This procedure covers the "in-plant" engineering test requirements for new Ram Type Blowout
Preventers. Each BOP shall be subjected to a body hydrostatic shell test, high and low
pressure ram tests, shear-blind ram test, and drift test in accordance with American Petroleum
Institute Standard 16A/ISO 13533.
1.1 SL – Lightweight and slim line design for land-based and subsea operations.
1.3 LWP – Lightweight design for production and well rework applications.
1.4 Sentinel – Lightweight and compact design for well servicing, workover, and low
pressure drilling operations.
1.5 LXT – Lightweight and slim line design for surface operation using linearly
actuated boltless door assemblies.
1.6 NXT – Lightweight and slim line design for surface and subsea operations using
boltless door assemblies.
NOTE: See AX061363 for NXT test requirements. This specification does
not apply to NXT BOP's.
NOTE: Ram blowout preventers Type A, B, E, and XHP and Type 45 have
been replaced by the above SL, LWS, and LWP types and are no longer in
production. Written test procedures for above BOP types must be
requested from Shaffer Engineering Department.
1.7 Hydro test – hydraulic test to working pressure. It is used to verify function and
seals. This must be done when seal components are replaced.
1.8 Shell test – hydraulic test to 1.5 times working pressure. It is used to verify
safety of pressure containing (e.g. body, door, or ram shaft) or pressure retaining
parts (e.g. cylinder, piston, or cylinder head). This must be done to all containing
or retaining parts when shipped with an assembly. Seals are not pressure
containing or retaining.
CAUTION: Changing or breaking a seal requires a new Hydro test, but not
a new shell test. Recommended hold time is five minutes.
2.1 The hydraulic operator shell test shall be accomplished without the ram
assemblies installed and with the BOP doors open. The shell test pressure shall
be as shown in Table 2 (s. 17). The test pressures shown are according to ram
blowout preventer types.
2.2.1 The ram blowout preventer hydraulic operators are to be connected with
other test apparatus as illustrated in Figure 2 (s. 25). When testing
manual lock doors, the lock screws shall be backed out to the end stop.
Failure to completely open the lock screw may damage ram shaft threads
during shell test.
2.2.2 Cycle the operator to the "close" position, filling the cylinder with fluid.
Make sure all air is expelled from the close side. The open side valve
must be in the open position.
2.2.3 Pressurize the "close" side of the cylinder to the specified hydraulic
pressure for the appropriate preventer model as shown in Table 2 (s. 17).
Hold for a minimum of three minutes. Check for indication of leaks.
Bleed to zero pressure
2.2.4 Re-pressurize the close side as stated in 2.2.3 above. Hold for a
minimum of 15 minutes. Check for indication of leaks. Bleed to zero
2.2.5 Cycle the operator to the "open" position, filling the cylinder with fluid.
Make sure all air is expelled from the open side. The close side valve
must be in the open position.
2.2.6 Pressurize the "open" side of the cylinder to the specified hydraulic
pressure for the appropriate preventer model as shown in Table 2 (s. 17).
Hold for a minimum of three minutes. Check for indication of leaks.
Bleed to zero pressure.
2.2.7 Re-pressurize the open side as stated in 2.2.6 above. Hold for a
minimum of 15 minutes. Check for indication of leaks. Bleed to zero
2.3.1 The ram blowout preventer hydraulic operators are to be connected with
BOP models Shell Test Pressure
other test apparatus as illustrated in Figure 2 (s. 25). For LXT BOPs
ensure lock bars are removed to allow the doors to open and close.
Furthermore, for LXT-HDR BOPs connect hydraulic and tank lines to the
rear manifold on the door carriage and avoid the primary LXT-HDR BOP
hydraulics since the hydraulic system to open/close doors is independent.
2.3.2 Cycle the operator to the "open" position, filling the cylinder with fluid.
Make sure all air is expelled from the open side. The close side valve
must be in the open position.
