Associate Professor Sanjib Kumar Panda, Main Supervisor
Assistant Professor Pritam Das, Co-Supervisor
Dr Sahoo Sanjib Kumar
Professor Low Kay Soon
Professor Mahinda Vilathgamuwa, Queensland University of Technology
I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work and it has been
This thesis has also not been submitted for any degree in any university previously.
First and foremost I want to thank my main supervisor Assoc Prof. Sanjib Kumar Panda
for giving me the opportunity to do my Ph.D. thesis at the Electrical Machines and
Drives Laboratory (EMDL). I sincerely appreciate all his contribution of time, numerous
addition I want to thank him for his understanding during hard times. I firmly believe
that his guidance has helped me to be a better person both personally and professionally.
Das for his help and guidance and his interest in my research work. I would also like
to thank Dr. Amit Gupta and Dr. Rejeki Simanjorang from Rolls Royce, Singapore for
Many thanks to all my EMDL colleagues for their support, mentorship and friend-
ship. I really enjoyed the wonderful time that I worked here. Although it is not complete
list, I just mention some of those friends who provided valuable input and constructive
criticism to my work directly or indirectly. They are Krishnanand K. R, Satarupa Bal, Dr.
Joymala, Kawsar Ali, Jayantika, Sindhu, Dr. Hoang Duc Chinh, Dr. Priyesh Chauhan,
Gorla Naga Brahmendra Yadav, Dr. Jeevan Adhikhari, Shiva Muthuraj, Saurabh Bhan-
dari, Prathamesh, Elango, Subash, Sunil Dube, Ravi Kiran, Debjaani, Sandeep Kolluri
I would like to thank the administrative staff members of the EMDL, Mr. Y. C.
Woo, Mr. M. Chandra and Ms. Nurshaeeda Binte Isa who were always cordial to me
and helped me to get things done smoothly. Last but not the least, I want to express
my sincere gratitude to my parents, my brothers and sisters for their support and for
keeping me motivated.
Summary xiv
Acronyms xl
1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objective and New Contributions of this Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.1 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5.3 Current Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.5.6 Effect of modulation index (m) on the THD of the input line cur-
rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.7.1 Small signal modelling of the proposed converter . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.8.3 Snubber loss in the proposed converter and six switch buck rectifier 76
2.9 Experimental Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.9.2 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
posed converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.11 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.4 Topology and Principle of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.5.4 Effect of adding series capacitor and its design consideration . . . 116
3.7 Digital Implementation of the proposed SVM based switching scheme for
3.7.1 DSP Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
verter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.5 Steady state Analysis and design of the proposed converter . . . . . . . . 160
4.7.2 Digital switching scheme implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
verter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
4.7.5 Discussions on the input power quality of the proposed converter . 175
5.4.4 Mode-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5.5 Steady State Analysis of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC Converter . 194
5.5.2 SQR analysis with LLC resonant tank using FHA . . . . . . . . . 196
5.5.4 Explanation for the time tp and unequal current stress in the diodes
of SQR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
5.6 Design of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter . . . . . . . . . . 203
5.7.1 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Publications 229
Bibliography 231
With the aim to improve fuel efficiency and to reduce environmental impacts, aircraft
systems are replacing bulky and less efficient non-electrical system with the electrical
systems. One of the key benefits of replacing non-electrical system with electrical system
is the reduction in total weight of the aircraft. However, more electrical system requires
electrical power in both civil and military aircrafts have necessitated to use more efficient
key role in enabling aircraft industries to move towards more electrical system. In the
course of this concept, high performance power electronic converters especially tailored
to meet aircraft specifications are required to improve the overall performance of the
aircraft system.
In this work, several power converter topologies suitable for the aircraft system are
proposed. Both AC-DC and DC-DC type of the converters are proposed for different
electrical loads with an aim to improve the performance of the aircraft system. Com-
prehensive mathematical analysis and design followed by digital simulation of the power
converters are presented. Subsequently, hardware prototypes of each converters are built
and experimental tests are carried out to verify the benefits of the proposed solutions.
In the course of this research work, three new matrix based AC-DC converter
topologies suitable for aircraft systems have been proposed. The first topology, a non-
isolated matrix based converter with large step down voltage gain is proposed to replace
the conventional three phase boost or buck rectifiers as front end AC-DC converter. It
has been demonstrated that the proposed converter provides improved power conver-
sion efficiency compared to the state-of-art three phase buck rectifier for large step down
voltage gain. The second proposed topology is an isolated converter which provides sin-
gle stage conversion without any intermediate DC link capacitor contributing to high
power density and high power conversion efficiency. A novel method of adding a series
capacitor to reduce duty cycle loss and eliminate voltage spikes have been proposed and
extension of non-isolated matrix based buck rectifier and particularly, suited for High
provides higher power density with lesser complexity in sensing and control. For all the
three topologies, comprehensive analysis and design with detailed modes of operation
have been presented. Simulation studies followed by experimental test results on labo-
ratory prototypes are demonstrated to validate the suitability of the proposed converter
To meet the strict input power quality requirements of the aircraft systems, Space
Vector Modulation (SVM) based switching scheme is proposed for the matrix topology.
In the proposed switching scheme, the body diode conduction of switches are avoided
resulting in lower switch conduction loss. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that half
of the switches in the matrix topology undergo natural Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS)
which further improves the power conversion efficiency. To improve the Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD) of the input current, SVM based switching modulation scheme is dig-
itally implemented for higher switching frequency and THDi below 5% is demonstrated
through experimental results. The cost effective and efficient implementation of the
switching scheme is carried out using a combination of Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The combined operation of the DSP and
the FPGA provides high resolution and high frequency switching signals for the matrix
Further research work is carried with an aim to design and develop a high voltage
Module (MPM) based transmitters which are used in smaller aircrafts such as Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) due to their superior power-weight ratio. An LLC resonant
converter with Symmetrical Quadrupler Rectifier (SQR) for 2 kV output at 200 W output
power is proposed, analysed, designed and implemented in hardware. The use of SQR
reduces the required turns ratio of the high frequency transformer by multiplying the
mode for additional voltage boost from the resonant tank and thus, a new differential
equation based method is presented for accurate analysis and design of the proposed
converter. The benefits of the proposed analysis method over the usual First Harmonic
Approximation (FHA) method have been demonstrated through digital simulation and
experimental results.
In the course of this thesis, several new power electronic converter topologies suit-
able for aircraft system have been proposed, built, and tested. Through comprehensive
analysis, design and scale down laboratory prototype, the suitability of each power con-
verter has been demonstrated. The proposed topologies are compared with the existing
topologies and a comparative evaluation is presented to highlight the benefits and limi-
tations of each proposed topology. The benchmarking of the proposed non-isolated and
isolated matrix based AC-DC converter with respect to passive AC-DC rectifiers and
state-of-the-art active AC-DC converters is carried out in terms of power density, power
List of Tables
1.1 Key electrical system of Boeing 787 and Airbus 380 [1, 2]. . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Comparisons of the results obtained by analytic solution and digital sim-
ulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.6 Active and passive components selected for experimental validation of the
3.1 Voltage stress of the active and passive devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.4 Comparison of the results obtained by analytical solution and digital sim-
ulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
3.8 Active and passive components selected for experimental hardware proto-
type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3.9 Comparison of the design methods of different single stage AC-DC con-
4.3 Voltage stress across semiconductor devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4.5 Theoretical and simulation values of current for Gv = 1.17 at m = 0.75. . 166
4.6 Comparison of the proposed converter with Vienna rectifier based boost
List of Figures
1.7 Effect of output power on output voltage for a 12-pulse ATRU at line
frequencies, f = 400 Hz, 800 Hz. The input rms voltage is 115 V and the
1.9 Output voltage range of three phase active rectifiers with boost and buck
1.10 AC-DC converter topology with boost type characteristic. (a). Circuit
1.11 AC-DC converter topology with buck type characteristic. (a). Circuit
topology of six switch buck type AC-DC rectifier (b). Circuit topology of
Swiss rectifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.12 Circuit schematic of the three switch buck-boost converter [7, 8]. . . . . . 15
[9]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1 Block diagram of the proposed matrix based AC-DC converter. . . . . . . 29
2.2 Circuit schematic of the proposed three phase AC-DC rectifier. Each ma-
2.3 Operation of the converter is divided into six similar sectors. Sector-1
2.4 The different states of the matrix switch, S1 (a). Switch S1 is ON and
is flowing in the -ve direction. (c). Switch S1 is OFF and +ve voltage
appears across the switch. (d). Switch S1 is OFF and -ve voltage appears
High frequency AC output, vhf . (e). High frequency AC current, ihf . (f).
2.10 Output inductor current ripple,iLf 1 and iLf 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.14 Bode plot for the current transfer function, Gid for different damping re-
2.15 Unfiltered input current and fundamental input current of the proposed
converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.17 (a). Three phase input AC voltage, va , vb , vc [V]. (b). High frequency AC
2.18 (a). High frequency AC voltage, vhf [V]. (b). High frequency AC current,
ihf [A]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.19 Three phase input AC current, ia , ib , ic [A]. The simulated THD of current
is found to be 3 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.20 FFT spectrum of input phase-a current. The fundamental frequency is
400 Hz. The other frequencies which have relatively larger percentage are
2.21 Input phase-a current, ia [A] and input phase-a voltage, va [V]. The
2.22 (a). Output DC voltage, Vo [v]. (b). output filter inductor current, iLf 1
2.23 Block diagram of the close loop control of the proposed converter. . . . . 61
2.24 Equivalent circuit model of three phase matrix based AC-DC converter. . 61
2.25 Voltage across the output filter inductor, Lf 1 during one switching cycle,
Ts in sector-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.26 Bode plot of the transfer functions, Tp1 (s) and Tp2 (s). . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.27 l Bode plot of the transfer functions, Tp1 (s) and Tp2 (s). . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.28 (a). Bode plot of the transfer functions, Tp2 (s) and TOL2 (s). (b). Bode
2.29 (a). Bode plot of the transfer functions, TOL2 (s) for full load (I) and 15 %
of the full load (II). (b). Bode plot of the transfer functions, TOL1 (s) for
2.30 (a). Output voltage, Vo in volts (b). Output current, Io in amperes. (c).
2.31 Voltage across on of the MOSFETs of the matrix switch for a line cycle
(Ti = fi ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.33 Total semiconductor power loss versus output power, Po and switching
frequency, fs for the proposed rectifier and six switch buck rectifier [12]. . 77
2.35 Input phase voltage, van and high frequency AC output, vhf . . . . . . . . 81
2.38 High frequency AC output , vhf and high frequency AC current, ihf of
2.41 Input phase-a voltage, van and phase current, ia . The displacement power
2.42 Three phase input current, ia , ib , ic . The Total Harmonic Distortion
2.46 Theoretical distribution of the power loss in watts for the proposed con-
2.47 Benchmarking for the nonisolated matrix based AC-DC converter. (a)
2.48 Efficiency of the proposed converter and six switch buck rectifier at 100
3.5 Phaser diagram for SVM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.6 Theoretical modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three
nal, U (c). Switching sequence for a switching cycle during sector- 1 (d).
Switching Signal for shorting leg switch, Sw2 (e). Switching Signal for
shorting leg switch, Sw1 (f). High frequency AC voltage, vhf and current,
ihf (g). Diode D1 current, iD1 (h). Diode D2 current, iD2 . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.7 Different modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three
phase AC-DC converter. (a). mode -1 (b). mode -2 (c). mode-3. . . . . . 104
3.8 Different modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three
phase AC-DC converter. (a). mode -4 (b). mode -5 (c). mode-6. . . . . . 105
3.9 Different modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three phase
3.10 Duty cycle loss due to the leakage inductance of the high frequency trans-
3.11 Duty cycle loss variation with respect to switching frequency, fs at different
3.13 Sequence of the current commutation after adding the series capacitor in
3.14 (a) Sudden change in current in absence of series capacitor (b). Soft com-
3.15 Minimizing the duty cycle loss by adding a series capacitor with the high
voltage, vs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3.16 (a). Input three phase voltages, van , vbn and vcn [V]. (b). high frequency
AC voltages, vhf [V]. (c). Secondary voltage of the high frequency trans-
3.17 (a). (a) High frequency AC voltage, vhf [V]. (b) High frequency AC current,
ihf which is also the transformer primary current, ip [A]. (c). Voltage across the
3.18 (a). Output DC voltage, Vo [V]. (b) Current in the output filter inductor, iLf 1
[A]. (c) Current in the output filter inductor, iLf 2 [A]. (d) Output DC current,
Io [A]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3.19 Input phase-a voltage, van [V] and phase-a current, ia [A]. The displace-
3.20 Three phase input current, ia [A], ib [A] and ic [A] at full load of 500 W. . 125
3.21 THD of phase-a current, ia for full load operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.22 Simulated and theoretical duty loss for different output power at 40 kHz
3.23 Soft commutation of the high frequency AC current, ihf by adding a series
3.24 Minimizing the duty loss by adding a series capacitor with the leakage in-
3.29 C1: High frequency AC voltage, vhf (200 V/div), C2: input phase-a volt-
age, van (200 V/div), C3: output DC voltage, Vo (20 V/div). . . . . . . . 133
3.30 C1: High frequency AC voltage, vhf (100 V/div), C2: secondary voltage
3.31 C1: High frequency AC voltage, vhf (100 V/div), C2: secondary voltage
3.32 C1: input phase-a voltage, van (100 V/div), C2: Input phase-a current, ia
(4 A/div). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3.33 input three phase currents, C1: ia (2 A/div) , C2: ib (2 A/div), C3: ic (2
A/div). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Io (4 A/div). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3.35 voltage across MOSFETs, C1: SW11 (100 V/div) and C2: SW12 (100
V/div). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
3.36 voltage across CDR diode, C1: D1 (40 V/div) and C2: D2 (40 V/div). . . 136
3.38 soft commutation of the high frequency AC current and reducing the duty
the high frequency transformer, C1: vhf (100 V/div), C2: vs (100 V/div)
C3: ihf (4 A/div).(a) Without series capacitor. (b) With series capacitor. 137
3.39 Theoretical loss estimation of the proposed AC-DC converter at 500 W
output power. [1]. Switching loss [2]. Conduction loss [3]. Transformer
loss [4]. Input filter loss [5]. Output filter loss [6]. Snubber Loss. . . . . . 138
3.41 Ripple current in the DC link capacitor for different output power, Po .
3.42 Power loss in the DC link capacitor for different output power. The input
3.43 Benchmarking for the isolated matrix based AC-DC converter. (a) Power
3.44 Efficiency of the proposed converter and back to back converter at 100 %,
4.1 Voltage gain range of the conventional three phase buck, boost converter
index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
version. (a). +/-/0 270 VDC (b). +/-270 V DC (c). 0/270 V DC. . . . . 152
4.3 Topology of buck-boost converter presented in[13]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
4.5 Space Vector Modulation scheme for the presented modulation scheme.
Tsh = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
states of the matrix switches (d). High frequency ac voltage, vhf . . . . . 161
4.8 Simplified power circuit for the boost stage of the proposed converter. . . 162
4.9 (a). Gating signal for the MOSFET, M (b). Voltage across the boost
MOSFET, M (vsw ) (c). Current through the boost MOSFET, M (isw ) (d).
Current through the diode, Db (iDb ) (e). Current through the capacitor,
Co (iCo ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
m and duty, D. Modulation index, m range is [0.6 - 0.9] and duty cycle,
4.11 rms Current stress calculation using design equations. (a). Boost diode,
switches, S1 - S6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4.12 Current stress calculation using design equations. (a). Boost diode, Db
switches, S1 - S6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
4.13 Circuit schematic of the Vienna rectifier based three phase boost-buck
4.15 Digital implementation of the proposed switching scheme for the matrix
converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
4.16 Switching signal for the three adjacent matrix switches, S1 , S3 and S5 .
4.17 Ch1: High frequency ac voltage (100 V/ div), vhf . Ch2: Phase-a voltage,
4.18 Ch1: Phase- a voltage, van (50 V/ div). Ch2: Phase-a current, ia (5 A/
div). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
4.19 Three phase input ac current, Ch1: ia (2 A/div), Ch2: ib (2 A/div) and
4.21 Ch1: Voltage across the boost MOSFET, vsw (50 V/ div). Ch2: High
4.22 Ch1: Voltage across one of the MOSFETs of the matrix switch (100 V/
4.23 Total theoretical loss distribution of the converter. Total loss is found to
be 56.45 W at full load. [1]. Input filter loss [2]. Matrix switch loss [3].
CDR diodes loss [4]. CDR Inductor loss [5]. Boosr MOSFET loss [6].
load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.26 (a). Displacement Power Factor (DPF) vs output load. (b). Total Har-
5.1 (a) Equivalent LCC circuit when parallel capacitor is used in primary side.
side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
5.2 (a) Two stage Cockcroft voltage multiplier. (b) Derived Symmetrical
5.3 Circuit schematic of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter. The
total high voltage gain is shared among LLC tank (operating below series
5.4 Theoretical waveforms of the converter. (a) shows inverter voltage vp , res-
voltage vs . (d) shows the diode currents in SQR circuit. (e) is the converter
5.5 Modes of operation of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter. (a).
5.6 Modes of operation of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter. (a).
5.7 Equivalent circuit of SQR for the positive half cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
5.8 Peak to peak voltage ripple, Vripple of the output DC voltage. The shaded
regions show the process by which output voltage ripple is generated. The
5.9 (a). SQR operation during positive half cycle for t = 0 to t = tp . (b).
5.10 Ratio of the peak value of the transformer secondary current and output
DC current, Io variation with respect to α. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
5.11 Peak current stresses of the SQR diodes with respect to α. . . . . . . . . . 204
5.13 Normalized voltage gain of the LLC tank for different fr ratio at different
Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
5.14 Normalized voltage gain of the LLC tank for different fr ratio at different
Lm ratio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
5.15 (a). RMS and peak value of the series resonant currrent, ir variation with
Lr fs Lr
respect to Lm . (b). fr variation with respect to Lm . All the graphs are
5.16 Simulation Results of the presented converter. (a)Full bridge inverter out-
put voltage, vin (b) Series resonant current, ir and magnetizing current,
5.18 Hardware prototype of the proposed high voltage DC-DC converter. . . . 214
5.19 Hardware prototype of the high frequency step up transformer. . . . . . . 215
5.20 Full bridge inverter voltage, (vin ) and series resonant current, (ir ) for 200
5.21 Switch voltage (Vds ), Gate voltage ( Vgs ), and series resonant current (ir )
5.22 Switch voltage (Vds ), Gate voltage ( Vgs ), high voltage DC output ( V0 )
and series resonant current (ir ) for 120 V DC/ 2 kV at 100 W output power.217
5.24 High voltage DC output (V0 ). The presented DC-DC converter generates
5.25 Output voltage ripple (Vripple ) of high voltage DC output at 200 W output
5.26 Output voltage ripple (Vripple ) of high voltage DC output at 100 W output
5.27 Theoretical power loss distribution in watts for the presented converter.
5.28 Comparison of the accuracy in estimating the output voltage ripple of the
presented converter by using the FHA and the proposed method. (a).
Proposed method (b). FHA method (c). Digital simulation results (d).
EV Electric Vehicle
PF Power Factor
RF Radio Frequency
Chapter 1
Since 1960, the worldwide air passenger traffic has been growing at an average yearly rate
of 9 % and it has been estimated that it will continue to grow with a 5 - 7 % rate into
the foreseeable future. One obvious reason for such growth is technological advances in
aircraft system leading to improved aircraft-efficiency and reduced cost. However, with
increased air traffic, the aircraft industries are also facing challenges in terms of CO2
emission and safety [3]. Today, air transport is responsible for 2 % of the total man made
the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe has set several goals to be
emissions, and a 50 % reduction of external noise [15–17]. Thus, currently, the aircraft
industries are driven by three major objectives - 1). improving emissions 2). improving
The power in an aircraft is generated by gas turbines. A large part of this power is
used for propulsion thrust (typically 96 % in a passenger aircraft ) known as primary or
total power known as non-propulsive power or secondary power is used to power electrical,
mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic loads. The current demand for more efficient and
lighter aircraft has made it necessary to use more electrical system in place of bulky and
less efficient non-electrical system. The move towards replacing non-electrical system
with more efficient electrical system leads to More Electric Aircraft (MEA). Several
aircraft industries such as Boeing and Airbus have developed MEAs . Today, MEAs
are applicable to several types of aircrafts including Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAVs),
commercial and military airplanes as they deliver cleaner, quieter and more efficient
system [18–22].
aircraft the jet engine is connected to gearbox-driven units. The gearbox mechanism
Figure 1.2: A typical More Electric Aircraft (MEA) [3]
is used to drive electrical generator, oil pump, fuel pump and hydraulic pump. The
electrical generator generates AC output power of fixed voltage and fixed frequency. The
high pressure air from the engine also known as bleed air is used for pneumatic loads
such as Environmental Control System (ECS). In a MEA system, the engine is directly
connected to the generators without any gearbox-driven mechanism [23, 24]. Fig. 1.2
shows a typical MEA power distribution system. Both AC and DC buses are used in
MEAs. For HVDC bus, the three phase AC voltage is rectified to DC voltage using an AC-
to power different loads of the aircraft system. Apart from the traditional aircraft electric
load, in MEA the electric power is required for electric de-icing galley load, ECS, hydraulic
and fuel pump motors. Boeing-787, the Dream-liner is an example of MEA which has
electric engine start, electric wing ice protection, electric driven hydraulic pumps and
ECS [25]. Due to the elimination of pneumatic bleed system from Boeing-787 and use
of more electrical system, Boeing-787 have resulted in almost 20 % reduction in fuel and
Figure 1.3: Benefits of Boeing-787 relative to Boeing- 767 [4].
CO2 compared to the conventional Boeing- 767 aircraft [4]. Further, the removal of the
of the aircraft. Fig. 1.3 shows the benefits of Boeing-787 compared to Boeing-767 in
terms of reduction in fuel, CO2 and noise footprint. There is 20 % reduction in fuel
level in Boeing-787 is 28 % less than the industry limit for NOX set in 2008.
As shown in Fig. 1.4, the electrical power consumption in both civil and military
aircrafts is growing. For an aircraft of A330/B777 size, the use of more electrical tech-
nologies increases the electric power from 200 kW to 1 MW [26]. The military aircrafts
are equipped with various electronic subsystem including powerful radars for surveillance
and navigation, sensors and weapon systems. Even in commercial aircrafts, the goal is
to move towards more electrical system to have simpler, lighter and more efficient sys-
tem. Weight reduction of the aircraft has huge positive ‘snowball effect’ 1 . For a short-
describe the multiplication effect in an original weight saving. Source- wikipedia
Figure 1.4: Progression of Aircraft electrical power requirement [5].
and mid range aircraft, a reduction of 1 kg weight in equipment will reduce costs by
One of the enabling technologies for MEA is power electronic converters. Various
types of power electronic converters - AC-DC, AC-AC, DC-DC are required for an aircraft
system. The two important design objectives of the PEC for aircraft system are power
density and reliability. Moreover, the input power quality for AC-DC converter should
also meet DO-160F requirements [3, 29, 30]. Further, the PECs are required to be
aspects of the converter is not compromised in process of achieving high power density
line-to-neutral AC voltage with a line frequency of 400 Hz. The generators are driven by
the main engines. Between the main engine and the generator, a mechanical drive also
known as Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) is connected to keep the mechanical speed
of the generator constant. The constant mechanical speed results in constant electrical
One of the most distinguishing features of the MEA is the removal IDG . The elim-
ination of IDG results in significant benefits including reduced weight, reduced mainte-
nance cost and increased reliability [30]. However, direct connection of the main engine
with generators requires change in power conversion paradigm due to the variable fre-
quency (350 Hz - 800 Hz) electric bus. More than ever, the power electronic converters
(AC-DC and DC-AC) are required to convert power for many loads including motor
drives. As in all applications, power quality is one the most important requirements of
the modern aircraft system. The introduction of variable frequency generation presents
new challenges for power electronic converters to maintain high power quality and reli-
ability. In contrast to the centralized electrical architecture, MEA favors remote power
distribution with new solid-state power controllers and the contactors. The remote power
the distance between generation and consumption. The weight savings and increased
efficiency contribute both to improved fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emission. All
of the above mentioned benefits in MEA have encouraged commercial aircrafts to adopt
Table 1.1: Key electrical system of Boeing 787 and Airbus 380 [1, 2].
The two most well known commercial MEAs are Boeing-787 and Airbus-A380. The
key electrical system and their components of the two have been shown in Table. 1.1.
It is evident that Boeing 787 uses more electrical system compared to Airbus 380. Fig.
1.5 shows the electrical power distribution of Boeing-787 [4, 25]. Each of the engines is
driving two generators which are generating 230 V AC. The output voltages of generators
are regulated using Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). However, in the absence of IDG,
the output frequency of generators varies from 350 Hz to 800 Hz. An Auxiliary Power
Unit (APU) is used to provide axillary power to the aircraft when the aircraft is on
ground and main engines are shut down. All the generators of the aircraft are connected
7 Power Converters in MEA
Aircraft requires various types of power electronic converters for converting electrical
power from one voltage level to another as shown in Fig. 1.5. The Auto Transformer
Rectifier Unit (ATRU) is a non-isolated three phase AC-DC rectifier which converts fixed
voltage variable frequency AC generated by the aircraft generators into DC voltage. The
Auto Transformer Unit (ATU) is essentially an AC-AC converter which steps down the
high voltage AC to low voltage AC. The Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) rectifies fixed
voltage variable frequency AC voltage into low voltage DC with electrical isolation. This
thesis mainly deals with AC-DC rectifiers for the aircraft system [31, 32]. Therefore, the
focus is given mainly on ATRU and TRU of the aircraft system. Basically two kinds of
AC-DC conversion can be used for aircraft systems - 1). Passive power conversion 2.)
of simplicity and reliability. However, the passive power conversion systems such as
ATRU and TRU have high weight due to the line frequency (350 Hz) autotransformer/
transformer. Moreover, the output voltage in passive systems is dependent on the load
and mains conditions which is one of the main drawbacks besides weight.The circuit
schematic of 12 pulse ATRU is shown in Fig. 1.6. Fig. 1.7 shows the dependency of a
12-pulse ATRU output voltage on the output power. The effect of output power on the
output voltage is shown for input voltage, Vin,rms = 115 V and input inductor, L = 500
µH [33]. For no load operation, the output voltage is determined by line to line mains
voltage whereas for full load the output voltage is minimum at the main frequency, f =
800 Hz as shown in Fig. 1.7. The voltage variation must be accommodated in the design
The above mentioned disadvantages of the passive system can be overcome by
using active power conversion system such as PWM AC-DC rectifier. By operating
the active rectifiers at high switching frequency, significant reduction in total system
weight can be achieved. The control of the switches in active rectifier allow regulated
output voltage with superior input power quality. However, the relative complexity of
practical realization and control are still issues in active rectifiers. With digital control
system and semiconductor power modules, the active power converters can be good
technology, there is great scope in power density improvement of active AC-DC rectifiers
by increasing the switching frequency. Contrary to the active rectifiers, the improvement
and passive rectifier has been illustrated in Table. 1.2. With current improvements in
semiconductor switching devices, the active rectifiers can be of significant advantage for
1- Uses semiconductor switching devices and 1- Uses diode based rectifier and does not re-
requires control circuitry. quire control circuitry. Simple and reliable.
2-Does not require any transformer for non- 2-Requires low frequency auto transformer for
isolated AC-DC power conversion. non-isolated power conversion
3-Requires high frequency transformer for iso- 3-Requires low frequency transformer for iso-
lated AC-DC conversion. lated power conversion.
4-Provides controllable power factor. 4-No control over power factor.
5-Switching scheme ensures low THD in input 5-Multi-pulse transformers are used to meet
current. the THD requirements
6-Active damping 6-No active damping
There are various type of active AC-DC rectifiers listed in literature [6, 34, 35]. The
current passive AC-DC rectifiers ATRU and TRU can be replaced with active non-isolated
AC-DC and isolated AC-DC rectifiers, respectively. Moreover, non-isolated AC-DC rec-
tifiers are also required as front end rectifiers for loads such as Electrostatic Hydraulic
Figure 1.6: Circuit schematic of a 12 pulse ATRU.
Figure 1.7: Effect of output power on output voltage for a 12-pulse ATRU at line frequencies, f
= 400 Hz, 800 Hz. The input rms voltage is 115 V and the value of input inductor, L is 500 µH.
Actuator (EHA) [33]. Fig. 1.8 shows converter-based classification of AC-DC converters.
