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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)

SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur

JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Rakhunde Gaurav C., Narute Vaibhav R. Prof. Kulkarni P.V.
Civil Engineering Department Asst. Prof.,Civil Engineering Department,
S.B.Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur. S.B.Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur.

Abstract— Water is an important resource for life. The present study deals with the Suitability of natural
River water, bore water, well water etc is source for coagulant (MO) to replace chemical coagulant for purifying
drinking water & other activities in Indapur Taluka, water in Malaysia& other countries. The cost of water
Pune District, Maharashtra, India .River water is not treatment increasing & the quality of river water is not
consider as a pure water. Because in river water with stable because of high storm runoff during the rainy
dissolved non essential material in it. The only way to season in country Malaysia. The turbidity level increases in
purify the river water is purification process by using rainy season, so the need for water treatment. The result of
natural coagulant. Due to which problem of pollutant Hamzah M.Salleh found a natural alternative for water
water quality improves high important in the present coagulant to reduce the turbidity. He has been found that
day. The quality of any source of water is depends Moringa Oleifera is the best natural coagulant that can
upon its physical & chemical properties. Various replace alum which used highly in Malaysia. He’s studies
author conducted their studies on chemical & physical focusing on MO seeds to find the active constituents which
properties of pollutant water. This review attempts to are responsible about the coagulation & improving the
highlight the main achievement in purifying water & water property.
the outline the advantages of using natural coagulant
(MO) to replace chemical coagulant (Alum) for A. J. Oloruntade (2013) for A case for the use MO seed
purification of water. natural coagulant to improve water quality in rural farms
in NIGERIA. He used natural coagulant, water supply, MO
Introduction for treatment after treatment of water As a result of this,
Due to rapid development of various industries in Indapur, there have been calls for community participation in the
Pune region, the river water quality is get deteriorate supply of many of the amenities, including water.
because of wastewater from various industries like sugar The author had led to the consumption of water from
industries, chemical industries, fertilizer industries & many sources by the rural peoples without any treatment.
paper industries etc. in & around Indapur region. Therefore he suggested the need for an alternative water
The cost of water treatment is increasing & the quality treatment method which is be costly, with health effects &
of river water is not stable due to suspended & colloidal unfriendly to the environment hence he beleave on safe &
particle load caused by storm runoff during rainy season. environmental friendly natural coagulant, Moringa Oliefera
In India about 1.2 billion people still lack safe drinking for water treatment in Nigeria’s rural area, with the use of
water & more than 6 million children die from diarrhea in the plant it is excepted that the cost of water treatment will
developing countries every year. be reduce & this natural coagulant improve the quality of
The Earth surface covered by water is 2/3 rd of Earth water. Since, researches are still ongoing on the use of MO
surface & human body consisting of 70% water. So water is for water treatment. It was recommended that adequate
very important for life. 42 liters of water contains by adult care should be taken on the suitable procedure & dosage.
body & just a small loss of 2.7 liter by adult human body. ELSEVIER conducted study on the comparison between
Causes of taking less water or drinking of pollutant water MO seed & Alum they got result A research project was
are weakness, headaches, nervousness, irritability etc. Dr. commissioned to investigate the performance of Moringa
F. Batmanghelid in his book gives great essay on water. He oleifera compared with that of aluminium sulphate
writes, “Since the water we drink provides for cell function (Al2(SO4)3) and ferric sulphate (Fe2(SO4)3), termed alum
& its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water and ferric respectively. A series of jar tests was undertaken
intake affect the efficiency of cell.” Chemical coagulants are using model water, different raw water sources and hybrid
harmful for human body due to over dose of using water containing a mixture of both of these types of water.
chemical coagulant for purifying water. So there is need to Results showed that M. oleifera removed 84% turbidity
replace natural coagulant for water purification. These and 88% E. coli, whereas alum removed greater than 99%
project studies focus on to reduce amount of oil, to reduce turbidity and E. coli. Low turbidity river water (<5 NTU),
hardness of water, to maintain pH, to reduce turbidity etc. with an E. coli count of 605 colony forming units (cfu)/100
by using MO seeds as a natural coagulant for purification of ml was treated 11 with M. oleifera and ferric. Results
water. Natural coagulant is important for improve the showed an 82% and 94% reduction in E .coli for M. oleifera
characteristics of water. and ferric respectively. Tests on turbid river water of 45
NTU, with an E. coli count of 2650 cfu/100 ml, showed a
I. PREVIOUS WORKS removal of with turbidity of 76% and E. coli reduction of
Hamzah M.Salleh (2009) conducted study on Moringa 93% with M. oleifera. The equivalent reductions for alum
Oleifera seed as natural coaulant for water treatment. He were 91% and 98% respectively. Highly coloured reservoir
had used moringa oleifera seed powder for jar test. After water was also spiked E. coli (104 cfu/100 ml) and
jar test the result found moringo oleifera can be used as a turbidity (160 NTU) artificially created by kaolin; termed
natural coagulant alternative to the alumina & other hybrid water. Under these conditions M. oleifera removed
chemical coagulant. 83% colour, 97% turbidity and reduced E. coli by 66%.