CAUTION: The ram shaft will retract during this test with
exception of the LXT-HDR BOPs since the open/close circuit
is independent.
2.3.3 For 13-10M LXT BOPS, operate the door open/close plate to open the
door. Shim the plate so that it keeps the door close valve depressed.
2.3.4 Pressurize the "open" side of the operator to the pressure specified in
table at the beginning of this section. Hold for a minimum of three
minutes. Check for indication of leaks. Bleed to zero pressure.
2.3.5 Re-pressurize the open side as stated in 2.3.4 above. Hold for a
minimum of 15 minutes. Check for indication of leaks. Bleed to zero
2.3.7 Cycle the operator to the "closed" position, filling the cylinder with fluid.
Make sure all air is expelled from the closed side. The open operator
valve must be in the open position.
CAUTION: The ram shaft will extend during this test with the
exception of the LXT-HDR BOPs since the open/close circuit
is independent.
2.3.8 For 13-10M LXT BOPs, operate the door open/close valve plate to close
the door sliders. Shim the plate so that it keeps the door close valve
2.3.9 Pressurize the close side of the operator to the specified pressure in the
table at the beginning of this section. Hold for a minimum of three
minutes. Check for indication of leaks. Bleed to zero pressure.
2.3.10 Re-pressurize the operator close side as stated in 2.3.4 above. Hold for a
minimum of 15 minutes. Check for indication of leaks. Bleed to zero
3.1.1 A chart recorder or equivalent data acquisition system shall be used on all
hydrostatic tests and on all hydraulic control system tests. The records
shall identify the recording device and shall be dated and signed.
3.2.1 The body or shell test pressure shall be determined by the rated working
pressure for the equipment. Hydrostatic test pressures shall be as shown
in Table 1 (s. 17).
3.2.2 For a unit with end or outlet connections having different working
pressures, the lowest working pressure rating shall be used to determine
the shell test pressure.
3.2.3 Pressure holding periods shall not start until the test pressure has been
obtained and allowed to stabilize. External surfaces shall be dried
thoroughly before testing.
NOTE: Some units may require a spacer spool on the bottom of the
BOP if shearing is required.
3.3.2 Install door assemblies to gate body with rams in retracted or open
3.3.4 Flange top connection and assemble to test stool utilizing appropriate size
ring joint gaskets. Refer to Tables 3 and 4 for ring gasket size and/or
Shaffer part numbers.
NOTE: Rubber coated API ring joint gaskets are NOT permitted.
3.3.5 The Ram Blowout Preventer and test stool are to be connected with other
test apparatus as illustrated in Figure 1. Note that block valves A and B
are to remain open at all times during the test.
3.3.6 Fill BOP body cavity with water or water with additives. Any additives
shall be documented in the test records.
3.3.7 Place chart, identified with Serial Number and/or Factory Order Number,
on Recorder.
pressure to 50% of shell test pressure and then enter test bay
and look for evidence of leaking.
3.3.10 Repressurize to 100% shell test pressure as in 3.3.9. Hold for a minimum
of 15 minutes after pressure stabilization period. Check for leaks. Bleed
to zero pressure.
NOTE: DO NOT enter test bay while unit is at shell test pressure. If a
significant pressure drop is noted, drop pressure to 50% of
shell test pressure and then enter test bay and look for
evidence of leaking.
3.3.11 Following shell test, all door seals should be discarded and replaced with
new ones. The new seals will undergo the remainder of testing in this
procedure, and ship with unit.
3.5.1 Open the ram doors, and then remove the ram assemblies from the
3.5.3 Install four jacks in the four corners of the cavity, 90° apart. Use pieces of
hard wood or other suitable material under the head of the jacks to
prevent mechanical damage to the seat sealing surfaces.
3.5.4 Evenly apply pressure to jacks on the top seal to compress the o-ring
3.5.5 Measure and record the vertical skid plate-to-seal seat dimension using
drawing 10697967-001.