For aircraft system, unidirectional AC-DC converters are required as there is no need of
power to flow from load to source [3]. Further, given the input voltage of 115 V or 230
V AC, the buck, boost and buck-boost can provide efficient AC-DC conversion with im-
proved input power quality. As shown in Fig. 1.9, both buck and boost converters have
limit over maximum and minimum output voltage. The voltage range which does not fall
between the range of buck and boost converter requires buck-boost or boost-buck types of
rectifiers. In active AC-DC rectifier, three phase PWM boost converters are widely used
including unity power factor operation, reduced THD at AC mains, constant regulated
output DC voltage even under fluctuation of input voltage and output load [36–38]. The
two most popular boost rectifiers are, 1.) Six switch boost converter [39–42] and 2.)
Vienna rectifier [43–45]. The six switch boost converter with six switches also known as
six-pack power module is widely used in industry because of its simple structure yet high
functionality. The circuit schematic of the six switch boost converter is shown in Fig.
1.10(a). It offers superior input power quality and is capable of bidirectional power flow.
Moreover, the six switch boost converter offers wide range of phase angle displacement
which can be exploited for reactive power compensation. Unlike the six switch boost
Figure 1.9: Output voltage range of three phase active rectifiers with boost and buck character-
istics. Considering the mains rms voltage, Vin,rms to be vary from 0..250 V, the output voltage
of the converters are plotted for m = 1.
rectifier, Vienna rectifier shows three level characteristic. The circuit topology of Vienna
rectifier is shown in Fig. 1.10(b). A major advantage of Vienna rectifier over six switch
boost rectifier is lower voltage stress across semiconductor switches (half of the voltage
stress in six switch boost rectifier). Moreover, it also has lower input mains current ripple
resulting in reduced input inductance. The reduction in input inductance translates into
higher power density. Also, in Vienna rectifier the short circuit of DC bus because of the
faulty control of semi-conductor switches is not an issue which increases the reliability.
For step down output DC voltage, three phase AC-DC rectifier with buck type
characteristics are used [12, 46–52]. The buck type of rectifiers have limit over maximum
output voltage. The two most popular buck type of AC-DC rectifiers are 1). Active six
switch buck type rectifier and 2). Swiss rectifier shown in Fig. 1.11(a) and Fig. 1.11(b),
respectively. In case of active six switch buck type of rectifier, each of the six switches
Figure 1.10: AC-DC converter topology with boost type characteristic. (a). Circuit topology of
six switch boost AC-DC rectifier (b). Circuit topology of original Vienna rectifier.
lation scheme such as SPWM and SVM, high input power quality can be guaranteed.
Moreover, by using an explicit freewheeling diode across the DC link, the efficiency of the
converter can be improved. It should be noted here, that due to use unidirectional diode,
the active three phase buck rectifier cannot provide bidirectional power flow. However,
by replacing the diode with active semiconductor switch, bidirectional power flow can be
ensured. Another main difference of this rectifier from its boost counterpart is that it
allows limited phase displacement between input voltage and current and therefore, not
very much suitable for reactive power compensation. Swiss rectifier also known as hybrid
current injection buck type rectifier provides same output voltage range as of six switch
Figure 1.11: AC-DC converter topology with buck type characteristic. (a). Circuit topology of
six switch buck type AC-DC rectifier (b). Circuit topology of Swiss rectifier.
buck rectifier [53, 54]. Though the Swiss rectifier does not provide higher performance as
compared to six switch buck rectifier, its DC-DC converter like circuit architecture eases
the implementation. In particular, unlike other AC-DC rectifiers, it does not require
like other active rectifiers, it provides sinusoidal input current with controlled output
voltage. Besides these two, the three switch buck type of rectifier is also proposed in
literature [47]. However, due to higher conduction losses and less uniform distribution of
For aircraft system, the power converters require buck type of characteristic as the
input AC voltage is rectified to relatively lower DC voltage. Moreover, the buck type of
rectifiers offer many benefits including smaller line inductors, direct start up without pre-
charging and output short circuit protection. Additionally, unlike boost type of rectifiers,
buck type of rectifiers do not have any middle point to be stabilized. In terms of sensing
and control complexity, the buck type of rectifiers require lesser number of current sensors
than boost type of rectifiers. The above mentioned advantages make three phase buck
rectifiers a promising topology for aircraft application. In [55], the comparative evaluation
of three phase boost rectifier, three phase buck rectifier and three phase Vienna rectifier
for 10 kW output power is presented. From the comparison it is observed that the buck
rectifier has superior weight which is the main parameter in the aircraft. Regarding
reliability and failure tolerance, the buck and Vienna rectifier have approximately the
same reliability, whereas the boost is very vulnerable to the transistor shoot-through.
Figure 1.12: Circuit schematic of the three switch buck-boost converter [7, 8].
The three phase PWM boost rectifier boosts the input AC voltage and therefore,
has a limit over the minimum output voltage. As many aircrafts are moving from 115
V AC bus to 230 V AC bus to reduce the conductor weight [15, 28], the three phase
boost converter can not provide the required output voltage. Moreover, the use of boost
rectifier requires change in load type which is not a solution aircraft industries would
prefer. A buck converter has also limitation over the minimum output voltage due to
increase in input current distortion and switch rms current at lower modulation index.
Buck-boost and boost-buck topologies provides wider range of output voltage as they
provides two degrees of control in forms of modulation index, m and duty cycle, D.
The circuit schematic of three phase three switch buck boost converter is shown in Fig.
1.12. Given the choice of buck-boost or boost-buck converter, the buck-boost converter
has been found better in terms of power density and control complexity. A comparison
between buck-boost and boost-buck converter has been carried out in [9] for 6 kW output
power at 25 kHz switching frequency. As shown in Fig.1.13, the buck -boost converter is
Figure 1.13: Volume and weight comparison of a buck-boost and boost-buck converter [9].
Electrical isolation is preferred for noise sensitive loads and battery charging appli-
cation. Normally, in aircrafts a line frequency transformer is used to isolate input from
output [31, 32]. As the frequency of the AC applied to the transformer can be as low
as 350 Hz in aircraft, the size and weight of transformer is bulky. By replacing the line
be done. Moreover, the use of high frequency transformer facilitates voltage-step down
To provide isolated AC-DC power conversion, two stages of conversion, AC-DC fol-
lowed by isolated DC-DC is normally used in industries for various applications including
telecommunication and energy storage [56, 57]. In the first stage, an active Power Factor
Correction (PFC) based three phase AC-DC rectifier is used whereas in the second stage,
a high frequency isolated DC-DC converted is used. The two stages are linked with
intermediated DC link capacitor. Such kind of power converters are also referred to as
back-to-back power converter. A back-to-back power converter with three phase diode
rectifier and boost PFC is shown in Fig. 1.14. Three phase six switch boost rectifier is
also used in place of diode rectifier for improved input power quality.
The two stages of conversion can be combined into one by using matrix (3 × 1)
topology. The matrix topology directly converts three phase mains frequency AC voltage
into single phase high frequency AC voltage which is then processed by high frequency
transformer and diode rectifier for output DC voltage [56–58]. The circuit schematic of
Figure 1.14: Circuit topology of diode rectifier based isolated AC-DC converter.
Matrix converter has been widely studied for AC-AC conversion and is a promis-
ing power converter topology for motor drives, wind energy and solid state transformers
[59–61]. Unlike matrix based isolated AC-DC converter, the back-to-back converter re-
quires a mandatory intermediate DC link capacitor. The DC link capacitor used in these
converters is often bulky electrolytic capacitor which occupies significant volume, espe-
cially for high power applications resulting in poor power density. For power rating of
more than 10 kW, the size of DC link capacitor is 30% of the total size of converter.
Moreover, the limited life span of the electrolytic capacitor presents reliability issues for
aerospace applications. In [62] and [63] matrix based converter is compared with the
traditional back to back converter. It has been found that the matrix converter provides
overall better power density and power conversion efficiency. The elimination of bulky
electrolytic capacitor and single stage AC-AC conversion results in improved power den-
sity and power conversion efficiency. In [63], the reliability of these two converters are
compared. Matrix converter has been found equally reliable than its counterpart back
to back converter. Although, the matrix converter has a higher number of semiconduc-
tor switches, these switches are subjected to a lower voltage stress, which increases the
device reliability. The operation of matrix topology requires four quadrant switch oper-
Fig. 1.15. The two back-to-back connected switches allows both positive and negative
voltage across the matrix switch in addition to the flow of current in both direction and
The technology planning studies conducted in USA for a military fast jet claims that
there are significant aircraft level advantages for more electric technologies including 6.5
% reduction in take-off gross weight; 3.2 % reduction in life cycle cost; 5.4 % increase in
‘mean flying hours between failures’ and 4.2 % reduction in ‘maintenance man hours per
flying hour’[64]. The MEA approach has been followed in various military aircraft such
One of the main payloads of the military aircraft is powerful RADAR system which
imaging, surveillance and navigation. Radio Frequency (RF) transmitters are the integral
part of a RADAR system. Microwave Power Module (MPM) based RF transmitters are
used in such aircrafts because of its superior power to weight ratio compared to its
counterparts- Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) and Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers
(TWTA). MPMs are hybridzation of solid state and vaccum tube technology and used as
RF amplifier for medium power application. They have been widely used in Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and satellites owing to their reduced weight and superior RF
performance compared to the conventional vaccum tube based transmitter [10, 65–68].
Fig. 1.16 shows the comparison of TWTA and MPM based RF transmitter [10, 11]. The
Figure 1.16: Comparison of TWTA and MPM C-band RF transmitters [10, 11].
operating band of the transmitters is C-Band. As can be seen, the MPM is significantly
better in terms of weight/W, volume/W and efficiency which are all very important for
military aircraft. Moreover, at the system level the reduced weight and volume of MPM
results in reduced complexity and provides better life time and reliability compared to
The block diagram of a typical MPM is shown in Fig. 1.17. The RF amplification
gain is equally shared between SSPA and TWTA. The power to the SSPA and TWTA
is provided by power supply also know as Electronic Power Conditioner (EPC). The
EPC consists of several modules including low voltage DC-DC converter, Beam Focusing
Electrode (BFE) modulator, high voltage DC-DC converter and communication & control
module. Improving the power density of EPC results in reduction of overall transmitter
which in turn, reflects in performance improvement of overall aircraft system. One of the
main modules of EPC is high voltage DC-DC converter which converts low voltage DC
into isolated high voltage DC (in the range of kVs) [11, 67, 68]. The two major design
objectives of the HV DC-DC converter required for MPMs are 1). reducing the weight
and volume, and 2). improving the power conversion efficiency. Resonant converters
are suitable to meet these objectives as they can be switched with ZVS /ZCS at very
high switching frequency [69–73]. The increased switching frequency allows reduced
passive and magnetic elements. Moreover, the use of voltage multiplier instead of rectifier
results in reduced turns ratio of step up transformer and thus, in further saving of weight
and volume of the converter. Further, the soft switching ability in resonant converters
contributes in reduced EMI by reducing [ dt ] and [ dv
dt ]. The block schematic of resonant
HV DC-DC converter is shown in Fig. 1.18. First the input DC voltage is converted into
high frequency AC using DC-AC converter which can be either full bridge or half bridge.
The advantage of half bridge is that it requires only two switches as compared to four
switches in full bridge. However, the amplitude of AC output in half bridge is half of the
amplitude in full bridge. The high frequency AC is fed to the resonant tank followed by
step up high frequency transformer. There are various types of resonant tanks including
series, parallel and series-parallel [74, 75]. Subsequently, the stepped up high frequency
AC is rectified to high voltage DC using diode rectifiers or voltage multipliers [69, 76–81].
The performance of a MPM based transmitter is very sensitive to the applied high
voltage DC [82]. In order to drive TWT, high voltage DC output with very less output
voltage ripple is demanded. The output voltage ripple can be reduced by increasing the
output filter capacitor. However, the maximum value of the output capacitor is restricted
by maximum allowed stored energy in the output side (typically less than 2 joules) [66].
In a MPM, the high voltage output is connected to the cathode of the TWT. The phase
of the RF output can change almost 100o for 1% change in the cathode voltage [83]. A
ripple of 2 V for 2 kV DC output can change the phase by 10o . Therefore, when multiple
transmitters are combined, the phase difference results in net RF power loss and this
makes it imperative to estimate accurate output voltage ripple during the design of the
The objective of this work is to design and develop high performance power electronic
converters suitable for aerospace applications. During the course of this research work,
various power electronic converter topologies are proposed, analyzed, simulated and sub-
sequently, validated through hardware experiments. The main focus of this research work
are three phase AC-DC (isolated and non-isolated) and high voltage resonant DC-DC
converter. The comprehensive analysis and design with comparative evaluation of the
proposed PEC topologies with the state-of-art power converters are discussed in details.
• Proposal of a novel matrix (3×1) topology based non-isolated three phase buck
rectifier for large step down voltage gain. The proposed non-isolated topology is
subsequently, extended for three phase AC-DC conversion with galvanic isolation
as three phase non-isolated buck-boost converter for a wide range of output DC
• Proposal of a new SVM based switching modulation scheme for three phase line
and FPGA based processor is carried out. The proposed switching modulation
scheme provides high power conversion efficiency with superior input power quality.
• Small signal modelling and closed loop controller design for the matrix based AC-
• Proposal of an active soft-switched lossless snubber circuit for duty cycle loss mini-
mization and soft commutation of high frequency AC current in the isolated matrix
• Proposal and design of SQR based LLC resonant DC-DC converter for high volt-
additional voltage boost from the resonant tank. Development of an accurate dif-
ferential equation based analysis and design method for the discontinuous modes
• FHA based analysis of SQR based LLC resonant DC-DC converter. Derivation of
equivalent load resistance for LLC converter with SQR circuit. The FHA based
analysis and design approach is compared with the proposed differential equation
based method. The accuracy of the proposed design method over FHA is demon-
1.3 Outline of the Thesis
scheme especially suited for the proposed converter is presented for superior input power
quality with reduced power loss. Comprehensive analysis and design of the proposed
converter is carried out followed by digital simulation and laboratory based experimental
tests. Subsequently, the loss analysis of the proposed converter is carried out and a
comparative evaluation of the proposed converter with the traditional three phase buck
rectifier is provided to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed converter for large
for aircraft system. A space vector modulation based switching scheme is proposed and
digitally implemented for superior input power quality and improved power conversion
efficiency. A current doubler rectifier (CDR) circuit is used at the output side, which
essentially reduces the the primary to secondary turns ratio. Moreover, an active soft-
switched lossless snubber circuit is proposed to overcome the high voltage spikes produced
adding a series capacitor in the primary winding of the high-frequency transformer for the
modes of operation of the proposed converter with the CDR circuit are analyzed in detail.
Subsequently, the design equations for the proposed converter are derived. Simulation
and experimental results are presented for a laboratory based hardware prototype suitable
for aircraft systems.
the aircraft systems is presented. Both, the conventional three phase buck and the three
phase boost converter have limitations over the maximum and minimum voltage gains,
respectively. The proposed buck-boost converter overcomes such limitations and provides
output DC voltage with reduced current distortion and improved power conversion effi-
ciency. The benefits and the limitations of the proposed topology over state-of-art three
switch buck-boost rectifier are discussed. The topology and the principles of operation
of the proposed converter are explained in details. Further, steady state analysis and
design of the proposed converter are carried out. A scale down prototype is developed
with SQR circuit is presented. To obtain additional voltage gain from the resonant tank,
the converter is operated at switching frequency lower than the series resonant frequency
of the LLC tank. A new method based on basic differential equation is proposed for
the accurate analysis and design of the converter and subsequently, the key results are
input, 2 kV output, 200 W laboratory prototype has been designed, built, and tested.
Simulation and experimental results shown in this chapter demonstrate the validity of
Chapter 6 summarizes the concluding studies of the work described in this report
and some new dimensions are discussed that can be undertaken in future.
1.4 Conclusion
This chapter discusses the electrical distribution system of the traditional aircraft and
MEA. The significant benefits of MEA over traditional aircraft in terms of fuel consump-
tion and CO2 emission are discussed. Subsequently, the power electronics converters
required for aircrafts are presented. Various power converter topologies suitable for air-
craft are discussed. The benefits and limitation of each topologies are carefully evaluated.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents a novel matrix based non-isolated three phase AC-DC converter.
The proposed converter topology provides large step down voltage gain than a traditional
three phase PWM buck rectifier without compromising input power quality and power
conversion efficiency. Section 2.2 presents the brief review of three phase non-isolated
buck rectifiers. In Section 2.3, the new contributions of this chapter are discussed. Sec-
tion 2.4 describes the topology, modulation scheme and principle of operation of the
proposed converter in details. Steady state analysis and design are presented in Section
2.5 which includes voltage and current stress calculation on the semiconductor devices,
accurate estimation of input and output voltage/current ripple, filter design and effect
of modulation index on input current THD. In Section 2.6, digital simulation of the
converter is carried out and results are discussed. In Section 2.7, small signal modeling
followed by closed loop PI controller is presented for the proposed converter. A compar-
ative evaluation of the proposed converter with the traditional six switch buck rectifier
is carried out in Section 2.8. Subsequently, experimental results are presented in Section
Basically, two types of topologies are possible for AC-DC conversion: 1) boost type rec-
tifier 2) buck type rectifier. For applications, where lower output DC voltage is required,
buck type of rectifiers are used since the boost type structure has limitation over mini-
mum output DC voltage. Moreover, buck type topologies have other benefits over boost
type including direct start up and the over current protection in case of an output short
circuit [47]. Therefore, the buck type rectifiers are of high interest for applications such
as telecommunication, power supplies for process technology and More Electric Aircraft
The three phase buck rectifier with six switches is conventional topology and has
been widely discussed in the literature [49–52, 84]. In [85], an AC/DC matrix converter
with an optimized modulation strategy is presented for V2G application. A three phase
discontinuous mode buck rectifier has been presented in [48] where input power quality
comprehensive design of a thee phase three-switch buck type PWM rectifier is carried
out in [47].
The zero current switched buck rectifier circuits are presented in [86, 87] which
use an axillary circuit to achieve zero voltage switching with unity power factor. The
output of the buck rectifier is controlled by varying the modulation index, m (also known
as modulation depth) which essentially controls the pulse width of the gating signal to
the switching devices. In theory, the output voltage of a buck rectifier can be varied
value of input phase voltage. However, if the desired regulated output DC voltage is
lower than [ 34 Vm ], the converter always has to be operated at the modulation index, m
≤ 0.5 which under-utilizes the converter capability. Moreover, operation of the converter
at lower value of m increases the THD of input phase currents and the switch rms
current contributing to reduced input power quality and increased switch conduction
loss, respectively.
For large step down voltage gain, the matrix based AC-DC converter with an iso-
lation transformer can be used [88–90]. By changing the turns-ratio of the transformer,
the desired output DC voltage can be obtained. However, the applications where elec-
trical isolation is not mandatory, the use of transformer reduces the power density with
additional weight and power loss. Moreover, the leakage inductance of the transformer
Figure 2.1: Block diagram of the proposed matrix based AC-DC converter.
In this chapter, a non-isolated matrix based three phase AC-DC rectifier is proposed
Figure 2.2: Circuit schematic of the proposed three phase AC-DC rectifier. Each matrix switch
is formed by connecting two back to back MOSFETs.
which provides half of the voltage gain achieved by the conventional three phase buck
type rectifiers without compromising the input power quality and the power conversion
efficiency. The block diagram of the proposed converter is shown in Fig. 2.1. The input
three phase AC voltage is first filtered using an input LC filter followed by matrix (3 ×
1) topology. The matrix topology converts the three phase line frequency AC voltages
into an intermediate high frequency AC voltage. The high frequency AC voltage is then
fed to a Current Doubler Rectifier (CDR) circuit [91, 92] which in turn, rectifies it to
output DC voltage. The intermediate high frequency AC voltage generated by the matrix
topology allows the use of CDR circuit which essentially reduces the output DC voltage
by half. Moreover, the high frequency AC voltage reduces the passive filter elements of
( L and C) of the current doubler. A SVM based modulation scheme is proposed for the
• A novel matrix converter (3 × 1) based topology is proposed for large step down
power conversion efficiency;
• the proposed SVM based modulation scheme requires single control for each of the
matrix switches unlike the proposed two independent control for each matrix switch
in [58] and therefore, does not need switch body diode conduction and therefore,
1]. reduced number of isolated gate drivers (six for six matrix switches)
2]. no body diode loss (conduction loss and reverse recovery loss). Moreover, the
• comprehensive steady state analysis and design equations are presented based on
the modes of operation which are further validated using both simulation and ex-
perimental tests;
• detailed mathematical derivations are carried out for accurate input/output volt-
age/current ripple for the proposed matrix converter for the proposed modulation
• small signal modelling followed by closed loop PI controller is designed for the
• the comprehensive loss analysis of the proposed converter is carried out which is
• a comparative evaluation of the proposed converter with the traditional six switch
buck rectifier [12] is presented to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed converter.
2.4 Topology, Modulation Scheme and Principle of Opera-
In this section, the topology of matrix based non-isolated converter is discussed. Sub-
sequently, the modulation scheme for the proposed converter is derived based on SVM.
The different modes of operation of the converter is discussed in details which is used
for analysis and design in Section III. Fig. 2.2 shows the circuit schematic of the pro-
posed matrix based three phase AC-DC converter. It consists of three-phase ac input
(van , vbn , vcn ), input filter with inductors (La , Lb , Lc ) and capacitor (Ca , Cb , Cc ), six
bidirectional switches (S1 -S6 ), two diodes, D1 and D2 , two output filter inductors, Lf 1
2.4.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions have been taken for deriving the switching scheme of the
• The filter capacitor voltages are of purely sinusoidal in shape and in phase with the
• the dead time, td between the two adjacent matrix switches which is required to
Figure 2.3: Operation of the converter is divided into six similar sectors. Sector-1 ranges from θ
= 60o to 120o .
To derive the switching signals for the matrix converter, the three-phase input AC volt-
ages are divided into six equal sectors. During each sector, the current vector, Iref can
where, tα and tβ are the time for which iab and iac flow through the circuit, respectively
for one switching cycle, respectively. If Ts is the time period of one switching cycle, then
π 2π
For sector-1, θ varies from 3 radian to 3 radian as shown in Fig.2.5. The time interval,
to represents the zero period for the matrix converter. During this interval, the output
voltage of the matrix converter remains zero. Once the duration, tα , tβ and to are calcu-
lated, the next step is to arrange the time durations in a particular sequence to generate
scheme, the switching period, Ts is divided into two equal parts. In the first half, the
positive voltage is generated whereas in the second half, the negative voltage is generated.
However, the sum of the each time duration, tα , tβ and t0 are distributed in such a way
that they remain unchanged and satisfy (2.2). Each of the matrix switches, S1 - S6
the MOSFETs in the matrix switch facilitates four quadrant operation. In the proposed
modulation scheme, the two back to back connected MOSFETs are controlled with a sin-
gle control signal which is different from the traditional SVM based modulation scheme
where both MOSFETs are independently controlled. The single control for each of the
matrix switch requires only six isolated gate drivers for the matrix operation. When
control signal is ON, both of the MOSFETs are ON and therefore, the current always
flow through the MOSFET’s channel whereas when control signal is OFF, both of the
MOSFETs are in OFF state and no current flows through the matrix switch. The four
state of the switch in the proposed switching scheme is shown in Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.4(a)
Figure 2.4: The different states of the matrix switch, S1 (a). Switch S1 is ON and current is
flowing in the +ve direction. (b). Switch S1 is ON and current is flowing in the -ve direction.
(c). Switch S1 is OFF and +ve voltage appears across the switch. (d). Switch S1 is OFF and
-ve voltage appears across the switch.
and Fig. 2.4(b) show the state of the matrix switch, S1 when it is in ON state. The
current flows through the channel of the MOSFETs in both condition. Fig. 2.4(c) and
Fig. 2.4(d) show the state of the matrix switch when it is in OFF state. No current flows
through the switch, S1 . However, one of the body diodes of the MOSFETs is forward
biased due to the voltage across the switch S1 . As shown in Fig. 2.4(c), the body diode,
Dsw2 is forward biased whereas in Fig. 2.4(d), the body diode, Dsw1 is forward biased.
It is worth mentioning that there is no state of the matrix switch where body diodes
of the MOSFETs conduct. Therefore, in the proposed modulation scheme, losses due to
body diodes are eliminated. Moreover, as one of the body diodes of the matrix switch
remains forward biased in OFF state, it turn ON with Zero Voltage resulting in Zero
Voltage Switching (ZVS) of the MOSFET. For example, in Fig. 2.4(c), the MOSFET,
SW12 turns ON with ZVS. Therefore, the proposed switching scheme reduces both the
The complete modes of operation of the proposed converter can be divided into 6 modes.
For the first 3 modes (mode-1 to mode-3), the inversion signal U = 1, whereas for next
Mode-1 (t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 ): During this mode, the inductor currents, iLf 1 and iLf 2
flows through the diodes, D1 and D2 respectively resulting in zero voltage (vhf = 0) across
the matrix converter output. The output current, Io is shared equally in both diodes, D1
and D2 . No power transfer happens during this mode. The governing equation during
Figure 2.5: Theoretical modes of operation of the proposed AC-DC converter.(a). Reference
sawtooth signal, ST for switching signal generation. (b). Inversion signal, U . (c). Switching
signal sequence based on SVM method. (d). High frequency AC output, vhf . (e). High frequency
AC current, ihf . (f). Current in diode, D1 . (g). Current in diode, D2 .
this mode of operation is given as,
vhf (t − to ) = 0; ihf (t − to ) = 0; iD1 (t − to ) = iD2 (t − to ) = ; (2.6)
Mode-2 (t1 ≤ t ≤ t2 ): During this mode of operation, switches S1 and S4 are turned
ON resulting in vab at the matrix output. The diode, D1 remains off during this mode.
The diode, D2 shares all the output current. The governing equation during this mode
vhf (t − t1 ) = vab ; ihf (t − t1 ) = ; iD1 (t − t1 ) = 0; iD2 (t − t1 ) = Io ; (2.7)
Mode-3 (t2 ≤ t ≤ t3 ): During this mode of operation, switches S1 and S6 are turned
ON resulting in vac at the matrix output. The diodes, D1 remains off during this mode.
The diode, D2 shares all the output current. The governing equation during this mode
vhf (t − t2 ) = vac ; ihf (t − t2 ) = ; iD1 (t − t2 ) = 0; iD2 (t − t2 ) = Io ; (2.8)
Mode-4 (t3 ≤ t ≤ t4 ): This mode is exactly similar to mode-1. During this mode,
the inductor currents, iLf 1 and iLf 2 flows through the diodes, D1 and D2 respectively
resulting in zero voltage (vhf = 0) across the matrix converter output. The output
during this mode. The governing equation during this mode of operation is given as,
vhf (t − t3 ) = 0; ihf (t − t3 ) = 0; iD1 (t − t3 ) = iD2 (t − t3 ) = ; (2.9)
Mode-5 (t4 ≤ t ≤ t5 ): During this mode of operation, switches S2 and S3 are turned
ON resulting in -vab at the matrix output. The diodes, D2 remains off during this mode.
The diode, D1 shares all the output current. The governing equation during this mode
vhf (t − t4 ) = −vab ; ihf (t − t4 ) = ; iD1 (t − t4 ) = Io ; iD2 (t − t4 ) = 0; (2.10)
Mode-6 (t5 ≤ t ≤ t6 ): During this mode of operation, switches S2 and S5 are turned
ON resulting in -vac at the matrix output. The diodes, D2 remains off during this mode.
The diode, D1 shares all the output current. The governing equation during this mode
vhf (t − t5 ) = −vac ; ihf (t − t5 ) = ; iD1 (t − t5 ) = Io ; iD2 (t − t5 ) = Io ; (2.11)
The end of mode-6 completes the operation of the proposed converter for one switching
cycle. A mode similar to mode-1 starts after the end of mode-6 and thus, generates
In this section, the steady state analysis of the converter is carried out based on the
voltage and current stresses are derived for the proposed converter.
The derivation of voltage gain is based on the assumption that the output current, Io
is constant and ripple free through out the switching cycle (Ts ). By volt-time balance
across one of the filter inductors, voltage gain of the converter can be derived. Based on
the modes of operation shown in Fig. 2.5, the voltage across inductor is shown in Table.
to tα tβ Ts
− Vo + (vab − Vo ) + (vac − Vo ) − Vo ( ) = 0 (2.12)
2 2 2 2
Table 2.1: Voltage across inductor, Lf 1 .
Ts = to + tα + tβ (2.13)
From equation (1) - (7) the above equation can be further simplified to,
Vo = mVm (2.15)
where, Vm is the peak voltage of the input AC phase voltage. By controlling the value
In this sub-section, the voltage stresses on the active and passive devices are determined.
