CII Automotive 4.0 Summit v5
CII Automotive 4.0 Summit v5
CII Automotive 4.0 Summit v5
Industry 4.0
"Connected and Intelligent"
Ensuring competitiveness through
technology adoption
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A.1 Industry 4.0 – What
does it mean and what
is its impact?
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The global manufacturing industry is gearing up for the next level of
industrial revolution and it is called Industry 4.0
Development stages of industrial manufacturing
First industrial Second industrial Third industrial Fourth industrial Drivers of this development
revolution revolution revolution revolution? > Large amount of data
> Rising demand for (mass)
customized products
> Advanced algorithms
allowing better real-time
and large data analysis
> More affordable
1784 1923 1969 2014 sensor/actor technologies
Mechanical Introduction of a First program- Industry 4.0 > Increasing prevalence of
communication including
weaving loom "moving" mable logic Introduction of wireless technology in the
Introduction of assembly line at controller (PLC) intelligent machines, factory
mechanical Ford Motors Introduction of embedded cyber-
production assets Introduction of mass electronics and IT physical sensors,
based on water and production based on for higher auto- collaborative
steam power division of labour matization of technologies, and
and electrical production networked processes
Time energy
What? > Real and virtual world growing together (humans, machines, technologies, Internet)
Who? > Providers of infrastructure: provide supporting structures and services, e.g.
cloud computing or storage for Big Data (e.g. TelCos, Cisco, Amazon)
> Industrial users: Globally operating manufacturers such as VW or BASF
> Providers of technologies: provide key technologies for production such as
collaborating robots or remote maintenance systems
short and
virtual value
production systems
Source: Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 8
It combines a wide set of technologies at different stages of maturity
Virtualization Level of value added "Game Changer" Res. efficiency1) New framework
Electronics, optics, data processing
Electrical engineering
Automotive (OEM, supplier)
Other vehicle manufacturing
Rubber and plastics parts
Metal parts
Paper industry
Glass, ceramics, stones, earths, building materials
Feeding stuff
Clothing, apparel
Chemical products
Metalworking, metal machining
Beverage industry
1) Ressource efficiency
Source: Roland Berger expert assessment 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 11
In the end, Industry 4.0 has the potential to promote disruptive
changes in the value creation system in nearly every industry
Improvements targeted with Industrie 4.0
Business Industrial Internet / Industrie 4.0 can enable USD 15 trillion of global GDP by
model 2030
Create USD 9 billion to USD 18 billion additional revenue per year (= up to
25% revenue increase), moving customers from “fix when fail” to predictive
maintenance along with other actions
Customer Enable customers to decrease product time-to-market by 50% using PLM1)
Value software and automation technology
Productivity Could boost global manufacture's productivity by 30%: USD 3.3 trillion2)
1) Product Lifecycle Management 2) 30% x USD 11.2 trillion (Manufacturing value added from World Bank)
Source: Deutsche Bank, GE, ABB, Caterpillar, World Bank, Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 12
Existing Industry 4.0 use cases already have a significant impact in
companies' core functions and processes
Examples for achieved impact of Industrie 4.0 solutions1)
Engineering 71% reduction of motor engineering time through increased usage of prototypes
Building the first full functional and working prototype of google glass took only 1 day
Production/ Reduction in manufacturing time for a customized bike by more than 95% -
Supply chain from 21 days to 6 hours
Reduction of production time for tires (from raw-material to end product) by 50% by relying
on a new generation of intelligent robot, integrating several manufacturing steps
Working capital optimization of more than 30% targeted with RFID based unitary parts
tracking in the whole value chain ; Increased output in cylinder head manufacturing by 25%
- Enabled by real-time data mining and analysis to improve process quality
Achieved payback time of 1.8 years with roll-out of RFID based internal logistics optimization –
On-time-delivery and employee motivation increases significantly
Source: Company information, expert interviews, Roland Berger COO Insights 2014, Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 13
Most automotive and industrial players have launched Industry
4.0 pilots to test solutions in legacy plants
Automated Collaborative Conditional Humanoid
plant robotics maintenance robotic
Material Information
PAS: Production assistance system flow flow
Broad adoption of
standard solutions
Pilot full plant /
Precursor 2025 Along the lifecycle of most
Pilot solutions
~2020 production machinery the
transition to true Industry
Today 4.0 will start to be more
The penetration of the comprehensive once most
market with isolated machinery and
Mid-term Industry 4.0 use solutions will lead to an employees are Industry
Solutions barely existing cases are driven mainly interconnection of many 4.0 ready and the
