Mud Gas Separator Ps PDF

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The field-proven M-I SWACO MUD/GAS

SEPARATOR† unit is an extremely reliable, vital
piece of safety equipment for today’s drilling
It is ideal for use where drilling is likely to encounter large volumes of gas, sour gas or when
an operator is drilling with an underbalanced mud column. The MUD/GAS SEPARATOR is
primarily used to separate and safely vent large pockets of free gas, that may include toxic
gases such as hydrogen sulfide, from the drilling-fluid system.

Separates free gas. Separates and vents large pockets of free-gas accumulations, including
toxic gases such as H2S, from the active mud system.

Reduces hazardous gas threat. The separated gas is carried by vent lines to a remote
location and flared. Fail-safe gas delivery is controlled by a back-pressure manifold valve in
■■ Highly efficient baffling system
the flare line.
maximizes mud/gas separation while
minimizing mist carryover and gas-cut Skid-mounted and trailer transportable. Simplifies transport, spotting and installation. Unit
mud at the flow line can lay down during over-the-road transport.
■■ Designed for constant
underbalanced drilling Versatile configuration. The MUD/GAS SEPARATOR unit is available in either a land or
compact offshore configuration. The land version is designed so it can be raised or lowered
■■ Corrosion-resistant, epoxy coated to
for flow-line adjustments to minimize piping.
ensure long life
■■ Designed in accordance with ASME ASME and NACE specifications. The only separator designed in accordance with ASME and
and NACE specifications NACE specifications.
■■ Versatile configuration Rugged construction. The unit is ruggedly built and coated with corrosion-resistant epoxy to
■■ Skid mounted and trailer transportable ensure long life while processing hazardous and toxic gases.

How It Works
■■ Optimizes safe drilling practices The M-I SWACO MUD/GAS SEPARATOR system consists of a cylindrical pressure vessel in a
fixed vertical position. Inside is a series of specially angled baffle plates, stepped from the top
■■ Enables more efficient separation of to the bottom.
emulsions and gas-cut mud in either
oil or gas environments When contaminated mud is routed into the separator, it flows downward successively over
■■ Minimizes gas-cut mud and each plate. During this process, the heads of entrained gases “break out.” The released gas
mist carryover is then carried by the vent lines to a remote location where it can be safely flared.
■■ Can be raised or lowered for flow-line
adjustments to minimize piping
The flow of liquid from the vessel can be regulated by a liquid-level-control valve or a U-tube,
ensuring adequate retention time in the separator for the gas to break out.

The gas delivery from the MUD/GAS SEPARATOR unit to the flare line can be controlled by a
back-pressure manifold (valve) in the flare line. The M-I SWACO MUD/GAS SEPARATOR unit
is ideal to assist in controlling dangerous, near-surface expansion and accumulation of gas
during a well kick.

MUD/GAS Length Width Height Weight Footprint (Skid)
SEPARATOR in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kg) in. (mm)
216 x 88
Land version 216 (5,486.4) 88 (2,235.2) 276 (7,010.4) 15,000 (6,804)
(5,486.4 x 2,235.2)
68 x 60
Offshore version 80 (2,032) 80 (2,032) 220 (5,588) 6,450 (2,926)
(1,727.2 x 1,524)
Liquid Capacity Working Pressure
Gas Capacity MMscf/d (m3/d)
gpm (L/min) psi (bar)
1,500 (5,678.1) 17.5 (495.5) 125 (8.6)

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2014 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. †Mark of M-I L.L.C.
JPB.1313.1402.R1 (E)

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