3.5.7 Repeat the above steps for all cavities in the BOP stack.
3.6 Verify that the distance corresponds with drawing 20092073D. If the distance is
greater than the drawing dimensions, then replace the skid plate with the
appropriate thicker skid plate listed on the drawing. Repeat for each cavity
CAUTION: To prevent possible damage, cycle rams into cavity using low
pressure fluid. Verify ram freedom of travel.
NOTE: BOP cavities that normally contain casing shears need to be tested with
shear rams that seal per the directives in this section.
NOTE: Reversible cavities shall be tested per requirements in section 4.0 when
the rams are configured for non-test cavity configuration and per
requirements in section 5.0 when rams are configured for test cavity
configurations. Both configurations must be tested.
4.1.1 A chart recorder or equivalent data acquisition system shall be used on all
hydrostatic tests and on all hydraulic control systems tests. The records
shall identify the recording device and shall be dated and signed.
4.2 Each BOP cavity equipped with pipe rams, blind rams, MULTIRAMS or shear
rams shall be subjected to a low and high-pressure test. The appropriate size
pipe shall be utilized according to the rams that are to be tested. Multirams shall
be tested at minimum and maximum pipe size range of the multirams. Rams
equipped with POSLOCKS or MULTILOCKS will have the pipe size, number of
turns, and pressure to lock recorded as to locking position.
4.4 Fill BOP cavity with water or water with additives to cover rams. Any additives
shall be documented in the test records
4.6 To expel trapped air, cycle rams two times with 1500-psi hydraulic pressure
using test pipe if pipe rams and leave rams in closed position.
4.7 Hydraulic closing pressure: Close with 1500-psi with the exception of the
4.7.2 MULTILOCK Units - Bleed hydraulic pressure to zero psi. Note the two
sets of locks to be set at 1500-psi or less with the exception of the
4.7.3 Manual Lock Units - Close lock screw and bleed hydraulic pressure to
zero psi.
before making the final turn, and then bleed the pressure
back to 0-psi.
4.8 Apply 200 to 300-psi wellbore pressure under rams. Hold for a minimum of ten
(10) minutes after stabilization and check for leaks.
Acceptance Criteria:
The low-pressure test will be considered satisfactory if there is no leakage and less
than 10-psi pressure drop in ten (10) minutes after an initial stabilization period.
4.9 Apply BOP unit working pressure under rams, hold for a minimum of ten (10)
minutes, and check for leaks. Bleed to zero-psi.
Acceptance Criteria:
CAUTION: To prevent possible damage, cycle rams into cavity using low
pressure fluid. Verify ram freedom of travel.
NOTE: Reversible cavities shall be tested per requirements in section 4.0 when
the rams are configured for non-test cavity configuration and per
requirements in section 5.0 when rams are configured for test cavity
configurations. Both configurations must be tested.
5.1.1 A chart recorder or equivalent data acquisition system shall be used on all
hydrostatic tests and on all hydraulic control systems tests. The records
shall identify the recording device and shall be dated and signed.
5.2 An inverted cavity equipped with pipe rams, blind rams, or MULTIRAMS shall be
subjected to a low and high-pressure test. The appropriate size pipe shall be
utilized according to the rams that are to be tested. Multirams shall be tested at
minimum and maximum pipe size range of the multirams.
5.3 Hook up BOP as per Figure 1C. Be sure to run the test pressure line into an
outlet above the inverted ram and below the sealing cavity. Vent the area below
the inverted cavity.
5.4 Fill BOP cavity with water or water with additives to cover all ram activities. Any
additives shall be documented in the test records.
5.6 To expel trapped air, cycle rams two times with 1500-psi hydraulic pressure
using appropriate test mandrel assembly if using pipe rams and leave rams in
closed position. The test mandrel assembly should allow closing on an upper
cavity and on the inverted cavity. Record size of test mandrel used.
5.8 Close a previous successful ram tested. This ram should be located above the
inverted test ram cavity.
