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Basic Concepts: Electricity-Ohm's Law - Law of Resistance

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JE: EE JE Coaching 30-06-2018 L1

Basic Concepts
Electricity—Ohm's Law— Law of Resistance
Electron: Electron lightest stable subatomic molecules can be likened to rapid vibration. In a liquid, the
particle known. It carries a negative charge, which is molecules can move freely among each other, in a sort of
considered the basic unit of electric charge. The rest slithering fashion. In a gas, the density of molecules is
mass of the electron is 9.10938356 × 10−31 kg, generally less than in a liquid or solid of the same chemical
which is only 1/1,836 the mass of a proton. An compound, and they move even more freely than in a liquid.
electron is therefore considered nearly massless in For a specific compound in a given state (solid, liquid, or gas),
comparison with a proton or a neutron, and the the speed of molecular motion increases as the absolute
electron mass is not included in calculating the mass temperature increases.
number of an atom. Atom: Atom the smallest component of an element having
Molecules: A molecule is the smallest particle in a the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a
chemical element or compound that has the nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons
chemical properties of that element or compound. and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical
Molecules are made up of atoms that are held attraction; the number of protons determines the identity of
together by chemical bonds. These bonds form as a the element.
result of the sharing or exchange of electrons among Atomic Structure: An atom is a complex arrangement of
atoms. The atoms of certain elements readily bond negatively charged electrons arranged in defined shells about
with other atoms to form molecules. Examples of a positively charged nucleus. This nucleus contains most of
such elements are oxygen and chlorine. The atoms the atom's mass and is composed of protons and neutrons
of some elements do not easily bond with other (except for common hydrogen which has only one proton).
atoms. Examples are neon and argon. All atoms are roughly the same size. A convenient unit of
Molecules can vary greatly in size and complexity. The length for measuring atomic sizes is the angstrom (Å), which
element helium is a one-atom molecule. Some molecules is defined as 1 x 10-10 meters. The diameter of an atom is
consist of two atoms of the same element. For example, O 2 is approximately 2-3 Å.
the oxygen molecule most commonly found in the earth's In 1897, J. J. Thomson discovered the existence of the
atmosphere; it has two atoms of oxygen. However, under electron, marking the beginning of modern atomic physics.
certain circumstances, oxygen atoms bond into triplets (O 3), The negatively charged electrons follow a random pattern
forming a molecule known as ozone. Other familiar within defined energy shells around the nucleus. Most
molecules include water, consisting of two hydrogen atoms properties of atoms are based on the number and
and one oxygen atom (H2O), carbon dioxide, consisting of arrangement of their electrons. The mass of an electron is 9.1
one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms (CO 2), and x 10-31 kilograms.
sulfuric acid, consisting of two hydrogen atoms, one sulfur One of the two types of particles found in the nucleus is the
atom, and four oxygen atoms (H2 SO4). proton. The existence of a positively charged particle, a
proton, in the nucleus was proved by Sir Ernest Rutherford in
1919. The proton's charge is equal but opposite to the
negative charge of the electron. The number of protons in
the nucleus of an atom determines what kind of chemical
element it is. A proton has a mass of 1.67 x 10-27 kilograms.
The neutron is the other type of particle found in the nucleus.
It was discovered by a British physicist, Sir James Chadwick.
The neutron carries no electrical charge and has the same
mass as the proton. With a lack of electrical charge, the
Some molecules, notably certain proteins, contain hundreds
neutron is not repelled by the cloud of electrons or by the
or even thousands of atoms that join together in chains that
nucleus, making it a useful tool for probing the structure of
can attain considerable lengths. Liquids containing such
the atom.
molecules sometimes behave strangely. For example,
Even the individual protons and neutrons have internal
a liquid may continue to flow out of a flask from which some
structure, called quarks. Six types of quarks exist. These
of it has been poured, even after the flask is returned to an
subatomic particles cannot be freed and studied in isolation.
upright position.
Current research continues into the structure of the atom.
Molecules are always in motion. In solids and liquids, they are
Electric charge: Electric charge is the physical
packed tightly together. In a solid, the motion of the
property of matter that causes it to experience a force when

