Catalog Books 09 Gopal Jiu

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Catalog 2009

Gopal Jiu Publications

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“O devotees who have developed a taste for the nectarean,

sweet mellow emanating from bhägavata-kathämåta! Come and
taste! Come and taste! Drink this nectar! Why are you going to
the liquor shop to drink alcohol?” There they have put up a big
sign, “Open twenty-four hours! Cold wine! Liquor!” We should
also put up a sign, “Come! Drink, dance and dine with us!”
— Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
About Gopaljiu Publications Booklets
Auspicious Invocations
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Three Logs of Wood
Maharaja How to Find Guru
After the Disappearance of Sri Guru
My Revered Spiritual Master
Vaishnava Institutions and the Sweet
The Worship of Sri Guru Dealings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Mathura Meets Vrindavan Krishna Kathamrita Bindu

About Krishna Kathamrita Bindu
The Process of Inquiry
Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Vol. 1
Embankment of Separation Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Vol. 2
Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Vol. 3
The Flow of Nectar
Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Vol. 4
The Last Limit of Bhakti Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Vol. 5
Gopaljiu, The Beloved Deity of Srila Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Vol. 6

Gour Govinda Swami Ordering Information

Blue text are links to excerpts on our web site.

Gopal Jiu Publications aims at making avail-
able to the world a variety of thought-provok-
ing devotional books that highlight the essential
teachings of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. In 1977, His
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prab-
hupada instructed his disciple Gour Govinda
Swami Maharaja to preach to the members of
the Krishna consciousness movement. Gopal
Jiu Publications was founded in 1994 by Gour
Govinda Swami to help fulfill this desire of Srila
Prabhupada. In pursuance of the instructions of
Gour Govinda Maharaja, Gopal Jiu Publications
aspires to assist the Gaudiya Vaishnava commu-
nity in the following ways:
* To show how everything is in the books of
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada and help to uphold the purpose and
prestige of his mission by propagating kåñëa-
kathä and the teachings of the predecessor Vaish-
nava Acharyas.
* To help inspire the preachers of Krishna
consciousness to continue their efforts to push
on Lord Chaitanya’s movement and achieve pure
love of God.
* To research the history, holy places, and lit-
erature of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, par-
ticularly as found in Orissa.
* To encourage devotee scholars and artists to
produce transcendental art and translations of the
literature of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition.
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of The In-
ternational Society for Krishna Consciousness

For orders, contact us at:

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Gour Govinda Swami was born as Braja Bandhu
Manik on 2nd September 1929 in Jagannathpur,
a small village near Jagannath Puri, Orissa. In his
youth he mostly lived with his maternal family, the
Giris, in the village of Gadeigiri. The Giris were
Gaudiya Vaishnavas and well known for their
expertise in kértana.
As a boy, Braja Bandhu was very quiet and serious.
Whatever free time he had from his studies he spent
rendering services to the family deity of Gopal Jiu
and accompanying his grandfather and uncles in
going from village to village, chanting hari-näma and
singing songs of the Vaishnava Acharyas. He was
very attached to Çrémad Bhägavatam. As a young
boy, his mother found that whenever he would cry
she need only place the Bhägavatam in his hands
and he would stop. At night, Braja Bandhu would
go to sleep with the book clutched to his chest.
In April 1974, he left family life and adopted the name
“Gour Gopal” — Gour for Gauranga Mahaprabhu,
and Gopal after his beloved childhood deity. Taking up
the lifestyle of a mendicant sadhu, Gour Gopal set out
to find a spiritual master who could teach him about
the hare kåñëa mahä-mantra, Çrémad Bhägavatam,
and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His search took him
all over India. Finally, in September of the same year,
he resolved to go to Vrindavan, the land of Krishna, the request of senior devotees, he agreed to
thinking that surely his desire would be fulfilled there. become a member of the ISKCON Governing
In Vrindavan he saw a sign, “International Society for Body Commission, and was given joint charge
Krishna Consciousness.” Arriving there, a devotee of the society’s projects in Orissa.
gave him a copy of the society’s magazine, Back To
Godhead. Seeing the articles in the magazine on In the summer of 1985, pursuing Srila
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Çrémad Bhägavatam, and the Prabhupada’s order, Gour Govinda Maharaja
mahä-mantra, Gour Gopal knew he had found what he went overseas to preach. For the next eleven
was looking for. He requested to meet the founder of years he traveled all over the world speaking
the society, and at midday was brought to the quarters kåñëa-kathä to interested devotees. His
of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami lectures inspired thousands of devotees. Since
Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada gave him initiation 1994, Gopal Jiu Publications has been printing
and the name Gour Govinda Das. Then, nine months them in the form of articles and books.
later, Gour Govinda Das received sannyäsa from Srila Read more about the life of Gour Govinda
Prabhupada at the opening ceremony of the ISKCON Maharaja.
Sri Sri Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan.
In 1977, while visiting Bhubaneswar, Orissa,
Srila Prabhupada instructed Gour Govinda
Maharaja that he wanted him to travel around
the world and preach to the preachers within his
society. In early 1985, Gour Govinda Maharaja
began accepting disciples. Two years later, on Return to contents
Remembrances and glorifications of Srila Prab-
hupada given by Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja.
Includes over 60 pages of archives from their cor-
respondence and other early documents concern-
ing ISKCON Bhubaneswar. This book is a deluxe
presentation that includes over 60 original drawings
done specially for the volume.
Topics include: • Prabhupada’s Ideal Society •
After the Disappearance of Sri Guru • Under-
standing Prabhupada’s Purpose
$12.95 softbound, 215 pages, 7.5” x 10.5”

