Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide
Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide
Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide
8267951 1206445
Pathfinder Society
Adventure Card Guild Guide
Ver sion 3.0
8267951, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267951
Pathfinder Society
Adventure Card Guild Guide
Version 3.0—February 2, 2016
Authors • Tanis O’Connor and Tonya Woldridge Managing Art Director • Sarah E. Robinson
Contributing Authors • Mike Brock, John Compton, Erik Mona, Art Director • Sonja Morris
and Mark Moreland Senior Graphic Designer • Adam Vick
Editor • Vic Wertz Graphic Designer • Emily Crowell
Contributing Artists • Warren Mahy and Wayne Reynolds
Publisher • Erik Mona
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens
Development Team • Mike Selinker, Chad Brown, Tanis Chief Operations Officer • Jeffrey Alvarez
O’Connor, Paul Peterson, Keith Richmond, Liz Spain, and Gaby Director of Sales • Pierce Watters
Weidling, based on a game concept by Rian Sand. Sales Associate • Cosmo Eisele
Marketing Director • Jenny Bendel
Organized Play Coordinator • Tonya Woldridge Vice President of Finance • Christopher Self
Staff Accountant • Ashley Kaprielian
8267952 Editor-in-Chief • F. Wesley Schneider Data Entry Clerk • B. Scott Keim 1206446
Special Thanks: Andrew Christian, Nicholas Fees-Baumeister, Preston Hudson, Rigby Bendele, and members of the Pathfinder Society
and the community for their constant feedback.
Event coordinators may print additional copies of this guide to provide to new players at their events. Please do not distribute this
document digitally; instead ask players to download their own free copy of the document at That way
Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign staff can contact them directly to inform them of updates to this document.
Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Guide to Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide, Version 3.0 © 2016, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, and
Pathfinder Society are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Rise of the
Runelords, Skull & Shackles, and Wrath of the Righteous are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
8267952, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267952
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
8267953, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267953
Pathfinder Society
Adventure Card Guild Basics
In an organized play campaign, your character exists in a WHAT IS COOPERATIVE PLAY?
common setting shared with thousands of other gamers First and foremost, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is
from around the world. a cooperative experience. This concept should guide your
As part of each Pathfinder Society Adventure Card behavior during play and is summarized in the Pathfinder
Guild (PACG) adventure, your character experiences a Society Community Policy. Enjoy the game, be considerate
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short, 1-session game (or “scenario”) that’s a single episode of the others at the table, and don’t let your actions keep
in a continuing storyline (or “season”). You can take your fellow players from having a good time. Don’t make
your character and its accompanying Class Deck to any decisions on behalf of other players. Don’t take actions that
Adventure Card Guild event anywhere in the world, and may harm another player’s character without that player’s
though your companions might change each time you play, consent. If there is dispute over the rules, try to come to an
the story is constant, allowing your character to evolve as a agreement as quickly as possible. If that proves impossible,
result of your own choices. Over time, campaigning in an choose the path that benefits the most players. Be courteous
organized play environment offers a unique experience as and encourage a mutual interest in playing, and don’t engage
diverse companions and unusual challenges add depth and in endless rules discussions.
character to gameplay. It’s a great way to meet new people,
socialize with local gamers, and play regularly in a game that Community Policy
has a familiar and consistent format. Alternatively, some At Paizo, we believe that games are for everyone, and that
players prefer to keep their Adventure Card Guild experience a diverse community based on enthusiasm for games
limited to a group of friends, using the scenarios and reward and mutual respect for other gamers benefits everyone
structure as the framework for a private home game. Either involved. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and
approach is a valid and acceptable way to experience the safe environment for newcomers and veteran gamers alike,
Adventure Card Guild story, and many players enjoy a regardless of gender identity or gender expression, sexual
combination of public and private adventuring. orientation, nationality or ethnicity, religious beliefs or
Because an organized play campaign takes place in a background, age, neurotypicality, physical ability, physical
shared environment, a few additional rules are required appearance, body size, or other differences.
to ensure that each player at every table shares a similar We’re all friends here, and we’re all playing a game
experience no matter where the game is running or who’s together with the purpose of having a wonderful time. Don’t
setting it up. This guide outlines these special rules, as well push other players around just because your character can.
