Feedback Control System: Steam TC Product Stream Setpoint
Feedback Control System: Steam TC Product Stream Setpoint
Feedback Control System: Steam TC Product Stream Setpoint
Feedback control system loop is a control system that works by analyzing the
disturbance that occurs in the output/products by a sensor. And the system will
change the values of some variables by manipulating it in the controller in order to
gain the value of product stays at the desired value.
Feedback control system loop aree used in many unit operation such as heat
exchanger, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Control in Bio Reactor.
Heat Exchanger Control
Product TC
Feed Condensate
In Heat exchanger control can be seen the scheme is identical with feedback control
system loop which is :
• Controlled variable- Outlet temperature of product stream
• Manipulated variable- Steam flow
• Actuator- Control valve on steam line
• Sensor- Thermocouple on product stream
• Disturbance- Changes in the inlet feed temperature
Dissolved Oxygen Control
Variable Speed
Air Compressor