Using Batsound Software For Basic Sound Analysis (With Frequency Division Recordings)
Using Batsound Software For Basic Sound Analysis (With Frequency Division Recordings)
Using Batsound Software For Basic Sound Analysis (With Frequency Division Recordings)
1. Getting started
BatSound is produced by Pettersson Elektronik ( and can be purchased on CD to be
installed onto a PC following the instructions provided. Licences vary in cost depending on the number of users. The
software can then be accessed as normal for software from the Start menu or through a shortcut on the Desktop.
More details and minimum PC requirements can be found on the Pettersson website.
Open a .wav or .bsnd file by selecting File/Open from the Menu Bar (Figure 1), then browse to a file saved on your
computer. The file will need to be in standard .wav format or .bsnd format. Note that if the file is very long it will
take a long time to open, and it is better to split files before analysing them (software is available that allows you
to split files).
If your files are in a different format there are various sound conversion programs that enable you to convert
different formats to .wav. BatSound versions 4.01 (the main version used to create these instructions) and above
will allow you to import other file types such as .mp3 files directly using the File/Import tab on the Menu Bar.
[Alternatively, doing a web search on “audio converter” will bring up links to various packages that can be
downloaded, some with free trial periods. The files needed to be converted to .wav files with the following
specifications: PCM uncompressed, 44100 Hz, 16 bits, stereo (or mono if your original files are in mono).]
When you have opened a file (Figure 2 shows a series of Nathusius’ pipistrelle calls), you will see the main
BatSound window. This includes the graphics window (here showing the oscillogram and spectrogram) the Menu
Bar and the Tool Bar at the top (you can choose to turn this off using the View tab).
Figure 1. Opening a file
In the graphics window there is also additional text information on the length of the window (ms) and the length
of each time division (right hand side of the oscillogram shown in Figure 2) and on the sound format of the file
(bottom right of screenshot shown in Figure 2).
For analysis of recordings in frequency division using BatSound, the time expansion factor needs to be set to 1 –
this can be checked by selecting the Sound/Sound format tab from the Menu Bar. Note that the frequency scale on
the spectrogram in Figure 2 shows from 0 to around 11 kHz (the range may vary depending on sampling rate, and
can be adjusted, as explained on pg 7 . Frequency division recordings are in real time but the frequency has been
divided (usually by 10). Frequencies read from the spectrogram scale therefore need to be multiplied back up by 10
to give the actual call frequencies.
To show the entire file within the graphics window, select the Tools/Zoom entire file tab from the Menu Bar.
To play the sequence, select the Sound/Play sound tab from the Menu Bar or the blue Play icon on the Tool Bar.
There are also options to Pause and Stop the sound in this menu or using the adjacent icons.
Clipped calls (where the sound is overloaded and the oscillogram spikes are cut off) should not ideally be analysed.
When sound is extremely loud and calls are clipped the result can be spurious harmonics which are distortions of
the recorded sound. If calls are too quiet or the signal to noise ratio is too poor these are also less suitable for
analysis. When bats are very far away the high frequencies will not be captured and this can be misleading.
3. Selecting calls and zooming in
To select a sequence of calls you want to analyse, click on the screen at the start of the sequence with the left
mouse button, hold down the button and drag the pointer across the sequence required to select (as shown above)
and release the mouse. Then select Tools/Zoom in from the Menu Bar or click on the Zoom in icon:
The zoomed in view is shown below. The call structure is now becoming clearer and the calls appear to have
frequency modulated (FM) sweeps ending in a short quasi-constant frequency (QCF) tails (combining to produce a
reverse ‘J’ shape) which is typical of pipistrelle calls.
