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International Journal of Chinese Medicine

2017; 1(2): 45-48

doi: 10.11648/j.ijcm.20170102.12

Working With Families in Illness and Health

Mohammed Muala AlMutairi1, *, Mansour Awad M.2, Rami M. AlMutairi3, Al Johani Abdulrahman4
Primary Health Care Sector, General Directorate of Health Affairs, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Private Sector Management, General Directorate of Health Affairs, Medina, Saudi Arabia
General Medical Complex, General Directorate of Health Affairs, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Email address:
mmalsisi@yahoo.co.uk (M. M. AlMutairi)
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Mohammed Muala AlMutairi, Mansour Awad M, Rami M. AlMutairi, Al Johani Abdulrahman. Working With Families in Illness and
Health. International Journal of Chinese Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2017, pp. 45-48. doi: 10.11648/j.ijcm.20170102.12

Received: February 16, 2017; Accepted: March 7, 2017; Published: March 27, 2017

Abstract: The main concern or tenet of nursing is to accomplish the given work with the families. An individual and society
are linked or connected by the family as it is a fundamental unit of the community, which state its importance for the existence
of society (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Fulfilling the needs or demands of the family members and society is the key aim of the
family. Hence, an idea or concept in terms of the way human beings linked or associated to each other is known as family (St
John &Keleher, 2007, p. 254). According to Friedman, Bowden and Jones (2003), for delivering effectual health services to the
people, family plays or acts as a resource, though in some situations, family is seen or viewed as a stressor. Apart from this,
health of the individuals is influenced by the family and on the other side; the family is influenced by the health status of the
Keywords: Families, Individual and Society, Health Care System, Association, Structural-Functional Theory

competency needed to practice family nursing by using the

1. Introduction theoretical approach.
The relation or association of family and its members is
well arranged or organized in family nursing that employs 2. Structural-Functional Theory
bundle of family theories in the practices for the effective
caring of the family members. Significance of family theories 2.1. Background
in nursing is to promote or boost the family nurses to give It is a social science theory (Smith, 1995) that is used
comprehensive and holistic care from the side of family. particularly in the field of medical sociology and family.
Theoretical approaches or theories are helpful in explaining Though there is a severe shortage of this theory in current
the complexities inherent in family life and give shared literature. This theory was originally brought out by Talcott
language for gaining understanding families (St John Parsons in 1951. Later on, it has been developed by various
&Keleher, 2007). According to Friedman et al. (2003), researchers and theorists like Parsons and Bales (1955) and
structural-functional theory, general systems theory and Leslie and Korman (1989). In addition, this theory has been
developmental theory are the most powerful and effective carried out with the family in various disciplines together
theoretical perspectives that are extensively used in the with family nursing (Friedman et al., 2003; St John
practices of family nursing. This paper will depict and &Keleher, 2007). From the perspective of structural function,
evaluate the structural-functional theory by using literature. family is seen as a social system and sub system within the
In addition, the drawbacks of this approach will be also society with functional needs (Doherty, Boss, Larossa,
described in this paper. Apart from this, methods that are Schumm, & Steinmetz, 1993). This theory views the
used to apply this theory in the practices of family nursing arrangement of the family members, the relationship between
will also be discussed. At last, it will also recognize the the members and the association of the members to the
International Journal of Chinese Medicine 2017; 1(2): 45-48 46

