Journalnx Unreinforced
Journalnx Unreinforced
Journalnx Unreinforced
Kaushik Sarkar
Kaushik Sarkar, Student of M Tech (Structures), CME, Pune.
ABSTRACT to conform to the geometry of a structure before adding
Many of the existing reinforced concrete structures the polymer resin. The relatively thin profile of cured
throughout the world are in urgent need of FRP systems is often desirable in applications where
rehabilitation, repair or reconstruction because of aesthetics or access is a concern.
deterioration due to various factors like corrosion, The growing interest in FRP systems for strengthening
lack of detailing, failure of bonding between beam- and retrofitting can be attributed to many factors.
column joints, increase in service loads etc, leading Although the fibres and resins used in FRP systems are
to cracking, spalling, loss of strength, deflection etc. relatively expensive compared to traditional
The recent developments in the application of the strengthening materials like concrete and steel, labour
advanced composites in the construction industry and equipment costs to install FRP systems are often
for concrete rehabilitation and strengthening are lower. FRP systems can also be used in areas with
increasing based on specific requirements, national limited access where traditional techniques would be
needs and industry participation. The need for difficult to implement: for example, a slab shielded by
efficient rehabilitation and strengthening techniques pipe and conduit.
of existing concrete structures has resulted in
research and development of composite OBJECTIVES OF STUDY
strengthening systems. Fibre Reinforced Polymer The main objective of the experimentation was to study
(FRP) composite has been accepted in the the effect of completely confinedunreinforced concrete
construction industry as a promising substitute for beams of size 700x150x150mm with varying thicknesses
repairing and in incrementing the strength of RCC of GFRP fabrics ranging from 3mm to 9mm and to
structure. FRP composites possess some outstanding analyze their increase in failure and flexural strength
properties such as resistance to corrosion, good with respect to a control beam of similar dimension.
fatigue and damping resistance, high strength to
weight ratio and electromagnetic transparency. FRPs METHODOLOGY
over the years have gained respect in terms of its Two different types of FRP fabrics were used for the
superior performance and versatility and now are experiment:
being used not only in housing industry but its (a) Bi-directional FRP fabric with orientation of
potentials are being continuously explored for its fibres in plus/minus 45 degrees having a thickness
use in retro-fitting and strengthening of damaged of 0.5mm.
structural members. (b) Bi-directional FRP fabric with orientation of
fibres in 0/90 degrees with a layer of chopped
INTRODUCTION strands (Also called BDCSM or Bi-directional
The strengthening or retrofitting of existing concrete chopped strand mat) with a thickness of 1mm.
structures to resist higher design loads, correct The FRP fabrics were pasted on the beams in multiple
deterioration related damage, or increase ductility has layers using epoxy as per manufacturer’s specifications.
traditionally been accomplished using conventional Air bubbles were eliminated using hand roller, in order
materials and construction techniques. Externally to ensure a perfect bonding.
bonded steel plates, steel or concrete jackets and
external post-tensioning are just some of the many
traditional techniques available.
Composite materials made of fibres in a polymeric resin,
also known as fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP), have
emerged as an alternative to traditional materials and
techniques. An FRP system is defined as all the fibres and
resins used to create the composite laminate, all
applicable resins used to bond it to the concrete
substrate, and all applied coatings used to protect the
constituent materials. Coatings used exclusively for
aesthetic reasons are not considered part of an FRP
FRP materials are lightweight, non-corrosive, and exhibit
high tensile strength. Additionally, these materials are Figure 1: Bi-directional with chopped strand mat
readily available in several forms ranging from factory- (BDCSM)
made laminates to dry fibre sheets that can be wrapped
9|P a ge
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
k2=Centroid factor of the compressive force
σfrp= Stress in FRP
Afrp=Area of FRP
σsi=Stress in steel bars
Asi= Area of tension reinforcement in layer ‘i’
Үc=Partial safety factor of concrete in flexure
__ (2)
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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Figure 8: Average failure loads (KN)
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