Negotiable Instruments Midterms Atty - Ceniza
Negotiable Instruments Midterms Atty - Ceniza
Negotiable Instruments Midterms Atty - Ceniza
BEARER INSTRUMENT [SEC 9] SC: The persons whose signatures were forged weren’t fictitious, the
“Payable to A or bearer” drawee bank bears the loss. Negligence negates the defense that
Mere delivery would suffice negotiation the names were fictitious.
Fictitious person: is meant to be one who, though named as
payee in an instrument, has no right to it because the maker ORDER INSTRUMENT [SECTION 8]
or drawer so intended and it matters not, whether the name “to the order of” “or order”
of the payee used by him be that one living or dead, or one Delivery + indorsement is required
who never existed (Snyder v. Com. Exch. Nat. Bank)
o Non-existing person: A. COMPLETION AND DELIVERY
“Pay to the order of the king of Planet Jupiter”
“Pay to cash” or “pay to money”
*Fictitious payee = automatically a bearer instrument Q: When is there delivery? Section 14 of the NIL
ANS: when there is delivery It is important to determine
coupled with intention to be whether or not the person is a
PEOPLE v. WAGAS bound holder in due course
No defense available for the Holder in due course – can
FACTS: drawer or maker enforce the instrument
Wagas, according to Ligaray, ordered 200 sacks of rice from Not a holder in due course –
him. Wagas assured payment. cannot enforce the instrument
Personal defense is available
Ligaray met up with Wagas’ brother-in-law which the latter (NOTE: Personal defense can
gave the former a check worth the agreed price for the sacks only be used if the holder is not
of rice. a holder in due course)
The check bounced and Ligaray filed a case of Estafa Refer to: Alvin Patrimonio vs.
against Wagas Napoleon Gutierrez ,, G.R.
No. 187769, June 04, 2014
Wagas argued that the check was a bearer instrument
(stated in the check “payable to cash”), therefore it shows COMPLETE BUT UNDELIVERED INCOMPLETE AND UNDELIVERED
that he had no intent to defraud Liagaray.
SC: The check was a bearer instrument. Wagas cannot be guilty of Section 16 of the NIL Section 15 of the NIL
estafa due to the fact that the prosecution failed to show intent to Complete instrument but the Incomplete instrument and no
defraud on the part of Wagas. The nature of the check, which was a drawer or maker had no intention to be bound
bearer instrument, shows the lack of intent to defraud; the accused, intention to be bound Not enforceable against the
Unenforceable drawer or maker
to be guilty of estafa as charged, must have used the check in
However, if the instrument is Complete or real defense is
order to defraud the complainant. delivered to a holder in due available
course, the drawer is liable (NOTE: even if the holder is a holder in
Personal defense is available due course, he cannot enforce the
instrument to the drawer or maker)
Example: a note signed in the business name by the proprietor
Both cases involve incomplete and delivered instruments (Sec 14).
In the Patrimonio case, the Court absolved Alvin Patrimonio of SIGNATURE OF AGENT [SECTIONS 19-20]
liability because when he issued the said checks, he gave specific Agent may escape personal liability when:
instructions to Gutierrez in which the latter chose not to follow when o He is duly authorized
he acquired a loan from Marasigan. o He adds words to his signature indicating that he
signs in as an agent
“The petitioner can validly set up the personal defense that o He discloses the principal
the blanks were not filled up in accordance with the authority
he gave. Consequently, Marasigan has no right to enforce SIGNATURE BY PROCURATION [SECTION 21]
payment against the petitioner and the latter cannot be Procuration – the act by which a principal gives power to
obliged to pay the face value of the check.” another to act in his place as he could himself
Similar to an agent or proxy
On the other hand, in the Bank of America case, the Court therein
“P.p.” = Per procuration
ruled that because of their negligence, Bank of America is liable to
Effect: it gives a warning that the agent has but a limited
PRCI but only to a certain extent. The Court herein considered the
authority, so that it is the duty of the person dealing with
contributory negligence on the part of the President and Vice
him to inquire into the extent of his authority
President of PRCI which lead to the unauthorized withdrawal of
funds. The Court found the President and Vice President grossly
negligent in the pre-signing of the checks.
