MSS SP-44-2016 (2017)

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ANSI/MSS SP-44-2016

(2017 REISSUE)
(Replaces Original 2016 Edition)

Steel Pipeline

Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vienna, Virginia 22180-4602
Phone: (703) 281-6613
Fax: (703) 281-6671

This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 110 and the MSS
Coordinating Committee. In addition, this Standard Practice was approved by an ANSI/MSS Consensus Committee and
ANSI as an American National Standard. The content of this Standard Practice is the resulting efforts of competent and
experienced volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive standard that will benefit the industry as a whole.
This MSS Standard Practice describes minimal requirements and is intended as a basis for common practice by the
manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the
manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance to this Standard
Practice is established only by reference in other documents such as a code, specification, sales contract, or public law,
as applicable. MSS has no power, nor does it undertake, to enforce or certify compliance with this document. Any
certification or other statement of compliance with the requirements of this Standard Practice shall not be attributable to
MSS and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.

“Unless indicated otherwise within this MSS Standard Practice, other standards documents referenced to
herein are identified by the date of issue that was applicable to this Standard Practice at the date of
approval of this MSS Standard Practice (see Annex E). This Standard Practice shall remain silent on the
validity of those other standards of prior or subsequent dates of issue even though applicable provisions
may not have changed.”

By publication of this Standard Practice, no position is taken with respect to the validity of any potential claim(s) or
of any patent rights in connection therewith. MSS shall not be held responsible for identifying any patent rights.
Users are expressly advised that determination of patent rights and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely
their responsibility.

In this Standard Practice, all text, notes, annexes, tables, figures, and references are construed to be essential to the
understanding of the message of the standard, and are considered normative unless indicated as “supplemental”. All
appendices, if included, that appear in this document are construed as “supplemental”. Note that supplemental
information does not include mandatory requirements.

The SI (metric) units and U.S. customary units in this Standard Practice are regarded separately as the standard and
may not be technically equivalent; each should be used independently of the other. Combining or converting values
or tolerances between the two systems may result in non-conformance with this Standard Practice.

This Standard Practice has been substantially revised from the previous 2010 edition. It is
suggested that if the user is interested in knowing what changes have been made, that direct
page by page comparison should be made of this document and that of the previous edition.

Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal unless otherwise specified.

Excerpts of this Standard Practice may be quoted with permission. Credit lines should read ‘Extracted from
ANSI/MSS SP-44-2016 (2017 Reissue) with permission of the publisher, Manufacturers Standardization Society of
the Valve and Fittings Industry'. Reproduction and/or electronic transmission or dissemination is prohibited under
copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. All rights reserved.

Originally Approved/Published: July 1952

Originally ANSI Approved: December 2014
Current ANSI/MSS Edition Approved by MSS: June 2016
Current ANSI/MSS Edition Approved by ANSI: November 2016
Current ANSI/MSS Edition Published: November 2016 (Reissued September 2017)

MSS is a registered trademark of Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.

Copyright ©, 2016 (2017) by

Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.


The Manufacturers Standardization Society originally developed this Standard Practice in response to the continued requests
for steel pipe flanges for pipeline use, particularly in sizes larger than those covered by ANSI Standard B16.5 on Steel Pipe Flanges
and Flanged Fittings. The line pipe is uniquely characterized by high-strength, cold worked, thin-wall of the carbon steel grade,
which necessitates special considerations for the welding end of the flanges.
The size and pressure class range was originally NPS 26 through NPS 36 in pressure classes customarily designated in ANSI
Standard B16.5 as 300, 400, 600, and 900 lb. The 1970 edition deleted the slip-on flanges for lack of demand, and added a 150 lb.
Class and coverage for NPS 12 through NPS 24. Additional coverage was also necessitated by the advent of the use of line pipe
of grades having minimum specified yield strength higher than the 52,000 psi maximum contemplated at the time of initial
development, and therefore still thinner walls.
In some instances, this advent widened the differential between the tensile properties of the flange steel versus that of the
mating pipe steel. This, in turn necessitated greater flexibility in the selection of hub dimensions, so that various combinations of
material-strength and flange-dimensions could be utilized to supply the flanges. Section 5 on Flange Design was introduced at this
point, and is one of the key features of this Standard Practice. The 1972 edition included the coverage of blind flanges in all
pressure classes and clarification of text requirements for better understanding and usage under the more diverse conditions.
The 1975 edition expanded the size range above NPS 36. The drilling templates for the Class 150 flanges of the NPS 38 and
larger sizes continued the previous philosophy of adopting the drilling template of the Class 125 of ANSI/ASME Standard B16.1.
However, the drilling templates of the Class 300 flanges of the NPS 38 and larger sizes did not continue the adoption of the Class
250 of ANSI/ASME Standard B16.1 drilling templates, nor did the NPS 38 and larger sizes of Classes 400, 600, and 900 continue
the extrapolation of ANSI/ASME B16.5 drilling templates; instead, these drilling templates were necessarily designed more
compactly because of the increased loads. While these flanges are designated by the customary ANSI Standard Class 150, 300,
400, 600, and 900, their use is almost entirely confined to cross country transmission pipelines at atmospheric temperatures. The
flanges have been designed primarily for use at their cold ratings which conform to the ANSI/ASME Standard B16.5 ratings of
100 °F, and are intended primarily for attachment to relatively thin-wall, high-strength cold worked pipe, and high-strength butt-
welding fittings in pipeline service at temperatures of 450 °F and lower. However, flanges forged of other materials are capable of
pressure temperature ratings as specified in Section 2.1.
The 1981 edition brought the document into closer editorial alignment with ANSI/ASME B16.5. However, out of recognition
of the successful experience of the pipeline industry, room temperature ratings were extended to 250 °F. Users are cautioned that
when these flanges are bolted to valves and used at temperatures between 100 °F and 450 °F, the rating of the valve may not be as
high as the flange.
The 1990 revision of this SP was required to update the referenced standards list and delete the SI (metric) equivalents.
The 1991 revision of this SP was required to add blind flange machining guidance, flat face requirements and precautionary
notes as well as updating of the referenced standards.
The 1996 revision adds a table with permissible imperfections in flange facing finish and clarifies Annex A design criteria.
There were several errata, or corrections made to references to other standards. Dimensional tolerances have been changed where
necessary to conform to ASME B16.5 and B16.47.
The 2006 revision was required to add SI (metric) equivalent units, notch toughness requirement, new bolting materials and
update of reference standards list.
The 2010 revision recognized the existence of ASME B16.47 Series A flanges, which adopted MSS SP-44 dimensions but
does not cover the SP-44 high strength materials used in the pipeline industry to match API line pipe of equivalent grades.
In 2014, this Standard Practice (2010 Edition) was ANSI-approved as an American National Standard. This process involved
an ANSI/MSS Consensus Committee that was composed of a diverse volunteer group of industry stakeholders with a material
interest in the topic of this Standard Practice. This American National Standard edition, ANSI-approved and published in 2015, is
substantively consistent with the 2010 MSS-only edition and will utilize this 2010 year in its nomenclature.
In 2016, this Standard Practice was substantially revised and reformatted to include: Defined chemistry limits (added a Table 1
and also removed external references), clarified the “lot” definition, made impact testing at -50 °F mandatory for grades over F42,
added requirement for hardness testing, clarified allowable heat treatment methods, changed marking requirements, added tolerances
for raised face height and bolt hole diameter, added requirements for Manufacturing Procedure Specification and Inspection and Test
Plans, added Figure 4 to illustrate test locations and orientation, removed ring gasket dimensions and referenced ASME B16.20, added
Supplementary Requirements SR1 through SR16, updated and renumbered the reference annex, among other substantive and editorial
revisions. Moreover, the 2016 edition was ANSI-approved as a Revised American National Standard. Note that the original 2016
edition was replaced by the 2017 Reissue of the 2016 Edition to correct publication processing related errata. A separate Errata Sheet
was also issued (Sept 2017) for insertion into the original 2016 Edition.

Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
“The Technical Voice of the Industry for Over 94 Years”
127 Park Street, NE • Vienna, VA 22180-4602 • 703-281-6613 • Fax 703-281-6671 • • E-mail:

January 23, 2018

ERRATA SHEET 2 FOR MSS SP-44, Steel Pipeline Flanges

(2016, 2010, and 2006 Editions)

This “normative” errata correction applies to MSS SP-44, Steel Pipeline Flanges; specifically, the current
2016 (2017 Reissue) edition and previous editions that include 2006 and 2010.


Current 2016 (2017 Reissue) ANSI/MSS Edition

Page 3, Section 3.1.5 (involving impact testing/notch toughness). Replace the existing word “sheet” with “lot” in
the sixth sentence (first paragraph). For example, correct the current text “From each sheet of steel, one set (three
specimens) shall be tested at …” with the following: “From each lot of steel, one set (three specimens) shall be tested
at ...”
* Note this errata correction includes the original, replaced 2016 edition.

Previous 2010 and 2006 Editions

Page 2, Section 3.1.5 (involving impact testing/notch toughness). Replace the existing word “sheet” with “lot” in
the fifth sentence (first paragraph). For example, correct the current text “From each sheet of steel, one set (three
specimens) shall be tested at …” with the following: “From each lot of steel, one set (three specimens) shall be tested
at ...”

This Errata Sheet (number two) is intended for those who obtained the Standard Practice before the
January 23, 2018 errata publication date indicated above or otherwise do not already have this information.
Please include this Errata Sheet within your existing 2016 edition (or previous 2006 and 2010 editions) of
the Standard Practice.

Future editions of this Standard Practice will include this corrected information.

PRESIDENT: M. A. Clark – NIBCO, Inc.

VICE PRESIDENTS: F. J. Washburn – Rotork Controls, Inc. • J. Barker – DeZURIK APCO Hilton, Inc.
TREASURER: G. M. Johnson – United Valve

1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 DENOTATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 1
3 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................................... 2
4 HEAT TREATMENT .............................................................................................................................. 6
5 FLANGE DESIGN ................................................................................................................................... 7
6 MARKING ............................................................................................................................................... 8
7 FACINGS ................................................................................................................................................. 8
8 CODE LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 9
9 FLANGE BOLTING DIMENSIONS ...................................................................................................... 9
10 TOLERANCES ........................................................................................................................................ 9
11 MANUFACTURING AND INSPECTION ........................................................................................... 11

1 Chemistry Limits (Percentage).................................................................................................................. 4
2 Tensile Requirements – SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary ....................................................................... 4
3 List of Bolting Specifications ................................................................................................................... 5
4 Pressure-Temperature Ratings, Maximum Allowable Working Pressures –
SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary ............................................................................................................... 6
5 Sheet Gasket Dimensions – SI (Metric) ................................................................................................. 15
6 Class 150, 19.6 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face – SI (Metric) ........................................ 17
7 Class 300, 51.0 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric) ........... 19
8 Class 400, 68.3 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric) ............ 21
9 Class 600, 102.1 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric) .......... 23
10 Class 900, 153.1 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric) .......... 25
11 Permissible Imperfections in Flange Facing Finish – SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary ....................... 26

1 Acceptable Design for Unequal Wall Thickness ................................................................................. 12
2 Bevel Detail for Wall Thickness (T), 22mm (0.88 in.) or Less ........................................................... 13
3 Bevel Detail for Wall Thickness (T), Greater than 22mm (0.88 in.) ................................................... 13
4 Recommended Test Location and Orientation ..................................................................................... 14
5 Reference Drawing for Table 6 ............................................................................................................ 16
6 Reference Drawing for Table 7 ............................................................................................................ 18
7 Reference Drawing for Table 8 ............................................................................................................ 20
8 Reference Drawing for Table 9 ............................................................................................................ 22
9 Reference Drawing for Table 10 .......................................................................................................... 24

A Design Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 28
B Blind Flange Design Criteria ................................................................................................................ 29
C Dimensional Data Tables and Drawings for Gaskets and Classes 150, 300, 400, 600, and 900 Flanges
in U.S. Customary Units ......................................................................................................................... 30
Table C1 – Sheet Gasket Dimensions ............................................................................................. 31
Figure C1 – Reference Drawing for Table C2 ................................................................................ 32
Table C2 – Class 150, 285 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Faces ................................... 33
Figure C2 – Reference Drawing for Table C3 ................................................................................ 34
Table C3 – Class 300, 740 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring Joints ........... 35
Figure C3 – Reference Drawing for Table C4 ................................................................................ 36
Table C4 – Class 400, 990 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring Joints ........... 37
Figure C4 – Reference Drawing for Table C5 ................................................................................ 38
Table C5 – Class 600, 1480 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring Joints ......... 39
Figure C5 – Reference Drawing for Table C6 ................................................................................ 40
Table C6 – Class 900, 2220 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring Joints ......... 41
D Supplementary Requirements ............................................................................................................... 42
E Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates ........................................................................................ 43

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Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry




1.1 General This Standard Practice covers pressure-temperature ratings, materials, dimensions,
tolerances, marking, and testing for steel pipeline flanges. The welding neck type flanges shall be forged
steel, and the blind flanges may be made from either forged steel or from steel plate.

