Multipurpose Agriculture Robot by Using Solar: Ntroduction
Multipurpose Agriculture Robot by Using Solar: Ntroduction
Multipurpose Agriculture Robot by Using Solar: Ntroduction
Abstract— This paper represent the design, shift in the way we think about mechanisation for crop
fabrication, and development of solar operated production that is based more on plant needs and novel
agriculture robot. The robot can dig the soil, feed the ways of meeting them rather than modifying existing
seed, leveler to close the soil, and pump to spray the techniques[1].
fertilizer. These all system works on battery and solar This paper has presented the requirements and progress
power. We here use an microcontroller circuit along made towards achieving a future precision autonomous
with GSM modem, a DC motor, LCD display and farming system. The system proposed is a relatively
required circuit to make this system. Approximately complex, although structured and hierarchical one,
50% of people in India work in agriculture sector. In consisting of systems within systems. Importantly, there is
this agriculture sector there is a lot of field work such a need to introduce strict structure into the system, aiding
as digging, harvesting, sowing, weeding, etc. And in autonomous operation. In turn autonomous operation
spraying is also an important operation in agriculture. further strengthens and maintains such structure. Another
Which to be perform by the farmer, to protect the crop issue emphasized is the importance of integrating farm
form the pest, funguses and any other diseases. It is system, or Precision Agriculture, requirements, with
concept of investigating multi-purpose small machine robotic solutions for autonomous farming.
which is more efficient than the large tractors and Central to this idea was the proposal of the
human forces. Due to this purpose we design and implementation of the PFDS and PADS, and their strong
developing such a system with the following feature. interaction. The PFDS is primarily used for relaying spatial
Harvesting is the first step in farming after the accuracy information for machinery navigation, while the
completion of this step land is ready for the seed PADS are used to communicate the agronomy information
sowing, spray pump is used to spray the fertilizer. about, and requirements of, the crop[2].
The paper has presented that the requirements and
Keywords—Solar Panne;DC Motor; Battery;GSM Kit. progress made towards achieving a future precision
autonomous farming system. The assembly is developed
I. INTRODUCTION for cultivating ploughed land automatically i.e. no man
The agricultural has always been the backbone of power required. The project has consists of two different
India’s sustained growth. As the population of India mechanism. The first mechanism contains making an
continues to grow, the demand for produce grows as well. assembly of vehicle and its motion, where as second
Hence, there is a greater need for multiple cropping in the mechanism is preparing a seed bed on ploughed land. The
farms and this in turn requires efficient and time saving microcontroller is used to control and monitoring the
machines[1]. process of system motion of vehicle. It is controlled with
The idea of applying robotic technology in agriculture help of DC motor and servo motor. This system also detect
is very new. In agriculture the opportunities for robot obstacle present in path of the vehicle by infrared sensor.
enhanced productivity are immense and the robot is It is also used for sensing turning position of vehicle at the
appearing on the farm in increasing number. We can end of land. Because of no man power requirement and
expect the robot performing agriculture operation high speed of operation, it has scope for further
autonomously such as mechanical weed control, digging, expansion[3].
weeding, seed sowing, and spraying. In agriculture the use of robots enhances the productivity
The automation in agriculture could help farmers to and reduces the human effort and cost. The automation of
reduce their effort and their working time.The automation various agricultural activities by robots are envisioned. It
in agriculture field could be more effective and efficient as has been described that the present robot can perform
compare to tradition methods of farming. So our focus will better and can automate more than one work
be on reduce labor cost, daily working hours, simultaneously. This robot can be effectively used by the
environmental all impact and safety issues and most farmers. In future this robot can be enhanced with some
important is to reduce farmer’s effort. more cognitive capabilities and also to take appropriate
actions even in the absence of the farmers. It can be
II. LITERATURE REVIEW induced with human interaction and also learning from
This paper has set out a vision of how aspects of crop experience[4].
production could be automated in the future. Although III. OBJECTIVE
existing manned operationscan be efficient over large The objective of this paper is to present robotic model
areas there isa potential for reducing the scale of which is easily operates agriculture operation.
treatments with autonomous machines that may result in Now a days it is necessity of automation in
even higher efficiencies. The development process may be agricultural field to reduce the farmers efforts &
incremental but the overall concept requires a paradigm labour cost
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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
To perform all operation. Like weeding digging Max. Power Current:- 2.26 A
seed sowing & spraying at a single time hence B. DC Motor
increase production & saves time. Quantity:- 3
The farmer can operate robot very easily. Voltage Required:- 12V
Large amount of work completes in less time. Speed:- 40 Rpm
For battery charging solar energy is to be used. Type:- Wiper motor, Fogging motor
The rays of the sun can be used for solar power C. Battery
generation. Current : 7.5 Amp
IV. METHODOLOGY Voltage Required : 12V
D. GSM Wireless Kit
We here use an microcontroller circuit along with GSM
modem, a DC motor, LCD display and required circuit to
make this system.
This system first allows user to configure a number from
which to receive commands in configuration/settings
The system thus allows to control DC motors over large
A. Weeding Operation:-
Weeds are plants that growing places where they are not
wanted. The can be cause damage because the crop is not
ventilated well. And there is more chance on fungal attack.
A small rotor on which the curve shape blades are
mounted to remove the weeds from soil.This rotor is
operated by using a DC motor.
Weeding refers to the removed of weeds. Weeding only
affects the soil minimally, which is beneficial to clear huge
Fig. Schematic block diagram of solar operared
amounts of plants. Weeding is generally done manually
multipurpose agriculture robot
rather than with mechanized equipment and also done
The aim of our project is design and develops a
multipurpose robot, which is used to reduce time and
B. Digging Operation:-
human effort. The operations are carried by a robot are
There are three digger are used in digging operation. The
harvesting, digging, seed sowing and leveling to close the
diggers are mounted on the middle of the frame. Digger
soil and also sprayer to spray a fertilizer. These all
mechanism is used to digging and seed sowing. All the
operations are performed by using the battery and solar
diggers are adjustable the diggers are connected to the
frame by nut and bolt arrangement.
The frame of robot is made of Mild Steel (MS). The Holes are produced on the diggers. The funnel and diggers
four wheels are connected to the frame, which are holes are connected by using the hoses.
driven by using a DC motor.
The front of frame harvester rotor is connected C. Seed Sowing Operation:-
and this rotor is rotate by using DC motor. Seed sowing is the process of planting seed. Tradition
On the middle of frame three diggers are method of seed sowing based on assumption of seed to
connected to dig the soil. The nut and bolt seed sparing & depth of placement which is not
arrangement is used in the robot, by using nut and efficient & it required lot of timed effort to. Some time it
bolt up and down position of digger is done. results in backache of farmer.
Funnel is used to store the seeds. Three hoses are
used to connect funnel and digger, into the hoses D. Spraying Operation:-
seeds are flow down with the help of low speed Spraying of pesticides is an important task in agriculture
motor. for protecting the crops from insects. Farmers mainly use
At the end of frame the leveler is connected by hand operated or fuel operated spray pump for this task.
using leveler the seeds are close in the soil. This conventional sprayer causes user fatigue due to
Sprayer is used to spray the fertilizer on the crops. excessive bulky and heavy construction.
Pump is used to spray the fertilizer and the pump Due to that reason we design and fabricate a model that is
is operated on the DC motor. basically trolly based solar sprayer.
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