as instructions on how to jump right into the action. Please Dysfunctional or uncooperative play will not be tolerated. A
read over the contents of this guide carefully. little fun banter between characters can be great roleplaying,
8267954, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267954
but when you find yourself doing everything in your Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild. This includes
power to undo everything another character is trying to details on what you’ll need to play or run the game, as well
accomplish, you’ve probably lost sight of the purpose of as instructions on how to use the Paizo website to register
organized play and may be asked to leave the table. “Playing and report your characters.
your character” is not an excuse for childish behavior. Event Rules for each base set can be found online for free
coordinators should work with players to resolve any out-of- at We strongly recommend you use the
game conflicts. Extreme or repetitive cases of inappropriate most current version of the rulebook (which contains the
behavior will be resolved by asking the offender to leave the most current general rules), plus the rulebook for the base
table or venue. set you’re using (which contains rules specific to the cards
you’re using). Players and event coordinators are expected
Do Not Cheat, Do Keep Good Records to be familiar with these rules. We also encourage
Maintain the integrity of the game and do not cheat. This players to keep up to date with errata and FAQ listings
includes avoiding the following: falsifying rolls, altering at
Chronicle sheets, adding new cards to your character decks
without acquiring them properly, marking cards, and lying What You Need
to event coordinators under any circumstances. Keep good Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play
records for your character. Make sure to bring your Chronicle assumes that each player has a copy of the Pathfinder Society
sheets to every event or session of the Pathfinder Adventure Adventure Card Guild Guide (the document you’re reading
Card Guild that you play. If you are asked to present your right now) and a Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Deck.
Chronicle sheets and are unable to do so, you will not be You’ll likely also want a folder or binder of some sort in
permitted to play your character, though you may be able which you can store your Chronicle sheets as your character
to play or start another character under the rules presented earns them.
in this guide. Event coordinators rely on accurately kept We strongly recommend that you learn to play the
Chronicle sheets to keep the campaign honest, fair, and fun Pathfinder Adventure Card Game before joining the
for everyone. So keep your records safe, keep them accurate, Adventure Card Guild. Guild scenarios tend to be more
and keep them with you when attending PACG events. (We difficult than the scenarios in the associated base set; thus,
suggest a binder that can be sealed between scenarios or a they’re more appropriate for experienced players. Ask your
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digital record that’s easily accessible. To learn how to fill event coordinator if she can run a demo for you, or find a
out a Chronicle sheet, see Appendix 2: Reporting, Character store, club, or convention that’s running an introductory
Tracking, and Chronicle Sheets.) Adventure Card Guild scenario. Playing any introductory
scenario will reward you with a special mini-Chronicle sheet
Organized Play Coordinator to give your character a boost for the season!
and Venture-Officers Once you’ve got your Class Deck, build a character as
The Organized Play Coordinator (OPC) oversees the instructed in the Adventure Card Guild Specific Rules
Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild program and section on page 7.
the team of volunteers that support Pathfinder Society Organizers: The event coordinator, who may also be
Adventure Card Game activities, who are known as Venture- a player, is responsible for creating and promoting her
Officers. Together, the Organized Play Coordinator and Adventure Card Guild event, setting up and running the
the Venture-Officers are responsible for coordinating game, and keeping records of who played and what happened.
activities, handling administrative tasks, providing support She should have access to the specific Pathfinder Adventure
to event coordinators, arbitrating disputes, and ensuring Card Game base set and adventure decks required by the
compliance with the rules. They are a resource for players scenario. If a table has more than 4 players, the appropriate
and coordinators alike. A comprehensive list of Venture- Character Add-On Deck is also necessary.
Officers is maintained at If you • Season of the Shackles uses Pathf inder Adventure Card
are interested in Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Game: Skull & Shackles series.
activities and don’t have a Venture-Officer listed for your • Season of the Righteous uses the Pathf inder Adventure
area, email and we will get Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous series.
you started! • Season of the Runelords uses the Pathf inder Adventure
Card Game: Rise of the Runelords series.
