9 Grade English Syllabus: Lydia - Garlitz@aca - Edu.kw

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9th Grade English Syllabus

Teacher: Lydia Garlitz Teacher’s email: lydia.garlitz@aca.edu.kw
Teacher’s phone number:

Course Description: Ninth Grade Language Arts is designed to involve the student in applying reading,
writing, listening, speaking, and viewing skills in an independent manner through meaningful interdisciplinary
tasks. Students will continue to develop an appreciation for literature through the study of literary elements in
classic and contemporary selections. Emphasis is placed on moving from the literal to the abstract in the
students’ critical thinking skills and in the use of language.
We will be reading the following Novels:
 Lord of Flies
 To kill a mocking bird (Honors). In addition, we will also be reading various selections of short stories
throughout the academic year which will be either stories in the course book or in Achieve 3000.

Methods of Instruction: Students will be engaged in the learning process by:

 Individual exploration and research
 Group demonstrations and discussions
 Small group team-oriented activities
 Hands-on activities such as projects and portfolio work
 Oral presentations
 Written compositions

Course Competencies
(Taken from ATLAS -ACA Language Arts Curriculum)
1. Use word recognition and vocabulary skills to communicate.
2. Apply strategies and skills to comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety
of texts of increasing levels of difficulty.
3. Express, communicate, evaluate, or exchange ideas effectively.
4. Apply Standard English to communicate.

Course Materials
School issued Laptop (fully charged will be given for Achieve 3000 and research-based instruction) 3-
highlighters (varying in color) 1-Binder 1 notebook 1 pack of Blue or Black Ink pens 1 pack of loose-leaf paper
1 pack of Pencils (Tests are taken in pencil only) 1-pocket folder 1-Personal Pencil Sharpener 1-Composition
journal 1-USB Flash Drive (at least 1Gb), dictionary

Materials for the class which the students must bring

Packet of Tissue boxes, Calendars, Class posters, 3 glues, 1 packet of assorted markers, 2 pairs of scissors, 2
packets of color pencils, 1 packet of colored papers (assorted), 2 note books, 2 binders with pockets, 1 packet of
clear sheets, Whiteouts (Blancos), 2 packets of pencils, 2 packets of Blue or Black pens, Erasers, Sharpeners, 2
packets of loose lined papers, 2 clip boards, 1 masking tape, 1 ruler

At the beginning of each class period, we will journal in our brain teaser folders. The focus will be on spelling,
punctuation, word choice, sentence structure, verb tense, organization, fluency, and paraphrasing. These daily
drills are worth 10 points per day, and the exercises are designed to prepare students for the required reading
and writing assessments. Special reading and writing emphasis will be placed on word analysis, fluency,
vocabulary, spelling, and comprehension, not to mention critical thinking skills.


We will examine writing as a process of pre-writing strategies, multiple drafting, peer editing, revising
techniques, re-drafting, teacher editing, and final drafting. We will follow the six-trait writing rubric of ideas
and content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. We will compile a permanent
freshman portfolio including tests, journals, essays, and research projects. In addition, we will participate with.
The class duration is for 2 semesters with 5 credit hours per semester, totaling 10 credit hours at the end of the
school year.
During the 1st term:
o Introduction to paragraph writing
o Writing of thesis statement
o Expository essay
o Poetry appreciation and writing
2nd term will include;
o Persuasive essay
o Letter writing
o Poetry appreciation and writing

Course Expectations:
 Attendance is necessary to keep up with the class. If a student misses class time, they are missing the
instruction time needed to learn a skill. However, if a student must miss class, they are required to make
up missed work in a timely manner (1 day for each excused day missed, after which deductions will be
made for late work). Also if the student miss a class, he is expected to bring in a written note with
reason/ excuse for an absence.
 Students are expected to be in their seat before the tardy bell rings. If not, they will be counted tardy.
Four tardiness will earn a detention.
 Students are required to participate in class and be respectful to their peers, themselves, and their
teacher/s. Consequences for misconduct may include detention, written warning, parent notification, or
office referral.
 Plagiarism and cheating have no place in a community of learners. Each student is required to put forth
their personal best. Everyone has something important and valuable to add to our learning experience.
If a student is suspected of plagiarism or cheating, the parents and the principal will be notified, and
consequences will be determined.
 Students are required to keep up with their assigned reading and turn in assignments on time. Students
will lose valuable learning experiences if they come to class unprepared. Therefore, students are
expected to promptly come to the class with;
 Their text books
 Course materials (binders, pens, pencils, erasers, markers, highlighters etc)
 Note books to be ready to read and write. No slacking will be accepted.

