Mathematics Before 1000 Years Ago

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Mathematics before 1000 years ago

Even though the Chinese Emperor Shï Huang-ti (259 B.C. - 210(1) B.C.)
ordered all books burned and scholars buried in 213 B.C., it is unlikely that such
an extensive order could be carried out. Even if so, the contents of these books
would have been carried in the memories of many surviving scholars.
Therefore, we can assume with reasonable assurance, that the first
authentic mathematics text, the Chóu-peï, dates from about 1105 B.C. (The
reason is that it cites the Emporer that died on that date.) Its author is unknown.
The Chóu-peï contains its mathematics in the form of several dialogues. One for
example relates number mysticism, mensuration, and astronomy. Here are a few
• The art of numbers is derived from the circle and the square.
• Break the line and make the breadth 3, the length 4; then the distance
between the corners is 5.
• Forms are round or pointed; numbers are odd or even. The heaven moves
in a circle whose subordinate numbers are odd; the earth rests on a
square whose subordinate numbers are even.
The greatest of the Chinese classics in mathematics is the K'iu-ch'ang
Suan-shu, or Arithmetic in Nine Sections. Its author and date are unknown.
However, after the great book burning, there appeared a mathematician by the
name of Ch'ang Ts'ang. He collected great works and appears to have edited
the K'iu-ch'ang Suan-shu. This book contains nine sections.
1. Squaring the form. Surveying, with correct formulas for areas of triangles,
trapezoids, and circle ( and )
2. Calculating the cereals. Percentages and proportions.
3. Calculating the shares. Relating to partnership and the Rule of Three.
4. Finding length. Finding the sides of figues and including square and cube
5. Finding volumes.
6. Alligation. Relating to motion problems.
7. Excess and deficiency. Relating to the Rule of False Position.
8. Equation. Solving simultaneous linear equations, with some notion of
9. Right triangle. The Pythagorean triangle.
Early Hindu mathematics was produced by a very much different type of
people. The Hindus were generally highly imaginative, and their mathematics
developed along such lines as the theory of numbers, geometry, and astronomy.
However, the Hindu mind was primarily occupied with the arithmetical.
The history of Hindu mathematics may be resolved into two periods: First,
the Súlvasutra period which terminates not later than 200 A.D., and
the astronomical and mathematical period, extending from 400 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
The term Súlvasutra period means the ``rules of the cord", and originally
explained the construction of sacrificial alters. The Súlvasutras were composed
sometime after 800 B.C. Their aim was primarily not mathematical but religious.
Mathematical parts refer to geometrical ideas and mensuration.
The dating and origin of early Hindu mathematical works is even less
certain than the Chinese. Some claims are preposterous. For example, the first
edition of the Surya Siddhanta, or Knowledge from the Sun, of the Swami Press
at Meerut, claims the work was compiled 2,165,000 years ago. Other works are
dated even earlier. In fact this famous work was probably composed in the 4th or
5th century of our own era.
About all we can say is that there is some evidence from ancient literature
that in very early times India was cognizant of calculations, of astronomy, and of
geometry. Judging by the nature of their archtecture, the must have been some
considerable body of ``applied arithmetic".

We have considered some very early examples of counting. At least one
dated to 30,000B.C. Counting is but the earliest form of mathematics. It was first
a simple device for accounting for quantity. However, this is so basic, even
primitive, that it cannot be considered as either a subject or a science.
We are looking for sources of mathematical thought in human activity. These
sources come in the form of carvings, inscriptions or manuscripts. Evidence of
this kind have four countries of origin, all dating to similar times.

It is hard to believe, but thousands of years ago, these wise men knew
about calculus, coordinate geometry and other subjects which we credit with
being discovered in recent times. Even harder to take in is the fact that the secret
systems of over 3000 years ago, were far in advance of the systems we use

More than 12,000 years ago humans spent a great deal of their time
hunting for food and harvesting from the plants around them. All they ate they
had to hunt for or gather from the wild. They did not keep their own cattle or grow
their own food. But, between 7,000 to 12,000 years ago mankind began to settle
in small communities. They began to farm and raise herds.
Then, about 5000 years ago those small communities began to organize
themselves and this was the beginning of civilization as we know it today.
Because people stayed in the same place and farmed they had more time to
think and observe what was around them and one of the most important things
they needed to know about was how to measure time and know where in the
annual cycle they were. When would it be best to plant crops or to expect rain in
dry climates? They began to use the phases of the sun, moon and stars to help
them keep track of time. For example, the Egyptians were able to tell when the
Nile was due to flood by studying the Dog Star. Time was central to the cycle of
life so it was crucial to be able to 'control' the calendar. They needed symbols to
count the days and phases of the moon and to communicate with others.

There is still a lot of ground to cover, but gradually the face of
mathematics across the world will change for the better and I believe some of
these new wonderful systems of mathematics, that have been introduced across
the world will benefit us.

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