Lists of Manuscripts Owned by John Dee
Lists of Manuscripts Owned by John Dee
Lists of Manuscripts Owned by John Dee
The marginal notes writlen by Dee in the MS. of this catalogue at Trinity
College relate in some cases to this spoliation. One such, which occurs only
once in the list of MSS., but very often indeed in that of the printed books, is
J. Davis spoyle '. There are variants of this e.g. on f. 3 of the MS. apropos
Davis, Gardiner, and Jak are all mentioned in the Diary, In Oct. 1579
Davis figures as one of the persons who are continually being reconciled to
Dee : in Feb. 1583 he is one of a group who confer with Walsingham about
the North- West Passage, and in March he goes off to Devonshire. Robert
Gardiner in May 1582 has revelations vouchsafed to him about the
philosopher's stone, and seems to have been in Dee's employment. In May
590 Thomas Jack restores to Dee part of his magnes stone ', and in July
biographers say that he did but the fact is not of great impor-
(sixteen years after Dee's death), speaks of* Dee's library, which
hath been long
and by that means unsold (Works,
x| 227). In another letter (March 23, 1624-5) he savs
Vettius Valens in Greek is Mr. Selden's now, but was some-
times Dr. Dee's, but the rest of his books will be had very
shortly, as many as are worth the having '. In October 1626
Dr. Bainbridge, Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, writes to
I am bold to enter your grace's bibliolheca
the Archbishop :
with the humble request that I may have the names of such
mathematical books as were Dee's.' He adds that he had seen
in London a list of bare tides of Dee's books, and had been to
Sir Robert Cotton, but his books were not yet ordered in
a catalogue. From these passages I
gather that litigation (con-
sequent most likely on Dee's debts)
had prevented the dispersion
of the library until 1625 (probably February i62|), and that,
when it was finally sold, Ussher and Cotton had made con-
siderable purchases. Selden, we see, also bought at least
one book. We Dee
books, too, in the collections of
Twyne's special reason for buying the books I can only con-
jecture ; but
my conjecture takes this form. John Twyne, his
grandfather, schoolmaster, mayor, and antiquarian, of Canterbury,
had procured a good many MSS. from the dissolved library of
St. Augustine's Abbey there, and these had afterwards come
into Dee's hands Brian Twyne knew this, and desired to
(a) An
acknowledgment of 1 5 due to John White, bookseller in Little
Britain, for MSS. bought by B. Twyne for the use of the President and
Scholars of C. C. College in Oxon. to be paid before 14 March. Dated
22 Feb. 1625 signed Th. Amyan, President.
A similar acknowledgment by the same of 3 6s. due to
J. White. Dated 23 Feb. 1625.
I made a generall catalogue of these bookes
at London, & when they were brought downe to y e Coll: y e company would
not consent that any money shuld be layd out for them. Br. Twyne.
They were returned vppon y e President.
They were parcell of Dr. Dees bookes & some of them very rare & all :
e e
worthy of y buyinge for y Coll: Library, if they had byn more.'
Several entries, to which I can as yet find no corresponding extant MS.,
answer to entries in the St. Augustine's Catalogue, viz. Nos. 20, (59), 68,
107, 120, (138), 159, 171, (173). Of the extant MSS. sixteen can be traced
to St. Augustine's.
Similarly one or two books may have come from the Austin Friars at
York (see the catalogue in fasciculus J. W. Clark dicaius), viz. Nos. 72, 75.
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 7
collection. We
have two lists of Dee's MSS. earlier than 1583.
One (List A) is in a small notebook of his at Corpus Christi
College, Oxford (MS. 191). This book contains :
Of the books (six in number) borrowed in 1556, five are still to be
found in the catalogue of 1583. But we must not be hasty in accusing Dee
of dishonesty. One of the borrowed MSS. (now Ashmole 424) ha<= a note
in Dee's hand to the effect that it was presented to him by Peterhouse in
1564 in exchange for a gift of printed books. Dee parted with it before his
These same names occur in another of the books, Ashmole 1471, also with
the date 1606.
8 Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
Banke (d. 1617).' On ff. 1-4 it contains a roughly-written
list of Dee's books, written and printed, in his autograph, the
MSS. being entered on ff. 3 b and 4. This list cannot be far
removed from A in date, but it is not clear to me whether it is
a little the earlier or a little the later of the two. List A is, in
of since it shows the sources whence
any case, greater importance,
some of Dee's MSS. came.