Vll,max = 3Vm (2.16)
Each of the matrix switches is realized by connecting two MOSFETs back to back as
shown in Fig. 2.4. It is to be noted that maximum voltage across each of the switches
is 3Vm . The voltage across one of the two switches of the matrix switch is zero as it is
forward biased.
Similarly, the maximum voltage stress across diodes, D1 and D2 is the maximum
value of high frequency AC output of the matrix converter, vhf which is 3Vm . During
mode-1 and mode-4 the voltage across both the diodes is zero (assuming zero forward
The filter inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 and filter capacitor, Co are selected for output
voltage Vo . A sufficient amount of margin should be considered while selecting the active
The calculation of current stress is based on the assumption that the load current, Io is
constant and ripple free and switching frequency, fs is much higher than the input voltage
The average and rms values of current in the matrix switch are calculated which are
critical for selecting the suitable switch for a given specification. Both average and rms
values are calculated for half of the mains period (θ = 0 to π ). For a given load current,
Io the amplitude of current in the matrix switches is 2. The calculation of the average
switch current is two step process. In the first step, the average is calculated for a
switching cycle whereas in the second step, it is calculated for entire line period (2π
radian). During half of the line period (π), the current in the switches can be divided
π Io tα π 2π
into three parts. For 0 to 3, the current 2 flows for only 2 duration. For 3 to 3
Io tα +tβ 2π
duration, current 2 flows for 2 duration. For the rest, For 3 to π duration he
Io tβ
current 2 flows for only 2 duration.
Based on the above discussion and using (2.3) and (2.4), the average current in the
which is simplified to
iSW,avg = m (2.18)
Similarly, the rms current in the switches can be calculated which is given by the
u 1 mI 2 Z π3 Z 2π
o 3 2π
iSW,rms = t sin(θ)dθ + sin( − θ)dθ + H (2.19)
π 8 0 π 3
2π Rπ
sin(θ − π3 )dθ +
where, H = π
2π sin(π − θ)dθ
3 3
It is important to note here that the use of current doubler rectifier circuit in the output
side reduces the current amplitude in the switches by half. As conduction loss in the
switches is directly proportional to the switch rms current, there is significant reduction
Figure 2.6: Form factor of the matrix switch current.
The form factor is defined as the ratio of rms current and average current. The lower
form factor of current indicated lower loss for a given output power. The form factor, kf
Fig. 2.6 shows that for a given average current, switch rms current increases with lower
modulation index which contributes to more switch losses. Therefore, it is not preferred
The current stresses in the current doubler rectifier diodes are calculated based on the
modes of operation as shown in Fig. 4. Table. II shows the current in diode during
one switching cycle. The average current, iD1 ,avg is calculated for the complete switching
Table 2.2: Current through the diodes, D1 and D2 .
cycle and is found to be 2. Similarly the rms value, iD1 ,rms is calculated. Similarly, avg
and rms currents in diode, D2 can be evaluated which is the same as diode, D1 .
iD1 ,avg = (2.22)
iD1 ,rms = √ (2.23)
In this section, the accurate method of estimating the input and output voltage/current
ripple for matrix based AC-DC converter is carried out. Subsequently, the design equa-
tion has been derived. To derive voltage and current ripple, following assumptions are
To calculate the voltage/current ripple in the input side, first the input voltage
ripple is calculated. Subsequently, the input current ripple is calculated based on the
input voltage ripple. This section is divided into two parts. The first part deals with
input voltage/current ripple whereas second deals with output voltage/current ripple.
Assuming the frequency of the high frequency AC output of the matrix converter is fs =
Ts , the output voltage ripple of the input filter capacitor is derived. During zero period,
2 the input current charges the filter capacitor which results in peak to peak voltage
ripple, vC,pk . The voltage current relationship of the capacitor is given by,
dvc (t)
i(t) = Ci (2.24)
From (2.24), the peak to peak voltage ripple can be derived by,
∆vc (t) = i(t)dt (2.25)
Assuming unity power factor, the phase -a current can be written as, i(t) = Im sin θ.
where, θ = 2πfi t. fi is the input line frequency. Based on the switching cycle shown in
Fig. 2.7, the unfiltered input current is shown in Fig. 2.8. It is to be noted that when no
current is flowing, the input filter inductor current is charging the input filter capacitor
resulting in peak to peak input voltage ripple. The time period for which the current,
i(t) charges the filter capacitor, Ci during half of the switching cycle is derived as,
tc = (1 − m sin θ) (2.26)
Figure 2.8: Unfiltered input phase-a current.
For a load current, Io , the peak of the input current Im is found by input-output
From (2.27) and (2.28), the input filter capacitor ripple is derived as,
∆vc (θ) = m sin θ(1 − m sin θ) (2.29)
4Ci fs
• for θ = 2 and m = 1, voltage ripple is zero.
Io ∆Vc
Lets define, α = 4Ci fs . A graph is plotted for α with θ at different modulation
index to show the variation of input capacitor voltage ripple as shown in Fig. 2.9. The
maximum voltage ripple from (2.29) is found where m sin θ = 2 which provides,
∆Vc,max = (2.30)
16Ci fs
The angle θ, at which the maximum capacitor voltage ripple occurs is given by,
θmax = sin−1 ( ) (2.31)
Figure 2.9: Variation of input capacitor voltage ripple.
where, m ≥ 0.5
The input current ripple can be given in terms of capacitor voltage ripple as,
∆vc (θ)
∆i(θ) = (2.32)
4πfs Li
From (2.30) and (2.32), the maximum value of current ripple in the line inductor of value,
Li is given by,
1 Io
∆Imax = (2.33)
64π Ci Li fs2
It should be noted that by increasing the switching frequency, fs and line induc-
In this section, the output voltage and current ripple are calculated. As shown in Fig.
2.2, the inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 are identical output inductors. The current ripple in
one inductor is shifted by 180o with respect to another inductor. Assuming the peak to
peak current ripple in both the inductors are triangular and identical, the output current
ripple and the output voltage ripple are calculated. This section is divided into two
subsections. In the first subsection, the current ripple in one of the output inductors is
derived. Subsequently, the output ripple of the total load current is estimated. In the
Ts +to
Assume, Lf 1 = Lf 2 = Lo . As shown in Fig. 2.5(f), the diode D1 conducts for 2
duration for which the voltage across the inductor, Lf 1 remains (−Vo ). The current in
inductor, Lf 1 falls with a constant slope which results in peak to peak current ripple.
From Fig. 2.10, the output current ripple in the inductor Lf 1 is given by,
∆ILf 1 = Ts + to (2.34)
Assuming ripple to be of triangular shape, the output current ripple is half in the magni-
tude and double in frequency due to the interleaving of the output filter inductors which
Vo m
∆ILo = 1 − sin θ (2.36)
2Lo fs 2
As shown in (2.36), the output current ripple is not constant throughout the sector. It
varies with the angle, θ. Assuming, β = 2Lo fs , the peak to peak inductor current ripple
Figure 2.11: Variation of output current ripple for sector-1 (θ = 60o to 120o ).
The maximum value of output current ripple is at the starting and the ending of
From (2.37), it is evident that the maximum value of current ripple depends on the
modulation index, filter inductance and switching frequency. By increasing the filter
inductance and switching frequency, ∆ILo,M AX can be reduced. With increase in the
Fig. 2.12 shows the output current ripple and output voltage ripple waveforms. The
Ts Ts
output capacitor is charged for 8 time period and then discharges for 8 as shown in
2.12(b). The resulting capacitor voltage ripple is shown in 2.12(c). It is to be noted that
the derivation is carried for maximum output current ripple, ∆ILo,M AX . The derivation
of maximum capacitor voltage ripple is carried out as follows. From the basic charge, Q
∆Vo = (2.38)
1 ∆ILo,M AX Ts
∆Q = (2.39)
2 2 4
From (2.37), (2.38) and (2.39), the maximum output voltage ripple is derived as,
Vo 3m
∆Vo,M AX = 2
1− (2.40)
32Lo Co fs 4
In this sub-section the design of filter is carried out. There are two type of filters 1).
input LC filter and 2). output LC filter required in the proposed converter. The design
49 Input filter design
Unlike PWM boost kind of rectifiers, the input filter of the proposed converter is an
LC filter. For getting smooth sinusoidal current, high quality capacitors with low ESR,
ESL and high current ratings are required. However, a large value of input capacitor
results in capacitive reactive power leading to low power factor particularly in low power
where, ωi = 2πfi It is desirable that even at low load, the displacement power factor does
not go below a certain value. Based on this specification, the upper limit of input filter
Figure 2.13: Configuration of damped input filter for the proposed converter.
After the selection of capacitor value, the inductor value is chosen. Typically the
resonant frequency is kept higher than 20 times of the supply frequency and lower than
one-third of the PWM frequency [93]. The input voltage and current ripple of the LC
filter for the selected inductor and capacitor values are calculated using (2.30) and (2.33).
Based on [93], the damping resistor for the filter is selected. Fig. 2.13 shows the per
phase equivalent circuit of the proposed matrix converter. For the chosen configuration
of the damped resistor for the input LC filter, the voltage and current transfer functions
can be derived as,
vi (s) sCi (Rd + sLi )
Gvd = = 2 (2.42)
vs (s) s Rd Li Ci + sLi + Rd
ii (s) Rd + sLi
Gid = = 2 (2.43)
is (s) s Rd Li Ci + sLi + Rd
The input source voltage, vs is balanced and sinusoidal. However, the output current, ii
is pulse width modulated current as shown in Fig. 2.15 and therefore, it contains high
By using a damping resistor, the LC oscillations of the input filter can be attenuated.
Based on the (2.42) and (2.42), the resonant frequency, ωr,i and damping factor, ξ are
given as,
ωr,i = √ (2.44)
Li Ci
1 Li
ξ= (2.45)
2Rd Ci
The frequency response plot for the current transfer function, Gid is plotted for different
damping resistance values and shown in Fig. 2.14. The values of input inductor, Li and
the input capacitor, Ci are chosen to be 200 µH and 1.2 µF. It is evident from Fig. 2.14
that lower the resistance value (higher the damping factor), poorer is the high frequency
attenuation. Therefore, a compromise is needed between the damping factor and the
filtering performance.
In the output of the proposed converter, a current doubler circuit is used which consists of
two equal inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 and an output capacitor, Co . The design of inductors,
Lf 1 and Lf 2 is carried out in such a manner that the peak-to-peak value of the DC
output inductor current ripple, ∆iLo,M ax is limited to a given value. The peak to peak
value of the inductor current ripple can be calculated using (2.37) With this the output
Figure 2.14: Bode plot for the current transfer function, Gid for different damping resistance
value. (a) Rd = 10 Ω. (b) Rd = 50 Ω. (c) Rd = 100 Ω.
where, mmin is the minimum modulation index and fs is the switching frequency of the
converter. The output current is sum of the currents in inductors Lf 1 and Lf 2 . The
two inductor behaves like interleaved inductors and essentially and therefore, the peak
to peak current ripple in the output current, Io is reduced. The ripple frequency of the
the size of output capacitor. The output capacitor, Co is selected in order to limit the
peak-to-peak value of the output voltage ripple given by (2.40). The output capacitor
2.5.6 Effect of modulation index (m) on the THD of the input line
In this subsection, the effect of modulation index, m on the THD of the input line current
input current becomes narrower and therefore, the THD of the current increased. In
this subsection, the THD of the unfiltered input current shown in Fig. 2.15 is derived
analysis is subjected to the assumption that the phase voltages (which are also the
where, Irms is the rms value of unfiltered input current and I1,rms is the rms value of
the fundamental of the unfiltered input current. The rms value of the unfiltered input
Figure 2.15: Unfiltered input current and fundamental input current of the proposed converter.
current, Irms is calculated in two steps. In the first step, the rms value of the current
for a switching period, Ts is calculated. If the rms value of the current for a switching
cycle is given by Irms,θ then,
s 2
Irms,θ = D(θ) (2.49)
where, D(θ) is the duty cycle of the pulsed current at angle, θ. In the second step, the
To calculate the rms value of the fundamental current, the Fourier analysis of
the unfiltered input current shown in Fig. 2.15 is carried out. The analytical harmonic
where, ωs and ωo are the switching frequency and the line frequency of the proposed
converter, respectively. From (2.52), the rms value of the fundamental current, Iin,rms
is derived as,
Iin,rms = √ mIo (2.53)
4 2
The THD of the unfiltered input current is calculated using (2.48), (2.51) and (2.53).
T HD = −1 (2.54)
Fig. 2.16 shows the variation of THD with modulation index, m. It is worth noticing
that the at lower modulation index, the THD of unfiltered input current increases and
In this section, the digital simulation of the proposed converter for the given specification
in Table. 2.3 is carried out. Based on the steady state analysis, the different parameters
of the converter are designed. Further, the current stresses in passive and active devices
and voltage and current ripple are evaluated for the proposed converter using both digital
Parameters Values
Input Voltage, vabc 115 Vac (rms), 400 Hz
Output Voltage, Vo 90 V DC
Switching Frequency, fs 40 kHz
Output Power, Po 500 W
compromise between high power conversion efficiency and high power density. The spec-
ification of an example converter suitable for aircraft system is provided in Table. 2.3.
With switching frequency, fs =40 kHz the value of passive components are selected
as Lf 1 =Lf 2 = 1.2 mH, Co = 400 µF, filter inductor (La = Lb = Lc ) = 200 µH, filter
capacitor (Ca = Cb = Cc ) = 1.2 µF following the design rules given in Section III-C and
MATLAB 2015a for full load. The current stresses of active/passive devices as well as
voltage and current ripple are evaluated which are compared with analytical solutions
found by following Section III.C and D. The Table. 2.4 shows the comparison of the re-
sults obtained using analytic calculation and digital simulation. The results are obtained
for 115 Vrms AC to 90 V DC conversion. The digital simulation validates the analysis
of the proposed converter. The proposed matrix converter directly converts three phase
Table 2.4: Comparisons of the results obtained by analytic solution and digital simulation.
line frequency AC into single phase high frequency. Fig. 2.17(a) shows the input three
phase AC, van , vbn , vcn . Fig. 2.17(b) shows the high frequency AC output, vhf of the
matrix converter. Fig. 2.17(c) shows the corresponding high frequency AC current, ihf .
The frequency of the vhf depends on the switching frequency, fs . The switching
Figure 2.17: (a). Three phase input AC voltage, va , vb , vc [V]. (b). High frequency AC voltage,
vhf [V]. (c). High frequency AC current, ihf [A].
frequency, fs of the converter is selected as 40 kHz. Fig. 2.18 shows the zoomed picture
of vhf and ihf . A symmetrical bipolar high frequency AC of frequency (fs = 40 kHz) is
generated using matrix topology. A dead time is introduced to avoid short circuiting of
the input filter capacitor. The proposed modulation scheme is based on SVM modulation
scheme and it provides superior input power quality. Fig. 2.19 shows the three phase
input current for full load (500 W). The THD of the current is estimated and found to
be 3.25 % as shown in Fig. 2.20. Fig.3.19 shows the input phase voltage, van and phase
current, ia for full load. The displacement power factor is found to be almost unity. The
high frequency AC output of the matrix converter is processed using current doubler
rectifier circuit. Fig. 2.22(a) shows the output DC voltage, Vo . Fig. 2.22(b) and Fig.
2.22.(c) show the inductor current, iLf 1 and iLf 2 respectively. The output current, Io is
In this section, the closed loop control of the proposed converter is presented. Fig. 2.23
shows the block diagram for the closed loop control of the proposed converter. The three
phase input voltage, output voltage and output current is sensed and given to controller
for generating switching signals for the matrix switches. This section is divided into
three subsections. In the first subsection, the small signal modelling of the converter
is carried out and subsequently, the plant transfer functions are obtained. In second
subsection, a two loop PI control consisting of an outer slow voltage loop and an inner
fast current loop, is designed and its performance is analysed. In third subsection, the
proposed converter is simulated in MATLAB Simulink with designed controller and its
Fig. 2.24 shows the equivalent circuit model of the matrix based AC-DC converter. The
input voltage is symmetrical bipolar high frequency voltage indicated by vhf (t). The
input voltage, vhf (t) is synthesized by two of the three line-to-line input voltage vectors
based on the sector of operation. The three state variables in the circuit are output filter
inductor currents, iLf 1 (t), iLf 2 (t) and the output filter capacitor voltage, vc (t). The
inductor currents iLf 1 (t) and iLf 2 (t) are equal and symmetrical and therefore, can be
deduced in terms of single state variable, io (t). Similarly, the output capacitor voltage,
Figure 2.18: (a). High frequency AC voltage, vhf [V]. (b). High frequency AC current, ihf [A].
Figure 2.19: Three phase input AC current, ia , ib , ic [A]. The simulated THD of current is found
to be 3 %
Figure 2.20: FFT spectrum of input phase-a current. The fundamental frequency is 400 Hz. The
other frequencies which have relatively larger percentage are 5th , 7th and 11th harmonics of the
fundamental frequency.
Figure 2.21: Input phase-a current, ia [A] and input phase-a voltage, va [V]. The displacement
power factor of the converter is almost found to be unity
Figure 2.22: (a). Output DC voltage, Vo [v]. (b). output filter inductor current, iLf 1 [A]. (c).
output filter inductor current, iLf 2 [A]
Figure 2.23: Block diagram of the close loop control of the proposed converter.
Figure 2.24: Equivalent circuit model of three phase matrix based AC-DC converter.
vc (t) is the output voltage voltage, vo (t). Based on the above discussion, io (t) and vo (t)
are taken as the state variables. The relationship between inductor currents and capacitor
io (t)
iLf 1 (t) = iLf 2 (t) = ; vc (t) = vo (t) (2.55)
In Fig. 2.25, the voltage across output filter inductor, Lf 1 is shown. Depending on the
Figure 2.25: Voltage across the output filter inductor, Lf 1 during one switching cycle, Ts in
input voltage, vhf (t), the voltage across Lf 1 is divided into four part for one switching
cycle (Ts ). During each part, the state equations are derived which is subsequently
averaged over complete switching cycle, Ts to obtain the final state equation. Assuming
Lf 1 = Lf 2 = Lo , the state equations for different time duration are written as,
diLf 1 (t)
−vo (t) = Lo ; to ≤ t < t1 (2.56)
diLf 1 (t)
vab (t) − vo (t) = Lo ; t1 ≤ t < t2 (2.57)
diLf 1 (t)
vac (t) − vo (t) = Lo ; t2 ≤ t < t3 (2.58)
diLf 1 (t)
−vo (t) = Lo ; t3 ≤ t < t4 (2.59)
to tα tβ
It is to be noted that the durations [to -t1 ], [t1 -t2 ], [t2 -t3 ] and [t3 -t4 ] exist for 2, 2 , 2
and 2 respectively. Averaging the equations (2.56) to (2.59) over time period, Ts results
to tα tβ Ts diLf 1 (t)
− vo (t) + + + + vab (t)tα + vac (t)tβ = Lo Ts (2.60)
| 2 2{z 2 2} |
{z } dt
−vo (t)Ts 4
mVm Ts
dio (t) 3
Lo = m(t)Vm − 2vo (t) (2.61)
dt 2
where, m(t) is the modulation index and Vm is the peak of the input phase voltage. The
equivalent circuit for the output filter capacitor, Co remains same for the switching cycle
and therefore, the state-equation for capacitor voltage which is also the output voltage
To find the transfer functions, small perturbations in state variables, vo (t), io (t) and m(t)
are introduced which are subsequently, put in (2.61) and (2.63). The ac and dc part of
the both equations are equated. The Laplace transform of the ac part is carried out and
∧ ∧ ∧
vo (t) = Vo + vo ; io (t) = Io + io ; m(t) = M + m; (2.64)
Using (2.61), (2.63) and (2.64), the ac parts of the equations are equated and following
Taking Laplace transform of (2.66), the V-I transfer function, Tp1 (s) is obtained.
vo (s) 1/Co
Tp1 (s) = = (2.67)
io (s) s + Ro1Co
Further, taking Laplace transform of (2.65) and using (2.67), the io - m transfer function,
io (s) 3Vm Ro Co
Tp2 (s) = = s 2 (2.68)
m(s) 2Lo s2 + Ro Co + Lo Co
In this subsection, control loop design of the converter is carried out for a given speci-
fication. The converter specification are given as follows: Vm = 115 2, Lo = 1.2 mH,
Co =800 µF, m = 0.73, Ro = 16.2 Ω. The gain and phase plot of the transfer functions,
Tp1 (s) and Tp2 (s) are shown in Fig. 2.26. The crossover frequency, fc2 of the transfer
function, Tp2 (s) is 32 kHz and the phase margin is 90o . For the transfer function, Tp1 (s),
the crossover frequency, fc1 is 200 Hz and the phase margin is found to be 93.5o . For
loads such as battery and fuel cells, the current should be stable as their performance
Figure 2.26: Bode plot of the transfer functions, Tp1 (s) and Tp2 (s).
Figure 2.27: l Bode plot of the transfer functions, Tp1 (s) and Tp2 (s).
is very much dependent on current ripple. To have a smooth DC current in the output,
it is necessary to have faster current control loop. Moreover, making the voltage loop
significantly slower than current loop, design of controller become easier as both control
loop can be designed independently. Fig. 2.27 shows the control system for the proposed
AC-DC converter. The voltage loop generates current reference. The bandwidth of cur-
rent control loop is kept more than 10 times to have faster response compared to voltage
control loop. This subsection is divided into three parts. In this first part, current con-
trol loop with appropriate PI controller is designed whereas in second part, the voltage
control loop is designed. In the third part, the effect of load resistance on the controller
performance is investigated.
The objective of the design of current control loop is to meet the design criteria specified
for bandwidth and phase margin. A PI controller is designed to increase the low frequency
gain and reduce the steady state error between the reference inductor current and actual
inductor current while maintaining a positive phase margin (typically 60o ) and a large
Assuming the reference current to be 5.5 A, the gain of H2 (s) block for 500 W
output power and 90 V output voltage can be calculated. The gain of H2 (s) = ( 500 )
1. From Fig. 2.27, the open loop transfer function of the current loop is given by,
For 60o phase margin at 2 kHz cross over frequency, the PI controller parameters are
• The gain of TOL2 (s) should be 1 at the crossover frequency i.e. | TOL2 (s) | = 1
• The phase of TOL2 (s) at cross over frequency should be PM-180o i.e. ∠TOL2 (s) =
Based on these two conditions, the PI controller parameters, kp2 and ki2 are calcu-
lated and found to be 0.053 and 383.34, respectively. The bode plot of TOL2 (s) and Tp2 (s)
are plotted in Fig. 2.28(a). It is to be noted that the designed PI controller increases
the low frequency gain. Moreover, the desired phase margin of 60o and 2 kHz cross over
frequency is obtained.
Figure 2.28: (a). Bode plot of the transfer functions, Tp2 (s) and TOL2 (s). (b). Bode plot of the
transfer functions, Tp1 (s) and TOL1 (s).
66 Voltage control loop
The outer voltage loop is designed significantly slower than inner current control loop and
therefore, the dynamics of current control loop are ignored while designing the voltage
control loop. The outer voltage control loop generates the current reference for inner
current control loop. For voltage control loop, the reference voltage is taken as 0.9. For
90 VDC output the gain, H1 (s) is calculated to be 90 = 0.01. Thus, the open loop
For PI controller design, the phase margin of the TOL1 (s) is considered to be 60o with
cross-over frequency of 100 Hz. Similar to current control loop the PI parameters, kp1
and ki1 are designed based on the two conditions given by,
• The gain of TOL1 (s) should be 1 at the crossover frequency i.e. | TOL1 (s) | = 1
• The phase of TOL1 (s) at cross over frequency should be PM-180o i.e. ∠TOL1 (s) =
Based on these two conditions, the PI controller parameters, kp1 and ki1 are calculated
and found to be 40 and 19154, respectively. The bode plot of TOL1 (s) and Tp1 (s) are
plotted in Fig. 2.28(b). It is to be noted that the designed PI controller increases the
low frequency gain. Moreover, the desired phase margin of 60o and 2 kHz cross over
frequency is obtained.
67 Effect of output load variation on control performance
In this subsection, the open loop transfer function of both inner current control loop and
outer voltage control loop is analysed for load variation. Fig. 2.29 shows the bode plot
for open loop transfer functions, TOL1 (s) and TOL2 (s) for load variation from 100 % to 15
%. The phase margin and cross over frequency remain unchanged for the load variation
as shown in Fig. Fig. 2.29. Therefore, the designed control loops confirms the closed
Figure 2.29: (a). Bode plot of the transfer functions, TOL2 (s) for full load (I) and 15 % of the
full load (II). (b). Bode plot of the transfer functions, TOL1 (s) for full load (I) and 15 % of the
full load (II).
To validate the control loop design of the matrix based AC-DC converter, the converter is
simulated in MATLAB-2016b with the specification shown in Table. 2.3. The converter
is designed for full load output power of 500 W (Ro = 16.2 Ω). A step load change from
15 % of the full load to 100 % of the full load is carried out to demonstrate the dynamic
Figure 2.30: (a). Output voltage, Vo in volts (b). Output current, Io in amperes. (c). Phase-a
input voltage, van . (d). Phase-a input current, ia .
performance of the converter for the designed closed two loop control system.
Fig. 2.30 shows the simulated results of the proposed matrix based AC-DC con-
verter for step load change under the designed closed loop control. At t = 0.2 s, the
which gets regulated again at t = 0.215 s as shown in Fig. 2.30(a). The corresponding
variation in output current is shown in Fig. 2.30(b). As the current control loop is faster,
the overshoot is relatively smaller. The input phase voltage and phase current are shown
2.8 Comparative loss evaluation of the proposed converter
In this section, the loss analysis of the proposed converter is carried out. This section
is divided into three subsections. In the first subsection, the semiconductor losses of the
proposed converter are carried out. In the second subsection, the semiconductor losses
in the traditional six switch buck rectifier based on [12] are carried out. Subsequently,
the semiconductor losses of these two converters are compared in the third subsection at
different switching frequency and at different output power. It is to be noted that since
the input and output filter of the two converters are almost identical, the loss comparison
The semiconductor losses in the proposed converter are divided into two parts- 1). con-
duction loss and 2). switching loss. These two losses are calculated for the proposed
converter as follows:
In the proposed modulation scheme, the body diodes of the MOSFETs in the matrix
switches do not conduct and therefore, the switch conduction losses is only due to the
The total conduction loss in the matrix switches, Pc,M atrix is given by,
where, Rds,ON is the ON resistance of the MOSFETs used to implement matrix switch.
Similarly, the conduction loss in the CDR diodes is calculated based on average and rms
current calculated in (22) and (23). The total conduction loss in the CDR diodes, Pc,CDR
is given by,
where, RD and Vf are the ON resistance and forward voltage drop of the CDR diodes,
The switching losses in the proposed converter are divided into three parts. The first
part is due to the overlapping of voltage and current during MOSFET turn ON and turn
OFF. The second part is due to the charging and discharging of the parasitic capacitance
of the MOSFETs and the CDR diodes. The third part is the gate driving loss. To
calculate the total switching loss of the proposed converter, all these three losses are
taken into consideration. As SiC diodes are used in both proposed and traditional, the
reverse recovery losses have not been considered for switching loss calculation in diodes.
Taking VDS,ON as drain-source voltage prior to turn ON of the MOSFET and ION
as the drain-source current after turn ON, the power loss during turn ON, Psw,ON can
Psw,ON = tr fs (2.73)
where, tr is the overlapping period during the turn ON of the MOSFET of the matrix
The drain-source voltage, VDS,ON varies throughout the line period, Ti = fi and
thus, the average value of VDS,ON is taken for calculating turn ON loss using (2.75). The
current, ION remains constant and its value is given by 2, where Io is the output current
of the converter.
Fig. 2.31 shows the voltage variation, vsw (θ) across one of the MOSFETs of the
matrix switch. During the one third of the line period, (θ = 3 to 2π) the voltage across
the MOSFET is zero which results in ZVS in this region. The average voltage across the
MOSFET is thus calculated by integrating the switch voltage, vsw from θ = 0 to θ = 2π.
if the average value of the drain-source voltage is represented by < VDS,ON > , then
Figure 2.31: Voltage across on of the MOSFETs of the matrix switch for a line cycle (Ti = fi ).