as products in the market by technology; Pilot solutions via existing connectivity infrastructure
– Mainly showcases or solutions in the scale of connectivity channels – A has been adapted to the
laboratory solutions in full plant will be developed gradual replacement of new needs and standards
development most machinery will begin
> High hidden complexity cost through product > Affordable product diversity – "cost of one = cost of
variants proliferation thousand"
> Make to stock based on product forecasts and > Make to order based on adaptive production
economical order quantity planning and pricing (yield management)
> New product launch is a source of launch cost > Seamless product launch is a source of value
> LCC footprint localization with large size plants > Proximity footprint localization
> Large size plant with one roof concept > Network of decentralized and small production units
by technology
> Medium / low capital intensity – Low margin > High capital intensity – High margin
> Blue collar driven workforce > White collar driven workforce
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A.2 Industry 4.0 – Why are
companies (and
countries) interested?
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Industrial ROCE decreased in most countries except for Germany
and US – Need for action
Positioning of main industrial countries on profitability iso-curve [2000-2014]
Profit [EBIT / value added]
Asset rotation
0% [Value added / Capital
0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8
Evolution btw. 2000 and 2014
Source: IHS Global Insight, Roland Berger analysis 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 20
Industry 4.0 is an opportunity to revitalize industry
Rationale for Industrie 4.0 – Top 3-4 critical rationales for each country
MAINTAIN ADDED VALUE Lower labor sensitivity / Improve competitiveness
RELOCALIZE INDUSTRY VIA NEW Produce personalized products at mass production
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Industry 4.0 allows companies to reduce capital employed utilization
and increase profit, thus strong impact on ROCE
ROCE evolution per lever for an average Tier-1 Auto supplier [%]
7% 42%
11% Autonomous plant
steering system
Decreased (24/7)
unavailability due
to maintenance Optimized and
Reduction of production
2% maintenance schedule
4% Increased
Improved overall
Investments in process reliability efficiency
15% automated (scrap, quality,
vehicles / cobots rework) Reduced machine
Reduction of
solutions (incl. park / tangible
launch time and Quicker &
equipment's, IT, ..) assets
costs automated
Reduction of changeover and Reduced stocks
Better reliability
at production logistics workforce machine steering Price premium for
start & mistakes Investments in mass
smart systems customization
Before Industry 4.0 Virtual Automated flows Smart machines Predictive Cyber-production After Industry 4.0
industrialization maintenance system
Machine park:
% Profit -30% less
6.0% 1.2% 0.9% 4.6% 0.8% -0.4% 13.1%
Direct Labor:
-50% less
rotation (*)
2.5 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.2 0.1 0.5 3.1 Indirect Labor:
Overall Total : -45%
65% +6% 0,1% +9% +3% +7% 90%
Main parameters
Before Virtual Automated flows Smart machines Predictive Cyber-production After Industry Additional After Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 industrialization maintenance system 4.0 levers software experts
7.0% 6.0% -2.9%
1.0% 1.0% 2.7%
0.5% -1.0% 23.9%
1.0% 1.0% 1.5%
5.0% > Additional investments in > Additional -1.9%
automated logistics solutions investments in 6.0%
(AGVs, related equipments IT/ Systems > Reduce use of > New
and IT/Systems, Service) tangible competencies
> Assumption : 100 MOD labor assets due to to steer 5.1%
cost replaced by 50 of flexible and process
automated solutions (15 of better used
Robots, 15 of equipment and machines 5.3%
12.0% 15 of Systems / IT)
Manufacturing Productivity Additional OPEX Productivity Additional OPEX Impact of asset Add MOI staff Industry
added value on MOD and amortization on MOI and amortization reduction dedicated to 4.0 impact
for MOD for MOI new systems
CE 40% 5% -8% 32%1)
[% sales]
Additional OPEX Manufacturing costs Depreciation & Amortization MOI Cost MOD Cost 1) Including additional reduction of stocks and intangible assets
Source: Roland Berger analysis 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 25
All countries have launched Industry 4.0 initiative, Germany
and US first, followed by China, Japan and rest of Europe
Worldwide initiatives & related investment announced
Declared Funding
Initiatives launched per country Objectives [EUR m]
Made in China 2025 Turn China into a strong manufacturing nation with
priority on digitalization & modernization of 10 sectors
Support the development of specific products
Industrie du futur (Efficient car, electric airplane, etc.) 1,000
1) Information and Communication Technology 2) Assuming half of the average potential of the 6
Source: BITKOM, Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 27
B.3 Key elements of
Industry 4.0 and select
case examples –
focus: automotive
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Industrial and automotive companies see large potential in Industry
4.0 – Targeted benefits range from engineering speed to sales push
Why do automotive companies plan use Industry 4.0?