My chief object in this investigation is to identify the extant
remains of Dee's manuscript library. With this in view I have
examined a great many collections at London, Oxford, Cam-
bridge, and elsewhere, as occasion offered and not without :
Trans. Bibliogr. Soc. vol. ix. 1907.
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee y
contain the letters Tand Fr., nor any marginal notes by Dee.
It has, however, prefixed to the
catalogue on f. 1 9 of the whole
volume (which contains several catalogues) a note in Dee's
hand (I think) which is not without interest, though it does not
bear directly on our subject :
In the Book of St. Aug ten of Canterbury . being a large Foil.
Book in an old red cover containing 385 leaves.
The beginning of the book is in a latter hand then most of
the book and is an Exemplification and Confirmation of all the
charters of the Kings proinde (?) to Ed. the sonn of Edward
mad in the time Radulphi Abbatis.
In the first leaf of the old hand, after the former Exemplifi-
cation, and vnder the charter of King Aethelbert and priueledg
of St. Aug anglorum apostoli, there is wrytten thes words
following in a rud secretary hand
Liber Johannis Twyne de grayes Ine ex dono patris sui
Johannis Twyne Teste Humfrido Jurdano Rectore
ecclesie de Sturmowthe. per me John Twyne
The sam is wrytten in pag. of the sam book 212 over a deed
of 3 roods and a half of land in Newland
This book is now in the hands of on Mr. Wilford of Kent
an[d] old gentellman being in fette(r) layn a recusant.'
The book here described is doubtless the Cotton MS.
Claud. D. x.
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
We find more of it
in Clark (Wood's Life and Times, iv. 91,
is not in the
catalogue. The Priscianus Lydus (A. 1 5), Isidore
(94), Boethius (i 14), Aethicus (9,80) are of respectable antiquity.
I have not attempted to collect here notices of MSS. of Dee's
own writing.
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 1 1
C. C. C. Oxford, MS. 191.
$i. J.
Dee. Libri antiqui script! quos habeo anno 1556.
1. Anthologia Vectii. Valentis Aristoxeni Musica Alypii Musica | | |
| |
C. 98.
10. Perspectiua communis Alhacen (Cro.. B).
= C. 83 or 102.
11. Arismetica Boetii cum aliis opusculis Thebith super Alma- eiusdem |
27. Bachonis magnum opus communium naturalium. = C. 27.
28. Commentum in Martianum Capellam. = C. 116?.
29. Franciscus Cataneus in Aristotelem de Caelo (Cat. B) compact.
C. 93. =
30. Tractatulus Linconiensis de Iride Fragmentum Jordani de ponderibus | j
Reddenda anno 1558 in festo Michaelis. Antiqua
exemplaria quos habui a Coll. S. Petri Cantabrigiae 15566 Mali.
Bakon |
Allkabitii Canones ad Almanak perpetuum |
Profacii Judei 4 Capitula Albionis etc.
| Sphaera Pithagorica | |
or libros Meteorwn
Campani Quaestiones nouae super 4
| Quae- |
v. Ex bibliotheca Laelandi emi pro 30 solidis hos
sequentes libros 1556.18 Maii Londinii.
38. Mineralium Alberti lib: 5 Rob. de Kilwardby de ortu scientiarum
| |
= C. 3 .
bought at Sarrisbury (?). = C. 26.
45. [on next page]
Duo magna volumina astrologica in lingua hebraea scripta Alchimia
O venerande pater
Averroes super . . .
1 4 Manuscripts formerly mvned by Dr. John Dee
Libri scripti.
1. Perspectiva alacen arabis compactus. = A. 20 or 21.
2. Perspectiuae alacen aliud exemplar. = A. 22.
3. Perspectiuae alacen 3 exemplar Alpetragius | | Alfraganus. = A. 26.
4. Perspectiua Bacon |
Bacon de multiplicatione specierum. compacti.
= A. 25.
5. Sphaerica Milei compact.
= A. 23.
6. Baconis magnum opus communium naturalium compact. = A. 27.
7. Commentarius in Marcianum Capellam de astronomicis cum aliis.
= A. 28.
8. Franciscus Cataneus in Aristotelem de Cat. compact. = A. 29.
9. =A. 30.
b col. i, has printed books.\
[f. 4 ,
is de Lyneriis ad fixas et planetas & 31.
4 perg. A. 39.