“My Revered Spiritual Master” is a wonderful

presentation. The layout and artwork are excel-
lent, as too is the content. I have found it espe-
cially rewarding to have some insight into Srila
Gour Govinda Maharaj’s relationship with Srila
Prabhupada and the development of the Krishna-
Balaram Mandir.
— Tota Gopinath Das, Australia

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The followers of Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada reflect daily on the prayers of Narottam
Das Thakur during guru-püjä. Now a beautiful
commentary brings into focus the volumes of meaning
invested in each word of these essential verses.

“The lotus flower lives in the water, but it is not

affected. It remains untouched. Similarly, although
Sri Guru comes here to this material world, he remains
untouched. He is never affected by the three modes
of material nature. Therefore the feet of Sri Guru are
compared to a lotus. The bumblebee that comes to
the lotus that is in the water and takes shelter inside
that lotus is also untouched by the water. Similarly,
the fortunate soul who has taken shelter at the lotus
feet of Sri Guru will never be afraid of this material
world. Just as the lotus gives shelter to the bumblebee
and protects him from being touched by the water,
so the disciple who takes shelter at the lotus feet of
Sri Guru will not be affected by the material nature.
This is the lotus feet of Sri Guru.”
Glossary and elaborate verse and topic indexes. $4.95
hardbound, 158 pages, 5.4” x 8.2”

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A compendium of astonishing pastimes of Sri Krishna.
The ecstatic love for Krishna possessed by the residents
of Vrindavan far excels that found in any other place.
When Krishna suddenly departed for Mathura he
plunged the vrajaväsés into an ocean of sorrow. What
was Krishna’s purpose in leaving? What happened
when his messenger Uddhava arrived in Vraja with a
message of love? And, most of all, how is it that Krishna
never leaves Vrindavan?
Topics include: • Mother Yasoda, the personification
of parental love • The descent of bhakti • Radha and
Krishna’s meeting in Dwarka

Uddhava was thinking, “The love possessed by

Nanda Maharaja cannot be compared in unlimited
universes. How can I tell Nanda Maharaja, ‘Don’t
cry?’ If I say this then all of the çästras will come
and shut my mouth. The çästras say that crying
for Krishna is the ultimate goal of life. Rather, I
should say to Nanda Maharaja, ‘Cry more, cry
more, cry more! Cry yuga after yuga, millennium
after millennium! Go on crying, go on crying! Shed
more and more tears!’”
Hardbound, deluxe printing, 320 pages, 150 in full color, with over
100 original paintings. $16.95
Also available in pocket version without paintings, $8.95

Read other excerpts

Mathura Meets Vrindavan attempts to recreate

something of the mood of reading an ancient
palm leaf manuscript by illustrating the pages in
the traditional Orissan style of art known as paöa-
citra. More than one hundred original paöa-citra
paintings were commissioned for this book.

