Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Horizontal Channel by The Addition of Curved de Ectors
Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Horizontal Channel by The Addition of Curved de Ectors
Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Horizontal Channel by The Addition of Curved de Ectors
This paper presents the heat transfer and fluid dynamics analysis of a horizontal channel formed by parallel plates with periodic
insertions of heated blocks, having curved deflectors to direct the flow. The heat transfer coefficient investigated is compared with that
of the horizontal channel without deflectors. The aim of the deflectors is to lead the fluid to the space between the heated blocks increas-
ing the dynamics in this area. This zone will normally, without deflectors, become a stagnant fluid zone in which low energy transfer rate
occurs. The results show that the heat transfer coefficient is larger as compared to that of the case without deflectors. The increment in the
heat transfer coefficient is due primarily to the fluid motion stirred in the area between the heated block due to the deflectors. However, it
must be pointed out, this implementation also increases the pressure drop in the channel.
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L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984 3973
economic considerations). This paper presents numerical Amon and Mikic [6] and Farhanieh et al. [7] have
results reflecting an approach that accounts for both the addressed the problem of heat transfer in grooved chan-
heat transfer and the pressure drop effects. nels, and the results of these studies indicate that the rede-
Previous studies have demonstrated that the heat trans- velopment of the thermal boundary layer along the top
fer along a horizontal channel consisting of parallel flat surface of each heated block, inherent in electronic cooling
plates with periodic insertion of heated blocks is low due applications, is accompanied by high heat transfer coeffi-
to the stagnation of the flow in the region located between cients. The slow recirculating flow in the groove is heated
consecutive blocks, since the square geometry does not by both upstream and downstream blocks, and its interac-
allow the flow right after the block to move, forcing it to tion with the colder main channel flow is impeded by the
be stagnant [1–4]. The increase in the heat transfer in this shear layer spanning the groove. Thus diffusion is the dom-
type of channel depends largely on the cooling of the lateral inant heat transfer mechanism between the groove region
walls of the heated blocks where the flow is trapped. There- and the main channel flow [7,8]. It was found that in some
fore, finding the means to improve the heat transfer in the situations, depending on the channel geometry, flow veloc-
horizontal channel of parallel flat plates will result in an ity and thermal boundary conditions, heat transfer in
improved performance. In a horizontal channel formed developing flow in a grooved channel can even be lower
by parallel flat plates, the fluid and the thermal boundary than that in the limiting case of fully-developed flow in a
layer develop along the length of the surface of heated similar asymmetrically heated parallel plate channel [7].
blocks, which periodically stands out in the main flow of For example, the spacing between the blocks and the block
the channel. Once the flow passes over the upper surface dimensions relative to the channel dimensions influence
of the blocks it is directed to the region located between both the magnitude of heat transfer and associated pres-
consecutive blocks, but mainly hitting the next block. sure drop. Clearly, the need to develop strategies that
However, at the same time that the fluid is heated, it gets would improve heat transfer in grooved channels provides
trapped in this area and creates a slow and recirculating the motivation to explore new solutions suitable for the
flow. The method to increase the heat transfer considered improvement of thermal control of electronic equipments.
in this study falls into the area of practical applications Past research has revealed that heat transfer in grooved
due to its simplicity, reliability and relatively low cost. channels can be enhanced through improving lateral mix-
ing by disrupting the shear layer separating the bulk flow
2. Background and the recirculating flow, and thus destabilizing the trans-
versal vortex in the groove [1–4]. Herman and Kang [1,3]
Tuckerman and Pease [16] from Stanford University reported results of a comparative evaluation of three heat
first introduced the concept of a heat dissipater for extre- transfer enhancement strategies for forced convection cool-
mely large heat rates in an article published in 1981. Since ing of a parallel plate channel populated with heated
then, other researchers have published experimental or the- blocks, representing electronic components mounted on
oretical works and have generated a significant quantity of printed circuit boards. Heat transfer in the reference geom-
information in the area of heat transfer dissipation. etry, the asymmetrically heated parallel plate channel, was
3974 L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984
compared with that of the basic grooved channel, and the each heated block, inherent in electronic cooling applica-
same geometry enhanced by cylinders and vanes placed tions, was accompanied by high heat transfer coefficients.