Getting Started You’ll also need to have a copy of the scenarios you intend
In this section, you’ll find information for both players to run. If you don’t already have them, contact the store where
and event coordinators about how to get started with the you’ll be running the event or your local Venture-Officer.
8267955, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267955
8267956 1206450
What’s a Class Deck? scenarios your character has completed and the feats she has
A Class Deck is an accessory for the Pathfinder Adventure gained. Each character you register for the Adventure Card
Card Game that contains 109 cards, including 3 or 4 Guild has a unique 4-digit number beginning with 1001
characters and the cards you’ll use to play those characters appended to your Pathfinder Society number. If your number
for an entire campaign (approximately 30 scenarios). The is 999, the second character you register will be 999–1002.
Class Deck allows for cards earned during play to be added If you’re beginning your Adventure Card Guild
to your deck without taking cards from the base set. experience at a public convention or game store event,
the event coordinator will provide a temporary card with
Using the Website a Pathfinder Society number and confirmation code on it.
As a Pathfinder Society player, you must register your name As soon as possible, visit and
and your characters online at complete the registration process by entering this number
When you register, you’ll receive an official Pathfinder Society and the confirmation code, and your early adventures will be
number. Keep your Pathfinder Society number handy and automatically linked to your new official record.
bring it with you to every Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Organizers: As an Adventure Card Guild organizer, if
Guild event you attend. Paizo uses this number to record the you are running at a convention or large in-store event,
8267956, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267956
Locator at season and remain legal for Adventure Card Guild play.
Season 0 Pre-Tier Play: If you began playing a character
Adventure Card Guild during Season of the Shackles before the tier system was
Specific Rules introduced, you must convert that character to the tier
The unique nature of a shared-world campaign requires system before playing any non-Season of the Shackles
alterations to the standard Pathfinder Adventure Card scenario. A guide to the tier system can be found in Appendix
Game rules to ensure that certain rules are enforced the 1: Tier Advancement System.
same way at every table, no matter who is coordinating the Tiers: A character can play a scenario with an adventure
table. For rules questions not addressed in this section, deck number that is within 1 of his current tier. Tier 1
please consult the most current version of the rulebook, characters, for example, can play scenarios from Adventure 1
followed by the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game FAQ, or Adventure 2 of any season. A Tier 3 character, meanwhile,
and then the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game forums, can play any scenario from Adventures 2, 3, or 4.
all of which are at Venture-Officers are Tier Feats: A character gains feats on his character card
also a source of rules clarification. If you still have not through the successful completion of scenarios. These
found an answer, contact the Organized Play Coordinator scenarios can be from any season or adventure that is
at legal for the character to play. A character gains 1 skill feat
It’s impossible for the campaign management staff to after successfully completing 1 scenario, 1 power feat after
cover every possible situation or rules interpretation. As successfully completing 2 scenarios, and 1 card feat after
such, you may encounter rules combinations or questions successfully completing 4 scenarios. Completing the same
during the course of a scenario that aren’t covered in the scenario multiple times does not count as progress toward
base set rulebook you’re using, at, or in these tier feats. You can gain only 1 feat of each type in each
the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game FAQ at tier, unless instructed otherwise.
In these cases, the event coordinator has the freedom to A character advances to the next tier in one of two
adjudicate the rules as needed to ensure a fun and fair ways: either after completing an adventure and gaining its
gaming experience for all. adventure reward, or by choosing to do so after gaining the
8267957, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267957
card feat for his tier. If you advance a tier by completing an 3. Use cards that have the set
adventure, you automatically gain any remaining feats for indicator 1 and the Basic
your tier, and you gain a die bump for use with this character trait.
(see Die Bumps below). A character’s tier is recorded on 4. Use cards that have the set
his Chronicle sheet (see Appendix 2: Reporting, Character indicator 1 without the
Tracking, and Chronicle Sheets). Basic trait.