”Mathura Meets Vrindavan carries on in the super-

excellent tradition of books put forward by Srila
Gour Govinda Maharaja. His masterly insights
coupled with his superlative devotion work together
to produce yet another book that allows readers
entrance into the esoterica of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
I highly recommend this book!”
— Steven Rosen (Satyaraja Dasa), author, Hidden Glory
of India; senior editor, Journal of Vaishnava Studies;
and associate editor, Back to Godhead Magazine

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Explores the topic of approaching guru: Who is
a real guru? Who are cheating gurus? What are
the benefits of hearing directly from a person as
compared to hearing recordings? Glossary and
elaborate verse and topic indexes.

“A sädhu-vaiñëava has many followers. They

are known as celäs. If you are just outwardly
posing as a vaiñëava, with vaiñëava dress, çikhä,
tilaka, japa-mälä, chanting ‘hare kåñëa’, but
inside you are crooked, duplicitous, pretentious
— you have no simplicity — then you are a
kali-celä. You cannot become a follower of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.”
$3.95 softbound, 151 pages, 5.4” x 8.2”

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“The Embankment of Separation is an invaluable devotional

work from which one should not remain separate.
Beautifully designed and well-edited, this book is compiled
from a series of lectures that gives a genuine taste for a
distinct brand of Krishna-bhakti, one that harmonizes the
truths of Vrindavana-dhama and Navadvipa-dhama with
the mysteries of Jagannatha Puri-dhama. Its subject is deep
— the deepest — but it is presented in a way that allows
even the most neophyte devotee a clear understanding.
Gour Govinda Maharaja explains the inner meaning of
Lord Caitanya’s pastimes with such mastery that it leaves
little doubt that he was experiencing something profound
in his own life. More importantly, he explains these
phenomena in such a way that the reader is carried there
with him. This is the true greatness of The Embankment
of Separation: it creates in its readers the desire for an
experience of longing for God. It also reminds the reader
of the distance one must travel in his own practice. While
one’s journey may be long, little drops of advanced nectar,
such as those found in this book, can do much to soothe
the weary traveler and revive his determination to continue
the quest.” -- Steven Rosen (Satyaraja Das)
$ 4.95 softbound, 151 pages, 5.4” x 8.2”

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The idea that preachers are mere neophytes on
the path of spiritual life is not uncommon. That
misconception is irrefutably silenced in this
authoritative treatise on preaching, preachers, and
the mission of ISKCON’s founder-äcärya.

“Krishna is the source of life. Life comes

from life. So he who has got life goes
out and preaches the science of Krishna
Topics include: • Compassion • Taste for the holy
name • Vedic evidence — primary and secondary
134 pages. This book is now offered in e-book format
for free download. Click here.

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A compilation of vibrant discourses and anecdotes

highlighting the subtleties of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
Devotion reigns where reason fails. Paradoxical
and counter-intuitive, but always full of mellows.

Gurudeva is rädhä-préya-sakhé, a very dear

girl companion of Radharani. And so guru-
sevä is çrématé-sevä. To serve guru means to
serve Radharani, because guru is very dear
to Radharani, rädhä-préya-sakhé. Service to
Radharani means service to guru, and service
to guru means service to Radharani. Those who
know this tattva, who are fixed in this tattva,
only they can render loving service to Krishna.
Topics include: • Srimati Radharani as the guru of
prema • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as two opposites
in one container • Krishna as nitya-brahmacari.
96 pages, with color illustrations. This book is now
offered in e-book format for free download. Click here.