above the downstream edge of each heated block. Heat However, the overall heat transfer along one heated
transfer in the grooved channels enhanced with cylinders block-groove periodicity unit was low due to the inefficient
and vanes showed an increase by a factor of 1.2–1.8 and groove region. Warm fluid was trapped in the slow recircu-
1.5–3.5, respectively, when compared to data obtained lation flow in the groove, heated by both upstream and
for the basic grooved channel; however, the accompanying downstream blocks, with diffusion being the dominant heat
pressure drop penalties also increased significantly. transfer mechanism over the shear layer between groove
Ko and Anand [9] developed an experimental investiga- region and main channel flow [1,2,7,8]. They implied that
tion to measure module average heat transfer coefficients in one of the possibilities to enhance heat transfer in grooved
uniformly heated rectangular channel with wall-mounted channels was to improve lateral mixing by disrupting the
porous baffles. Baffles were mounted alternatively on the shear separating the bulk flow and the recirculating flow
top and bottom of the walls. Heat transfer coefficients in the groove and introducing vertical components in this
and pressure loss for periodically fully-developed flow region.
and heat transfer were obtained for different types of por- Adachi and Uehara [13] conducted the linear stability
ous medium. The use of porous baffles resulted in heat analysis of flow in a channel with periodically grooved
transfer enhancement as high as 300% compared to heat parts by using the spectral element method. The channel
transfer in straight channel with no baffles. Experiments was composed of parallel plates with rectangular grooves
showed that the flow and heat transfer reached periodically on one side in a streamwise direction. The flow field was
fully-developed state downstream of the seventh module. assumed to be two-dimensional and fully-developed. At a
Liu and Chen [10] experimentally studied turbulent heat relatively small Reynolds number, the flow was in a
transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular channel with perfo- steady-state, whereas a self-sustained oscillatory flow
rated ribs. Consideration was given to both attached (to occurred at a critical Reynolds number as a result of Hopf
wall) and detached ribs. Perforated ribs were made up of bifurcation due to an oscillatory instability mode. The crit-
aluminum. Their study indicated that the highest Nusselt ical Reynolds number could be determined by the sign of a
number was around three (3) times larger than that for a linear growth rate of the eigenvalues. It was found that the
corresponding channel without ribs. bifurcation occurs due to the oscillatory instability mode
Molki and Mostoufizadeh [11] developed an experimen- which has a period two times as long as the channel period.
tal study to investigate heat transfer and pressure drop in a Herman and Kang [1–3] identified six characteristic
rectangular duct with repeated-baffle blockages. The baffles regions of interest in the study of incremental heat transfer
were arranged in a staggered fashion with fixed axial spac- in horizontal channels of parallel flat plates with inserted
ing. The test duct had a rectangular cross-section and the blocks. These regions are illustrated in Fig. 1a. Herman
baffle blockages were installed on the upper and lower and Kang [2,3] were able to increase the heat transfer in
walls of the duct in a staggered manner. In this orientation, the horizontal channel of parallel flat plates with the peri-
each baffle from one wall was situated in the cross-sectional odic insertion of blocks heated through the addition of cyl-
plane which passed through the midpoint of the baffles on inders in which the fluid was accelerated towards region IV.
the opposite wall. The staggered arrangement thus This acceleration was caused by the addition of the cylin-
obtained provided a zigzag path for the core and created ders downstream along the edge of the heated block. The
the recirculating zones near the walls of the duct and heat transfer in this channel increased by a factor of 1.2–
between the neighboring baffles. The transfer coefficients 1.8 when compared to the horizontal channel formed by
were evaluated in the periodic fully-developed and entrance parallel flat plates. However, no increase of heat transfer
regions of the duct. The presence of the baffles enhanced
these coefficients. The pressure drops were also investi-
gated, and it was found that the baffles increase the pres-
sure drop much faster than they increase the mass and
heat transfer coefficients.