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2 | JE: EE Basic Concepts
placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of the ampere-hour (Ah); in physics and chemistry, it is
electric charges; positive and negative (commonly carried common to use the elementary charge (e as a unit).
by protons and electrons respectively). Like charges repel Chemistry also uses the Faraday constant as the charge on
and unlike attract. An object with an absence of net a mole of electrons. The symbol Q often denotes charge.
charge is referred to as neutral. Early knowledge of how Electromotive force: Electromotive force
charged substances interact is now called classical abbreviation E or emf, energy per unit electric charge that
electrodynamics, and is still accurate for problems that is imparted by an energy source, such as an electric
don't require consideration of quantum effects. generator or a battery. Energy is converted from one form
Electric charge is a conserved property; the net charge of to another in the generator or battery as the device
an isolated system, the amount of positive charge minus does work on the electric charge being transferred within
the amount of negative charge, cannot change. Electric itself. One terminal of the device becomes positively
charge is carried by subatomic particles. In ordinary charged, the other becomes negatively charged. The work
matter, negative charge is carried by electrons, and done on a unit of electric charge, or the energy thereby
positive charge is carried by the protons in gained per unit electric charge, is the electromotive force.
the nuclei of atoms. If there are more electrons than Electromotive force is the characteristic of any energy
protons in a piece of matter, it will have a negative charge, source capable of driving electric charge around a circuit.
if there are less it will have a positive charge, and if there It is abbreviated E in the international metric system but
are equal numbers it will be neutral. Charge is quantized; also, popularly, as emf.
it comes in integer multiples of individual small units called Despite its name, electromotive force is not actually
the elementary charge, e, about 1.602×10−19 coulombs, a force. It is commonly measured in units of volts,
which is the smallest charge which can exist free equivalent in the metre–kilogram–second system to
(particles called quarks have smaller charges, multiples one joule per coulomb of electric charge. In the
of 1/3 e but they are only found in combination). electrostatic units of the centimetre–gram–second system,
The proton has a charge of +e, and the electron has a the unit of electromotive force is the statvolt, or
charge of −e. one erg per electrostatic unit of charge.
Ampere:The ampere (symbol:A), often shortend to "amp"
is the base unit of electric current in the International
System of Units (SI). It is named after André-Marie
Ampère (1775–1836), French mathematician and physicist,
considered the father of electrodynamics.
The International System of Units defines the ampere in
terms of other base units by measuring the
electromagnetic force between electrical conductors
carrying electric current. The earlier CGS measurement
system had two different definitions of current, one
essentially the same as the SI's and the other using electric
charge as the base unit, with the unit of charge defined by
measuring the force between two charged metal plates.
Electric field of a positive and a negative point charge The ampere was then defined as one coulomb of charge
Electric charges create an electric field, if they are moving per second.[6] In SI, the unit of charge, the coulomb, is
they also generate a magnetic field. The combination of defined as the charge carried by one ampere during one
the electric and magnetic field is called second.
the electromagnetic field, and its interaction with charges Ohm: The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI derived
is the source of the electromagnetic force, which is one of unit of electrical resistance, named after German
the four fundamental forces in physics. The study of physicist Georg Simon Ohm. Although several empirically
charged particles, and how their interactions are mediated derived standard units for expressing electrical resistance
by photons, is called quantum electrodynamics. were developed in connection with early telegraphy
The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb (C). practice, the British Association for the Advancement of
In electrical engineering, it is also common to use
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Science proposed a unit derived from existing units of 1. Kiloampere KA
mass, length and time and of a convenient size for 2. Ampere A
practical work as early as 1861. 3. Multiampere mA
Ohm is the unit of resistance. If a P.D. of one volt is applied 4. Microampere μ A
to resistance and current flowing through it is one ampere 5. Kilo volt KV
then the resistance is said to be one ohm. 6. Volt V
1 kilo ohm=103 ohms= 1000 ohms. 7. Milli volt mV
1 mega ohm=106 ohms=1000000 ohms. 8. Micro volt μ V
Resistance: It is the property of substance or hinderance 9. Mega watt MW
offered in the flow of electric current is known as 10. Kilo watt kW
resistance. The unit of resistance is ohm (Si) and measured II. Watt W
by ohm meter or multimeter. 12. Milli watt mW
Laws of resistance: The resistance of a conductor is 13. Megavar Mvar
proportional to its length. The resistance of two wires of 14. Kilo var K var
the same metal and having same cross-section area, of 15. Var var
different lengths will be having different resistance. 16. Volt-ampere VA
Ohm's law: This is the law that relates to three 17. Kilo-volt ampere KVA
fundamentals (currents, voltage and ,resistance). Ohm's 18. Mega-volt-ampere MVA
law state that electric current is directly proportional to the 19. Mega hertz MHz
voltage (potential difference) and inversely proportional to 20. Kilo hertz KHz
the resistance of circuit 21. Hertz Hz
22. Mega ohm MΩ
23. Kilo-ohm KΩ
i.e. I ��E
24. Micro-ohm μ Ω
25. Milli-ohm mΩ
26. Ohm Ω
27. Tesla T
I ��R 28. Milli tesla mT
E 1. The atoms are found to be constituted of charged
Therefore I= particles called
a) Protons
or R= b) Electrons
I c) Neutrons
E = IR d) all the abve.
Where E = Voltage (P.D.) in Volts 2. The smallest part of any substance having
I = Current in Ampere different properties as matter is called
R = Resistance in ohms. a) Electrons
Resistances in series: When two or more resistances are b) Molecules
connected in such a way that end of one is joined in c) Protons
succession, i.e., they form a chain of resistances. d) all the above.
Resistances in parallel: When two or more resistances are 3. All matters may exist in three states
connected in such a way that the voltage across each a) Solids
resistance is equal to the applied voltage, then the b) Liquids
resistances are said to be connected in parallel. c) Gases
Principal units and their Principal Multiples and Submuliple d) Water
[IS : 2032 (Part X)-1969J. e) Air