Shorten development > Connectivity leading to improved interfaces with suppliers
cycles > The resulting time gain is a true competitive advantage
Attractive products and > Via networked systems located inside and outside company
efficient processes premises, enabled by horizontal and vertical integration
Mass customization > Respond flexibly to meet individual customization needs and
shortening production time through interconnection between
devices, corporate IT systems, and people.
Unique selling position > Trying to combine classic themes such as design with
through classic & digitization new aspects such as digitization
Optimized value chains > Dual approach: Sell Industrie 4.0 solutions and use them in
practical by itself to reduce complexity in the overall value chain
Productivity gains > Goal: 10% improved efficiency for 2018 by using a digital factory
concept, up-to-date ‘tools’, motivation and teamwork
Source: Roland Berger COO Insights, Company Websites, Deutsche Bank,, Germany Trade & Invest , ABC Advisory group 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 29
As of today, product innovators clearly outpace process specialists
in terms of profitability – Industry 4.0 for further improvements
Key automotive supplier performance indicators by business model, 2013/2014 [%]
Revenue > Innovative products feature higher
4.3% 3.2%
CAGR 2007-13 differentiation potential and
greater OEM willingness to pay
EBIT margin
trend 2014 > High entry barriers through
8.1 intellectual property in many
Avg.=7.2 innovation-driven segments
> Competitive structure more
consolidated in innovation-driven
EBIT margin
2013 > Higher fragmentation in many
process-driven segments drives
price competition
Product innovators1) Process specialists2)
Industry 4.0 seen as possibility to increase profitability for both kinds of suppliers as well as OEMs
1) Business model based on innovative products with differentiation potential 2) Business model based on process expertise (while product differentiation potential is limited)
Predictive quality /
Smart storage bin
Enhanced Throughput
Demand-response energy
Logistics automation 4.0
management systems
User-friendly operations
Self-diagnosing machines
Self-learning robots
Customer triggered
Augmented Virtual work preparation
lot-size 1 production
Potential solutions Existing use cases – In first use in practice
Source: Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 32
Advanced technologies (Robotics, Big Data etc.), skilled workforce &
resource efficient systems are key elements of Industry 4.0
Elements of Industry 4.0
> Improvement in productivity
Advanced and Intelligent Materials
> Advanced materials will propel
and manufacturing efficiency smart manufacturing to create
is driven by use of robots better products
> ABB launched a two-armed > Mercedes C-Class has its rear > ARENA2036 – Active
robot called YuMi in 2015 that axle built with human robot Research for Next Generation
is specifically designed to collaboration (Kuka robot) of Automobiles in Germany
assemble small parts > More than 500,000 rear-axle > Academicians will work on
alongside humans gear boxes have been built for versatile production and
> Dual arm that includes flexible Daimler AG as a part of an functionally integrated fiber
hands, parts feeding systems, assembly pilot program composite lightweight
camera-based part location & > The robot is adept at force constructions in the series
state-of-the-art robot control guided assembly tasks production of automobiles
Source: ABB website; Arena2036 website; Rethink Robotics;; Secondary research; Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 34
B3 2.A Industry 4.0 – Advanced Materials
1) PP - Polypropylene
Shape memory alloy > A shape-memory alloy remembers its original shape and that when deformed returns to its pre-
deformed shape in response to temperature or electromagnetic fields
> It is a lightweight, solid-state alternative to conventional actuators such as hydraulic, pneumatic, and
motor-based systems. They have applications in automotive industry, aerospace, biomedical and
Self-healing materials > They have the intrinsic ability to repair damage due to normal usage with /without mild human intervention
> It lower costs of a number of different industrial processes through longer part lifetime, reduction of
