Infrastructure Sector Update
Infrastructure Sector Update
Infrastructure Sector Update
Sector Update
Road development in India
September 7, 2010 Implementation of reco. by B.K. Chaturvedi driving the new awards
Adoption of the B.K. Chaturvedi report recommendations has cleared the long pending
Ajit Motwani
issue related to MCA & RFP, RFQ. Consequently, the road sector has seen a significant
pick up in the awarding activity- 4,940 km of new projects being awarded over the last 9
+91 22 6612 1255
months compared to just 1,877 km in FY08-09. This yields a monthly run rate of close to
550 kms of new project awards. The run rate has further increased to 700 kms With
Jitesh Bhanot
2871 kms of new project awards, in the first 4 months of FY11 itself.
+91 22 6624 2491 NHAI expects to award 18,000 kms over FY11-12
NHAI’s FY11 target stands at 11599 kms of new awards. Add to it the 8250 km as spill
over from FY10 targets, the cumulative target stands at 19856 kms of new awards.
Though such a steep target is unlikely to be achieved over FY11, we would like to that
the 8250 kms spil over from FY10 targets already have the requisite clearances and are
ready for awards. NHAI expects to award ~9000 kms each in FY11E & FY12E, taking
the overall tally to 18,000kms on new road awards over FY11-12. However, based on
the monthly run rate of ~550km/per month over the last 9 months and ~700 km for YTD
FY11, we expect NHAI to award 7000-7500 kms in FY11E.
Developers maintain positive stance on the sector despite some lingering issues
Developers are optimistic on the outlook and opportunities in road sector, despite the
sector being plagued by key issues like:
Difference in project cost estimated by NHAI and developers: leading to lower VGF/
termination payments as these are calculated based on NHAI’s own estimates of TPC.
Land acquisition: Inability of the Govt in timely completion of land acquisition resulting
in significant time and cost overruns.
Removal of utilities: Removal of utilities, inordinate delays in obtaining forest
clearances and approval for Railway over bridge (ROBs) impacts execution.
Lack of succession planning: The current NHAI chairman was supposed to retire in
Aug’10 and the ministry is yet to appoint his successor. This lack of succession planning
is affecting the pace of project awards (last 3 months has seen few projects awards).
Developers opine funding cost still high. Lenders differ- Rates to harden
Even though liquidity constraints have significantly eased over the last year, developers
opine that the rates at 9.5%-12.5% (depending on project feasibility) are still high.
However, lenders to road projects are of the view that the road sector was actually
getting subsidized with lower rate of interest on account of lenders intentionally reducing
their weightage on the power sector. With RBI adopting tighter monetary policy, lenders
have started signaling that cheaper interest rate scenario is set to change, with interest
rates expected to move up between 100 to 150 bps by the end of the fiscal.
Our view
We believe NHAI will award 7000-7500 kms of new road projects in FY11 as significant
projects from work plan for 2009-10 already have requisite clearance & approvals,. We
believe positive macro economic scenario, and political commitment will lead to
significant growth opportunities for PPP investment in road sector. This, coupled with
Govt’s willingness to resolve issues hampering private investment will lead to steep
growth trajectory in the Indian road sector.
New project awards gain momentum- 4,940 kms awarded in last 9 months…
FY2010 saw strong revival of speed and momentum in road development (new project
awards of 3,361 kms) triggered by the re-election of Congress led UPA Govt & dynamic
minister, Mr. Kamalnath taking charge of the road sector. With renewed vigor and
ministers’ ambitious target of 20/km day, the government resolved most of the long pending
issues related to MCA & RFP, RFQ documents by adopting the recommendations of the BK
Chaturvedi (BKC) report in Nov 2009. Developers welcomed the same and consequently,
we have seen a significant pick up in the awarding activity with close to 4,940 km of new
projects being awarded by NHAI from November 2009 –till date i.e. over last 9 months as
compared to a miniscule 1877 km over FY08 & 09. Yielding a run rate of ~550 kms/month
of project award over the last nine month. With 2,871 kms of new project awards in the first
4 months of FY11, the run rate of project award has increased to ~700 kms/month.