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f ) (a) (b) and (c)only. 12. Which are the laws of resistance ?
4. Atomic structure means a) Length of conductor - Directly
a) art atom cofisists of central part proton proportional
called nucleus b) Cross-section-area — Inversely
b) around nucleus a number of electrons proportional
revolve in deiaite orbit ro.irid the ptotori c) Temperature — For metals directly,
c) the outer part ol' the atom is called the porportional for electrolyte — carbon is
shell inversely proportional
d) all the above. d) Depends on materials nature and uses
5. Which is the lightest particle of an atom? e) rwo wires of same metal and same
a) Proton lengths different cross section have
b) Molecules different resistance
c) Electron f ) all the above.
d) All the above. 13. Resistance is measured by
6. E.M.F. stands for a) Ohmmeter
a) it is the electrical pressure which when b) Voltmeter
acts across a circuit results in the flow of c) Ammeter
elctric current d) Wheat stone bridge
b) flow of electricity e) Post office box
c) none. f ) all the above.
7. Watt means 14. Flow of electrons in any conductor is called
a) unit of electronic power. a) electrical flow
b) power consumed b) current
c) when a current of one ampere flows c) volt
through a circuit at a P.D. of one volt d) none.
d) all the above. 15. Resistances in series means
8. Ohm (Ω) means a) when two or more resistances are
a) it is the unit of resistance connected in such a way that end of one
b) it is the unit of electricity is joined in succession
c) it is the unit of current b) when two or more resistances are
d) none of the above. connected in parallel way
9. Electrons in motion are called c) when two resistanccs cross each other at
a) electrical force a given point
b) current electricity d) none.
c) electricity charge 16. Which is the best conductor for electricity?
d) none. a) Lead
10. The law which relates to three fundamentals— b) Mica
current, voltage and resistance is called c) Rubber
a) Faradays law d) Steel
b) Ohm's law e) All the above
c) Law of current f ) None.
d) All the above. 17. The unit of resistance is
11. The property of substance of hindrance offered in a) K.W
the path of electric current is known as b) Hr
a) Conductor c) Ohm
b) Resistance d) watts.
c) Capacity 18. Quantity of electricity is measured in
d) none. a) Volt