society (Artinian, 1994). This theory also assumes that function, health care function and reproductive function. The
individuals behave according to a set of internalized values affective function is a critical way for stabilizing the
and norms that are learned principally in the family through personalities of adult and fulfilling the psychological demands
the process of socialization. Apart from this, how well the of the family members. Therefore, according to Friedemann
family structure permits the family to perform its functions is (1993), affection is vital to attain other family functions like
the key issue of the structural-functional theorist. Specially, reproduction, physical care, personal growth and teaching.
this theory inspects or assesses the family as naturally being Apart from this, one more function of the family is social
in a position of balance or equilibrium. So, arrangements or placement and socialization. According to Friedman et al.
alterations must be made in other parts of the family, when (2003) socialization function emphasizes on the prime
change occurs in one part of a family. If this does not happen socialization of the individuals to create and develop them as
or followed by the family members, equilibrium or balance dynamic members of their society and the bestowing of
of family will be endangered and sprains in the family order position on family members (p. 92). According to the authors,
will take place in a vital manner. Structural components socialization is an all-time procedure that starts at birth and
consist of communication patterns, roles, power structure and ceases only at death. Throughout this process, individuals can
values. What the families work on unitedly to accomplish or acclimatize and adjust their behaviors according to the patterns
attain is known as functions and they are the result of the of society that is based on the conditions they go through. An
family structure (Doherty et al., 1993; St John &Keleher, added function of the family is reproduction that is vital for the
2007). These concepts are depicted or described in a more persistence and continuation of the family and the society,
particular way below to heighten the apprehension and whereas economic structure includes the condition of adequate
understanding of the theory basics. resources and their suitable allocation with the help of
decision-making process. Lastly, the health care function is
2.2. Concept of Family Structure linked to the provision of physical requirements like food,
According to Eshleman (1974), concept definitions health care and clothing.
vacillate among the theorists in a great manner. For instance,
structure of the family is defined as family type by some 3. Limitations of the
theorists, on the other hand, according to other theorists;
family structure is defined as a type of power structure. Structural-Functional Theory
Family structure can be also discussed by discussing family Even though, structural-functional theory gives an
subsystem as a structural dimension (Minuchin, 1974). inclusive and holistic viewpoint for the review purposes,
Though, Friedman et al. (2003), depicted that family principally in the family nursing area (Friedman et al., 2003),
structure in the structural-functional approach refers to the for its static point of view of the family it has been
process through which the family is arranged, the way in condemned. It is incapable to explain appropriately the
which the units are organized and how all these units link to growth of family change and disequilibrium over time
each other (p. 91). To evaluate or assess the structure of a likewise other theories (i.e. Developmental and General
family, the theorist identified or recognized four elements Systems Theories). Therefore, it is frequently denoted to as
such as value structure, role structure, power, communication the consensus theory by vacuous theorists. As a matter of
patterns and structure of decision making. It is assumed that fact, supporters of the structural-functional viewpoint agree
all of these four elements are interconnected and interrelate that the theory perform the function of emphasizing the
to each other in a direct or indirect manner. For instance, if equilibrium and the upholding or quick return to the
one element is influenced or impacted by other, rest of the communal array, but this is a resulted product of the time in
elements will surely get affected. Entirely, these dimensions which Parsons was writing (post-World War II, and the start
act to encourage or stimulate the attainment of the stated of the cold war). Society members were in the state of fear of
family functions. war bristled and commotion during this time period. As a
2.3. Concept of Family Functions result, social order was critical, which is pondered in the
tendency of Parsons to endorse social order and equilibrium
Family functions serve as a key element of structural to a certain extent in comparison to social change. As a
functional theory. According to St John and Keleher (2007), matter of fact, the condition has altered since then, as
what family work in group to attain is termed as family numerous changes have taken place concerning the functions
functions (p. 256). Likewise, according to Friedman (1992) and family structure. For instance, in Saudi Arabia during the
and Ingoldsby (1995), family functions are what the family period of 1980, there was a spectacular augment in the prices
does for their members as well as society. Friedman et al. of oil, which significantly influenced the traditional structure
(2003) describes that to fulfill & accomplish the needs & as well as function of some Saudi Arabian families. Changes
requirements of its members and the surrounding society is the of values, roles, power structure and communication patterns,
key purpose of the family. This purpose is grouped or socialization, economy and effective functions have been
categorized into five vital functions such as socialization and observed (Shankal, 2007). Apart from this, another
social placement function, affective function, economic condemnation of the stated theory lays in the fact that state
47 Mohammed Muala AlMutairi et al.: Working With Families in Illness and Health