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T he fa s c i n at i n g h i s to r y o f S r i l a G o u r
G ov i nd a Swa m i ’ s b el ove d d e i t y o f
G o p a l , w ho h a s b e e n wo r s h i p e d i n t he
G i r i fa m i l y o f O r i s s a f o r ove r 3 5 0 ye a r s .
To p i c s i n c l ud e : H ow G o p a l c a m e f ro m
Vr i nd ava n , how he f o i l e d a n at t e mp t to
s t e a l h i m , a nd s to r i e s o f h i s s e r v i to r s f o r
t he l a s t t h re e hu nd re d ye a r s . T he b o ok
a l s o c ont a i ns a n e s s enti a l ac c ount o f
the l i fe of S ri l a Gou r Gov i nd a Swa mi ,
h i s d evo t i o n a l up br i n g i n g , h i s m e e t i n g
a nd rel ati ons h i p w i th S ri l a P ra b hup ad a ,
a nd ac t i v i t i e s up to h i s d i s app e a ra n c e i n
S r i d h a m M ayap u r i n 19 9 6.
$ 2.95 softbound, 96 pages, 4.7” x 6.9”

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Three Logs of Wood
By Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
The story of the first Ratha-yatra. Excerpted from
Embankment of Separation.

Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra are three

logs of wood floating in the ocean of rädhä-
prema. This is tattva.

Däru-brahma mürti nitya prakätita — “So

I’ll assume the form known as däru-brahma,
because this mürti will be carved from neem
wood. Eternally I will reside in Sri Kshetra,
Nilachala. In My form as Sri Krishna Chaitanya
I will go there and experience virahäntaka-
milana, union after separation.”
$.49 one color, 29 pages, 7 1/4” x 4 3/4”,
View an e-book version
How to Find Guru
Articles on the subject from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Saraswati Prabhupada, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada, and Sri Srimad Gour Govinda
Swami Maharaja.
Gour Govinda Swami: You are thinking, “We
only need to read books. There is no need of
associating with a sädhu who is physically
present. Is there any sädhu? No, there is
no sädhu at all.” Your motto is, “Seeing is
believing.” You cannot see, so you cannot
believe. First, develop the proper vision. Then
you can see Krishna. Then you can see how a
sädhu is there. It’s nonsense, foolishness.
$.49 one color, 32 pages, 7 1/4” x 4 3/4”

View an e-book version

Auspicious Invocations
Contains the maìgaläcaraëa, auspicious prayers, that
were recited by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Maharaja
before he would speak on Çrémad Bhägavatam or Çré
Caitanya-caritämåta. Includes other glorifications
of the Bhägavatam and Caitanya-caritämåta from
Padma Puräëa, Srila Sanatan Goswami, Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, and Gour
Govinda Swami Maharaja.

$.49 one color, 32 pages, 7 1/4” x 4 3/4”

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After the Disappearance of Sri Guru
By Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
A powerful collection of articles on the
subject from Sri Srimad Gour Govinda
Swami Maharaja.

When a dear devotee of Krishna, an äcärya,

disappears, there is a dark period, a most
inauspicious period. We are in such a most
inauspicious dark period, groping in the
darkness, now that such a dear devotee, äcärya,
has gone. As the effulgent sun may be covered
by a patch of black cloud, similarly such a dark
period has come. After the disappearance of
my revered spiritual master, a dear devotee of
Krishna, Gaura, such a dark period has come.
Definitely we are in a dark period. We are
suffering and crying, groping in the darkness.
So, we must cry for that effulgent sun to again
rise. Let that patch of dark cloud disappear!
We must cry for it.
$.49 one color, 40 pages, 7 1/4” x 4 3/4”

View an e-book version

Vaishnava Institutions and the Sweet

Dealings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Articles by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati
Prabhupada, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada and Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami
Maharaja on the importance of cooperation,
humility, and tolerance in our vaiñëava society.
Includes some excerpts from the book My Revered
Spiritual Master.

Gour Govinda Maharaja: Everything is

here in Mahaprabhu’s movement in the
form of kåñëa-kathä, but still we have to
keep up the organization. Corrections,
amendments, and reformation are required.
This is Kali-yuga and we are in the material
world. Mäya tries to stop this movement
in so many ways. Elevated vaiñëavas have
formed a society to help you get strength
to fight and push on Mahaprabhu’s
movement. They sit together, discuss, and
make decisions. It is a combined effort.
$.49 one color, 28 pages, 7 1/4” x 4 3/4”
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Sri Krishna-kathamrita Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is an email magazine
offered by Gopal Jiu Publications as a free service