Z 2π
1 3 3
< VDS,ON >= vsw (θ)dθ = Vm (2.74)
2π o π
The total turn ON power loss, Psw,ON,total for the matrix switches is given by the follow-
9 3
Psw,ON,total = Vm Io tr fs (2.75)
During the turn OFF the matrix switch, the voltage across the two back-to-back con-
nected MOSFETs are different. One of the MOSFETs is charged to VDS,ON whereas
other MOSFET is charged to the forward voltage drop of the diode, Vf . As Vf is too
small in comparison to VDS,ON , the turn OFF loss due to one MOSFET is only taken
into consideration. With this, the total turn OFF loss of the matrix switch is given by,
9 3
Psw,OF F,total = Vm Io tf fs (2.76)
where, tf is the overlapping period during the turn OFF of the MOSFET.
The switching loss due to charging and discharging of the output capacitor in each
where, Coss is the output capacitance of the MOSFET of the matrix switch. The output
Figure 2.32: Voltage across on of the CDR diodes, D1 for a switching cycle, Ts .
capacitance of the diodes of the CDR circuit, Coss,D also charges and discharges resulting
in additional switching loss. The voltage across one of the CDR diodes, D1 is shown for
a switching cycle, Ts in Fig.2.32. The diode capacitance charges and discharges during
this period which results in switching loss. The switching loss at given θ during a sector
depends on the voltages vab and vac . Integrating the loss at theta for a full sector provides
2 2
Psw,CDR (θ) = Coss,D (vab + vac )fs (2.78)
π 2π
Integrating the (2.78) for θ = 3 to 3 results in,
Z 2π Z 2π
3 3 3 3
2 2
Psw,CDR = Psw,CDR (θ)dθ = Coss,D (vab + vac )fs dθ (2.79)
π π π π
3 3
which is simplified to,
9 3
Psw,CDR = Coss,D Vm2 3+ fs (2.80)
where, Coss,D is the output capacitance of the diode of the CDR circuit. As there are
twelve MOSFETs and two CDR diodes in the proposed converter, the total switching
loss due to charging and discharging of the MOSFETs capacitance and the CDR diodes
is given by,
√ √
3 3
12(π + 8 ) 1 3
Psw,C,total = Coss Vm2 fs + 2Coss,D Vm2 + fs (2.81)
π 6 8π
where, Coss is the output capacitance of each of the MOSFETs. Similarly, the total gate
Taking all losses into consideration, the total semiconductor loss, Ptotal,proposed of the
matrix switcher under the proposed modulation scheme is give by the following:
3mIo2 Rds,ON
Ptotal,proposed = + Io2 RD + Io Vf +Pswitchingloss,proposed (2.83)
| π {z }
conduction loss
√ √
3 3
9 3 12(π + 8 )
Pswitchingloss,proposed = Vm Io fs (ttr + ttf ) + Coss Vm2 fs +
4π π
1 3
12Ciss Vg2 fs + 2Coss,D Vm2 + fs (2.84)
6 8π
2.8.2 Semiconductor losses in the traditional six switch buck rectifier
The comprehensive loss analysis of the traditional six switch buck rectifier is presented
in [12]. The rms and avg current of the semiconductor devices are derived based on
[12]. It should be noted that in the traditional buck rectifier, the amplitude of the switch
current is equal to the load current, Io unlike the proposed converter where the amplitude
of the switch current is half of the load current. This not only reduces the switch rms
current but also reduces the switching loss almost by half in the proposed converter.
Assuming all the semiconductor devices of the traditional converter are identical to the
proposed converter, the total loss of the traditional six switch buck rectifier is given by
the following:
6 6
Ptotal,traditional = M Rds,ON Io2 + M (Io2 RD + Io Vf ) +
| {z } π
| {z }
Mosfet conduction loss Switch diode conduction loss
(1 − )(Io2 Rf + Io Vf ) +Pswitchingloss,traditional (2.85)
| π {z }
Output diode conduction loss
3 3
Pswitchingloss,traditional = Vm Io tr fst +
9 3
12( 7π
16 − 32 ) Coss + 3Coss,D 2
( )Vm fst + 6Ciss Vg2 fst (2.86)
π 2
where, M and fst are the modulation index and the switching frequency of the tra-
ditional converter, respectively. It is worth noticing that all the diodes of the traditional
It is important to note here that the value of modulation index is not same in
both the proposed and traditional converter. For same input and output specification,
the modulation indexes and the switching frequencies of the proposed and traditional
unipolar high frequency output at its output, the matrix switching frequency fs and the
2.8.3 Snubber loss in the proposed converter and six switch buck rec-
The snubber loss equation for both topologies have been derived. For the 12 MOSFETs
in the proposed converter, 12 R-C snubber circuits are added whereas in the six switch
buck rectifier 6 MOSFETs requires 6 R-C snubber circuit. It has to be noted that for
the same input line frequency ripple, the buck rectifier switches has to be operated at
twice the switching frequency as compared to matrix based buck rectifier. With this, the
In this subsection the semiconductor losses in the proposed and the traditional six switch
converter are compared at different output power and switching frequencies. For com-
paring the losses of the proposed and the traditional converter, identical semiconductor
devices have been chosen. Based on the selected semiconductor devices given in Table.
3.8, the various parameters of the two converters are shown in Table. 2.5.
Parameter Value
Mosfet ON resistance, Rds,ON 200 mΩ
Mosfet input capacitance, Ciss 2170 pF
Mosfet output capacitance, Coss,D 70 pF
CDR diode Resitance, RD 50 mΩ
CDR diode capacitance, Coss,D 200 pF
Forward voltage drop of CDR diode, Vf 1.8 V
Snubber capacitor, Cs 0.5 nF
Figure 2.33: Total semiconductor power loss versus output power, Po and switching frequency,
fs for the proposed rectifier and six switch buck rectifier [12].
Assuming the device parameters to be same for 100 W to 2000 W, the total semi-
conductor losses including snubber losses of the two converters are calculated for varying
switching frequency, fs (20 kHz to 100 kHz) evaluated using the loss equations derived
in Subection 2.7.1 for modulation index, m = 0.7. The results are illustrated through a
3D plot in Fig. 2.33. The followings observation are made through the loss analysis of
• The proposed converter provides lower semiconductor loss compared to the three
phase buck rectifier for the same input-output specifications at relatively lower
• For a given output power, the semiconductor losses of both - the traditional and
the proposed converter becomes equal at certain switching frequency. For example,
at fs = 40 kHz, the losses of these two converters are almost equal at 500 W output
power. However, increasing the output power at this switching frequency results
in lower semiconductor losses in the proposed converter than the three phase buck
• As shown in Fig. 2.33, by increasing the output power, the yellow line shifts
at higher switching frequencies which shows that with the increase in the output
power, the proposed converter can be operated at higher switching frequency with
overall lower semiconductor loss than the traditional three phase six switch buck
• The proposed converter can be operated at higher switching frequency with lower
semiconductor loss at higher power as shown in Fig. 2.33. As the increased switch-
ing frequency corresponds to reduced size/volume of the passive and magnetic el-
ements, the proposed converter can provide higher power density at high output
Fig. 2.34 shows the prototype of the proposed matrix based non isolated AC-DC rectifier.
The converter is divided into four modules. First module consists of filter inductor and
damping resistor. The second module consists of power devices, gate drivers and input
filter capacitor. The output of second module is processed using current doubler (3rd
module) to provide the rectified DC output voltage. The fourth module consists of
voltage/ current sensors, DSP board and FPGA board. The matrix switches are formed
using two discreet MOSFETs by connecting them back to back as shown in Fig. 2.4. The
three phase input voltage is sensed and given to DSP board to generate PWM signals
which are further processed using FPGA board to generate switching signal for gate
drivers [94]. The active and passive components selected for the experimental validation
Figure 2.34: Hardware prototype of the proposed matrix based AC-DC converter.
Table 2.6: Active and passive components selected for experimental validation of the proposed
matrix based three phase ac-dc converter.
Component Specification
1 MOSFET, S1 -S6 FCA16N60N, 600 V, 16 A
2 Diode D1 , D2 C3D10060A-ND, 600 V 14.5 A
3 Input filter inductors, La , Lb , Lc 513-1660-ND, 200 µH 7A
4 Input filter capacitor, Ca , Cb , Cc PCF1569-N, 1.2 µF 630 VDC
5 Output Inductor, Lf 1 , LF 2 513-1654-ND, 1.2 mH 4.7 A
6 Output capacitor, Co Electorlytic capacitor 400 µF, 400 V
7 FPGA controller board ALTERA QUARTUS II
8 Microcontroller board TMDSCN28335
2.9.2 Controller
The controller hardware for the proposed converter includes a DSP board and a FPGA
board. The DSP board used is the TI TMDSCNF28335 evaluation board whereas the
FPGA board used is ALTERA QUARTUS II board. The three phase input AC voltage
is sensed and given to the DSP board which in turn, generates PWM signal. A abc-dq
based PLL is implemented inside DSP for calculating the phase angle, θ. Based on θ and
modulation index, m the DSP generates PWM signals. The PWM signals are further
processed using FPGA board based on the sector information and thus, final switching
signals are generated which are given to the gate drivers [95]. The detailed digital control
The proposed matrix based AC-DC converter is tested with a resistor load and three
phase input voltage of 115 V(rms), AC at 400 Hz. The power devices are mounted with
heat sinks and additional fan cooling is provided for the converter to test at full load.
Fig. 2.35 shows input phase-a voltage, van and high frequency AC, vhf . The proposed
matrix topology converts three phase line frequency AC directly into single phase high
frequency AC. Subsequently, the high frequency AC output is processed using current
doubler rectifier to provide the required DC output voltage. Fig. 2.36 shows the rectified
output DC voltage, Vo and high frequency AC output, vhf of the matrix converter.
Fig. 2.37 shows the high frequency AC output the converter. It is evident that the
Figure 2.35: Input phase voltage, van and high frequency AC output, vhf .
output is symmetrical and bipolar. The small zero period between the adjacent voltage
is due to the presence of dead time, td which is required to avoid the short circuit of
the input filter capacitor during switch transition. Fig. 2.38 shows the high frequency
Figure 2.38: High frequency AC output , vhf and high frequency AC current, ihf of the matrix
converter at full load.
AC output, vhf and high frequency AC current, ihf at full load. A small R-C snubber
( 50 Ω and 1.5 nF) is kept across the input of current doubler to reduce the voltage
spikes. Because of parasitic capacitance of current doubler diodes, the high frequency
AC is having some spikes which has further scope of improvement by the proper design of
PCB layout. Fig. 2.39 shows the input phase voltage, Van and the voltage across switch
SW11 . The switch voltage rises from zero become maximum and then falls to zero. For a
60o time interval, the voltage across the switch remains zero. Fig. 2.40 shows the voltage
across switch SW11 and SW12 . Both switches SW11 and SW12 forms S1 as shown in Fig.
2.4. Each of the two switches are ON For 60o time interval. It is because of the forward
biasing of the switch diode. Consequently, it gives rises to zero switching loss during
this particular interval and therefore, improves power conversion efficiency. Therefore,
even though the proposed matrix converter has 12 switches, half of the switches will not
contribute to the switching loss because of the zero voltage across them. Fig. 2.41 shows
the phase-a voltage, van and phase current, ia at full load. The displacement power
factor of the converter is close to unity. Fig. 2.42 shows the three phase input current.
The currents are balanced and symmetrical. The THD of the current is estimated for
full load and 50 % of the full load. It is found to be 3.7 % and 4.19 %. Fig. 2.43 shows
the voltage across current doubler diodes D1 and D2 . Each of the diodes remains ON for
less than half of the switching cycle. During the mode when power is not delivered from
source to load, both of the diodes D1 and D2 conducts and zero voltage appears across
Figure 2.39: Input phase-a voltage, van and switch SW11 voltage.
Figure 2.40: Voltage across switch SW11 and SW12 .
Figure 2.41: Input phase-a voltage, van and phase current, ia . The displacement power factor is
close to unity.
Figure 2.42: Three phase input current, ia , ib , ic . The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the
current is found to be 3.7 %.
Figure 2.43: Voltage across the diodes, D1 and D2 .
Figure 2.45: Displacement power factor (DPF) at different output load.
The proposed power converter provides superior input power quality. Fig. 2.44 shows
the THD variation of input current at different load. Even at 20% of the full load, THD
is better that 7%. The THD at full load is found to be 3.7%. The THD of the converter
can be further improved by increasing the input filter capacitor. However, the maximum
value of input filter capacitor is limited by displacement power factor. The proposed
converter is tested at 500 W power with 3.7% of THD and almost unity power factor
that demonstrates the performance of the converter in terms of the input power quality.
Fig. 2.45 shows the variation of displacement power factor with the output load. The
displacement power factor is almost unity at 100 % of the load. It reduces with reduction
in the output load. However, even at 50 % of the full load, the displacement power factor
is more than 90 %.
86 Discussion on the power conversion efficiency of the proposed con-
The proposed converter is tested with resistive load and programmable three phase power
supply. As shown in the modes of operation, there is no switch diode conduction which
contributes in reducing conduction losses of the switches. Moreover, the use of current
doubler rectifier circuit reduces switch rms current by half which further reduces the
switch conduction loss. To realize the matrix topology, each matrix switch is realized
by two back to back connected switches. During the switching process, one of the two
switches undergoes natural ZVS as it remain forward biased which contributes in reducing
the switching loss. The total semiconductor losses have been calculated in Section V for
the proposed converter. The input and output filter losses are calculated according to
their data-sheet. The effect of ripple voltage and ripple current is ignored in the total loss
calculation of the proposed converter. A R-C snubber of 50 Ω and 0.5 nF has been added
across all the switches of the matrix converter to reduce the high frequency voltage ringing
due to the parasitic effects. The theoretical loss distribution of the proposed converter is
shown in Fig. 2.46. The total estimated loss of the converter at 500 kW output power
is 43.09W and therefore, the theoretical full load efficiency of the proposed converter is
found to be 92.1 %.
The experimental full load efficiency of the prototype was found be 91 % which is
very close to the theoretical efficiency of the converter. The difference in theoretical and
experimental efficiency is due to the parasitic elements and voltage and current ripple
which have been ignored in the calculation. The operation of proposed converter at high
switching frequency ( ≥ 40 kHz) requires proper layout design for reducing the parasitic
effects. There is further scope of optimizing the power conversion efficiency by selecting
Figure 2.46: Theoretical distribution of the power loss in watts for the proposed converter. 1:
Conduction loss 2: Switching loss 3: Input filter loss 4: Output filter loss 5: Snubber loss.
semiconductor devices and PCB layout design. However, the main focus of this chapter
is the topology, modulation techniques and its experimental validation; the optimization
The quantifications of the power density, efficiency , power quality have been carried out
for all the three types of power converters and tabulated in Table. 2.7. The values shown
in the table are calculated for six switch buck rectifier and the proposed matrix based
buck rectifier for the same input and output specifications. The ATRU specifications
are chosen from the product datasheet given in [96].The components chosen in both the
converters are identical. For ATRU, the values have been obtained from the product
datasheet. It is evident from the Table. 2.7 and Fig. 2.47 that the proposed matrix
based AC-DC converter provides more power density as well as is more efficient than
Table 2.7: Benchmarking for nonisolated matrix based buck rectifier.
Figure 2.47: Benchmarking for the nonisolated matrix based AC-DC converter. (a) Power density
[W/kg] (b). Efficiency [%]
Figure 2.48: Efficiency of the proposed converter and six switch buck rectifier at 100 %, 50 %
and 25 % of the output load.
It is to be noted that the proposed converter produces input current ripple at twice
the switching frequency of the matrix switches. In a six switch buck rectifier, the input
current ripple frequency is same as the switching frequency. Therefore, for the same
ripple magnitude, the size of the inductor in six switch buck rectifier is two times of the
proposed matrix based buck rectifier and thus, the proposed rectifier is better in terms
of power density than the six switch buck rectifier. Further, the ATRU requires line
frequency multi-pulse auto transformer which contributes it to have the lowest power
The proposed converter shows highest power conversion efficiency. Even though,
the proposed converter has twice the number of MOSFETs compared to six switch buck
rectifier, the Zero Voltage Switching in half of the MOSFETs and no body diode con-
duction results in lower switch loss. Moreover, the MOSFETs in the proposed converter
switches with half of the current as compared to a six switch buck rectifier. Thus the over-
all power losses in the proposed converter is less leading to improved efficiency. ATRU
has line frequency transformer and required passive diode for rectification. It shows the
lowest efficiency. In Fig. 2.48, the efficiency of the proposed converter and six switch
buck rectifier is shown for 100 %, 50 % and 25 % of the output load. The proposed
converter provides better power conversion efficiency than the six switch buck rectifier
for 100 % to 25% of the output load. However, the difference in efficiency reduces with
Due to simple structure and no switching devices, the ATRU shows highest relia-
bility in all the three. However, with new state of the art semiconductor devices such as
SiC and GaN, the active rectifiers reliability can be improved at par with the ATRU in
2.11 Conclusion
In this chapter, a novel matrix based non-isolated three phase AC-DC converter suitable
for aircraft system has been presented. The matrix converter allows the use of CDR
circuit and thus, steps down the voltage gain by two for the same modulation index.
For lower output voltage, a conventional three phase buck rectifier must be operated at
lower modulation index which in turn increases switch rms current and reduces power
conversion efficiency. The proposed topology is very suitable for the applications where
lower voltage gain Vin,rms is required. The proposed SVM based modulation scheme
is digitally implemented using DSP and FPGA for generating intermediated 40 kHz
high frequency AC output. Further, the input current THD is demonstrated below 5 %
through hardware experiments at full load. Even at 20 % of the load, the current THD
only degrades to 6.5 %. As the converter is operating at high switching frequency and
discrete semiconductor switches are used to realize matrix switches, the PCB layout de-
sign is very important for reducing the parasitic effects. The proposed converter provides
superior input power quality (THD = 3.7 %), unity DPF and power conversion efficiency
of 91 % at 500 W output power. For 20 % of the load, the DPF is shown experimentally
to be 82 % . With small input filter and output filter, the proposed topology has potential
to provide high power density. The use of current doubler in the output side reduces the
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
In recent efforts of making aircraft more energy efficient, aircraft-industries are moving
towards More Electric Aircraft (MEA). MEA offers several benefits compared to a con-
ventional aircraft system including improved power transmission efficiency, reduced fuel
consumption, lesser weight and reduced environmental impact. One of the enabling tech-
nologies for MEA is power electronic converter which is required to convert and condition
the generated electric power for different aircraft loads [18, 19, 30].
chapter, the non-isolated matrix based AC-DC converter topology is extended for isolated
power conversion using high frequency AC transformer. In Section 3.2, the brief review
of isolated AC-DC converter is presented. The new contributions of the chapter are
highlighted in Section 3.3. Subsequently, topology and operation of the converter are
discussed in Section 3.4. Comprehensive steady state analysis and design are carried out
in Section 3.5. The proposed converter is simulated in MATLAB and simulation results
are discussed in Section 3.6. In Section 3.7, the digital implementation of the proposed
the proposed converter is done in Section 3.8 and experimental results are discussed. In
Section 3.9, the comparative evaluation of the proposed converter with existing isolated
three phase AC-DC converter is carried out. Section 3.10 provides the conclusion.
The power generated inside the aircraft is three phase AC with variable frequency (350
Hz to 800 Hz). Various power converters including AC-DC, AC-AC and DC-DC are
employed inside the aircraft for feeding power to different electrical loads. Electrical
isolation is preferred for certain electrical loads such as batteries and other noise-sensitive
loads. Power density (output power/weight) is an important consideration for the power
electronic converter used in aircraft system. Additionally, the power converters used in
aircraft system are often exposed to harsh operating environment. The high emphasis
on power density and reliability specializes the design of power converter required for
Presently, the aircraft system uses passive Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) for
AC-DC conversion [31, 32]. The basic schematic of a TRU unit is shown in Fig. 3.1.
The multiphase transformer is required to limit the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
within the specifications set by DO-160G standards. The TRU is a passive rectifier
and is preferred for its simplicity in design which is crucial to high reliability. However,
the passive TRU requires bulky 400 Hz multiphase transformer and does not facilitate
controllable power factor and active damping.
The limitation of the passive TRUs can be overcome by active TRUs. An active
TRU employs controllable switches and replaces the bulky low frequency transformer
with a high frequency transformer. It also has power factor control and active damping
capabilities unlike the passive TRU. Basically, two structure are possible for designing
an active TRU - 1.) Back-to-back isolated rectifier 2.) Single-stage isolated rectifier
[34, 35, 46]. As shown in Fig. 3.2, a back-to-back isolated rectifier is a two-stage con-
verter [98]. In the first stage, three phase AC voltages are rectified to DC voltage whereas
in the second stage, an isolated DC-DC converter with a high frequency transformer is
used. These two stages are linked with an intermediate DC link capacitor which is usu-
ally an electrolytic capacitor. For high power ratings, the DC link capacitor becomes
quite bulky and therefore, is not suitable for the applications where high power density
is essential. Moreover, the limited life span of the electrolytic capacitor combined with
its vulnerability to high temperature reduces the reliability of the overall system. Sev-
Figure 3.3: Block diagram of the proposed matrix based AC-DC converter.
eral single-stage isolated rectifier topologies have been proposed for three phase AC-DC
conversion in the literature [56, 57, 99–101]. The single-stage conversion eliminates the
bulky DC link capacitor and therefore, promises higher power density and reliability.
In single-stage topologies, the three phase line frequency AC voltages are directly con-
verted into single phase high frequency AC voltage. By generating single phase high
can be achieved. In [56], a matirx based AC-DC converter for telecommunication ap-
plication has been proposed. It uses fictitious DC link modulation based on SVM for
the single-stage conversion of the three phase AC voltages into DC voltage with electri-
cal isolation. However, it does not address the transformer current commutation issues
arising due to unavoidable finite leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer.
Moreover, a buck type of rectifier must have dead time between the adjacent switches
to avoid the short circuiting of input filter capacitor which is not addressed in most of
the papers related to single-stage conversion using the matrix topology. The problem of
commutation delay due to the leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer for
a three phase matrix based AC-DC converter is higlighted in [102]. In [57], a SPWM
based modulation technique has been proposed for the matrix based single-stage AC-DC
conversion where only simulation results have been presented to show the feasibility of
the converter. However, SVM based modulation schemes are found to be better than
SPWM based modulation scheme because of their reduced harmonic content. A number
of papers have been published for single-stage conversion using resonant link [103–108].
However, the complexity of control and modulation technique limits the implementation
of the converter at lower switching frequencies (≤ 10 kHz). And therefore, even if the
switches achieve ZVS, it does not provide significant improvement in power conversion
efficiency and power density. In [101], a flyback converter based single-stage converter is
presented which requires less number of active switches and provides simpler implemen-
tation of the switching scheme. However, the power conversion efficiency of the presented
based Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) system, which employs high-speed SiC devices
stage is proposed in [109]. Even though, the proposed converter is implemented with
simpler switching scheme, it fails to provide the power quality required in the aircraft
In this chapter, a CDR based isolated single-stage three phase AC-DC converter is de-
scribed as shown in Fig. 3.3. A SVM based modulation scheme is proposed for superior
input power quality and high power conversion efficiency. In the proposed modulation
scheme, single isolated gate-drive control for each of the bidirectional switches is car-
ried out which essentially simplifies the digital implementation of the proposed switching
scheme. Moreover, it also reduces the number of isolated gate drivers required for the
matrix switches. The proposed modulation scheme does not require switch body diode
commutation and therefore, promises lower switch conduction loss. Since the body diodes
of the matrix switches never conduct in the proposed modulation scheme, there are no
reverse recovery losses either. Matrix converter is inherently buck type and therefore, the
implementation of SVM mandates the use of dead time between the adjacent switches of
the two matrix legs to prevent the short circuit of the input filter capacitors. However,
the dead time interrupts the transformer primary current and can potentially generate
high voltage transients across the matrix switches due to high dt . The proposed mod-
ulation scheme considers the finite leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer
and provides lossless current commutation by adding a series capacitor in the primary
winding of the high frequency transformer. Consequently, it reduces the switch volt-
age spikes and improves input current THD. Even though the proposed converter uses
one additional bidirectional switch to eliminate the high voltage spikes arising due to
the finite leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer, the conduction period
of the switches is very small. Moreover, they also turn ON with ZVS and therefore,
do not impact the overall power conversion efficiency. In brief, followings are the main
1. proposes an isolated single-stage matrix based three phase AC-DC converter with
2. proposes a SVM based modulation scheme for directly converting the three phase
AC voltages into bipolar single phase high frequency AC voltage with superior
input power quality. The proposed scheme require only one gate drive control for
one matrix switch and therefore, reduces the control complexity. Moreover, it does
not require switch body diode conduction and therefore, the reverse recovery losses
as well as the conduction losses due to the forward voltage drop of the body diodes
are eliminated ;
3. proposes a novel approach of adding a series capacitor with the leakage inductance
a.) soft commutation of the high frequency current from positive to negative value
b.) eliminates the duty cycle loss which arises due to the leakage inductance of the
combination of DSP and FPGA is carried out for high switching frequency and
5. Comparative evaluation of the proposed converter with other isolated AC-DC con-
capacitor in a back to back converter on the overall power density, power conversion
Fig. 3.4 shows the proposed single-stage matrix based isolated three-phase AC-DC
converter with a CDR. It consists of three-phase AC input voltages (van , vbn , vcn ), input
filter with inductors (La , Lb , Lc ) and capacitors (Ca , Cb , Cc ), six bidirectional switches
(S1 -S6 ), leakage inductor (Lr ), high frequency isolation transformer (T ), CDR diodes
(D1 , D2 ), two identical output filter inductors (Lf 1 , Lf 2 ), output capacitor (Co ) and a
constant current load, Io . A shorting leg has been formed by connecting two back to back
switches, Sw1 and Sw2 with body diodes Ds1 and Ds2 , respectively. A high frequency
To derive the switching signals for the matrix (3 × 1) converter, the three-phase
input AC voltages shown in (3.1) are divided into six equal sectors as shown in Fig. 3.5.
van = Vm sin θ; vbn = Vm sin θ − ;
vcn = Vm sin θ +
During each sector, the current vector, Iref can be synthesized by SVM method. For
Iref = iab tα + iac tβ (3.2)
where, tα and tβ are the time for which switches S6 and S2 are turned ON, respectively.
If Ts is the time period of one switching cycle, then tα and tβ can be derived as
Ts 2π Ts π
tα = m sin − θ ; tβ = m sin θ − ;
2 3 2 3
t0 = − tα − tβ
where, θ is the angle of the current vector Iref . For example, θ varies from 3 to
3 for sector-1. The time interval, to represents the time interval for which all switches
are in off state. It is important to note here that the leakage inductance of the high
frequency transformer does not allow any open circuit condition in the output of the
matrix converter. Therefore, a path for the high frequency AC current should be provided
for uninterrupted commutation. The path for the high frequency AC current is provided
by turning on the switches Sw1 and Sw2 . During this period, because of the series
capacitor, Cr , the high frequency AC current changes its direction due to the resonance
between Lr and Cr and therefore, provides soft and lossless current commutation. The
details of this operation are explained in the modes of operation. To generate high
frequency AC output, an inversion signal (U ) is used to invert the matrix output voltage
after half of the switching cycle ( T2s ). The switching sequence of the active and zero states
AC output, vhf . For sector-1, the current vectors, i~ab and i~ac are used to synthesize
tα and tβ are calculated which are subsequently, arranged in a switching cycle. The
following assumptions are made to study the operation and analysis of the converter.
• The filter capacitor voltages are of purely sinusoidal shape and in phase with the
• magnetizing inductance of the transformer is infinitely large which results in ihf =
ip ;
The complete modes of operation of the proposed converter is divided into 14 modes.
However, because of the symmetrical operation during positive and negative cycle, the
operation for the first seven modes are sufficient for the analysis and design of the pro-
posed converter. The theoretical modes of operation of the proposed converter is shown
in Fig. 3.6. For the first 7 modes (mode-1 to mode-7), the inversion signal, U = 1,
Mode-1 (t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 ): Before the mode-1 starts, there exists a finite dead-time,
td during which primary current, ip flows through the shorting leg discharging the switch
capacitor, Sw2 . Therefore, at the start of this mode, the switch, Sw2 is turned ON with
ZVS. During this mode, both switches Sw1 and Sw2 remain ON and therefore, provide
path for the primary current, ip to flow without any interruption. The high frequency AC
voltage, vhf is zero during this period. Both CDR diodes, D1 and D2 conduct and share
the output current, Io . However, during this mode, the current, ID1 starts decreasing
and the current, ID2 starts increasing in such a way that the sum of the two currents is
equal to output current, Io and the difference of the two currents is N. At the end of this
mode, the current, ip becomes zero and thus, both CDR diodes, D1 and D2 carries half
of the output current, 2. The circuit operation during this mode of operation is shown
in Fig. 3.8(a). The governing equation during this mode is given by,
Figure 3.6: Theoretical modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three phase
AC-DC converter. (a). Sawtooth signal, SW (b). Inversion signal, U (c). Switching sequence
for a switching cycle during sector- 1 (d). Switching Signal for shorting leg switch, Sw2 (e).