A character can only get deck upgrades that have 5. Use cards that have the set
adventure deck numbers equal to or less than his current indicator 2 and the Basic
tier. If a character gets a deck upgrade of a number higher trait.
than his tier, he must treat that upgrade as a number equal 6. Use cards that have the set
to his tier. A character cannot start a scenario with a card in indicator 2 without the
his deck that has an adventure deck number higher than Basic trait.
his tier. …and so on, up to the adventure deck number equal to
Die Bumps: A die bump is a new type of single-use reward, your current tier.
usually given to characters that advance a tier by completing All the cards must come from your Class Deck, with two
an adventure. Your character can use a die bump to add 1 exceptions: You can add 1 of each of your class’s owner-
to or subtract 1 from a check result. Multiple die bumps associated promo cards from the Pathfinder Battles: Iconic
can be used on a check, and multiple characters can use die Heroes miniatures line (see Promo Cards on page 10), and
bumps on a check. When you gain a die bump, note it on you can substitute any character card of the same class
your character’s Chronicle sheet and cross it off when that (along with a matching role and token card) from a base set
character uses it. or Character Add-On Deck. For example, if you’re using the
Resurrection: If a character dies during a scenario, the party Monk Class Deck, you can use the monk Sajan from the Rise
may decide to collectively spend 3 die bumps at the end of of the Runelords Base Set or the Monk Class Deck, and you can
the scenario to bring that character back from the dead. It add the Temple Sword from the Iconic Heroes miniatures
is not permitted for players to be coerced into using their to your Class Deck box.
characters’ die bumps for this purpose. If a character is If possible, build your character deck before the game.
resurrected, cross off the expended die bumps and treat the If that’s not possible, or if you need some help getting
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character as if he had not died. The resurrected character started, go to and download
gains the rewards as if he had not died. one of the Adventure Card Guild Character Sheets; these
downloads include pregenerated starting deck lists for the
Pl ay a New Char acter iconic characters in each Class Deck. These pregenerated
Choose 1 of the characters in your Class Deck box. characters are sanctioned for Pathfinder Adventure Card
Guild play.
Card Feats: When a character gains a card feat, she must
add a card of that type to her deck using the order illustrated
in the example above, then apply a deck upgrade, if it’s
relevant (see Upgrading Your Deck on page 9). Remember, a
character can never begin a scenario with a card that has an
adventure deck number higher than her tier.
8267958, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267958
played while “taking one for the team,” that character gains Earning Scenario Rewards 1206453
the transferred rewards before playing any scenario in that A major difference in Adventure Card Guild play is the
tier. Remember, you can gain scenario rewards only once per method by which you improve your deck after completing
character, so you cannot transfer a reward to a character that a scenario. This happens in two steps: earning scenario
earned that reward from the same scenario. For example, rewards and upgrading your deck.
if you take one for the team by playing Kyra in 00–5C, and The procedure for earning scenario rewards (or
your character Melindra advances to Tier 5 later, Melindra adventure rewards, or Adventure Path rewards) follows
could opt to gain the reward before playing any Tier 5-legal the standard rules with one exception —instead of
scenario. If she advances to Tier 6 without gaining the taking a card from the box, take a random card of the
reward, however, Melindra loses the reward and play credit. same type from your Class Deck box. The card you take
You cannot take one for the team in solo play. cannot have an adventure deck number higher than that
of the scenario you completed. For example, if you just
Don’t Trade Cards When Setting Up completed a scenario in Adventure 2, and the scenario
The rules about trading cards during setup do not apply in reward was a random item from the box, take an item
Adventure Card Guild play. You must begin each scenario with an adventure deck number no higher than 2 from
only with cards from your own deck, cards awarded by your Class Deck. If you don’t have an appropriate item,
scenario rewards that have been noted on your Chronicle you do not gain that reward.
sheet, and cards given to your character as part of the If the party ran out of the allotted time for the scenario,
scenario you’re playing. Cards given or exchanged during players do not earn scenario rewards, but they can upgrade
play should be returned to the owner when the game is over. their decks.
8267959, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267959
receives exactly 1 deck upgrade (that is, 1 card) per scenario, and completing the same scenario multiple times does not
excluding scenario rewards. count toward your tier feat advancement.
Begin by sorting all newly acquired cards by card type and
place them in the center of the play area. Identify new cards Promo Cards
by the Adventure Path logo in the upper right corner. If the Each Adventure Card Guild character’s Class Deck must
number of cards in the play area is less than the number of contain no more than 1 copy of each of your class’s owner-
players, roll 1d6 and consult the table below. Add a random associated promo card from the Pathfinder Battles: Iconic
card of that type to the play area. Continue rolling and Heroes miniatures line. Each promo card is indicated with
adding until the number of cards is equal to the number an “Iconic Heroes” banner in the top left and a set indicator
of players. of “P” in the top right.