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b) Ohm d) none,
c) Coulombs 27. Out of these which material have least resistivity?
d) None. a) Brass
19. Two 10 KΩ,. 5W resistors in parallel have b) Copper
equivalent resistances of 5 KΩ, and power rating c) Lead
of d) Zinc.
a) 20W 28. Of which material filaments of electric bulbs are
b) 35W made?
c) 50W a) Tungsten
d) 25W b) Carbon
20. The tolerance for silver strips is c) Mica
a) ± 10% d) Brass,
b) ± 5% 29. Kilo watt hour (K.W.H.) means
c) ± 9% a) it is the unit of energy for charging
d) ± 12%. purposes
21. When heat is produced by current it related by b) this may be termed as B.U.T. unit
which law? c) (a) and (b) only
a) Kelvin's law d) none.
b) Ohm's law 30. On the basis of electron flow when 6.29 x 10 18
c) Joule's law electrons are flowing through a conductor the
d) All the above. current is said to be called
22. The resistance of 100 W, 200 V lamp is a) two amperes
a) 2 KΩ b) one ampere
b) 4 KΩ c) six amperes
c) 6 KΩ d) none.
d) none. 31. From the following materials which has zero
23. Ohm's law is not applicable to temperature coefficient?
a) semi conductors a) Manganin
b) DC circuits b) Aluminum
c) AC circuits c) Brass
d) high currents d) Mica
24. When in any net work (or circuit) the algebraic 32. When will the resistance of a conductor increase
sum of the currents in all the wires meeting at a a) when its length increases
junction is zero called as b) when its height increases
a) first law c) when its length decreases
b) second law d) all the above.
c) current law, 33. Which curve represent ohm's law known as?
d) (a) and (c) only. a) Parabola curve
25. The element of electrical heater is made of b) Circular curve
a) copper c) Round curve
b) mica d) Linear curve.
c) lead 34. Out of these which insulator is effected by heat?
d) nichroine. a) Bekalite
26. Variable resistors are b) Mica
a) two way resistors c) Glass
b) tick film resistors d) PVC
c) wire wound resistors 35. The resistivity of conductor is in the order of

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a) 10-5 to 105Ω cm a) Give shock
b) 10-6 to 10-5Ω cm b) Equipment catch fire
c) 10-5 to 10-3Ω cm c) None.
d) 102 to 104Ω cm. 45. Right hand thumb rule give us
36. A current to flow a circuit must be a) direction of E.M.F.
a) Protected b) direction of magnetic flux produced
b) Variable c) direction of motion of conductor.
c) Complete d) none
d) none. 46. Presence of magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit is
37. Flow of electrons in circuit constitutes due to
a) an electric current a) M.M.F.
b) an E.M.F. b) secondary cells
c) an power c) high elasticity
d) all the above. d) all the above.
38. Resistance of carbon filament lamp 47. When a line conductor of public electricity supply
a) decreases as applied voltage increases system touches earth metal
b) increases as applied voltage decreases a) current will flow to earth
c) remains same at applied voltage b) current will not flow
increases c) current flow will decrease
d) all the above. d) none.
39. Resistance of 250 V, 100 W lamp will be 48. Absolute electrometer stands for
a) 625 Ω a) type of electrometer to measure the
b) 290 Ω difference of units in C.G S.
c) 175 Ω b) a liquid measurement meter
d) 90 Ω c) a meter to measure electrical power
40. The maximum value of P.F. of an electric circuit is d) all the above.
a) 0.5 49. Absolute galvanometer means
b) 1 a) apparatus to tell the strength of an
c) 0.3 electric current by using ohm's law
d) 0.1 b) to measure brightness of electric bulb
41. Out of these which lamp has more resistance c) to measure the voltage of heater
a) 60W 220V lamp d) none.
b) 25W 250V lamp 50. A.C. abbreviation stands for
c) 30W 190V lamp a)
d) 20W 300V lamp. b) air condition
42. The device which changes one form of energy to c) air circulation
another form of energy is called d) air control
a) Convertor e) alternating current.
b) Transformer 51. CPS or C/S stands for
c) Capacitor a) current per second
d) none. b) current power strength
43. The unit of current is c) current pole strength
a) Watt d) cycle per second.
b) Volt 52. L.V. stands for
c) Metre a) low voltage
d) ampere b) low voice
44. What should happen if the electrical equipment is c) lamp voltage
not grounded? d) none.