Switching Signal for shorting leg switch, Sw1 (f). High frequency AC voltage, vhf and current,
ihf (g). Diode D1 current, iD1 (h). Diode D2 current, iD2 .
vhf (t − to ) = 0; (3.4)
d2 ip (t − to )
Lr Cr − ip (t − to ) = 0; (3.5)
N Io − 2ip (t − to )
iD1 (t − to ) = ; (3.6)
N Io + 2ip (t − to )
iD2 (t − to ) = (3.7)
Mode-2 (t1 ≤ t ≤ t2 ): At the start of this mode, the high frequency AC current,
ip is zero. Due to the resonance between Lr and Cr , ip changes direction and starts
increasing in the positive direction. At the CDR side, both diodes D1 and D2 conduct.
The circuit operation during this mode of operation is shown in Fig. 3.8.(b). The
vhf (t − t1 ) = 0; (3.8)
d2 ip (t − t1 )
Lr Cr − ip (t − t1 ) = 0; ip (t1 ) = 0 (3.9)
N Io − 2ip (t − t1 )
iD1 (t − t1 ) = ; (3.10)
N Io + 2ip (t − t1 )
iD2 (t − t1 ) = (3.11)
Mode-3 (t2 ≤ t ≤ t3 ): At the start of this mode, the switch Sw1 is turned off. The
current, ip starts flowing through the switch body diode, Ds1 without any interruption.
The operation of the CDR remains exactly similar to mode-2. The circuit operation
during this mode of operation is shown in Fig. 3.8(c). The governing equation during
vhf (t − t2 ) = 0; (3.12)
d2 ip (t − t2 ) N Io
Lr Cr − ip (t − t2 ) = 0; ip (t2 ) = (3.13)
dt2 2
N Io − 2ip (t − t2 )
iD1 (t − t2 ) = ; (3.14)
Figure 3.7: Different modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three phase AC-DC
converter. (a). mode -1 (b). mode -2 (c). mode-3.
Figure 3.8: Different modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three phase AC-DC
converter. (a). mode -4 (b). mode -5 (c). mode-6.
N Io + 2ip (t − t2 )
iD2 (t − t2 ) = (3.15)
Mode-4 (t3 ≤ t ≤ t4 ): This mode starts when the switches S1 and S6 are
turned ON. The matrix switches, S1 and S6 remain turned on for tα duration. During
this mode, the high frequency AC current, ip starts flowing from phase-a to Phase-c
giving rise to high frequency AC voltage, vhf = vac . At the CDR side, the diode, D1
stops conducting. The transformer secondary current, is becomes equal to 2 and flows
through the inductor, Lf 2 . The circuit operation during this mode is given in Fig. 3.8(d).
N Io
vhf (t − t3 ) = vac ; ip (t − t3 ) = (3.16)
Mode-5 (t4 ≤ t ≤ t5 ): This mode starts when the switch, S6 is turned OFF
and exists for the time duration, td . The time duration, td is the dead time provided
between the switching transition from the switch, S6 to the switch, S4 to prevent the
shorting of the input filter capacitors. During this mode, the primary current flows
through the shorting leg formed by the switch Sw2 (ON) and and the body diode, Ds1
without having any interruption and therefore, eliminates the voltage spikes caused by
open-circuit condition of the matrix output. During this mode, the CDR diodes, D1
and D2 conduct. The circuit operation during this mode is given in Fig. 3.8(e). The
vhf (t − t4 ) = 0; (3.18)
d2 ip (t − t4 ) N Io
Lr Cr 2
− ip (t − t4 ) = 0; ip (t4 ) = (3.19)
dt 2
N Io − 2ip (t − t4 )
iD1 (t − t4 ) = ; (3.20)
N Io + 2ip (t − t4 )
iD2 (t − t4 ) = (3.21)
As the duration of the dead time, td is very small compared to the switching period, Ts ,
N Io
ip (t − t4 ) = ; iD1 (t − t4 ) = 0; iD2 (t − t4 ) = Io (3.22)
Mode-6 (t5 ≤ t ≤ t6 ): This mode starts when the matrix switch S4 is turned on.
The matrix switches, S1 and S4 remain turned on for tβ duration. During this mode, the
high frequency AC current, ip starts flowing from phase-a to Phase-b giving rise to high
frequency AC voltage, vhf = vab . At the CDR side, the diode, D1 stops conducting. The
transformer secondary current, is becomes equal to 2 and flows through the inductor,
Lf 2 . The circuit operation during this mode is given in Fig. 3.8(f). The governing
N Io
vhf (t − t5 ) = vac ; ip (t − t5 ) = ; (3.23)
Mode-7 (t6 ≤ t ≤ t7 ): This mode exists for td time duration and starts when
the switch S4 is turned off. During this mode, the high frequency AC current, ip flows
through the shorting leg formed by the switch Sw2 (ON) and and the body diode, Ds1
without having any interruption. This mode ends with the switch Sw1 turned ON. During
this mode, the CDR diodes, D1 and D2 conduct. The circuit operation during this mode
is given in Fig. 3.9. The governing equation during this mode is given as,
vhf (t − t6 ) = 0; (3.25)
d2 ip (t − t6 ) N Io
Lr Cr 2
− ip (t − t6 ) = 0; ip (t6 ) = (3.26)
dt 2
N Io − 2ip (t − t6 )
iD1 (t − t6 ) = ; (3.27)
N Io + 2ip (t − t6 )
iD2 (t − t6 ) = (3.28)
As the duration of the dead time, td is very small compared to the switching period, Ts ,
N Io
ip (t − t6 ) = ; iD1 (t − t6 ) = 0; iD2 (t − t6 ) = Io (3.29)
The end of mode-7 completes the half of the switching cycle. Similarly, the next half
Figure 3.9: Different modes of operation of the proposed matrix based isolated three phase AC-DC
converter (mode -8).
of the switching cycle is described from mode-8 to mode-14 as shown in Fig. 3.8. The
combined 14 modes of operation completes the full operation of the proposed converter.
3.5 Steady State Analysis and Design
Based on the modes of operation described in Section II, the steady state analysis and
design of the proposed converter are presented in this section. Moreover, the voltage gain
of the proposed converter is derived and the effect of leakage inductance on the output
voltage is analyzed The voltage and current stresses of the active and passive devices
used in the proposed converter are derived. Subsequently, the magnetics design for the
proposed converter is carried out. The effect of adding capacitor in series with the primary
winding of the high frequency transformer is discussed in details and subsequently, design
The output voltage, Vo of the proposed converter can be derived without considering the
leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer by using volt-time balance across
one of the output filter inductors (Lf 1 , Lf 2 ). The voltage across the inductor, Lf 1 is
given by N vp (t) - Vo . Based on Fig. 3.6(f) and neglecting the dead time duration,
following volt-time balance equation for the total duration, Ts can be derived,
−Vo to + N vab (t) − Vo tα + N vab (t) − Vo tβ
| {z }
Positive half cycle
− Vo (to + tα + tβ ) = 0
| {z }
Negative half cycle
where, vab = van - vbn and vac = van - vcn . Simplifying the (3.30) for sector-1 gives,
Vo Ts = N vab tα + vac tβ (3.31)
Substituting the values of vab , vac , tα and tβ using (3.1) and (3.3),
Vo = mN Vm (3.32)
where, m is modulation index, Vm is the peak value of the input supply voltage and 1 : N
The output voltage described by (3.32) is only valid when there is no leakage
cycle loss as show in Fig. 3.10 which essentially reduces the effective output voltage of
the converter. As shown in Fig. 3.10, the time duration tx results in loss of the effective
duty cycle contributing to reduced output voltage of the converter.The time duration, tx
With tx into consideration, the output voltage of the proposed converter can be derived
It is evident from (3.34) that at higher switching frequency the effect of leakage induc-
Figure 3.10: Duty cycle loss due to the leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer.(a).
High frequency AC voltage, vhf and current, ip . (b). Transformer secondary voltage, vs .
tance becomes quite significant which reduces the output DC voltage, Vo . Therefore,
Figure 3.11: Duty cycle loss variation with respect to switching frequency, fs at different output
power. Po .
at higher power and higher switching frequency, the duty cycle loss becomes very signif-
icant. The graph is plotted for N = 0.56, m = 0.7, Vo = 48 V, Vm = 115 2 V and Lr
= 10 µH.
Based on the modes of operation in the Section II, the voltage and current stresses of
the active and passive devices are calculated and shown in Table. 3.1 and Table. 3.2,
Parameters Values
Matrix switches (S1 -S6 ; Sw1 , Sw2 ) 3 Vm
Diodes, D1 , D2 3N Vm
Table 3.2: Current stress of the active and passive devices.
Parameters Values
Io N m
Switch rms current(S1 -S6 ) 2 π
Io mN
Switch avg current (S1 -S6 ) 2π
Diode avg Current (D1 , D2 ) 2
Diode rms current (D1 , D2 ) √
In this subsection the design of magnetics is carried out. The design of magnetics is
divided into three parts. 1.) Input filter design 2.) Transformer design and 3.) Output
filter design. In this subsection, the design considerations for each of the parts are
Unlike the three phase PWM boost rectifiers, the input filter of the proposed converter
is LC filter. For high quality sinusoidal input current, capacitors with low ESR, ESL and
high current ratings are required. However, a large value of the input capacitor results in
capacitive reactive power leading to poor power factor, particularly at low output power.
Qi = 3ωi Ci Vi,rms (3.35)
The input filter capacitor can be designed via the maximum peak-to-peak value of
Further, the reactive power Qi is limited to 5% to 10% of the rated power in order to
ensure high power factor even in case of low load applications. The design objective of
the input filter for the proposed converter is to limit the input current THD below 5 %
and to achieve unity power factor at full load operation (500 W). Another criterion is
to limit the maximum peak-to-peak value of the filter capacitor voltage ripple to be less
than 5 % of the peak of the input line voltage. Moreover, damping is also needed to
reduce the input filter LC oscillations. The detailed design of input LC filter is discussed
The design of the high frequency transformer is carried out by assuming the value of ,
m = 0.7 as it provides sufficient space for duty loss and duty cycle overshoots during
transients. With this value of m, the first iteration of transformer turns-ratio is calculated
using (3.32). The number of turns in the primary winding of the transformer is chosen
in such a way that the maximum flux density does not exceed the saturation value of the
magnetic core. Ferrite cores offer high performance characteristics for the design of high
frequency transformers. It should be noted that the use of CDR reduces the primary to
secondary turns ratio by half resulting in smaller window area and reduced copper loss.
Ferrite material based ETD-59 core (3C95 grade) is used and design of magnetics
is carried out in such a way that the maximum magnetic flux intensity, Bm remains
below 0.25 T. Therefore, for the proper design of the magnetics, the relationship between
Bm,max and input peak voltage, Vm is derived. Fig. 3.12 shows the transformer primary
Figure 3.12: (a) Transformer primary voltage, vp (b) Magnetizing current, im .
vab tα vac tβ
Im,max = −Im,max + + (3.37)
Lm Lm
2Im,max = (vab tα + vac tβ ) (3.38)
Above equation can be simplified using, Np φmax = Lm Im,max ; vab tα + vac tβ = 23 m Vm T2s
where, Np is number of turns in the primary winding of the high frequency transformer;
8 Np φmax
Vm = (3.39)
3 mTs
Substituting φmax with Bm,max Ac and Ts = fs , (3.39) can be further simplified to,
Vm 8 Bm,max Ac fs
= (3.40)
Np 3 m
where, Ac is the cross section area of the magnetic core. For the worst case design,
Assuming the dead time td to be negligible, the rms value of the transformer
primary current, Ip,rms can be derived from the modes of operation provided in Section
II. The derivation of Iprms is a two step process. In the first step, the rms value of the
θ. In the second step, the Ip,rms is calculated for one sector duration.
N Io π
Ip,rms (θ) = m cos θ − (3.41)
2 3
where, Ip,rms (θ) is the rms value of the high frequency AC current for a switching cycle.
Similarly, the rms value of the transformer secondary current, Is,rms is given as,
√ r
Ip,rms 3Io m
Is,rms = = (3.43)
N 2 π
Similarly, the rms value of the high frequency AC voltage, Vhf,rms can be derived as,
Vhf,rms = Vm (3.44)
In the output of the proposed converter, a CDR is used which consists of two equal
inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 and one output capacitor, Co . The design of output filter in-
ductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 is carried out in such a way that the peak-to-peak value of the
inductor current ripple, ∆iL,pp,max is limited to a given value. The peak-to-peak value
where, Ts is one switching period and to denotes the total zero period during one switching
cycle. With this the output inductor can be selected according to,
Vo 3mmin
Lf 1 ≥ 1− (3.46)
2∆iL,pp,max fs 4
where, mmin is the minimum modulation index and fs is the switching frequency of the
converter. As both of the inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 are similar, the design equations are
only derived for Lf 1 . The output current is sum of the currents in inductors, Lf 1 and
Lf 2 . The two inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 behave like interleaved inductors and essentially,
The output capacitor, Co is selected in order to limit the peak-to-peak value of the
output voltage ripple ∆vCo ,pp,max to a given value. The output capacitor value is given
Vo 3mmin
Co ≥ 1− (3.47)
32∆vCo ,pp,max Lf 1 fs2 4
The objective of adding the capacitor, Cr in series with the leakage inductor, Lr is to
change the direction of the high frequency AC current, ip by creating resonance between
Lr and Cr during the overlap period of the switches Sw1 and Sw2 . By changing the di-
116 Soft commutation of the high frequency AC current
Fig. 3.13 shows the sequence of the current commutation in the proposed converter. Fig.
3.13(a) shows the equivalent circuit model just before mode-1 where as Figs. 3.13(b),
3.13(c) and 3.13(d) show the equivalent simplified circuit model for mode-1 and mode-2
N Io
Before, the start of mode-1 Fig. 3.13(a), the current, ip = 2 flows in the negative
direction through the diode, Ds2 . During mode-1, both of the switches, Sw1 and Sw2 are
ON and the current, ip resonates with the leakage inductor, Lr and the series capacitor,
Cr as per (3.4). In mode-2, ip changes its direction and becomes positive. Once ip
becomes equal to 2N , mode-3 starts and ip flows through the diode, Ds1 . Thus, the
current changes direction from negative to positive without any interruption. In the
absence of series capacitor, the change of current from positive to negative happens
suddenly as shown in Fig. 3.14.(a) which can generate high voltage spikes due to the
series capacitor with the leakage inductor, the transformer primary current, ip is shaped
as shown in Fig. 3.14.(b) and therefore, the high voltage spikes are eliminated.
From the Fig. 3.14, the time duration, to should be equal to the half of the resonant
The duration of to varies within a sector and therefore, the minimum value of to for a
given sector should be equal to the resonant period. The (to )min is given as,
(to )min = (1 − m) (3.49)
Figure 3.13: Sequence of the current commutation after adding the series capacitor in the proposed
converter. The sequence is a-b-c-d.
Figure 3.14: (a) Sudden change in current in absence of series capacitor (b). Soft commutation
of current in presence of series capacitor.
118 Minimization of duty cycle loss
Another advantage of adding capacitor in series with the transformer primary winding is
the reduction in duty cycle loss. The duty cycle loss essentially arises as the current, ip
rises from zero to its full magnitude after the high frequency AC voltage appears as shown
in Fig. 3.10. By adding an appropriate value of the series capacitor Cr , the current, ip
is made almost equal to its full magnitude ( 2N ) before the high frequency AC voltage,
vhf appears by creating resonance between Lr and Cr and therefore, the duty cycle loss
Figure 3.15: Minimizing the duty cycle loss by adding a series capacitor with the high frequency
transformer. (a). High frequency AC voltage, vhf and current, ip . (b). voltage across series
capacitor, vcr . (c). Transformer secondary voltage, vs .
The first goal while designing the high frequency transformer is to minimize the leakage
in a high frequency transformer and it especially increases for larger turns-ratio. In the
proposed converter, the use of CDR in the output side reduces the transformer turns-
ratio by half contributing to reduced leakage inductance. Once the leakage inductance
of the transformer is known, the value of the series capacitor, Cr is calculated based on
(4.9) and (3.49). For the modulation index, m and the leakage inductance, Lr , the series
Simulation of the proposed converter is carried out using MATLAB 2015b software. A
converter is checked. The specifications of the converter are shown in Table. 3.3
Parameters Values
Input Voltage, vabc 115 Vac (rms), 400 Hz
Output Voltage, Vo 48 V DC
Switching Frequency, fs 40 kHz
Output Power, Po 500 W
Based on the design equations derived in Section III, the various parameters of the
converter are calculated. The input filter is designed with La = Lb = Lc = 200 µH,
kHz as it provides good compromise between the switching loss and the size of passive
elements. At 40 kHz switching frequency, the other passive elements such as output
is added in series with the primary winding of the transformer to emulate the leakage
inductance, Lr of the high frequency transformer for simulation. The design of resonant
Figure 3.16: (a). Input three phase voltages, van , vbn and vcn [V]. (b). high frequency AC
voltages, vhf [V]. (c). Secondary voltage of the high frequency transformer winding, vs [V].
capacitor, Cr is carried out based on (3.50) for m = 0.7 and fs = 40 kHz. The value
of Cr is found to be 0.6 µF which is added in series with the leakage inductance of the
high frequency transformer. it should be noted that the dead time (td ) provided between
the two adjacent switch transitions become significant with respect to the zero period,
To validate the analysis carried out in Section III, the rms and avg values of the
currents in the matrix switches and the CDR diodes are found both by analysis and
digital simulation. Further, the rms values of the current in the primary and secondary
winding of the high frequency transformer are obtained analytically and compared with
the simulation results. The comparison of results is illustrated in Table. 3.4. The
two solutions show excellent agreement with each other. The simulation results of the
proposed converter for the given specifications shown in Table. 3.3 are shown in Fig.
Table 3.4: Comparison of the results obtained by analytical solution and digital simulation.
3.16 - Fig. 3.24. Fig. 3.16(a) shows the input three phase AC voltages, van , vbn and
vcn . The input three phase voltages are converted into single phase high frequency AC
voltage using the matrix (3 × 1) topology. Fig. 3.16(b) shows the high frequency AC
voltage, vhf which is the output of the matrix converter. The high frequency AC voltage,
vhf is processed using a high frequency transformer. The secondary voltage of the high
frequency transformer, vs is shown in Fig. 3.16(c). Fig. 3.17(a) shows the symmetrical
bipolar high frequency AC voltage, vhf . As shown in Fig. 3.17(a), there is a finite amount
of dead time, td provided between adjacent switches to avoid any short-circuiting of input
filter capacitors. Fig. 3.17(b) shows high frequency AC current, ihf which is also input
to the primary winding of the high frequency transformer, ip . Fig. 3.17(c) shows the
voltage across the series capacitor, Cr which is added for the soft commutation of the
high frequency AC current. Fig. 3.18(a) shows the simulated output DC voltage, Vo .
The currents in the output filter inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 are shown in Fig. 3.18(b) and
noted that the output current, Io is the sum of the output filter inductor currents, iLf 1
and iLf 2 . As the current ripple in the two output inductors are phase shifted by 180o ,
the output current ripple is reduced in magnitude and doubled in frequency contributing
to smaller size of the output filter capacitor. Fig. 3.19 shows the input phase voltage,
van and phase current, ia . The displacement power factor is found to be almost unity.
Fig. 3.20 shows the input three phase currents, ia , ib and ic at full load. The currents
Figure 3.17: (a). (a) High frequency AC voltage, vhf [V]. (b) High frequency AC current, ihf
which is also the transformer primary current, ip [A]. (c). Voltage across the series capacitor, vcr
are symmetrical and balanced. The THD of input phase-a current is calculated using
MATLAB and plotted in Fig. 3.21. The THD of the current is found to be 2.59 %.
The effect of leakage inductor on the duty cycle loss is simulated in MATLAB at
different output power. It is found that at higher power, the duty cycle loss becomes
quite significant. Fig. 3.22 shows the simulated duty cycle loss and theoretical duty cycle
loss. Both have been found in excellent agreement with each other. Fig. 3.23 shows the
effect of adding an appropriate value of series capacitor in the primary winding of the
high frequency transformer. Fig. 3.23(a) shows vhf and ihf without the series capacitor,
Cr . It is to be noted that the change of ihf is not smooth resulting in high dt . Moreover,
it also results in a high voltage spike in the high frequency AC voltage, vhf as shown in
Figure 3.18: (a). Output DC voltage, Vo [V]. (b) Current in the output filter inductor, iLf 1 [A].
(c) Current in the output filter inductor, iLf 2 [A]. (d) Output DC current, Io [A].
Fig. 3.23(a). Fig. 3.23(b) shows the high frequency AC voltage, vhf and high frequency
AC current, ihf when the series capacitor, Cr is added. Due to resonance between Lr
and Cr , ihf changes smoothly from negative to positive value during the zero period, to .
Fig. 3.24 shows the effect of adding the series capacitor in minimizing the duty cycle
loss of the proposed converter. In the absence of the series capacitor, the high frequency
current, ihf starts from zero resulting in duty cycle loss as shown in Fig. 3.24(a). Due
to resonance between Lr and Cr , the current changes from - N2Io to + N2Io during the zero
period, to which results in zero duty cycle loss as shown in Fig. 3.24(b). Thus, the results
obtained through digital simulation of the proposed converter validate the analysis and
Figure 3.19: Input phase-a voltage, van [V] and phase-a current, ia [A]. The displacement power
factor is found to be almost unity.
Figure 3.20: Three phase input current, ia [A], ib [A] and ic [A] at full load of 500 W.
Figure 3.21: THD of phase-a current, ia for full load operation.
Figure 3.22: Simulated and theoretical duty loss for different output power at 40 kHz switching
frequency. (a). Simulated duty cycle loss in % (b). Theoretical duty cycle loss in % .
In this section, an efficient real time implementation method of the proposed SVM based
ulation scheme, a combination of DSP and FPGA is used. Fig. 3.25 shows the block
diagram of the overall digital implementation. The three phase AC inputs, van , vbn and
vcn as well as modulation index, m are fed to the digital controller which are subse-
quently processed using DSP and FPGA. The output of the digital controller are eight
switching signals which control the eight switches of the proposed matrix based topology
as shown in Fig. 3.4. It is worth noticing that in the present implementation the interac-
tion between DSP and FPGA is one-way which reduces implementation complexity. The
outputs of the DSP are inputs to the FPGA. The digital implementation of the proposed
SVM based modulation scheme is divided into two subsections. The first subsection deals
with DSP part of the implementation. In the second subsection, FPGA implementation
Figure 3.23: Soft commutation of the high frequency AC current, ihf by adding a series capacitor
with the leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer. (a). Without series capacitor.
(b). With series capacitor.
Figure 3.24: Minimizing the duty loss by adding a series capacitor with the leakage inductance
of the high frequency transformer. (a). Without series capacitor. (b). With series capacitor.
Figure 3.26: Block diagram of the DSP implementation.
is discussed.
The DSP part of the digital implementation is shown in Fig. 3.26. The sensed three
phase AC input voltage and modulation index is fed to the Analogue to Digital (A-
D) converter of DSP. Further, the output of A-D converter is fed to a Phase Locked
Loop (PLL) which generates the angle, θ. Here, in this implementation, d-q based PLL
Implementation is carried out. Based on angle, θ, the three phase input AC voltage is
divided into six sectors. Each of the sectors is assigned by 3-bits of digital signal, Xo , X1 ,
X2 . The timing calculation block calculates tα and tβ duration based on angle, θ and
Figure 3.27: Waveforms of PWM signals, PWM A, PWM B, PWM O, PWM I.
modulation index, m. Finally, four PWM signals, PWM A, PWM B, PWM O, PWM I
are generated. Fig. 3.27 shows the waveforms of these 4 PWM signals. It is to noted
that a dead time, td is provided between the signals to avoid short-circuit of input filter
capacitors during transition. The frequency of the PWM signals are determined by the
frequency of the sawtooth signal. Table. 3.5 shows the sector and timing calculation for
θ Sector X2 X1 X1 tα tβ
0 < θ < π3 6 1 0 0 mTs sin θ mTs sin( π3 − θ)
π 2π
3 < θ < 3 1 0 0 0 mTs sin(θ − π3 ) mTs sin( 2π
3 − θ)
3 < θ < π 2 0 0 1 mTs sin(θ − 2π
3 ) mTs sin(π − θ)
π < θ < 4π3 3 0 1 1 mTs sin(θ − π) mTs sin( 4π
3 − θ)
4π 5π
3 < θ < 3 4 1 1 1 mTs sin(θ − 4π
3 ) mTs sin( 5π
3 − θ)
5π 5π
3 < θ < 2π 5 1 0 1 mTs sin(θ − 3 ) mTs sin(2π − θ)
Figure 3.28: Block diagram of the FPGA implementation.
The PWM and sector signals from DSP are fed to the FPGA as shown in Fig. 3.28. The
FPGA is programmed for logical operations over these signals and thus, provides the final
switching signals for all the matrix switches. The truth tables for the logical operation
are shown in Table. 3.6 and Table. 3.7. It is to be noted here that in the proposed
implementation, the role of FPGA is only to perform logical operation and therefore,
it can be replaced with more cost-effective Programmable Logic Devices (PLD). The
X2 X1 X0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
0 0 0 1 0 0 PWM B 0 PWM A
0 0 1 PWM B 0 PWM A 0 0 1
0 1 1 o PWM A 1 0 0 PWM B
1 1 1 o 1 PWM B o PWM A o
1 0 1 0 PWM B 0 PWM A 1 0
1 0 0 PWM A 0 0 1 PWM B 0
switching signals Sw1 and Sw2 are generated by PWM O and PWM I as shown below.
Table 3.7: FPGA truth table for PWM I = 0.
X2 X1 X0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
0 0 0 o 1 PWM B 0 PWM A o
0 0 1 0 PWM B 0 PWM A 1 0
0 1 1 PWM A 0 0 1 PWM B 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 PWM B 0 PWM A
1 0 1 PWM B 0 PWM A 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 PWM A 1 0 0 PWM B
In the input of the proposed converter, a three phase LC filter is used. Each of the matrix
switches (S1 -S6 ) is realized using two back to back connected MOSFETs. Moreover, a
series capacitor is added in the primary of the high frequency transformer which forms
a series resonant tank with the leakage inductor of the high frequency transformer. The
output of the high frequency transformer is processed using a CDR circuit. A resistive
load, Ro of 4.6 Ω is used to test the converter at full load. A three phase programmable
voltage source is used for providing input supply voltage to the proposed converter. All
of the devices used to implement the topology shown in Fig. 4 are described in Table
The three phase input voltages are sensed and given to analogue-to-digital converter
of a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). A Texas Instrument DSP, TMDSCN28335 is used for
generating the switching signals. A d - q based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is implemented
inside the DSP. The DSP generates the PWM signals as well as three digital signals for
the six sectors of the three phase input voltages which are further processed using a
ALTERA QUARTUS Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to generate the final
switching signals. The generated switching signals are given to the isolated gate drivers
Table 3.8: Active and passive components selected for experimental hardware prototype.
Component Specification
MOSFET, S1 -S6 FCA16N60N , 600 V, 16 A
Diode D1 , D2 IDP15E65D2XKSA1-ND, 650 V 15 A
Input filter inductors, La , Lb , Lc 513-1660-ND, 200 µH 7A
Input filter capacitor, Ca , Cb , Cc PCF1569-N, 1.2 µF 630 VDC
High frequency transformer ETD 59, Ferrite core, 3C95
Output Inductor, Lf 1 , LF 2 157D-ND, 1 mH, 5.9 A
Output capacitor, Co Electrolytic capacitor 400 µF, 400 V
FPGA controller board ALTERA QUARTUS II
Microcontroller board TMDSCN28335
Fig. 3.29 shows input phase-a voltage, van , high frequency AC voltage, vhf and
output DC voltage, Vo . The three phase AC voltages are converted into high frequency
transformer is used for galvanic isolation as well as necessary voltage step down which
is further rectified using a CDR circuit to generate output DC voltage. Fig. 3.30 shows
the high frequency AC voltage, vhf and the transformer secondary voltage, vs . The high
frequency transformer steps down the input high frequency AC voltage to obtain the
The high frequency AC voltage, vhf , the transformer secondary voltage, vs and the
high frequency AC current, ihf are shown in Fig. 3.31. The waveforms coincide with the
theoretical waveforms shown in the modes of operation of the converter. A small snubber
high frequency voltage ringing caused by Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and the switching
Figure 3.29: C1: High frequency AC voltage, vhf (200 V/div), C2: input phase-a voltage, van
(200 V/div), C3: output DC voltage, Vo (20 V/div).