that it does not effectively deal with the aspects of historical be divided among the members of the family. In addition, in
era. For instance, it is not capable or cannot make clear the such situations, the affective function of the family is
foundation of custom that form the basis of assuming its significant. It is essential for the family to fulfill all affectional
failure or loophole (Chilcott, 1998). At the same time as this needs of its members in that the affectional reactions of one
critique is important in some theories of science, it is not so family member towards another give the fundamental
significant in the field of family nursing science. Even reinforcements of the family life. In terms of economic tasks,
though it is significant or important for the nurses of family if the family is experiencing some financial problems which
to comprehend and believe the structure as well as the culture could affect on their social as well as health lives, it is
of the family along with the adjacent society when significant to advantage from the accessible support structures
addressing with the society members, but it is also true that it like Centrelink Services. Apart from this, the family nurse
is not necessary for the nurses to conduct research for gaining could also provide assistance to them by developing a realistic
knowledge about the descents or traditions of these plan for the allocation of gained financial resources. In
structures. According to the inherent assumptions of addition, responsibilities and obligations for the health care
Kingsbury and Scanzoni (1993), neofunctionalists have task can be allocated among the members of a family or
integrated all important aspects of family change in the organized by attaining cooperation with the external parts. On
theory. Apart from this, they have also conceived the fights a broader level, it is necessary for a family to balance or ensure
among the members of a family and considered the its connection to its society so that it can take in effectual
equilibrium or development over the time period. It is accompaniment from the environing surroundings in order to
possible to minimize or reduce some of the evident attain its functions.
limitations by adding together these aspects to the structural-
functional perspective.
5. Skills Required for Applying This
Theory to Nursing Practice
4. Role of the Structural-Functional
Theory in Nursing Practice To efficiently or critically administer the structural-
functional theory in the family nursing practice, it is essential
According to the assumptions of Friedman et al. (2003), the for the nurses to have a broad variety of competencies, as
key potency of the structural-functional theory lays in the fact well as, skills, which will further assist them to fulfill the key
that state is all-inclusive and regards the families within the demands of the family members in a profound manner. First
more spacious community framework. As a consequence, it and foremost, it is crucial for the nurses to understand the
can be utilized to pick up the health care practices for those significance of families for the health of its individuals, as
families that are undergoing some critical changes. St John and well as, the society. In addition, the family nurse must have
Keleher (2007) explicated that this is important in those cases sufficient knowledge or acquaintance about the functions and
where the families go through a change in their functions or tasks of the health care professionals when functioning with
structure patterns as a consequence of an intense health issue. those families, who are working together with diverse levels
For instance, when a family member goes through a critical of health care practices. Such awareness will assist in making
situation like a disability or serious illness that needs the arrangements or organizations of health and social care
impermanent or lasting care, this will surely affect the practice, which further will progress the level of distributed
members of the family and the manner in which they perform service that is effective from the service excellence point of
their functions in a critical way. Below is a description of the view. Furthermore, to carry out the family caring practices
process through which structural-functional theory may update smoothly, it is essential for the nurse to have a thorough
the practices of health care in the field of chronic diseases. For understanding and knowledge of the structural-functional
explanation, an illustration of a family with a sick father after theory or approach and associated models of the family and
an operation to address the chronic heart disease is offered. family nursing too. As a result, it is imperative for the family
Apart from this, this discussion will cover the framing care nurse to have an in-sight about how to vitally appraise the
delivery, assessment, evaluation segments and communication relevant and pertinent materials by focusing on the concept
means with family. In the beginning, when a nurse of family of this theory and methods for setting up, carrying out and
cares for it, the evaluation should make out any changes in the assessing care. Recent modifications or employed tools and
structure of family (i.e. values, roles, communication and techniques are required to be conceived for the family
power) due to the poor health. Consequently, the evaluation nursing practices. Apart from this, more significant is the
should find out whether the changes in the family structure aptitude of the family nurses to integrate this approach into
affect the ability of family to accomplish out its functions. In the family nursing practice, which further will assist them to
the case of the suggested illustration, the father may lose his carry out the functions related to nursing in a pivotal manner
power as well as role to some extent, either momentarily or without any disturbance or hassle. Additionally, according to
enduringly. As a result, the family nurse must interfere to the assumptions of Friedman et al. (2003), the nurse must
provide assistance to the family in altering their organization. have sufficient or adequate competencies to take on a holistic
Therefore, the power, roles and decision-making functions can assessment of the family members that consist of history of
International Journal of Chinese Medicine 2017; 1(2): 45-48 48

family and the use of an eco map, as well as, genogram. It is Acknowledgements
also essential for the nurse to be able to critically analyze and
comprehend the common issues existed within the family and The authors thank the referee for constructive comments.
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