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What is Collaborative Literacy?

Collaborative Literacy is a rigorous, yearlong curriculum for students in grades K–6 that
addresses the core reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills that students need
while fostering their growth as caring, collaborative, and principled people.

With Collaborative Literacy, students aren’t just learning to read and write; they are
learning to be readers and writers who think critically and learn from and care for one
another. They develop a genuine interest in and love of reading, and they are motivated to
write purposefully with a real audience in mind. They are part of a classroom community
where students feel empowered, are supported in taking risks, and are responsible to
themselves and the group.

Collaborative Literacy Modules

When taught together, the modules of Collaborative Literacy—Being a Reader (grades

K–2), Making Meaning (grades K–6), and Being a Writer (grades K–6)—form a
comprehensive ELA curriculum. The modules can also be used individually to
supplement existing literacy instruction.

Developing Independent Readers and Writers

Collaborative Literacy provides an instructional cycle that includes teacher-led, whole-

class reading and writing instruction; differentiated small-group reading instruction;
guided practice; and opportunities for students to independently practice and apply skills
and strategies. This cycle allows teachers to gradually release the responsibility of
learning to the students.

Every Student, Every Lesson

Collaborative Literacy instruction is designed so that every lesson is accessible to every

student. All students participate in lessons regardless of their reading and writing abilities,
and teachers are provided with support to meet a variety of needs. The lessons offer
cooperative structures, partner work, and peer and teacher conferring, which enable
students to contribute and receive feedback at their level. All students benefit from being
part of the caring classroom community in which sharing, reflecting, and supporting one
another as writers and readers is the norm.

Engaging Read-aloud Texts

Authentic children’s literature is at the heart of each Collaborative Literacy lesson.

Multiple and varied authors’ voices bring the full range of human experience and
knowledge into the classroom through rich, diverse fiction and nonfiction. Teachers use
these texts to facilitate the exchange of student ideas. These conversations build
community and spark curiosity and a desire to participate in the learning process that
reaps benefits far beyond the immediate goals of learning to read and write.

Supporting Students’ Social and Emotional Development

Collaborative Literacy is unique in its focus on teaching the whole child by embedding
practices that promote social and emotional learning in the instruction. Beginning with
the first lessons, Collaborative Literacy helps teachers set up purposeful interactions
among students, teaching them social and problem‐solving skills, and helping them to
integrate values like responsibility, respect, fairness, caring, and helpfulness into their

21st Century Skills

Collaborative Literacy instruction provides students with experiences that allow them to
think critically and creatively. Students are encouraged to read broadly and widely about
topics that interest them. They engage in conversations with their peers and build on one
another’s ideas. Throughout the day, students work cooperatively in pairs or small groups
to discuss texts or words; they might also work collaboratively to research and write a
report or analyze an excerpt from a text. In a collaborative classroom, students are
encouraged to identify problems and solve them together.

Assessment That Informs Instruction

Collaborative Literacy assessments draw upon best practices in assessing reading and
writing. Assessment tools are designed to help teachers make informed instructional
decisions as they teach the lessons and track their students’ academic and social
development over time.

Research-based and Standards-aligned

The unique pedagogy of Collaborative Literacy is aligned with the standards, and has
grown out of years of research on literacy development, best practices in literacy
instruction, and child development. Visit our resources to search for correlations to the
Common Core, and other state standards.

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