[Trin.Coll.Caml>.O.2. 50. From the Dominicans of London. Bought
from Leland's Library..]
T. 4. Avicenna de anima mundi cum aliis, videlicet |
Liber cuius initium
est :
Inspector praecedentis libri Avicennae Expositorius Rogeri\
T. 12. Wilhelmi Parisiensis fragment, de universis. 4 perg.
[C.C.C. Oxford 130. From St. Augustine's, Canterbury (not in the
catalogue). Title written in Dee's hand.]
T. 13. Euclidis Elementa Geometrica, Optica, et Catoptrica ex arabico
translata per Adellardum Theodosii sphaericorum libri Liber de
| |
rationum |
Euclidis data | Alfrangi astronomiae rudimenta inter-
prete loh. Hispaniensi cent. xii. ff. 209.
The items common to the two lists are striking and the discrepancies
not beyond what may be paralleled in this catalogue. I believe this
Phillipps MS. to be the one which Dee borrowed of Bruarn the
Oxford professor of Hebrew and momentary Provost of Eton. But
if so, the latter part of it William of Conches, etc. must have been
detached since Dees time]
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 17
etc. perg. f
[Art. z (cf. A. 17,
26) is in C.C.C. Oxford 254, where comes
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
Bachonis speculum Alchimiae Quaestiones super librum lor- |
speciebus. pap. f
\Cf. Dublin Trin. Coll 381.]
T. 24. Alberti Magni de mineral ibus libri quinque |
Hermetis quadripartitum
operie |
Rhithmomachia |
De lapide bezaar Ars fusoria et tinctoria
lapidum ac gemmarum |
Ptolomei liber de lapidibus et sigillis
eorundem Techel de sculpturis lapidum Galenusde{i2 portis)
| |
De herbis |
De potentiis duodecim signorum et septem planetarum
Epistola accurtationis lapidis philosophorum ad Regem Robertum
Summa cheiromantiae Albertus Magnus de mineralibus Phisio-
| |
perg. 40 A. 34.
\Bodl. Ashmole 1471. Formerly at Peterhouse, Cambridge: borrowed
by Dee in 1556.]
T. 25. Eulogium temporis a condito orbe in annum Christi 1367 monachi
cuiusdam Niniani. perg. f
[Brit. Mus. Galba E. vii. loh. Dee 1574 Sept. 25 of the gift of
Mr. Dickenson at Popular by London in 155 ..]
T. 26. Rogerii Bachonis summa seu opus tertium ad Clementem P.M. |
Hermetem Albertus de
| sigillo et annulo leonis et eius virtu-
tibus Arnoldus de Villa Nova de duodecim signorum.
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
ignium |
diversis tincturis Hermetis secreta | |
Item tnulta alia
notabiliaItem turba philosophorum.
| P^g- 4
[C.C.C. Oxford. 125. From St. Aug. Cant., no. 1277 lf.lf.lf.
Joannes Dee.]
T, 34. Experimentoium diversorum liber (marg. Gerlaci ut puto) De |
virgae visoriae et huiusmodi secreta multa. pap. 8
\Trin. Coll. Camb. O. 7. 23. Has the name of G. Carew.]
T. 35. Arnaldi de Villa Nova thesaurus secretus operationum Hermetis |
calendarium |
Profacii Judaei almanach Zaelis electiones De
| |
proportionum. 35.
\Lost? Formerly at Peterhouse : see my Catalogue, p. 285 : no. Hi of
the MSS. given to the College
by Roger Marchall.~]
T. 38. loh. de Pecham canticum pauperum loh. Walensis communi- |
loquium |
Eiusd. Walensis dietarium, locarium, itinerarium Eiusd. |
breviloquium |
Tract, cuius initium est Supra tribus sceleribus \
de secretis secretorum.
Aristotelis liber pe fg- 4
{Dublin Trin. Coll 331.]
T. 39. Liber Physiologi de natura animalium et bestiarum. perg. 8
[? Trin. Coll. Camb. O. 2. 14. Has the mark lf.1f.U-]
T. 40. Gualteri Burlaei tract, de potentiis animae. Perg 4
[C. C. C. Oxford. 293. 6. Jo. Dee 1557.]