For example, Agna can add 1 copy of the Teapot and 1 copy
d6 Card Type of Biter to her Ranger Class Deck, because those cards have
1 Weapon Harsk listed as their owner, and Harsk is in the Ranger Class
2 Spell Deck. Agna cannot have any other promo cards in her Class
3 Armor Deck. She can select the Teapot as a deck upgrade when she
4 Item gets one. Harsk, as per the owner trait rules in the Wrath of
5 Ally the Righteous Base Set rulebook, can select the Teapot as part
6 Blessing of his starting deck. Promo cards must be added to a Class
Deck box at the start of a scenario.
Each card in the play area represents a potential deck Organizers can add up to 12 promo cards to the game box,
upgrade. Discuss your choices for deck upgrades with your but no more than 1 copy of any 1 card.
party and come to a consensus, as each player gets 1 card
from the available upgrades (duplicates are not allowed). Solo Play
Resolve any contested upgrades with a die roll; the highest Solo play is permitted in Adventure Card Guild scenarios,
roll wins. although we encourage you to find other players. If you
When you choose a card from the play area, instead of play solo with multiple characters, each character can gain
adding it directly to your character deck, choose a card from deck upgrades and scenario rewards as normal, but only 1
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your Class Deck box of the same type with an adventure character can be registered as an official Pathfinder Society
deck number no higher than that of the chosen card. If a Adventure Card Guild character, and only that character can
card has a letter for the set indicator, treat its adventure gain a Chronicle sheet for the scenario. You cannot play with
deck number as 0. Add the Class Deck card to your character multiple characters in the same scenario outside of solo play.
deck and put the original card back in the game box. For
example, if you choose the potential deck upgrade Dagger Accessory Perks
+1, a card with a set indicator of 1, you would add a weapon Players who show their support for the Pathfinder Society
with a set indicator of B or 1 from your Class Deck box to Organized Play campaign by purchasing special accessories
your character deck and return the original Dagger +1 to gain the following perks.
the game box. After you upgrade your deck, record on your • A player using an Ultra•PRO Pathfinder Adventure Card
Chronicle sheet the type and set indicator of the card you Game Character Mat receives the following bonus: once
gained. For example, if you gained a weapon card with a set per scenario, at the start of your turn, you can discard a
indicator of 1, record it as Weapon 1. card to draw a card.
After upgrading your deck, when rebuilding the rest of • A player wearing any of the shirts or using any of the
your character deck, choose extra cards, if needed, from Pathfinder messenger bags listed at
your Class Deck. Follow the hierarchy in the New Characters receives the following bonus: once per scenario, after
section on page 8. you roll the dice, you can reroll 1 die; you must take the
new result.
Replaying Scenarios
You can replay any Adventure Card Guild scenario as Card Sleeves
many times as you like, as long as your character is of Any deck or pile of cards used in Adventure Card Guild
the appropriate tier (see Appendix 1: Tier Advancement play must contain either all identically sleeved cards or
System). Your character can gain the reward from a given no sleeved cards. Organizers can sleeve the cards in the
scenario, adventure, or Adventure Path only once. You can game box if they wish, but in order to comply with this
upgrade your deck each time you complete the scenario, rule, additional sleeves may be needed, or some cards may
8267960, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267960
need to be temporarily unsleeved. If you want to sleeve your versus combat ability. Adventure Card Guild characters need
character deck, you must bring additional identical sleeves to work together to survive and succeed. Try not to muster
to use on cards you accumulate during play. a table of players whose characters are all of the same class,
and try to keep the number of players similar at each table.