7,500 9000
7,500 9000
Till July
A w ard of contracts NHAI Targets Emkay forecast
Exit clause Developers were required to hold Developers are required to hold 51% This can eventually free up capital for
51% in SPVs till the construction stake in the SPV and the new clause developers to bid for other projects. Also, the
period. Minimum 26% holding till empowers NHAI to permit complete stake can be divested to companies that
the end of the concession period divestment two years post-completion specialise in O&M of road works, thereby
of construction after a No Objection ensuring proper maintenance of roads after
Certificate (NOC) has been obtained COD. Moreover, the amendment is expected
from the lenders. to encourage financial investors take up stake
in operational projects, as the construction
risk will be eliminated post-COD.
Conflict of Interest If common shareholders have more The limit triggering conflict of interest Apart from other developers, this should also
clause than 5% stake in two bids, the bids has been raised to 25% raise the interest from other investors such as
will get disqualified private equity players
Pre-qualification criteria Developers should have executed Developer should have executed This would allow more players to participate
projects 2x the bid size in the last projects 1x the bid size of projects in in the bidding process
five years the last five years
Extension of overall 5% for the entire six laning program 10% for the entire six laning program Increase the scope of overall funding for
cap on VGF (5080 kms) (5080 kms) unviable six laning projects
VGF extension VGF is paid equally (20% each) Entire 40% VGF is paid upfront Front-ended cash flow to improve IRR for
during the construction and O&M (during the construction period) developers
Bidding method flow First bid out on BOT toll basis. On Depending upon financial viability & Significant time saved in the bidding process
failure, bid out on BOT annuity threshold traffic volume, concurrent
basis and then on EPC basis bidding in all modes is possible
Cap on number of Top 6 applicants short listed based All applicants meeting the threshold Improving the competitive landscape for the
bidders eligible for a on qualification criteria were eligible financial and technical criteria are sector leading to heightened competition
project to submit the financial bids for the eligible for bidding
Single bid Tenders, which received single bid NHAI Board is now empowered to Should speed up the process for awarding
were rejected accept a single bid after examining its projects
Security for lenders Since the developer does not have Now, provision in MCA allows lenders To result in lower cost of funds for developers
ownership, the loan was classified to create charge on the escrow
as unsecured by bank, which led to account maintained for toll collection
higher cost of funds for developer
Source: NHAI, MoRTH, Emkay Research
Phases Description Length Completed Under Balance to Cost Capex (Rs Bn)
NHDP (kms) (kms) implement be (Rs Mn/
ation(kms) awarded per km) Balance to Under
(kms) be awarded implementation
I Golden Quadrilateral 5846 5796 53 0 87 0.0 3.9 3.9
Port connectivity 380 289 85 6 87 0.5 6.3 6.8
Other NH 965 918 27 20 87 1.7 2.0 3.7
II NSEW Corridor 7300 5205 1443 494 87 43.0 106.7 149.7
III A&B 12109 1805 5201 5103 105 535.8 464.2 1000.0
IV 2 laning 14799 176 14623 32 467.9 4.8 472.7
V 6 laning 6500 302 1998 4200 120 504.0 203.8 707.8
VI Expressways 1000 1000 158 158.0 0.0 158.0
VII Ring Roads 700 41 659 105 69.2 3.7 72.9
SARDP - NE 388 112 276 105 29.0 10.0 39.0
Total 49987 14315 9133 26381 1809.2 805.3 2614.5
Source: NHAI, CRISIL, Emkay Research
Our view
We believe NHAI will award 7000-7500 kms of new road projects in FY11 as significant
projects from work plan for 2009-10 already have requisite clearance & approvals,. We
believe positive macro economic scenario, and political commitment will lead to significant
growth opportunities for PPP investment in road sector. This, coupled with Govt’s
willingness to resolve issues hampering private investment will lead to steep growth
trajectory in the Indian road sector.
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