Semester Plan of Action:

1. Fiction and Short stories
2. Nonfiction stories
3. Novel
4. Poetry (Poetry Booklet Project)
5. Research Paper/Project
6. Drama/Tragedy (in short stories)

Major Works and Assignments: We have many exciting and enriching activities to look forward to this
year. Some of these will require outside preparation and the aid of a parent to be successful. Here is a list of
required major projects that each student will be responsible for.
 Personal Reading: Each Accelerated student will be responsible for novels or books to read on personal
level. Students will be taken to the library to issue a novel/ book for which the student is responsible to
take care and read.
 Short stories: Short stories included in the first and 2nd term will be from the 9th grade text book,
Achieve 3000 and

 Research Paper and PowerPoint: Each student will go through the process of researching and
presenting a PPT presentation on the topic/ content given.
 Class Novels: We will read and study several novels as a class. Various activities and projects will be
tied to the novels. These readings wills be from the following;
 Lord of the Flies (3 weeks) by William Golding
 To kill a mocking bird (honors 3 weeks) by Harper Lee

 Literature Circles: Each semester students will be grouped together to engage in a group novel study.
Students will be able to select from a number of novels selected by the teacher. The groups will set
reading goals and will hold meetings periodically to analyze and explore the novel. The teams will build
a portfolio of assignments and will be charged with creating a group project and test.
 Enrichment: Throughout the year, the students may be presented with optional enriching experiences.
Experiences that we’ve had in the past include: International day celebration, Kuwait’s rich cultural
celebration, Islamic holidays are just few to name. Hopefully, we will have many opportunities for these
types of experiences this year.

Classroom Expectations:
1. RESPECT others and yourself at all times.
2. RESPONSIBILITY of bringing materials to class daily.
3. No eating, drinking, or profanity in class.
4. ATTENDANCE is necessary for your academic success.
5. ACTIVE LEARNERS participates, and a timely completion of ASSIGNMENTS are essential.
6 Electronic devices are not allowed in class unless asked to use with administration approval.
7. Behavior that affects the learning of other students will NOT be tolerated.
8. Sleeping or head down on desk will not be tolerated. (2 warnings, and then office referral)
9. Remain in your seat throughout the period, and when work is done, you should read your novel.
10.SAFETY of oneself and others is important. Students will be provided a safe and friendly
environment and would be expected to safeguard the school’s and classroom property.

Grading: Students will be graded in a variety of ways including formal assessments such as tests; participations
grades for daily work and homework’s; and authentic assessments using rubrics for oral presentations, projects,
and written assignments. Students will be encouraged to self-evaluate their work and to evaluate their peers’
work. The grading scale is as follows:
 100 - 95 = A
 94 – 85 = B
 84 – 75 = C
 74 – 70 = D
 69 and below = F

Thank you for being involved and active in your student’s educational experience. We look forward to a great

Lydia Garlitz
9th Grade English Language and Arts Teacher
ACA Boy’s Campus


Acknowledgement and Signatures

By signing below, I am acknowledging that I have read Ms. Lydia’s syllabus, and I understand its content. I
understand that the syllabus should remain in the student’s binder, and it is also accessible for parents.

_________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature __________________Date

__________________________ Student’s Signature __________________Date

__________________________Teacher’s Signature __________________ Date

Parent Contact Information

Parent/Guardian name: __________________________________________

Phone #: (________) ____________________________________________

Cell Phone #: (________) ________________________________________

Other Contact #: (________) ______________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________


Email Address: _________________________________________________

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