Ethical Issues in Psychological Research
Ethical Issues in Psychological Research
Ethical Issues in Psychological Research
Research can be evaluated by many "yard sticks" including ethics. It all started with
Milgram and the obedience research he conducted. When the study was published, the
questions were raised: Why has this been done? Should it have been done?
In the USA a Code of Ethics for psychologists was drawn up. Until then it had been a
case of common sense and obeying the law. Milgram did not break any laws, but what
he did is generally considered unethical. Britain then followed with a Code of Ethics
drawn up by the BPS (British Psychological Society), which does differ from that of
Responsibility: As researchers, we must take full responsibility for our studies. Even
if we are in a class or working on a thesis where others are helping us with our
research, we must take full responsibility for how we conduct the study. This
responsibility extends to research assistants. If we have students helping us to collect
or compile data, we also must make sure that they know about and follow ethical
Physical and Psychological Risks: Psychological research can cause physical and/or
psychological discomfort. For example, imaging studies are increasingly popular in
research on cognitive processing. Participants may feel physical discomfort from the
heat generated by the imaging machines or anxious and claustrophobic from the noise
and enclosed space.
1. Introduction
Mutual respect and confidence is needed between investigators and
participants. Ethical guidelines are to clarify conditions under which
psychological research is acceptable.
2. General
Investigation should be considered from all standpoints, including the
participants'. Ethical implications and psychological consequences must
always be considered. Where gender, race, culture or ethnic differences occur
in the participants, the best judges of the implications for the investigation
would be people from their peer groups.
3. Consent
Informed consent should be obtained wherever possible. This involves
informing the participant of the reasons for the study and what is expected of
them. There are few cases where this is not required: if someone is doing
something in public where they would normally expect to be observed, they
are giving permission to be observed.
4. Deception
Never deceive participants about any aspect of the study they are taking part
in. (Much research looked at so far was conducted before the code of ethics
was written.)
5. Debriefing
Active intervention is the key, discuss the research and findings with the
participants. They should leave in the same state they arrived in, as far as
possible. If people suffer as a result of your research, then it is your
responsibility to cover all the costs of getting them back to their initial state.
Milgram may have incurred costs exceeding £1 million.
6. Withdrawal
Participants must be informed of their right to withdraw from the study,
without penalty, at any stage of research. After debriefing, participants still
have the right to withdraw their data and see it destroyed in their presence.
7. Confidentiality & Privacy:
The Data Protection Act protects participants. Their identity and details must
remain hidden. But, there is a duty to break this if human life is in danger: e.g.
suicide threat.
8. Protection of Participants
Never ask participants to take risks they would not normally take. Always
check they do not suffer from a medical condition that may be affected by the
9. Observational Research
Participants may not always be able to give informed consent, but always
respect the people you are studying.
10. Giving advice to Participants
If you become aware that a participant has a problem, refer them to someone
qualified to deal with it, should they wish.
11. Monitoring Colleagues
We all have responsibility to monitor our own work and that of others to
ensure that this code is being followed. This applies to all levels, including
student investigations.
12. Publication
It is your responsibility to attempt to have your research published. This is
because in the real world, research takes a long time and costs a lot of money.
If your research fails and you do not publish it, someone else will eventually
have the same idea and invest a lot of time and money in coming up with the
same conclusions as you – this is waste. More is learned from failed research
than successful research.
The BPS also produced guidelines for Socially Sensitive research – this is where the
results may cause a group of people a real or perceived problem.
• Privacy: Some research may shape public policy, so privacy is of the utmost
• Confidentiality of Data: e.g. someone confessing to have AIDS but not
telling their partner. Never breach confidentiality.
• Sound and Valid Methodology: Check a million times if the results could find
a way into the public domain that the research and results is sound. Always
ensure that you have valid reasons for conducting the research in the first
• Deception: Avoid all forms of deception, even self-deception. E.g. publishing
a study showing that girls were better than boys at math’s. Would girls stop
• Informed Consent: Same as before, but more so.
• Justice and Equitable Treatment: Research techniques or finding should not
result in some people being treated unfairly. E.g. withholding experimental
drug or educational technique from some but not others.
• Scientific Freedom: Must be weighed against the interests of wider society.
Some research should be, and are, carefully monitored. Discuss your study
with others in the field before publication. Michael Rutter researched whether
a gene of criminality existed (proven false), but much discussion occurred
publicly before the research was completed and the results known.
• Ownership of Data: Welcome openness, but data in the wrong hands could
be potentially explosive.
• Value & Epistemology of Social Scientists: Our own preconceived ideas
should not interfere. E.g. does race affect IQ? This statement infers that you
believe that it does, otherwise you would not research it.
Risk / Benefit Ratio: Does the end justify the means? How useful will the study and
results be? Will the results, even if you are right, outweigh the cost of research (to all
involved, not just financial cost). The Risk / Benefit ratio is harder to ascertain in
Socially Sensitive research.