Minor – contracts entered into by minors are voidable.
B. SIGNATURE Other incapacitated persons – insane, deaf-mutes who do not know
General Rule: Only persons whose signatures appear on an how to write
instrument are liable thereon. Corporation – indorsement made by a corporation is considered to
Exceptions: be an ultra vires act or acts beyond its powers.
o Where a person signs in a trade name or assumed
name (Sec. 18, par. 2) Note: Minority is a personal defense which may be set up by parties
o The principal is liable if a duly authorized agent other than the minor; but it is a real defense available to the minor.
sings on his own behalf (Sec. 19) The minor may also disaffirm and recover the instrument from a
o Forgery; the forger is liable (Sec. 23) holder in due course.
o Where the acceptor makes his acceptance of a bill FORGERY [SECTION 23] [MEMORIZE]
on a separate paper (Sec. 134)
o Where a person makes a written promise to accept Sec. 23. Forged signature; effect of. - When a signature is forged
the bill before it is drawn (Sec. 135) or made without the authority of the person whose signature it
purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the
instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment
thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under
such signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce
such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of Sempio vouched for the genuineness of Jong’s signature.
authority. Satisfied with the genuineness of the signature of Jong, Syfu
authorized the bank’s encashment of the check to
Kyu, discovered the encashment. Kyu examined the
Material details: No material detail checkbook and found that the last blank check was missing.
available Signature is present and Jong learned of the encashment of the check, and realized
No signature VALID that his signature had been forged. Samsung Construction
filed a Complaint for violation of Section 23 of the NIL.
There is an exception No exception
Both sides presented expert witnesses to determine the
genuineness of the signatures.
EFFECTS Samsung: NBI Document Expert, Rhoda Flores (FORGED)
Real defenses (available against any holder) FEBTC: Rosario C. Perez, a document examiner from the
Frees the owner of the instrument from liability PNP Crime Laboratory (GENUINE)
SC: Forged signature is wholly inoperative and payment made
through or under such signature is ineffectual. FEBTC was liable
SAMSUNG CONSTRUCTION v. FAR EAST BANK because as a bank, it had the duty to determine whether or not a
signature on a check is forged
Samsung Construction Company Phils. (Samsung SC: Although the indorsement on the instrument is forged, parties who
Construction) maintained a current account with Far East warrant or admit the genuineness of the signature in question and
Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC). Jong Kyu Lee, its Project those who, by their acts, silence or negligence are estopped from
Manager, was the sole signatory to the bank’s accounts. The setting up the defense of forgery.
company’s accountant, Kyu Yong Lee, kept the checks.
A certain Roberto Gonzaga presented for payment an The act of Associated Bank of stamping the words ―all indorsement
FEBTC Check amounting to P999,500. / lack of indorsement are guaranteed is actually an admission of the
After making sure that there were enough funds to cover the instrument‘s validity, hence the defense of forgery is unavailable to it.
check, the bank teller (Justiani) compared the signature
appearing on the check with the signature card of Jong with Negligence negates the defense of forgery
the bank.