4. Call shape
Figure 7. Examples of echolocation call shapes
Bat call shapes usually comprise two main components. A constant frequency or CF component, where the
frequency remains the same over time, is represented on the spectrogram by the flat horizontal lines in Figure
7. This component may also be a quasi-constant frequency or QCF component where there is a slight
variation in frequencies over time resulting in a call shape on the spectrogram with a shallow slope (last two
calls in Figure 7). A frequency modulated or FM component is where the call sweeps through a range of
frequencies over time, represented by the almost vertical lines in Figure 7. In practice many calls are actually a
combination of the two with an FM section and a CF or QCF part, as shown by the FM-QCF calls above. A
rough guide to identifying species groups based on call shape is given below.
5. Checking and adjusting settings
It is worth checking the spectrogram settings as these will make a difference to how the bat calls appear on your
screen. At least one of these settings is often essential to get right while the others can aid identification.
From the Menu Bar, click on Analysis then Spectrogram settings – Default values or the Spectrogram Settings icon
on the Tool Bar (if you want to use the same settings throughout your current sound analysis session) or right
click on the spectrogram and select Spectrogram setting – Current diagram (if you only want the settings to apply
to the file you are currently looking at).
Other settings
It is also worth adjusting some other Spectrogram settings as they can bring out the call structure more clearly
and aid identification.
Ideally you should set the upper frequency no higher than the highest frequencies you expect to see as this will
make the calls larger on the screen and easier to interpret. In the above example the first digit of the max
frequency has simply been changed from 2 to 1, resulting in a more appropriate max frequency of 12050 Hz.
‘Milliseconds per plot’
This determines the time shown on the screen. The default value of 15000 ms (or 15 seconds) is usually a good
setting to use when scanning through a long file for bat calls. By clicking to the right of the bar at the bottom of
the screen (indicated with an arrow below) you can view the file in 15000 ms sequential sections. When you find
some bat calls you can then zoom in to examine them more closely. Setting a lower value will make it easier to ID
the bat calls without needing to zoom in but will also make it more time consuming to scan through your file.
Setting a higher value will make it quicker to scan through your file but you will be more likely to miss short or
quiet call sequences that are less easily spotted at this resolution.
Figure 10. Selecting Milliseconds per plot and clicking through your file
‘FFT size’
Spectrograms are made up of a series of overlapping windows that give a representation of the shape of the sound
wave in terms of time and frequency. If the windows are set wider on the time axis they will be correspondingly
narrower on the frequency axis and hence the frequency resolution will be finer. If the windows are set wider on
the frequency axis they will be correspondingly narrower on the time axis and hence the time resolution will be
The ‘FFT size’ dropdown list in Spectrogram settings sets the width of the windows (measured in number of data
points or samples in the wave form). The highest value (2048 samples – Figure 11) gives very low resolution on the
time scale (a small number of wide windows) and very high resolution on the frequency scale (a large number of
very narrow windows), while the lowest value (16 samples – Figure 12) gives very high resolution on the time scale
and very low resolution on the frequency scale.
In general, leaving the FFT size on Automatic will give a good compromise between time and frequency resolution
(as illustrated in all other Figures in this document) but with less clear calls it can be worth experimenting with
selecting slightly higher or lower FFT sizes to see if this provides further clues about the call structure.
‘Threshold’, ‘Amplitude color mapping’ and ‘Amplitude contrast’
These settings are worth adjusting to improve the clarity of the sonogram and aid interpretation of call structure.
The ‘Threshold’ determines the level of the weakest signal that is displayed in the spectrogram. If your recording is
quiet you may need to set the Threshold to a lower level in order to make the calls easier to see. However this will
also bring out a lot of background noise in addition to the bat calls and it will take longer for the display to refresh
each time you move through your file. Setting a higher threshold will reduce visible background noise and can
make the call shapes stand out more clearly, but take care not to set it so high that you start to lose the quieter
frequencies contained within the calls, or entire quiet calls.
‘Amplitude color mapping’ determines which colours are used to represent different amplitude levels. In the
example below the colours shade from yellow for the frequencies with the lowest amplitude to dark blues for the
frequencies with the highest amplitude, but different colour schemes can be selected according to taste.
