Chapter 1. Open Sets, Closed Sets, and Borel Sets
Chapter 1. Open Sets, Closed Sets, and Borel Sets
Chapter 1. Open Sets, Closed Sets, and Borel Sets
Borel Sets 1
Note. Recall that a set of real numbers is open if and only if it is a countable
disjoint union of open intervals. Also recall that:
These two properties are the main motivation for studying the following.
1. A, B ∈ A implies A ∪ B ∈ A.
Note. By induction, (1) and (3) hold for any finite collection of elements of A.
Recall. A countable union of closed sets of real numbers need not be closed:
[ 1 1
0 + ,2 − = (0, 2).
n n
In fact, a countable union of closed sets may be neither open nor closed: {ri } = Q
where the rationals are enumerated as Q = {ri | i ∈ N}. We are interested in
describing (or at least naming) the sets we get from countable unions, intersections,
and complements of open sets. More specifically, we are interested in the “Borel
Definition. The collection B of Borel sets is the smallest σ-algebra that contains
all open sets of real numbers.
Note. How many Borel sets are there: |B| =? According to Corollary 4.5.3 of Inder
Rana’s An Introduction to Measure and Integration (2nd Edition, AMS Graduate
Studies in Mathematics, Volume 45, 2002), |B| = c = |R| (= ℵ1 if you buy the
Continuum Hypothesis). This is bad (why?).
Note. What do Borel sets “look like”? We can describe some of them.
Note. With δ for intersection and σ for union, we can construct (for example) a
countable intersection of Fσ sets, denoted as an Fσδ set. Similarly, we can discuss
Fσδσ sets or Gδσ and Gδσδ sets. These classes of sets are subsets of the collection of
Borel sets, but not every Borel set belongs to one of these classes.