1.1.1 Dimensional and tolerance requirements for NPS 10 and smaller are provided by reference to
ASME B16.5. When such flanges are produced from materials meeting Table 2 requirements, and meet
all other stipulations of this Standard Practice, then they shall be considered as complying therewith.

1.2 References

1.2.1 Referenced Standards The standards and specifications incorporated by reference in this
Standard Practice are shown in Annex E, for convenience of identifying edition number, date, and source
of supply.
A flange made in conformance with a prior edition of referenced standards or specifications and is in all
other respects conforming to this Standard Practice, will be considered to be in conformance even though
the edition referenced may have changed in a subsequent revision of this Standard Practice.

1.2.2 Codes and Regulations A flange used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, the ANSI-approved Code for Pressure Piping, or Governmental Regulations, is subject to
any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation for a
material, or rule governing the use of a material at a low temperature.

1.3 Relevant Units This Standard Practice states values in both SI (metric) and U.S. Customary units.
As an exception, diameter of bolts and flange bolt holes are expressed in inch units (U.S. Customary) only.
These systems of units are to be regarded separately as the standard and cannot be combined.
Within the text, the U.S. Customary units are shown in parentheses, combined tables, or in separate tables.
The values and tolerances stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, it is required that each
system of units be used independently of the other. Except for diameter of bolts and flange bolt holes,
combining values from the two systems constitutes non-conformance with the Standard Practice.


2.1 Pressure-Temperature Ratings Flanges covered by this Standard Practice shall be designated as
one of the following: Class 150, 300, 400, 600, or 900. The pressure-temperature ratings in Table 4 are in
SI (metric) and U.S. Customary.

2.2 Size The term “NPS”, followed by a dimensionless number, is the designation for a corresponding
nominal pipe size. NPS is a separate designation system; however, it has a relation to the reference nominal
diameter, “DN”, which is used in international standards. The specific relationship between NPS and DN
sizing, for flanges in this Standard Practice, are as follows:

NPS 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
DN 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900

NPS 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 –
DN 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 –
INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The NPS designation is the original and primary system expressed in the body text of this Standard
Practice (tables, figures, and annexes are treated separately), based on or in line with referenced “parent” external standards.



3.1 The steel used in the manufacture of these flanges shall be selected by the manufacturer to meet the
following requirements.

3.1.1 All materials used for flanges shall be “killed” steel. Welding neck flanges shall be made from
forgings. Blind flanges may be made from either forged steel or from steel plate.
The selected material shall meet the specified chemistry limits in Table 1, grade requirements of Table 2,
and other provisions of Section 3.
A ladle and product analysis shall be reported on the Certified Material Test Report (CMTR). The product
analysis is subject to over/under tolerances as specified in ASTM A961/A961M.

3.1.2 The steel used shall be suitable for field welding to other flanges, fittings, or pipe manufactured
according to ASTM A105, ASTM A53, ASTM A106, ASTM A350, ASTM A381, ASTM A516,
ASTM A537, ASTM A694, ASTM A707, or API Specification 5L.

3.1.3 The steel used shall have a maximum carbon content of 0.30% and a carbon equivalent (CE)
computed by the following equation:
Mn Cr  Mo  V Ni  Cu
CE  C   
6 5 15
that shall not exceed 0.48%, based on ladle analysis, without prior approval of the purchaser. If the CE
exceeds 0.45%, the flange shall be marked with the actual CE result.
Example: “CE=0.46”. The choice and use of alloying elements, within the limits prescribed in Table 1, to give the
required tensile properties prescribed in Section 3.1.4, shall be made by the flange manufacturer and
included and reported in the ladle and product analysis to identify the type of steel.

3.1.4 The steel used shall have tensile properties conforming to the requirements prescribed in Table 2
and capable of meeting the requirements of Section 4 and the flange manufacturer’s design conditions,
as specified in Annex A for welding neck flanges and Annex B for blind flanges. All test methods shall
be as specified in ASTM A370. Lot Definition A “lot” is a particular quantity or batch of identified material/product from a
single manufacturer. For the purposes of this Standard Practice, a lot is further limited to material from
the same raw material heat lot that is forged/rolled and heat treated together in the same furnace load. Lot Sampling Samples may be taken per raw material lot, per heat treatment run if furnaces
are annually surveyed (minimal) in accordance with A991/A991M (or equivalent), and with
±15 °C (±25 °F) temperature uniformity. Test Specimens The test specimens may be taken from the forgings or, at the manufacturers’
option, from the billets or forging bar entering into the finished product, provided such a test blank has
undergone relatively the same forming and the equivalent heat treatment as the finished flange.
The dimensions of the test blank must be such as to adequately reflect the heat treatment properties of
the hub of the flange. Specimens shall be obtained from the mid-wall of the thinnest section of the hub
of the flange or 19 mm (3/4 in.) from the surface of the test blank. The orientation of specimens taken
from a flange shall be tangential (see Figure 4).


3.1.5 Impact testing is not required on Grade F42 and lower. For Grades over F42, the Notch Toughness
properties shall be determined with full size Charpy Type A, V-notch specimens, in accordance with
ASTM A370. Sub-size specimens shall be used only when material to be tested is of insufficient
thickness. All specimens shall be taken from the same location and orientation as the tensile, with the
notch perpendicular to the surface. For plate, (blind flanges only), specimens shall be taken transverse
to the direction of rolling. From each sheet of steel, one set (three specimens) shall be tested at a
maximum temperature of -45 °C (-50 °F) and show 27 J (20 ft-lb) minimum average, 20 J (15 ft-lb)
individual minimum. Percent shear shall be reported for informational purposes only.
The test specimens shall have received the same “working” and shall be in the same heat treatment as the
flanges they represent, when determining the typical notch toughness properties of a given material.

3.1.6 Hardness Two hardness tests shall be made for each heat treatment lot by the Brinell method as
specified in ASTM A370. When more than one forging is produced from each heat, a minimum of two
forgings shall be tested with one reading from each forging. When only one forging is produced, it shall
be tested in two locations. Hardness shall be HBW 235 as a maximum.

3.2 Bolting The bolting listed in Table 3 shall be used in flanged joints covered by this Standard Practice.
Bolting produced from other materials may be used if permitted by the applicable code or governmental
regulation. All bolting materials are subject to the following limitations.

3.2.1 High Strength Bolting Bolting materials having allowable stresses not less than those for ASTM
A193, Gr. B7 are listed as high strength in Table 3. These and other materials of comparable strength
may be used in any flanged joint.

3.2.2 Intermediate Strength Bolting The bolting materials listed as intermediate strength in Table 3,
and other bolting of comparable strength, may be used in any flanged joint, provided the user verifies
their ability to seat the selected gasket and maintain a sealed joint under expected operating conditions.

3.2.3 Low Strength Bolting Bolting materials having not more than 207 MPa (30 ksi) specified
minimum yield strength are listed as low strength in Table 3. These materials and others of comparable
strength shall be used only in Class 150 and Class 300 joints, and only with gaskets as described in
Section 3.3.2.

3.3 Gasket Material

3.3.1 The user is responsible for selection of gasket materials which will withstand the expected bolt
loading without injurious crushing, and which are suitable for the service conditions. Particular attention
should be given to gasket selection if a system hydrostatic test will exceed the test pressure specified in
Section 8.2. Such a test involves the risk of excessive flange distortion.

3.3.2 Gasket dimensions for 1.5mm (1/16 in.) sheet mineral fiber in Tables 5 and C1 are based on a
contact area equal to approximately twice the bolt root area. Class 150 flanged joints should use these

3.3.3 Ring joint gasket materials shall conform to ASME B16.20.

3.3.4 Sheet gaskets for NPS 10 and smaller shall conform to ASME B16.5 dimensions and


Chemistry Limits (Percentage)
Limit (%)
Min. Max.
C – 0.30
Mn 0.60 1.60
P – 0.025
S – 0.025
Si 0.15 0.35
Cu – 0.40
Ni – 0.40
Cr – 0.30
Mo – 0.12
V – 0.11
Nb – 0.05
B – 0.001
Cu+Ni+Cr+Mo – 1.00

Tensile Requirements – SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary
GRADE (Min.) 50 mm (2 in.)
(Min. %)
MPa ksi MPa ksi
F36 248(a) 36(a) 414 60 20
F42 290 42 414 60 20
F46 317 46 414 60 20
F48 331 48 427 62 20
F50 345 50 441 64 20
F52 359 52 455 66 20
F56 386 56 469 68 20
F60 414 60 517 75 20
F65 448 65 531 77 18
F70 483 70 552 80 18
F80 550 80 620 90 16
NOTE: (a) Except as required in Section 4.2.


List of Bolting Specifications
A193-B7 – A193-B5 – – A193-B8 CL1 (g)
A193-B16 – A193-B6 – – A193-B8C CL1 (g)
A320-L7 (d) A193-B6X – – A193-B8M CL1 (g)
A320-L7A (d) A193-B7M – – A193-B8T CL1 (g)
A320-L7B (d) A193-B8 CL2 (f) A193-B8A – (g)
A320-L7C (d) A193-B8 CL2B (f) A193-B8CA – (g)
A320-L43 (d) A193-B8C CL2 (f) A193-B8MA – (g)
A354-BC – A193-B8M CL2 (f) A193-B8TA – (g)
A354-BD – A193-B8M CL2B (f) A307-B – (h)
A540-B21 – A193-B8T CL2 (f) A320-B8 CL1 (g)
A540-B22 – A320-B8 CL2 (f) A320-B8C CL1 (g)
A540-B23 – A320-B8C CL2 (f) A320-B8M CL1 (g)
A540-B24 – A320-B8F CL2 (f) A320-B8T CL1 (g)
A320-B8M CL2 (f)
A320-B8T CL2 (f)
A449 – (i)
A453-651 – (e)
A453-660 – (e)

(a) These bolting materials may be used with all listed materials and gaskets.
(b) These bolting materials may be used with all listed materials and gaskets; provided it has been verified that a
sealed joint can be maintained under rated pressure and temperature.
(c) These bolting materials may be used with all listed materials but are limited to Class 150 and Class 300 joints.
See Section 3.3 for recommended gasket practices.
(d) This ferritic material is intended for low temperature service, use A194, Gr. 4 or Gr. 7 nuts.
(e) This special alloy is intended for high temperature service with austenitic stainless steel.
(f) This austenitic stainless steel has been carbide solution treated and strain hardened.
Use A194 nuts of corresponding material.
(g) This austenitic stainless material has been carbide solution treated but not strain hardened.
Use A194 nuts of corresponding material.
(h) This carbon steel fastener shall not be used above 205 °C (400 °F) or below -29 °C (-20 °F); also see Note (c).
Bolts with drilled or undersized heads shall not be used.
(i) Acceptable nuts for use with quenched and tempered bolts are A194, Gr. 2 and Gr. 2H. The mechanical
property requirements for studs shall be the same as those for bolts.

