Indian Standard
(Second Revision )
ICS 93.160
0 BIS 2002
This Indian Standard (Part 3) (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Hydraulic Gates and Valves Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources
Division Council. Noting lack of adequate systematic information on procedures for inspection, testing and
maintenance of radial gates and their hoists after erection, the Hydraulic Gates and Valves Sectional Committee
decided that a set of recommendations on this subject be drawn up for reference and guidance of the personnel
engaged in these duties. This standard has accordingly been prepared @ provide guidelines for radial gates.
This standard has been published in parts. Part 1 deals with inspection, testing and assembly at manufacturing
stage. Part 2 deals with inspection, testing and assembly at the time of erection. Part 3 deals with inspection,
testing and maintenance after erection.
This standard (Part 3) was first published in 1982. In the first revision in 1992, the provision in respect of
inspection was elaborated in detail. This second revision of standard had been taken up to incorporate the
knowledge gained during use of this standard. In this revision an additional clause has been added regarding
maintenance of gates to be operated in winter.
There is no 1S0 standard on the subject. This standard has been prepared taking into consideration the practices
prevalent in the field in India.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 10096 (Part 3) :2002
Indian Standard
(Second Revision )
1 SCOPE gates, they should be maintained as per
recommendations contained in M 7718.
This standard (Part 3) lays down the recommendations
for inspection, testing and maintenance of radial gates 4 INSPECTION
and their rope drum hoists after erection.
4.1 Periodical inspection of gate installations should
2 REFERENCE be carried out to detect normal wear and tear, defects,
if any. It should be done as and when necessary, but
The Indian Standard given below contains provisions
at least thrice in a year, one being prior to the onset of
which through reference in this text, constitute
monsoon and one immediately after the monsoon and
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
one at other times. The gates should be operated up
the edition indicated was valid. All standards are
and down several times to make sure that everything
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
is in order.
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent edition of the 4.2 Inspection work may consist of visual inspection
standard indicated below: of exposed surfaces of embedded parts, such as sill
beam, wall plate including seal seats, gate leaf, arms,
IS No. Title
trunnion assembly, trunnion girders, hoisting
7718:1991 Recommendation for inspection,
equipment, hoist supporting structures and checking
testing and maintenance of fixed
of important dimensions. In cases of inaccessible parts,
wheel and slide gates (/irst revision)
inspection may be necessary by other means like
divers, etc.
3.1 Drain holes in the horizontal girders and arms
4.3 Inspection of Radial Gates
should be checked so that they do not get clogged with
silt causing accumulation of water in the horizontal No piece of equipment, however well designed and
girders and arms. sturdy, will run efficiently unless it is well kept and
maintained. Therefore the details of inspection to be
3.2 Rope drums, pulleys and rope connection should
done and the schedule of maintenance are given here.
be checked.
4.3.1 Periodical Inspection
3.3 Functioning of the limit switches, interlocking
devices, indication lamps, etc, should be checked for In order to detect normal wear and tear, defects, if
proper working. any, periodical inspection of gate installation should
be carried out. The periodical inspection of gates and
3.4 The operating systems of the gate should be
checked for their proper functioning. hoists should be done as and when necessary, but at
least thrice a year and corresponding to the periods
3.5 Where stoplogs are provided upstream of radial when the water level in the reservoir is at its highest
and lowest levels.
1S 10096 (Part 3) :2002
In short, premonsoon and post-monsoon inspections should be done and the following checks be exercised:
1. Check welding joints of arm to horizontal girder (with Check for cracks: rectify accordingly
magnifying glass, preferably on joints/stiffeners)
2. Check whether drain holes provided in the arms are Clear them if choked up
clear of debris.
3. Check nuts and bolts of arms to horizontal girder Check for tightness and torque
III Horizontal girder
1. Check welding of
a) Stiffeners of horizontal girders Check for crack and other defects and rectify
b) Horizontal girder to stiffeners of skin plate do
c) Locking arrangement brackets of skin plates Check for weld crack
d) Check drain holes of horizontal girder Clear them if choked and clean the debris
accumulated regularly
IV Skin plate assembly and rubber seals
1. Check the following welding joints:
a) ‘T’ and skin plate and ribs Check for crack and other defects and rectify,
if necessary
b) Vertical joints of skin plate from upstream side
and downstream side
c) Check lifting bracket and lifting pins for its
d) Latching brackets to skin plate Check welding with a magnifying glass and
rectify, if required
IS 10096 (Part 3): 2002
2. Theskin plate should beobserved forpitting, scaling Scaling formation should be removed. Pitting
and corrosion on upstream side: should be tilled with weld and grinded for
finish. For corrosion clean it and apply paint.
a) Check the condition of side and bottom rubber If condition is poor, replace same. Check the
seal corner joint and observe leakage cause of undue wear also before replacement
b) All the nuts and bolts fixing rubber seal to skin Check for wear and tear, tightness and
plate replace, if required.
c) Check if there 1sany undesirable material in Remove it (All debris should be periodically
between seal and stainless steel plate, seal and removed from the seal surface)
seal base
d) Check for deformation of seal Study the cause of deformation and recti& it
e) Check soundness of cladding in case of cladded do
rubber seals
f) Check whether there is abnormal abrasion on seal Study the cause of abrasion and rectify it
V Sill beam and wall plates
1. Check the following joints :
a) Wall plate to sill beam Check for crack and other defects and recti~
b) Joints between two segments Rectify the joints using proper welding rods
and grind, as necessary
c) Stainless steel to structural steel do
2. Check wall plate and sill beam for pitting and rusting Pitting is to be tilled in by welding. Rusted
and general conditions portion should be painted after cleaning
VI Guide roller
1. Check the roller for its movements and setting Make the roller free. If jammed, clean and
2. Check the nuts and bolts of guide roller assembly Check for wear and tear and tightness
VII Latching arrangement
1. Check whether latching device fimctions well Check the fimction by operating lever.
Recti& the same if movement is not smooth
2. Check nuts and bolts and studs of locking devices Tighten the bolts if required
3. Check the drain holes Clean them if required
VIII Wire ropes, hoist, pulleys, sheaves, etc
1. Check for following :
a) Check condition of wire rope If the condition is poor, then replace the wire
rope and if 10 percent broken wires are
within the length of one meter and more than
20 percent broken wire within the length of
10 m wire ropes should be replaced
b) Check pulley, sheave assemblies and sockets Check the condition of pins and every year
these should be removed, cleaned and refitted
afler lubrication
c) Check turn buckles Check for rusting, jamming in the turn
buckles, and check if the number of threads
holding the rope are adequate
d) Check tension of wire ropes Adjust both wire ropes for equal tension
e) Check if end of wire rope is properly fastened to If found loose, tighten the studs provided for
f-) Check for lubrication of wire ropes, if required Lubricate ropes
IS 10096 (Part 3) :2002
3. Lack of lubrication ‘{
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New Delhi 110 070)
Deputy Director (WRD), BIS
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from I)OC No. :WRD 12 (285).