Mud Gas Separator Ps PDF
Mud Gas Separator Ps PDF
Mud Gas Separator Ps PDF
Separates free gas. Separates and vents large pockets of free-gas accumulations, including
toxic gases such as H2S, from the active mud system.
Reduces hazardous gas threat. The separated gas is carried by vent lines to a remote
location and flared. Fail-safe gas delivery is controlled by a back-pressure manifold valve in
■■ Highly efficient baffling system
the flare line.
maximizes mud/gas separation while
minimizing mist carryover and gas-cut Skid-mounted and trailer transportable. Simplifies transport, spotting and installation. Unit
mud at the flow line can lay down during over-the-road transport.
■■ Designed for constant
underbalanced drilling Versatile configuration. The MUD/GAS SEPARATOR unit is available in either a land or
compact offshore configuration. The land version is designed so it can be raised or lowered
■■ Corrosion-resistant, epoxy coated to
for flow-line adjustments to minimize piping.
ensure long life
■■ Designed in accordance with ASME ASME and NACE specifications. The only separator designed in accordance with ASME and
and NACE specifications NACE specifications.
■■ Versatile configuration Rugged construction. The unit is ruggedly built and coated with corrosion-resistant epoxy to
■■ Skid mounted and trailer transportable ensure long life while processing hazardous and toxic gases.
How It Works
■■ Optimizes safe drilling practices The M-I SWACO MUD/GAS SEPARATOR system consists of a cylindrical pressure vessel in a
fixed vertical position. Inside is a series of specially angled baffle plates, stepped from the top
■■ Enables more efficient separation of to the bottom.
emulsions and gas-cut mud in either
oil or gas environments When contaminated mud is routed into the separator, it flows downward successively over
■■ Minimizes gas-cut mud and each plate. During this process, the heads of entrained gases “break out.” The released gas
mist carryover is then carried by the vent lines to a remote location where it can be safely flared.
■■ Can be raised or lowered for flow-line
adjustments to minimize piping
The flow of liquid from the vessel can be regulated by a liquid-level-control valve or a U-tube,
ensuring adequate retention time in the separator for the gas to break out.
The gas delivery from the MUD/GAS SEPARATOR unit to the flare line can be controlled by a
back-pressure manifold (valve) in the flare line. The M-I SWACO MUD/GAS SEPARATOR unit
is ideal to assist in controlling dangerous, near-surface expansion and accumulation of gas
during a well kick.
MUD/GAS Length Width Height Weight Footprint (Skid)
SEPARATOR in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kg) in. (mm)
216 x 88
Land version 216 (5,486.4) 88 (2,235.2) 276 (7,010.4) 15,000 (6,804)
(5,486.4 x 2,235.2)
68 x 60
Offshore version 80 (2,032) 80 (2,032) 220 (5,588) 6,450 (2,926)
(1,727.2 x 1,524)
Liquid Capacity Working Pressure
Gas Capacity MMscf/d (m3/d)
gpm (L/min) psi (bar)
1,500 (5,678.1) 17.5 (495.5) 125 (8.6)
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
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