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TOPICS Infrastructures System Reliability and Resiliency

The integration of clean energy generation sources Reliability refers to the delivery of high quality
INAMORI SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AT THE Solar and Wind Grid Integration as New York State
and the high-tech advancement of Western New electricity while meeting quantity requirements. It
NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF CERAMICS moves toward its goals for expansion of renewables
York’s economy offer a unique opportunity for home- can be measured by interruptions; for example, if a
With many years of research/development/practice,
First Annual power engineers now have methods/technologies
grown industrial expansion that responds to local,
national, and international needs for power and
light is always on with consistent illumination, the
system reliability is high. Resilience reflects a system’s
AUenergy Symposium to control traditional power generation from gas, oil,
coal, nuclear, and hydro. Power loads continuously
security. abilities to reduce magnitudes and/or durations of
disruptive events.
change to match user needs, but some randomness Based on power generation and consumption
Future of Electrical Grid Systems may be predictable based on the past usage and/or trends and projections, Western New York must add Some clean/renewable energy generation methods
Friday, October 12, 2018 routines established by certain rules/regulations. (For new generators, transmission lines, power stations, challenge the presumed standards of reliability and
example, many businesses typically operate between and power delivery systems to meet the needs resiliency. Specific features of solar and wind power
10 am – 2 pm
7 am and 5 pm weekdays, and their power usage is

for a reliable, sustainable, and resilient power grid force us to:
lfred University brings energy industry fairly constant during those hours.) infrastructure. • reckon with the limits of infrastructure and learn to
professionals, clean energy engineers, and compensate for those limits
technology students together for the First The new problem is that both solar and wind Expanding networks of long-distance transmission • rethink scalable, redundant, adjustable models of
Annual AUenergy Symposium in October 2018. The energy sources are intermittent, so the regularities lines to integrate wind/solar power generation sites interoperability
theme of this inaugural event, Future of Electrical and patterns of the supply are difficult to predict. complicates interoperability and security. What will • apply data management to more local needs for
Grid Systems, aims to propel sustained efforts among Clouds affect radiation intensities on the solar the eventual power grid system infrastructures look security, reliability, and resiliency.
a diverse array of clean energy industries. harvesters, and wind velocity is never constant. Also, like, and how can we ensure their protection from
in New York State and other regions, independent physical and cyber attacks? Can we design resilient community power systems
At issue is envisioning and harnessing the expanding system operators, who buy and sell electricity as a that resist disruption?
potentials of collaboration among high-tech commodity, make plans a day ahead of schedule and/ Grid Workforce Initiatives
industries toward building and securing macro- or a week ahead of schedule. Integrating intermittent Data Analytics in Power and Energy
scale electrical grid systems that can respond to With its concentration of expertise, its diverse
solar and wind supplies is a very challenging task to
changing local and global needs and pressures into STEM- and business-rich educational institutions, its Power generators’ utilizations and downtimes are
the operators.
the next century. Growing secure grid systems starts already deep investment in renewable energy, and key performance parameters, known as security
with educating today’s and tomorrow’s engineers. its geographic location, Western New York is poised constrained unit commitment (SCUC). Data for
What data analysis techniques can the industry
The first aim is to conceptualize the opportunities for transforming expansion of the nation’s high-tech instantaneous power consumptions and generations
envision and develop to meet the challenges of
for and threats against highly advanced smart grid energy grid industry. is extremely valuable. Advanced control systems can
integrating renewables reliably?
systems to define system ends and means. Then the obtain large volumes of data via sensors, meters, and
grid energy industry can utilize cloud-computing- The only obstacle is a shortage of qualified people. IoTs (Internet of Things).
Cybersecurity and Interoperability
This growth potential urgently and critically needs