Justiani was satisfied that the signature was authentic. TRADERS ROYAL BANK v. RADIO PHILIPPINES NETWORK
The same was done by the senior assistant cashier (Velez),
and another bank officer (Syfu). • SC: By encashing in favor of unknown persons checks which were
Syfu then noticed that Jose Sempio III was also in the bank. on their face payable to the BIR, a government agency which can
only act only through its agents, petitioner did so at its peril and
Sempio was well known to Syfu and the other bank officers
must suffer the consequences of the unauthorized or wrongful
because he is the assistant accountant of Samsung
Considering that both Rubia and Bayani were long-time
customers and knowing the fact that Bayani is a good man,
BPI v. CASA MONTESSORI Evangelista agreed to rediscount the check
However, when Evangelista deposited the check in her
SC: Banks must observe the highest level of diligence account with the Far East Bank and Trust company on
September 11, 1992, the check was dishonored for the
MWSS v. CA reason that Bayani had closed the said account with PSBank
The dishonoring of the check was evidenced by a stamp at
SC: Forgery cannot be presumed. It must be established by clear,
its dorsal portion
positive, and convincing evidence. This was not done in the present
Evangelista then informed Rubia that the said check was
dishonored and demanded the return of her Php 55,000
C. CONSIDERATION Rubia, in her reply, stated that she was only requested by
Bayani to have the check rediscounted
EFFECT OF WANT OF CONSIDERATION [SECTION 28] A series of finger pointing ensued but ultimately it led to
Absence of consideration – void contract Evangelista filing a case against Bayani for violating BP22
Lack of consideration is a personal defense Bayani, in his defense stated that there was no valuable
Knowledge of lack of consideration disqualifies a person to consideration when Evangelista issued the check. He did not
be a holder in due course. receive the Php 55,000.
Partial payment entitles the person holding the instrument to It must be noted that Bayani merely stated the fact that he
the partially paid amount only. did not receive the money from Evangelista; no further effort
Pro tanto – to the extent was given by Bayani to prove so.
RTC: ruled against Bayani
CAYANAN v. NORTH STAR CA: confirmed the decision by the RTC
SC: Upon the issuance of a check, in the absence of evidence to the ISSUE: Whether or not Bayani’s defense of lack of valuable
contrary, it is presumed that it was issued for valuable consideration.
consideration is valid
A year later, EUFRONICA was required to submit an original ISSUE: WON the CA erred when it found that the promissory note
copy of the Deed for tax declarations with BIR. Since she did was without consideration.
not have a copy, she asked CARMELA to countersign a
copy of the Deed. CARMELA refused; she demanded HELD:
Eufrocina to give the additional amount she (Eufrocina)
promised. YES. Section 24 of the NIL provides that “A contract is presumed to
be supported by cause or consideration.” The presumption that a
CARMELA asked for 1 Million, but EUFROCINA begged to contract has sufficient consideration cannot be overthrown by a mere
lower the amount. It was settled at P600,000. Since assertion that it has no consideration.
To overcome the presumption, the alleged lack of consideration Upon presentment of the aforesaid checks for payment, they
must be shown by preponderance of evidence. The burden to were dishonored by the bank for having been drawn against
prove lack of consideration rests upon whoever alleges it, insufficient funds or closed account.
which, in the present case, is Eufrocina. She failed to prove that Santia thus demanded payment from PLCC and Aglibot of the
the promissory note was not supported by any consideration. face value of the checks, but neither of them heeded his
From her testimony and her assertions in the pleadings, it is clear demand.
that the promissory note was issued for a cause or consideration,
which, at the very least, was Carmela’s signature on the document. SC: By issuing her own post-dated checks, Aglibot thereby
bound herself personally and solidarily to pay Santia, and
It may very well be argued that if such was the consideration, it was dismissed her claim that she issued her said checks in her official
inadequate. Nonetheless, even if the consideration is inadequate, capacity as PLCC’s manager merely to guarantee the investment of
the contract would not be invalidated, unless there has been Santia.
fraud, mistake, or undue influence (none of which was proven in
the case). It noted that she could have issued PLCC’s checks, but instead she
chose to issue her own checks, drawn against her personal account
SC: No vitiated consent. Mangahas merely took advantage of the with Metrobank.
situation because she already experienced being on the short end of
the deal. LIM v. SABAN
E. ACCOMMODATION PARTY [SECTION 29] SC: In order to be an accommodation party, one must meet all three
Exception to SECTION 28 regarding pro tanto. requisites, viz:
The holder in due course can ask for the full payment. (1) He signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or
An accommodation party acts like a surety. indorser;
An accommodation party signs on behalf of another for the (2) He did not receive value for the signature; and
purpose of lending his name. (3) He signed for the purpose of lending his name to some other
When the accommodation party makes payment to the person.
holder of a note, he has the right to sue the accommodated
party for reimbursement. F. NEGOTIATION