Adjusting ‘Amplitude contrast’ will change the contrast between different amplitudes which can help make bat
calls stand out more clearly from background noise.
6. Measuring peak frequency / frequency of maximum energy (FmaxE)
Highlight the call you want to look at and then click on the Power spectrum icon in the Tool Bar or go to the
Analysis menu/Power Spectrum on the Menu Bar. The power spectrum graph should pop up in a new window in
front of the spectrogram. You can move the window around by dragging the top bar and you can resize it by
clicking on the edges and dragging them in or out.
The power spectrum has a loudness scale (a minus scale) in decibels on the y axis up the side and a frequency scale
on the x axis along the bottom. On the decibel scale -20db is louder than -60db. Remember if you are using
frequency division you need to multiply the frequency by 10 to get actual frequencies. To measure the peak
frequency, centre the cursor (the cross) on top of the highest part of the highest peak; the frequency it corresponds
to will be shown in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. In the example below of a Nathusius’ pipistrelle call
it is 3.90 kHz (or 39 kHz when multiplied by 10 to convert back to the frequencies originally contained in the bat
Figure 14. Four steps to measuring peak frequency
Remember it’s best to take the average peak frequency of around three to five calls and not from just one call as
there might be variation between calls.
7. Measuring start and end frequency
Figure 15. Selecting Measurement cursor
Figure 16. Measuring start frequency Figure 17. Measuring end frequency
To measure the start frequency (Figure 16), hover the cursor so it is positioned at the highest frequency visible in
the call and read off the frequency in the box at the bottom, as shown below circled in red, in this example 7.17kHz
(or 71.7 kHz when multiplied by 10). When analysing frequency division recordings the start frequency can be
unclear making it more difficult to decide where to take the measurement. The start frequency is also less reliable
than the end frequency since higher frequencies are more likely to attenuate meaning that you may not record the
highest frequencies present in the bat calls.
Use the same technique to measure the end frequency (Figure 17), placing the cursor over the lowest visible
frequency of the call and read off the frequency value in the box at the bottom of the screen, in this example 3.59
kHz (or 35.9 kHz when multiplied by 10).
8. Measuring the call duration
Click at the start of the selected call and drag to the end of the call. It is a good idea to zoom in on the call
beforehand so you can better see the start and end of the call. Always measure call duration from the oscillogram
in order to get an accurate measurement. The duration will be displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the
screen. In the example below it is 7.7ms.
The example below also shows how inaccurate the measurement would be if you measured duration from the
spectrogram: note how the spectrogram diagram of the call extends beyond the actual call duration measured on
the oscillogram.
9. Measuring interpulse interval (IPI)
Measuring IPI between two calls
To measure the interpulse interval, or the time in milliseconds between two calls, click at the start of one call, hold
down and drag the mouse across to the start of the next call in the sequence. Time measurements such as this
should be measuredfrom the oscillogram rather than the spectrogram as they are more accurate. You will need to
ensure you are using the Marking cursor, so select Tools/Marking cursor from the Menu Bar if needed (it will
default to this whenever you begin a session in BatSound). The IPI will be displayed in the bottom left-hand corner
of the screen. In the example in Figure 19 it is 92 milliseconds.
Figure 19. Measuring interpluse interval between Figure 20. Measuring interpluse interval between a
two calls number of calls
It can be useful to measure the average IPI for comparison with published call parameters for each species and to
allow for variation between intervals. Click at the start of the first call you wish to include in your measurement,
hold down and drag the mouse across to the start of the last call you wish to include. The time between the first
and last call will be displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. In the example in Figure 20 above it is
880 ms. Divide this by the number of intervals between calls (this will be one less than the number of calls). For
speed of calculation it helps to pick a number of intervals that is easy to divide by, e.g. 5 or 10. Ten intervals were
selected below so the average IPI is 880ms ÷ 10 = 88ms.