GENERAL NOTE: Bolting materials shall not be used beyond temperature limits specified in the governing Code.


Pressure-Temperature Ratings, Maximum Allowable Working Pressures –
SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary
Pressure in bar (gage)
(°C) 150 300 400 600 900
-29* to 121 19.6 51.0 68.3 102.0 153.1
150 18.9 49.2 65.8 98.5 147.7
175 18.3 47.7 63.9 95.4 143.0
200 17.7 46.8 62.8 93.7 140.7
225 17.1 44.6 59.8 89.4 134.1
232 16.9 44.1 59.3 88.6 132.7
Pressure in psi (gage)
(°F) 150 300 400 600 900
-20* to 250 285 740 990 1480 2220
300 275 715 955 1430 2145
350 265 690 925 1380 2070
400 255 665 890 1330 2000
450 245 640 860 1285 1925
* Minimum temperature may be colder if impact properties are proven.


4.1 The F42 and higher grades of all pressure classes shall be normalized, normalized and tempered,
quenched and tempered, or precipitation treated and aged; and the Class 400 and higher classes of Grade
F36 flanges shall be annealed, normalized, normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered as defined
in ASTM A961/A961M; however, the minimum tempering temperature shall be 540 °C (1000 °F).

4.2 It is recognized that the cooling rate in a quenching operation may be slower in the thicker ring section
of the flange than in the thinner hub section. Hence, the increase in yield strength due to the quenching
operation may be less in the ring section than in the hub section. This factor is accounted for in Section
5.3 on design. The NPS 38 and larger sizes of the Class 300 and higher classes of welding neck flanges
shall have 290 MPa (42 ksi) minimum yield strength in the ring section.


5.1 Drilling Templates Drilling templates are derived as follows:

5.1.1 Class 150 flange drilling templates are the same as ASME B16.5 and Class 125 of ASME B16.1.

5.1.2 The NPS 24 and smaller Class 300 flanges have drilling templates which are the same as ASME
B16.5 and Class 250 of ASME B16.1. NPS 24 and smaller Class 400, 600, and 900 drilling templates
are the same as ASME B16.5.

5.1.3 The NPS 26 through NPS 60 Classes 150, 300, 400, 600, and 900 flanges have drilling templates,
which are the same as ASME B16.47, Series A flanges.


5.2 Flange Ring Design The outside diameter and flange thickness of NPS 24 and smaller flanges are
in accordance with ASME B16.5. The outside diameter and flange thickness of NPS 26 through NPS 60
flanges are in accordance with ASME B16.47, Series A flanges. Larger sizes NPS 26 through NPS 60
were designed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1,
Appendix 2, and the flange ring shall have sufficient pressure capacity for the service based on its strength
in the normalized condition. This capacity shall be substantiated by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2, “Rules for Bolted Flange Connections with Ring Type
Gaskets”; with allowable design stresses as given in Annex A of this MSS Standard Practice.

5.3 Hub Design It should be recognized that ASME B16.5 and B16.47 base their welding neck flange
ratings on their hubs at the welding ends having a thickness at least equal to that calculated for pipe having
a 276 MPa (40 ksi) specified minimum yield strength and a maximum bore size. It should be recognized
that when matching thinner wall, high strength pipe that existing hub designs in ASME B16.5 and B16.47
may not be adequate unless the following requirements are met:

5.3.1 NPS 60 and Smaller When the mechanical (minimum yield strength) properties of all sections
of the flanges are equal to or higher than those of the pipe to be matched, the hub dimensions may be the
same as those of ASME B16.5 or B16.47, Series A.

5.3.2 In addition, when the minimum yield strength of the hub portion of any flange or its representative
test specimen is less than that specified for the pipe to be matched, the minimum thickness of the hub at
the welding end shall be such that the product of its thickness times its yield strength (at welding end)
shall at least equal the product of the specified nominal wall thickness and minimum specified yield
strength of the pipe to be matched. Under these conditions, NPS 24 (DN 600) and smaller flanges may
also have a single taper hub and the outside diameter of the hub at the base may be modified in accordance
with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2 calculations.

5.3.3 When the manufacturer employs this option, the flange identification should be a combination of the
class of material of the flange and of the pipe for which the flange has been designed. See Section 6.1.

5.3.4 When the hub thickness at the welding end must be greater than the adjoining pipe, the joint design
shall be as shown in any of the three sketches in Figure 1.

5.4 Welding End The welding end shall be in accordance with Figure 2 for wall thickness (of intended
mating pipe) of 22 mm (0.88 in.) and less. For thicker walls, refer to Figure 3.

5.5 Blind Flanges

5.5.1 The outside diameter and thickness of blind flanges shall be as listed in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C2,
C3, C4, C5, and C6. Thicknesses listed are based on material having mechanical properties for Grade
F36 of Table 2. Drilling templates are as specified in Section 5.1.
Thinner flanges of higher strength material may be furnished in accordance with Annex B design criteria.

5.5.2 Blind flanges need not be faced in the center if, when this center is raised, its diameter is at least
127 mm (5 in.) smaller than the nominal pipe size. When the center part is depressed, its diameter shall
not be greater than the gasket I.D. specified in Tables 5 and C1, less 51 mm (2 in.).
Equation: (I.D. – 51 mm/2 in. = Max. depression O.D.)

5.6 Blind Flanges NPS 10 and Smaller Dimensional requirements for NPS 10 and smaller blind flanges
shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.


5.7 Flat Face Flanges This Standard Practice permits flat face flanges in all classes, by providing
flanges having either the full thickness or the thickness with the raised face removed, without reduction of
the pressure-temperature ratings subject to the following provisions:

5.7.1 The thickness of a Class 150 or 300 flange from which the raised face has been removed shall be
no less than the applicable dimension “C” of Tables 6, 7, C2, and C3.

5.7.2 The thickness of a flange of Class 400 or higher from which the raised face has been removed
shall be no less than the applicable “C” dimension of Tables 8, 9, 10, C4, C5, and C6.

5.7.3 The flange facing shall conform to Section 7.2 for the full width of seating of the gasket.

5.8 Spot Facing All flanges shall have bearing surfaces for bolting which shall be parallel to the flange
face within one degree (1°). Any back facing or spot facing required to accomplish parallelism shall not
reduce the flange thickness “C” below the dimensions given in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6.
Any spot facing or back facing shall be in accordance with MSS SP-9.


6.1 Flanges shall be marked in accordance with the rules established in MSS SP-25. In addition, the
letters, “PL” shall precede the grade symbol marking. The grade symbol marked on the Welding Neck
Flange shall designate the grade of material in the welding end of the hub. When flanges are produced
under the option of Section 5.3.2, the marking will also include the grade of the material of the pipe which
the flange will match.
Example: A flange having a Grade F42 hub designed to be used with Grade X60 pipe would contain
the marking PL F42/X60, in addition to the marking specified in MSS SP-25.

6.2 Flanges that are NPS 10 and smaller produced to B16.5 dimensions, and complying with all other
requirements of this Standard Practice, shall be marked in accordance with Section 6.1.

6.3 In addition to the marking specified in MSS SP-25, the Charpy temperature shall be identified using
the designation MXC, MXF, PXC, or PXF, with “X” corresponding to the Charpy run temperature.
Example: For a Charpy run at -45 °C, the designation would be M45C, or for a test run at 20 °F, the
designation would be P20F.

6.4 If the carbon equivalent is over 0.45%, the actual CE shall be marked.


7.1 Flange Facing Finish The finish of contact faces of pipe flanges shall be judged by visual
comparison with Ra Standards (see ASME B46.1) and not by instruments having stylus tracers and
electronic amplification. The finishes required are given below. Other finishes may be furnished by
agreement between user and manufacturer.

7.2 Raised Face Either a serrated-concentric or serrated-spiral finish having from 3.2 m (125 µin.) to
6.3 m (250 in.) average shall be furnished. The cutting tool employed should have an approximate 1.5 mm
(0.06 in.) or larger radius, and there should be from 1.7 to 2.2 grooves per mm (44 to 55 grooves per in.).

7.3 Ring Joint The side wall surface of the gasket groove shall not exceed 1.6 m (63 μin) roughness.

7.4 Flange Facing Finish Imperfections In the flange facing finish, imperfections shall not exceed the
dimensions shown in Table 11. Adjacent imperfections shall be separated by a distance of at least four
times the permissible radial projection. Protrusions above the serrations are not allowed.



8.1 A product used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or of the ASME
Code for Pressure Piping, is subject to any limitation of that code. This includes any maximum
temperature limitation for a material, or a code rule governing the use of a material at a low temperature.

8.2 Flange Testing Flanges are not required to be hydrostatically tested. Flanged joints may be subjected
to system hydrostatic tests at pressures not exceeding 1.5 times the 38 °C (100 °F) rating.


9.1 Alloy-steel stud bolts threaded at both ends or full length, or bolts with hexagonal heads conforming
to American National Standard heavy dimensions (ASME B18.2.1) may be used and shall have nuts
conforming to American National Standard heavy dimensions (ASME B18.2.2).

9.2 Carbon-steel bolts smaller than 3/4 in. shall have square heads or heavy hex heads (ASME B18.2.1),
and shall have heavy hex nuts (ASME B18.2.2). Bolts 3/4 in. and larger shall have square heads or hex
heads (ASME B18.2.1), and shall have hex nuts or heavy hex nuts (ASME B18.2.2).

9.3 Threads of carbon-steel bolts and stud bolts shall be Coarse Series, Class 2A (ASME B1.1), and nuts
shall be Coarse Series, Class 2B.

9.4 All alloy-steel bolting shall be threaded in accordance with ASME B1.1. Nominal diameters 1 in. and
smaller shall be of the coarse thread series; nominal diameters 11∕8 in. and larger shall be of the 8-thread
series. Bolts, studs, and stud bolts shall have a Class 2A thread, and nuts shall have a Class 2B thread.

9.5 Bolting to Cast Iron Flanges Where Class 150 steel flanges are bolted to Class 125 cast iron flanges
or Class 300 steel flanges are bolted to Class 250 cast iron flanges, it is recommended that low strength
bolting be used. If intermediate or high-strength bolting is used, it is recommended that the mating flanges
be flat faced and that full faced gaskets extending to the O.D. of the flange be used.


10.1 Facings
Outside Diameter, 2.0 mm (0.06 in.) Raised Face:
12 ≤ NPS ≤ 24 ±1.0 mm (±0.04 in.)
NPS ≥ 26 ±2.0 mm (±0.08 in.)