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53. Direct currents means V V
61. I= ,R= ,V=I × R stands for
a) The current which does not charge its R I
direction of magnitude a) Fleming rule
b) it is steady all the times b) Ohm's law
c) the current which flow direct c) Power
d) (a) and (b) of the above. d) none.
54. Which circuit component stores energy in the 62. Parallel connections are
electromagnetic fluids is known as 1 1 1 1
a) Resistor a) = + + +¿ ……..
R R1 R2 R3
b) Inductor 1 1 1
c) Repulsion b) = + +¿
R R2 R4
d) none.
55. When a parallel conductors carrying current in c) R = R1+R2+R3 ………
she same direction will produce d) all the above.
a) Resistance 63. For resistance of 3, 5, 8 and 12 ohms are
b) Attraction connected in series. What will be the resistance ?
c) Power a) 25 ohms
d) none. b) 18 ohms
56. An electric shock is c) 20 ohms
a) Fatal d) 28 ohms
b) Dangerous 64. Absolute ampere means
c) some times dangerous a) 1/10 of abampere
d) all the above. b) 2/10 of abampere
57. In carbon resistors what is the colour for 5? c) 1/5 of abampere
a) Green d) all the above.
b) Red 65. A—I stands for
c) Black a) ampere symbol
d) White b) symbol of alternating current
58. Which volt supply in home c) (a) and (b) only.
a) 110-120 V 66. Resistivity is expressed in terms of
b) 200-210 V a) Ohm
c) 400-450 V b) ohm/C
d) 220-230 V. c) ohm/cm3
59. The resistance of copper is 1/58 ohm per metre d) all the above.
length and 1 square mililmetre cross-section. Find 67. Black colour represents the number in colour
the resistance of 200 yards of No. 28 S.W.G. wire, code for resistances is
cross section 0.111 square millimeter a) One
a) 25.1 ohms b) Two
b) 28.4 ohms c) Three
c) 36.I ohms d) zero.
d) none. 68. A consumer has 6 lamps of 60 watts and one
60. A 20 ohns resistance is connected across the 2000 watt electric heater which he uses 5 hours
supply of 100 volts, calculate the current daily. How much energy used every day?
a) 9 amperes a) 20.1 KWH
b) 24 amperes b) 18.3 KWH
c) 5 amperes c) 12.1 KWH
d) none. d) 11.8 KWH.

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69. When. an electron is removed from a atom it 77. Conduetance (G) is the reciprocal of
becomes resistance (R) and is measure of the ease with
a) a positive ion which the current will flow through a substance
b) a cathode 78. Ohm's Law can he applied either to the entire
c) an anode circuit or a part of a circuit.
d) none. 79. When an electron is removed from a neutral
70. D.C. abbreviation stand; for atom, this atom becomes positive charged.
a) Direct current 80. Joule is the small unit of electrical energy.
b) double current 81. Neutrons are neutral particles passes no
c) direct circuit electricity.
d) none 82. The resistance of a conductor depends also
71. Absolute ohm means on its temperature
a) 4800 joules True or False
b) one billon 83. Energy can neither be created nor can be
c) 109 abohms destroyed but energy can only be transformed
d) (b) and (c) only. from one from to another.
72. Series connection stand for True
a) Rr = R1 + R2 + R3 +…… 84. The smallest part of any substances having
1 1 1 1 the same properties as matter is called atom.
b) = + +
R R1 R2 R3 False
c) R==R+R1 85. Protons are positively charged; each proton
d) R=R1+R2+R3 ............ weight as much as hydrogen atom.
73. An electric heater takes a current of 5 amperes at True
200 volts. supply, what will be the resistance of 86. When glass rod rubbed with fur it becomes
the heater ? negatively charged.
a) 90 ohms True
b) 40 ohms 87. Like charges attract each other.
c) 25 ohms False
d) None. 88. The electric ñov,is- alv4a continuous.
74. 5 lamps of 100 watt, 10 lamps of 60 watt and 15 True
kW motor consumes the electricity for 2 hours. 89. The practical unit of E.M.F. is watt.
What will be the total energy? False
a) 9 units 90. Ampere is the practical unit of electric current.
b) 3.1 units True
c) 5.2 units 91. The outer part of the atom is called the
d) 4.7 units. nucleus.
fill in the Blanks False
75. Static electricity is obtained by rubbing two 92. Ohm's law is the law that relates to three
substance such as glass with silk. fundamentals— currents. voltage and resistance.
76. Resistance is the property of a substance by True
virtue of which it does not allow the current to
pass through it.

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