5.9 Apply 200 to 300-psi wellbore pressure in between the closed rams. Hold for a
minimum of ten (10) minutes after stabilization and check for leaks.
Acceptance Criteria:
The low-pressure test will be considered satisfactory if there is no leakage and less
than 10-psi pressure drop in ten (10) minutes after an initial stabilization period.
5.10 Apply BOP unit working pressure in between the closed inverted and standard
rams, hold for a minimum of ten (10) minutes, and check for leaks. Bleed to zero
Acceptance Criteria:
The high-pressure test will be considered satisfactory if there is no leakage and less
than 100-psi pressure drop in ten (10) minutes after an initial stabilization period.
5.11 Apply BOP unit working pressure in between the closed rams, hold for a
minimum of ten (10) minutes, and check for leaks. Bleed to zero psi.
CAUTION: To prevent possible damage, cycle rams into cavity using low
pressure fluid. Verify ram freedom of travel.
NOTE 1: This test is to be performed after the shear rams have been pressure
tested in the same fashion as blind rams as described in section 4.
NOTE 2: If casing rams are included in this stack, ensure that they are installed
in the correct cavity in case they were removed for testing purposes
conducted in section 4.
NOTE 3: Pass/Fail criteria for BOP ASSY and shear rams are distinct and
separate. See Section 6.3.9.
6.1 Shear rams (if applicable) shall be subjected to a shearing test. The shear ram
shall shear and seal in a single operation.
NOTE: For 8½ x 8½ 11-5M LXT Boosters, use 3½”, 9.5 lb/ft., Grade E
Pipe, or 2-7/8”, 10.40 lb/ft Pipe.
6.2.4 Additional shear tests may be required per customer purchase order.
6.3.2 Fill BOP cavity with water or water with additives to cover rams. Any
additives shall be documented in the test records.
6.3.3 Close and open rams two (2) times with 1500-psi hydraulic pressure to
expel trapped air.
6.3.4 Suspend appropriate drill pipe test sample in BOP wellbore on safety
chain from bridge crane. Drill pipe should extend approximately 18" to 25"
below shear blade. (See 6.2 for drill pipe sizes.)
6.3.5 Set regulator to maintain 3000-psi. Close shear rams until pipe is sheared.
Do not exceed regulated set pressure.
NOTE: Skip sections 6.3.6 and 6.3.7 for BOP cavities that contain
casing shear rams since they are not designed to seal. The
ability for sealing in these cavities should have been verified
per directives in section 4.
6.3.6 Apply 200 to 300-psi wellbore pressure under rams. Hold for a minimum
of ten (10) minutes and check for leaks.
Acceptance Criteria
6.3.7 Apply BOP unit working pressure under rams and hold for a minimum of
ten (10) minutes and check for leaks. Bleed to zero psi.
Acceptance Criteria
6.3.9 Open BOP doors and inspect shear ram assemblies and body cavity. Pass/Fail criteria for BOP ASSY is in section 6.3.6 and 6.3.7.
6.3.10 If rams are reinstalled, test blocks again per Section 4.0 of this document.
7.1 The assembled Ram Blowout Preventer, with rams retracted, shall be drift tested
within 30 minutes after the above tests are completed. The diameter and gauge
length of the mandrel shall be in accordance with Table 5.
7.3 The Ram BOP is acceptable if the mandrel passes through without being forced.
8.2 Inspect all cavity surfaces, ram block surfaces, and door seals for damage. If
any, note and contact engineering for disposition. If damage was identified,
repair and correct defects and repeat functional testing conducted earlier.
8.3 For doors with cartridge seals, determine the location that door seal lands on the
BOP body face and note as acceptable or not. If not or if in doubt of an
acceptable location, contact engineering for disposition.
8.4 If no damage, close and secure all doors. If door bolts are present, tighten all to
the recommended torque values.