Billen and Yapici [5] carried out an experimental inves-
tigation to study the enhancement of the heat transfer from
a heated flat plate with rectangular blocks at different ori-
entation angles. Their results indicated that the heat trans-
fer could be enhanced depending on the spacing between
blocks, and the block orientation angle. The maximum
heat transfer rate was obtained at the orientation angle
of 45°. Further experimental investigations and numerical
modeling by Amon and Mikic [6], Amon et al. [12], Farh-
anieh et al. [7] and Herman and Kang [1,2], indicated that Fig. 1. Sketch of the geometry under analysis (a) regions of interest [3] and
the redevelopment of the thermal boundary layer along (b) significant parameters.
L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984 3975
was obtained in region V, and the increase of heat transfer repeats periodically. Critical Reynolds numbers for the
was only moderate in region II. The cooling of these onset of a self-sustained oscillatory flow from a steady-state
regions is the subject of the present study. flow were evaluated by numerical simulations.
The main reason for the introduction of curved deflec- In this study three different sizes of deflectors were ana-
tors along the downstream edge of the heated block is to lyzed and placed at different positions in the grooved chan-
increase the heat transfer in regions II, IV and V, since nel, to be able to determine the deflector size – and its
the deflector accelerates the flow and directs it to the region location – that generates the best heat transfer. An analysis
between the blocks as illustrated in Figs. 1b and 2. Deflec- of the pressure drops generated by all configurations was
tors are commonly used to control the flow in pumps and performed as well, trying to determine the best trade-off
turbines [1–4]. In tubes, conduits and similar applications of largest heat transfer and smallest pressure drop.
to the present study, the deflectors reduce the flow separa-
tion. In horizontal channels of parallel flat plates with peri- 3. Geometry of the channel and physical situation
odic insertion of heated blocks, the deflectors allow a
greater heat transfer towards the fluid from the area The channel used in this study contained ten blocks in
between the blocks. its inside. A section of the geometry of this channel as well
Anderson and Moffat [14] used curved vanes (which as its physical dimensions is presented schematically in
they called ‘‘scoops”) to improve the cooling of discrete Figs. 1b and 2. The key physical dimensions are indicated
electronic components through increased thermal mixing in Fig. 1b. The addition of deflectors causes acceleration
in the coolant flow. In order to reduce air temperatures of the flow trapped between the blocks.
near electronic components, they installed small ‘‘scoops” In this study the dimensions represented by Rx and Ry
on the bottom of the groove, in the regions of high temper- were optimized to obtain the highest heat transfer. This
ature and low velocity. The ‘‘scoops” were oriented such to study aims to explore the effect of the deflector located over
direct the flow out of the groove (as opposed to deflecting it the final part of the heated block. Hence, three different
into the groove, as in the present study) with the aim to sizes of deflectors are studied (R = 3L/25, 4L/25, L/25) in
enhance mixing and reduce temperature non uniformity. multiple positions (Rx, Ry). Since the current tendency in
Anderson and Moffat [14] found that their approach the use of this type of channel consists of increasingly smal-
induces smaller pressure drop than conventional turbula- ler spaces, no section is considered sufficiently large to
tors for a given decrease of the operating temperature. guarantee that the flow will reach the beginning of the sec-
Fu and Tong [15] performed a numerical study on the tion of heated blocks completely developed. The work fluid
influence of heat transfer of an oscillating cylinder located used is air and was considered Newtonian with constant
at the entrance to the horizontal channel with periodical properties, with the flow in the laminar regime and not
heated blocks. In addition they analyzed the effects of the compressible, without considering the viscosity dissipation
Reynolds number, the amplitude and the frequency of in the energy equation and the effects of gravity. The Pra-
oscillation of the cylinder on the heat transfer. The results ndtl number (Pr) characteristic for the fluid is 0.708. The
demonstrated that the heat transfer from the heated blocks properties of the fluid are considered constant due to pre-
increased surprisingly when the frequency of oscillation of vious studies, in which it was shown that the changes in
the cylinder was found in the region near the top of the these are insignificant [1]. The working fluid is subjected
block. Furthermore it was demonstrated that when the cyl- to a constant flow of heat which is applied on the blocks
inder is oscillating, the heat transfer increases 120% com- in the channel.
pared to the case when there is no cylinder in the
horizontal channel.