Outside Diameter, 7.0 mm (0.25 in.) Raised Face:

12 ≤ NPS ≤ 24 ±0.5 mm (±0.02 in.)
NPS ≥ 26 ±1.0 mm (±0.04 in.)

Raised Face Height

All NPS ±1.0 mm (±0.04 in.)

Ring-Joint Facing
L (Depth of Groove) +0.4 mm, -0.0 mm (+0.016 in., -0.000 in.)
D (Width of Groove) ±0.2 mm (±0.008 in.)
P (Pitch Diameter) ±0.13 mm (±0.005 in.)
r (Groove Fillet Radius)
r ≤ 2 mm (0.8 in.) +0.8 mm, -0.0 mm (+0.03 in., -0.00 in.)
r > 2 mm (0.8 in.) ±0.8 mm (±0.03 in)
23° Angle ±1/2°


10.2 Flange Thickness

NPS ≤ 18 +3.0 mm, -0.0 mm (+0.12 in., -0.0 in.)
NPS ≥ 20 +5.0 mm, -0.0 mm (+0.19 in., -0.0 in.)

10.3 Hub Dimensions (including welding ends)

10.3.1 Nominal Outside Diameter of Welding End of Welding Neck Flanges

(Dimension “H” in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6)
12 ≤ NPS ≤ 24 +4.0 mm, -1.0 mm (+0.16 in., -0.03 in.)
NPS ≥ 26 +5.0 mm, -1.5 mm (+0.21 in., -0.06 in.)

10.3.2 Nominal Inside Diameter of Welding Ends of Welding Neck Flanges

(Dimension “B” in the referenced Figures of Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6)
12 ≤ NPS ≤ 18 ±1.5 mm (±0.06 in.)
NPS ≥ 20 +3.0 mm, -1.5 mm (+0.12 in., -0.06 in.)

10.3.3 Thickness of Hub Regardless of tolerances specified for dimensions A and B, the thickness of
hub at the welding end shall never be less than 871∕2 percent of the nominal thickness of the pipe to which
the flange is to be attached or the minimum wall, as specified by the purchaser.
10.4 Overall Length through Hub on Welding Neck Flanges
12 ≤ NPS ≤ 24 +3.0 mm, -5.0 mm (+0.12 in., -0.18 in.)
NPS ≥ 26 ±5.0 mm (±0.19 in.)
10.5 Drilling and Facing
10.5.1 Bolt Hole Diameter +2.5 mm, -0.5 mm (+0.10 in, -0.02 in)

10.5.2 Bolt Circle Diameter ±1.5 mm (±0.06 in.)

10.5.3 Center-to-Center of Adjacent Bolt Holes

±0.8 mm (±0.03 in.)
10.5.4 Eccentricity between Bolt Circle Diameter and Machined Facing Diameters
12 ≤ NPS ≤ 24 1.5 mm (0.06 in.)
NPS ≥ 26 2.0 mm (0.09 in.)
10.6 NPS 10 and Smaller Tolerances for these sizes shall be as specified in ASME B16.5.

GENERAL NOTE: The listing of decimal tolerances, within this Standard Practice, does not imply
the method of measurement.



11.1 Flanges shall be manufactured in accordance with a documented Manufacturing Procedure
Specification (MPS). If specified by the purchaser, manufacturing shall not proceed until the MPS has
been accepted by the purchaser.
The MPS shall specify the following items, as applicable:
1) Product form (ingot, billet, bar) and dimensions of the starting material
2) Forging method and temperature
3) Heat treatment procedure, including thermal cycles
4) Machining requirements
5) Mechanical test sample origin (starting material or finished product) and locations
6) Dimensions, inspection and test requirements
7) Non-destructive examination (NDE) procedures and results
8) Traceability of finished product back to raw material
9) Other order-specified additional requirements such as special facing, coating, marking, etc

11.2 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) The inspection and testing to be performed during qualification
and production shall be as summarized in the chart below. When requested, hold points required by the
purchaser shall be identified on a submitted and approved ITP.

Inspection and Test Plan Requirements

(from Section 11.2)
Type of Test
Section of SP-44 Number of Tests
(Mandatory Requirements)
Chemical Analysis 3.1.1, SR-6 Ladle and Product analysis per heat
Tensile Test 3.1.4, SR-2 1 per lot
Impact Testing (Grades over F42) 3.1.5, SR-3 1 set of 3, or by agreement
Hardness Test 3.1.6, SR-13 2 per lot or each flange (SR-13)
Visual Inspection 7.4 Each flange
Dimensional Checks 10, Tables 6 – 10 (C2 – C6) Per MPS

Type of Test
Section of SP-44 Number of Tests
(Optional Requirements)
Impact Testing (Grade F36 and F42) 3.1.5, SR-3 1 set of 3, or by agreement
Full Section UT SR-4 Each flange or by agreement
MT/PT Beveled Ends SR-7 Each flange or by agreement
Sour Gas Applications SR-1 By agreement
Simulated Post-Weld Heat Treatment SR-8 By agreement
NOTE: The term “SR” signifies supplementary requirements; see Annex D.


NOTE: (a) Neither tl, t2, nor tl + t2 shall exceed 0.5t.

GENERAL NOTE: When the minimum specified yield strengths of the sections to be joined are unequal, the
deposited weld metal shall have mechanical properties at least equal to those of the section having the higher
strength, and the minimum thickness (tD) shall at least equal “t”, times the ratio of minimum specified yield strength
of pipe and flange, but not to exceed 1.5t.

FIGURE 1 Acceptable Design for Unequal Wall Thickness(1)

(See Section 5.3)

SUPPLEMENTARY FOOTNOTE: (1) See ASME B31 Piping Codes for additional fabrication details.


FIGURE 2 Bevel Detail for Wall Thickness (T), 22mm (0.88 in.) (a) or Less

NOTE: (a) Flanges NPS 24 (DN 600) and smaller may be furnished with 371/2° bevel
at option of manufacturer.

FIGURE 3 Bevel Detail for Wall Thickness (T), Greater than 22mm (0.88 in.)


FIGURE 4 Recommended Test Location and Orientation*

*Recommended Test Locations (as per Section

 Location 1 – Used when size permits
 Location 2 – Used for smaller flanges
 Location 3 – Used for blinds


Sheet Gasket Dimensions – SI (Metric)
Dimensions are in mm
O.D. I.D. GASKET G (Min.)
DN GASKET Class Class Class Class Class
R(a) 150 300 400 600 900
300 381.0 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8
350 412.8 355.6 355.6 355.6 355.6 355.6
400 469.9 406.4 406.4 406.4 406.4 406.4
450 533.4 457.2 457.2 457.2 457.2 457.2
500 584.2 508.0 508.0 508.0 508.0 508.0
550 641.4 558.8 558.8 558.8 558.8 –
600 692.2 609.6 609.6 609.6 609.6 609.6
650 749.3 660.4 701.6 685.8 676.2 670.0
700 800.1 711.2 749.3 733.6 720.8 720.8
750 857.2 762.0 803.2 784.4 771.6 771.6
800 914.4 812.8 857.2 838.2 825.5 822.4
850 965.2 863.6 904.8 886.0 870.0 873.2
900 1022.4 914.4 955.6 936.8 920.8 924.0
950 965.2 965.2 958.8 952.5 939.8
1000 1016.0 1016.0 1009.6 1003.3 990.6
1050 1066.8 1066.8 1060.4 1054.1 1041.4
1100 Same as 1117.6 1117.6 1111.2 1104.9 1092.2
1150 O.D. of 1168.4 1168.4 1162.0 1155.7 1143.0
1200 Raised 1219.2 1219.2 1212.8 1206.5 1193.8
Face, R,
1250 1270.0 1270.0 1260.4 1251.0 –
in Tables
1300 1320.8 1320.8 1311.2 1301.8 –
6, 7, 8,
1350 1371.6 1371.6 1361.9 1352.6 –
9, and 10
1400 1422.4 1422.4 1412.8 1403.4 –
1450 1473.2 1473.2 1463.6 1454.2 –
1500 1524.0 1524.0 1514.4 1505.0 –
NOTE: (a) Outside Diameter “R” may be made to fit the inside diameter of the bolts to act as a locating device when
making a joint in the field; however, in no case should the contact area of the gasket be increased by
changing the diameter of the raised face on the flange.


Figure 5 Reference Drawing for Table 6

Class 150, 19.6 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face – SI (Metric)


Class 150, 19.6 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) – SI (Metric)
Dimensions are in mm except bolt holes


Raised Fillet
Thickness No. Dia. Dia. Face Radius
O.D. Length O.D.
DN of of of of Dia. (Min.)
of through Large End
Flange Bolt Bolt Bolt
Flange Hub Hub
(Min.) Holes Holes Circle
300 485 30.2 113 365 12 1.00 431.8 381.0 10
350 535 33.4 125 400 12 1.12 476.3 412.8 10
400 595 35.0 125 457 16 1.12 539.8 469.9 10
450 635 38.1 138 505 16 1.25 577.9 533.4 10
500 700 41.3 143 559 20 1.25 635.0 584.2 10
550 750 44.5 148 610 20 1.38 692.2 641.4 10
600 815 46.1 151 663 20 1.38 749.3 692.2 10
650 870 66.7 119 676 24 1.38 806.4 749.3 10
700 925 69.9 124 727 28 1.38 863.6 800.1 11
750 985 73.1 135 781 28 1.38 914.4 857.2 11
800 1060 79.4 143 832 28 1.62 977.9 914.4 11
850 1110 81.0 148 883 32 1.62 1028.7 965.2 13
900 1170 88.9 156 933 32 1.62 1085.8 1022.4 13
950 1240 85.8 156 991 32 1.62 1149.4 1073.2 13
1000 1290 88.9 162 1041 36 1.62 1200.2 1124.0 13
1050 1345 95.3 170 1092 36 1.62 1257.3 1193.8 13
1100 1405 100.1 176 1143 40 1.62 1314.4 1244.6 13
1150 1455 101.6 184 1197 40 1.62 1365.2 1295.4 13
1200 1510 106.4 190 1248 44 1.62 1422.4 1358.9 13
1250 1570 109.6 202 1302 44 1.88 1479.6 1409.7 13
1300 1625 114.3 208 1353 44 1.88 1536.7 1460.5 13
1350 1685 119.1 214 1403 44 1.88 1593.8 1511.3 13
1400 1745 122.3 227 1457 48 1.88 1651.0 1574.8 13
1450 1805 127.0 233 1508 48 1.88 1708.2 1625.6 13
1500 1855 130.2 238 1559 52 1.88 1759.0 1676.4 13
(1) For machining tolerances, see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets
shown in Table 5.
(2) For welding end detail, see Figures 1, 2, and 3.
(b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated, blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck,
the thicknesses were made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.


