Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
1 784
1 author:
Farhad Lashgarara
Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch
All content following this page was uploaded by Farhad Lashgarara on 09 February 2015.
Review Article
Ph.D. Student in Agricultural extension and education, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Science and
Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Article history:
Entrepreneurship in the world, especially in Western developed countries, the much
Received: 06 Sep, 2014
Revised: 27 Oct, 2014 interest in recent years the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems and integrating the
Accepted: 21 Nov, 2014 separation of infrastructure services needed by entrepreneurs and governments
ePublished: 30 Dec, 2014 innovative citizens, industrialists and entrepreneurs to create. a person apart from the
Key words: idea of an entrepreneur, long way to run and deliver it to the finally, profitability and
Development growth of the organization. In many cases the idea does not run and stays in the mind.
Entrepreneurship ecosystem is composed of the factors in the development of
entrepreneurship involved. Macro-economic factors, cultural, social and political
Entrepreneurship willingness and ability to influence the choice of entrepreneurial activity. Hence the to
Ecosystem create an entrepreneurial environment, due to factors such as culture, policy, Financial
resources, human capital, market and support services as areas entrepreneurship
ecosystem is of particular importance.
*Corresponding Author: Elahe Yaribeigi, Ph.D. Student in Agricultural extension and education, Department of Agricultural Extension
and Education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (
2906 Yaribeigi et al/ Int. J. Adv. Biol. Biom. Res, 2014; 2 (12), 2905-2908
Mindset Index
The mindset index measures how well the population of
founders in a given ecosystem thinks like a great
entrepreneur, where a great entrepreneur is visionary,
resilient, has a high appetite for risk, a strong work ethic
and an ability to overcome the typical challenges startups
Trendsetter Index
The trendsetter index measures how quickly a startup
ecosystem adopts new technologies, management Figure 2: The Global Startup Ecosystem Index
processes, and business models. Where startup
ecosystems that stay on the cutting edge are expected to CONCLUSION
perform better over time.
There’s a good chance the trendsetter index is a leading Most approaches to entrepreneurship and developing
indicator of the future success of a Startup Ecosystem. countries in recent decades it caused a wave of
The trendsetter score for example corroborates with the development policies to create jobs in the world.
prevailing excitement expressed about the Berlin and Different countries in the past three decades solution to
Sydney Startup Ecosystems, overcome the problems They have turned to various
while also aligning with the anecdotal evidence we have social and economic development, entrepreneurial
received about the conservative culture and slow pace of culture, perform the necessary support entrepreneurs,
adaptation in the Chicago and Tel Aviv startup providing them with the necessary training and research
ecosystems. is needed in this area . Reflecting the economic situation
and trends Stages of development in advanced and
Support Index developing countries to entrepreneurship has been
The support index measures the quality of the startup given, which indicates that these countries have been
ecosystem’s support network, including the prevalence able to remarkable progress in different fields of
of mentorship, service providers and types of funding economic and social gain or minimum inconvenience to
sources. the health crisis behind the crisis they were predicted to
occur in the future is inhibited.
Talent Index
The talented index basically measures how talented the REFERENCES
founders in a given startup ecosystem are, taking into
Cohen, B. 2006. Sustainable Valley Entrepreneurial
account age, education, startup experience, industry Ecosystems. Business Strategy and the Environment,
domain expertise, ability to mitigate risk and previous vol 15(1): 1-14.
startup success rate.
Cotis, J.-P. 2007. Entrepreneurship as an engine for
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2908 Yaribeigi et al/ Int. J. Adv. Biol. Biom. Res, 2014; 2 (12), 2905-2908