Adachi and Hasegawa [17] numerically studied the 4. Mathematical analysis
transition of the flow in a periodically grooved channel
for periodicity indices m = 1 up to 6 by assuming the The governing equations for this steady-state conditions
two-dimensional and fully-developed flow field, where m and 2D laminar flow model can be treated in a dimensional
was defined as a number of grooves in which the flow form by means of the following parameters:
x y u V
X ¼ ; Y ¼ ; U¼ ; V ¼ ;
s s V in V in
p pin T T in
P¼ 2
; h¼ : ð1Þ
qV in T in
Fig. 3. Scheme of the most optimized mesh used for the analysis.
L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984 3977
Fig. 4. Velocity vectors between the blocks 6 and 7 for different sizes of deflectors and Re = 490: (a) without deflector, (b) R = 3 mm, (c) R = 4 mm, (d)
R = 5 mm.
Fig. 4b–d shows the velocity vectors when the deflector 7.1. Velocity contours
propels the flow towards the region between the blocks.
Fig. 4b shows that the deflector of 3 mm directs only a It should be kept in mind that the main variables in this
small amount of the flow towards the region between the proposed configuration are the size and the position of the
blocks. By comparing Fig. 4b–d, it is possible to observe curve deflector (Rx, Ry) in the channel.
that the deflectors of greater size will direct a greater The comparison of the results considered for a laminar
amount of flow to the region between the blocks; however, Reynolds number (ReD) of 490 and using velocity contours
using a greater deflector causes the pressure drop to (Fig. 5). Experimentally, Herman and Kang [1], found that
increase. For all results shown in Fig. 4 the Reynolds num- the transition from stable to oscillating fluid occurs near
ber used was 490. ReD = 450.
If the deflector is placed at a position near the regions IV Fig. 4 demonstrates the velocity contours for a
and V of Fig. 1a, the flow deflected towards the region Rx = 13L/50 and Ry = 3L/25. It can be observed that the
between the blocks will immediately go up after passing maximum velocity occurs for a channel that has a size
the deflector causing that the flow would not reach region deflector of R = L/5 and the minimum for R = 0. By com-
II (Fig. 1a); this generates a recirculation flow next to paring the maximum velocities for R = L/5 and R = 0, a
region II. Fig. 4b–d shows the deflector at locations closer 27% difference is found. It is observed that the flow is direc-
to region II (far from regions IV and V). These positions ted by the deflector to the zones located between the
will allow that once the flow has passed below the deflector blocks, confirming that the deflector accomplishes the
it reaches the region II. desired objective. It could be observed that the minimal
It is noteworthy to observe that, although the deflector stagnation occurs in the channel with the largest deflector.
is placed at the most suitable locations, the flow recircula-
tion will not be eliminated completely. In a separate section 7.2. Pressure contours
ahead some diagrams are presented showing what the best
or worst positions for the deflectors are (for example which It is important to know the effects of the parameters
positions give small or large recirculation.) involved in this analysis on the pressure contours, because
3978 L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984
Fig. 5. Velocity contours for ReD = 490 and different sizes of the deflectors.
in addition to other results, this type of channel may be rec- It can be concluded that in these types of channels, due
ommended or not based on the trade off of the heat trans- to their geometry, the maximum pressures are concentrated
fer increment vs. a larger pressure drop. over the first heated block for any configuration analyzed.