Figure 3.30: C1: High frequency AC voltage, vhf (100 V/div), C2: secondary voltage of the high
frequency transformer, vs (100 V/div).
Figure 3.31: C1: High frequency AC voltage, vhf (100 V/div), C2: secondary voltage of the high
frequency transformer, vs (100 V/div), C3: High frequency AC current, ihf (10 A/div).
device parasitics. Fig. 3.32 shows the input phase-a voltage and phase-a current at full
load. The displacement power factor is found to be very close to unity which can be
further improved at increased output load. The input three phase currents, ia , ib and ic
are symmetrical and balanced as shown in Fig. 3.33. Fig. 3.34 shows the output DC
current, Io and the transformer secondary current, is . As discussed in the analysis of the
Fig. 3.35 shows the voltage across the MOSFETs SW11 and SW12 . The MOSFETs,
SW11 and SW12 form the matrix switch S1 as shown in Fig. 2.4. It is to be noted that
the voltage across one of the two switches is zero during 3 interval which in seconds
π π
is 3fi = 1200 s. The zero voltage across one of the MOSFETs results in natural ZVS
contributing to improved power conversion efficiency. Fig. 3.36 shows the voltage across
the diodes, D1 and D2 of the CDR circuit. During zero period, to , both CDR diodes, D1
and D2 conduct.
Fig. 3.37 shows the experimental THD of phase- a current. The THD of the input
current is found to be 3.06 %. The THD can be further improved by increasing the value
of the filter capacitor. However, the maximum value of the filter capacitors is limited by
the displacement power factor. At higher load, the filter capacitors can be increased and
thus, better THD is expected . For load variation from 100 % to 20 %, the THD has
Fig. 3.38 shows the effect of adding capacitor in series with the primary winding of
the high frequency transformer. In the absence of the series capacitor, the high frequency
AC current, ihf changes immediately resulting in voltage spikes due to high dt . Moreover,
the presence of leakage inductance results in duty cycle loss as shown in Fig. 3.38(a).
Figure 3.32: C1: input phase-a voltage, van (100 V/div), C2: Input phase-a current, ia (4 A/div).
Figure 3.33: input three phase currents, C1: ia (2 A/div) , C2: ib (2 A/div), C3: ic (2 A/div).
Figure 3.34: C1: transformer secondary current, is (4 A/div), C2: output DC current, Io (4
Figure 3.35: voltage across MOSFETs, C1: SW11 (100 V/div) and C2: SW12 (100 V/div).
Figure 3.36: voltage across CDR diode, C1: D1 (40 V/div) and C2: D2 (40 V/div).
The duty cycle loss will be more significant for higher leakage inductance as discussed
in subsection 3.5.1. Fig. 3.38(b) shows the experimental results when series capacitor
is added with with the primary winding of the high frequency transformer. The high
frequency AC current, ihf changes from negative to positive with a finite slope during
zero period without any voltage spike. Moreover, duty cycle loss is also minimized as
the current, ihf changes its direction and becomes positive before the high frequency AC
voltage, vhf appears across the primary winding of the high frequency transformer. A 65
% reduction in duty cycle loss is demonstrated through experimental results which can
be further improved by fine tuning the series capacitor. Thus the experimental result
validates the effectiveness of the proposed current commutation method and corroborates
the theoretical analysis and simulation result in providing soft commutation of high
frequency AC current.
Figure 3.38: soft commutation of the high frequency AC current and reducing the duty loss by
adding a series capacitor in presence of finite leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer,
C1: vhf (100 V/div), C2: vs (100 V/div) C3: ihf (4 A/div).(a) Without series capacitor. (b)
With series capacitor.
3.8.2 Discussion on the power conversion efficiency of the proposed
Fig. 3.39 shows the loss distribution of the proposed converter. The total loss of the
proposed converter can be divided into six types. The switching loss of the converter in-
cludes the switching losses of all the semiconductor devices including the matrix switches,
MOSFETs in shorting legs and the CDR diodes. The switching losses of the MOSFETs
include turn OFF loss and reverse recovery loss of the body diodes. As the MOSFETs in
shorting legs turns ON with ZVS, therefore, the turn ON loss is considered to be zero in
the loss calculation. The conduction loss includes conduction loss in all the semiconduc-
tor devices including matrix switches, MOSFETs in shorting legs and the CDR diodes.
The conduction loss due to body diodes, Ds1 and Ds2 has been ignored in the calculation
as they conduct only during the dead time, td . Further, the core loss and copper loss for
the high frequency transformer has been calculated based on [110]. The input and output
filter loss has been calculated. For simplicity, the effect of voltage and current ripple has
been ignored in the loss calculation of the input and output filter. The efficiency of the
Figure 3.39: Theoretical loss estimation of the proposed AC-DC converter at 500 W output
power. [1]. Switching loss [2]. Conduction loss [3]. Transformer loss [4]. Input filter loss [5].
Output filter loss [6]. Snubber Loss.
proposed converter is calculated at full load (500 W). The theoretical efficiency is found
to be 89.63 % which is very close to experimental efficiency (87.5 %). The difference
the ESR of the capacitor, parasitic inductances and capacitances which has been ignored
In this subsection, the benefits and contributions of the proposed matrix based AC-DC
converter are discussed taking various isolated single-stage AC-DC converters proposed
in literature into account. Further, the effects of mandatory DC link capacitor in con-
ventional back to back AC-DC converter on power density, power conversion efficiency
and reliability are discussed. The comparison of different design methods for single stage
AC-DC converter are presented in Table. 3.9. In this section, the effect of DC link capac-
itor on power density and reliability in a back to back AC-DC converter is investigated.
First, the ripple current in DC link capacitor is derived. The ripple current heats the
capacitor and maximum permitted ripple current is set by how much can be permitted
and still meet the capacitor load life specification. Too much temperature at the core of
the capacitors dramatically shorten the capacitor’s expected life. The Equivalent Series
Resistor (ESR) heats the capacitor and therefore, selection of capacitor with appropriate
ESR is of paramount importance for improved life expectancy of the capacitor. Further,
the design of DC link capacitor based on the current ripple and power loss is carried out.
Based on the data sheet of aluminium electrolytic capacitors, the selection of capacitor
is done.
Table 3.9: Comparison of the design methods of different single stage AC-DC converter in liter-
Figure 3.40: Circuit diagram of back to back AC-DC converter. A mandatory DC link capacitor
is required between the two stages of conversion.
3.9.1 Design of DC link capacitor
Generally, a back to back AC-DC converter is configured as a three phase boost rectifier
in the front end followed by a DC link capacitor and a DC-DC isolated converter as
shown in Fig. 3.40. A SVM based modulation scheme is used for the boost rectifier.
The DC link capacitor average out the pulsating current generated at the output of
the boost rectifier. In this section, first the ripple current in the DC link capacitor is
calculated. Subsequently, the power loss in the DC link capacitor for different output
power is estimated.
2π 2π
ia = Im sin(θ); ib = Im sin(θ − ); ic = Im sin(θ + ) (3.51)
3 3
To calculate the Iripple,DC , the rms, Io,rms and avg, Io,avg of the pulsating output current
The timing durations for SVM for sector-1 are given by,
π 2π
tα = mTs sin θ − ; tβ = mTs sin −θ (3.53)
3 3
The rms value of the output current is calculated in two steps. In the first step, the
rms value of the output current for one switching cycle, Ts is calculated. In the second
step, the rms value for a sector ( π3 duration) is calculated. The rms value of current for
The rms value for one section duration is given using (3.54),
u Z 2π r
u3 3 2m
Io,rms = t Io,rms,θ dθ = Im (3.55)
π π π
The avg current, Io,avg can be similarly calculated and is derived to,
Io,avg = Im (3.56)
from (3.52), (3.55) and (3.56), the ripple current in DC capacitor is given as,
3 32
Iripple,DC = mIm −1 (3.57)
4 9mπ
for a boost AC-DC rectifier of 115 V AC rms at m = 0.8, the ripple current, Iripple,DC is
Figure 3.41: Ripple current in the DC link capacitor for different output power, Po . The input
voltage, Vin,rms is 115 V AC and the converter is operated at modulation index, m = 0.8.
The power loss in the capacitor is attributed to the ESR of capacitor. The ESR of
the capacitor is dependent on the frequency and temperature. The ESR of capacitor
decreases at higher frequencies and higher temperatures. For a given ambient temper-
ature, the maximum allowable temperature increase determines maximum power loss.
The increased temperature of capacitors shorten the operating life of the capacitor and
therefore, selection of capacitor of appropriate ESR value is very important. The power
PLoss,C = Iripple,DC ESR (3.58)
For example, from [113], a 390 µF, 500 V aluminium electrolytic capacitor has ESR of
310 Ω at 20o C for 100 Hz. At frequency more than 20 kHz, the ESR reduces to 232.5
Ω. The power loss in the capacitor for frequency more than 20 kHz at 20o C is shown in
Fig. 3.42.
Figure 3.42: Power loss in the DC link capacitor for different output power. The input voltage,
Vin,rms is 115 V AC and modulation index, m = 0.8.
impacts the power conversion efficiency, power density and reliability of the overall power
electronic conversion system. As shown in Fig. 3.42, the loss in the capacitor can be
nearly 60 W at 10 kW output power which can reduce the total efficiency of the converter
by 0.6 %.
becomes crucial in application such as aircraft system. It can be shown that the total
weight of 390 µF, 500 V capacitor can nearly weigh 1.12 kG for 10 kW output power
assuming that convection air cooling (0.006 W /C/in2 ) is provided and allowable increase
in capacitor temperature is 10o C. 1 Further, electrolytic capacitor has limited life span.
The random failure rate of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor is defined as [114],
1 (Ta −Tm )
4000000N Va3 C 2 2 10
λ= (3.59)
Lb Vr2
volts. The random failure rate, λ is in FIT. The increase in temperature due to ESR loss
and operating environment further shorten the life of capacitor. Overall, the presence
of electrolytic capacitor reduces the reliability. It is worth noticing that from (3.57) the
ripple current in DC link capacitor is independent of the switching frequency and thus,
the size/volume of capacitor can be very significant compared to total size/volume of the
Table. 3.10 shows the benchmarking of isolated matrix based AC-DC converter with TRU
and back to back converter. TRU is basically an isolated passive rectifier whereas back
ESR is reduced by 0.7 factor for high frequency and temperature increase. The size of capacitor is
35 mm (d) and 55 mm (l). The maximum allowable temperature rise is taken as 10o C.
to back converter is conventional two stage converter commonly used for isolated AC-DC
rectification. The performance values for TRU is taken from the product datasheet [115]
whereas for the proposed converter and back to back AC-DC converter, the values are
calculated for similar input and output specifications. The semiconductor devices are
chosen similar in the both cases for comparison. Also, the switching frequency chosen is
equal. It is evident from the Table. 3.10 and Fig. 3.43, that the proposed converter
Figure 3.43: Benchmarking for the isolated matrix based AC-DC converter. (a) Power density
[W/kg] (b). Efficiency [%].
provides highest power density and power conversion efficiency. The TRU requires line
frequency multi pulse transformer both for isolation and for meeting the strict THD re-
quirement imposed by aircraft industries. The bulky line frequency isolation transformer
contributes to low power density in the TRU. Further, a back to back converter has three
phase boost rectifier followed by an isolated DC-DC converter. These two stages of con-
version are linked by a mandatory DC link capacitor. The boost rectifier requires three
input inductors. The combined weight of the three input inductors and a mandatory
Figure 3.44: Efficiency of the proposed converter and back to back converter at 100 %, 50 % and
25 % of the output load.
DC link capacitor increases the overall weight and thus, reduces the power density. In
the proposed matrix based AC-DC converter, the input inductors are very small due to
the buck type configuration at the input stage. Additionally, it does not have DC link
AC voltage.
The TRU shows the lowest power conversion efficiency because of bulky transformer
and passive diode based rectification. The back to back converter is a two stage converter.
Therefore, the net efficiency is multiplication of the efficiency of the two stages. The mul-
tiplication results in lower overall efficiency for back to back converter. For example, the
calculation of overall efficiency of back to back converter shows that the first stage- three
phase boost rectifier has 95.7 % whereas the DC-DC converter shows 92.4 % efficiency.
Despite having high efficiency in both stages, the net efficiency is 88.44 % which is lower
than the proposed isolated matrix based AC-DC converter. Fig. 3.44 shows the power
conversion efficiency of the proposed converter and back to back converter for 100 %, 50
% and 25 % of the output load. The proposed converter shows higher efficiency at 100 %
load. However, at 50 % and 25 % of the load, the back to back AC-DC converter higher
power conversion efficiency.
The TRU offers highest reliability due to its simplicity and no switching elements.
Back to back converter is less reliable than matrix converter due to presence of mandatory
bulky DC link capacitor which has limited life span and is vulnerable to temperature and
3.11 Conclusion
In this chapter, a single-stage matrix based isolated three phase AC-DC converter suitable
for aircraft systems has been presented. The steady-state operation, analysis, and design
are illustrated. Simulation and experimental results clearly confirm and demonstrate the
claimed soft commutation of high frequency AC current and minimization of duty cycle
loss along with superior input power quality. The use of matrix topology allows direct
conversion of the input three phase AC voltages into high frequency AC voltage and
thus, provides single-stage conversion without any intermediate bulky DC link capacitor.
It has been theoretically calculated that the weight of DC link capacitor can be up to
1.12 kg for 10 kW output power. In the proposed switching scheme, the body diodes
of the matrix switches do not conduct and thus, the power loss due to body diodes are
eliminated. Moreover, one of the two MOSFETs of the matrix switch achieves natural
ZVS and consequently, the switching loss of the proposed converter is minimized. The
proposed converter requires an additional shorting leg to circulate the leakage energy
duty cycle loss is achieved through the proposed current commutation scheme. However,
the two MOSFETs of the shorting leg turn ON with ZVS and only conduct current
during the zero period and dead time, and therefore, do not impact the power conversion
efficiency significantly. The experimental power conversion efficiency of the proposed
converter is found to be 87.5 % at 500 W output power. The two output inductors in
the CDR circuits act very similar to interleaved boost inductor and therefore, reduces
the peak-to-peak magnitude of output current ripple and doubles the output current
ripple frequency contributing to reduced size of the output filter capacitor. Since the high
frequency AC current achieves soft commutation, the EMI due to high dt is eliminated.
Additionally, single control for a matrix switch simplifies the digital implementation of
switching scheme at very high switching frequency. The switching waveforms of the
proposed converter can be further improved by proper layout design of the PCB. The
single-stage three phase AC-DC conversion with galvanic isolation makes the converter
promising for the applications where high power density, high power conversion efficiency
and high input power quality are required. These merits make the proposed converter
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, a new matrix based non-isolated three phase buck-boost rectifier is pro-
posed for aircraft application. Similar to the converter topologies presented in Chapter-2
and Chapter-3, this topology uses matrix converter topology for three phase line fre-
quency AC voltage to single phase high frequency AC voltage conversion. Being a buck-
boost converter, the proposed converter provides wide range of the output voltage. The
chapter is divided into seven sections. In Section 4.2, the brief review of the power con-
verter for MEA is discussed. The new contributions of the chapter are highlighted in
Section 4.3. Section 4.4 presents the topology and operation of the converter in details.
In Section 4.5, the comprehensive steady state analysis and design of the converter are
discussed. Comparative evaluation of the proposed converter with the boost-buck type
of rectifier is discussed in Section 4.6. In Section 4.7, a scale down hardware prototype of
the proposed converter is built and experimental test results are demonstrated to validate
the theoretical claims. Section 4.8 provides the conclusion.
Figure 4.1: Voltage gain range of the conventional three phase buck, boost converter and matrix
based buck-boost converter. Voltage gain, GV is the ratio of output voltage, Vo and input rms
voltage, Vin,rms . m is the modulation index.
In modern aircrafts, the 230 V rms AC bus is used instead of 115 V rms AC. The increased
voltage reduces the conductor weight almost by 35 % [28, 116]. However, with increase
in the input voltage, the aircraft needs to push the output voltage from 270 V DC to 540
In case of 540 VDC output, two electrical architectures, +/-/0 270 VDC and +/-
270 VDC are possible which are shown in Fig. 4.2 (a) and (b). In case of electrical
architecture shown in Fig. 4.2(a), two different types of load, one for positive and other
for negative is required. For the electrical architecture shown in Fig. 4.2(b), the loads of
aircrafts are to be modified for 540 V DC which requires increased insulation and higher
voltage rated devices.
The grounded 270 V DC based arcitecture is shown in Fig. 4.2(c). In [116], the
cable weights of different DC and AC voltage possibilities are compared and it has been
is the best choice for improved power density compared to +/-/0 270 V DC and +/- 270
V DC architecture. Moreover, the boost type of rectifiers can be used for rectifying +/-
270 VDC which has more control complexity, higher weight and less reliability compared
to a buck type of rectifier [55]. The balancing of the two output capacitor voltages adds
PWM active rectifiers, both the PWM boost rectifiers and the PWM buck rectifiers are
not suitable for such voltage gain. As shown in Fig. 4.1, the boost rectifier has a lower
limit over minimum output voltage [2 2 Vin,rms ] and therefore, the voltage gain, Gv of
1.17 cannot be achieved. For the buck type of rectifiers, the voltage gain, Gv of 1.17 is
possible. However, the buck rectifier has to be operated at very low modulation index
(m = 0.55) for required voltage gain which is not preferable due to the poor input power
The buck-boost or boost-buck topologies are used for extended voltage gain [13,
14, 117]. In [13, 14] buck-boost and boost-buck rectifiers are compared and it has been
demonstrated that the buck-boost converter has higher power density and reduced control
complexity than boost-buck converter. Fig. 4.3 shows the buck-boost converter presented
Figure 4.2: Different possible electrical architecture for 230 V AC to 270 V DC conversion. (a).
+/-/0 270 VDC (b). +/-270 V DC (c). 0/270 V DC.
Figure 4.3: Topology of buck-boost converter presented in[13].
in [13]. It consists of a three switch buck rectifier followed by a boost stage. This topology
requires less number of switches and provides higher power density than a boost-buck
rectifier for the same input-output specifications. However, for the voltage gain, Gv =
• As the front end of the converter is a three switch buck type rectifier, the voltage
index, m ≤ 0.55 which increases switch rms currents contributing to reduced power
index adversely effect the input power quality by increasing the input current THD.
To overcome the issues of buck boost converter presented in [13] , a new matrix based
three phase AC-DC buck-boost converter is proposed. The front end of the proposed
buck-boost rectifier is a matrix based AC-DC buck rectifier which provides half of the
voltage gain obtained by a three-switch buck rectifier and therefore, the proposed con-
verter can be operated at higher modulation index, m. The combination of buck and
boost stages provides a large range of voltage gain with superior input power quality
and power conversion efficiency. Even though the proposed topology requires signifi-
has significantly lower number of diodes. Moreover, a SVM based modulation scheme is
presented for the proposed buck-boost rectifier which avoids body diode conduction and
thus promises lower switch conduction loss. The presented modulation scheme is very
suitable for SiC MOSFETs which exhibit very low on resistance but high forward voltage
drop in the body diode. The low on resistance of SiC MOSFET results in lower switch
conduction loss. The important contributions of the chapter are summarized as follows:
• proposes a new matrix based three phase buck-boost converter topology suitable
• discusses the principles of the operation of the proposed converter in details followed
• similar to Chapter-2 and Chapter-3, SVM based modulation scheme at high switch-
ing frequency is implemented for the matrix converter. Moreover the benefits of
the proposed converter over three phase boost-buck converter [13, 14] is discussed;
• the operation and performance of the proposed converter prototype are validated
4.4 Topology and the principles of operation
In this section, the topology of the converter is described. Subsequently, the principles
Fig. 4.4 shows the circuit of the proposed matrix based three phase buck-boost
converter. The three phase input voltages, van , vbn and vcn are filtered by L-C input
filter formed by the three inductors, La , Lb and Lc and the capacitors, Ca , Cb and Cc .
The filtered three phase voltages are fed to the matrix (3 × 1) topology formed by six
back to back MOSFETs. For a given gating signal, switches are either OFF or ON. No
current flows through the switches during OFF states. Similarly, during ON conditions
of the switch, current flows through the MOSFET channel and therefore, switch diodes
never carry current resulting in lower switch conduction loss. The high frequency ac
voltage, vhf is processed using the CDR circuit formed by the two diodes, D1 and D2
and the two filter inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 . Subsequently, a boost stage is added with the
The principles of the operation of the proposed converter are divided into two parts.
The first part discusses the operation of matrix converter whereas in second part the
The matrix converter is used to directly convert the line frequency AC voltages into high
frequency AC voltage. The high frequency AC voltage is then processed using a CDR
circuit to rectify the AC voltage. A SVM based modulation scheme is used for the matrix
converter to achieve high input power quality with reduced switch conduction losses. The
where, Vm is the peak of the input voltages and θ is in radians. To implement the SVM
scheme, the input three phase voltages are divided into six similar sectors as shown in
Fig. 4.5. In each sector, the vector Iref is synthesized by using two adjacent vectors.
Based on the magnitude and angle of Iref , the time duration tα and tβ are calculated. For
a given sector, the appropriate switches as shown in Fig. 4.7(c) are operated. The values
of tα and tβ vary during the sector and pulse width modulated currents are formed which
are subsequently filtered using LC filter to generate high quality (low THDi ) currents at
the input. For Sector-1, the current reference, Iref is given using Fig. 4.5,
vab (van - vbn ) appears across the matrix output. Similarly, for current iac , voltage vac
(van - vcn )appears across the matrix output. From Fig. 4.6, following equation can be
Vdc Tsh = vab tα + vac tβ (4.3)
from geometry,
∗ sinφtan30o
vab tα + Vdc
cosφ = ∗T (4.4)
Vdc sh
π 2π
Sector-1 ranges from θ = 3 to θ = 3 . The relationship between θ and φ can be given
θ= +φ (4.5)
where, m is
m= (4.7)
Fig. 4.7 shows the operation of the proposed matrix converter. The duration to is
defined by,
to = − tα − tβ (4.9)
The calculation of tα and tβ is shown in Table. 4.1 for the different sectors. During
each sector, the time duration, to is calculated using (4.9). As shown in Fig. 4.7(a), the
Figure 4.5: Space Vector Modulation scheme for the presented modulation scheme. Tsh = 2 .
Table 4.1: Timing calculation for the different sector.
Sector tα tβ
π 2π mTs mTs
1- ( 3 <θ≤ 3 ) 2 sin θ − π3 2 sin −θ2π
2π mTs mTs
2- ( 3 < θ ≤ π) 2 sin θ − 2π3 2 sin π − θ
4π mTs mTs
3- ( π < θ ≤ 3 ) 2 sin θ − π 2 sin 4π3 − θ
4π 5π mTs mTs
4- ( 3 <θ≤ 3 ) 2 sin θ − 4π3 2 sin 5π3 − θ
5π mTs mTs
5- ( 3 < θ ≤ 2π) 2 sin θ − 5π3 2 sin 2π − θ
π mTs mTs
6- ( 0 < θ ≤ 3) 2 sin(θ) 2 sin π3 − θ
timing durations are given in the form of x1 , x2 and x3 which is subsequently, compared
with saw tooth signal. The frequency of the sawtooth signal is twice the frequency of
shown in Fig. 4.7(b) is used to generate symmetrical bipolar high frequency voltage. The
states of the switches of the matrix converter are shown in Fig. 4.7(c). The interval, (t0 ,
t1 ] is free wheeling interval in which both the diodes, D1 and D2 conducts and carries
half of the output current resulting in vhf = 0 and ihf = 0. During duration (t1 , t2 ],
the switches S1 and S4 are ON giving rise to vab (van - vbn ) across the matrix output.
For duration, (t2 , t3 ], the matrix switches S4 is turned OFF and the switch S6 is turned
ON which gives rise to vac (van - vcn ) across the matrix output. The interval (t3 , t4 ] is
exactly similar to The interval, (t0 , t1 ] Both diodes D1 and D2 provides free-wheeling
path for the inductor currents, iLf 1 and iLf 2 . To get symmetrical bipolar high frequency
ac voltage, the switching operation of the matrix converter is inverted in (t4 , t6 ] interval.
During the time interval (t4 , t5 ], the switches, S2 and S3 are turned ON giving rise to
-vab across the matrix output for tα duration. Similarly, during the time interval (t5 , t6 ],
the switches, S2 and S5 are turned ON giving rise to -vac across the matrix output for tβ
duration. The operation from t0 to t6 completes the operation of the converter for one
switching period, Ts .
159 Operation of the boost converter
The equivalent circuit of the boost stage of the proposed converter is illustrated in Fig.
4.8. The operation of the boost converter is shown in Fig. 4.9. Assuming the current
switching period, Tsb . The input current, ib which is sum of the inductor currents, iLf 1
and iLf 2 is switched by the MOSFET, M1 with switching frequency, fsb = Tsb . During
discharged to load through the diode, Db during OFF duration resulting in the boost
operation of the converter. The voltage across the switch, vsw , the current, ib , the
current through the diode, Db and the output capacitor current, iCo are shown in Fig.
In this section, the steady state analysis of the proposed converter is carried out and
voltage gain of the converter is derived. Subsequently, the design equations are derived
The proposed converter converts three phase line frequency voltages into high frequency
voltage which is further rectified and boosted using an integrated boost converter. The
voltage gain of the converter is defined as the ratio of output DC voltage and input rms
AC voltage. Following are the assumption taken into consideration for the derivation of
Figure 4.7: Operation of the proposed matrix converter during sector-1. Ts = 2 (tα + tβ + to )
(a). Sawtooth signal (b). Inversion signal (U ) (c). Switching states of the matrix switches (d).
High frequency ac voltage, vhf .
• All the three input phases are balance and the input phase voltages and currents
• the currents in the inductors, iLf 1 and iLf 2 are ripple free and constant and the
Figure 4.8: Simplified power circuit for the boost stage of the proposed converter.
The current, ib as shown in Fig. 4.8 is the sum of the currents, iLf 1 and iLf 2 .
In steady state, the total change in charge through the capacitor during one switching
cycle should be zero which when applied on the output capacitor, Co results in,
Vo Vo
− Ton + Ib − Tof f = 0 (4.11)
Ro Ro
Io Ton
Ib = where, D = (4.12)
1−D Ton + Tof f
where, Io is the output current and D is the duty cycle of the boost stage. The current
Ib Ib
flowing through each of the inductors, Lf 1 and Lf 2 is 2. The current 2 flows through
the matrix switches and essentially synthesizes the input phase current. To derive the
voltage gain of the proposed converter, volt-time balance across one of the CDR inductors
is carried out. For Lf 1 the voltage across inductor for one switching cycle, Ts is given as
3 Ts
mVm = Vo (1 − D)Ts (4.14)
2 2
Figure 4.9: (a). Gating signal for the MOSFET, M (b). Voltage across the boost MOSFET, M
(vsw ) (c). Current through the boost MOSFET, M (isw ) (d). Current through the diode, Db
(iDb ) (e). Current through the capacitor, Co (iCo ).
From (4.14), the voltage gain of the proposed converter is derived as,
Vo 3 m
Gv = = √ (4.15)
Vin,rms 2 2 (1 − D)
where, Vm is the peak of the input phase voltage. As shown in (4.15), the output voltage,
Vo depends on the modulation index, m of the matrix converter and the duty cycle, D of
the boost stage. By controlling these two parameters independently, the desired output
voltage can be obtained. Fig. 4.10 shows the voltage gain of the proposed converter at
different modulation index, m and duty, D. The yellow dotted line shows the values of
m and D for which the proposed converter provides a voltage gain, Gv of 1.17 which is
Table 4.2: Voltage across inductor, Lf 1
Figure 4.10: Voltage Gain, Gv of the proposed converter at different modulation index, m and
duty, D. Modulation index, m range is [0.6 - 0.9] and duty cycle, D range is [0.2 - 0.8].
4.5.2 Design equations for the proposed converter
In this Subsection, the voltage and current stresses of all the active and passive devices
are evaluated. For brevity, the calculations are not shown in the current version of the
paper. However, all the design equations are tabulated in Table. 4.3 and 4.4.
Figure 4.11: rms Current stress calculation using design equations. (a). Boost diode, Db (b).
CDR diode, D1 and D2 (c). Boost MOSFET, M1 (d). Matrix switches, S1 - S6 .
