GUI Programming With Python - Layout Management in Tkinter
GUI Programming With Python - Layout Management in Tkinter
GUI Programming With Python - Layout Management in Tkinter
1 of 9 01/09/2018, 08:16
GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
Arranging widgets on the screen includes determining the size and position of components.
Widgets can provide size and alignment information to geometry managers, but the
geometry managers has always the final say on the positioning and sizing.
Pack is the easiest to use of the three geometry managers of Tk and Tkinter. Instead of
having to declare precisely where a widget should appear on the display screen, we can
declare the positions of widgets with the pack command relative to each other. The pack
command takes care of the details. Though the pack command is easier to use, this layout
managers is limited in its possibilities compared to the grid and place mangers. For simple
applications it is definitely the manager of choice. For example simple applications like
placing a number of widgets side by side, or on top of each other.
2 of 9 01/09/2018, 08:16
GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
root = Tk()
In our example, we have packed three labels into the parent widget "root". We used pack()
without any options. So pack had to decide which way to arrange the labels. As you can
see, it has chosen to place the label widgets on top of each other and centre them.
Furthermore, we can see that each label has been given the size of the text. If you want to
make the widgets as wide as the parent widget, you have to use the fill=X option:
root = Tk()
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GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
The pack() manager knows four padding options, i.e. internal and external padding and
padding in x and y direction:
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GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
w = Label(root, text="Blue Sky", bg="blue",
In the following example, we change only the label with the text "Green
Grass", so that the result can be easier recognized. We have also taken
out the fill option.
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GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
w = Label(root, text="Green Grass", bg="green",
w = Label(root, text="Blue Sky", bg="blue",
root = Tk()
If we change LEFT to RIGHT in the previous example, we get the colours in reverse order:
6 of 9 01/09/2018, 08:16
GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
The Place geometry manager allows you explicitly set the position and size of a window,
either in absolute terms, or relative to another window. The place manager can be accessed
through the place method. It can be applied to all standard widgets.
We use the place geometry manager in the following example. We are playing around with
colours in this example, i.e. we assign to every label a different colour, which we randomly
create using the randrange method of the random module. We calculate the brightness (grey
value) of each colour. If the brightness is less than 120, we set the foreground colour (fg) of
the label to White otherwise to black, so that the text can be easier read.
import Tkinter as tk
import random
root = tk.Tk()
# width x height + x_offset + y_offset:
languages = ['Python','Perl','C++','Java','Tcl/Tk']
labels = range(5)
for i in range(5):
ct = [random.randrange(256) for x in range(3)]
brightness = int(round(0.299*ct[0] + 0.587*ct[1] + 0.114*ct[2]))
ct_hex = "%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(ct)
bg_colour = '#' + "".join(ct_hex)
l = tk.Label(root,
fg='White' if brightness < 120 else 'Black',
bg=bg_colour) = 20, y = 30 + i*30, width=120, height=25)
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GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
The first geometry manager of Tk had been pack. The algorithmic behaviour of pack is not
easy to understand and it can be difficult to change an existing design. Grid was introduced
in 1996 as an alternative to pack. Though grid is easier to learn and to use and produces
nicer layouts, lots of developers keep using pack.
Grid is in many cases the best choice for general use. While pack is sometimes not
sufficient for changing details in the layout, place gives you complete control of positioning
each element, but this makes it a lot more complex than pack and grid.
The Grid geometry manager places the widgets in a 2-dimensional table, which consists of
a number of rows and columns. The position of a widget is defined by a row and a column
number. Widgets with the same column number and different row numbers will be above or
below each other. Correspondingly, widgets with the same row number but different
column numbers will be on the same "line" and will be beside of each other, i.e. to the left
or the right.
Using the grid manager means that you create a widget, and use the grid method to tell the
manager in which row and column to place them. The size of the grid doesn't have to be
defined, because the manager automatically determines the best dimensions for the widgets
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GUI Programming with Python: Layout Management in Tkinter
colours = ['red','green','orange','white','yellow','blue']
r = 0
for c in colours:
Label(text=c, relief=RIDGE,width=15).grid(row=r,column=0)
Entry(bg=c, relief=SUNKEN,width=10).grid(row=r,column=1)
r = r + 1
© 2011 - 2018, Bernd Klein, Bodenseo; Design by Denise Mitchinson adapted for
by Bernd Klein
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