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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Corresponding removal values for alum were 88% colour, treatment, Ph.D. thesis, KTH Land and Water Resources
99% turbidity and 89% E. coli, and for ferric were 93% Engineering.”
colour, 98% turbidity and 86% E. coli. Tests on model 2. A. R. Khan,(2000) “Increasing environmental pollution in
water, using a secondary treatment stage sand filter Dhaka city and plans for control, in Souvenir on the
showed maximum turbidity removal of 97% and maximum Occasion of the World Environment Day, pp. 84–90,
E. coli reduction of 98% using M. oleifera, compared with Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and
100% turbidity and 97% E. coli for alum. Although not as Forest, Government of Bangladesh.”
effective as alum or ferric, M. oleifera showed sufficient 3. S. A. A. Jahn,(1988) “Using Moringa seeds as coagulants
removal capability to encourage its use for treatment of in developing countries,” Journal of the American Water
turbid waters in developing countries. Works Association, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 43–50.
4. E. A. Ali, S. A. Muyibi, H. M. Salleh, M. R. M. Salleh, and M.
A.R.Khan (June 2000) conduct study on natural coagulant Z. Alam,(2009) “Moringa oleifera seeds as natural
for water treatment. The authour had used MO seeds as coagulant for water treatment,” in Proceedings of the 13th
natural coagulant. The great problem in river water is International Water Technology Conference IWTC '09),
turbidity. By using Mo which are locally easy available to Hurghada, Egypt.
reduce turbidity. The test were carried out using rive 5. A. G. Ghebremichael, K. R. Gunaratna, H. Henriksson, H.
water & artificial turbid water with conventional jar test Brumer, and G. Dalhammar,(2005) “A simple purification
apparatus. Maximum intensity & duration were and activity assay of the coagulant protein from Moringa
determined by A.R.Khan. After dosing water soluble oleifera seed,” Water Research, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 2338–
extracts of Moringa Oliefera reduced turbidity to 5.9 2344.
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU), from 100 NTU & 5 6. A. Ndabigengesere, K. S. Narasiah, and B. G.
after dosing & filtration. Talbot,(1998) “Active agents and mechanism of
He found natural coagulant worked better with high coagulation of turbid waters using Moringa oleifera,”
turbid water compare to medium or low turbid water. 89 Water Research, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 703–710.
to 96% total coli from reduction with natural coagulant 7. WHO,(2006) “Guideline for drinking-water quality
treatment of turbid water . Using locally easy available (electronic resources): incorporating first addendum.
natural coaglant, easier, suitable & enviornmental friendly Vol.1, Recommendations, 3rd edition.”
option for water treatment were observed. 8. J. K. Aabliwano, K. A. Ghebremichael, and G. L. Amy,
(2008) “Application of Purified Moringa oleifera Coagulant
S. A. A. Jahn,(1988) A few traditional plant flocculants for Surface Water Treatment. UNESCO-IHE, Watermill
such as those found in Moringa seeds have been observed Working Paper Series, no. 5, Institute for Water
to act as primary coagulants and have been recommended Education.”
for domestic water treatment in rural areas of Africa and 9. L. Michael,(2010) “Bioremediation of turbid surface
Asia, where people cannot afford conventional coagulants. water using seed extract from Moringa oleifera Lam.
Once a plant has been shown to possess outstanding (Drumstick) tree, Clearinghouse: Low-Cost Water
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breeding can help in the identification of sources of even Ontario, Canada.”
more potent flocculants and in the production of the best
“flocculant crop” for a particular situation.

From the literature it was observed that the, due to rapid
urbanization & pollution the water quality is get
deteriorated day by day. So it is necessary to analyze the
river water quality for various parameters to check it’s
suitability for drinking purpose & secondary use. So it is
highly recommended that the use of MO seed as a natural
coagulant for water treatment.
Moringa oleifera seeds present a viable alternative
coagulant to alum in treating water for rural dwellers since
it’s environmentally friendly and cheaper.
Moringa oleifera is an effective natural coagulant which
can be used in improving the physicochemical
characteristics of water in terms of pH, turbidity, TDS and
conductivity. In coagulation, Moringa seeds hardly affect
pH of water as compared to alum which requires pH
adjustment after treatment. This is likely to reduce the
high cost of the current water treatment systems.

1. K. A. Ghebremichael, (2004) “Moringa seed and pumice
as natural alternative materials for drinking water
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