FIGURE 6 Reference Drawing for Table 7

Class 300, 51.0 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints– SI (Metric)

See Reference Drawing Figure 6
TABLE 7 Class 300, 51.0 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)
Dimensions are in mm except bolt holes

Thickness Fillet Groove

No. Dia. Dia. RING-TYPE JOINT Radius Fillet
DN O.D. of Flange Length O.D. Raised
of of of (Min.) Radius
of through Large End Face Depth Width
Weld- Blind Bolt Bolt Bolt
Flange Hub Hub(e) Dia. Facing of
Neck Flg.(d) Holes Holes Circle Dia. Dia. No.
Groove Groove
O C E Y X R K L P D A r
300 520 49.3 49.3 129 375 16 1.25 450.8 381.0 413 7.92 381.00 11.91 R57 10 0.8
350 585 52.4 52.4 141 425 20 1.25 514.4 412.8 457 7.92 419.10 11.91 R61 10 0.8

400 650 55.6 55.6 144 483 20 1.38 571.5 469.9 508 7.92 469.90 11.91 R65 10 0.8
450 710 58.8 58.8 157 533 24 1.38 628.6 533.4 575 7.92 533.40 11.91 R69 10 0.8
500 775 62.0 62.0 160 587 24 1.38 685.8 584.2 635 9.53 584.20 13.49 R73 10 1.5
550 840 65.1 65.1 164 641 24 1.62 743.0 641.5 686 11.13 635.00 15.09 R81 10 1.5
600 915 68.3 68.3 167 702 24 1.62 812.8 692.2 749 11.13 692.15 16.66 R77 10 1.5
650 970 77.8 82.6 183 721 28 1.75 876.3 749.3 810 12.70 749.30 19.84 R93 10 1.5
700 1035 84.2 88.9 195 775 28 1.75 939.8 800.1 861 12.70 800.10 19.84 R94 11 1.5

750 1090 90.5 93.7 208 827 28 1.88 997.0 857.2 917 12.70 857.25 19.84 R95 11 1.5
800 1150 96.9 98.5 221 881 28 2.00 1054.1 914.4 984 14.27 914.40 23.01 R96 11 1.5
850 1205 100.1 103.2 230 937 28 2.00 1104.9 965.2 1035 14.27 965.20 23.01 R97 13 1.5
900 1270 103.2 109.6 240 991 32 2.12 1168.4 1022.4 1092 14.27 1022.35 23.01 R98 13 1.5
950 1170 106.4 106.4 179 994 32 1.62 1092.2 1028.7 – – – – – 13 –
1000 1240 112.8 112.8 192 1048 32 1.75 1155.7 1085.8 – – – – – 13 –
1050 1290 117.5 117.5 198 1099 32 1.75 1206.5 1136.6 – – – – – 13 –
1100 1355 122.3 122.3 205 1149 32 1.88 1263.6 1193.8 – – – – – 13 –
1150 1415 127.0 127.0 214 1203 28 2.00 1320.8 1244.6 – – – – – 13 –
1200 1465 131.8 131.8 222 1254 32 2.00 1371.6 1301.8 – – – – – 13 –
1250 1530 138.2 138.2 230 1305 32 2.12 1428.8 1358.9 – – – – – 13 –
1300 1580 142.9 142.9 237 1356 32 2.12 1479.6 1409.7 – – – – – 13 –
1350 1660 150.9 150.9 251 1410 28 2.38 1549.4 1466.8 – – – – – 13 –
1400 1710 152.4 152.4 259 1464 28 2.38 1600.2 1517.6 – – – – – 13 –
1450 1760 157.2 157.2 265 1514 32 2.38 1651.0 1574.8 – – – – – 13 –
1500 1810 162.0 162.0 271 1565 32 2.38 1701.8 1625.6 – – – – – 13 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table 5.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2, and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.

(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were
made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for DN 600 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

FIGURE 7 Reference Drawing for Table 8

Class 400, 68.3 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)

See Reference Drawing Figure 7

TABLE 8 Class 400, 68.3 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)
Dimensions are in mm except bolt holes


Thickness Fillet Groove

No. Dia. Dia. RING-TYPE JOINT Radius Fillet
DN O.D. of Flange Length O.D. Raised
of of of (Min.) Radius
of through Large End Face Depth Width
Weld- Blind Bolt Bolt Bolt
Flange Hub Hub(e) Dia. Facing of
Neck Flg.(d) Holes Holes Circle Dia. Dia. No.
Groove Groove
O C E Y X R K L P D A r
300 520 57.2 57.2 137 375 16 1.38 450.8 381.0 413 7.92 381.00 11.91 R57 11 0.8
350 585 60.4 60.4 149 425 20 1.38 514.4 412.8 457 7.92 419.10 11.91 R61 11 0.8
400 650 63.5 63.5 152 483 20 1.50 571.5 469.9 508 7.92 469.90 11.91 R65 11 0.8
450 710 66.7 66.7 165 533 24 1.50 628.6 533.4 575 7.92 533.40 11.91 R69 11 0.8

500 775 69.9 69.9 168 587 24 1.62 685.8 584.2 635 9.53 584.20 13.49 R73 11 1.5
550 840 73.1 73.1 171 641 24 1.75 743.0 641.5 686 11.13 635.00 15.09 R81 11 1.5
600 915 76.2 76.2 175 702 24 1.88 812.8 692.2 749 11.13 692.15 16.66 R77 11 1.5
650 970 88.9 98.5 194 727 28 1.88 876.3 749.3 810 12.70 749.30 19.84 R93 11 1.5
700 1035 95.3 104.8 206 783 28 2.00 939.8 800.1 861 12.70 800.10 19.84 R94 13 1.5
750 1090 101.6 111.2 219 837 28 2.12 997.0 857.2 917 12.70 857.25 19.84 R95 13 1.5

800 1150 108.0 115.9 232 889 28 2.12 1054.1 914.4 984 14.27 914.40 23.01 R96 13 1.5
850 1205 111.2 122.3 241 945 28 2.12 1104.9 965.2 1035 14.27 965.20 23.01 R97 14 1.5
900 1270 114.3 128.6 251 1000 32 2.12 1168.4 1022.4 1092 14.27 1022.35 23.01 R98 14 1.5
950 1205 123.9 123.9 206 1003 32 1.88 1117.6 1035.0 – – – – – 14 –
1000 1270 130.2 130.2 216 1054 32 2.00 1174.8 1092.2 – – – – – 14 –
1050 1320 133.4 133.4 224 1108 32 2.00 1225.6 1143.0 – – – – – 14 –
1100 1385 139.7 139.7 233 1159 32 2.12 1282.7 1200.2 – – – – – 14 –
1150 1440 146.1 146.1 244 1213 36 2.12 1339.8 1257.3 – – – – – 14 –
1200 1510 152.4 152.4 257 1267 28 2.38 1403.4 1308.1 – – – – – 14 –
1250 1570 157.2 158.8 268 1321 32 2.38 1460.5 1362.1 – – – – – 14 –
1300 1620 162.0 163.6 276 1372 32 2.38 1511.3 1412.9 – – – – – 14 –
1350 1700 169.9 171.5 289 1426 28 2.62 1581.2 1470.0 – – – – – 14 –
1400 1755 174.7 176.3 298 1480 32 2.62 1632.0 1527.2 – – – – – 14 –
1450 1805 177.8 181.0 306 1530 32 2.62 1682.8 1578.0 – – – – – 14 –
1500 1885 185.8 189.0 319 1584 32 2.88 1752.6 1635.1 – – – – – 14 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table 5.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2, and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were
made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.

(e) The hub dimension for DN 600 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

FIGURE 8 Reference Drawing for Table 9

Class 600, 102.1 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)

See Reference Drawing Figure 8
TABLE 9 Class 600, 102.1 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)
Dimensions are in mm except bolt holes

Thickness Fillet Groove

No. Dia. Dia. RING-TYPE JOINT Radius Fillet
DN O.D. of Flange Length O.D. Raised
of of of (Min.) Radius
of through Large End Face Depth Width
Weld- Blind Bolt Bolt Bolt
Flange Hub Hub(e) Dia. Facing of
Neck Flg.(d) Holes Holes Circle Dia. Dia. No.
Groove Groove
O C E Y X R K L P D A r
300 560 66.7 66.7 156 400 20 1.38 489.0 381.0 413 7.92 381.00 11.91 R57 11 0.8
350 605 69.9 69.9 165 432 20 1.50 527.0 412.8 457 7.92 419.10 11.91 R61 11 0.8
76.2 76.2 495

400 685 178 20 1.62 603.2 469.9 508 7.92 469.90 11.91 R65 11 0.8
450 745 82.6 82.6 184 546 20 1.75 654.0 533.4 575 7.92 533.40 11.91 R69 11 0.8
500 815 88.9 88.9 190 610 24 1.75 723.9 584.2 635 9.53 584.20 13.49 R73 11 1.5
550 870 95.3 95.3 197 667 24 1.88 777.8 641.4 686 11.13 635.00 15.09 R81 11 1.5
600 940 101.6 101.6 203 718 24 2.00 838.2 692.2 749 11.13 692.15 16.66 R77 11 1.5
650 1015 108.0 125.5 222 748 28 2.00 914.4 749.3 810 12.70 749.30 19.84 R93 13 1.5
700 1075 111.2 131.8 235 803 28 2.12 965.2 800.1 861 12.70 800.10 19.84 R94 13 1.5

750 1130 114.3 139.7 248 862 28 2.12 1022.4 857.2 917 12.70 857.25 19.84 R95 13 1.5
800 1195 117.5 147.7 260 918 28 2.38 1079.5 914.4 984 14.27 914.40 23.01 R96 13 1.5
850 1245 120.7 154.0 270 973 28 2.38 1130.3 965.2 1035 14.27 965.20 23.01 R97 14 1.5
900 1315 123.9 162.0 283 1032 28 2.62 1193.8 1022.4 1092 14.27 1022.35 23.01 R98 14 1.5
950 1270 152.4 155.6 254 1022 28 2.38 1162.0 1054.1 – – – – – 14 –
1000 1320 158.8 162.0 264 1073 32 2.38 1212.8 1111.2 – – – – – 14 –
1050 1405 168.3 171.5 279 1127 28 2.62 1282.7 1168.4 – – – – – 14 –
1100 1455 173.1 177.8 289 1181 32 2.62 1333.5 1225.6 – – – – – 14 –
1150 1510 179.4 185.8 300 1235 32 2.62 1390.6 1276.4 – – – – – 14 –
1200 1595 189.0 195.3 316 1289 32 2.88 1460.5 1333.5 – – – – – 14 –
1250 1670 196.9 203.2 329 1343 28 3.12 1524.0 1384.3 – – – – – 14 –
1300 1720 203.2 209.6 337 1394 32 3.12 1574.8 1435.1 – – – – – 14 –
1350 1780 209.6 217.5 349 1448 32 3.12 1632.0 1492.2 – – – – – 14 –
1400 1855 217.5 225.5 362 1502 32 3.38 1695.4 1543.0 – – – – – 16 –
1450 1905 222.3 231.8 370 1553 32 3.38 1746.2 1600.2 – – – – – 16 –
1500 1995 233.4 242.9 389 1610 28 3.62 1822.4 1657.4 – – – – – 17 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table 5.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2, and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were

made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for DN 600 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

FIGURE 9 Reference Drawing for Table 10

Class 900, 153.1 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)

See Reference Drawing Figure 9
TABLE 10 Class 900, 153.1 bar at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints – SI (Metric)
Dimensions are in mm except bolt holes


Thickness Fillet Groove

No. Dia. Dia. RING-TYPE JOINT Radius Fillet
DN O.D. of Flange Length O.D. Raised
of of of (Min.) Radius
of through Large End Face Depth Width
Weld- Blind Bolt Bolt Bolt
Flange Hub Hub(e) Dia. Facing of
Neck Flg.(d) Holes Holes Circle Dia. Dia. No.