inefficiency over time caused by degradation, as well as prevent costs incurred by material failure
Electro- > Polymers that exhibit a change in size or shape when stimulated by an electric field
active > The most common applications are in actuators, sensors and in robotics in the development of artificial
polymers muscles. They can undergo a large amount of deformation much more than Piezoelectric materials
Magnetostrictive fluids > Materials exhibit change in shape under the influence of magnetic field and are used in sensors & actuators
> In the future, these materials might be used in the fuel injection system. A specific amount of fuel injected
at a higher frequency could greatly improve the efficiency of car engines
> Additionally, these materials can be applied in active noise cancellation, vibration cancellation and sonar
Source: Secondary research; Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 36
B3 3 Industry 4.0 – Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Service and Support Customers faster 39% L3 Smart connected operations – IIoT
Enabled Production, Quality, Inventory,
Real Time Alerts based on
38% L2 L1 L0 Smart connected Assets –
analyzing manufacturing data IIoT Enabled Sensors, Instrumentation,
Correlation of Manufacturing and Controls, Assets, and Materials
Business performance in
Correlate performance across
Manufacturing and Big Data
multiple plants
Mine combinations of manufacturing > A manufacturing plant uses digital sensors, intelligent motors,
31% computerized machines, robotics and other technology which
and other enterprise increasingly generate large amount of data by a growing
Perform predictive modeling number of devices
of manufacturing data > This big data when analysed can have a great impact on the
Improve Interactions operations of the plants which can be networked
31% > As the space continues to mature, it is likely that Big Data
with suppliers
Analytics for manufacturing will become part of the Industrial
Understand Customer requirements Internet of Things (IIoT) Platform for delivering both legacy
for new products applications and Next-Gen systems
Source: IFTF Report-Future Work skills 2020, NSDC, Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 40
B3 7 Industry 4.0 – Resource Efficient Systems
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Indian manufacturing industry is currently not prepared for the
changes which Industry 4.0 brings
India currently has only 1/8th of automation rate compared to China
Current Automation Rate: Industrial Robots/1,000 Workers (2013) Comments
(Global Average)
Expected average age in 2020 [years] % of total workforce which has undergone formal
skill training [%] 96
40 80
Source: National Skill Development Policy (; Roland Berger 46
Industry 4.0 will also have fundamental impact on traditional ways of
doing business in India
Impact of Industry 4.0
1 Flexibility / Mass
> Ability to reduce changeover time – seamless production change
> Dynamic product schedules allowing real time adaptation to customer needs
> Required workforce would move from blue collar jobs to software operators
Higher demand > Reduced share of labour cost and upward movement of India in the value chain
for skilled labour > Higher labour work quality achievable on a broader scale with implementation of smart manufacturing
> Less working forces in daily operations due to automated robotics
> Increase machine up time & utilization; reduce breakdown time due to conditional maintenance
4 Asset
> Reduce stocks along the value chain
> Increase in efficiency but complemented with better physical infrastructure
Decentralization > Reduce impact of size / scale effect – Ability to decentralize processes
/ Regionalization > Possibility to relocate production process close to customer needs
> India centric manufacturing which is not for exports but for India's advantage
6 Fast-product > New product industrialization is performed seamlessly and without disruption
launch > People are guided through virtual tools to adopt new products and have a better product experience
> Simultaneous global launches would be possible
Ø Average
Source: Consulting reports; Roland Berger Analysis 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 48
Getting prepared requires to address key challenges
COMPETENCES New competencies emerging : data scientist, developers, data managers, etc.