Running An Adventure Card If more than 1 player wants to play the same class—or even
Guild Event the same character—that’s okay, but when possible, try to sit
As a Pathfinder Society Organized Play event coordinator such players at different tables.
running a session at a convention or an in-store event, you
have a variety of duties. First and foremost, your goal is to After the Event
ensure that the players have a fun and safe time, and that Approach each table and inquire how the scenario went.
the facility staff is happy to have your game at their location. Gather Pathfinder Society numbers, character information,
When you are running an event in an allotted time slot, and complete the reporting sheet. Distribute the Chronicle
the game needs to be focused on accomplishing the goals sheets to players and remind them that the rewards for each
of the scenario and dealing with encounters. While we scenario can only be gained once. Make sure that players sort
certainly encourage you to allow fun, engaging roleplaying the cards used in the scenario back into their appropriate
and table talk, it’s up to you to keep the pace going to spaces in the game box, and you’re done!
ensure the scenario finishes within the allocated time.
When possible, encourage the players to engage the story In Closing
by reading the Read the Following Aloud text out loud If you still have questions that this guide hasn’t answered,
and, when they complete the scenario, concluding with the check out our forums at, contact your local
Development text. Venture-Officer, or email
Go to and register Enjoy the game!
your event. From here, you can download reporting sheets
for your games. After the scenario concludes, complete a
reporting sheet. The reporting sheet tracks players and
reward information, and is designed to help you report
the results of your sessions online in a timely fashion. See
8267961 1206455
Mustering an Event
Events should be scheduled for 2 hours. This includes
15 minutes of setup time before the scenario begins, 90
minutes to complete the scenario, and 15 minutes for players
to adjust their decks after play. When mustering players at
tables, make sure all characters are of a tier valid for play with
the scenario. Find out what classes players have brought, and
try to provide some party balance in terms of party healing
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Appendix 1: gain only 1 feat of each type in each tier, unless instructed
Tier Advancement System
Converting a Character
All starting Adventure Card Guild characters are Tier 1. to the Tier System
Your character’s tier determines If you began a character during Season 0, and you wish
• the adventures she can play; to play that character outside of Season of the Shackles,
• the deck upgrades she can access; you’ll need to convert that character to the tier system.
• the feats she can receive. • Note the number of skill, power, and card feats you
A character is eligible to play a scenario if its adventure have and which feats you took. Then uncheck those
deck number is within 1 of that character’s current tier. feat boxes on your character sheet.
Example: A Tier 1 character can play in either Adventure • Count the number of scenarios your character played
1 or 2 of any season, while a Tier 3 character can play in in her f irst adventure. If your character completed
Adventures 2, 3, or 4 of any season. at least 1 scenario in that adventure, she gains a
skill feat from among those you previously chose. If
Tier Feats and your character completed at least 2 scenarios in that
Advancement adventure, she gains a power feat from among those
After the successful completion of a scenario within you previously chose. If your character completed at
an adventure, a character receives a different type of least 4 scenarios in that adventure, she gains a card
feat (skill, power, or card) based on how many unique feat from among those you previously chose. If your
adventures that character has completed. The feat is character completed the adventure, she gains a die
gained in addition to the standard scenario reward. Once bump (and note that on your Chronicle sheet).
a character receives the card feat for a given adventure, • Repeat the previous step for each adventure you’ve
he can choose to advance a tier; at the completion of the played any scenarios in.
adventure, he must advance a tier. Though it is possible • Determine your character’s current tier by adding 1 to
to advance a tier without completing an adventure, and the number of die bumps she gained; note the tier on
then advance another tier by coming back to complete your Chronicle sheet. Then go through your character
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that adventure, it is not recommended. Automatic tier deck. If you have any cards that have adventure deck
advancement is designed to help players who miss a numbers higher than your tier, replace each with
session to keep up with their play group. a card of the same type that has an adventure deck
A character gains feats on his character card through number equal to or less than character’s current tier.
the successful completion of scenarios. These scenarios • Count the number of scenarios your character
can be from any season or adventure that is legal for completed since you completed your most recent
the character to play. A character gains 1 skill feat after adventure. That is the number of scenarios your
successfully completing the first scenario he completes character completed at her current tier—if she earned
each tier, 1 power feat after successfully completing more than 1 feat of each type per tier, check your math.
his second scenario of the tier, and 1 card feat after Note your character’s current number of scenarios
successfully completing his fourth scenario of the tier. completed at this tier on your Chronicle sheet.