Groove Groove
O C E Y X R K L P D A r
300 610 79.4 79.4 200 419 20 1.50 533.4 381.0 419 7.92 381.00 11.91 R57 11 0.8
350 640 85.8 85.8 213 451 20 1.62 558.8 412.8 467 11.13 419.10 16.66 R62 11 1.5
400 705 88.9 88.9 216 508 20 1.75 616.0 469.9 524 11.13 469.90 16.66 R66 11 1.5
450 785 101.6 101.6 229 565 20 2.00 685.8 533.4 594 12.70 533.40 19.84 R70 11 1.5
500 855 108.0 108.0 248 622 20 2.12 749.3 584.2 648 12.70 584.20 19.84 R74 11 1.5

600 1040 139.7 139.7 292 749 20 2.62 901.7 692.2 772 15.88 692.15 26.97 R78 11 2.3
650 1085 139.7 160.4 286 775 20 2.88 952.5 749.3 832 17.48 749.30 30.18 R100 11 2.3
700 1170 142.9 171.5 298 832 20 3.12 1022.4 800.1 889 17.48 800.10 33.32 R101 13 2.3
750 1230 149.3 182.6 311 889 20 3.12 1085.8 857.2 946 17.48 857.25 33.32 R102 13 2.3
800 1315 158.8 193.7 330 946 20 3.38 1155.7 914.4 1003 17.48 914.40 33.32 R103 13 2.3
850 1395 165.1 204.8 349 1006 20 3.62 1225.6 965.2 1067 20.62 965.20 36.52 R104 14 2.3
900 1460 171.5 214.4 362 1064 20 3.62 1289.0 1022.4 1124 20.62 1022.35 36.52 R105 14 2.3
950 1460 190.5 215.9 352 1073 20 3.62 1289.0 1098.6 – – – – – 19 –
1000 1510 196.9 223.9 364 1127 24 3.62 1339.8 1162.8 – – – – – 21 –
1050 1560 206.4 231.8 371 1176 24 3.62 1390.6 1212.8 – – – – – 21 –
1100 1650 214.4 242.9 391 1235 24 3.88 1463.7 1270.0 – – – – – 22 –
1150 1735 225.5 255.6 411 1292 24 4.12 1536.7 1333.5 – – – – – 22 –
1200 1785 233.4 263.6 419 1343 24 4.12 1587.5 1384.3 – – – – – 24 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table 5.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2, and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were
made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for DN 600 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.


Permissible Imperfections in Flange Facing Finish(a) – SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary

Dimensions are in mm and inches


mm in. mm in.

300 – 350 12 – 14 8.0 0.31 4.5 0.18

400 16 10.0 0.38 4.5 0.18
450 – 600 18 – 24 12.0 0.50 6.0 0.25

650 – 900 26 – 36 12.5 0.50 6.0 0.25

950 – 1200 38 – 48 14.0 0.56 7.0 0.28
1250 – 1500 50 – 60 16.0 0.62 8.0 0.31

(a) Imperfections less than half the depth of the serrations shall not be cause for rejection. See Section 7.4.
(b) A radial projection shall be measured by the difference between an inner radius and an outer radius
encompassing the imperfection where the radius is struck from the center line of the bore.


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Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry



Design Criteria
This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.

These types of flanges were originally designed by a special task group of the MSS Ferrous Flange
Committee, in accordance with the formula of Paragraphs UA-45 to UA-59 (inclusive) of Section VIII,
Division 1 of the ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels (1950 ed.). Currently, the equivalent
paragraphs are found in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2.

This Annex is presented as a description of the historical basis for this Standard Practice. Any deviations
from the dimensions, material, or provisions of this Standard Practice are the responsibility of the

The maximum allowable stresses were established as follows:

NPS 12 – 36 incl. NPS 38 – 60 incl.
(MPa) (ksi) (MPa) (ksi)
Longitudinal Hub Stress 205 30 205 30
Radial Flange Stress 140 20 170 25
Tangential Flange Stress 140 20 170 25
Average Stress 140 20 170 25
Bolt Stress (21∕2 in. and Smaller) 140 20 170 25
Bolt Stress (Larger than 21∕2 in.) 140 20 160 23

1. The suggested ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 values of 3700 and
2.75 for “Y” and “M” factors of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) thick, flat, mineral fiber ring gaskets were assumed.

2. The widths of the gaskets were established as those whose surface areas would be at least twice the
new bolt area.

3. For the Class 300, 400, 600, and 900 flanges, the slope and the O.D. of the hub at the base are designed for
welding ends having equivalent yield strength and thickness as those of the mating pipe. The wall thickness
of the intended mating pipe was based upon API 5LX-52 with a 0.68 design factor for NPS 26 to 36 sizes,
and API 5LX-65 with 0.72 design factor for the NPS 38 and larger sizes. When the manufacturer of the
NPS 26 to 36 sizes elects to utilize the alternative permitted in Section 5.3.1, or when the mating pipe has
a minimum specified yield strength exceeding 450 MPa (65 ksi), it will be necessary to recalculate the
design in accordance with the requirements of Section 5.3.1.

4. The design of the NPS 38 and larger sizes of the 300 and higher Classes of welding neck flanges is
predicated upon the flange material having a minimum specified yield strength of at least 290 MPa (42 ksi)
in the ring section of the flange and a minimum yield at the welding end at least equal to that specified for
the mating pipe. When the yield strength of the welding end of the flange is less than specified,
compensation in accordance with Section 5.3.2 may be made, but the hub slope and diameter at the larger
end must be preserved.

5. The design of all sizes is predicated on the use of heat-treated, carbon-steel stud bolts for Class 150 flanges
and alloy-steel stud bolts for Class 300, 400, 600, and 900 flanges. Bolt diameters shall be 1/8 in. less than
the bolt hole sizes shown in the tables.



Blind Flange Design Criteria

This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.

Blind flanges were originally designed in accordance with the formula contained in Paragraph UG-34 of ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 (Pressure Vessels). The thicknesses listed in Tables
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6 were based on material having mechanical properties for Grade F36 of
Table 2 with allowable stresses as listed below:

NPS 26 through NPS 60

MPa ksi
Blind Flange Stress 180 26
(1.5 x 120) (1.5 x 17.5)

Where the calculated blind flange thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were made
equal to the welding neck thicknesses.

Blind flanges may be produced using any of the higher strength grades of materials listed in Table 2. The
thicknesses may then be reduced in accordance with the following formula, but in no case shall they be thinner
than the corresponding welding neck flange thickness “C”:

E'  E SI (Metric)

E' E U.S. Customary

E' = Reduced blind flange thicknesses based on higher grade material in mm or inch, per
applicable formulae.

E = Present blind thickness based on Grade F36 material (see Tables 6 to 10 and C3 to C7).

UTSF = Tensile strength of higher grade material from Table 2 in MPa for SI (metric) or ksi for U.S.

Blinds produced to a thinner thickness from higher strength material should be identified in the marking with
the higher grade material designation. All other marking required by Section 6 shall be included.


Dimensional Data Tables for Gaskets
and Classes 150, 300, 400, 600, and 900 Flanges
in U.S. Customary Units

This Annex is an integral and mandatory part of SP-44-2016 and is placed after the main text for convenience.

Tables C1 through C6, that are included in this Annex, provide dimensional data in U.S. Customary units for
the following:

(a) Sheet Gaskets

(b) Class 150, 300, 400, 600, and 900 Flanges


Sheet Gasket Dimensions
Dimensions are in inches
O.D. I.D. GASKET G (Min.)
R(a) Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900
12 15.00 12.75 12.75 12.75 12.75 12.75
14 16.25 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00
16 18.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
18 21.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00
20 23.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
22 25.25 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 –
24 27.25 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00
26 29.50 26.00 27.62 27.00 26.62 26.38
28 31.50 28.00 29.50 28.88 28.38 28.38
30 33.75 30.00 31.62 30.88 30.38 30.38
32 36.00 32.00 33.75 33.00 32.50 32.38
34 38.00 34.00 35.62 34.88 34.25 34.38
36 40.25 36.00 37.62 36.88 36.25 36.38
38 38.00 38.00 37.75 37.50 37.00
40 40.00 40.00 39.75 39.50 39.00
42 Same as 42.00 42.00 41.75 41.50 41.00
44 O.D. of 44.00 44.00 43.75 43.50 43.00
46 Raised 46.00 46.00 45.75 45.50 45.00
48 Face, R, 48.00 48.00 47.75 47.50 47.00
50 in Tables 50.00 50.00 49.62 49.25 –
52 C2, C3, 52.00 52.00 51.62 51.25 –
54 C4, C5, 54.00 54.00 53.62 53.25 –
56 and C6 56.00 56.00 55.62 55.25 –
58 58.00 58.00 57.62 57.25 –
60 60.00 60.00 59.62 59.25 –
NOTE: (a) Outside Diameter “R” may be made to fit the inside diameter of the bolts to act as a locating device when
making a joint in the field; however, in no case should the contact area of the gasket be increased by
changing the diameter of the raised face on the flange.


Figure C1 Reference Drawing for Table C2

Class 150, 285 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face


Class 150, 285 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a)
Dimensions are in inches


Raised Fillet
Thickness No. Dia. Dia. Face Radius
O.D. Length O.D.
NPS of of of of Dia. (Min.)
of through Large End
Flange Bolt Bolt Bolt
Flange Hub Hub
(Min.) Holes Holes Circle
12 19.00 1.19 4.44 14.38 12 1.00 17.00 15.00 0.38
14 21.00 1.31 4.94 15.75 12 1.12 18.75 16.25 0.38
16 23.50 1.38 4.94 18.00 16 1.12 21.25 18.50 0.38
18 25.00 1.50 5.44 19.88 16 1.25 22.75 21.00 0.38
20 27.50 1.62 5.62 22.00 20 1.25 25.00 23.00 0.38
22 29.50 1.75 5.82 24.00 20 1.38 27.25 25.25 0.38
24 32.00 1.81 5.94 26.12 20 1.38 29.50 27.25 0.38
26 34.25 2.63 4.69 26.62 24 1.38 31.75 29.50 0.38
28 36.50 2.75 4.88 28.62 28 1.38 34.00 31.50 0.44
30 38.75 2.88 5.32 30.75 28 1.38 36.00 33.75 0.44
32 41.75 3.13 5.63 32.75 28 1.62 38.50 36.00 0.44
34 43.75 3.19 5.82 34.75 32 1.62 40.50 38.00 0.50
36 46.00 3.50 6.13 36.75 32 1.62 42.75 40.25 0.50
38 48.75 3.38 6.13 39.00 32 1.62 45.25 42.25 0.50
40 50.75 3.50 6.38 41.00 36 1.62 47.25 44.25 0.50
42 53.00 3.75 6.69 43.00 36 1.62 49.50 47.00 0.50
44 55.25 3.94 6.94 45.00 40 1.62 51.75 49.00 0.50
46 57.25 4.00 7.25 47.12 40 1.62 53.75 51.00 0.50
48 59.50 4.19 7.50 49.12 44 1.62 56.00 53.50 0.50
50 61.75 4.32 7.94 51.25 44 1.88 58.25 55.50 0.50
52 64.00 4.50 8.19 53.25 44 1.88 60.50 57.50 0.50
54 66.25 4.69 8.44 55.25 44 1.88 62.75 59.50 0.50
56 68.75 4.82 8.94 57.38 48 1.88 65.00 62.00 0.50
58 71.00 5.00 9.19 59.38 48 1.88 67.25 64.00 0.50
60 73.00 5.13 9.38 61.38 52 1.88 69.25 66.00 0.50
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2, and 3. shown in Table C1.
(b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck,
the thicknesses were made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.


