ultrasound results. bone till complete fusion occurs at approximately
Bone age calculated using ultrasound is still 22 years. By the age of 18 years, hand ossification,
in initial stages and needs further refinement.21 third molar mineralization and sexual maturation
However, initial studies on comparison with the are complete so hand radiography and dental age
GP atlas standards show promising results.22–24 assessment are futile. So, imaging of medial end

Pak J Med Sci 2014 Vol. 30 No. 1 www.pjms.com.pk 213

Arsalan Manzoor Mughal et al.

of clavicle is used for calculation of bone age of to validate and standardize this method further
individuals of ages 18-22 years. studies are warranted.
Conventional radiography of the clavicle is Bone age by visualization of the femoral head: An
often plagued by overlapping shadows produced alternative approach for skeletal age assessment
by structures of mediastinum, the vertebrae and can be by assessing the depth of the epiphysial
the ribs. This results in inaccurate visualization of cartilage of femoral head which is continuously
the medial epiphysis and thus cannot be used for being ossified, in contrast to visualizing the bony
staging the extent of maturation. Conventional ephiphysial end of femur. When ossification is
multidirectional tomography can be used but complete, most of the cartilage is replaced by bone
images produced by this method are also not upto and the remaining cartilage is called as the “hyaline
the standard. Computed tomography (CT) on the articular cartilage”.
other hand provides more accurate structural Only one study is available on the ultrasonographic
features of the clavicle as well as the surrounding measurement of the thickness of anterior femoral
soft tissue structures. Spiral CT requires shorter time head cartilage with relatively small number of
to perform resulting in better patient compliance subjects and lack of racial heterogeneity. Limitations
and less artifacts, but has a higher radiation dose of using this method for skeletal age estimation also
when compared with standard CT.33 include involvement of articular cartilage in various
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the clavicle juvenile diseases of the hip joint.39
is an upcoming method of bone age determination.
This technique being radiation free would decrease CONCLUSION
the amount of radiation exposure caused by Our critical literature review reveals that there is
standard or spiral CT. But for this purpose, a specific no standard method for bone age assessment. The
protocol needs to be generated and more research is most commonly used and extensively developed
required.34 methods use Hand & Wrist radiographs in children
3 Tesla MRI is superior to 1.5 Tesla imaging as under 18 years and computed tomography (CT)
it gives better contrast and signal to noise ratio images of medial end of clavicle in individuals aged
resulting in more accurate visualization of the tiny 18-22 years. Also, some methods are considered
cartilage around the medial end of clavicle. There applicable to children of certain populations
are only two studies available to date to describe the
whereas they do not conform to the growth pattern
developmental stages of clavicle by MRI imaging,
of children in other geographic locations.
one based on the 1.5 Tesla imaging34 and the other
We suggest that due to great variations in results
based on 3Tesla imaging35 making this an area for
from various bone age estimation methods, initially,
potential and fruitful research.
pilot studies should be carried out using various
Bone age by visualization of the iliac bone: The
modalities, on normal healthy children. These
process of ossification and fusion of iliac bones
results should be compared in order to select and/
has been extensively studied by radiography.36
The method used is called the Risser sign, which or develop the best methodology that accurately
is based on the degree of maturation of the iliac represents the growth pattern and correlates best
crest apophysis. Literature review suggests that the with chronological age in Pakistani children.
ossification of iliac crest apophysis is not uniform Subsequently, large scale researches should be
resulting in discrepancies while using this method planned to develop national guidelines of bone age
for bone age calculation. This is why it is not used assessment for our children.
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