Working Pressure Shell Test Pressure
Rating (+300 to 0-psi) (+500 to 0-psi)
2,000 3,000
3,000 4,500
5,000 7,500
10,000 15,000
15,000 22,500
Low Carbon Steel
Working l Cadmium Plated
Pressure Size R or Rx R Rx
(-psi) (in) Number Oval Octagon
2000 2-1/16 23 050192 050164 050376
3000, 5000 2-1/16 24 050193 050165 050380
2000 2-9/16 26 050194 050166 050381
3000, 5000 2-9/16 27 050195 050167 050382
2000, 3000 3-1/8 31 050196 050168 050383
5000 3-1/8 35 050197 050169 050384
2000, 3000 4-1/16 37 050198 050170 050385
5000 4-1/16 39 050199 050171 050386
2000, 3000 7-1/16 45 050201 050173 050373
5000 7-1/16 46 050202 050174 050389
2000, 3000 9 49 050203 050175 050390
5000 9 50 050204 050176 050391
2000, 3000 11 53 050205 050177 050377
5000 11 54 050206 050178 050392
2000, 3000 13-5/8 57 050207 050179 050393
2000 16-3/4 65 050209 050181 050395
3000 16-3/4 66 050210 050182 050396
2000 21-1/4 73 050211 050183 050397
3000 20-3/4 74 050156 050184 050398
1000 30 95 050933
Working Nominal
Pressure Size Bx Cadmium 304 SS 316 SS
(000 -psi) (in) Number Plated Plated Plated
10, 15, 20 2-1/16 152 050353 050645 20024646
10, 15, 20 2-9/16 153 050354 050646 5125010
10, 15, 20 3-1/16 154 050355 050647 051209
10, 15, 20 4-1/16 155 050366 050648 10610391
10, 15, 20 7-1/16 156 050356 050649
10, 15, 20 9 157 050227
10, 15, 20 11 158 050350 050651
5 13-5/8 160 050462 050653
10, 15, 20 13-5/8 159 050357 050652
5, 10 16-3/4 162 050661 050662
5 18-3/4 163 050663 050664 5125011
10,15 18-3/4 164 050665 050666 20011802
5 21-1/4 165 050667 050668
10 21-1/4 166 050690 050691
Mandrel Diameter
Bore Diameter Min. Mandrel
(inches) Length (inches)
+.0010 -.0000
4-1/16 4.032 12
7-1/16 7.032 12
9 8.970 12
11 10.970 12
13-5/8 13.595 13-5/8
16-3/4 16.720 16-3/4
18-3/4 18.720 18-3/4
20-3/4 20.720 20-3/4
21-1/4 21.220 21-1/4
30 29.970 30
SL 7-1/16 10,000 6,600 6,600
SL 7-1/16 15,000 6,600 6,600
SL 11 10,000 6,600 6,600
SL 11 15,000 6,600 6,600
SL 11 15,000 12,000 6,600
SL-86 11 15,000 6,600 6,600
SL 13-5/8 5,000 6,600 6,600
SL 13-5/8 10,000 6,600 6,600
SL 13-5/8 15,000 12,000 6,600
SL 16-3/4 5,000 6,600 6,600
SL 16-3/4 10,000 6,600 6,600
SL 18-3/4 5,000 6,600 6,600
SL 18-3/4 10,000 6,600 6,600
SL 18-3/4 15,000 12,000 6,600
SL 21-1/4 5,000 6,600 6,600
SL 21-1/4 10,000 6,600 6,600
LWS 4-1/16 5,000 500 500
LWS 4-1/16 10,000 500 500
LWS 7-1/16 3,000 910 910
LWS 7-1/16 5,000 910 910
LWS 9 3,000 1,500 1,500
LWS 9 5,000 1,500 1,500
LWS 11 3,000 910 910
SLX 13-5/8 15,000 12,000 4,500
SLX 18-3/4 5,000 8,000 3,000
SLX 18-3/4 10,000 12,000 4,000
SLX 18-3/4 15,000 18,000 4,500
Figure 1C
Figure 1D