FIGURE C2 Reference Drawing for Table C3

Class 300, 740 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints

See Reference Drawing Figure C2

TABLE C3 Class 300, 740 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints
Dimensions are in inches

Thickness Fillet Groove

O.D. of Flange Length O.D. Raised Radius Fillet
NPS of of of
of through Large End Face (Min.) Radius
Bolt Bolt Bolt Depth Width
Flange Weld- Blind Hub Hub(e) Dia. Facing of Pitch Ring
Holes Holes Circle of
Neck Flg.(d) Dia. Dia. No.
Groove Groove
O C E Y X R K L P D A r
12 20.50 1.94 1.94 5.06 14.75 16 1.25 17.75 15.00 16.25 0.312 15.000 0.469 R57 0.38 0.03
14 23.00 2.06 2.06 5.56 16.75 20 1.25 20.25 16.25 18.00 0.312 16.500 0.469 R61 0.38 0.03
16 25.50 2.19 2.19 5.69 19.00 20 1.38 22.50 18.50 20.00 0.312 18.500 0.469 R65 0.38 0.03

18 28.00 2.31 2.31 6.19 21.00 24 1.38 24.75 21.00 22.62 0.312 21.000 0.469 R69 0.38 0.03
20 30.50 2.44 2.44 6.32 23.12 24 1.38 27.00 23.00 25.00 0.375 23.000 0.531 R73 0.38 0.06
22 33.00 2.56 2.56 6.44 25.25 24 1.62 29.25 25.25 27.00 0.438 25.000 0.594 R81 0.38 0.06
24 36.00 2.69 2.69 6.56 27.62 24 1.62 32.00 27.25 29.50 0.438 27.250 0.656 R77 0.38 0.06
26 38.25 3.06 3.25 7.19 28.38 28 1.75 34.50 29.50 31.88 0.500 29.500 0.781 R93 0.38 0.06
28 40.75 3.32 3.50 7.69 30.50 28 1.75 37.00 31.50 33.88 0.500 31.500 0.781 R94 0.44 0.06

30 43.00 3.56 3.69 8.19 32.56 28 1.88 39.25 33.75 36.12 0.500 33.750 0.781 R95 0.44 0.06
32 45.25 3.82 3.88 8.69 34.69 28 2.00 41.50 36.00 38.75 0.562 36.000 0.906 R96 0.44 0.06
34 47.50 3.94 4.06 9.06 36.88 28 2.00 43.50 38.00 40.75 0.562 38.000 0.906 R97 0.50 0.06
36 50.00 4.06 4.32 9.44 39.00 32 2.12 46.00 40.25 43.00 0.562 40.250 0.906 R98 0.50 0.06
38 46.00 4.19 4.19 7.06 39.12 32 1.62 43.00 40.50 – – – – – 0.50 –
40 48.75 4.44 4.44 7.56 41.25 32 1.75 45.50 42.75 – – – – – 0.50 –
42 50.75 4.63 4.63 7.82 43.25 32 1.75 47.50 44.75 – – – – – 0.50 –
44 53.25 4.82 4.82 8.06 45.25 32 1.88 49.75 47.00 – – – – – 0.50 –
46 55.75 5.00 5.00 8.44 47.38 28 2.00 52.00 49.00 – – – – – 0.50 –
48 57.75 5.19 5.19 8.75 49.38 32 2.00 54.00 51.25 – – – – – 0.50 –
50 60.25 5.44 5.44 9.06 51.38 32 2.12 56.25 53.50 – – – – – 0.50 –
52 62.25 5.63 5.63 9.32 53.38 32 2.12 58.25 55.50 – – – – – 0.50 –
54 65.25 5.94 5.94 9.88 55.50 28 2.38 61.00 57.75 – – – – – 0.50 –
56 67.25 6.00 6.00 10.19 57.62 28 2.38 63.00 59.75 – – – – – 0.50 –

58 69.25 6.19 6.19 10.44 59.62 32 2.38 65.00 62.00 – – – – – 0.50 –
60 71.25 6.38 6.38 10.69 61.62 32 2.38 67.00 64.00 – – – – – 0.50 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table C1.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2, and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the
thicknesses were made equal. See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for NPS 24 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

FIGURE C3 Reference Drawing for Table C4

Class 400, 990 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints

See Reference Drawing Figure C3

TABLE C4 Class 400, 990 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints
Dimensions are in inches


Thickness RING-TYPE JOINT Fillet Groove

O.D. of Flange No. Dia. Dia. Radius Fillet
NPS Length O.D. Raised
of of of of Depth Width (Min.) Radius
through Large End Face Facing Pitch Ring
Flange Weld- Blind Bolt Bolt Bolt of of
Hub Hub(e) Dia. Dia. Dia. No.
Neck Flg.(d) Holes Holes Circle Groove Groove

O C E Y X R K L P D A r
12 20.50 2.25 2.25 5.38 14.75 16 1.38 17.75 15.00 16.25 0.312 15.000 0.469 R57 0.44 0.03
14 23.00 2.38 2.38 5.88 16.75 20 1.38 20.25 16.25 18.00 0.312 16.500 0.469 R61 0.44 0.03

16 25.50 2.50 2.50 6.00 19.00 20 1.50 22.50 18.50 20.00 0.312 18.500 0.469 R65 0.44 0.03
18 28.00 2.62 2.62 6.50 21.00 24 1.50 24.75 21.00 22.62 0.312 21.000 0.469 R69 0.44 0.03
20 30.50 2.75 2.75 6.62 23.12 24 1.62 27.00 23.00 25.00 0.375 23.000 0.531 R73 0.44 0.06
22 33.00 2.88 2.88 6.75 25.25 24 1.75 29.25 25.25 27.00 0.438 25.000 0.594 R81 0.44 0.06
24 36.00 3.00 3.00 6.88 27.62 24 1.88 32.00 27.25 29.50 0.438 27.250 0.656 R77 0.44 0.06
26 38.25 3.50 3.88 7.62 28.62 28 1.88 34.50 29.50 31.88 0.500 29.500 0.781 R93 0.44 0.06
28 40.75 3.75 4.12 8.12 30.81 28 2.00 37.00 31.50 33.88 0.500 31.500 0.781 R94 0.50 0.06

30 43.00 4.00 4.38 8.62 32.94 28 2.12 39.25 33.75 36.12 0.500 33.750 0.781 R95 0.50 0.06
32 45.25 4.25 4.56 9.12 35.00 28 2.12 41.50 36.00 38.75 0.562 36.000 0.906 R96 0.50 0.06
34 47.50 4.38 4.81 9.50 37.19 28 2.12 43.50 38.00 40.75 0.562 38.000 0.906 R97 0.56 0.06
36 50.00 4.50 5.06 9.88 39.38 32 2.12 46.00 40.25 43.00 0.562 40.250 0.906 R98 0.56 0.06
38 47.50 4.88 4.88 8.12 39.50 32 1.88 44.00 40.75 – – – – – 0.56 –
40 50.00 5.12 5.12 8.50 41.50 32 2.00 46.25 43.00 – – – – – 0.56 –
42 52.00 5.25 5.25 8.81 43.62 32 2.00 48.25 45.00 – – – – – 0.56 –
44 54.50 5.50 5.50 9.18 45.62 32 2.12 50.50 47.25 – – – – – 0.56 –
46 56.75 5.75 5.75 9.62 47.75 36 2.12 52.75 49.50 – – – – – 0.56 –
48 59.50 6.00 6.00 10.12 49.88 28 2.38 55.25 51.50 – – – – – 0.56 –
50 61.75 6.19 6.25 10.56 52.00 32 2.38 57.50 53.62 – – – – – 0.56 –
52 63.75 6.38 6.44 10.88 54.00 32 2.38 59.50 55.62 – – – – – 0.56 –
54 67.00 6.69 6.75 11.38 56.12 28 2.62 62.25 57.88 – – – – – 0.56 –
56 69.00 6.88 6.94 11.75 58.25 32 2.62 64.25 60.12 – – – – – 0.56 –

58 71.00 7.00 7.12 12.06 60.25 32 2.62 66.25 62.12 – – – – – 0.56 –
60 74.25 7.31 7.44 12.56 62.38 32 2.88 69.00 64.38 – – – – – 0.56 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table C1.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2 and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were made equal.
See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for NPS 24 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

FIGURE C4 Reference Drawing for Table C5

Class 600, 1480 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints

See Reference Drawing Figure C4

TABLE C5 Class 600, 1480 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints
Dimensions are in inches

Thickness RING-TYPE JOINT Fillet Groove

O.D. of Flange No. Dia. Dia. Radius Fillet
NPS Length O.D. Raised
of of of of (Min.) Radius
through Large End Face Depth Width
Flange Bolt Bolt Bolt Facing Pitch Ring
Weld- Blind Hub Hub(e) Dia. of of
Holes Holes Circle Dia. Dia. No.
Neck Flg.(d) Groove Groove

O C E Y X R K L P D A r
12 22.00 2.62 2.62 6.12 15.75 20 1.38 19.25 15.00 16.25 0.312 15.000 0.469 R57 0.44 0.03
14 23.75 2.75 2.75 6.50 17.00 20 1.50 20.75 16.25 18.00 0.312 16.500 0.469 R61 0.44 0.03
16 27.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 19.50 20 1.62 23.75 18.50 20.00 0.312 18.500 0.469 R65 0.44 0.03

18 29.25 3.25 3.25 7.25 21.50 20 1.75 25.75 21.00 22.62 0.312 21.000 0.469 R69 0.44 0.03
20 32.00 3.50 3.50 7.50 24.00 24 1.75 28.50 23.00 25.00 0.375 23.000 0.531 R73 0.44 0.06
22 34.25 3.75 3.75 7.75 26.25 24 1.88 30.62 25.25 27.00 0.438 25.000 0.594 R81 0.44 0.06
24 37.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 28.25 24 2.00 33.00 27.25 29.50 0.438 27.250 0.656 R77 0.44 0.06
26 40.00 4.25 4.94 8.75 29.44 28 2.00 36.00 29.50 31.88 0.500 29.500 0.781 R93 0.50 0.06
28 42.25 4.38 5.19 9.25 31.62 28 2.12 38.00 31.50 33.88 0.500 31.500 0.781 R94 0.50 0.06
30 44.50 4.50 5.50 9.75 33.94 28 2.12 40.25 33.75 36.12 0.500 33.750 0.781 R95 0.50 0.06

32 47.00 4.62 5.81 10.25 36.12 28 2.38 42.50 36.00 38.75 0.562 36.000 0.906 R96 0.50 0.06
34 49.00 4.75 6.06 10.62 38.31 28 2.38 44.50 38.00 40.75 0.562 38.000 0.906 R97 0.56 0.06
36 51.75 4.88 6.38 11.12 40.62 28 2.62 47.00 40.25 43.00 0.562 40.250 0.906 R98 0.56 0.06
38 50.00 6.00 6.12 10.00 40.25 28 2.38 45.75 41.50 – – – – – 0.56 –
40 52.00 6.25 6.38 10.38 42.25 32 2.38 47.75 43.75 – – – – – 0.56 –
42 55.25 6.62 6.75 11.00 44.38 28 2.62 50.50 46.00 – – – – – 0.56 –
44 57.25 6.81 7.00 11.38 46.50 32 2.62 52.50 48.25 – – – – – 0.56 –
46 59.50 7.06 7.31 11.81 48.62 32 2.62 54.75 50.25 – – – – – 0.56 –
48 62.75 7.44 7.69 12.44 50.75 32 2.88 57.50 52.50 – – – – – 0.56 –
50 65.75 7.75 8.00 12.94 52.88 28 3.12 60.00 54.50 – – – – – 0.56 –
52 67.75 8.00 8.25 13.25 54.88 32 3.12 62.00 56.50 – – – – – 0.56 –
54 70.00 8.25 8.56 13.75 57.00 32 3.12 64.25 58.75 – – – – – 0.56 –
56 73.00 8.56 8.88 14.25 59.12 32 3.38 66.75 60.75 – – – – – 0.62 –