T. 41. Rogerii Bachonis perspectiva |
Eiusdem de multiplication specierum.
perg. 4". = A. 25, B. 4
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 21
Camb. Univ. Libr. Ee. 4. 31. Contains the names of Will. Cliffe
and Hugh Cooke.~]
T. 52. Hysteria Britannicorum principum a Cadowaladro Rege ad Leolinum
per Humfredum Lluyd collecta, Anglice. pap. f
I. A shmole 847. Given to Dee in 1 5 7 5 by his cousin Oliver Lloyd^\
T. 53. Variae compositiones aquarum mercurialium et alia experimenta
chemica Anglice cuius initium est He that will make etc. pap. 4
T. 54. Varia experimenta chimica Anglice quorum initium est For to make
white lead. perg. f
T. 55. Alberti Magni summa naturalium cuius initium est Philosophia
dividitur. pap. 4- = A. 19, B. 28
[Brit. Mus. Harley 536.]
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
T. 56. Rogerii Bachonis annotationes super Aristotelis tract, de secretis
secretorum. P erg- f
perg. f
Fr. 64. Isaac Judaei Logica cum aliis variis consimilis argument! Hebraice.
pap. 40
65. Alhazen perspectiva etc. perg. 4
John Davis spoyle. Cf. A. 20-22, B. i, 2.
T. 66. Ramundi Lullii testamentum Eiusd. cantilena
Eiusd. codicillus |
exemplar Aphorismi.
Accurtatio. Practica secreti occulti | |
[Probably this was the MS. sold at Sothebys, lot 160, 17 Nov.> 1902,
thus described:
Lullius (Raymundus). Opera chemica et alchemica. De lapide
philosophorum. De generatione et compositione metallorum.
Cantilena. Liber prophetiarum. Magna Magica. De quinta
essentia. Testamentum. Compendium artis etc. MS. on Paper
(319 11x8 in.) with diagrams, old calf, saec. xv.
phisicorum. perg.
[C.C.C. Oxford 235.]
Fr. 72. Mag. Franconis regulae musicales cum additionibus aliorum musi-
corum collectae a Roberto de Handle Rogerii Bachonis perspectiva
variis. pap. 4
[C.C.C. Oxford i83,//. //, art. 5.]
77. Collectaneaquaedam chimica Siberti Rhodii. pap. f
Fr. 78. Roberti Holcot quaestiones super iv libros Lombardi sententiarum |
1557, 30 Maii', ended 4 funti'J]
Fr. 85. Ricardi Hampole liber qui dicitur Incendium amoris Anglice. perg. f
[C.C.C. Oxford 236. Bought from Leland.]
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 25
perg. f. A. 26, B. 3.
Fr. 87. Albumazar de judiciis astrologicis. perg. f
[C.C.C. Oxford 248. From St. Aug. Cant. 1145. Ladder-mark.']
88. lacobi Fabri Stapulensis conclusiones phisicae etc. ex Aristotele
excerptae. pap. f
89. loh. Eschindi summa Anglicana
seu medicinalis.
perg. f. A. 40. [Bought from Leland.] =
Fr. 90. Bartholomaeus Anglicus de proprietatibus rerum. perg. f. grandiori.
[C.C.C. Oxford 249. Joh. Davy of M. Aldon 1545. Has the
91. lordani Nemorarii arithmetica cum commento
Algorithmus in j
superficiebus. P ero- 4
[Bodl. MS. Digby 174. From St. Aug. Cant. no. 987.]
Fr. 101. Avicenna de prima philosophia i.e. de causa causarum, vel
metaphisica Lat. perg. 4
Fr. 102. Alhazeni perspectiva. P er g- 4- Cf. A. 10, 20-22, B. 19.
Fr. 103. Ricardi de Posis (Pophis) summa epistolarum (quasi ars quaedam
lafar de imbribus |
Messahala de nativitatibus |
Aristotelis liber
de iudiciis universalibus |
Hani Benhannae liber de geometria |
perg. (o = A. 37
[Borrowedfrom Queen's College, Oxford.]
Fr. no. Rob. Lincoln, ep. Constitutiones pro sua diocesi videl. in decalogum
etc. perg' f
[? Bodl. MS. Barlow 2.]
in. U
Fr. Perspectiva Algazet, forte Halazen. Lat. P erg- 4
Cf. A. 20-22, B. i, 2.