Figs. 4.11 and 4.12 show the normalized rms and avg value of currents in the active
Figure 4.12: Current stress calculation using design equations. (a). Boost diode, Db (b). CDR
diode, D1 and D2 (c). Boost MOSFET, M1 (d). Matrix switches, S1 - S6 .
and passive devices of the converter. With increase in modulation index, m, the rms and
avg value of the currents decrease. To validate the design equations, the currents stress of
semiconductor devices are theoretically calculated for 1/4th of the specifications shown
in Table 4.7 and subsequently, compared with the results obtained through the digital
simulation. The values are tabulated in Table. 4.5 which show excellent agreement with
each other.
Table 4.5: Theoretical and simulation values of current for Gv = 1.17 at m = 0.75.
Currents Theo. Simul. Theo Simul.
The boost-buck converter presented in [13, 14] is configured as a Vienna rectifier followed
by a buck converter as shown in Fig. 4.13. The output voltage of Vienna rectifier is
boosted DC voltage which is stepped down using a buck stage to the desired output
voltage. As shown in Table. 4.6, the Vienna rectifier uses less number of active switches
However, the number of diodes are significantly higher (20 as opposed to 3 in the proposed
two MOSFETs back to back which are driven by a common gate signal. Therefore, the
Figure 4.13: Circuit schematic of the Vienna rectifier based three phase boost-buck rectifier
proposed in [13, 14].
The boost-buck rectifier requires large inductor in the input side. Moreover, the
boost type of rectifiers have limit over minimum output DC voltage. Therefore, the
intermediate DC voltage of the boost-buck rectifier is high which increases the voltage
rating of the semiconductor devices. For example, for 230 V rms AC, the minimum
intermediate DC voltage is 650 V DC. In [13] the boost buck and buck-boost type of
rectifiers have compared in terms of power density, it has been found that the buck-boost
type of rectifiers provide higher power density compared to the boost-buck type. One of
the main reasons is reduced size of filter (inductor size/volume) in the buck-boost than
the boost-buck.
In terms of control, the boost type of rectifier has more complexity in sensing
and control implementation. The control of boost-buck rectifier requires three current
sensors whereas the proposed converter simply requires one DC sided current sensor
contributing to lower control realization effort. Further, the proposed buck-boost does
allow direct start up unlike the boost-buck rectifier which requires pre charging of the DC
link capacitor. In the boost-buck topology, an additional control is employed for balancing
the voltage across the intermediate capacitors. Even though the number of active switches
Table 4.6: Comparison of the proposed converter with Vienna rectifier based boost buck converter.
in proposed buck-boost topology is higher than the boost-buck topology, other aspects
such as significantly lesser number of diodes, almost equal gate drive requirements, partial
ZVS in switches, lower sensing effort, higher power density and the soft-start capability
make the proposed converter a potential choice for applications such as MEA where power
designed and developed and experimental tests are performed. The prototype converter
is tested for 25 % of the specification shown in Table. 4.7. The specifications are chosen
for voltage gain, Gv = 1.17. The design parameters of the converter are shown in Table.
4.8. For experiment at scale down power, the input voltage and the output voltage are
correspondingly scaled down to have better understanding of input power quality and
power conversion efficiency of the proposed topology even at this power. The components
selected for developing the example converter is shown in Table. 4.9. The matrix switches
are implemented by back to back connection of SiC MOSFET as shown in Fig. 4.4. The
Boost MOSFET is also implemented using SiC. The experimental hardware setup is
Parameter Value
Three phase input voltage, Vin,rms 230 V, 400 Hz
Output voltage, Vo 270 VDC
Output power, Po 2 kW
Parameter Value
Input filter inductors, (La , Lb , Lc ) 200 µH
Input filter capacitors, (Ca , Cb , Cc ) 1.2 µF
output filter inductors, Lf 1 , Lf 2 2.5 mH
Output filter capacitor, Co 400 µF
Switching frequency of the matrix converter, fs 40 kHz
Load resistance, Ro 10 Ω
Switching frequency of the boost converter, fsb 150 kHz
4.7.2 Digital switching scheme implementation
Figure 4.15: Digital implementation of the proposed switching scheme for the matrix converter.
The presented SVM based modulation scheme is implemented using DSP (F28335
TI) and FPGA Quartus II. The block diagram of the digital implementation is shown in
Fig. 4.15. The three phase input voltages are sensed and given to Phase Locked Loop
(PLL). The PLL generates the angle θ which is used for sector identification and timing
calculation. Based on the angle θ and timing values, PWM signals are generated using
DSP which is subsequently processed using FPGA with sector information to provide
final switching signals. It is important to note here that FPGA only carries out complex
boolean operation and thus can be easily replaced with low cost Complex Programmable
Logic Device (CPLD) resulting in more efficient and cost-effective control implementa-
tion. Fig. 4.16 shows the FPGA output signal for the three adjacent matrix switches.
A dead time, td is provided between adjacent switches for avoiding short circuit of the
input filter capacitor. The details of digital implementation of the modulation scheme
Table 4.9: Selected components for the proposed converter.
Figure 4.16: Switching signal for the three adjacent matrix switches, S1 , S3 and S5 . Ch1: 2 V/
div, Ch2: 2 V/ div Ch3: 2 V/ div.
The matrix topology is used to convert line frequency ac voltages into single phase high
frequency ac voltage. Fig.4.17 shows the phase-a voltage, van , high frequency ac voltage,
vhf and output DC voltage, vo . The 400 Hz ac three phase ac voltages are converted
into 40 kHz single phase bipolar symmetrical high frequency ac voltage. The proposed
converter is tested with output load resistance, Ro = 10 Ω. The phase-a voltage, van and
phase-a current, ia are shown in Fig. 4.18. The displacement power factor is found to be
almost unity. Fig. 4.19 shows three phase ac current. The input currents in all the three
phases are balanced and symmetrical. Fig. 4.20 shows the high frequency ac voltage,
vhf . The high frequency ac voltage is synthesized using SVM and alternatively inverted
Figure 4.17: Ch1: High frequency ac voltage (100 V/ div), vhf . Ch2: Phase-a voltage, van (100
V/ div). Ch3: Output DC voltage, vo (20 V/ div).
Figure 4.18: Ch1: Phase- a voltage, van (50 V/ div). Ch2: Phase-a current, ia (5 A/ div).
Figure 4.19: Three phase input ac current, Ch1: ia (2 A/div), Ch2: ib (2 A/div) and Ch3: ic (2
using inversion signal, U to generate symmetrical bipolar ac voltage. In Fig. 4.21, the
high frequency ac voltage, vhf and voltage across boost MOSFET, vsw are shown. A
dead time is provided during the switching transition from one leg to other leg in the
matrix converter to avoid the short circuiting of the input filter capacitor. Fig. 4.22
Figure 4.21: Ch1: Voltage across the boost MOSFET, vsw (50 V/ div). Ch2: High frequency ac
voltage, vhf (50 V/ div).
shows voltage across one of the MOSFETs of the matrix switch. It is worth noticing that
the voltage across the MOSFETs is zero for 3 duration resulting in ZVS of the MOSFET.
Further, the THD of the input current at full load is experimentally observed. The THD
Figure 4.22: Ch1: Voltage across one of the MOSFETs of the matrix switch (100 V/ div), V (S11 ).
For the hardware prototype of the proposed converter, SiC, 900 V MOSFETs are used
for matrix and boost switch implementation. As the current in matrix switches passes
through the two back to back connected MOSFETs, it is imperative to have MOSFETs
with low on resistance to reduce the switch conduction loss. Further, the CDR diode
carries significant amount of high frequency current. The CDR diodes are chosen for low
forward voltage drop and low reverse recovery charge. The two output filter inductors
are required to have low resistance to reduce losses. The theoretical loss is calculated
for the proposed converter at full load ( Ro = 10 Ω). The loss distribution is shown
in Fig. 4.23. The theoretical power conversion efficiency of the converter is found to
mentioning that the input/output voltage/current ripples are ignored for simplicity while
calculating for the total loss of the proposed converter. A R-C snubber (20 Ω and 1
nF) circuit is used to reduced the high frequency ringing across the boost MOSFET.
Additionally, a R-C snubber (50 Ω and 0.5 nF) is put across each matrix switch to
reducing high frequency voltage ringing. As the switch current always flows through
the SiC MOSFETs channel which exhibits very low ON resistance, the proposed topology
Figure 4.23: Total theoretical loss distribution of the converter. Total loss is found to be 56.45 W
at full load. [1]. Input filter loss [2]. Matrix switch loss [3]. CDR diodes loss [4]. CDR Inductor
loss [5]. Boosr MOSFET loss [6]. Boost diode loss [7]. Snubber loss.
promises very low conduction loss. Moreover, each of the MOSFETs matrix partially
get ZVS (1/3 of the total mains period), the switching loss are also minimized. With
increase in the modulation index, both rms and avg currents in semiconductor reduce and
therefore, the efficiency of the proposed topology can be further improved by operating
it at higher modulation index. The efficiency of the scaled down converter is calculated
experimentally for 100 % to 25 % load variation. Fig. 4.24 shows the efficiency of the
converter for different loads. At lower load, the efficiency of the converter drops due to
constant losses such as snubber losses. Additionally, the input filter capacitors takes finite
amount of reactive power which further reduces the overall power conversion efficiency
at lower loads.
In this subsection the input power quality of the proposed converter is discusses. The
THD of the input current for the scaled down prototype at full load is calculated and
Figure 4.24: Experimental efficiency of the scaled down converter prototype at different load.
Figure 4.25: Current harmonic distribution of the input current. The experimental current
harmonics shown in blue are compared with DO-160F standard shown in red color.
Figure 4.26: (a). Displacement Power Factor (DPF) vs output load. (b). Total Harmonic
Distortion (THDi ) of the input current vs output load.
its harmonic distribution is compared with standard limit specified by DO-160 which is
shown in Fig. 4.25. The individual current harmonics are within limits. The Displace-
ment Power Factor (DPF) of the converter is experimentally checked at different output
load and shown in Fig. 4.26(a). At full load the converter operates with unity power
factor. Even at 50 % of the full load, the DPF is close to 99 %. The input current THD
is also plotted for different output load as shown in Fig. 4.26(b). The overall THD is
found to be 3.2 % at full load. The proposed converter provides superior THD. Even at
25 % of the load, the THD is less than 5 %. It should be noted that by selecting smaller
value of the filter capacitors, the DPF variation for decreasing load can be further nar-
rowed. However, the THD of the input increases for low values of input filter capacitor.
Therefore, a trade off is needed between DPF for low load and input current THD.
4.8 Conclusion
A new matrix based non-isolated three phase buck-boost converter suitable for aircraft
systems is presented in this paper. The proposed converter is able to provide voltage
gain for which the conventional three phase PWM ac-dc converter such as buck, boost
and buck-boost are not suitable. The steady state analysis and design of the proposed
converter are provided in details. The SVM based modulation scheme is digitally imple-
mented for 40 kHz high frequency AC output from the matrix converter. The matrix
switches are implemented through state-of-art SiC switches and experimental efficiency
of 86.12 % is obtained at 455 W output power. Even at 25 % of the full load, the power
prototype demonstrates superior input power quality with THD = 3.2 %. Moreover, the
DPF is unity at full load. For 25 % of the load, the proposed converter shows the input
current THD better than 5 % and DPF more than 96%. Additionally, the input current
harmonics are compared with DO-160F harmonic limit and it is found to be within lim-
its. The benefits of and limitations of the converter can be summarized as follows:
2. Each of the matrix switches are controlled by single control which reduces the control
complexity. The inductor currents freewheels through CDR diodes when all the matrix
3. The presented SVM based switching scheme does not require body diode conduction
and therefore, the losses associated with body diode- conduction loss and reverse recovery
loss are eliminated. Moreover, SiC MOSFETs have lower on resistance which reduces
switch conduction loss. Moreover, each of the MOSFETs in the matrix topology achieves
2. The high switching frequency operation requires good PCB layout design. The bidi-
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
This chapter mainly focuses on analysis and design of HV resonant DC-DC converter
for powering Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) in MPM based transmitters. Due to low
weight/volume, MPM based transmitters are especially suited for smaller aircrafts such
brief review of HV DC-DC converter is given in Section 5.2. The new contribution of
the chapter is highlighted in Section 5.3. In Section 5.4, the topology and operation of
the proposed converter are discussed in details. The comprehensive steady state analysis
and design of the converter are carried out in Section 5.5 and 5.6, respectively. The
design of the converter is verified by simulation and experimental results in Section 5.7.
Moreover, the Section 5.7 also presents the brief discussion on the power conversion
efficiency and comparative evaluation of the two design methods- the proposed method
and First Harmonic Approximation (FHA). Section 5.8 provides the conclusion.
5.2 A Brief Review of HV DC-DC Converter
Several high voltage DC-DC converters are presented in literature. High switching fre-
quency is essential for reducing the size of magnetic and passive elements. Resonant con-
verters are used for operation where very high switching frequency are required because of
their natural ability to switch softly between the ON and OFF states[69, 71, 72, 81, 119].
For a high voltage DC-DC converter, the effects of parasitc elements become quite signif-
parasitics can be suitably utilized by forming a resonant tank. The requirement of large
Figure 5.1: (a) Equivalent LCC circuit when parallel capacitor is used in primary side. (b)
Equivalent LCC circuit when parallel capacitor is used in secondary side.
turns-ratio for the transformer in a high voltage DC-DC converter increases the impact of
parasitics and therefore, restricts the maximum achievable frequency [81, 120] . Another
and volume of the transformer as more number of turns requires large window area. The
high voltage transformer needs sufficient isolation between the primary and secondary
cost. Moreover, the increased insulation in the windings further exacerbates the parasitic
the literature [76, 77, 121–124] various kind of voltage multipliers have been used to
design the high voltage DC-DC converter. The combination of the series and parallel
Figure 5.2: (a) Two stage Cockcroft voltage multiplier. (b) Derived Symmetrical Quadrupler
Circuit using Cockcroft voltage multiplier.
resonant tank, LCC tank is much popular and widely used to generate high voltage
[70, 72, 73, 125, 126]. The LCC tank can provide voltage gain greater than unity with a
lesser variation in the switching frequency for regulating the output voltage for different
loads. However, the performance of the LCC tank deteriorates over wide input voltage
range because of the large circulating energy and turn off current of the MOSFETs.
Another key drawback of the LCC tank is that it requires a physical capacitor for the
parallel resonant component. When the parallel capacitor is placed on the primary side,
then the LCC tank degenerates into a LCC-L tank where the second inductor arises
from the transformer leakage inductance as shown Fig. 5.1.(a) [127]. Typically in a high
voltage high turns ratio transformer, the leakage inductance can be quite high which de-
teriorates the voltage gain of the LCC tank. Therefore, the parallel capacitor of a LCC
tank should be placed in the secondary side in order to avoid the high leakage inductance
arising in the high voltage transformers as shown in Fig. 5.1.(b); however, in a high
output voltage DC-DC converter, this may not be a viable option because an extremely
high voltage high frequency capacitor will be required to implement the secondary side
Fig. 5.2 shows the derivation of SQR circuit using traditional 2-stage Cockcroft
voltage multiplier. By splitting the Cockcroft voltage multiplier by half and combining
it in parallel, the SQR circuit can be realized. Due to parallel combination, the output
impedance of SQR circuit is lower than the Cockcroft voltage multiplier. Moreover, the
frequency of the output voltage ripple in SQR circuit is two times of the Cockcroft voltage
multiplier. The benefits of using SQR over other voltage multiplier circuits are described
in [78].
and power density for a wide input voltage range [119, 128–130]. Moreover, operation of
the LLC tank at switching frequency lower than the series resonant frequency results in
smaller tank elements for a given switching frequency. Operating the SQR based high
voltage LLC resonant DC-DC converter at switching frequency lower than the series
resonant frequency of the LLC tank makes the secondary current discontinuous and
therefore, the usual analysis based on the FHA is not accurate [131]. This chapter
provides a comprehensive analysis of the LLC tank along with the SQR by solving the
basic differential equation in the different modes of operation which enables more accurate
and realistic design for the converter. In this chapter, the step by step design procedure
of the converter along with various design trade-off is discussed in details. Moreover, a
the efficacy of the proposed analysis and design method. In brief, the main contributions
of this chapter are as follows:
resonant full bridge inverter and a Symmetrical Quadrupler Rectifier (SQR) for an
• proposed a new differential equation based analysis method and demonstrated its
• proper analysis of the SQR using FHA which has never been reported in literature
• the unique characteristics of the SQR diode currents such as discontinuity in the
current, the effect of the ratio of the parallel and series capacitor on the voltage
In this section, the topology of the converter is explained. subsequently, the different
modes of operation of the converter is explained. Fig. 5.3 illustrates the circuit schematic
of the converter. The front-end of the converter consists of a voltage fed full-bridge
inverter followed by an LLC resonant tank and a high frequency transformer. At the
output side, the SQR circuit is used. Devices S1 , S2 , S3 and S4 are used to implement
the full-bridge inverter followed by the series resonant inductor Lr and the series resonant
capacitor Cr giving rise to the primary side series resonant tank connected to the high
frequency transformer T with turns ratio 1 : N . At the secondary side of the transformer,
Figure 5.3: Circuit schematic of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter. The total high
voltage gain is shared among LLC tank (operating below series resonant frequency), high fre-
quency transformer and SQR ( 4× gain).
the SQR circuit is used for generating the high voltage DC, Vo with a voltage gain of four.
The SQR is formed by capacitors, C5 -C8 and by diodes, D5 -D8 . Since the capacitors
C7 and C8 are parallel to the load, they are termed as parallel capacitors of the SQR.
Fig. 5.4 shows the theoretical waveforms of the presented high voltage converter
during one switching cycle. The complete operation of the LLC resonant tank with the
SQR can be divided into twelve modes. Because of symmetrical operation during the
positive and negative half cycle of the operation, only six modes of the operation are
explained. The operation of the converter for mode-1 to mode-6 has been shown in Figs.
5.5 and 5.6. To get the additional voltage gain from the LLC tank, the converter is
operated at switching frequency lower than the series resonant frequency, fr . Followings
are the assumptions made for explaining the different modes of operation for the presented
• The ON resistance of MOSFETs (S1−4 ), Rds and body diodes (D1−4 ) forward
Figure 5.4: Theoretical waveforms of the converter. (a) shows inverter voltage vp , resonant current
ir , and magnetizing current im . (b) shows the secondary current which is discontinuous for time
td verifying the operation of converter below series resonant frequency fr . (c) show secondary
transformer voltage vs . (d) shows the diode currents in SQR circuit. (e) is the converter output
voltage v0 .
Figure 5.5: Modes of operation of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter. (a). Mode-1
(b). Mode-2 (c). Mode-3.
Figure 5.6: Modes of operation of the SQR based high voltage DC-DC converter. (a). Mode-4
(b). Mode-5 (c). Mode-6.
voltage drop, Vsdf are assumed to be zero;
• the secondary current is is divided into two parts- is1 and is2 . is1 flows through
diode D5 (during -ve half cycle) or diode D6 (during +ve half cycle) whereas is2
flows through diode D7 (during +ve half cycle) or diode D8 (during -ve half cycle);
• C8 = C7 ; C5 = C6
The symmetrical operation of the SQR circuit in both positive and negative cycle
required the parallel capacitors, C7 and C8 to be equal. Similarly, the series capacitors,
5.4.1 Mode-1
t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 : During this mode of the operation, switches S1 and S4 are ON giving rise
to vin = VDC as shown in Fig. 5.4.(a). At t = t0 , the series resonant current, ir and the
magnetizing current, im are equal. However, the rate of rise of im is lower than the rate
of rise of ir which results in net positive transformer primary current, ip . During this
mode, the tank resonates with the series resonant frequency, fr given as,
ωr 1
fr = = √ . (5.1)
2π 2π Lr Cr
The characteristic impedance of the tank can also be defined as
Zc = . (5.2)
If the voltage across the magnetizing inductor is vp then with the above assumptions,
vp (t − to ) = . (5.3)
where, N is the turns ratio of the transformer. The voltage across the magnetizing
vp (t − to ) = Lm . (5.4)
The voltage across the series elements of the LLC tank, Lr and Cr is (vin - vp ), which
The transformer secondary current, is is equal to is2 which flows through diode
During this mode, vs remains lower than the voltage across capacitor C6 , V (C6 ) which
makes diode D6 reverse biased. As D6 does not conduct, is1 remains zero during this
∆vC6 (t − to ) = 0. (5.8)
Z t
∆vC7 (t − to ) = (is2 (t) − io (t))dt. (5.9)
C7 to
Z t
∆vC8 (t − to ) = − io (t)dt. (5.10)
C8 to
This mode ends when the series resonant current, ir becomes zero.
5.4.2 Mode-2
positive as shown in Fig. 5.4 (b). The equation described in mode-1 will be same for
mode-2. This mode ends when secondary voltage, vs becomes equal to voltage across
5.4.3 Mode-3
t2 ≤ t ≤ t3 : During this mode of operation, the operation in the primary side of the
transformer remain similar to mode-2. However, in the secondary side, vs becomes equal
to VC6 which results in the conduction of diode D6 . The current, is1 flows through the
diode D6 charging the capacitor C6 . The current is is divided into two parts- is1 and is2
is (t − t2 )(α + 1) − io (t − t2 )
is1 (t − t2 ) = (5.12)
2α + 1
is (t − t2 )α + io (t − t2 )
is2 (t − t2 ) = (5.13)
2α + 1
Z t
∆vC6 (t − t2 ) = is1 (t)dt (5.15)
C6 t2
Z t
∆vC7 (t − t2 ) = (is2 (t) − io (t))dt (5.16)
C7 t2
Z t
∆vC8 (t − t2 ) = − io (t)dt (5.17)
C8 t2
5.4.4 Mode-4
is positive as shown in Fig. 5.4 (d). The operation of converter for both primary and
secondary side of the transformer is exactly similar. This mode ends when series resonant
5.4.5 Mode-5
t4 ≤ t ≤ t5 : At the start of this mode, series resonant current, ir and the magnetizing
current, im are equal resulting in zero current in the transformer winding (ip =0). This
mode is characterized by time duration, td as shown in Fig. 5.4. During this mode, no
power is transferred from source to load. The output power is taken from the output
capacitors, C7 and C8 . The operation of the converter is shown in Fig. 5.4(e). During
this mode, the LLC tank resonates with resonant frequency, f0 which is given as,
ω0 1
f0 = = p (5.18)
2π 2π (Lr + Lm )Cr
The characteristic impedance of LLC tank during this mode is given as,
(Lr + Lm )
Z0 = (5.19)
The governing circuit equations during this mode is given as,
Z t
dir 1
vp (t − t4 ) = (Lr + Lm ) + ir (t)dt (5.20)
dt Cr t4
ir (t − t4 ) = im (t − t4 ) (5.21)
All of the SQR diodes are turned off during this. The capacitors C7 and C8 discharges
through load.
∆vC5 (t − t4 ) = 0 (5.22)
∆vC6 (t − t4 ) = 0 (5.23)
Z t
∆vC7 (t − t4 ) = − io (t)dt (5.24)
C7 t4
Z t
∆vC8 (t − t4 ) = − io (t)dt (5.25)
C8 t4
This mode ends when the switch S1 and S4 are turned OFF.
5.4.6 Mode-6
t5 ≤ t ≤ t6 : A dead time of tw duration is provided between switches of same legs (S1 −S2
and S3 −S4 ). All the switches will be off during this mode. However, magnetizing current
im is still flowing in the resonant tank which flows through the Diode D2 and D3 and
therefore, discharges the capacitor C2 and C3 . Assuming that the magnetizing current
is large enough to discharge the capacitor, the switches S1 and S4 turns ON with zero
1 8
(Lr + Lm )i2m (t5 ) ≥ Coss Vdc
2 3
Where Coss is drain to source capacitance of the MOSFET. For current im , the time
im (t5 )tw ≥ Coss Vdc (5.27)
from source to load. The output load is fed by the output capacitors C7 and C8 . This
With the end of this mode, the first six modes of the operation of the converter
during the positive half cycle is finished. For the next six modes, the converter’s operation
is exactly similar to the first six modes of the operation and can be explained in similar
In this section, the operation of the converter is analyzed depending on the mode of
operation described in the Section II. The analysis of the converter is divided into seven
The characteristic solutions of the equations derived in section-II for the LLC tank can be
solved based on symmetry of the series resonant current, ir , magnetizing current, im and
the series capacitor voltage, vcr during half of the switching cycle, Ts /2. By symmetry,
it can be shown that after half of the switching cycle ir , im and vcr become equal and
opposite. Also, the average output power can be computed by averaging the power fed
to the load during half of the switching cycle. Consequently, four simultaneous equations
can be formed which can be solved to find the solutions of those equations . It is to be
noted that during mode-1 to mode-4, the reflected output voltage in the primary side, vp
equations for mode-1 to mode-4 remains similar. The solution of the equations from
im (t) = im (0) + t (5.28)
4N Lm
VDC − 4N − vcr (0)
ir (t) = ir (0) cos(ωr t) + sin(ωr t) (5.29)
vcr (t) = − VDC − − vcr (0) cos(ωr t) +
Zc ir (0) sin(ωr t) + VDC − (5.30)
ir − im = 0 (5.31)
From the symmetry of the voltage and current during half of the switching cycle,
vcr (0) = −vcr ( ) (5.34)
ir (0) = −ir ( ) (5.35)
im (0) = −im ( ) (5.36)
if P0 is average output power , then it can be given as
Z Tr
V0 2
P0 = ir (t) − im (t))dt (5.37)
4N Ts 0
The output power can be further simplified using 5.37 to find the closed form expression
where, β = 2ωr = 12 Tr Lr Cr .
To show the efficacy of the proposed differential equation analysis method as compared
section, the equation for the output voltage, vo (t) of the converter is derived using FHA.
Subsequently, the equations for the output voltage ripple, Vripple,F HA and the equivalent
reflected load resistance, Re are derived. It should be noted that the SQR is different
from the normal rectifier due to the series (C5 , C6 ) and parallel (C7 , C8 ) combination of
Figure 5.7: Equivalent circuit of SQR for the positive half cycle.
For FHA analayis, the input current to the SQR circuit, is (t) is assumed to have
only single frequency component i.e. is (t) = Ism sin ωs t. As show in Fig. 5.7, the
instantaneous output voltage vo (t) can be written as the sum of voltages, vc7 (t) and
vc8 (t).
through the capacitor C7 and C8 as shown in the Fig. 5.7 , equation (5.40) can be derived
as follows,
dvo (t) −(io (t) − is2 (t)) −io (t)
= + (5.41)
dt Co Co
vo (t)
The output current, io (t) can be replaced with Ro . Similarly, the value of is2 (t) is
Ism α sin ωs t+io (t)
simplified using (5.13) as is2 (t) = 2α+1 .
Define k1 = 4α+1
Ro Co (2α+1) ; k2 = CoαI
(2α+1) . Substituting k1 and k2 in (5.41), the follow-
dvo (t)
+ k1 vo (t) − k2 sin(ωs t) = 0 (5.42)
The average value of vo (t) for half of the switching cycle, < vo (t) > is given by
2 Ism Ro α
< vo (t) >= (5.44)
π (4 α + 1)
The output voltage ripple based on FHA, Vripple,F HA is given by,
3π π
Vripple,F HA = vo − vo (5.45)
4ωs 4ωs
√ 5 Ts √ 5 Ts
15 2 Co Ro Ts Vo π 2 e 12 Co Ro − 2 e 24 Co Ro + 1
= 5 Ts
e 12 Co Ro + 1 36 π 2 Co2 Ro2 + 25 Ts 2
By equating primary side power to secondary side power and using (5.44), the
Re = 2 2 1 (5.46)
2π N ( 4α + 1)2
The value of Re depends on α which is a unique characteristic of the SQR based LLC
converter and is not evident if approximated by the FHA analysis of a normal rectifier
[131]. The derived Re is used to define the quality factor, Q of the LLC resonant tank.
In subsection III-C, another method of calculating output voltage ripple without any
The output voltage ripple can be calculated using (5.45). However, it is based on as-
sumption that input current, is to the SQR is sinusoidal. Therefore, the calculation of
output ripple voltage will not be accurate as the current to the SQR is discontinuous with
a discontinuous time, td as shown in Fig. 5.4.(b). As stated earlier, for the application
such as MPM, the estimation of accurate output voltage ripple is necessary as the phase
of amplified RF output depends on the output voltage and any error in ripple estimation
results in power loss when multiple MPMs are combined for increased output RF power.