Fig. 6 shows the pressure field for a Reynolds number The maximum values for pressure drop at the same Rey-
(ReD) of 490 and different sizes of the deflector. A point nolds number (ReD) occur for the channel with the deflec-
by point comparison found that the maximum values of tor R = L/5 and the smallest pressure drop occurs for the
pressure (MX), as seen in this figure, are at the entrance channel with the deflector R = 3L/25.
to the channel, and that the minimum values (MN) are at
the exit as would occur in any channel. Therefore, compar-
ing the images of the figure and their correspondent values, 7.3. Temperature contours
it is observed that there is a greater drop in pressure in the
channel with the deflector size R = L/5 and a smaller drop For the initial comparison of the temperature contours
in pressure for the channel without a deflector. the same criteria as for the velocity and pressure limits is
Upon analyzing the drops in pressure for a deflector of taken, comparing at the same Reynolds number (ReD)
the same size at different positions, a logical pattern was and for different sizes of deflectors (see Fig. 7). It can be
found since increasing the position in Ry the drop in pres- noted that the maximum temperature occurs when R = 0,
sure also increases. and the minimum temperature when R = L/5. Recalling
As would be expected, for large size deflectors having that in Fig. 5 the maximum velocity occurs in the channel
the same Reynolds number (ReD), the drop in pressure is with the R = L/5 deflector, it can be inferred that there is a
large as well. The same behavior occurs for the deflectors greater heat transfer for this channel. This difference in
at any position. temperature corresponds about 10% in comparison to the
Fig. 6. Pressure contours for ReD = 490 and different sizes of the deflectors.
L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984 3979
Fig. 7. Temperature contours for ReD = 490 and different sizes of the deflectors.
largest temperature, meaning that the location of the the best possible operation and heat exchange, in order
deflector in the channel has a great influence on it. to know the positions where the deflector would be most
In Fig. 7 an increase in temperature is observed with a functional, the diagrams shown in Figs. 8–10 are used.
decrease in the size of the reflectors. This is because a smal- These diagrams enable to determine these positions vs.
ler deflector directs a lesser quantity of flow to the parts to the deflector size by means of a scale that range from
be cooled. Furthermore, an increase in temperature of the ‘‘good” to ‘‘bad”, in these diagrams all configurations ana-
fluid exists in the regions located between the blocks that lyzed in this work are considered.
are due to the recirculation of the flow in these zones, To determine the functionality of the deflectors the
thereby diminishing the heat transfer. region located between blocks 6 and 7 was chosen, and
all cases analyzed. It was considered that the deflector is
8. Functionality of the deflector functional if the average temperature of the region is of
the order of 80 °C (if this criterion was reached the config-
Since the objectives of this study are to determine the uration was given a ‘‘good” in the diagrams scale); in a
position of the deflector (Rx, Ry), and deflector size for likewise manner, it was determined that the configuration
Fig. 8. Functionality of the deflector R = 3L/25 for different positions in the channel.
3980 L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984
Fig. 9. Functionality of the deflector R = 4L/25 for different positions in the channel.
Fig. 10. Functionality of the deflector R = L/5 for different positions in the channel.
was not functional if the average temperatures were larger scale ‘‘good” shows a full dark color and the letter E,
than 100 °C (‘‘bad” in the diagrams scale.) This criterion whereas the ‘‘bad” mark is a full white color with no letter.
was used since in the conventional no-deflector channel Full white ‘‘bad” mark starts at 100 °C and from there 5
the temperature in this region reached 105 °C, and the low- ‘‘subscales” are used (A, B, C, D, E), each one representing
est temperature found in this region when using the deflec- (100 80)/5 °C decrease, reaching the final range of
tors was 80 °C. In the diagrams shown in Figs. 8–10, the ‘‘good” and the letter E, which ends at 80 °C.
L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984 3981
These diagrams are very useful, since a quick look Y-axis scale and title have been placed on the right-hand
enables the determination of several possible configura- side of those figures.
tions that will be safe and optimum (around the 80–84 °C Another parameter that strongly influences the behavior
range.) of heat transfer is the Reynolds number (ReD). In Fig. 12 it
is observed that there is a great difference in the local Nus-
9. Local and global Nusselt number selt number (Nu) for the Reynolds number (ReD) range
analyzed. Fig. 13 shows the variation of the global Nusselt
Fig. 11 shows a comparison of the local Nusselt number number with respect to the Reynolds number.