Fr. 112. Annales regulorum Cambricorum a Cadowaladro ad Leolini
tempora, lingua Brytannica sive Cambrica. pap. 4
Fr. 113. Perquisita et alia quae pertinebant ad Winchecumbe Abbatiam.
perg. 40
\? Brit. Mus. Cleop. B. Sir John Button had a register of
philosophia |
Petrus Hispanus de morte et vita et causis longi-
tudinis et brevitatis vitae |
Albertus de divinatione |
De spiritu et
inspiratione |
De sign is aquarum ventorum
tempestatum et |
[Queen's Coll. Oxford 307. St. Aug. Cant. no. 936. Given by
Dee to Blomefelde (?vice versa) in 1561.]
122. Polychronica. P^g- f minori.
[St. John's Coll. Camb. 12, Pt. I. lo. Dee 1573 Nov. 13.]
Fr. 123. Hystoriae Britannicae et Anglicae fragmentum Gallice conscriptum.
perg. 4
[C.C.C. Oxford 293. 3. Title, as above, in Dee's hand^\
Fr. 124. Guido Bonatus de iudiciis astrorum. perg. f
Fr. 125. Passionale. desunt quaedam. perg. f
126. Astronomici libelli cuiusdam fragmentum cuius initium est A
philosophis astronomiam sic definitam accepimus.
Perg- 4
Fr. 127. Expositio quaedam super Cantica Canticorum Ars fidei secundum |
[See on 152.]
Fr. 135. Commentarius bonus in definitiones quinti libri Euclidis
ex Campani traditione Explicatio bona Archimedis de
totus |
quadratura circuli.
[C.C.C. Oxford 234. /. Dee 1557.]
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 29
Remensis et aliorum |
Liber de speculis j
Liber de visu et
somniorum |
De significationibus tonitruorum | Physiognomia
sec. Thomam Aquinatem |
De prognosticationibus tempestatum |
spermatis |
Soranus de re medica j
Constamini liber de herbis
3 Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
Dioscorides de virtutibus herbarum Lat. Oribasius de virtutibus j
4 De vegetabilibus etc. De anima libri tres De memoria
| |
pap. f
150. Historia Anglica cuiusdam anonymi. pap. 4
[Cf. Dublin Trin. Coll. 506.]
Fr. 151. Euclidis optica catoptrica et geometria Lat. perg. 4
[C.C.C. Oxford 251. Has ladder-mark on f. i. From Leeds
Priory, Kent.\
Fr. 152. Fragmentum theologicum quodclam in Ecclesiastes. pcrg. f
positione |
Tabula pro almanack J
Ars notariatus Aristotelis |
pap. 4
Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee 3*
155. Alcabicius j
Astronomia quaedam iudicialis Zahelis introducto- |
astrologi I
lacob Alkindus de iudiciis astrologicis Albumazar |
regimine acutorum |
Eiusd. liber epidemiarum Eiusd. astro- |
\Dublin Trin. Coll. 403. Bought from Le/and.]
Fr. 158. Rogerii Bachonis calendarium Tabula ad sciendum quis planeta |
primus et secundus |
Vita S. Nicholai |
Vita S. Aegidii.
perg. 4
[C.C.C. Oxford 221. From St. Aug. Cant. no. 1170.]
Fr. 159. Computus ecclesiasticus Beda de |
calculatione | Computus. perg. 4
[>St. Aug. Cant. no. 1128.]
Fr. 1 60. Wilhelmi de Conchis philosophia. perg. 4
[St. John's Coll. Camb. 171. From St. Aug. Cant. no. 1485.
lo. Dee 1557 4 Maii . . .
Fr. 161. Quaestiones super elenchos et alia logicalia. pap.
Fr. 162. Quaestiones de apparentiis seu fallaciis sophisticis manuscriptae.
[C.C.C. Oxford 228.]
32 Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
perg. 4
[C.C.C. Oxford 224. From St. Mary's, Fork. Has the ladder-
mark on f. i and notes in Dee's hand^\
1 68. Disputatio inter militem et clericum. perg. 4
St. John's Coll. Camb. 1 60, pt. /.]
Fr. 169. loh. Scoti quaestiones super 2 et 3 libro Aristotelis de anima
Antonii Andreae quaestiones in Aristotelis meteora. pap. 4
[C.C.C. Oxford 227. No mark]
Fr. 170. Isidori Hispalensis liber differentiarum Ciceronis academicae |
182. Macer de virtutibus herbarum. P61"^ 4
Fr. 183. Libellus medicinae et chirurgiae partim Latine partim Anglice
partim etiam Gallice. pe>'g- 16
[C.C.C. Oxford 135. Has Dees hand in //.]