based controls systems, nano-scale materials science,
Interoperability among modern local/regional a knowledgeable, capable workforce who can If this data can be analyzed and utilized in real time,
and clean energy technologies to develop stable
power grid systems can provide robust and reliable comprehend, design, build, maintain, operate, and then advanced control systems can monitor and
yet dynamic approaches to one of the grandest
delivery that can respond to changing user needs manage cyber-physical systems. An imminent control power generators, grids, and power stations.
challenges of engineering.
and problems (e.g., weather events) in real time. To retirement wave is starting to make the transitions
This First Annual AUenergy Symposium focuses achieve interoperability, the capabilities of two or even more challenging. We need to figure out the statistical mathematics
the current and emerging generations of clean more networks, systems, devices, applications, or needed to configure and drive artificial intelligence
energy engineers on the issues, questions, goals, components must be shared securely and effectively. How shall we make the most of the little time (AI) so that we can apply it to promote energy
and approaches needed to develop best practices available to create smart educational initiatives efficiencies and clean energy penetrations.
for the entire industry. The educational and energy However, smart grid systems are vulnerable to power that will supply a robust workforce? Beyond or
infrastructure resources of the Western New York grid disruptions, unauthorized data access from within current STEM education, what fundamental
region are already poised to lead the nation, via attempted cyber intrusions, and losses of critical knowledge must the upcoming generation(s) of Energy Forecasting
collaboration, through a deliberate process of functions during intentional cyber assaults. grid power engineers possess? We have to re- Energy forecasting uses historical data and second-
knowledge transfer that can question and shall shape conceptualize how academic and industrial sectors ahead data to predict energy consumption and
the future of “grid” power policy. Cyber security is the key to modern power grid collaborate to ensure responsive knowledge transfer
production. Such forecasting is crucial to maintain
systems, and interoperability depends on reliable in real time because the industry faces continuously approximate energy balance (between consumption
To register, please visit: controls and communications. What are the emerging challenges. Let’s view this moment as an and production). necessary steps to ensure cyber security by opportunity as much as a challenge. continued
eliminating, reducing, and/or preventing data
Energy Forecasting continued Data integration serves social integration’s role in Participants
guiding a mass society’s progress toward the goal of a Managers and engineers from NYPA, NYSEG, RG&E,
Solar PV harvesters on rooftops and behind-the-meter
sustainable economy. National Grid, NYISO, EPRI, NYSERDA, NREL, Steuben
harvesters respond to light conditions moment by
moment. The solar eclipse in 2017 taught us valuable Rural Power Co.
Thus, the ethics of the uses of the data becomes a

lessons about how deeply such individual systems
central concern. How shall we guide notions of what Professors, teachers, and students from universities,
affect larger productions.
we are doing all of this for, and for whose benefit, colleges, and high schools.
and how those benefits shall be shared?
To ensure effective energy forecasting, it is crucial
that the industry design and connect/network control
Marketing and Energy Trading Policy
systems that are guided by algorithms based on
statistics and machine learning. Electricity affects the well-being and life-qualities
of entire populations. Its metaphysical presence far
Dr. John Simmins
Error Reduction outshines its physical presence. Technical Executive
Traditionally, power grids are simple and
straightforward: large generators supply power to
As with other commodities in different markets,
Information & Communication
Technology (ICT) Program
Future of
loads that are delivered in one-way/forward-bias
system operators buy, process, sell, and move bulk
electricity in its journey from power generators to
Power Delivery and Utilization Sector Electrical Grid Systems
fashion. Electric Power Research Institute
users. Does the current system privilege certain Knoxville, TN
stakeholders’ interests and profits?
Today, however, more distributed power generators
are connected to the grid systems, along with solar/ NYSEG and RG&E
An integrated approach is required to involve Mr. Brian Conroy, P.E.
wind generation sites. With such increased complexity
engineers, social scientists, energy producers, Director of Network Projects
of systems, error probability for operations increases,
business people, policy makers, regulators, and and Initiatives
which would undercut progress with security,
consumers in marketing and energy trading. What Smart Grids Planning
efficiency, and cost containment.
kinds of policy initiatives need to be started now and Portland, ME
maintained throughout the life cycle of this new
To reduce errors, entire grid architectures should be
generation of electricity? UL
re-designed to respond to changing energy demands,
changing threats and risks to system integrity, and Dr. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff
changing energy inputs from both the growing clean/ Symposium Format Lead Research Scientist
renewable energy sources and the traditional energy Grid Solutions
Invited experts from the grid energy industry speak UL
sources in ways that optimize the effective input by the
on the ten topics during panel discussions. Albany, NY
clean/renewable energy sources.
For each topic, a moderator makes a short
What will it take to create new AI models for reducing presentation about the changing situation and the Energy Solutions Consortium, LLC
errors? How will public policy for energy production main issues and problems. Then a panel of four Andrew Dorn
and regulation have to change? or five persons discuss the matter with the goal of President
producing takeaways and action points for future Energy Solutions Consortium, LLC
Big Data Analysis work. Ongoing collaborations shall set the program Herndon, VA
Besides physical data for power grid operations, data for discussions at the Second Annual AUenergy
analytics (can) produce huge amounts of data about Symposium in 2019.
electricity consumers, such as usage habits and For more information
routines, reactions to price variations and regulatory McLane Physical Education Center Parking Lot Laura Grove, Graduate & Faculty Secretary
surcharges, and their opinions. Analyzing big data Alfred University
may reveal correlations between grid operations and Schedule for Meetings Inamori School of Engineering
10 am – 12 noon Nevins Theater; 12 noon – 1 pm at the New York State College of Ceramics
consumers’ desires.
Kenyon-Allen Room (Working-Lunch/Students’ poster
Friday, October 12, 2018
1 Saxon Drive
session); and 1 pm – 2 pm, Nevins Theater 10 am – 2 pm
However, all of the data and interpretations never Alfred, NY 14802
appear on a mere blank slate. For policy makers and Alfred University Campus
To register, please visit:
business leaders, big data-driven decision processes 607-871-2449 Alfred, New York
are crucial for mass communication in mass societies.

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