for different sizes of the deflectors with the same Reynolds Figs. 11 and 12 show that by having deflectors the local
number (ReD), and in the position Rx = 6L/25 and Nusselt number increases. Figs. 11 and 12a show that the
Ry = 7L/50 for block 6. largest local Nusselt number appears at the beginning of
Note: Figs. 11 and 12c, for the sake of illustrating that the block heated in its horizontal surface, this is due to
the results are for the back side of a heated block, the the acceleration of the fluid caused by the deflector. As it
R = 5 mm
R = 4 mm
120 R = 3 mm
Air Flow
135 140 145 150 155
X (mm)
0 1 2 3 4
Y (mm)
4 3 2 1 0
Y (mm)
Fig. 11. Local Nusselt number for block 6 with ReD = 490 and different sizes of deflectors: (a) horizontal wall, (b) vertical front wall, (c) vertical back wall.
3982 L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984
RE = 1000
100 RE = 900
RE = 800
80 RE = 700
RE = 600
Air Flow RE = 490
210.00 215.00 220. 00 225.00 230.00
X (mm)
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Y (mm)
4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00
Y (mm)
Fig. 12. Local Nusselt number for block 9 with deflector R = L/5 in the position Rx = L/5, Ry = 4L/25, for different Reynolds number (ReD): (a)
horizontal wall, (b) vertical front wall, (c) vertical back wall.
was expected, Fig. 12 shows that for a larger Reynolds diminishes toward the lower part of the vertical back wall,
number a larger local Nusselt number is obtained. a value that is less than the local Nusselt numbers
In Figs. 11b and 12b it is observed that the local Nus- obtained at the vertical front wall and at the horizontal
selt number increases towards the upper part of the verti- surface. This is due because some fluid gets trapped
cal front wall, this is caused by the acceleration of the immediately after the block and deflector, generating
fluid that is leaving the deflector and for the instability recirculation.
that is generated when the fluid that is passing above Fig. 13 show that the global Nusselt number for the
the deflector and the fluid that it passing below the deflec- deflector R = 5 mm is almost identical to the global Nusselt
tor mix. Figs. 11c and 12c show that the Nusselt number number for the deflector R = 4 mm. These deflectors cause
L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984 3983
R = 5 mm
90 R = 4 mm
R = 3 mm
450 550 650 750 850 950 1050
Fig. 13. Global Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number for different sizes of deflectors.
R = 5 mm
R = 4 mm
R = 3 mm
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
approximately two times more increment in the global In Fig. 13 it is shown that the global Nusselt number for
Nusselt number compared to when there are no deflectors. the deflectors R = 5 mm and R = 4 mm, are almost identi-
The deflector R = 3 mm causes approximately 1.5 times cal. Since the channel with the deflector R = 5 mm cause
more increment in the global Nusselt number as compared larger friction that the deflector R = 4 mm, and the global
to the case without deflector. Nusselt number for the deflector R = 5 mm is almost the
same as that of the deflector R = 4 mm, it can be concluded
10. Friction coefficient that the use of the deflector R = 4 mm provides an
Fig. 14 shows the values obtained for the conditions
analyzed with deflectors compared to those obtained with- 11. Conclusions
out deflectors. It is observed that when the deflector is
R = 5 mm, the friction factor is approximately four times The geometry of the channel directly affects the thermal
larger than the channel of flat plates. and hydraulic behavior of the fluid; the residence time of
When R = 4 mm the friction factor is approximately 3 the particles within the secondary flow in the regions
times larger than that for a channel without deflector, for between the blocks can not be determined with certainty,
the deflector R = 3 mm is approximately 2.5 times larger. nevertheless when the deflectors are used, the flow velocity
The friction factor when R = 5 mm is approximately 1.5 increases in the areas between the blocks and therefore is
times greater than when R = 4 mm. diminished the fluid stagnation. Interestingly the recircula-
3984 L. Luviano-Ortiz et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 3972–3984
tion in the regions between the blocks has a smaller inten- the one obtained using a deflector of R = 4L/25 (which
sity when a deflector of smaller size is used (this is somehow produces less friction). Therefore it could be concluded that
logical, since when a smaller deflector is in position there the best deflector is R = 4L/25.
will be a certain amount of deflected liquid that will try
to follow the main flow path, therefore sending a smaller References
amount of liquid to the bottom zone between the blocks),
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