The equivalent circuit of the SQR for the positive half cycle has been shown in
Fig. 5.7. During this period, the load current io of constant magnitude, Io discharges
capacitor C7 and C8 where as is2 charges capacitor C7 . Assuming all the capacitors of the
SQR circuit to be equal (C5−8 = Co ), it can be shown that the net discharge of output
capacitor occurs when, is2 (t) < 2I0 and they keep on discharging until is2 (t) > 2I0 if tc1
and tc2 are the time when is2 (t) = 2I0 , the peak to peak output ripple, Vripple can be
derived as
Z Tr Z Ts /2 Z +tc1
1 2
Vripple = (2I0 − is2 (t)) dt + (2I0 )dt + (2I0 − is2 (t)) dt (5.47)
Co tc2 Tr Ts /2
Fig. 5.8 shows the different operating regions of the SQR which results in output voltage
ripple, Vripple . This first part of the ripple equation given in (5.47) describes the voltage
drop when is2 becomes less than 2I0 . The second part corresponds to the voltage drop in
the output capacitors during time, td whereas the third part of the equation describes the
voltage drop during the negative half cycle till is2 becomes equal to 2I0 . The three parts
are shown in shaded regions in Fig. 5.8 as region-1, region-2 and region-3, respectively. It
is to be noted that during time td , both capacitors, C7 and C8 will discharge to the load
and there is no charging current which results in almost linear drop in output voltage.
Increasing the switching frequency below series resonant frequency results in larger td
and therefore, results in additional voltage drop and therefore, requires larger output
capacitor to reduce the output voltage ripple. The output voltage ripple equation given
in (5.47) can be further simplified by assuming the secondary diode current, is2 to be
symmetrical across its peak value. With that assumption, the two instants, tc1 and tc2
when is2 (t) = 2I0 as show in Fig. 5.9 can be simplified as,
The current is2 (t) can be expressed as is2 (t) = Is2m sin( Tπtr ) where, Is2m denotes the
maximum value of the current, is2 (t). The value of tc1 can be solved by equating is2 (t)
Figure 5.8: Peak to peak voltage ripple, Vripple of the output DC voltage. The shaded regions
show the process by which output voltage ripple is generated. The output DC current, io is of
constant magnitude Io .
From (5.13), (5.47), (5.48) and (5.49) the output voltage ripple can be further simplified
2(1 + αIIsm ) Tr
Io Ts o
Vripple = 1− (5.50)
Co π(2α + 1) Ts
ripple voltage.
Figure 5.9: (a). SQR operation during positive half cycle for t = 0 to t = tp . (b). SQR operation
during positive half cycle for t = tp to t = Tr . (c). Current in the SQR diodes.
5.5.4 Explanation for the time tp and unequal current stress in the
diodes of SQR
In this subsection, the unique nature of the SQR diode currents is described. As shown
in Fig. 5.9.(c) the SQR diode currents, iD7 and iD6 do not start at the same time. The
operation of the SQR based on the characteristic behaviour of these two current can be
divided into two regions. The first region occurs for duration, t = 0 to t = tp as show in
Fig. 5.9.(a) whereas second region occurs for duration, t = tp to t = Tr as show in Fig.
Since operation of the SQR is symmetrical in the both positive and negative half
cycle, only positive cycle is described. Initially, the secondary current, is flows through
diode, D7 discharging the series capacitor, C5 in this process which is given by the
following equation,
vs (t) = vc7 (t) − vc5 (t); is2 (t) = is (t); is1 (t) = 0; (5.51)
Assuming vc7 (t) = 2 , the secondary voltage, vs (t) increases with the discharge of the
capacitor, C5 . For the diode, D6 to conduct, vs (t) − vc6 (t) > Vf where Vf is the forward
voltage drop of the diode, D6 . The time, tp is essentially the duration when the secondary
voltage becomes higher than the voltage across the capacitor, C6 and therefore, both
diodes, D6 and D7 start conducting as shown in Fig. 5.9(b). As the impedance offered
by two paths, C5 - D7 - C7 and C6 - D6 are not equal, the currents shared by the
two diodes, D7 and D6 are not equal as described by the equations (5.12) and (5.13).
the impedance of the two paths two paths, C5 - D7 - C7 and C6 - D6 can be minimized.
As, the parameter α describes the ratio of the parallel capacitors (C7 , C8 ) and the series
capacitors, (C5 , C6 ), the increase in the value of α reduces the difference of the currents
in the diodes, D7 and D6 .
By choosing α more than 1, the difference of two currents is1 and is2 can be reduced
as given by (5.12) and (5.13). Moreover, the time interval, tp also gets reduced with
increased value of α. However, large α requires small series capacitors, C5 and C6 . The
small capacitance results in increased voltage ripple for a current fed SQR circuit. For
high voltage output, the current in secondary side is relatively smaller and therefore, the
value of α should not be chosen bigger as it increases the voltage stress of the capacitors
by increasing the voltage ripple across them. However, for the converters having low
voltage and high current output, large value of α can effectively reduce the current stress
From (5.44), the ratio ism and Io which is a function of α is calculated. Fig. 5.10 shows
the variation of the secondary peak current, Ism with respect to α. With increase in α,
the peak current of the transformer secondary current, ism is reduced. Subsequently, the
SQR diode currents, is1 and is2 can be calculated from (5.12) and (5.13). Fig. 5.11 shows
the variation of the peak of the SQR diode current with respect to α. With increase in
5.5.7 Voltage stress in the capacitors of the SQR
In the steady state the voltage across the parallel capacitors, C7 and C8 is half of the
output voltage whereas the voltage across the series capacitors, C5 , C6 is one-fourth of
the output voltage. However, all the capacitors have additional voltage ripple which must
be taken into consideration for deciding the voltage rating of each of the capacitors.
The desired output voltage ripple decides the lower limit of the parallel capacitors
(5.47) whereas its upper limit is constrained by maximum allowed stored energy (Emax )
Once the parallel capacitors, C7 , C8 are selected, the series capacitors, C5 , C6 are chosen.
For increased value of α, the series capacitors should be of lower value compared to the
parallel capacitors. However, lower value of series capacitor results in increased output
voltage ripple. Therefore, a compromise needs to be made between reducing the current
stress ( by increasing the α) and reducing the voltage stress (by keeping α=1). For high
voltage DC output, voltage stress is much of importance than current stress. Therefore,
flow chart is provided to show step by step design procedure of the converter. Sub-
sequently, the various design parameters of the converter for a given specifications are
evaluated which are later used in evaluating the performance of the converter through
Figure 5.10: Ratio of the peak value of the transformer secondary current and output DC current,
Io variation with respect to α.
Figure 5.11: Peak current stresses of the SQR diodes with respect to α.
simulation and experimental tests. Moreover, the design of SQR circuit is also provided.
An example converter of the specification shown in Table 5.1 is chosen for design. The
design flow chart shown in Fig. 5.12 is used to carry out the design of the converter.
Based on the design steps, for the input voltage, VDC = 120 V, output voltage, Vo =
the additional voltage gain required from the LLC resonant tank is 1.04. The resonant
frequency, fr of the converter is chosen to be 270 kHz which is sufficient enough to allow
the switching frequency, fs variation for providing additional voltage gain at different
operating conditions. The quality factor of the LLC resonant tank, Q is defined as,
1 Lr Zc
Q= = (5.53)
Re Cr Re
Once the LLC tank parameters are defined, the unknown parameters of the equa-
tions describing the operation of the presented converter are evaluated by solving the
simultaneous equations shown in (5.34)-(5.37). The results of the solution are plotted
in Fig.5.13, Fig. 5.14 and Fig. 5.15. For given input voltage, vDC , output voltage, Vo ,
output power, Po and the chosen converter parameters, Lr , Lm and Cr , the unknown pa-
rameters such as, ir (0), im (0), vcr (0), Tr and Ts can be calculated and thus, the equations
(5.28), (5.29), (5.30), (5.32), (5.33) and (5.37) can be completely characterized. Subse-
quently, the rms, avg and peak currents of the converter are calculated using following
Z Tr Z Ts
2 2
ir (avg) = ir (t)dt + ir (t)dt (5.54)
Ts 0 Tr
Z Tr Z Ts
2 2
ir (rms) = ir (t)dt + ir (t)dt (5.55)
Ts 0 Tr
Z Tr
ip (avg) = (ir (t) − im (t))dt (5.56)
Ts o
Figure 5.12: Flowchart for the design of the presented converter.
s Z Tr
ip (rms) = (i2r (t) − i2m (t))dt (5.57)
Ts o
As shown in Fig. 5.4, the peak value of resonant current, ir (t) occurs at t = t3 . The time
The peak value of the resonant current, ir (t) and the primary current, ip (t) are equal
Parameters Values
Input voltage, Vin 120 V
Output voltage, Vo 2000 V
Output Power, Po 200 W
To operate the LLC resonant converter in the boost mode, it must be operated
at fs lower than its series resonant frequency, fr . However, fs should also be above
the second resonant frequency, f0 in all operating conditions so that the converter can
operate in ZVS mode. The characteristic plot of the converter is shown in Fig. 5.13. It
shows the normalized voltage gain of the LLC tank at different fr for different Q values.
The Lm ratio is chosen as 0.07. It is evident from the plot that the voltage gain of the
LLC tank is more than 1. Decreasing the load of the converter reduces the quality factor,
Q of the LLC tank which results in increased voltage gain as shown in Fig. 5.13.
The selection of Lm ratio is critical as it decides the voltage gain, RMS switch
current and peak of the magnetizing current. In Fig. 5.14, the normalized voltage
fs Lr
gain of the LLC tank is plotted at different fr for different values of Lm . For higher
values of Lm ratio, the LLC tank provides higher voltage gain. However, the higher
values of Lm also results in higher RMS current in MOSFET switches resulting in higher
conduction loss as shown in Fig. 5.15.(a). Similarly, for lower Lm values, the voltage
gain of LLC tank decreases and therefore, the switching frequency, fs of the converter has
to be decreased further for increased voltage gain as shown in Fig. 5.15.(b). However,
at lower Lm values, the peak of magnetizing current reduces which is essentially turn
off current for the MOSFETs resulting in reduced switching loss as illustrated in Fig.
Lr Lr
5.15.(a). Therefore, a trade off is required while selecting Lm ratio. The value of Lm
is chosen to be 0.07 as the switch RMS current is almost equal to the condition when
Lm = 0.035 as shown in Fig. 5.15.(a). Moreover, the switching frequency, fs is 230
kHz for required voltage gain. The switch RMS current and switch turn off current can
be reduced by reducing Lm ratio. However, it results in lower voltage gain and lower
Lr Lr
operating switching frequency i.e. 178 kHz for Lm = 0.035. Therefore, Lm ratio is chosen
The design of capacitors of the SQR is based on the specified output voltage ripple.
energy in the output side. For 0.5 joules of output energy and 2 kV output voltage,
1 Vo 1 Vo
C7 ( )2 + C8 ( )2 ≤ 0.5 (5.60)
2 2 2 2
The output voltage ripple is calculated based on (5.47). The voltage ripple across
series capacitors, C5 and C6 from (5.61). The SQR diodes is chosen based on average
current rating given in (5.62). The voltage rating of diodes should be more than 2 .
Z Tr Z Tr
1 1
∆VC6 = is1 (t)dt; ∆VC5 = is1 (t)dt (5.61)
C6 0 C5 0
Z Tr
< iD5 >=< iD6 >= is1 (t)dt;
Ts 0
Z Tr
< iD7 >=< iD8 >= is2 (t)dt (5.62)
Ts 0
For switching frequency, fs is 230 kHz and Lm = 0.07, the different parameters of con-
Figure 5.13: Normalized voltage gain of the LLC tank for different fr ratio at different Q.
Parameter Value
Series resonant inductor, Lr 7 µH
Resonant capacitor, Cr 50 nF
Magnetizing Inductance, Lm 100 µH
Transformer turns-ratio, 1 : N 1:4
SQR Capacitor, C0 75 nF
For the designed parameter shown in Table. 5.2, the RMS and avg currents of the
active and passive devices are evaluated for full load and 50 % of the full load by solving
the design equation given in (5.34-(5.37). The results are tabulated in Table. 5.3.
fs Lr
Figure 5.14: Normalized voltage gain of the LLC tank for different fr ratio at different Lm ratio.
Figure 5.15: (a). RMS and peak value of the series resonant currrent, ir variation with respect
to LLmr . (b). ffrs variation with respect to LLmr . All the graphs are plotted for full load Q = 0.3.
Table 5.3: Theoretical calculation of currents by solving the iterative design equations for 200
and 100 W output power.
Po 200 W 100 W
ir,rms 2.00 A 1.27 A
ir,avg 1.80 A 1.16 A
ir,pk 2.96 A 1.51 A
ip,rms 1.93 A 0.97 A
ip,avg 1.61 A 0.8 A
ip,pk 2.96 A 1.51 A
is,rms 0.48 A 0.24 A
is,avg 0.4 A 0.20 A
is,pk 0.74 A 0.38 A
A scaled down hardware prototype of 200 W and 2000 V is designed as shown in Fig. 5.18.
The designed parameters of the converter is tabulated in Table II. To generate the control
signal for the full bridge converter, TI F28335 DSP board is used. Power MOSFETs
(IRFI4227PBF) are used to implement the full bridge semiconductor switches. To isolate
the control signal and MOSFETs, pulse transformer based gate drivers are used. The
high frequency AC output of the full bridge inverter is followed by a resonant tank and
a high frequency transformer. To have low profile and sufficient voltage isolation, a high
frequency planar transformer with 1:4 turns ratio is designed with ferrite core, EE-32-
the two E cores. To form the LLC resonant tank an external inductor of 4 µH and an
stress in the SQR diodes / capacitors, the secondary winding is divided into two similar
sections. The SQR capacitor value in each of the sections is chosen to be 0.075 µF. The
rectified voltage of these two sections is added in series to obtain the total output voltage.
Figure 5.16: Simulation Results of the presented converter. (a)Full bridge inverter output voltage,
vin (b) Series resonant current, ir and magnetizing current, im (c). Secondary transformer current,
is (d) Diode currents of the SQR (e) High voltage DC output, Vo .
5.7.1 Simulation Results
The presented converter with above specifications is simulated in PSIM 9.3 and the
simulation results are provided. The parameters of the converter for simulation are
chosen as shown in Table. 5.2. A variable frequency controller for regulating the output
voltage is implemented in simulation and results are obtained for 120 VDC input, 2000
VDC output at 200 W output power. The converter is operated at 230 kHz switching
Fig. 5.16 shows the simulation results for the converter at full load (200 W). Fig.
5.16.(a) shows the full bridge inverter voltage, vin . In Fig. 5.16.(b), the series resonant
current, ir and the magnetizing current, im are shown. It is evident that LLC tank is
operating at switching frequency lower than the series resonant frequency. Fig. 5.16.(c)
shows the secondary current, is of the transformer which is also input to the SQR circuit.
As shown, the current is discontinuous in nature. Fig. 5.16.(d) shows the diode currents
of the SQR circuit whereas Fig. 5.16.(e) shows the regulated DC output voltage, vo .
In Fig. 5.17, the series resonant current, ir and the magnetizing current, im are
Lr Lr
shown for three different values of Lm . As shown, with increase in Lm value from 0.035
to 0.14, the switching frequency, fs of the converter is increasing. Moreover, the peak
of magnetizing current, im is maximum at Lm = 0.14 as shown in Fig. 5.17.(a). The
simulation results shown in Fig.5.17 validates the results shown in Fig. 5.15 and justifies
the choice of Lm = 0.07 in the design.
Figure 5.17: Simulated Series Resonant current, ir and magnetizing current, im for different Lm
ratio (a). LLmr = 0.14 (b). LLmr = 0.07 (c). LLmr = 0.035.
Figure 5.18: Hardware prototype of the proposed high voltage DC-DC converter.
5.7.2 Experimental Results
The hardware prototype of the converter shown in Fig. 5.18 is tested for 2 kV output and
experiment results are discussed. A ferrite core based high frequency planar transformer
is designed for step up voltage gain as shown in Fig. 5.19. Fig. 5.20 shows the full
bridge inverter voltage vin and series resonant current, ir for 200 W output power. The
input voltage is 120 VDC and output voltage is 2000 VDC. The switching frequency of
the converter is 230 kHz. The input current of the resonant tank, ir is made of two
waveform of ir that the converter is operating below series resonant frequency, fr . Fig.
5.21 shows switch voltage (Vds ), gate voltage (Vgs ) and series resonant current, ir for
120 V /2000 V at 200 W output power. It can be noticed that Vds becomes almost
zero before the gate is turned ON (Vgs > 0). The series resonant current discharges the
switch capacitance before it is turned ON and therefore, guarantees ZVS for the switches.
Similarly, Fig. 5.22 shows the switch voltage (Vds ), gate voltage (Vgs ), series resonant
current (ir ) and output voltage (V0 ) at 50 % of the full load. It can be seen from the
waveforms that the switch is turned ON with zero voltage in this condition too.
Fig. 5.23 shows transformer secondary voltage (vs ) and secondary current (is ) at
200 W output power. It is to be noted here that the secondary windings of transformer
is divided into two similar sections and the voltage and current waveforms are taken for
one of those sections. The secondary current is discontinuous indicating the operation of
converter below fr . As is becomes zero for td duration after each half of the switching
cycle, the diodes of SQR turn off with zero current switching (ZCS) contributing to
Fig. 5.24 shows the high voltage DC output (V0 = 2000V) at 200 W output power.
The input voltage is 120 V and fs = 230 kHz. Fig. 5.25 shows the output voltage ripple
(Vripple ) at 200 W output power. The ripple frequency is two times (460 kHz) of the
switching frequency, fs . The theoretical ripple voltage is calculated using (5.50) for 200
W and 100 W output power and are found to be 4.2 V and 1.9 V. Fig. 5.26 shows the
output voltage ripple (Vripple ) at 100 W output power. The ripple voltage for 200 W is
Figure 5.20: Full bridge inverter voltage, (vin ) and series resonant current, (ir ) for 200 W output
power at 120 V DC input to 2 kV output. Switching frequency (fs ) is 230 kHz.
Figure 5.21: Switch voltage (Vds ), Gate voltage ( Vgs ), and series resonant current (ir ) for 120
VDC / 2000V at 200 W output power.
Figure 5.22: Switch voltage (Vds ), Gate voltage ( Vgs ), high voltage DC output ( V0 ) and series
resonant current (ir ) for 120 V DC/ 2 kV at 100 W output power.
Figure 5.23: Transformer secondary voltage, vs and current waveforms, is at 200 W output power
and 120 V DC input.
Figure 5.24: High voltage DC output (V0 ). The presented DC-DC converter generates 2000 V
from 120 V DC input when converter is switching at 230 kHz at 200 W output power.
Figure 5.25: Output voltage ripple (Vripple ) of high voltage DC output at 200 W output power
and 120 V DC input.
Figure 5.26: Output voltage ripple (Vripple ) of high voltage DC output at 100 W output power
and 120 V DC input.
5.7.3 Discussion of the power conversion efficiency of the converter
The theoretical power loss of the presented converter is calculated and the distribution
of the power losses for different parts of the converter are shown for operation at the
full load. Based on calculation in Table. 5.3, the RMS current in the switches at full
load is 2.09 A. As the converter is having Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) during turn
ON, the switch turn ON losses are assumed to be zero. However, during turn off, the
MOSFET generates loss as it turns off with the peak of magnetizing current, im which
Lr Lr
value depends on Lm ratio. For Lm = 0.07, the peak of the magnetizing current is 1.32A
and therefore, the turn off losses of the switches are considered into loss calculation.
Further, loss in external inductor is calculated. The core loss and copper loss of the high
is calculated based on its ESR values. In the secondary side, the conduction loss in the
SQR diodes are calculated based on the average current flowing through them which is
calculated and tabulated in Table. 5.3. Since the SQR diodes switch with zero current,
the reverse recovery losses in the SQR diodes are zero. The losses due to ESR of the SQR
capacitors are also considered. The total loss of the converter is summarized in Table.
The losses in the MOSFETs include conduction loss and turn off loss. The MOS-
FET used in implementing the hardware prototype, IRFI4227PBF offers very low Rds,on
(23 mΩ) which results in lower conduction loss (86 mW per MOSFET). However, as turn
off current in the presented converter is high due to low magnetizing inductance, the turn
off losses are significant (720 mW per MOSFET). The total loss of the MOSFETs can
optimum switching device has not been focused in this research work. Similarly, the
transformer loss includes core loss and copper loss. The operating magnetic flux density
is chosen to be 0.1 T for the transformer. The core loss and copper loss are 1.18 W and
1.021 W, respectively. The SQR loss is the sum of the losses in diodes and capacitors.
The losses in diodes and capacitors are 500 mW and 109 mW respectively. The total
theoretical loss is 7.57 W which is very close to experimental loss of 8 W at 200 W out-
put power. The overall efficiency of the converter at full load is found to be 96%. The
efficiency of the converter is tested at 50 % of the full load and an experimental efficiency
of 94. 1 % is achieved.
Figure 5.27: Theoretical power loss distribution in watts for the presented converter. For 200 W
output power, the total loss is 7.57 W.
Figure 5.28: Comparison of the accuracy in estimating the output voltage ripple of the presented
converter by using the FHA and the proposed method. (a). Proposed method (b). FHA method
(c). Digital simulation results (d). Experimental results.
The first harmonic approximation simplifies the analysis of an LLC resonant converter.
However, it fails to provide accurate results when the converter is operated at switching
frequency lower than the series resonant frequency to have additional voltage gain from
the LLC tank. The proposed differential equation based analysis provides accurate re-
sults as it does not take any approximation into account. To demonstrate the efficacy
of the proposed method, the output voltage ripple is calculated using both the FHA
and the proposed differential equation based method by (5.45) and (5.47), respectively.
Subsequently, the results are compared with simulation and experimental results. Fig.
5.28 shows the comparison of the accuracy in estimating the output voltage ripple of the
It is evident that the FHA method fails to provide accurate output voltage ripple.
The proposed analysis method provides results much closer to simulation and experimen-
tal results both at 200 W and 100 W output power.
5.8 Conclusion
with high voltage gain has been presented in this chapter along with comprehensive
the presented converter. The LLC converter is operated at lower than the series resonant
frequency of the LLC tank to have additional voltage boost. During this mode, the
primary current in the tank becomes discontinuous and therefore, the usual design based
on the FHA does not hold true. Therefore, a new method of solving the LLC resonant
method is validated through simulation and experimental results. The output voltage
ripple estimation through both FHA and the proposed method show that the proposed
method accurately estimate the ripple with just 5 % error whereas as the FHA method
shows significant error of 50 % when compared with the experimental results. The use
of SQR along with an additional voltage gain from the LLC tank reduces the required
turns ratio of the transformer almost by the factor of 4 contributing to high frequency
at full load.
Chapter 6
This Chapter concludes the thesis. Section 6.1 briefly relates the motivation and provides
the conclusion on the work done in this thesis. Finally, the direction of future research
6.1 Conclusions
Based on specific requirements of the aircraft system, new power electronic converter
of high concern and therefore, power converters suitable for high switching frequency
operation and high power conversion efficiency are proposed, analyzed, designed and
suitable for aircraft system are proposed. Three phase buck rectifiers are preferred over
three phase boost rectifier for step down voltage gain because of their higher power
density, lower voltage rating of the semiconductor devices, and simpler sensing and closed
loop control design. In aircrafts, non-isolated buck rectifiers are ideal choice for front end
rectifiers. In Chapter-2, a novel matrix based non-isolated buck rectifier with double
step down voltage gain is proposed. The proposed buck rectifier provides half of the
output voltage provided by traditional buck rectifier at the same modulation index and
thus, promises improved power conversion efficiency and input power quality for large
step down output DC voltage. In Section 2.5, steady state analysis and design including
effect of modulation index on input current THD are presented in details. Further, in
Section 2.7, the comparative loss evaluation of the proposed converter with the state of art
six switch buck rectifier is carried out which shows that the proposed converter provides
lower semiconductor loss for 40 kHz switching frequency at 500 W output power. With
further increase in the output power, the proposed converter shows significant reduction
in the semiconductor loss compared to three switch buck rectifier. A new modified
SVM based modulation scheme is proposed and digitally implemented and input current
THD < 5 % is demonstrated both in simulation and experimental tests. One of the
the conventional buck rectifiers. However, single control of each matrix switches and
less number of semiconductor diodes in the proposed topology compensate for higher
number of MOSFET switches. Moreover, the switch current always flows through the
MOSFET channel similar to synchronous rectification and thus, the losses associated
with body diodes are completely eliminated. The proposed nonisolated buck rectifier is
benchmarked with respect to passive ATRU and 12.3 % improvement in power density
and 1.2 % improvement in power conversion efficiency are estimated. The proposed
In Chapter-3, a matrix based isolated AC-DC converter is presented. Being a single
stage conversion, the matrix based isolated AC-DC converter is very suitable for high
power density. The removal of bulky electrolytic DC link capacitor further improves
power density and reliability. It has been estimated in this chapter that the weight of
DC link capacitor can be 1.12 kG for 10 kW output power. Moreover, the size and
power conversion. However, one of the main challenges in isolated power conversion arises
because of the unavoidable leakage inductance of the high frequency transformer. A novel
soft-switched active snubber circuit with an additional high frequency series capacitor
forming a resonant tank is proposed which overcomes the issue of high frequency current
commutation, duty cycle loss and voltage spikes. A reduction of 65 % in duty cycle loss
current commutation method. Further, the presented SVM based modulation scheme is
digitally implemented and discussed in details in Section 3.7. The proposed scheme is
implemented with DSP and FPGA and it provides high frequency and high resolution
switching signal for the matrix switches. The performance of the proposed converter
topology is demonstrated through both simulation and experimental tests. Further, the
proposed converter is compared to existing isolated three phase AC-DC converter and
benefits of the proposed converter is discussed. The proposed isolated AC-DC converter
is benchmarked with passive TRU and 18 % improvement in power density and 3.5 %
devices such as SiC and GaN would be implemented to further improve the performance
for reduced electrical weight in aircrafts. A new matrix based buck-boost converter is
proposed in Chapter-5 to provide voltage gain (230 V AC to 270 V DC) for which none
of the traditional AC-DC rectifiers- buck, boost, buck-boost and boost-buck are suitable.
The suitability and limitations of the proposed matrix based buck-boost topology is
discussed by comparing it with three switch buck rectifier based buck-boost topology.
Steady state analysis and design of the converter is carried out. The design equations are
converter is operated at high switching frequency (230 kHz at full load) with ZVS in
MOSFETs and ZCS in SQR diodes contributing to 96 % efficiency for 2 kV, 200 W
output. The use of SQR circuit reduces the turns ratio of the high frequency transformer
by 75 % contributing to overall smaller volume and weight. Moreover, the LLC converter
is operated below the resonant frequency to get additional voltage boost from the resonant
tank. One challenge of operating the converter below resonant frequency is discontinuous
tank current for which usual analysis and design based on FHA fail to provide accurate
results. In Subsection 5.5.2, the FHA analysis of the LLC converter with SQR is carried
out. Further, a new differential based method is proposed for accurate analysis and
design of the presented converter and the efficacy and accuracy of this method is validated
through simulation and experimental tests which are discussed in Subsection 5.7.4.
Further, the findings of this research work is presented in various peer reviewed
6.2 Future Work
This research work is mainly focused on proposing new power converter topologies suit-
able for aircraft system with improved switching modulation schemes. Subsequently, the
comprehensive analysis and design are provided for each topology. Further, the proposed
topologies are validated through simulation and hardware prototype in a laboratory en-
vironment which promise better performance than the conventional power converters.
In future research work, the new semiconductor devices such as SiC/GaN can
topologies are very much suitable for SiC switches which exhibits excellent Figure Of
Merit (FOM) but has large diode forward voltage drop. However, to fully utilize the
benefits of SiC switches, the PCB design with low parasitics is of paramount importance.
Further studies are required to design PCB layout with smaller current loop and low
Another area of research work can be the parameter optimization. The increased
switching frequency reduces passive size and volume but it also increases switching loss
with consideration of PCB parasitics to have optimum converter design. In the proposed
modulation scheme, the switching sequence of matrix switches can have different combi-
nations. In future, different switching sequence for the proposed modulation scheme can
be studied and consequently, optimum switching sequence can be investigated for further
The closed loop control of the proposed converters for regulated output DC voltage
can be simply implemented using traditional two loop PI control as the output config-
urations of the converters are same as the traditional converters. However, new control
methods such as Model Predictive Control (MPC) can be investigated for further im-
are very much suited for bidirectional power flow. The modulation scheme presented in
this thesis can be extended for facilitating bidirectional power flow for both isolated and
non-isolated AC-DC power conversion. The proposed isolated topology in Chapter-3 can
be further extended for energy storage application where bidirectional power flow with
galvanic isolation is required between utility grid (AC) and battery storage (DC).
isolated Three Phase AC-DC Rectifier With Large Step Down Voltage
on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 4466-4481, June 2017. (Published)
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