DEVELOPMENT Education of people at all level
Flexible labor environment
Entrepreneurial contract
New qualification of tasks (new tools, tasks and methodologies)
Evolution of jobs : less repetitive tasks, more client oriented tasks
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The case of Industry 4.0 shows, how smart mfg. has the potential to
change the manufacturing landscape – India needs to take action
Implications for India
From 'Make in India' to 'Make it Smart in India'
Summary & Outlook
> Create environment to drive low-cost
> Industry 4.0 is – besides other challenges – seriously manufacturing now. Leverage China's move
threatening India's position as a low-cost country from make to innovate and compete effectively
against other low-cost options (Vietnam,
> With increasing digitalization of the manufacturing industry Indonesia, etc.)
the current cost advantage of 25-30% over Western > Create awareness in manufacturing sector
countries diminishes to less <15% - considering additional that Industry 4.0 has the potential to
logistics and supply risks, manufacturing in the home dramatically change the manufacturing world
country instead of in low-cost markets becomes a viable map
option for Western firms again > Develop a concept and a strong incentive
> India has an extensive pool of well-trained engineers and program to increase automation across the
software developers – this advantage is not yet tapped to country
make Indian manufacturing companies work at the forefront > Ensure that Industry 4.0 does not remain a
of Industry 4.0 'threat' – but rather a great opportunity to
evolve manufacturing to the next level
A > What is the full potential of Industrie 4.0 technologies for CLIENT Operations ?
What is the overall > What is the economical benefits (ROCE, Margin, ..) ?
vision of Industry > Which performance KPIs targets can be achieved ?
4.0? > What is the impact on Métiers / Skills and Competencies ?
C > How to encourage Industry 4.0 pilots led at local level, so as to: create disruption in
existing processes, enable agile working modes (test & learn), involve local management
How to federate
and manage all > How to provide support to pilot teams (resources, competence, etc.), challenge outputs
the initiatives? > How to ensure consistency of initiatives, break silos and involve all necessary
stakeholders and prepare flow down to the full supply chain
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A structured 3-phase approach to frame Industry 4.0 vision and
priorities can deliver a tailor-made roadmap in 10 weeks
Proposed approach for our feasibility study
1 Product / process 2 Opportunities for COMPANY 3 Strategic roadmap
trends and issue for COMPANY
> Benchmark possible disruptive operational models
> Identify and > Create scenarios for the selected model > Design and
characterize main > Build high-level Business Case select Target
COMPANY 4.0 > Assess impacts on COMPANY organization
initiatives (scope,
stake, stakeholders,
maturity, etc.)
> Identify and describe pain points (gaps of performance) > Overall impact
Structu- Vision
> Define root cause on competences, Action
> Realize a 360° ration and
> Identify opportunities to leverage Industrie 4.0 technical levers FTEs etc. plan
diagnosis of the workshop > Quantify solutions through individual business cases blueprint
manufacturing > Prioritize and select future POCs
processes to identify > Create strategic
potential additional
areas for
improvement: > Manage the portfolio process of 4.0 initiatives (gates)
> Ensure consistency with overall Industrie 4.0 vision for COMPANY
> Prepare deployment of successful pilots at Group level
> Directly support critical/complex initiatives
I Pain points II Identification of root III Industrie 4.0 technical IV Individual business V Prioritization and
characterization cause levers cases selection of future POCs
Before Industry
maintenance Prioritization matrix
Client Information/ Financial KPis
"Virtual" Production facts ROCE 15% 4% 2% 11% 3%
routing OI [% sales] 6.0% 1.2% 0.9% 4.6% 0.8%
Building automation Analyses
Information/ Asset rotation (Sales/CE) 2.5 0.1 -0.1 -0.0 0.1
facts Capital Employed [% sales] 40.0% -2.0% 1.0% 0.9% -1.2%
Factory 4.0
Statement 1.1 - Working Cap. 10% 0% 0% 0% 0%
ERP System
Information/ - R&D & tooling 8% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Analyses facts - Int. assets 22% -2% 1% 1% -1%
MES System
Issue 1
M Core issue MOD 58 (2) (4) (10) (5)
M Analyses Information/
facts MOI 242 - (24) (97) -
Controls & Automation Statement 1.2
MES System
Operational KPIs
Analyses Information/ Eq. non utilization (Non TRS) 35% -6% 0% -9% -4%
Issue 2 - Product launch 6.0% -4.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
> Identify the precise > Determine the root cause of > Define potential technical > For each of the technical > Assess the accessibility of the
manufacturing process the pain point: solutions of different nature: levers: technical solutions with impact
affected by the issue (support – Process inconsistency – Internet of Things – Quantify the gains on:
function, logistics, core – Lack of data transparency – Big Data / Analytics / (Operating Income, Capex, – IT systems,
operation, …) – Gap in Artificial Intelligence Opex…) – Competence and training,
> Define the precise symptom competence/knowledge – Automation, robotics, – Assess corresponding – …
of each issue and associated – Lack of anticipation cobotics investments > Prioritize and select potential
performance gap (cost or – Problem of – Additive manufacturing cases based on their Stake
KPI): communication/localization – Simulation and Accessiblity
– Reliability – … – Augmented reality
– Availability – System Integration
– Maintainability (middleware, PLM-MES)
– Safety – Cyber security
Source: Roland Berger 20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 53
RB has supported several clients globally and in India – several robust
tools and frameworks to help you succeed in this new environment
Our offerings
Users (discrete, process industry) Enablers / Providers (focus on long term Governments
(focus on efficiency improvement) strategy and product portfolio) Industry assoc.
1 Long term vision of Industrie 4.0 5 Scenarios 2025 9 Potential analysis for countries
> Potentials (market, sales, cost…) > Future plant types > Framework optimization within a country or
> Roadmap development > Potential business model industry
> Operations concept of the future > Technology demands and competitor trends > Development plan for industries or regions
> Impact on clients bus. models > War gaming > Studies and surveys
> Product / technology portfolio
2 Operations improvement > Implementation preparation
> Addressing pain points root causes / 6 Portfolio of technologies
performance gaps > Technology radar
> Developing solutions leveraging I4.0 > Technology portfolio management
3 PMO work 7 Building and dominating new markets
20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 54
C. About Roland Berger
and CII
20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 55
About Roland Berger
Roland Berger, founded in 1967, is a global Top 4 strategy consulting firm and the only leading global consultancy of European origin. With
2,400 employees working in 36 countries, we have successful operations in all major international markets. Our 50 offices are located in the
key global business hubs.
Roland Berger advises major international industry and service companies as well as public institutions. Our services cover the entire range
of management consulting from strategic advice to successful implementation: e.g. new leadership and business models; innovative
processes and services; M&A, private equity and restructuring; and management support on large infrastructure projects.
At Roland Berger, we combine sound analyses with creative strategies that generate real and sustainable value for the client. We develop
and consolidate our expertise in global Competence Centers that focus on specific industries and functional issues. We handpick
interdisciplinary teams from these Competence Centers to develop the best solutions.
Roland Berger has been operating in India since 2012 and currently has offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune and Chennai. We have worked with
almost all leading domestic and MNC OEMs and suppliers on a wide variety of strategic and operational topics. The firm in India is led by Dr.
Wilfried G. Aulbur.
20170927_CII_Automotive_4.0_Summit_v5.pptx 56
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil
society, through advisory and consultative processes.
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development process. Founded in 1895, India's
premier business association has over 8,300 members, from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over
200,000 enterprises from around 250 national and regional sectoral industry bodies.
CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business
opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key
Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry
forward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse domains including affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelihood, diversity
management, skill development, empowerment of women, and water, to name a few.
The CII theme for 2017-18, India Together: Inclusive. Ahead. Responsible emphasizes Industry's role in partnering Government to accelerate India's growth and
development. The focus will be on key enablers such as job creation; skill development and training; affirmative action; women parity; new models of development;
sustainability; corporate social responsibility, governance and transparency.
With 67 offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 10 overseas offices in Australia, Bahrain, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Singapore, South Africa, UK,
and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 344 counterpart organizations in 129 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international
business community.
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