184. Ramundi Lulii practica chimica Anglice. pap. 4
[Brit. Mus. Sloane 2128. loannes Dee 1577.]
185. Alchimica videlicet tres tractatus alchimici Volvi lapidem etc. De
perg. 4
Fr. 1 86. Roberti Lincoln, ep. de luce, de iride cum multis aliorun tract,
circiter 34. Perg- 4- A
thik boke with a labell.
pap. 4"
Fr. 196. Albertus de mineralibus cuius init. est De mixiione et coagulatione
etc. |Rogerii Bachonis epistola prima ad loh. Parisiensem |
aliis. P erg- 8
Mus. Egerton 823, 840* {formerly Trin. Coll. Camb.
\Cf. Brit.
R. 15. 15). From St. Aug. Cant. no. 1599. Their contents
correspond to Arts. 5 sqq. of the above list.]
[Among the printed bocks, under the title Chemici Libri etc. com-
pacti, occur these manuscripts^
200. Ramundi Lulii ars generalis cum quaestionibus eiusdem De j
201. Ramundi Lulii ars magna cum figuris Eiusd. ars generalis cum
Eiusd. de principiis et medicinae gradibus Eiusd. de |
Lambeth Library.
598, pt. III. Creton's poem on the deposition of Richard II has the
note ' John Dee 1575 gave for this boke a boke of the foundation of
(blank) in Oxfordshire '.
Savile of Banke.
136. Collectanea Alchemica, Latin and English; belonged to Dee in
144. Astronomica, Alanus de Insula, G. Vinsauf: from Twyne.
Came from Tynemouth Priory (as also 134).
148. Bacon's Greek Grammar: from Twyne.
152 has the ladder-mark and belonged to Dee: see Wood's Life and
Times, iv. 266-7. It contains works of Nic. Kratzer.
153. lo. Dastin, etc. from Twyne. :
185 has the ladder-mark and apparently Dee's hand on the verso of
a fragment of a will at the end. Contents alchemical.
191 isDee's note-book see above. :
Cambridge Dublin
University Library Trinity College
Ee. 4. 31 =51? "5 = 7
Colleges 33i = 38
Gonville and Cams 360 = 128
456 = 104? 371, cf. 80
381, cf. 23
= 41 403 = !57
Pepys 1207
2329 = 91 425, cf. 172
44i 137
444 = 139
Lost =37 448, cf. 75
St. John's 492, cf. 60
12 =
Il8, 122 506, cf. 105, 150
160= 168 lost= 138
171 = 1 60
Trinity Hunter U. 4. 11 =4
O. 2. 14 = 39? Helmingham
O. 2. 47 = 79 No number vac.
O. 2. 50 = 3
O. 7. 23
= 34 =
O. 35 = '88 67 114
8. 6 = 180 522 =
O. 8. 30= 148 598 in vac.
R. 15. 15, see on 199 London
British Museum
Phillipps 16345
= 13
Julius A. vi, cf. 133
Cracow Tiberius B. ix, cf. 72
University, 47 given to. C. v = 26
38 List of Manuscripts noticed
1 86
Galba E. iv (ii) =144 104, cf.
Oxford :
Corpus Christi {conld.) Oxford :
Corpus Christi (contd!)
189 =
8 251 =
191 vac. 252 vac.
221 =
158 254, artt. 7, 8, cf. 19, 58
222 =176 276 vac.
223 vac. 277 = 193
224 = 167 278 vac.
225 =6 279, cf. 60
226 vac. 28 3 = '3 6
227 = 169 290 vac.
228 = 162, 163 293 = 40, 123, 132
230 = 73 Magdalen 32 = 59?
231 = 198 New cf.
College 166, 167, 164
232, 70
Queen's 307 = 121
233= i53
234 = i35
borrowed from 109
235 = 7i
236 = 85 Paris
The diversbookes of my late & anciently written,
library, printed
bound & unbound, were in all the fourth part of which were
near 4000 :
be thought of the value of some one hundred of the best of all the other
written bookes, of which some were the autographa of excellent & seldome
heard-of Authors? The furniture of the said library was of my getting
together in above 40 yeares time from divers places beyond the seas, &
some by my great search and labour gotten here in England '. He then
gives some account of his mathematical instruments, and of two collections
of Irish and Welsh deeds (the latter, apparently, rescued from a half-ruined
church). On p. 534 he values his lost books (above 500) I mean such as
University of California
to the library
Return this material
from which it was borrowed.