58 75.00 8.75 9.12 14.56 61.12 32 3.38 68.75 63.00 – – – – – 0.62 –
60 78.50 9.19 9.56 15.31 63.38 28 3.62 71.75 65.25 – – – – – 0.69 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table C1.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2 and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.
(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were made equal.
See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for NPS 24 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

FIGURE C5 Reference Drawing for Table C6

Class 900, 2220 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face and Ring-Type Joints

See Reference Drawing Figure C5
TABLE C6 Class 900, 2220 psi at Atmospheric Temperature Raised Face(a) and Ring-Type Joints
Dimensions are in inches


Thickness RING-TYPE JOINT Fillet Groove

O.D. of Flange No. Dia. Dia. Radius Fillet
of Length O.D. of of of Raised Depth Width (Min.) Radius
Facing Pitch Ring
Flange Weld- Blind through Large End Bolt Bolt Bolt Face of of
Dia. Dia. No.
Neck Flg.(d) Hub Hub(e) Holes Holes Circle Dia. Groove Groove

O C E Y X R K L P D A r

12 24.00 3.12 3.12 7.88 16.50 20 1.50 21.00 15.00 16.50 0.312 15.000 0.469 R57 0.44 0.03
14 25.25 3.38 3.38 8.38 17.75 20 1.62 22.00 16.25 18.38 0.438 16.500 0.656 R62 0.44 0.06
16 27.75 3.50 3.50 8.50 20.00 20 1.75 24.25 18.50 20.62 0.438 18.500 0.656 R66 0.44 0.06
18 31.00 4.00 4.00 9.00 22.25 20 2.00 27.00 21.00 23.38 0.500 21.000 0.781 R70 0.44 0.06
20 33.75 4.25 4.25 9.75 24.50 20 2.12 29.50 23.00 25.50 0.500 23.000 0.781 R74 0.44 0.06
24 41.00 5.50 5.50 11.50 29.50 20 2.62 35.50 27.25 30.38 0.625 27.250 1.062 R78 0.44 0.09
26 42.75 5.50 6.31 11.25 30.50 20 2.88 37.50 29.50 32.75 0.688 29.500 1.188 R100 0.44 0.09

28 46.00 5.62 6.75 11.75 32.75 20 3.12 40.25 31.50 35.00 0.688 31.500 1.312 R101 0.50 0.09
30 48.50 5.88 7.18 12.25 35.00 20 3.12 42.75 33.75 37.25 0.688 33.750 1.312 R102 0.50 0.09
32 51.75 6.25 7.62 13.00 37.25 20 3.38 45.50 36.00 39.50 0.688 36.000 1.312 R103 0.50 0.09
34 55.00 6.50 8.06 13.75 39.62 20 3.62 48.25 38.00 42.00 0.812 38.000 1.438 R104 0.56 0.09
36 57.50 6.75 8.44 14.25 41.88 20 3.62 50.75 40.25 44.25 0.812 40.250 1.438 R105 0.56 0.09
38 57.50 7.50 8.50 13.88 42.25 20 3.62 50.75 43.25 – – – – – 0.75 –
40 59.50 7.75 8.81 14.31 44.38 24 3.62 52.75 45.75 – – – – – 0.81 –
42 61.50 8.12 9.12 14.62 46.31 24 3.62 54.75 47.75 – – – – – 0.81 –
44 64.88 8.44 9.56 15.38 48.62 24 3.88 57.62 50.00 – – – – – 0.88 –
46 68.25 8.88 10.06 16.18 50.88 24 4.12 60.50 52.50 – – – – – 0.88 –
48 70.25 9.19 10.38 16.50 52.88 24 4.12 62.50 54.50 – – – – – 0.94 –
(1) For machining tolerances see Section 10. (a) Rating for raised face flanges is predicated on the use of sheet gaskets shown in Table C1.
(2) For welding end detail see Figures 1, 2 and 3. (b) Dimensions to be specified by purchaser.

(3) Welding Neck is also referred to as Weld-Neck or Weld Neck. (c) See Section 5.
(d) Where calculated blind thickness is less than the mating welding neck, the thicknesses were made equal.
See Section 5.5 for material requirements.
(e) The hub dimension for NPS 24 and smaller flanges may vary as explained in Section 5.3.2.

Supplementary Requirements
The supplementary requirements, SR-1 through SR-15, are not applicable to product furnished to this
Standard Practice except when specified on the purchase order or otherwise agreed upon. When specified or
agreed upon, supplementary requirements shall have the same force as requirements in the base Standard
Practice. To be applicable, supplementary requirement details different from those of the SRs of this annex
must be agreed upon by both the purchaser and manufacturer.

When a supplementary requirement (SR) is incorporated in the base standard or dropped, the number will be
retired and other supplementary requirement numbers will be retained.

SR Description
Flanges intended for sour service should be identified by the purchaser at time of order; including
acceptance criteria.
2 Actual yield strength shall not exceed the specified minimum yield strength by more than 138 MPa (20 ksi)
Notch toughness requirements other than those specified in Section 3.1.5 to be as agreed by the purchaser
and manufacturer
Each flange shall be ultrasonically examined. Personnel and procedures shall be qualified in accordance
4 with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V, Article 5. Acceptance standards shall be as
agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer
Marking requirements other than those specified shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and
More restrictive chemical requirements and/or a lower Carbon Equivalent shall be as agreed to by
purchaser and manufacturer
Butt-welding ends of flanges shall be subjected to liquid penetrant or magnetic-particle examination. The
7 purchaser shall specify acceptance limits. Nondestructive-examination personnel and procedures shall be
qualified in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V.
Simulated Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) of mechanical test coupons. Details of PWHT thermal
8 cycle shall be furnished by the purchaser and the extent of mechanical testing required shall be as agreed
upon between the purchaser and manufacturer.
Substitution of wall thickness for yield strength in accordance with Section 5.3.2 shall not be allowed
unless approved by the purchaser.
In addition to the Certified Material Test Report (CMTR) required for each lot of flanges, copies of the
starting raw material mill certification shall be furnished with the documentation package.
In addition to the CMTR required for each lot of flanges, copies of the heat treat charts shall be furnished
with the documentation package.
In addition to the CMTR required for each lot of flanges, copies of the lab stress strain curves and tensile
test results shall be furnished with the documentation package.
Each quench and tempered flange shall be individually hardness tested and the results reported on the
CMTR for each flange.
Manufacturing Procedure Specification and Inspection Test Plan to be approved by Purchaser before
manufacturing commences.
Flanges shall be marked with a unique serial number in a format mutually agreed between purchaser and
Test samples to come from sacrificial forgings or full thickness prolongations, as agreed between purchaser
and manufacturer.


Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates
This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.

Standard Name Description

B1.1-2003(R2008) Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
B16.1-2015 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250
B16.5-2013 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard
B16.20-2012 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges: Ring-Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed
B16.47-2011 Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard
B18.2.1-2012 Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex
Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch Series); including Errata (2013)
B18.2.2-2015 Nuts for General Applications: Machine Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex Flange,
and Coupling Nuts (Inch Series)
B31.1 – B31.8 Codes for Pressure Piping
B46.1-2009 Surface Texture, Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay
BPVC-V-2015 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V: Nondestructive Examination
BPVC-VIII, Div. 1-2015 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1: Rules for Construction
of Pressure Vessels
BPVC-VIII, Div. 1-1950 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (known at the time as the Code for Unfired
Pressure Vessels), Section VIII, Division 1 (1950 ed.)

ASTM Standard Specification for:

A53/A53M-12 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless
A105/A105M-14 Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications
A106/A106M-15 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
A193/A193M-16 Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High-Temperature or High Pressure
Service and Other Special Purpose Applications
A194/A194M-15a Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature,
or Both
A307-14 Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rod 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength
A320/A320M-15a Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for Low-Temperature Service
A350/A350M-15 Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for
Piping Components
A354-11 Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded
A381-96(2012) Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use with High-Pressure Transmission Systems


Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates (Continued)
This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.

Standard Name Description

ASTM Standard Specification for:

A449-14 Hex Caps Screws, Bolts, and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum
Tensile Strength, General Use
A453/A453M-15 High-Temperature Bolting, with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to
Austenitic Stainless Steels
A515/A515M-10 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate- and Higher-Temperature
A516/A516M-10(2015) Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate- and Lower-Temperature
A537/A537M-13 Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat-Treated, Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel
A540/A540M-15 Alloy-Steel Bolting for Special Applications
A694/A694M-14 Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for
High-Pressure Transmission Service
A707/A707M-14 Forged Carbon and Alloy Steel Flanges for Low-Temperature Service
A961/A961M-15 Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Steel Flanges, Forged
Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Piping Applications
A991/A991M-10(2015) Test Method for Conducting Temperature Uniformity Surveys of Furnaces Used
to Heat Treat Steel Products

Standard Test Methods and Definitions for:

A370-15 Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

Spec 5L-2012 Specification for Line Pipe; including Errata (2015)

SP-9-2013 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron, and Steel Flanges
SP-25-2013 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions


Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates (Continued)
This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.

The following organizations appear on the previous pages of this annex or are referenced in this Standard Practice:

ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc.

25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10036-7406

API American Petroleum Institute

1220 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-4070

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International)

Two Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5990

ASTM ASTM International

100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

MSS Manufacturer’s Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vienna, VA 22180-4602


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Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry

Purchase a Standard or View a Full Listing at:

MSS Standard Practices (SPs) related to or referenced in this publication:

MSS SP-9 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron, and Steel Flanges
ANSI/MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions
ANSI/MSS SP-96 Terminology for Valves, Fittings, and Their Related Components
American National Standards Published by MSS, an ANSI-accredited Standards Developer:
ANSI/MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions
ANSI/MSS SP-44 Steel Pipeline Flanges
ANSI/MSS SP-55 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components
– Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities
ANSI/MSS SP-58 Pipe Hangers and Supports – Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation
ANSI/MSS SP-96 Terminology for Valves, Fittings, and Their Related Components
ANSI/MSS SP-114 Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding Class 150 and 1000
ANSI/MSS SP-134 Valves for Cryogenic Service, including Requirements for Body/Bonnet Extensions
ANSI/MSS SP-135 High Pressure Knife Gate Valves
ANSI/MSS SP-138 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves and Fittings
ANSI/MSS SP-144 Pressure Seal Bonnet Valves

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All Standard Practices are officially available only from MSS and through our authorized distributors:

About MSS
The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry is a non-profit technical association organized
for development and improvement of industry, national and international codes and standards for Valves, Valve Actuators, Valve
Modifications, Pipe Fittings, Flanges, Pipe Hangers and Supports, and Associated Seals. Since its establishment in 1924, MSS has
been dedicated to developing standards for national and global applications, in cooperation with other standardizing bodies and
regulatory authorities.
For more information on membership and eligibility requirements, visit:

Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.

127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4620 • Phone (703) 281-6613 • Fax (703) 281-6671
“The Technical Voice of the Industry”

IHS-ANSI/MSS SP-44-2016 (2017 Reissue)

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