Completing the same scenario multiple times does not
count as progress toward these tier feats, but the character Advancing a Tier
is still eligible for deck upgrades as usual. A character can In this example, Adventure 1 is composed of 5 scenarios.
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everyone’s Chronicle sheets, the event coordinator needs log sheet, rolling over to the next adventure’s Chronicle
to report the results of the scenario. sheet, if you need to. Alternatively, you can use it to
Whether you’re running a game at home, at a store, or record only scenarios that belong to the Chronicle sheet’s
at a convention, you should have a reporting sheet for associated adventure—whatever works best for you. The
each session you run. These can be found in the back goal is to keep a complete and accurate record of what
of off icial Adventure Card Guild scenarios or online at your character has played and when. As you’re checking over Example: Alex is playing Lem the bard. She begins her
players’ completed Chronicle sheets, make note of each journey in Season of the Example’s Adventure 1. She’s
character’s Pathf inder Society number, character name, written her character’s name and class at the top, along
and any rewards earned during the scenario. with Lem’s Pathf inder Society character number, now
As soon as possible after the session ends, go to that she’s registered him at and click My Pathf inder myAccount.
Society at the top of the page, then click on the GM/ Her party successfully completes Scenario 1A, and she
Event Coordinator tab and click on Report. Follow the takes the scenario’s reward for Lem, which is access to
instructions carefully, entering the information from the Pony loot card from the box. Good for Lem! Alex also
this reporting sheet into the form on the website. You’ll talks the other players into letting her take a weapon 1
note that we collect less information online than each deck upgrade for Lem, so that Lem can get his mitts on
player’s Chronicle sheets contain—this is intentional. his coveted Dagger +1 from his Bard Class Deck. Lem’s
Event coordinators at retail stores and conventions are completed one scenario, so he gains a skill feat. Alex
generally responsible for printing out reporting sheets, bumps Lem’s Charisma by 1.
distributing them to volunteers for each session they Next, Alex plays Scenario 1B and wins, opting to take
run, and reporting the results of each session. After the the scenario reward, but not getting a random reward
completion of each session, simply f ill out the items on that she liked. She did wrangle a blessing B deck upgrade,
the reporting sheet and turn it in to the coordinator. The so that Blessing of Erastil card Lem wants will be going
coordinator will then input all that information on the into his deck. Lem also gains a power feat for winning his
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second scenario, and Alex chooses to increase his hand since the group has agreed to replay Scenario 1C, Alex
size to 7. Her Lem likes to live dangerously. decides to keep Lem at Tier 1 for one more game. She
Alex had a schedule conf lict the following week, so she chooses an ally slot with her card feat, and Lem gains an
doesn’t play Scenario 1C with her group. Her next play ally 1 deck upgrade to go right into that slot.
session is Scenario 1D. The team wins again, and Alex The replay of Scenario 1C is exciting, coming down
gains a reward for her Pathf inder Society Roleplaying to the f inal turn, and the team is victorious! Lem has
Guild character. None of the deck upgrade possibilities now completed f ive scenarios and one adventure. Since
were interesting, so she didn’t take any. The rest of the Lem completed the adventure and gained the adventure
party completed the adventure and advanced to Tier 2, reward (unlocking Ranzak for Alex’s future Adventure
and they’ve promised to replay the scenario Alex missed Card Guild play), Lem automatically advances to Tier
after the next game. What a collegial bunch. 2, and he’s completed zero scenarios in that tier. Since
At the next session, the team begins Adventure 2. The he completed an adventure, Lem gains a die bump that
other players are Tier 2 and Alex is Tier 1, so they can all he can use to inf luence events in a future scenario. The
play Scenario 2A. After succeeding at the scenario, Lem future is bright for both Alex and her heroic half ling
has completed four scenarios and gained a card feat. Lem character, Lem.
can choose to advance to Tier 2 after this scenario, but
8267964, Ethan Oprendek <>, Sep 21, 2016 8267964
Season of the Example:
Adventure 1
Alex A.K.A. Lem 123456 1001 Bard
Player Name Character Name Pathfinder Society # Character Class
Notes: Completed 3
Scenario: 2A Coordinator Initials and Pathfinder Society #
□ Yes □ No # □