Organization Profile
Organization Profile
Organization Profile
I. Genesis
The indispensable factors, which give DSEL the competitive advantages over
others in the market may be slated as :
Pioneering efforts
Client satisfaction
Innovative concepts
Constant Evaluations
Cost Effectiveness
“To help our stock holders by regularly reviewing and improving our
IV. Infrastructure
Nested in an area with built-in area of 2,400 sq.ft. The park has
encountered itself with computing resources that include from IBM. Besides,
it also houses HP/9000, Sun Sparch, DEC Alpha System and over 500 IBM
PS/VP nodes over a Heterogeneous Fiber Optic Network. Operating system is
used varied from MVS and Aix through OS/400 and OS/2 to SOLARIS, UNIX
and Windows with range of RDBMS, Languages and Case tools.
Only a few years ago, the World Wide Web was a very design unfriendly
place. But with the advent of Images, Web Pages have become Interactive. This
inter-activity is still limited. In its endeavor to make the Internet more Interactive
Exciting, skdotCom Technologies has set up the Internet Team.