Bindu to the vaiñëavas and all seekers of the truth. Bindu

comes out two times a month, on every Ekädaçé.
Like the bigger Sri Krishna-kathamrita magazine,
Free Subscription Bindu is designed for those who want to go deep
into the pastimes, philosophy, literature and
• Fortnightly email mini-magazine history of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Bindu regularly
features articles from previous äcäryas such as
• No charge. This is a free service. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, Srila
• No politics, mundane solicitations, institution Thakur Bhaktivinode, Viswanath Chakravarti,
promotion or bashing. Only pure kåñëa-kathä. Rupa Goswami, etc., as well as new translations,
research findings and contemporary articles. Sri
• Articles from our previous äcäryas, new translations, Krishna-kathamrita Bindu is being produced
in pursuance of the instructions of Sri Srimad
research findings, contemporary articles. Gour Govinda Swami, whose articles are also a
• For subscription, write to us at: common feature. Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu contains no

politics, mundane solicitations, or institution
• Or visit our website: promotion or bashing. Only pure kåsëa-kathä.

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Printed volumes of collected issues of Krishna Kathamrita Bindu

Collected issues 1-17
Topics include:
* Janaka Maharaja Visits Hell — from Çré Padma
* Abhiram Thakur Tests the Sons of Lord
Nityananda — a fresh translation especially for
Bindu from Çré Abhiräma-lilämåta.
* The Garbhädhäna-saàskära performed by
Hiranyakasipu — from Nåsiàha Puräna.
* The reason why Krishna carries a flute and
Balaram a plow — by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda
Swami Maharaja.
* “Please Give me Your Stool” — from the life of
Srila Gour Kishore Das Babaji Maharaja.
Out of stock

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Collected issues 18-41

Topics include:
* Sri Guru Vandana — by the poet Sanatan Das.
* The Merciful Glance of a Sadhu — a fresh
translation especially for Bindu from Padma
* Krishna the Sannyasi Beggar — from the poet
Govinda Das.
* Radharani Becomes a Mendicant — the poet
Yadunandan Das.
* The Story of Tondaradippodi Alwar
Out of stock

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Collected Issues 42-65
Topics include:
• Mother Yasoda’s Breast — from Srila Rupa
Goswami’s Lalita Mädhava.
• Glories of Tilaka — from the Väsudeva
• The Amazing Story of Srila Raghunandan
• Rules for the Temple — by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Saraswati Thakur.
• Sex in Krishna-conscious Married Life — by
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja.

$5.95, 116 pages. Softbound 8 1/2” x 11”.

Bindu books include elaborate verse and topic


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Collected issues 66-91

Topics include:
* Everything is in Srila Prabhupada’s Books — by
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja.
* Krishna’s Yogi Disguise — from Çré Garga-
* The Results of Vaiñëava-apäradha — by Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.
* The Life of Jahnava Mata — written especially
for Bindu.
* Essential Instructions of Srila Gour Kishore
Das Babaji Maharaja — compiled especially for

$5.95, 124 pages. Softbound 8 1/2” x 11”.

Bindu books include elaborate verse and topic


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Collected issues 92-115
Topics include:
* Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and the Ghost — from the life
of Srila Bhaktissidhanta Saraswati Thakur.
* Critics Take the Karma — compiled especially
for Bindu.
* Nitai’s Marriage — from Çré Bhakti-ratnäkara.
* Preaching Means Creating a Taste — by His Divine
Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
* Book Distribution is not Mundane Business — by
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja.

$5.95, 116 pages. Softbound 8 1/2” x 11”.

Bindu books include elaborate verse and topic


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Collected issues 116-139

Topics include:
* “In My Absence” — His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
* Nitai and the Giant Cobra — by Sri Srimad
Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja.
* How Madan Mohan Came to Sanatan
Goswami — from Prema-viläsa by Sri Nityananda
* Mahaprabhu’s Dancing on Janmastami — from
Çré Bhakti-ratnäkara.
* The Inevitable Degradation of Religion — by
Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode.

$5.95, 116 pages. Softbound 8 1/2” x 11”.

Bindu books include elaborate verse and topic


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ISKCON Gopaljiu Publications Europe
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Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 751015 Tel: 32 86 323280
Fax: 32 86 322029
Krishna Culture Australia
P.O. Box 926337 Tota Gopinath Das
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