Choir Audition Form
Choir Audition Form
Choir Audition Form
Name________________________________________________________ Age/Grade______________
Range of voice:
Total score is 100 with scale from 1-4 (see rubric) Circle One: Total
Performance 1 2 3 4 _____
Score = 25 1 2 3 4
Pitch/Rhythm Rhythms and pitches Rhythm and pitches Rhythm and pitches Rhythm and pitches
were not sung back with were sung correctly on 1 were sung correctly for were sung back
Accuracy 75% - 100% of 1 example for 75% - 75%-100% on 3 of the correctly for all 4
example. 100% of that example. examples. examples 75% -
100% of the time.
Sight Reading 25% percent of the 50% or more of 3 75% or more of the 75% or more on all 4
example or none was measures of the example example or 3 measures measures of the
sung correctly on was sung correctly on were sung correctly on example were sung
solfege/numbers/or solfege/numbers/or solfege/numbers/or correctly on
neutral syllable. neutral syllable. neutral syllable. solfege/numbers/or
neutral syllable.
Vocal Quality Voice is Tone is incorrectly Tone is clear, but light Tone is clear and full
raspy/popping/sizzle produced to mimic a and airy. with maturity to the
sounding and there is no sound that is not their sound.
change in tone. Voice is own.
Performance of Singer is not on tune the Singer is out of tune the Singer is in tune for the Singer is in tune the
entire song. majority of the time, but majority of the time. entire performance
Song not 100% of the time. of the song.